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Rock crush?

"let her go Giganto! Or else you will feel my wrath!" Labyrinth said. Giganto roar as it threw Maud Pie to a car. Labyrinth was feeling a little nervous as her heart started pumping. "Okay Wallflower, now's not the time to play chicken. Your simply fighting an underground monster. It can't be that hard." She said to herself. Giganto charged at Labyrinth and she got out of the way and blasted some blue energy beams at the monster. It stunned it, and she got to the creature's face and beats it up. Giganto started to remember something like this happened before... An orange rock creature pummeling it till it was unconscious. And it's happening again to a green hair girl with glowing rock arms. Giganto roared in anger. And grabbed Labyrinth and slammed her to the ground.

Maud looks in awe, in her not showing way, as she records the fight between the Labyrinth and Giganto. She mostly looks at the Labyrinth, like she admires her. Cause her powers are pretty much rock based. "She's amazing." She said.

"Alright. Time to improvise." Labyrinth said. She put the glowing blue energy of her rock arms to the ground it created an energy rock spiral wave attack and it effected Giganto. The monster screamed in pain as it fell to the underground where it belongs. "And stay out!" Labyrinth said. "Boy, now I know how the Fantastic Four feel." She walked to where Maud was. "You okay girl?" She asked.

"... I'll be okay. I'm a tough girl. But k don't mind being carried to boost your heroic efforts on saving my life." Maud said.

"Okay?" Labyrinth said. "Come on." Labyrinth is very strong. She held onto to Maud as she picks her up and walks out of the Giganto debris.

A lot of people cheered as Labyrinth actually defeated a monster. "You know Labyrinth... You are one pretty amazing superhero. I hope to see you again sometime. Maybe without your costume." Maud said.

"Why would you want that?" Labyrinth asked.

"You'll see. Keep in touch." Maud said as she gives Labyrinth a kiss.

Labyrinth blushed a little. "Well I should probably get going. Till next time..." She said as she leaped away.


Away from everyone cheering as the Labyrinth left, a man in the air in a red spandex suit with a yellow cape looks over where Giganto was. Until he received a call. "...Great work on realising Giganto, Hyperion. Your making this job all too easy."

"It was easy. But it won't be for long if you keep holding off on my revenge." Hyperion said. "Your deal with Nighthawk was that me and Speed Demon would get our revenge on the one called Spider-Girl."

"Spider-Girl can be the least of your problems." The voice said.

"You and your squadron are going after her friends. You and Zarda take the Labyrinth, Speed Demon and Nighthawk get the rainbow speed girl, and Spectrum takes the bacon hair tease flame girl. You got it?"

"Why would I listen to you?" Hyperion asked.

"Because, with Nighthawk's permission... If you take out Labyrinth, I'll give you Canterlot City, then you can challenge Spider-Girl to the fight to the death. The perfect revenge. But you need to take them all out. You keep bringing villains to soften Labyrinth up. I'll inform your comrads the same thing with Sonic Rainboom and Teaserflame." The voice said.

"So be it." Hyperion said as he was done talking to his anonymous partner. "Just a little more time... And soon Spider-Girl, I will have my revenge for how you defeated me back in New York City..."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Yeah, Labyrinth and Sonic Rainboom are going to be connect for when they come together to fight the squadron supreme. The fight will be on Sonic Rainboom so I'll leave a links when i make the chapters on both The Labyrinth and Sonic Rainboom.

I got the idea from the arrowverse crossovers.