• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 152 Views, 1 Comments

Ryezing: Tome of Dreams - ThatOneGuy0531

A Great and Powerful Vagabond crosses paths with a strange unicorn with an unknown objective. Can they work together long enough to get the promised bits, or will the great mountain consume them, that is, if they don't get themselves killed first?

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Chapter 4

Ahhh, It’s rare for me to get such a good night’s sleep, even at home, but I have to give credit where credit is due. The room is small, the bed narrow, and the pillow is dusty, but this was the coziest I’ve been in a long time. Maybe I’ve been a little stressed, more so than usual. The fresh mountain air might just be what this dashing stallion needs. I even feel like getting out of bed! You know what? I think I’ll start the day early and give it my-

“Owwww! Get off my hair! Are you lame in the head or something?!”

That’s right. I have a guest.

“Good morning, Ms.Trixie! Did you sleep well.”

“Shut it.”

“I’ve got to say, I feel as spry as a filly! I think I’m going to wash up and then head downstairs if you care to join me.”

“The tub or the food?”

“The food obviously. Keep your mind out that gutter, young mares shouldn’t be thinking like that!”

“Please stop.”

“Since you asked so kindly.” Oh boy, I must be driving her mad. In my experience, establishing control of a situation, especially when strangers are involved, is the best way to keep your own interests intact. I’ve been told that I can come off as abrasive or downright cruel and I don’t disagree with these ponies. However, if I can control what someone thinks of me, I can better predict their next course of action. If she is sensible, she will do everything in her power to get as far away from here as soon as possible leaving me to go about my work in peace. I tend to do this whenever I believe somepony can become a liability. This is not one of those instances. As much as I appreciate the change of scenery, the white mountains and dark pine forests are absolutely a marvel to behold, I would much rather be home right now. So, I’m sorry Ms. Trixie. Truly I am. You’ve just crossed paths with me at a less than ideal moment in time.

I need to make sure I have everything I need. I’ll be on my own for a few days. Forest trekking, mountain climbing; my vacation ends here. I would like to be quick too. There’s a birthday for somepony that I would hate to miss. I don’t expect any delays but I should ready myself nonetheless. Well, if you don’t want to be late then get going Arcane! What a simple solution. Glad I thought of that one. But first, a quick bath.

Hmmm, coming down the stairs I wasn’t expecting her to be sitting at the bar, let alone eating. No matter, she has the right idea anyway. She’ll need the energy for her travels especially if she intends to go so underequipped. A hat, a cloak, a tattered tunic, and trousers will only get you so far out here. I don’t even think she’s armed. How will she fend for herself against the likes of bears, manticores or dragons? She might be in trouble.

“I told you he was coming down, put it on his tab.”

Ah, but that’s her problem to deal with. The least I could do is feed her I guess. Oh Arcane, you are too kind to the wandering vagabonds of this land.

“Yeah, I’ll take care of it.” Her face tells me she was not expecting such a response from me.

“I said I’ll take care of it.” She seems to suspect an ulterior motive. Maybe she thinks I’m still trying to win her affection. Sorry Trixie, you’ve had your chance. “Hey barkeep, I’ll take whatever she’s having, and some light cider.” I found a seat next to her.

“What, no snide comments? No ‘smooth’ moves?” Now she’s just confused.

“Nope, we don’t need that right now.” The barkeep came by and placed the cider in front of me. “Could I get another glass please?” He grabbed a glass from underneath the counter. I don’t know why but I felt compelled to pour her and I a drink. After all, this could be her last if she does intend to leave today. “Here, to our travels, Trixie, may we be safe from harm and arrive at our destinations whole and unbroken.”


I poured about half the pint down my throat before giving myself a break. Seeing as she may never be seen again and being one of the last few people to see her alive, I might as well try to write her a good obituary to notify her next of kin.

“So Trixie, what brings you all the way out here.” She just finished taking a couple of sips herself.

“Well, if you must know…” Oh, I’ve met ponies who talk like that. “I am taking my show east.” Yep, “I’m a magician you see.” Uh-huh. “Some would describe me as great and powerful.” She’s going to die out here. “But those ponies have yet to see what I’m really capable of.”

“So you have a deep understanding of the formal schools of magic?”


“You’ve been trained in the advanced forms of spells such as telekinesis and transfiguration?”

“What, no!”


“No, I’m a stage magician.”

“I don’t follow.”

“Like, pick-a-card-any-card, getting shot out of a cannon.”

“But you can do, like, regular magic right, just so we’re clear.”

“Can’t you?”

“Well yes, so why don’t you just show ponies like real magic.”

“It is real magic!”

“No, it’s just misdirection!”

