• Published 11th Dec 2019
  • 9,895 Views, 673 Comments

Equestria: The Afterlife - Timzocker201

What would you do, if you found yourself in an unknown location and couldn't move? That's the situation Markus finds himself in, after suffering a horrible fate.

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CH59: New Life

Life certainly is something wondrous. A being, a lifeform, a fragile combination of carbohydrates and proteins that can be brought down by something as simple as a single cut is yet able to do something that the most advanced technologies have yet to achieve – create life – and it was the wonder of life that had led Mystic Gem, the Elements of Harmony, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, as well as all of pony royalty (excluding Blueblood) to the Ponyville local hospital that day.

Scootaloo was shuffling nervously in her seat. She, the remaining CMC and the remaining elements were seated right next to the door, behind which her step-siblings were about to be born.

“Relax, dear Scootaloo.” Mortis said, as he sat on the other side of the waiting area, along with the other alicorns and Shining Armor. “Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash will both be well.”

Markus said that, even though he was in no better condition himself and him having to hide his nervousness to avoid blowing his cover didn’t help in the matter at all.

“Maybe she’s jus’ scared a’ you!” Applejack spat. “What’re ya dang varmint doin’ here anyways?”

“It is only proper etiquette to be present on such an occasion.” Mortis answered, although not quite genuinely. Of course, Markus wasn’t just here because etiquette required it, but because he felt that he should at least be present, when his children were born.

“Ah’m not so sure ‘bout that one. Ah just know there’s something yer hidin’! Don’t ya think ah can’t see that, ya hear?! Ah’m keeping an eye on ya!”

“Calm down, Applejack!” Cadence butted in. “Apart from the little incident at the wedding, he hasn’t done anything bad yet. On the contrary, he has even gone into the Everfree Forest to save your sister!” Applejack huffed and turned away at that. “Besides, as the Princess of Love, I can tell you that he holds no malicious feelings towards those two. Rather, he feels deeply connected to them. I would even say that he loves them.”

Suddenly, everypony in the room gave shocked looks to either Mortis or Cadence, except for Mystic, Celestia and Luna, who tried to look shocked, but failed miserably at it.

“You better keep your hooves off of her! Like you’ve said, Markus will return to his rightful place by her side and I will allow nopony other than him!” Shining Armor threatened after a while.

“Do not worry. I still intend to hold true to my word, for their rightful husband WILL return.” Mortis answered him calmly.

Applejack seemed like she, too, wanted to bark in again, but was stopped when they could hear noises from inside the room.

At first, it seemed like slightly pained groaning, which grew in intensity ever so slightly, before the room was filled with cries and screams of pain.

It had begun. Twilight and Rainbow were going into labour right at this moment, silencing the previously bickering ponies outside.

“Are you okay?” Mystic whispered into Markus’s ear as the others weren’t looking. He definitely didn’t seem to be ‘okay’.

Markus was sweating. This was the first time he witnessed childbirth and the need for him to stay in the role of Mortis wasn’t really helping him ease up. As much as he wanted to get inside there and be there for his beloved, he could do nothing but sit outside and listen to them scream in pain.

“Frankly: No, I’m not, but there’s nothing I can do but to wait it out, sadly.” Markus whispered back, meanwhile thinking about something that his mother had told him quite a few years back, when they had the talk about ‘The birds and the Bees’.

“It sounds worse than it is. It sounds worse than it is. It sounds worse than it is…” He told himself, repeating this one sentence to himself over and over again like a mantra and it did seem to work… at least until a particularly painful-sounding scream from Rainbow overshadowed everything they’d heard before.



Finally, the screams subsided, giving way to the sounds of two crying foals, as the doors to the room finally opened.

Scootaloo was the first to speed in and jump to Rainbows side, followed by the CMC, the Element bearers and the princesses. However, as they laid eyes on the infants for the first time, especially Twilight’s, they quickly signalled Markus to quickly take his leave and, as he too saw them, he immediately knew why.

“It is good to see you in good shape.” Mortis said neutrally as he turned around. “You shall know that Markus is just as happy as you probably are and that he is eagerly awaiting the day of your reunion.”

With that, he quickly retreated himself into the Death Realm, before anypony could make another move.

“Dear Celestia, I thought the Wonderbolts Exam was stressful, but THIS?” Rainbow exclaimed.

“I know Rainbow. I went through the same thing right next to you, remember?” Twilight said back.

“Yeah, but you had it easy. You only had to push soft wings through a canal that’s made to push out horns. I had to push a hard horn through a canal made for soft wings.”

“You do realize that both our foals were alicorns, right?” Twilight questioned.

