• Published 15th Dec 2011
  • 10,601 Views, 431 Comments

Discordant Feelings - cartuneslover19

Though the events of Discord are behind them, Twilight still thinks about the spirit of disharmony. Thoughts kept to herself, she realizes t

  • ...

For My Eyes Only

"...and that is why I think it's best not to tell the Princess." Twilight said aloud as the summoned quill wrote her last statement to her latest journal entry.

Closing her journal, the unicorn sighed a bit before she placed her quill away. For the last hour or so she had been in front of her desk writing down her personal thoughts. Some were about the previous events that happened today in Ponyville, a small significant was about a certain someone...

...and the rest was pondering the consequences of discussing with Princess Celestia about these thoughts.

Twilight had caught a glance at her last journal entry before she updated, and that made her ponder what could happen if she were to confess about her personal feelings regarding the past events. As intelligent as she was, she couldn't imagine the reaction her friends or the princess would have if Twilight were to speak to them regarding Discord...

While she couldn't master the courage to tell her friends about what's been on her mind, she definitely could not speak to the princess on such a matter. She could still remember the expression of horror and fury her teacher had when they first met Discord...the anger deep in that usual soothed voice of the Princess as she glared disdainfully at the moving glass windows of Discord's form.

The defeat of him was not too long ago, and Princess Celestia still seemed fresh from those events. Twilight knew better than to upset her with questions on such a matter.

Maybe some other time...

He's still in that garden, she thought as she looked out the window of her home.

Just recently had the unicorn visited the stone imprisoned creature had her feelings about the matter become more melancholic. Since the day she visited his statue for the first time, Twilight had often wondered for what could have happened and what could have been.

If the elements had done what she preferred...if Discord never became stone...if he listened to her negotiations...if they could have become friends...

Friends don't give up on friends...Twilight thought with a pitiful sigh as she walked away from her desk and toward the large array of books. She planned to get a few books and bring them over to a bench area somewhere in Ponyville where she could read.

"The Tale of Discord," she said aloud as her magic summoned the book from its slot and put it into her bag. "Definitely."

No matter how many times she had read it, Twilight could never put down that book. She already read everything there was to know about the spirit of chaos and disharmony, yet she kept reading in hopes that something new would reveal itself to the unicorn.

"Facts on the Pony Mind," she said as she placed that in her bag. That book sounded interesting. "And...hmm..." she peered at her newest find. "Well, Ways of Weather it is then."

After she put the last book into her bag, the unicorn made her way to the door. Before she left, she turned back and used her magic to quickly place the lock on her journal as she always did. Though Spike claimed he never tried to open it, the unicorn couldn't be too sure...

Humming to herself as she closed the door behind her, Twilight was greeted with the sunshine. Her eyes sparkled to see how bright it was today.

Too bright...

"Uh!" She flinched as she immediately shut her eyes after they had been exposed to the incredible brightness the sun had to offer. Raising a hoof to shield herself, Twilight opened one eye and struggled to see just what the hay had happened to the usual nice weather Ponyville always had.

The blue skies didn't appear so blue at all as she realized the fading yellow that merged with the clouds. There barely were any clouds at all as Twilight now noticed.

"It's so bright..." She said to herself. "Too sunny..."

Of course the unicorn knew better than to assume Princess Celestia had done this because Twilight knew, since she was a filly, that the princess knew how to raise the sun in a perfect manner and with no complications afterwards.

That could only mean-

"Sorry about that!" Twilight squinted, the blazing light piercing her pupils. She could make out a flying figure in the sky. She could make out some colors even if the bright light was ruining its shade.

"Rainbow Dash," Twilight sighed as if it was the most obvious answer in Equestria. Shielding her eyes, she continued watching the pegasus in the air. "What's going on? Why is it so sunny today that it's hurting my eyes?"

"Uh, yeah..." Rainbow Dash smiled nervously, scuffling a hind leg in the sky. "Yeah, I kind of overdid myself and sort of...well..."

