• Published 15th Dec 2011
  • 10,601 Views, 431 Comments

Discordant Feelings - cartuneslover19

Though the events of Discord are behind them, Twilight still thinks about the spirit of disharmony. Thoughts kept to herself, she realizes t

  • ...

Everyday I'm WHAT?

"It's a beautiful morning," Twilight sang as she placed some books back into their slots while Spike dusted some of the shelves. Though the baby dragon was busy doing his daily chores, his ears became attuned to the voice of the unicorn as she sang. He swayed his hips a bit, enjoying her singing.

A new day began and the sky was clear blue with the sun shining. After having a good breakfast, Twilight decided to resume her reading. Though teaching creativity to the fillies yesterday had been an amazing experience, it was time to put down the paints and continue with her studies.

Twilight placed her chosen book on her study desk before using her magic to summon some quills and paper. However, before she could read, she took this private moment to check on something...

Glancing over her shoulder to see that Spike was engrossed in his dusting, Twilight turned back to her desk and quietly opened one of the drawers in front of her. She summoned a small folder into her hooves before opening it.

Inside was the little stained-glass window she made yesterday. The one that looked like Discord.

Twilight's eyes lowered as she sighed in slight frustration. She just wanted to make an image of an Everfree tree and she winded up making an image of the enemy they had defeated not too long ago. She almost lost herself in front of Spike and the fillies when she realized she had unconsciously made an image of Discord.

It seemed like the Draconequus was always on her mind. How long had she been thinking about him since his defeat?

"One week, four hours, and forty-five minutes..." She sighed quietly to herself, gazing at the image in her hoof.

Her eyes widened in horror before rapidly shaking her head, her lips tightening in despair as she immediately shoved the image back into its folder.

Great...she thought with annoyance, somehow I'm able to count the days as well!

Throwing the folder back inside the drawer, she flipped her book open and immediately began reading. Even though she had read Body Structure before, she felt she needed to read it again.

Better than reading The Tale of Discord for the hundredth time...

She smiled as the words on the page became familiar to her. She could remember the last time she read Body Structure, it was the day of the Iron Pony competition in which both Rainbow Dash and Applejack participated in. How could she forget the expressions of determination and pride on their faces? Both were necking the other when it came to the race.

Ah, the race...Twilight shifted her eyes over to a nearby wall where special items were hanging. Right next to her filly self-portrait was a gold medal. Every now and then when Twilight looked at her medal, she would smile and remember that wonderful day. The day she beat Applejack and Rainbow Dash in the race.

Though she made it to fifth place, Twilight was quite proud of herself, considering she never ran a race before. Thanks to her book on managing the pony body with pacing and such, she had finished the race while enjoying the scenery.

While she did feel a bit apologetic that both Applejack and Rainbow Dash had made last place because of their quarreling during the race, the unicorn felt more proud because she showed them both that even an 'egghead' like her could manage in sports. While Rainbow Dash was just being herself, she had been a bit inconsiderate when she mocked Twilight about joining them in the race. Though Twilight's expression had been one of annoyance, deep down she did feel a little hurt by the pegasus's jokes. And Applejack...well, she was just being honest as usual...

But despite their snickering and over-zealous confidence that they would definitely win the race, Twilight held her head high, determined to prove them wrong.

And she did. She trotted over to them as they laid on the floor, exhausted from beating each other up and ending up in last place. The gold medal around her neck gleamed and her face held a proud smile...a smile that also said 'I showed you!'

She wasn't one to brag or mock or even ridicule, but her smile was, indeed, a teasing smirk when she gazed into the distraught faces of both her friends. She did act modest, honestly saying that she was happy with being in fifth place and happy that reading her book succeeded her in finishing the race.

Although she was glad to prove her friends wrong, what really made the day joyous was having Princess Celestia visit. That and learning another lesson in friendship. That friendship is more important than the competition.

