• Published 15th Dec 2011
  • 10,602 Views, 431 Comments

Discordant Feelings - cartuneslover19

Though the events of Discord are behind them, Twilight still thinks about the spirit of disharmony. Thoughts kept to herself, she realizes t

  • ...


Twilight's eyes fluttered open as her head slowly rose from her pillow. Letting out a small yawn, the unicorn rubbed her slightly unruly mane as she used her magic to draw the curtains of her window, careful not to wake up Spike.

She thought she would be greeted by the sunshine as usual. But instead she was greeted by slightly dark blue skies and the soft pitter patter of rain. Her eyes now fully open, Twilight watched with a smile as the raindrops fell. Usually when it rained, she and Spike would stay indoors all day and do their usual daily tasks while sitting close to the warm fire.

But this time...for some reason...Twilight wanted to do something different.

"It's still a beautiful day outside," she observed as she gazed out her window. "Rain will make the flowers even more beautiful afterwards."

With that said, she slowly slipped out of bed and quietly prepared herself while Spike remained sound asleep. Using her magic, she picked up the essentials she needed for a rainy day.

However, the things she needed held a more fashionable approach. A full-length plaid skirt of white and dark purple, a dark green rain coat that held a slight shimmer, white boots, and to complete the look, a mint green beret with a purple star on it.

Twilight smiled as she gazed at herself in the mirror, giving her reflection a playful wink. Though she wouldn't admit it, she sometimes was just as fashionable as Rarity. She had a feeling that either Rarity was out in the rain dressed in a raincoat she designed herself, or simply staying indoors to avoid getting her mane ruined.

"Huh? Is it morning now?"

Twilight turned and smiled as Spike awoke, stirring in that basket bed of his. When he opened his eyes, they slightly widened at the sight of Twilight in her attire. The unicorn laughed as she magically summoned a brush and fixed her mane a bit.

"It's raining," she sang as her mane became a little softer with each brush stroke.

"I see," Spike began as he gazed out the window. He turned back to her, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Uh, and you're not going to stay in and read like you usual do on any rainy day?"

Twilight laughed again as she put away her brush and gently gave her mane a flip while adjusting her beret. "I can read later, Spike," she said. "Right now...for some reason...I just want to go out and enjoy the rain."

"Suit yourself," Spike chuckled a bit. "Promise me you won't get sick?"

Twilight smiled at his concern. "Oh, don't worry," she assured him. "Just a little stroll through Ponyville and I'll come right back. Maybe I might find something warm and delicious at Sugarcube Corner."

"You know, I wish there was more of those delicious cotton candy cupcakes of yours," Spike sighed as he watched her near the doorway. His mouth drooled a bit as he recalled sinking his teeth into those wonderful sweets Twilight made that day.

"Everypony does, Spike," she giggled. "Next time. When cotton candy clo-"

She immediately cut off as her eyes widened. Was she just going to say...?

She gazed back at Spike, smiling nervously, almost apologetically at the unaware baby dragon. "When the Cakes buy more cotton candy, I promise," she said instead.

As Spike gave her small wave, Twilight used her magic to pick up her umbrella that stood against her desk. It was a baby blue umbrella she had bought just recently from one of Ponyville's markets when it was on sale. She was thrilled to finally use it for this particular day.

"Bye!" She said as she galloped out the door, not even bothering to open her umbrella as she went outside and allowed the raindrops to fall on her.

She had no idea why she suddenly felt this way, all she knew was that she felt wonderful.

Twilight hummed to herself as she trotted through the streets of Ponyville, She smiled as she watched ponies around her keeping dry while continuing on with their daily tasks. The unicorn stifled a giggle when an unaware colt came out of his house, holding out a lit candle, only for it be be dried on the spot as he was suddenly met with the rain.

"La, la, la, la, la..." Twilight sang to herself as she continued trotting along like a little filly.

She was acting far from her usual self. Strong-minded, organized, by-the-book Twilight Sparkle...and she was now being child-like, messy, and ever playful. She just wanted to loosen herself, and enjoy the rain.

