• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 152 Views, 1 Comments

Ryezing: Tome of Dreams - ThatOneGuy0531

A Great and Powerful Vagabond crosses paths with a strange unicorn with an unknown objective. Can they work together long enough to get the promised bits, or will the great mountain consume them, that is, if they don't get themselves killed first?

  • ...

Chapter 10

I was outside. The snow-covered ground surrounded me on all sides and stretched as far as I could see. It disappeared into the sky, leaving no visible horizon. The snow didn’t feel cold at all while I moved my hooves through it. It was soft like butter and moved like a thick cream. It didn’t crunch. I’m not even sure if it made a noise at all. Nothing could be heard. No wind, no hum of the air just...nothing.

When did this chair get here? I know I looked behind me before, so when could it have gotten there? It looks like a normal wooden chair, like the ones you see outside a nice restaurant. Suddenly my stomach felt...empty. Not hungry just empty. Nothing was wrong when I looked down, but now everything else felt off too. I was on my knees all of a sudden. The feeling was spreading to my arms and legs. There wasn’t any pain, but that just made me more scared. Yeah, Trixie...you’re…

Am I hearing things? My head is starting to hurt now. Maybe I could just lie down for a bit. The snow does look comfy...NO! Nonono. This feels wrong! I don’t like this! I don’t want to go into the snow! You need to hold onto something. GRAB THE CHAIR! I lifted my arm towards it, but it was shaking too much. I had no control. No! The snow! I can’t see!

It started flooding into my mouth. I tried to cough it up, but more just kept coming in. It felt like warm mud with chunky clumps was pushing against my stomach. I wanted to puke, but it just kept getting pushed back. I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to think about any of this. It felt good to just go limp. As if I was floating through the air. I even felt a breeze.


“Aaaaaaaaagh!” What? I was...falling? I landed on my left side and started squirming. It felt like the skin there was being peeled off with a rusty knife. I remembered the snow. Out of nowhere, I felt the urge to puke. I got onto my hands and knees started trying and trying, but only a small amount of greenish-white liquid managed to come up. It left an awful burn at the back of my throat.

I looked around again. Was it a room? A cave? The ground disappeared into a black void surrounding me. I could see the cold, blue floor but only to an extent before it disappeared. Up, down, left and right. No light. I was having trouble breathing. I couldn’t catch my breath. It felt like something was pushing against my skull from the inside. Before I knew it, I had fallen backward trying to crawl away from nothing in particular. My back pushed against something hard; a low squeak like a dying seal followed suit. It was the chair. It didn’t move. I don’t know why I expected it to.


What was that? I stood up and looked around again. I wanted to look for it. Anything to get me somewhere else. Though, where would else be? Does that really matter, Trixie? You have to get out of here.

“Hello?” No response. “Hello?!” Still nothing. I looked back at the chair again. I wanted to sit in it. Maybe I was tired? It looks comfortable all things considered, but something feels...off.


There it is again! It’s definitely coming from deeper in the cave. Should I follow...I shouldn’t. NO! You can’t stay here! You have to keep moving, Trixie! Things can’t stay like this. Just run!

I kept on moving. I might as well have had my eyes closed. Wasn’t this a cave? Why haven’t I hit any walls yet and...my shoes are wet? What is that!? When was I surrounded by this...water? It feels like something is grabbing me from under this stuff. No. Nononono. Make it stop! Somepony! Anypony! Just make it stop! Right Now! It’s rising. The water is rising.

“Help! Somepony! Please! There’s something in here! Help!” I was trying to run but it was up to my waist now. I still can’t see where I’m going. Now it’s on my chest! “Help!” I started crying. “PLEASE!”

...doesn’t look so good

“Who’s there!” I was treading water now. It tasted awful. I gagged every time it would get in my mouth. Something was wrapping itself around my waist and crawling up my back. The shiver from my spine shot to my fingers. I wanted to just stop.

...wrong with her

“What…?” I can’t lift my fingers.








...They’re right…why bother...I felt myself sink. It’s been a long time coming, Trixie, but you knew it was gonna be like this didn’t you. What have you done? What’s your mark on the world. A few party tricks and pissed crowds. You wouldn’t have made it this far if those ponies didn’t think you were so pathetic. Just do everyone a favor...



“...Mmmm…” Ow… my head...so tired...

“...*huff*...*huff*...AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” Is that...Arcane?

“You really want to make this harder than it needs to be?” Who’s that? Ugh...my eyes feel heavy…

“...*huff*...*huff*...tends to be the case…heh...heheh...he-AAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!”

“Suit yourself.”

I saw Arcane. His wrist was locked into place by some metal sling on the cave wall. He struggled to stay on his knees each time he screamed. Each time he pulled against the wall, the sling would clang against the rock; any harder and he might pull his arm off. He didn’t seem to care though. There was a smokey aura of green and purple around his eyes; lingering in the air before blending into the fire-lit cave. His eyes would turn into a deep green whenever it seemed he would fall asleep, followed by more convulsions. I tried to move, but I just pulled on my arms. They were locked above my head and held together by a slightly larger sling.