Twilight smiled as she turned another page, allowing the familiar words to enter her mind once again as the sunlight beamed down on her from outside her window. It was such a beautiful day outside. So beautiful that perhaps she could go out for a bit and take a stroll...but she needed to study...maybe some other time-

Suddenly, the door of her house burst open.

"Twilight!" Pinkie Pie shouted at the top of her lungs. She smiled at a scared witless Spike. "Hi, Spike!"

Having been startled by the unexpected entrance, Twilight's surprise quickly ceased as she raised an eyebrow at the pink pony. "What is it, Pinkie?"

"You and Spike have to come quick!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she raced over and grabbed Twilight by one of her hooves.

The unicorn's eyes widened. "What is it?" She cried desperately, her free hoof clutching her book. "Is there trouble? A muffin shortage? An animal running loose through Ponyville? Rarity having a fashion breakdown?"

"I'll let you know on the way!" Pinkie Pie said quickly. Her eyes shifted over to the book in Twilight's other hoof. She frowned and shook her head at her. "You've been studying too much!"

Before Twilight could say anything, Pinkie Pie yanked her forward, causing her to drop her book. Twilight cried out in surprise as Pinkie Pie raced her out the door by her hoof, Spike following close behind them.

Twilight galloped close behind Pinkie Pie while Spike held on tight around her neck. With all the running, the pink pony hadn't explained anything at all since they left the library house in a rush. It must be a huge emergency for her to drag Twilight out like this...

When they reached toward the center of Ponyville, Twilight came to a sudden halt, desperate to know what was occurring right now.

"Okay..." She panted as Spike jumped off her. "I think we ran enough...what's the problem, Pinkie?"

Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow at her in confusion. "Problem? What problem? There's no problem."

The unicorn's eyes bugged out in sheer shock, her mane feeling like it was sticking out on end. "No...problem?" She asked slowly, a sharp yet exasperate edge to her voice. "There's no problem?" She demanded, her voice rising.

"No," Pinkie Pie shook her head, surprised by her shift in character. "I brought you here just in time for the party."

"Party?" Twilight repeated, her voice smoothing down to its original tone. "What party? A party for what?"

The pink pony giggled. "It's just a party, silly!" She gave Twilight's cheek a playful tap with her hoof. "Do I need a reason to throw one?"

"You usually don't..." Twilight said quietly, rolling her eyes.

"Well, Vinyl Scratch just made some new music!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly, flapping her hooves in the air. "And what better way to show it to Ponyville than have it played at a party? A dance party!"

"Dance party?" Twilight repeated.

"Duh!" Pinkie Pie giggled as they neared where the citizens of Ponyville stood around.

Twilight's eyes gazed at the preparations made for this particular celebration. Tables were set with foods made by other ponies, most goods baked by the Cakes. Balloons and streamers were attached to most of the houses as well as the light poles around the area. And in the middle of it all was a DJ set with the DJ herself, preparing her music.

"This all looks nice," Twilight said, forming a small smile.

"Wait until we start dancing!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly. "Oh, I love dancing!"

"Obviously." Both turned to see Rainbow Dash approach them, along with Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity.

"This here's going to be one fine and dandy hoedown!" Applejack said happily. "Can't wait to be using some of my square-dancing moves on the dance floor!"

"Oh, we can't start dancing just yet," Fluttershy said softly before smiling at Rarity.

"Indeed," Rarity chuckled. "We must wait for the dance floor to get here."

"Dance floor?" Twilight questioned. "Why do we need a dance floor when we already have the ground?"

"Because Pinkie Pie just made a special kind of dance floor," Rainbow Dash said with a playful grin.

All eyes turned to see the pink pony emerge from Sugarcube Corner. She grunted as she dragged something large and rolled up in her small hooves. A few other ponies came to assist her and together they hauled the little project to the center of Ponyville.

"Here's our dance floor!" Pinkie Pie sang as it rolled out flat unto the ground.