Stopping in her tracks, Twilight gazed up at the clouds from where the rain poured. Lowering her umbrella a bit, a few raindrops fell on her nose before sliding down her chin.

He made it rain chocolate milk...

Twilight's eyes glistened as she continued gazing up at the rain, her umbrella far from her head as raindrops fell atop her beret. While everypony had already forgotten those events, Twilight's mind remained fresh; that she seemed to always be thinking about Discord. She grew to accept the fact that the Spirit of Disharmony was always on her mind. Everything she associated with seemed to always remind her of that Draconequus. From walking to talking, from playing to eating, it reminded her of him.

And no doubt this rainy day reminded her of the chocolate rain he summoned along with his cotton candy clouds. Of course, he loved rain. But what surprised the unicorn was that she shared the same interest as well, however, for reasons that completely contrasted with his.

But yet...after those events, Twilight still wondered what it would be like to take a bite of those clouds. As ridiculous as it sounded, she had been hungry during those events and her stomach was angry at her. How she wondered what the taste would have been like...

But what could have been better than taking a bite of those clouds...it would have been tasting that chocolate rain.

Other than having been hungry during those events, Twilight had been especially thirsty. As strong as her voice was, especially when she yelled at Discord, she had craved for something to drink. But no way in the hay was she going to take a sip of a beverage that fell from the clouds summoned by him. She had to remind herself that she didn't want to look Pinkie-esque...

Still, even though she had received a refreshing drink during the celebration of her victory, the unicorn still wondered what it would have been like if she gave into her cravings and sampled Discord's rain.

Twilight continued gazing up at the clouds that continued raining down regular rain. Her thoughts drifted and she found herself picturing Ponyville's clouds as pink...and sticky. But what she really pictured was the rain itself.

She imagined the usual clear water become smooth, delicious brown...pouring down on her as her mouth twitched...

It didn't hurt to imagine further...eyes closed...mouth opening...her tongue slowly sticking out...

"You know, if you're thirsty, you could always ask for a glass of water."

Twilight's eyes immediately shot open before turning to see Applejack. The apple pony wore a brown poncho and was pushing her apple cart, which was protected by a small awning. The Earth pony gave Twilight a questionable look, raising an eyebrow at her.

Twilight's face immediately became red, feeling like such a fool for doing something so ridiculous.

"Uh, yeah..." She chuckled nervously.

Applejack's quizzical expression was replaced by a smile as she motioned to her cart. "Luckily, I'm selling my good ol' apple drinks today!" She beckoned for the unicorn. "Come have a drink, Twi."

"Right, thanks," Twilight said before trotting over to the cart. Purchasing a bottle of apple juice, Twilight continued gazing up at the rain as she sipped. Her lips formed into a playful smile as they clamped on her straw.

"You seem pretty happy," Applejack observed. "Let me guess. You've been discovering them fancy spells from your books?"

Twilight giggled, feeling herself become as giddy as earlier. "No, Applejack. It's the rain. It's simply wonderful, is it not?"

Applejack raised an eyebrow at her. "Uh, yeah, I guess the rain sure is something. Does help my apple trees grow."

"Not just helping plants grow..." Twilight sighed happily after finishing her beverage. "It makes you feel...lively." She lowered her umbrella a bit, leaning up as the raindrops kissed her nose.

"Careful, Twilight," Applejack said in a concerned tone. "You don't want to get sick."

Twilight turned to her, her smile widening. "Relax, Applejack. Even if I get cold, at least I know I got it from enjoying the rain." And she slowly moved her body, as if trying to become closer with the rain.

Applejack observed the unicorn in confusion. "Golly, you're starting to act more unusual than Pinkie Pie..."

Twilight didn't hear her as she slowly trotted, twirling her umbrella in her hooves. Her hind legs swayed, begging her body to follow in rhythm.

And Twilight did so as she closed her eyes and raised herself up so she stood on her hind legs. She raised her hooves, allowing the rain to touch them as her head rose high. Before she knew it, she found herself dancing in the rain.