Twilight looked up at her with a questionable expression, awaiting her explanation. "Yes?" The unicorn asked, her voice firm.

"It's a little hard to explain..." Rainbow Dash chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. "See, I did a spin cycle to remove the clouds...more than one I think...sorry, I lost count after three...and then somehow I messed up with the light thingy and...yeah..."

As bright as it was, Twilight could make out Rainbow Dash's apologetic smile in the sky. Groaning, Twilight just shook her head disapprovingly at her winged friend before she made her way to the heart of Ponyville.

"It'll go away soon!" Rainbow Dash called out as she walked off. "Just wear sunglasses!"

Twilight could barely make out the obstacles in front of her as her eyes held in slits. That Rainbow Dash really made a day for reading outdoors...

"Bench...bench..." Twilight muttered as she searched Ponyville. She smiled when she finally found one, next to the educational supply store. "Bench!" She exclaimed happily before launching herself into the seat. Tucking her hind legs underneath her body, Twilight laid her stomach against the comfortability of her seat as she used her magic to summon one of her books.

For this special occasion, she took out Ways of Weather. Maybe it would take her mind off the frustration of bright weather and make her await for better sunshine and, hopefully, with some clouds.

"A pegasus is one pony who knows how to make the sky to your satisfactory..." She read. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

As she kept reading, Twilight's ears held high for any noise that could put more satisfaction to her reading. Though she usually enjoyed peace and quiet, she did enjoy hearing the hustle and bustle of Ponyville's citizens, making her reading more enjoyable.

Suddenly, she realized that there was not a sound to be heard. It was definite silence.

Peering around her, Twilight realized that she was the only pony outside her home. As she noticed, ponies everywhere were in their houses, away from the extremely bright sunlight Rainbow Dash had put upon their town.

"Great..." Twilight sighed rolling her eyes. She winced as her eyes were hit by the sun's rays. It was just so darn bright, it was complicated trying to avert her eyes away.

She suddenly remembered Rainbow Dash mention something about using sunglasses. Twilight wasn't sure if she had packed a pair when she prepared her book bag earlier but she was willing to check in hopes of finding something to cover her eyes from this brightness.

Digging a hoof into her bag, Twilight took out her two books and placed them beside her on the bench. She also took out a few sticks of gum, some quills and paper, an apple-

"Sunglasses!" She exclaimed in triumphant, removing a revealed pair and proudly holding it high.

They were a simple pair with huge, dark lenses. The color was a dark red with golden gem stones all around. Its style was quite fashionable yet interesting in her opinion. The design of the entire object was funky, if Twilight could prefer a better word for it.

Twilight smiled at her find, grinning from ear to ear at having found something she didn't think she would find for this particular weather.

Suddenly, her smile faded as she gazed at the sunglasses with utter surprise.

"I don't remember having these..." She told herself in realization. "I never even bought a pair of sunglasses!"

How in the name of Celestia did she even manage to find a pair of sunglasses in her bag when Twilight had never even used sunglasses? Even when it was a sunny day(though not as sunny as this particular day) Twilight had loved to read under its light, no sunglasses needed. Her eyes had always been accustomed with the sun's light...until now. Spike didn't even wear a pair when it was a little too sunny!

Despite the sunlight pouring down in every direction her eyes turned, Twilight gazed at the sunglasses in her hoof. She tried to recall how exactly they ended up in her bag and when it had happened.

"Last time I saw someone with a pair of glasses like these..." Twilight told herself.

Suddenly, her eyes dilated and her mouth fell in realization of where exactly she had seen these sunglasses before. And who had worn them.

"You got to be kidding me..." The unicorn muttered before she slammed her head against her open book, frustration overtaking her as a memory formed in her mind.

He had worn an exact pair of sunglasses like these.

"Oh, why now?" Twilight cried out to the skies, her eyes tightly shut. "Can I have one moment of peace where I don't think about Discord?"