Surprised gasps emerged from the ponies as eyes gazed at her work with amazement. Twilight's eyes widened as she looked down at what Pinkie Pie had made.

It was a large scale picture of all them: her, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. It was a group shot that was drawn and colored with crayons.

"Pinkie..." Twilight looked up at the pink pony with surprise. "This looks wonderful." Indeed, the unicorn was touched.

"Aw, it was nothing!" Pinkie Pie shrugged with her usual smile. She glanced at everpony. "Now let's get this party started!" She pumped a hoof into the air before glancing at Vinyl Scratch, motioning for her to start.

With a playful smirk, the DJ unicorn used her magic to place the needle atop one of her newest records. A loud, high-tempo beat began to play and it spread throughout all of Ponyville. The unicorn bobbed her head to the beat, watching the ponies before her begin to move to the music.

"Alright!" Rainbow Dash hollered, flying above everypony. "Party rock is in the streets today!"

"Everypony just have a good time!" Applejack shouted, waving her hat in the air.

The other ponies cheered as they got onto the dance floor Pinkie Pie had made. All ponies began to move their hips to the music, swaying their manes and laughing as their hooves thumped the ground.

Twilight watched with a small smile as her friends danced to the music. The beat was compatible to listen to and its tempo really had the heart pumping. Yet she decided to keep her hooves still, simply enjoying the party and watching her friends have a good time. She wasn't much into dancing as the rest of them were right now...

"Aren't you going to dance, Twilight?" Spike asked her as he moved his hips to the beat, pumping his hands into the air with every swift movement.

"Um..." Twilight averted her eyes. "Uh, yeah...I will..." Her eyes shifted toward the buffet table. "Right after I get something to eat!" Before Spike could question her further, the unicorn galloped off.

Twilight blew a sigh of relief as she made her way over to the various treats prepared before her. Using her magic, she picked up a cup and poured herself a cup of punch. As she drank, she summoned a cookie and lightly munched on it, savoring the chocolate chips that seemed to have left crumbs on her face. Wiping her face, she watched as everypony was just having a good time, especially Pinkie Pie.

Talking, laughing, eating, dancing, a real good time. Twilight smiled as she watched Vinyl Scratch's head bob faster to her records, proud of her music. Pinkie Pie stood by the DJ set as she danced her heart out, simply enjoying another party she threw just for the thrill of having another party. How happy and enthusiastic the pink pony was as her poofy mane flipped in all directions as her hooves stamped on the floor she made for this occasion.

Taking another sip of her punch, Twilight silently walked over to a nearby table to sit and watch everypony. Seated at a small table that seemed to put distance between her and the party itself, the unicorn simply watched as they all danced.

It wasn't that she didn't like the party or anything...she just didn't feel like dancing.

Realizing her cup was finished, Twilight stood up to get a refill. Before she made her way back to the buffet table, a hoof reached over and grabbed her. Startled, the unicorn immediately turned to see Pinkie Pie look at her with a disappointed frown.

"You don't look like you're having fun!" She told her as if she was accusing her of something.

"What?" Twilight blinked. "Of course, I'm having fun!" She gave her a nervous smile. "The food is good and the punch is simply delicious."

"Oh, yeah, good cake!" Pinkie Pie nodded, her disappointed frown replaced with an agreeing smile. She reached over and grabbed a cupcake before shoving the whole thing into her mouth. As she chewed, she turned to Twilight with that same disappointed expression again.

"Youff rally nid ta dunce," the pink pony said, her mouth still full with cupcake.

"I'm sorry?" Twilight asked uneasily.

Pinkie Pie gulped before frowning at her once again. "I said, you really need to dance!" She gave her friend a slight push toward the dance floor.

"Oh, no..." Twilight assured her, placing her front hooves deep into the ground, trying to halt them. "It's okay! I'm not in the mood to dance right now."

"Not in the mood to dance?" Pinkie Pie screamed.

