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Welcoming the Labyrinth to Canterlot City

The next day, Wallflower woke up from her bed, and went to go turn on the news. Apparently everyone in Canterlot City have been talking about the city's newest hero the Labyrinth. Her eyes widened. Did she became popular? The news reporter said it was thanks to the famous internet star Vignette Valencia for discovering the new superhero. Wallflower didn't know she saved a famous celebrity. "So tell your viewers Ms. Valencia, what do you plan to do for Equestria Land opening next week after having your stolen item retrieved by the Labyrinth?" The new reporter asked.

"I plan to honor the Labyrinth at Equestria Land in the hopes I can talk to her about protecting the city and my way of saying thank you." Vignette said.

"Vignette Valencia wants me to be at Equestria Land next week as a guest of honor to say thank you?" Wallflower said to herself out loud. "Ahhhhhh!!!" She screamed with joy. This is too much. "This is such a big honor."

Just then she got a knock on the door. "Hi Wallflower." It was Derpy.

"Oh hi Derpy. What brings you to my house?" Wallflower asked.

"Bulk wanted to tell you about what you did the other day but he's sick, and Sunset's gone for the next 2 weeks. So I came her to tell you that Bulk and Sunset said you did a good job especially when saving Vignette Valencia, the greatest celebrity on SnapGab." Derpy shows Wallflower her phone with a short video of the internet celebrity.

"Hashtag... Bangs..."

"Wow... that is awesome." Wallflower said. "And you know what's even more awesome?"

"She wants the Labyrinth aka you to appear at the Grand opening of Equestria Land?" Derpy guessed.

"Uh... Yeah." Wallflower said. "By the way, does the whole school know I'm Labyrinth?"

"There's a 50% yes." Derpy replied. "You see. Ever since Sunset Shimmer came to CHS, magic from her world are being dragged her."

"Oh yeah I remembered." Wallflower said. "Like that time Sunset was evil and transformed into a demon, that other time with the Dazzlings, Midnight Sparkle before she became Spider-Girl, Gloriosa Daisy who turned into Gaia Everfree."

"And Juniper Montage turning into a crazed giant evil star, you with that stone thingy, and Crimson Black." Derpy finished.

Wallflower didn't want to remember when she erased all of Sunset's human memories. "I don't ever wanna talk about that."

"Hey, who ever uses magic from another world, use it for personal game and become evil with it only to apologize and get rid of the magic, as Sunset discovered... It traces magic that you used stays with you for ever." Derpy explained.

"I'm surprised you know all that." Wallflower said.

"Sunset wrote down what to say." Derpy said with a squee. "Besides, magic from Sunset's home might one day got boom, and possibly the whole city will become full of superheroes and supervillains."

"I don't think that would be a good idea." Wallflower said. "Like, yes I got my powers from the memory stone when it was destroyed, Juniper got her powers when her mirror got destroyed, and Twilight stilled kept her magic powers when she sucked all of her friends magic auras. But if a nuclear magic explosion effects everyone in Canterlot City, they will be freaking out. I mean Twilight and her friend just like their normal lives and use magic like it's normal. Sometimes I have a feeling Canterlot City will become like Sunset's world."

"That is so deep." Derpy said.

"Well I better get ready, I got some patrolling to do." Wallflower said.

"Okay. I'll see you later." Derpy said.

"Oh and Derpy?" Wallflower asked as she was getting her suit ready. "Tell Bulk that I said get well soon."

"Will do, bye." Derpy said as she left the front door.

On top of a rooftop, the Labyrinth looks around to see if there's any crimes. Then she noticed a massive road crack trail on the road. "That's strange." She leaped down and went to go see. The trail seems to be leading to a parking lot, where she sees Pinkie Pie's sister.

"That must be Pinkie Pie's sister Maud Pie." Labyrinth said. "He he he, Mud Pie." As she was laughing at the reference she made with Maud's name, the strange creature jumped in front of Maud. Labyrinth noticed quickly. "Oh crap!"

Maud may not look scared but she really is. "I think I heard you. Your that monster from underground... What was your name again....Gigantic?" Maud asked.

"Rrrrrrrrrr." The creature roared.

"Oh right I remember now. Your Giganto. HELP!" Maud cried out in a quiet way.

Giganto emerges more and was about to eat Maud. Until Labyrinth came as the winds blew her hair. Maud was amazed at her entrance. "Have no fear, the Labyrinth is here.

To be continued...