And singing.

From under my umbrella
My eyes can see the beautiful weather
Just want to enjoy this however
Rain is my simple pleasure

She twirled around as she sang, not noticing a few ponies gazing at her in confusion. Even if she knew, she wouldn't care. The rain was wonderful and it made her fell alive.

Rain is my simple pleasure
No other fun to measure
Singing from underneath my umbrella
Can't you enjoy the rain?

She felt like a little filly again. When she was younger and began her lessons under the princess, she would run through the Canterlot gardens and play in the rain, doing so under the watchful eye of Celestia. She enjoyed the feel of her hooves as she splashed through puddles, loving her mane whipping back and forth as it fell flat from the impact of the rain.

Who said you couldn't re-live your childhood?

Twilight twirled her umbrella as she danced in the rain, humming her song as she stomped on the puddles. No doubt she seemed Pinkie-esque right now...

"Hi, Twilight!"

The unicorn opened her eyes and smiled as she spotted Pinkie Pie under the awning of one of the shops, dressed in a yellow raincoat and umbrella hat.

"Hi, Pinkie," Twilight greeted, dropping back on all fours.

"Wow," Pinkie said, having witnessed Twilight's little performance. "I didn't think you'd dance in the rain. That's kind of..." She cocked her head to the side, gazing at her with curious eyes. "Unlike you."

Twilight blushed a bit. "I was just loosening up a little for today. No biggie. I just really like the rain."

"I love the rain!" Pinkie Pie giggled.

Twilight smirked at her. "Well, I love the rain more." And she gave her own giggle, much bubblier than Pinkie's.

"Wow..." Pinkie Pie observed. "You really are loosening up today!"

"Oh, Pinkie," Twilight sighed with a chuckle, "you're not the only pony who can act unusual." She ignored the confused look on the pink pony's face as Twilight turned her head from side to side. "Hey, anything new at Sugarcube Corner? I promised Spike I'd bring him something warm."

"Oh, absolutely!" Pinkie Pie nodded vigorously before she led Twilight back to the bake shop.

Twilight slowly removed her beret and shook her mane before placing her hat on a nearby rack. She closed her umbrella and sat it next to the rack before smiling at her surroundings that was the bakery itself.

That happy, giddy feeling was still there. And being in Sugarcube Corner...that increased it.

"Oh, I wonder what I can try today!" Twilight said excitedly, bouncing around the room.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were present in the bakery, sitting at a far-off corner eating cookies. They regarded Twilight's behavior with curious and confused glances.

"Okay, I know I'm a little tired from fixing the clouds..." Rainbow Dash began. "But did Pinkie Pie and Twilight just switch?"

Twilight turned to the rainbow pegasus and flashed her a smile. A smile that also spoke an apology.

"Sorry," Twilight said as she continued bouncing around. "I just feel wonderful today! This rain is just wonderful! And I just wanted to enjoy this wonderful rain because when will there be good rain again?"

Fluttershy's eyes widened a bit, gazing timidly at Twilight. She turned to Rainbow Dash. "I thought Twilight would find this rainy day an opportunity to read by the fire at her house."

Rainbow Dash chomped on another cookie, shrugging. "Looks like the egghead just went scatterbrain thanks to me." She smiled proudly.

Pinkie Pie giggled and followed in pursuit, bouncing behind Twilight as they went around the room. "Boy, Twilight! I wish it would rain every day like this, then we'd have even more fun together!"

"I'll have to think about that," Twilight said, her voice slightly returning to its usual tone. She stopped bouncing and turned to Pinkie, whom nearly crashed into her. "Say, I am kind of thirsty."

"Oh, sure," Pinkie said before rushing to the kitchen. She returned with a milk jug and glass.

"Chocolate milk!" The pink pony exclaimed happily.

Twilight's eyes widened a bit, gazing at the jug and glass, her lips twitching a bit. But that expression was soon replaced with a wide smile, her eyes sparkling as she watched Pinkie pour some milk into the empty glass.

"Here you go!" Pinkie said as she offered the glass to her.