Though the music was still playing, a few heads turned in their direction, having heard Pinkie Pie's outburst over the loud beat. Twilight shuddered under their confused gazes before looking back at a distraught Pinkie Pie.

"What's this I hear about not in the mood to dance?" Applejack asked, walking toward them.

"Yeah, who can resist this awesome music?" Rainbow Dash asked, flapping her wings as she lowered herself down to their level.

"Twilight's resisting!" Pinkie Pie declared as she pointed a hoof at the stunned unicorn.

"I'm not resisting," Twilight retorted, "I'm simply enjoying the music while watching others dance."

"So when exactly are you going to dance?" Applejack asked her carefully.

"Um..." Twilight felt her cheeks burn as she averted her eyes. She smiled nervously. "Good cookies we have, right? I'll simply get too full to dance!"

"Oh, come on!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "You're just trying to make an excuse not to dance. What, are you nervous?" She eyed Twilight carefully. "Come on, we've seen you dance before at the previous parties!"

"I'm not nervous," Twilight said defensively, her cheeks becoming even redder.

"Prove it," the pegasus challenged, smirking.

Twilight's eyes widened before turning back toward the dance floor. Dance? In front of everypony? Sure, she danced before at the previous parties Pinkie Pie hosted, but they were private parties. Parties only she and her five friends, along with Spike, celebrated together. She danced at those parties, allowing her hooves to move freely without the worry of embarrassing herself on account of it was just her friends watching her.

But here, in this huge party, where all of Ponyville was participating in...Twilight felt she would fall flat on her face if she danced in front of everypony. Not even back in Canterlot when there were small celebrations had the unicorn even dared dance in front of her classmates.

Applejack immediately caught on with the unicorn's anxious expression and she nudged Rainbow Dash in warning. "Aw, sugarcube, don't be mighty scared of letting your hooves take the best of you."

"I'm not scared," Twilight insisted, her voice becoming edgy. "I just don't...um...don't like to dance in front of other ponies..." She bit her lip as soon as she said that.

"Yup, she's nervous," Rainbow Dash said with a nod, folding her arms.

"Okay, maybe a little..." Twilight rolled her eyes. She gazed back at the dance floor. "I really just don't want to dance in front of everypony..."

"Oh, come on!" Pinkie Pie urged. "I dance in front of everypony all the time!"

"You're Pinkie Pie," Twilight reminded her, "you have no fear about embarrassing yourself in front of others."

"Twi, I understand if you just don't want to dance," Applejack assured her, "we're not pressuring you or anything, honey. We just want you to have a good time and-"

She was cut off when new music blared through the speakers of the DJ set, sending a louder, more uptight beat.

"Oooh!" Pinkie Pie squealed with delight. "This music sounds interesting!" And she began to bob her head as she pumped her hips back and forth. "I could dance all night to this!"

Twilight took a few steps away from the pink pony. "Uh, yeah, you enjoy yourself with that, Pinkie..."

She thought the sound of music would distract Pinkie Pie enough for Twilight to slip away from her. However, Pinkie Pie was so into the music that her moving hips went left and right, swaying faster. She didn't realize that her hips knocked into Twilight...

...and pushed her onto the center of the dance floor.

Twilight's eyes widened in horror as all eyes fell on her. Her legs bucked with anxiety as she just stood there nervously, unable to move out of the way.

"Oh, no..." Fluttershy gasped softly as she and her friends watched the poor unicorn. "She's scared."

"Come on, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash urged, hoof pumping into the air. "You can do it! Dance, baby!"

With that outburst, other ponies began to speak words of encouragement to the startled unicorn. All of Ponyville wanted to see her dance, right there in the middle of the dance floor.

Sweat dropped down the back of her neck as Twilight became stiff, not sure whether to appreciate the encouragement or take it as a sign of pressure. She wished she was back at home reading Body Movement...

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Twilight's mind.

"My book!" She reminded herself. "What I learned from my book!"

