• ...

Maud knows

"... It was crazy." Wallflower Blush said. "Giganto was intense. But I managed to pummel him back to the underground world he crawled out of." Wallflower was video chatting with Pinkie Pie at her home at night. "Everyone was so happy. And your sister is safe because of me."

"That is amazing Wallflower. I owe you big time. Thanks for saving my sister. And especially since your a rock themed hero." Pinkie said.

"Yeah. She was indebted to me that she kissed me." Wallflower said.

"Yeah... Wait what?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah, it's in the newspaper, see?" Wallflower shows a newspaper article at the screen.

Pinkie was in shock. "Whoa. That was unexpected." She said.

"Don't worry. It's a one time thing. I doubt she knows I am the Labyrinth."

"Well I hope your right Wallflower. Remember she knows a lot about rocks. She has a pet rock name Boulder you know." Pinkie said.

"Well that's too obsessive." Wallflower said. "Well I should be getting some sleep. Nice talking to you."

"Goodnight." Pinkie said as she slams her head on the table and started snoring. She must've been really tired. So Wallflower shut down her laptop and went to her room, lay down in her bed and fell asleep. And she mostly dream about Maud kissing her. Perhaps she could be developing feelings for her. But who knows.

The next day...

Wallflower woke up and took a shower. But she noticed something was wrong with her body. It fell like... She lifted her sweater and saw that body had some symbols from the memory stone. "Ahhhhh! What's happening to me?" Wallflower asked herself.

Later... At the mall. She panics for a while. She went to a dressing room and see herself in the mirror. Her body skin turn into a faded grey with some muscles and the same logo that was on the memory stone. "This can't be happening. Can it?" She said to herself. Then she thought of something. "Sunset mentioned that stone I had was an ancient artifact from Equestria. And according to Twilight, there is a portal to Equestria. Maybe I can find the answer there. Although the Twilight that came to CHS the first time won't know me. But I'll to explain. I gotta get to Equestria."

Wallflower got out of the dressing room and she noticed a familar voice. "Hi Wallflower Blush." Wallflower turned her head and sees Maud.

"Uh... Hi. Do I know you?" Wallflower asked.

"My name is Maud. Pinkie Pie told me about how you stole her good memories of your friends just because you felt like you didn't exist at all. It's like your a bastard child." Maud explained.

"Okay... That's a little extreme but they forgive me." Wallflower said.

"I know. And that memory rock is destroyed and your using it for good." Maud said.

Wallflower snapped her eyes open. "Uh what?"

"I'm not an idiot Wallflower. It took me a few minutes after you saved me that your the Labyrinth." Maud said. "But I do want to thank you for saving me from Giganto." Maud twirled some of her hair.

Wallflower was surprised that Maud knows her secret identity. But since she is Pinkie's sister, she can trust her. "Your welcome I guess." She said. "And too be fair... I had a dream that you missed me for real without the superhero thing."

"I didn't know you had feelings for me." Maud said as Wallflower's face turned red. "He he he, no wonder they call you Wallflower Blush." Maud said as she giggles. "Say, I don't have any plans this weekend. You wanna see a movie?" She asked.

"Sure. A movie sounds like fun." Wallflower said.

"Okay. Meet me back at the mall on Friday. I'll see you later." Maud said. As she walks away. "And Wallflower... I kinda like you too. Ever since you saved my life." Maud winked at her as she leaves.

"Okay, that was unexpected. Pinkie is not going to like to hear this. But anyways. I gotta get going." Wallflower said.


Wallflower arrived at Canterlot High and sees where that portal was from. The statue that the other Twilight with glasses destroyed during the friendship games. She walked up to the statue and placed her hand at the edge and she sees her hand turn into a hoof. She took her hand out. It works. "Okay. I'll just introduced myself, explains that I'm a friend of Sunset and I need some advice." She said to herself. "Here I go..." She wakes in the portal and disappeared...


Princess Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer were were having some lunch until the portal starting acting up. They turn their heads sees someone coming out if the mirror portal. "Uh... Twilight, has Sunset come for a visit again?" Starlight asked.

"Maybe, but. I thought she said she, other me and their friends were going to travel the world." Twilight said.

"Maybe they changed their mind." Starlight said. The two mares see a green pony in a brown stripe sweater walking out of the mirror on her hind legs, she was wobbling until she out her two front hooves on the ground. "That's not Sunset."

Wallflower looked a little shy as she sees that she turned into a pony.

"Hi... Princess Twilight." She said. "My name is Wallflower Blush. I'm a friend of Sunset's I travelled here to for something."

"Wait. Wallflower Blush?" Twilight asked as she may have heard that name before. "Wait are you that girl that used the memory stone to erase all of Sunset Shimmer's friends good memories of her?"

"Yes. And it was the biggest mistake of my life cause I ended up erasing Sunset's memories of coming to Earth and I ended up turning into her. But the stone is destory and they forgive me." Wallflower said. But she has happened to me and I think it has something to do with that artifact."

"What is it?" Starlight asked.

Wallflower took her sweater and standed in her two legs. Twilight and Starlight were shocked at Wallflower's body. "I think I'm becoming the memory stone."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

There's an image of Wallflower that I can't show so left a link. If you don't like it the idea of the image either let me know and I'll get rid of the link.