“Nuh-uh! It is magic! You just don’t get the art that goes into it!”
It seems we have two very different definitions of magic. Whatever, I’ll bite.

“Do you get paid?”


“Like a wage, from some kind of theater guild?”


“Then who gives you money? How do you usually pay for a room”

“...Sometimes if I do a really good job, someone offers me a place to sleep for the night…”

She got a little quiet near the end of that. So it seems I’ve found a homeless stage magician who has the unfortunate luck of crossing through this perilous mountain path. How do I swing that story so the newspaper doesn’t make her seem so pathetic? I’ll just write it down for later.

“What’s your last name by the way.”



“Hey, What’s that?”

“What’s what?”

“That, in your notebook.”

“These drawings?”


“That’s actually where I’m headed after breakfast.”


“Why would you like to know?”

“I don’t know, you started this conversation.” Fair point.

“Fair point, I’m looking for something, for a job of mine.”

“Do you get paid?”

“If I succeed, yes.”

“How much?” She turned her body and leaned her head towards me after that last question. I hadn’t seen this look in her eyes yet. It’s intense and eager as if the answer would determine the rest of her life. I turned away slightly just to make myself feel safe.


“How much is enough.” Her face must be less than a foot away from the side of mine now. Her penetrating eyes were burning holes in the side of my head.

“E-e-enough f-”

“-or two ponies?”

“I-I-I guess you could say that.” It would be a fair amount. As soon as I finished she chugged the rest of her glass of cider and then proceeded to stuff half her meal into her face. When she was done she started walking toward the door.

“So, are you heading out now?”

“Yep, just waiting on you.”

“Oh, no. No you’re not. This is my job.”

“No, it’s not.”

“I’m not letting you come with me.”

“Ok, I’m still going though.” She looked away from me and fixed her gaze on the exit.

“You’re not-” What’s that noise? It sounds like short nosy breaths. “-coming with-” There it is again, It’s coming from her direction. “-with…” Is she…? “...are you ok?”

“...Mmhmm... Her voice sounded like it went up a full octave. I’m not exactly used to these kinds of situations. I can be a jerk, but I don’t think I’ve ever had to deal with this.

“Hey...uh...stop that…”

“I just don’t know what to do.” She turned toward me when she said those words. Her eyes were dyed red as droplets flowed down from them. “I-I *sniff* don’t have any m-money I-I *sniff* don’t know where t-to go. And I-I’ll be hungry again in a few h-hours. A-and A-and-” Yeesh, This is not fun.

“Look...uh...I don’t think it’s a good idea to-” She immediately jumped towards my legs and began wiping her tears in my leather boots. When she looked at me it seemed like the dams in her eyes had completely broken.

“Pl-please! Take me with you! *sniff* I’ll do anything! I’ll carry your stuff! *sniff* I won’t walk near you! I won’t make any noise! Just *sniff* let me come too-oo-oo!”

“I’m not sur-”

“Please!” She took a moment. She looked like she was picking her words carefully. “Please! M-m-m-m--master! Take me with you!”

A little overdramatic for my tastes and not even a hint of tact. She doesn’t seem to be the most put-together pony. Maybe she could use a little guidance. Master eh, I kind of like the sound of that. Besides, what’s she going to do without someone to guide her. I mean, she’d be halfway starved to death if it wasn’t for my generous nature. Damn it, Arcane! You should be a lot more careful with your good nature. I guess I’m going to have to take responsibility for this mess. Maybe I’ll even put a few of her pieces in the right place.



“It is pretty dangerous…”


I don’t think a good, healthy master-apprentice relationship ever hurt anybody. I was an apprentice once and look at me! I turned out great! Who am I to deny this stray mare the same opportunity to learn and grow.

“I guess I could use another set of eyes…”

“I have those!”

“I guess an apprentice, isn’t completely out of the question. So long as they are attentive.”

“I can do that!”

“Able to listen to my orders.”


“All with a can-do attitude.”

“That’s me!”

“I think we can make an arrangement that is ideal for the both of us, Lulamoon.”

“So, you’ll do it *sniff*.”

“Is stage magic real magic?”

“Great, let’s go.”


“I saw that mountain the other night when I was up in a tree?” She just stood up and started talking as if she wasn’t begging at my feet a few seconds ago. “Come on! The Great and Powerful Trixie needs those bits.” She’s already started out the door. The redness in her eyes is gone too! Does she feel no shame? How depraved does one have to be to not feel anything after that? I haven’t even eaten. I looked back at the barkeep; my food was already on the counter.

“Can you wrap this for me.” He started to grab some cloth from underneath the counter. “You saw that right.”

“Hah.” he said as he wrapped my sandwich.