Though it felt like a slim chance...if her book had helped her do well in the race, it could help her manage to dance in front of everypony without faltering in her steps.

The unicorn looked over to where her worried friends stood. She flashed them an assuring smile. And with that smile, she raised herself up and stood on her hind legs, her front ones held out in front of her.

"What is she doing?" Fluttershy asked the others as they watched.

Applejack squinted a bit as she gazed at Twilight. "I think she's showing everypony some new dance move."

"Okay, Twilight..." The unicorn breathed steadily as she remained holding her front hooves out. "The book said to take a few deep breathes and calm the mind..." She closed her eyes and breathed again.

Then her front hooves curved, and she lifted one of her hind legs slightly higher than the other.

And then she danced.

Ponies' eyes widened as they watched her perform what they considered a unique dance move.

The determined unicorn danced int rhythm to the beat as her hind legs stomped the dance floor in timely fashion to the music. One leg raised while the other stomped, and the pattern continued. Her front hooves were thrown in front of her every time her hind legs stomped, as if she was pushing something away.

"Wow," Pinkie Pie whistled in amazement as everypony watched her dance. "That's some dancing! What is it again?" She placed a hoof to her chin and pondered.

"That there, Pinkie Pie," Applejack smiled, "is what I believe is known as shuffling."

Twilight's eyes opened to realize that she was really dancing. While still keeping up with her pace, she turned toward all the other ponies. Her expression grew into a smile of joy as she saw their expressions of amazement as they watched her.

She was doing it! She was dancing without fear of falling on her face in front of everypony! All thanks to her book!

With that realization, a playful smirk made its way to her lips as she pumped her hooves faster, accommodating with the beat the music was offering. If she recalled correctly from what her book stated, she believed she was shuffling.

Since when did she learn how to perform such a professional dance move? When she usually danced, it had always been on all fours, simple steps like hoof swaying and slight body movement. But when she shuffled on the dance floor, her entire body flowed...

"Whoo! Go, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash cheered with the other ponies.

She could answer her own question later. Right now, she was still in the middle of wowing the crowd.

She shuffled to the left. Graceful turn. She shuffled to the right. Flip of the mane. Her front hooves jerked a bit as her hind legs continued stomping.

She felt so light on her feet all of a sudden, as if she were floating on air. Her hooves felt like they could just click, always skipping to her delight. She felt so elated, enthusiastic, playful.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie bursted out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Rainbow Dash asked her, raising an eyebrow.

The pink pony was unable to stifle her giggles as she pointed a hoof in Twilight's direction. "She's standing on your face!"

Confused, Rainbow Dash turned back toward Twilight. Indeed, Twilight was standing on Rainbow Dash's image. Her hooves shuffled atop of the drawing of the pegasus's face.

Feeling her entire body growing tired, Twilight decided to finish her unexpected performance with a slight twist to her hips. After shaking to the side, the unicorn extended one hoof out in front of her while the other extended behind her. And she gave a final position, smiling at everypony.

All the ponies cheered as soon as her dance was over, hooves clopping the ground to applaud her performance. Soon, the party was back to its original state as ponies went back to their dancing. Twilight's friends rushed over to her, voices ringing out all at once.

"That was amazing!"

"You got some fancy hooves!"

"That dance is twenty percent cooler than any other dance!"

Twilight blushed, the adrenaline she had earlier quickly decreased as she placed herself back on all fours. She was just as surprised as her friends. How did she master such a dance technique when she never even learned it?

"Well, at least I didn't fall on my face..." She chuckled.

"Twilight, that was some serious dancing!" Rainbow Dash chirped. "Awesome shuffling!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie nodded. "I feel like I've seen it before..."

Twilight raised an eyebrow at her. "Seen it before?"

"Well, I'm not sure..." The pink pony tapped a hoof to her chin as she pondered. "My brain's a little fuzzy..."

"I think I saw it before as well," Rainbow Dash added, pondering as well. "I can't really remember..." She stroked her chin. "Though the dancing on my face part is trying to get me somewhere..."