“Yeah, but I figured that us being a Pegasus and a Unicorn respectively would negate the correlating parts in the context of what I just said.”

Twilight went to say something, but stopped and instead squinted at Rainbow beside her. Rainbow, meanwhile, was dreamily looking ahead, only on accident looking over and noticing Twilight’s stare.

“Eh, Twilight? What’s wrong?” She asked sheepishly.

“You know…” Twilight began. “The longer we live together, the more I get the feeling we are picking up some of the other’s traits.”

“Huh, really? What makes you say that?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, first of all, you just formed a grammatically correct sentence with vocabulary that I would normally have used. Secondly, you have yet to make any mention of ‘rad’, ‘cool’, ‘sick’ or ‘awesome’ since we started talking.”

“Oh really? Heh, that’s awesome!” Rainbow grinned.

“You just had to ruin it, didn’t you?” Twilight chuckled with faux annoyance.

“Yeah, really foul play there Rainbow! Now, could you please come here and help me?!” They suddenly heard Mystic cry from off to the side.

They both turned their heads and chuckled when they saw their friend and protector being assaulted by two infant alicorns. Being of equine heritage and alicorns at that, they were already quite active, even if they were only born a few hours ago.

One had latched onto her ear, dangling from it as he held fast with his – luckily toothless – muzzle. The other was meanwhile making a mess of her mane, latching into it and tugging on it, while simultaneously prodding at it with her hooves.

The two fresh mothers chuckled lightly, before Twilight levitated both of their foals to their respective mother. She looked over to her back, where she placed her foal, a colt with a red coat, purple mane and deep black eyes.

“You can’t just bite auntie Mystic’s ear like that, Dawnbreaker, nononono.” Twilight cooed and Rainbow was doing the same with her foal, a filly with a cyan coat, Rainbow hair, black horn and wings and blue eyes.

“And you shouldn’t eat her mane, Spectral Flash! It isn’t even tasty!”

“Yeah, har har, very funny, you two.” Mystic commented dryly, making the other two giggle. “Now let’s get going back to the castle. I really need to fix my mane and you two could probably use some rest.”

They reached the castle a few minutes later. Mystic went ahead with Twilight and Rainbow following suit. However, as they reached the middle of the entrance hall, they stopped and looked around nervously. Something was wrong. Something was VERY wrong.

“Spike?” Twilight called.

“Scootaloo?” Rainbow did as well.

However, neither got an answer.

They slowly moved onwards towards the Central hall, which held the map, in hopes of maybe finding answers in there. And indeed, they did.

“Twilight Sparkle! Finally, we meet again!” A mare called from the middle of the room, once they had entered. A mare, whom they had not expected to meet again so soon…

“Starlight Glimmer!” Rainbow hissed as she made herself ready to either pounce the mare or take to the air.

“Yes, it is me. You have ruined my life! I have come to do the same to you. I am going to take the most precious thing you possess from you! Your stupid friendship!”

She lifted two ripped pieces of parchment into the air, showing off to her three opponents.

Twilight gasped. “Is that Starswirl’s Timespell?!”

“Hah, yes, it is. I am going to go back in time and prevent you from ever becoming friends!”

She slowly levitated the pieces towards each other, setting the lower parts of the fragments together and working her way upwards, until –


A lighting suddenly flashed across the room and struck the parchment, burning it to ash in the blink of an eye.

“NOOOOOO! STARSWIRL’S TIMESPELL!!” Twilight and Starlight screamed together, before fixing Mystic with glares.

“What?” Mystic defended. “Do you really think I’m just going to sit here and wait while my opponent waves her weapon of choice directly in front of my face? Twilight, please, where do you think we are? A foals cartoon series?”

“NO!” Starlight screamed. “No! It can’t be! My revenge!” She looked over at Twilight and Rainbow and they both looked back at her in return. “No! That just can’t be!”

Twilight sighed, having gotten a hold of herself again and together with Rainbow, she advanced on the mare.

“N-No, don’t come closer! I’m going to blast you away!” She threatened, making both mares stop.

“Starlight please, you don’t have to do this!” Twilight pleaded.

“Yes, I have! You’ve ruined everything! Now I’m going to ruin YOU!”

“No, that isn’t what’s really wrong! Starlight, trust me, I know. From the moment I saw you the first time, I knew that there was something deep inside you that was hurting you every day. You lost somepony, didn’t you, Starlight?”

For a moment, Starlight froze. How could she know that? She never told anypony about this, not even the closest of her subjects! “H-How?! How do you know that?!” Starlight screamed.

“We lost somepony too, you know? It hurt us, mentally, as well as physically.” Twilight softly told her, slowly closing the distance again.