Thank Celestia no pony was around while Twilight began talking to herself. Thank Celestia again that none of her friends were around when she mentioned Discord.

Though Discord was gone, his presence was still fresh in the unicorn's mind as she gazed irritably at the sunglasses in her hoof. How in Equestria did they ever get in her bag?

Twilight calmed her mind as she tried to recall the events that happened when Discord had been present. An urgent message from Celestia...going through the labyrinth...her friends becoming complete jerks...finding the elements...

Twilight suddenly realized that it was after finding the elements in her house had she seen these sunglasses before. Discord had been wearing them when she and her friends were preparing themselves to wield the power of their elements to stop him.

How dramatic that Draconequus was! Pretending to show fear while also taunting their power! Twilight had been annoyed with him enough when he turned the dirt roads into soap and held her under his lion paw as he gazed proudly at his work of chaos. How irritated she had been when Discord just remained calm and collective, saying he was 'ready' to take his fate.

Twilight remembered how he magically brought out a pair of sunglasses(the exact ones in her hoof) and placed them on, acting in mock fear as she and her friends took position. Twilight remembered how much hope and magic she had put into her element crown as she glared fiercely at the creature.

Then he magically summoned a target on his stomach, preparing for their attack. How annoyed yet slightly amused the unicorn had been by such an act. She was sure not to miss...

She just wanted to take him down and be over with all the nonsense he created. As strong as her voice was as she stood up against him while her friends just stood around like emotionless pawns, Twilight couldn't sense any discomfort from Discord.

His bored expression and mock drama had really gotten on her nerves, and that pushed her further to get the job done. To see who would be mocking who now.

When the elements lined up, Twilight felt its power as fresh as the time they used it to stop Nightmare Moon and bring back Princess Luna.

As annoyed and frustrated the unicorn had been with Discord, she promised herself that as soon as they used the elements to finish him off and weaken him would Twilight go easy on the mix-matched creature. Her plan: use the elements, bring down Discord, then reason with him.

Unfortunately, none of that happened. When she and her friends rose from the ground, the elements glowing as the time they had first been summoned...nothing.

The elements had suddenly ceased and they all fell. Twilight had been horrified when Discord still stood before them, smirking down at them, his mischievous eyes hidden behind his sunglasses. When they had summoned the elements and began using its power, the Draconequus had been a little fearful at first, feeling he was going to get it. After the elements failed...oh how Twilight remembered his taunts and the desire to bite off his eagle talon of a finger when he literally poked fun at her...

Though Twilight had been a wave of overwhelming emotions through all that, she had to admit that Discord was just that confident. It was as if he had expected the elements to fail. How cheeky he was, simply smirking at her when she was desperate to figure out why the elements didn't create the power of harmony as before.

He had worn his glasses for the time being as he watched her struggle with her friends for answers, obviously enjoying the crumble she had so desperately been trying to fix.

Twilight just wanted to slam those sunglasses of his right between his gold and red eyes...she just wanted to twist that smirk and make him frown with fear...

But as angry as she was with him...she envied his calm nature through it all. Wearing those sunglasses, he looked like he was getting ready for a stroll in the park or a day at the beach. Calm, serene, not a problem in the world...It was as if those sunglasses proved even more how confident and flamboyant he was in his work and progress.

And Twilight was right. Though he didn't wear the sunglasses for long; they disappeared from his face as soon as a cruel Fluttershy threw away her Element of Kindness and greedy Rarity stole it for herself. A little bit of Twilight wished he would have kept those sunglasses on...

...then she wouldn't have to keep staring at those eyes that taunted her.

Twilight sighed as she continued gazing at the sunglasses in her hoof. No longer focused on her reading, her mind was now fully focused on the Draconequus. That arrogant, childish...calm, serene, playful creature...

Twilight had to remind herself over and over that even though he annoyed her to no end, picking on her out of all the others and laughing at her power of friendship...she still felt he could have been a great friend.