“Oh, would you look at that! She’s awake!”

“Trixie!..*.huff*…” Arcane struggled.

“That doesn’t usually happen!”

“Stay...Awake!” The colt looked back toward him.

“Will you just shut up!”

“Don’t…fall back-oof!” He struck him in his gut. He looked like he was about to drop.

“No wonder she woke up, haha!” The colt was well dressed, his mane neatly combed, and there was a slight poshness in his words. “You just can’t seem to be quiet!” His coat was kind of fancy; not something I would expect out here. “Well, this one won’t be lasting too much longer,” He turned his gaze toward me. “So maybe you can help me out a little.” He pulled an old book from his satchel. The cover was faded velvet and the edges were trimmed with a thin yellow lining. There were a few raised symbols on it, one of which a closed eye, and a tattered blood-red bookmark resting somewhere in the middle. “How much do you know about this?”

“I...don’t know anything about it…”


“AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH” Arcane continued to scream.

“You know, I know it’s no coincidence there are ponies roaming around here. Especially after I started having a little fun.” Fun? What’s he talking about? “So, this is how it’s going to work for the next couple of minutes. I am going to ask you some questions. You are going to answer them. Then, if you behave, you might be able to walk out here in one piece.” Oh no. “Sound fair? Great. Let’s get started.”

He leaned away from my face and started pacing between the two of us. He was an earth pony who couldn’t have been much taller than Arcane, even if he stood up straight, but he could definitely hold his own against any unicorn if he needed. Just go along with it for now.

“Who are you? Well, I know your name already. I guess I mean to ask what are you?” Don’t give him anything.

“I’m nothing. I’m just on vacation.” Arcane nodded his head slowly in approval.

“This is a weird place to vacation, don’t you think.”

“...I wanted to see the howlite. You can look in my bag, there’s a piece in there.” He walked over and started rummaging through my bag. I looked over at Arcane again. He nodded his head. His eyes were a teary-red from exhaustion. Come on. Use your magic or something! Maybe he can’t? Then what about his good hand? No. I don’t think he could lift it even if it was free. Hmmm. I can move my hands inside my sling. Maybe it’s not a good fit?

“Found it!” He pulled the howlite from the bag. “You are lucky! I was just about to give up and that would not have been good for you.”

“So...are you gonna let me out of here.”

“We’re not done yet. I need to know who he is.”

“He’s my…” Lie! “...brother...Knight.”

“Oh, that is interesting.” He grabbed Arcane’s chin lifted it toward his face. “You told me you were on a honeymoon.” Damn it!

“We are!” Think Trixie! “They’re not...mutually exclusive…” Arcane chuckled.

“Oh, now I know you’re liars.”

“...little...close-minded...are you?” He kicked Arcane in the stomach.

“I’m sick of you,” He pointed toward me. “And you are on thin ice.”

“We’re sorry! We’re sorry!”

“I don’t want to play games,” He opened the book to the bookmarked page and held it in front of me. “What is this?” The page was filled with letters and symbols scattered haphazardly on the tan parchment. A big circular one sat in the center of the page scribbled unevenly in black ink, but it was just gibberish to me. “Come on! You unicorns have to be good for something!”

“I don’t know!”

“Tell me!”

“I can’t!”

“More like you won’t!” He pulled a large knife from his backside and held it toward my neck. The blade was colder than the air in the cave. “You have five seconds. Five...Four…”

“I don’t know, I can’t read it!”

“Try again. Three...Two…”

“I CAN READ THEM!” The knife relaxed against my throat. Arcane was on the verge of collapse. “I...can read them…”

“Not too long ago you told me you knew nothing so why should I believe you now.”

“In my journal...there’s a codex…In my chest stachel…” He pulled the journal form Arcane’s chest.

“So you have been holding out on me.” He flipped through the pages; scanning each symbol and letter for what he was looking for. “Where?”

“Near the end...but you’ll need me…”

“I doubt that.”

“You need a catalyst...or it won’t work…”


“You need me.” They glared at each other for what seemed like an hour. Neither flinched, I’m not even sure if they blinked.

“We will find out soon enough.” He unhooked Arcane from the wall, but attached Arcane’s sling to his own belt. His hand was still in the sling itself so he couldn’t remove it. He was stuck with his good arm behind his back and his bad arm in front.

“You’re gonna have to undo this spell...Or I’m not going to be able to work.”

“I’ll undo it in the chamber.”

“Can I say something to my sister?”

“We are leaving.” Arcane shifted his feet so that he was between me and him.

“Then, can I do this?” He spat in the colt’s face. It was followed by an obnoxious grin that could have made my skin crawl.

“You are a piece of work.” He struck his stomach. Arcane fell on his left side on top of my hooves. He looked up at me and winked. He must really get off on this kind of thing. The colt dragged him to the center of the cave. From where I was, I could see the light from the morning dusk was beginning to reach over some of the mountains.

“...stay...awake…” He said trying to keep his own eyes open.

