• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 152 Views, 1 Comments

Ryezing: Tome of Dreams - ThatOneGuy0531

A Great and Powerful Vagabond crosses paths with a strange unicorn with an unknown objective. Can they work together long enough to get the promised bits, or will the great mountain consume them, that is, if they don't get themselves killed first?

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Chapter 1

“Damn…” That was all I had left. Stupid beaver! It just had to spook me into the stupid river with its beady little red eyes. Well, I hope it’s happy making me find food in this stupid forest. Ugh! My pack is going to smell in the morning if I can’t dry it soon. Ohhhhh what’s the point if my food is halfway down the river by now. Why am I even here? It shouldn’t be me. I should be sitting in a green room in Las Pegasus sipping cider from a cup exhibiting my beautiful face. The Strip would be backed up with traffic as my loving fans parade through the streets with giant balloon floats of my perfect image. Their height would cast shadows onto the city’s skyline as civilians stare in awe of their glory as they bid them to chant my glorious name!

“The Great and Powerful Trixie. The Great and Powerful Trixie....”

Oooh! This one’s pretty big! Its skin is pretty stretchy but not too stretchy; just the way I like it. It’s almost perfectly ripe too! And It’s blue is so pretty! They must be in season or something, but I’ve never seen blueberries grow on a red stem before. Or in the snow. Wait! What if this isn’t a blueberry. Don’t some berries look like other berries in order to trick you into thinking they are that berry only to make you feel bad? This berry doesn’t look bad though. Besides, how does a berry make a plan to become another berry anyway? Ugh, am I overthinking this? Hmph, my stomach doesn’t have time for this? Now or never Trixie,

“Aaaaaah- oh!” I can’t do it. If it is a bad berry then I’ll be stuck out here and I’ll never be able to grace the stage with my presence again. It’s selfish of me to even think about it! I’ll have to keep looking for something more obvious; an apple, a squash, I’d even settle for- gak- grapes! Those seeds are too fibery and get stuck in your teeth. I won’t even humor the idea of ruining my winning smile. Now what to do with you. There’s still a chance you are a good berry. Hmmm.

It’ll be dark soon. I’m gonna have to make camp with what I’ve got. Come on Trixie! It’s not like you haven’t slept in worse situations than this. Town to town; bits to bits. Hah! This forest is nothing! It’s just par for the course! I’m gonna come out of this like every other time. Through my own quick thinking and sheer force of will! You don’t get to where I am without having your wits about you.

“Right Mr. Berryngton?”

I wonder if he likes the name I gave him. I think it’s pretty fitting and probably better than most names a berry could get. I mean, I did just come up with it after all. You could hardly ask for better quality.

“I’m talking to a berry…” Yep, definitely not ideal. The exhaustion must be kicking in. Am I going to lose it out here? What would my fans think if the next thing they heard about me was through a newspaper? Crazy Mare Found Dead In the Middle of Woods. What would they even write about me?

The crazy mare was identified as a mediocre traveling stage magician likely headed to her next destination where she would likely have begged for her next meal.

She was a good filly.


Ok, Trixie, now you’re just getting morbid and that’s not going to help you. Look for clues. Clues that could lead us to civilization. A camp, some food, anything before you drive yourself insane. Hmmm, I can’t see anything because of these trees but maybe…

Hmmm, I don’t know… This tree looks pretty tall and I haven’t exactly been practicing my climbing. How am I supposed to get past the layer of pine needles anyway? What if they get stuck in my mane?

Stop it! Control yourself, Trixie! You can either complain or you can get out of this mess and there is no way I’m going out before I’ve given my fans the opportunity to scream my name from the seats of a sold-out stadium. You can do this. One, Two…

Huh, ok, that first jump wasn’t so bad. Now I just have to keep at it, step by step.

“Owww!” These needles are starting to get on my nerves. No, no, they are not needles Trixie. You are lying on a massage table in Baltimare and the good looking stallion hosting you is beginning his acupuncture procedure. Yeah, this isn’t so bad. I’ve just gotta keep on moving until I’ve reached to top. Yep, this is almost relaxing. I could get used to....

“Owww! Don’t get friendly with me tree! You’ve got to at least own all my figurines before you even try barking up that...tree…” Note to self, I should look into finding someone who knows something about action figures. Big heads? Tiny Torsos? Oooooh, that would be cute. Really big eyes too. The ones that can put some unsuspecting brat into a trance just by looking at it.

The Sun’s almost gone now, but I just need to keep pushing a little more. I should be able to see where I am from up there, or at least see just how lost I am. The river didn’t take me too far from the road so there might be a cabin in a clearing sitting around somewhere. Almost there... Almost…

“Hah! Take that you stupid forest. I, The Great and Powerful and has met your challenge and vanquished it from my path! Bask in awe of Greatnesses and Powerfulnesses the likes of which you have never seen! Feel my wrath and tremble before the sheer determination of my might!”

...It’s really cold up here. Brrrrr, ok, let's see where we are. Oh, that’s where the sun went. It went hiding behind the mountains. There’s a really tall one behind me. You won’t see me climbing anything that big anytime soon. Not after how rudely I was treated by the local flora. Hmmm, anything else? Trees, trees, more trees, Ugh! There’s not enough light out to see anything else, just a bunch of trees surrounded by even bigger mountains. Who in the right mind would build a road around here? The snow would cover the path!

Yep, there goes the light. It’s officially dark out and there is no food anywhere in sight.

“Face it, Trixie! This is It! The last hurrah! The grand finale! The world is closing the curtain on the glorious play that was Trixie Lulamoon! A performance of tragedy and drama all culminating into the climax where the poor, innocent audience finally learns they were watching the black comedy of this show pony’s end. Oh, woe is Trixie! And yet, behold her nobility as she begrudgingly and understandably accepts her bitter en- Is that Fire?” Over there, that orange light near that small bunch trees. Is someone over there?

“Behold! The blessings bestowed to The Great and Powerful Trixie! The world could not bear to lose its loveable hero, so much so that she sends light to aid Trixie in her quest! The Winter is strong, but Trixie is stronger as demonstrated by her incorruptible willpower and unfaltering positive spirit!” But more importantly than all that stuff.