"Thank you!" Twilight said happily.

However, she grabbed the jug instead. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie watched in utter surprise when the unicorn held the jug high above her head, allowing the chocolate milk to pour into her mouth. She gasped and gargled as the liquid passed her tongue and tickled her throat. She looked totally Pinkie-esque by now, maybe even more so than Pinkie if she saw herself right now...

"Wow," Pinkie said, raising an eyebrow. "You really must like chocolate milk."

And so did Discord.

As Twilight chugged, her mind flashed to the chocolate rain Discord had first brought to Ponyville. Twilight could only imagine how much richer and sweeter his chocolate milk rain was compared to the jug she consumed heavily from. Why she had suddenly craved for chocolate milk, Twilight blamed it on her happy attitude.

Feeling giddy, playful, and now even hyper. For one day she was going to be the complete opposite of herself, enjoy what's been giving to her. She definitely enjoyed the chocolate milk as she gazed up to see she had run it dry.

"Oh, my..." Fluttershy observed.

"Ah..." Twilight let out a sigh of satisfaction, wiping her face with a hoof. "I should drink this more often."

"Okay..." Rainbow Dash said, her eyes widening a bit. "That definitely cannot be Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight laughed, handing the empty chug back to a stunned Pinkie Pie. "I'm just enjoying myself," she stated simply. Her eyes widened a bit, nervously licking her lips. "Perhaps a little too much?"

While she was having fun on this rainy day, she needed to be careful. It would be just like that time when she recalled the story about getting her cutie mark and she had trotted through town while remembering the excitement from her filly days.

"Yeah, I must be being too happy right now..." Twilight chuckled a bit.

Still, she felt so alive and free. Dancing, singing, enjoying the rain. Just like-

"Uh, anything worth taking home to Spike?" Twilight immediately asked Pinkie Pie, trying to refrain herself from ever thinking of him right now.

"Sure thing!" Pinkie said as she trotted off.

"You know, Twilight..." Rainbow Dash began as soon as Pinkie left. "I really hope this change in personality is just for today."

Twilight hummed to herself, continuing her stroll through Ponyville as she carried a couple of wrapped boxes atop her flank. She should probably get home to Spike before the warm, out-of-oven flavor began to cool.

Suddenly, Twilight nearly stumbled on something soft but even more wet.

Keeping her legs up, the unicorn gazed down at the sight of white, soapy water. Confused, she gazed at her surroundings. She received an explanation when she found the spa ponies throwing out soapy water from the front door of their spa. One of the ponies caught Twilight's gaze and gave a small wave, while also giving an apologetic smile.

Twilight smiled back, giving a nod of understanding before turning back to the soapy water that mixed with the fallen rain. She gently ran her boot across the surface, chuckling a bit as the bubbles popped.

Though Twilight knew better...she just couldn't stop from...

The unicorn leaped up before stamping all fours unto the sudsy ground. And she began to slide across the streets.

"Whee!" Twilight exclaimed gleefully as she kept sliding.

The feel of her body gliding across the ground, her heart pounding with every laughing moment. Oh, she really felt like a kid again! Of course, as a child she had been absorbed in her books as she was today; but she had her filly moments. And to re-live them on this rainy day that suddenly brought her so much joy and happiness truly made her feel wonderful.

"Thank you, come again," Applejack said to her last customer after making a sell. Suddenly, the Earth pony heard laughter and turned.

Her eyes widened and her jaw fell in utter surprise as she watched Twilight play on the sudsy ground, laughing and acting far from her usual self. Twilight giggled as she continued gliding, dancing a little with every slip. She caught Applejack's gaze and smirked at her.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She called out, her voice sounding so passionate.

Applejack just looked at her with a confused look. The unicorn laughed.

"This does look like fun," Twilight called as she continued sliding, "and it really is!"

"Uh, sure," Applejack chuckled a little. "Boy, Twi, you're full of more surprises than Pinkie Pie's parties."

