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Altered Anatomy

Wallflower explained how ever since the memory stone was destoryed, she's been getting it's powers. So she uses it for good. Unfortunately her body becoming like the memory stone might be a side effect or a punishment. Twilight examined her body to find the answers. Starlight and Spike helped as well. "Has the same been happening to the other reformed villains on Earth?" Twilight asked.

"Well according to Sunset, Juniper Montage has mirror magic now, Gloriosa Daisy has her nature branch vine powers, and the girls still have their superpowers." Wallflower said.

"Well I think you don't know this but... Ever since Sunset Shimmer came to Earth, she brought Equestrian magic there and its different on Earth." Twilight said. "Whoever uses Equestrian magic, it becomes a part of them for life. And my human counterpart destoryed the statue at CHS during the friendship games, and that means the magic is being spread out."

"So the memory stone is a part of me?" Wallflower asked.

"Yes. But it's only changing you a little. And when you stole all of Sunset's human memories, you must've so stole some of that bad magic she had when she stole my crown years ago." Twilight said.

"And some of that bad magic is a side effect of my becoming like the memory stone?" Wallflower asked.

"It would seem so." Starlight said.

"When Sunset stole my crown she turned into a demon." Twilight said. "the demon powers are only altering your body. Eventually you be like a colossus. Sorta."

"That's gonna be strange. Cause I have developed some muscles." Wallflower said.

"The memory stone's power and Sunset's demon magic is making you stronger. The process is only at 25%." Twilight said. "You'll still be yourself. You'll just have to adjust to your new magical powers."

"In a way, this can't be reversed." Starlight said.

"I see. Well I do like being a superhero. And so far nothing bad has happened to me. Only this body change. So I think I'll be okay." Wallflower said. "Thanks for checking me out your Highness."

"Your welcome Wallflower. If you like, you can train here to get use to combat."

"Maybe later. I got some hero things to do now. So I'll see ya another time." Wallflower said.

"Bye." Twilight and Starlight said as Wallflower walks back into the mirror.

"I hope she'll be okay." Twilight said.

"She's fine. She is a superhero after all.,x Starlight said.


Wallflower came out of the statue and was finally back to her human form. And she's a little nervous about what Princess Twilight said about her body changing thanks to the equestrian magic that was in the memory stone. But hey if the Thing can get use to being a rock person soncan Wallflower. She later went to the girls locker room at the gym to see her body and how it's changing. She does look a little buff then usual. She does some muscle poses to make herself look strong. She was very strong. She stopped for a while and put her clothes back on. She imagines how she would look like if the process was 100%. She would look cool, maybe to an equal strength like Applejack. She decided to go train a little while doing some patrolling. She did some push ups, sit ups and beat up some punching begs.

The next day...

It was Friday, and Wallflower was meeting Maud at the mall like they planned. "I see you made it in time. Impressive." Maud noticed that Wallflower had been working out a little. "Please tell me your wearing a bodybuilder suit." She asked sarcastically.

"No. I've been working out a little. But not too much. Bulk has shown me some cool workouts after told him my discovery." Wallflower said.

"Bulk Biceps knows your the Labyrinth?" Maud asked.

"He's been helping me with my powers." Wallflower said.

"You mind if I feel them?" Maud asked. Her face doesn't express emotion but her face was blushing red. She out her hand on Wallflower's arm and it was pure muscle. Wallflower is packing some guns. "Wow. You might be really strong. Like a rock." She said with a minor smile.

"That's kinda my discovery." Wallflower said. "The memory stone's magic is a part of me. And that means my skin is going to become stone. But I'll be able to move."

Maud was shocked. "Show me." Wallflower lift her sweater a little bit as Maud sees her belly and it feels like stone and with a strange symbol. "Wow. This is amazing. Your like going to be a rock person." She said.

"Well sorta. Come on. Let's go watch the movie." Wallflower said.


Wallflower and Maud walked out of the theaters. And they talk about their favorite part. "Man that was good movie. Who know that small girl with that magical bracelet can end up saving Neo-Tech." Wallflower said.

"Especially when that evil green gremlin with wings tried so hard to kill her." Maud said. "Reminds me of Spider-Girl. Her costume, her web powers. The fact that she has other powers like Twilight has."

"Yeah. I like to see that girl. She must be around Applebloom's age." Wallflower said.

"The movie she was 13." Maud said. "But anyways. I had a great time Wallflower."

"Yeah me too. Your sister is amazing but so are you in your own way." Wallflower said.

Maud put both her hands on the sides of Wallflower's cheeks. "Your really cute you know that Wallflower. That's kinda why I like you." Maud said as she kisses her on the lips. Wallflower eyes widened as she can hear music in the air...

"And I'm saying that because your body is stone, I really mean it." Maud said. "I like you."

"I like you too Maud. This is gonna be strange for your sister to hear." Wallflower said.

"I got two other sisters. They're not going to believe this either." Maud said. "But k don't mind dating a girl."

"Me neither." Wallflower said. "Let's go to the park. I can show you my powers."

"Sure thing." Maud said with a smile.


"Alright. You know what you got to do Zarda. I want you to cause some destruction at the park. Maybe Spider-Girl or one of her other friends will show up."

"What if that inferior Labyrinth tries to stop me like she did to that monster?" Zarda asked.

"Destory her." The voice said. "Doctor Spectrum will pick you up if you are defeated. And the views will go through the roof."

"Very well. But just so you know...

... Nighthawk may have given me orders to listen to you, but Zarda will not back down from a strong mortal like the Labyrinth."

To be continued...