And who knows? Maybe he would have worn these sunglasses and enjoyed this extremely sunny day. He would have teased her about how sensitive her eyes were to the brightness and might have made some jokes regarding Rainbow Dash's attempts of quickening her job compared to winning the Wonderbolts over...

Twilight chuckled a bit, her purple eyes gazing sadly at the sunglasses in her hoof. She still had no idea how they got in her bag...

Recalling the events, Twilight raised herself up and gently stroked the sunglasses with her other hoof.

There was a sudden feeling of familiarity as her hoof gently ran over the curves of the sunglasses.

"These were definitely his..." She told herself quietly, her eyes softening.

Though she had never even touched his sunglasses(or any part of his face for that matter), Twilight was sure these sunglasses had belonged to him. Who else would wear sunglasses as interesting as these? Twilight couldn't imagine Rarity with this kind of style...

If they did belong to him, which she was completely sure about, why were they in her bag?

Twilight tapped a hoof to her chin as she pondered. Discord had claimed himself as 'generous' when he made cotton candy clouds and chocolate rain for Equestria...but these sunglasses? The unicorn gazed at them curiously.

Why would Discord have left these in her possession before they defeated him?

Obviously, there was no practical joke behind it on account of after they had defeated him everything chaotic had ceased. Maybe he had discarded and dropped it at her house just to mock her...Twilight leaned a little on that reason.

But maybe...maybe to leave as a somewhat 'kind' gift to remember him by as he went on to take over Equestria? That would be surprising...

Twilight shook her head. Her mind was now at rest after thinking so much about Discord. She suddenly felt calm now, simply gazing at the sunglasses in her hooves. Even if that Draconequus had not left her a so-called present, she would still remember him. She was constantly thinking about him, wasn't she?

Suddenly, the light caught up with the focus of her eyes and she grunted as she shielded her face with a hoof. It was still so bright! Gazing down at the sunglasses in her other hoof, Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Then she put them on.

Opening her eyes, Twilight managed to see the sky without nearly going blind. No surge running through body, no practical joke. The sunglasses were just useful for the sunlight, and that made her actually smile.

Maybe Discord had been a little considerate if she had noticed him better before she had turned him into...

"Finally, I can read," Twilight told herself quickly as she laid back down on the bench and gazed at her open book. She was about to turn the page-


Sighing, Twilight turned to see Pinkie Pie and Rarity gallop over to her, worry visible on their faces.

"Hey, girls," Twilight greeted unenthusiastically as she placed a hoof over her book. "What's up?"

"It's too bright for you to be our here, darling!" Rarity told her. "Honestly, you could ruin your lovely eyes!"

"Rarity's having a little lemonade party at her house," Pinkie Pie said happily. "You should come! You're like the only pony out here in this super brighty sunshine!"

"Yeah, I'd love to..." They didn't notice her roll her eyes behind the sunglasses. "But I'm rea-"

"Reading?" Pinkie Pie exclaimed with shock. "Instead of hanging out with your friends? Not on my watch!"

Before Twilight knew it, Pinkie Pie grabbed her book as well as her bag with her teeth and began galloping away, heading in the direction of Rarity's house.

Twilight frowned behind her sunglasses, watching as Pinkie Pie ran off with her materials. Rarity couldn't help but giggle as she placed a gentle hoof on her side.

"Pinkie Pie means well, dearie," she told her. "Please, come join us."

Despite having just been 'robbed' from the pink pony, Twilight had to smile at Rarity's words. Nodding, the two unicorns trotted together as they headed toward Rarity's house.

"By the way, Twilight," Rarity said as they reached the door. "I must say, you have interesting taste for eyewear." She said sincerely as she motioned to the sunglasses on her face. "Why, I've never seen such a lovely and delicate style! Wherever did you get them?"

Twilight just smiled as she entered the boutique where Pinkie Pie was waiting. She removed the sunglasses and gazed at them contently.

"A special someone gave them to me," she replied softly, her purple eyes sparkling a bit.