Twilight's eyes widened a bit. "I was dancing on your face on the dance floor?"

Pinkie Pie let out a huge giggle. "Oh, it was so funny!"

"Really, it does remind me of something..." Rainbow Dash pondered again. "But nothing's coming to mind...but that dance move...really, where have I seen that dance move? I mean, who did it before you did, Twilight? Really, I can't remember..."

The unicorn suddenly gulped. She remembered.

Her ears seemed deaf to the blaring music right now as her mind drifted once more. How she wished her mind wouldn't pick up more memories of those horrid events...

The images in her mind...she saw herself and her friends...all in Princess Celestia's castle...all looking annoyed and determined...

Suddenly, the memory flashed to another one. The Elements...Pinkie Pie's laughter...someone dancing on Twilight's stained-glass window image...

"Uh, Twilight? Hello? You there?"

Twilight's eyes had become dazed and her lips curved as her mind filled with a flashback. Her face held an expression of horror mixed with anxiety.


The unicorn immediately shook her head before smiling apologetically at her friends, shifting her hooves a bit.

"You seemed to have been...what's that tough word again?" Rainbow Dash pondered. "Pen what?"

"I think you mean pensive," Twilight said, her smile faltering a bit.

"Right! Pensive!" The pegasus nodded. "You were just acting pensive right now!"

"Oh, I was?" Twilight chuckled nervously. "Oh, I guess I enjoyed the music so much my mind went along with it..." She shifted her hooves nervously, feeling herself twitch.

She immediately stood up straight, holding onto her smile as she regarded her friends with hopefully cheerful eyes.

"Um, could you excuse me for a second?" The unicorn asked as she slowly backed away, right through the door of Sugarcube Corner. "I just need to do something for a moment." She held her smile as she backed deeper into the house.

Her friends watched her in confusion but allowed her to go with her business. They all waited outside for her as she closed the door in front of her. As they waited, they simply stood around, enjoying the sound of the music the party was receiving.

Suddenly, there was an ear-piercing scream from within Sugarcube Corner.

Fluttershy shook as she lowered herself to the ground, having been startled by such a sound. The others gazed at the door with wide, stunned eyes.

The screaming went on, almost becoming as loud as the music. Following the scream, there was the sound of hooves stomping the floor. The way those hooves sounded, it was almost as if it was out of anger or frustration...

Before Twilight's friends could figure out what to do, the scream and hoof-stomping ceased. The door flew open.

There stood Twilight, her cheeks flushed as she lightly ran a hoof down her perfectly fixed mane. She flashed her friends a wide smile.

"Well then," she said in a voice sounding too cheery. She trotted past her distraught friends, smile still on her face. "I'm going to eat right now. I'll join you guys later on the dance floor, okay?"

"Uh, sure, Twilight..." Applejack said uneasily as she and the others watched her leave. As soon as she was gone, Applejack turned to the others. "What the hay was that about?"

"She was probably overwhelmed with party rocking fever," Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

Twilight immediately grabbed herself a cup of punch and consumed every drop in one gulp. Panting from having drank too fast, she reached over and grabbed herself a hoof-ful of cookies and shoved them all into her mouth. She chewed rapidly, trying to have the crunch distract her mind.

What in the name of Equestria just happened exactly? Sure, she had a good time dancing and impressing the other ponies...but from such an 'influence'?

"Get out of my head..." Twilight muttered, her mouth still full of cookies as she lightly bonked her head with a hoof, hoping remembrance would fade away.

It never did. It was just like all those other times...

Growling in frustration, Twilight grabbed a nearby cupcake and shoved it into her mouth. She was eating out of frustration. As she chewed, she reluctantly allowed the memory to take over.

That Discord was a sly, manipulative, terrifying beast. Yet there was a child-like demeanor in him. Twilight couldn't forget how they had first met Discord, back in Celestia's castle, when they had seen him in the stained-glass windows.