Twilight knew she had to continue home before Spike wondered where she was or grow hungry for the treats she promised him. The unicorn trotted through the rain, smiling bright as the sun as she glided a little; the ground she walked on was no longer sudsy as the ground next to the spa.

"Oh, I just feel so different today," she told herself, still smiling. "Like this is a day worth enjoying and I'm enjoying every minute of it!"

As she trotted along, she stopped in her tracks when she saw a large group of ponies walking into a house. Curious, the unicorn walked over to the group and saw that the house was open to all visitors on account of a sale was going on.

"Oh, hello, Twilight!" Called a cheery voice.

Twilight smiled as she entered the house, being greeted by a very cheerful pony with an amazing smile. "Hello, Cheerilee." She shook herself, trying to dry up before entering the schoolteacher's home. "What's going on?"

"Oh, well, I was going to have a yard sale today," the fuchsia pony laughed. "But then it rained so I'm having an indoor sale." She motioned to the tables around her home, covered with various items put up for sale. "Take a look around and let me know if something catches your eye."

Twilight smiled. "Thanks, I think I will." Though she should have been home by now, experiencing an indoor sale excited her.

Adjusting her beret, Twilight walked around the room, gazing at various items from clothes to tea sets. Everything looked nice, but nothing seemed worth the unicorn's money.

However, something did catch her eye.

Gazing across the room, Twilight spotted something pink.

Trotting over to the table, Twilight looked down and saw what she recognized as an umbrella. An old one, of course.

However, the sight of it reminded her so well of something she thought she could barely remember at all...

"Found something, dear?" Cheerille asked, trotting beside her.

Twilight turned to her, her eyes widening a little from her discovery. She turned from Cheerille to the umbrella. Gulping, Twilight managed a smile. "Um..." She pointed a hoof toward the umbrella.

"Oh, that," the other pony laughed. "It was just an old umbrella I had used for years. Kind of lost interest in it and decided to buy a new one." She smiled at Twilight. "But it still works."

Twilight gazed at the umbrella. She already had already bought one recently. But just looking at this pink one...

"He wouldn't have used his umbrella anyway..." She told herself softly.

"Hmm?" Cheerillee asked.

"Nothing!" Twilight said quickly, blushing a little. She smiled a bit, gazing at the umbrella. "So, uh...this is really for sale?"

"Why, of course," the other pony laughed. "And it's yours now, Twilight."

"Mine?" Twilight gasped, her awe expression surprising Cheerillee.

Before Cheerille could say anything, Twilight suddenly bounced on her hooves, hopping around with a huge grin on her face.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" The unicorn beamed as she hopped around, causing quite a sight for other ponies as they watched her.

"Okay, dear," Cheerille laughed a little, surprised by Twilight's sudden change in character over something as simple as an old umbrella. "Yes, it's exciting to buy something you really like, I know..."

"Yes!" Twilight exclaimed as she bounced.

Her eyes widened in shock, and her lips twisted into a stunned frown as she suddenly realized what she was doing in front of everypony. Her hooves touching the ground again, she looked around to see all eyes gazing at her.

"Uh..." Cheerille began, trying to rid the awkwardness. "Would you like to use it today?"

Twilight's face flushed with embarrassment before turning to Cheerilee. She giggled apologetically. "Um...yes."

Spike's stomach grumbled as he continued dusting the shelves. Where was Twilight with those baked goods she promised?

He leaped up in surprise when the door slammed open. He turned and found a smiling Twilight enter the library house, shaking her mane and tail as she placed down her pink umbrella. On her side was her closed blue umbrella.

"Why do you have two umbrellas?" The baby dragon asked in confusion.

"Because Cheerille had a sale," Twilight laughed as she took off her beret and coat. "And this umbrella..." She smiled as she looked at it. "It just suddenly caught my interest."

"Okay," he rolled his eyes. His mouth drooled at the sight of the wrapped boxes atop Twilight's flank. "Breakfast?"

"As promised," she said with a smile before using her magic and floated the boxes over to a nearby table. Before she knew it, Spike attacked the boxes, hungrily taking pastries Pinkie Pie had sold to her.