“Chops! Help me with this one!” From outside the cave entered a large wolf-like Diamond Dog, a full head taller than the colt. He did not reply; only followed his commands. He seemed off. Like he had nothing going on in his head...but his eyes...his eyes were just like the drake from yesterday. Beady red orbs that don’t break their gaze. He slung Arcane over his shoulder and walked back outside.

“I’ll be back for you later.” He said to me before turning toward the entrance.

What now? I can’t get out of here. And they took that jerk! He was my ticket out of here! And was he flirting with me or something? Now of all times? Why wink? And why did he have to piss off this guy even more? If he wants to die, that’s fine, but he doesn’t have to take me with- What’s that? A... hairpin! It’s on my boot. But how...his hair!

I looked up. There’s a keyhole. Nice! I just got to pick it. It’s been a while, and I’ve never picked a lock with magic before, but it shouldn’t be that hard. It’s like riding a bike, Trixie. You don’t forget, I think. Whatever. Just...Float!...Now!...Lift off!...Why is my horn not glowing? Come on! Work!

“Nnnnnnnnnngh...ugh…” That’s...not right. Something’s weird. Whatever, If I can get the pin to my mouth I can go from there. I just need to toss it. With my hooves… and toss it in a way that’s not going to screw me over.

I extended my hoof outward. The bobby bin shifted slightly towards the curvature of my boot, It would have fallen had I not turned my leg in time. I visualized my leg launching the pin upward, arching downward, and finally landing in my teeth. I did this over and over again; moving my leg up and then down again each time I thought about launching the pin. I don’t know when, but I did launch the pin. It blended in with the attempts that I ran through my head. While the pin flew I snatched at it with my teeth. The tip nicked the front row of my mouth but I managed to hold it in place with my lips.

I looked up at the sling. The piece holding my arms together was attached to the cave wall via a single, short, thick chain coming out from the side opposite of where my hands went in. It looked like they managed to get a piece of metal through the hole of one of the links and into the wall. It wouldn’t even budge when I pulled. I could reach the floor with my hooves, but my arms were still completely extended when I stood up straight.

I clenched my fists in preparation. I gave myself a jumping start and tried to hold myself in position. I could reach the keyhole, the problem was staying there long enough to pick the lock. My upper arms were burning after a few seconds. You need to work out more, Trixie! Those whole jars of peanut butter aren’t doing you any favors. Come on, you have to keep trying. You don’t want to be here when that colt comes back. Who knows what he’ll do. One more time. One. Two. Three!

I fiddled the pin around the keyhole trying to find the tumblers as quickly as I could. My neck cramped so much I had to close my eyes just to bear it. Click. That’s one. Click. Two. Keep it up, Trixie! You have to do this in one go or the pin won’t stick. Click. Click. Almost! Click. Yes!

“Nooo-ugh!” My face… Damn it. I wasn’t thinking about the fall. Ugh… my nose is bleeding. Ow ow ow! At least I’m out of there. A simple five-tumbler lock, not exactly impressive. I’ve used more complicated ones in my act.

My bag! He left my bag! I wonder what I’ve still got in here. He’s definitely been through it. Anything I could have used to smack him across his head is gone. I reached to my side. He took the sword too, but he wasn’t carrying it when he left. How long was I out? I don’t even remember sleeping; just the...don’t worry about those, Trixie. They weren’t real. Just grab what you can and worry later. Let’s see. Some string, a few miscellaneous things, my practice paper and...my cards. I looked around. My hat and cloak we’re still on the floor. I guess he thought they weren’t worth the effort of getting rid of either. Whatever. Under my sleeve, I could still feel my quick-draw wrist piece so at least I’ve still got that.

I grabbed the sack and started making my way toward the exit. There was overcast encroaching on the rising sun. It looked like a snowstorm was going to hit in the next couple of hours or so. The breaks in the snow went further up the mountain, but I have no intention of going. Now is as good a time as any to get out of here before anything worse happens. You’re still in one piece, that’s not a guarantee if you go up there.

...wrong with her



...It’s not like you owe him anything…


...you’d just screw things up…


...and just get in the way…


“Rrrrrrraaaaaaaaagh! Shut Up! I know! Okay!? I KNOW!” My head is spinning. “You don’t have to keep reminding me!” My eyes feel warm. “...I know…” I didn’t feel myself fall over or the impact of the snow. I just wanted to lay there. Like in the dream. Why fight it? You’re tired. You deserve a break, from everything. The snow feels...kind of good.

My cards had fallen in front of me. I picked one of them up. It was the Queen of Spades. I had etched the outline of my mane over the cloak that covered the Queen’s head.

Who was I trying to fool?

I turned it over and saw my notes for the design. I mentioned something about making my eyes glaring in the final edition. It was to make me look determined. You’re some piece of work, Trixie.

This part here... it’s not my handwriting.

It suits you.

It suits you… It suits you... It sui- that bastard wrote on my cards! Who does he think he is!? What else did he get his filthy hands on? What the...he put his runes on almost all of them; the runes from the river. When did he do this? He didn’t win the stupid game, so he wouldn’t have been able to take these. Why would he…

“Damn it...Damn it!”