• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 152 Views, 1 Comments

Ryezing: Tome of Dreams - ThatOneGuy0531

A Great and Powerful Vagabond crosses paths with a strange unicorn with an unknown objective. Can they work together long enough to get the promised bits, or will the great mountain consume them, that is, if they don't get themselves killed first?

  • ...

Chapter 14: Epilogue

“Hey, thanks pops. You can drop me off in front of this bar here.”

“No problem sonny.”

“So you won’t give me the hunds back?”

“No! They’re mine! Traded for’em fair’n’square.”

“Alright, fair enough.”

“Stay safe, youngun.”

“Yeah, you too.” The old-timer rode off. If it wasn’t for him I might be dead. He was even willing to turn around just to make sure I got to town safe; what a guy. Welp, time for another drink.

Walking back in almost feels like coming home. Berry’s Tavern. Last call will be in half an hour, but that’s enough time to unwind a little bit.

“Berry! Oh, Berry!”

“Ah Geez, Arcane is that you?” She yelled from the kitchen out of sight.

“The Prodigal Son returns.”

“What are you doing in Ponyvi- Sweet Celestia! What happened to your arm! How many times have I told you to go to the hospital before you come messing around here.”

“No, they’re gonna yell at me and make me feel bad.”

“What do you think I’m doing?”

“Being a good friend and getting me a drink.”


“Being a good enabler of my troubles because it's good for business?” She took a deep sigh before continuing.

“...What do you want.”


“Apple or Greenbrew”

“Apple, don’t even insult me. They can barely read, but those hicks know how to brew.”

“Have you been drinking already.”

“Okay, so there’s old colt I met coming down from the mountain. He doesn’t look like it, but he can hold his cider. Was carrying some quality brews from outside Equestria! Can you believe that? During these times?” She filled a mug from a tapped barrel and slid it to me from down the bar. It came so fast I almost missed it.

“Heh, maybe I did have a little too much already. But the old colt-”

“She’s mad you know.”

“Who’s mad?”

“She came by around here three days ago wondering if you were gonna pop your head in at her birthday party. Even your brother went, for like ten minutes anyway. Told her I hadn’t seen you.”

“Ahhhh...crap…I’ll...I’ll take her to a nice place in Canterlot where she can mingle...she likes that.”

“Yeah, you better. Don’t forget a gift.”

“Yeah, yeah I got one. Howlite, in my pocket. It’s pretty.”


“Anything interesting happen while I was gone.”

...sigh...no, not really. Well, there was some weird traveling magic hobo that showed up in town two days ago.”

“Traveling magic hobo? Sounds fun.”

“Yeah, came in pulling a wagon without any hunds. Town know-it-all scared her off. You wouldn’t have liked her. She would have tried to steal your spotlight.”


“Hey can you help me pull this barrel into the kitchen, I’m gonna close up a bit early today?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, yeah, sure. But, uh, what’s this about the magic hobo?”

Author's Note:

This story takes place in a version of the Friendship is Magic that follows certain events from the show while changing details here and there in order to serve a much larger narrative. Most character relationships are the same in this universe, especially those concerning the mane six, but their relationships with side characters may be altered. This story is a small part, a prologue really, of things to come. Whether or not this story is received well will not affect my efforts, nor the efforts of my partners, in trying to make this multimedia universe of personal creativity come to life.

This overall version of the Friendship is Magic universe has been affectionately called Ryze (Ryzeing: is a play on this. It takes place before the full meat of the main narrative). The plan is to have the main story run through comics, while side stories would be told through either written text, or short skits and drawings created by our team.

Friendship is Magic caught lightning in a bottle and it kind of sucks to see it go. We hope to give you a couple more years of these beloved characters through our little side project. We all have full-time occupations (students to U.S. servicemen) so consistency will likely be an issue. Regardless, we are dedicated to pushing out our content. This is a brainchild, years in the making. We are very excited to be taking the first steps.

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