Scary and serious at first, then he shifted to a lighter personality which consisted of fooling around with the window images. Even fooling around with her image. She shuddered as she remembered when he danced atop the head of her stained-glass window image.


He was being so ridiculous! Twilight and the others were in the middle of a crisis and all he did was take the time to taunt and mock them! Especially Twilight! She felt so embarrassed when he stood atop her image, as if her head was his special place to stand upon. And Pinkie Pie thought it was funny!

Nothing was funny, whatever Discord did. Not the cotton candy clouds, not the chocolate rain, not the jokes, and especially not his dumb dancing.

How in the hay did Twilight even manage his dance? Sure, she had taken some time to study his stained-glass image as he shuffled swiftly on the window. It seemed simple, really. Left leg up, right leg down. Then step and repeat. Arms in front, move them to the rhythm of the legs-

"Oh, stop it, Twilight!" The unicorn growled to herself, tapping a hoof against her forehead. "Stop thinking about Discord! It's already been one week, eight hours, and twenty-two minutes!"

Her eyes widened in horror. She gave a groan of frustration before she reached over and grabbed herself another cupcake. Chewing her frustration away, Twilight tried to think positive of the situation.

Well, at least his dumb dancing saved me from embarrassment..., she thought with a sigh. She refilled her cup and washed down the cupcake as her mind drifted off as it always had.

He must have really loved to dance...

She rolled her eyes at the thought. No, duh, he enjoyed moving himself around, as if he were the center of attention and nothing else.

But wasn't that what Twilight had just done a few moments ago?

She shook her head, trying to get back on her recent thoughts. Okay, so he loved to dance, apparently. Maybe he loved to dance atop of objects. Maybe he loved messing with ponies' heads while he shifted from one stained-glass window to another, mesmerizing ponies with his swift dance techniques that would somehow influence them to try and master the same if they even wanted to.

Twilight didn't even want to. All she wanted was to try and impress the crowd and not look like a fool. Thought Discord had danced the fool, she believed she did a better job.

Oh, great...she thought bitterly, now my pride's getting in the way...

Sighing, Twilight turned and watched as everypony began doing their own dance moves. One pony was doing a type of can-can movement, kicking his hind legs in front of him as he folded his arms. Another stood on the tip of her back hooves as she gracefully danced through the dance floor. And Pinkie Pie, well...that Pinkie Pie-esque dance was hard to miss.

Twilight had to smile as she watched all of Ponyville have a good time. Why couldn't she instead of being annoyed with the fact that Discord had invaded her mind once again?

He just couldn't be forgotten, Twilight knew. While it was surprising to see that her friends had seem to forget him so quickly, the unicorn still remembered him and thought about him. He was just that unique of a creature, too unique to try and ignore.

Maybe his dance was a way of expression. To express his playful, child-like personality that clicked with his manipulative, chaotic side...

Twilight had to chuckle. Maybe if he were here right now, while not causing disharmony, perhaps he could have taken over the dance floor?

The image of Discord standing in the center of Ponyville, having frightened the ponies, and he had a sly, confident grin plastered on his face. While most ponies would just hide away as he danced, Twilight and her friends would stick around. To either watch him or prepare to defeat him, Twilight wasn't able to picture it correctly. But she knew he would enjoy Vinyl Scratch's music. And enjoy the freedom of movement his feet were given as he shuffled along the dance floor, probably dancing on all their images...

Feeling a little full, the unicorn turned from the buffet table back to the dance floor where her friends were enjoying themselves. Feeling a little more relaxed, Twilight trotted over to them.

So his shuffling technique somehow influenced her. It wasn't like she was going to do it again...

"Dance, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie urged as she held Twilight's hooves in hers and the unicorn found herself standing on her hind legs once again.

Twilight smiled nervously, her front hooves pulled in front of her as Pinkie Pie danced with her.

Maybe just for today...