"I'm going to go study for a bit in my room," Twilight said as she walked up the stairs. "Just try not to eat them all, okay?"

Receiving a burp in reply, the unicorn went up to her room and laid on her bed. Two books were already waiting for her on the sheets.

The Tale of Discord and her journal.

Opening The Tale of Discord, Twilight idly looked through it before summoning a brush and stroked her mane. While her hair was being brushed, she opened her journal as well, looking over previous entries.

She smiled sadly. Her cheerful, giddy attitude today sparked a near resemblance to Discord. But in a nicer, more serene way.

She took out a quill and ink before turning to a blank page. Her quill dipped, she pondered what exactly she could write about regarding her day.

All she could think about was how every event reminded her of Discord.

She had always become so annoyed and frustrated whenever she thought about that Draconequus. But right now, she was thinking of him in her most calm state...as if she was suddenly fine about thinking about him. It must be an addition to her cheerful, happy attitude today. Her attitude also resembled his when he had been present in Ponyville. Her eyes lowered a bit before she began writing.

It's amazing to believe that you can easily enjoy yourself without any worries whatsoever. Discord displayed that and I had been annoyed by it, no matter how much I threatened to stop him. His laughter, his smile, the roll of his eyes when I went on and on about bringing order back to Equestria...his expression proved that he had better things to do than associate further with me. Though he did try and bring me into his little chaos time and time again until I felt I wanted to just yank his goat beard...

Twilight laughed a little at what she wrote. Yes, for some time now as her mind wandered to thoughts of Discord, she had wondered what it would have been like if she had the nerve to launch at him with her own hooves. She certainly wasn't one for roughness, unlike Rainbow Dash, whom she recalled said she wanted to fight Discord for taking her wings.

Though Discord would have laughed at Twilight if she even attempted to go at him, he would, however, have been shocked and horrified if she bit at the finger of his eagle claw when he touched the tip of her nose; she would do that for her dear teacher.

"It would have been funny from another pony's perspective..." Twilight chuckled softly. Imagine herself: her against the Spirit of Chaos.

Having ceased her writing, Twilight looked out her window and watched as the rain continued pouring down, the soft pitter patter intriguing her. She truly enjoyed the rain, which is why she had acted far from her usual self this particular rainy day.

And so many things she did on this particular rainy day reminded her of Discord.

Drinking that entire jug of chocolate milk...

For as much time as she had gotten to know Discord, Twilight was quick to assume his favorite beverage was, indeed, a glass of chocolate milk. Or, as what she had seen him drink before they defeated him, a chocolate milk of glass. What in the name of Celestia was that suppose to be?

But still, like many, especially herself, he seemed to have quite a sweet tooth. And to have the magic to summon chocolate rain whenever he wanted...Twilight had to admit that she was impressed by that. How strong she had to be during those events when she wanted to join Pinkie Pie and take a quick sip before quickly going back to being the leader and being serious.

He enjoyed his chocolate milk, and Twilight could never forget his calm, satisfied smile as he drank. Like his bucket of popcorn, he was one to take anything to his entertainment and summon a snack to make it more enjoyable.

The sudsy grounds...

How could Twilight forget the embarrassment she went through when she tried to gather her friends to bring them back to Ponyville? The sudsy water Discord had summoned on their dirt roads really infuriated her. She tried to keep her balance, her anger increasing with every slip. And he just had to taunt her while gliding through the sudsy grounds like some professional ice skater.

But the look on his face had almost made Twilight's anger die down. Almost. How much fun he was having, being able to do the things he used to do when he once reigned over Equestria. It may have been fun for him, but most unlikely for others. His feet simply glided across the soap, hands behind his back, enjoying what he created.

His smile was bright, and, to the unicorn's ears, his voice sounded soft as honey when he stated how beautiful his work was.


Though Pinkie Pie was the Element of Laughter, Twilight had quite a fit of giggles today that almost overpowered the pink pony's. Her cheery attitude had raised a lot of questions, and the fact that her usual intellectual voice had carried a child-like playfulness even made her question herself.

But she knew it was because laughter always made things better. Isn't that what Discord had done when he tried to 'cheer' Twilight up after losing her friends? His laughter may have been mocking, insulting, and a little hurtful...but it was sweet in a way that made one wonder about laughing with him.

She remembered the evil laugh he gave after stealing their horns and wings. That was frightening. Then she remembered the child-like laugh he gave from being entertained on her misfortunes to their first failed attempts with the elements.

His laugh and smile...he rarely frowned at all when he encountered them. He simply smiled at the ponies, at her, as if everything was all fun and games.

To hear him laugh for the right reasons...that would annoy Twilight less.

The umbrella...

Why did she even buy that pink umbrella from Cheerilee? Because it suddenly 'caught her interest'? No doubt that pink umbrella reminded Twilight of the pink umbrella Discord summoned after he manipulated Rainbow Dash and they lost his game. It was a ridiculous object; it was upside down. Fortunately, Cheerilee's umbrella was in fine condition if not old.

Yet why did Twilight become so excited when she bought it? She must have looked ridiculous hopping around like a filly finally getting her cutie mark.

Perhaps to remind her of the more innocent side of Discord? She still had those sunglasses which she stored inside her desk...

As terrifying as Discord seemed at the beginning...he later showed a more soft side. Soft, not like a pillow, but soft in being less of a jerk. A sweet jerk, she now referred him to after he 'kindly' removed that cotton candy cloud off of her.

Being himself, bringing out the magic in him that symbolized his chaotic nature...Twilight had to admit that everypony was different. He was definitely different. And he was proud of it.

As these thoughts swam through her mind, Twilight finally reached an epiphany to why all these things suddenly mattered to her. Why Discord did these things without a care in the world...

Because he cherished it.

Being locked away in stone for a thousand years, the Draconequus just wanted to go back to what he loved. And he loved creating chaos. He cherished his powers.

Twilight knew he had no friends...no family...no one that would even stand close to him as he showed off his magic...Who else could Discord have turned to and share his interests with?

No one. No one but himself.

But he took his loneliness calmly, his powers being his only comfort. Twilight wondered if just below the surface had Discord ever questioned being by himself.

Twilight never questioned herself when she had been studying in the academy. She never questioned being alone, with the exception of Spike. She simply thought having friends was unnecessary.

But where she was now, she now laid that question on the Draconequus. The only answer she could get out of herself was that Discord didn't care. He seemed to enjoy being 'one of a kind', never being part of something. Never cherishing anything but his magic.

And he truly cherished his magic. He cherished the unlimited amounts of chocolate rain he summoned. He cherished the sudsy grounds in which he skate through. He cherished the laughter he brought upon himself. He even cherished that ridiculous umbrella.

There was just nothing else for him to cherish but what he could bring for himself. Unlike Twilight, he couldn't cherish friendship; he would probably laugh at the thought.

It sounded nearly heartbreaking. What Twilight would have been if she never came to Ponyville...never made friends...would she have taken it in stride the way Discord had always taken it?

Twilight shivered a bit, not daring to imagine the 'what if' she thought of. She looked out her window. It stopped raining but it was still misty and blue outside.

Twilight cherished her friends. She especially cherished everything each new day brought, like the rain that Rainbow Dash had created. She cherished her time in Sugarcube Corner, especially with all the chocolate milk she could drink. And the sudsy grounds those spa ponies accidentally brought in, Twilight never regretted taking the opportunity to cherish the slippery ground her hooves enjoyed.

And the umbrella...well, she truly did cherish it. Perhaps because it would be proven useful in future rainy days to come...or because it served as a reminder for what could have been.

Twilight smiled sadly to herself as she lowered her head to her pillow, her eyes drifting. The unicorn stifled a yawn as her eyes slowly closed.

Though Discord cherished nothing but his powers, there just had to be something he could have cherished if he were still present today. Would he have cherished, maybe even consider, the power of friendship? He would probably gag at the thought...

There was always something to cherish, Twilight knew.