“And how could your—OUCH!! HEY!!” Starlight shouted, as suddenly, something small and… red? Was dangling from her horn.

Twilight quickly checked her back and found that her passenger has indeed left his seat.

“OW! What… what is going on here?!” Starlight struggled, as Spectral Flash joined in on her half-brother’s game, jumping on Starlights back and giggling, while Dawnbreaker kneaded her face.

“Ufffnfffwhapp iff goin’ on?!”

The room was filled with baby-ish giggling, as Starlight tried to shake them off somehow. Meanwhile, Mystic, Rainbow and Twilight were fighting back their giggles.

“ENOUGH!” Starlight screamed. In a flash of magic, Dawnbreaker and Spectral Flash were suddenly suspended in the air, surrounded by Starlight’s magic aura.

Twilight and Rainbow wanted to step in, but stopped when Starlight lit her horn a bit brighter.

“One wrong move and I will toast them!” She threatened. “Now tell me, how does your loss even COMPARE to mine?”

Twilight looked up to the two foals floating around beside Starlight’s head. When she looked back down, she was wearing a benevolent smile, just like Celestia always had when she needed to be calmed down.

“Because the one whom we’ve lost… was the father of these two foals.” She said, which apparently held the desired effect.

Starlight’s eyes went wide, as she heard this. “Y-You mean… You’ve lost your special somepony?”

“Yes. He died in the battle of Canterlot and in all honesty… for a while I even considered going after him – to just end it right there and be together with him again.” Twilight sighed. “However, he wouldn’t have wanted this. His will actually specifically stated that. He wanted us to live on and to overcome our grief and so, we did. For him.” She looked at Starlight again, still wearing that smile and slowly advanced towards her.

Meanwhile, Spectral Flash floated by one of Starlight’s ears just close enough to paw it with her forehooves and giggle when doing so.

“I think she likes you.” Twilight commented. Starlight levitated her down to her face, looking her over. She didn’t have any foals of her own and she couldn’t even comprehend what it must’ve felt like to lose their father.

“I-I…” Starlight stammered. She knew she had lost, but why didn’t she feel like she did? Why did it feel like even though she lost, she might even have gained something from this?

“I… I don’t know what to do anymore!” She started to cry, first softly, then a bit more forcefully. Then, she suddenly felt hooves wrap around her and as she opened her eyes, she saw Twilight Sparkle pull her into a hug. That was the moment that her tears were finally freed and the floodgates burst open.

She cried. She cried out all the pain that had accumulated over the years. Sometime during her weeping, she felt a second pair of hooves wrap around her, but she didn’t care. She felt humiliated, showing her feelings so openly to somepony, who was her enemy only moments before, but in a way, she felt also… relieved. All this pain that had been weighing her down for all those years had finally been released and when her crying finally stopped, she saw Twilight in a completely new light.

“Starlight, let me show you what friendship can truly be. Let me and my friends show you the magic of friendship and introduce you to its wonders. Let me make you my first student.” Twilight offered.

“Yes. Yes, I will become your student.” Starlight sniffed happily.

“Good.” Twilight said, as she and Rainbow tightened the hug.

And tightened it even more.

And more.

And even more.

Okay, this was getting uncomfortable.

And yet they tightened more.


“G-Girls… I c-can’t breathe!” Starlight wheezed, however Twilight and Rainbow didn’t loosen their grips.

“There’s one last thing that needs to be addressed though.” Twilight said in a slightly aggressive sounding tone, as she and Rainbow slowly pulled back, wearing faux smiles that only barely covered the angry expressions they tried to hide.

“Where is Spike?” Twilight asked.

“…And Scootaloo?” Rainbow added.

“Wh-Who?” Starlight wheezed again, suddenly finding herself freed of the death-grip and stumbling backwards.

“The drake and the filly, where are they?!” Twilight demanded, lightning sparking around her horn.

“Th-The drake and the filly?” Starlight repeated numbly.

“Yeah. Where are they?” Rainbow repeated a bit more aggressively.

Starlight gulped, already seeing herself getting beaten up by these two clearly furious mares. “I-I p-put a sleep spell on the drake and I- uh s-send the filly into her room.”

Twilight’s and Rainbow’s expressions suddenly blanked out at that. “Wait, she just did so when you told her?” Rainbow asked.

“Uh, y-yeah? I-I mean, you need a bit more t-than a cutie mark-stealing staff to run a t-town, you k-know?” Starlight answered sheepishly.

Twilight and Rainbow stared at each other, their faces unreadable, before they looked back at Starlight, making her gulp again.

Suddenly, they lunged forward, grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her back and forth.


Author's Note:

Is it weird when I say that about half the time I needed for this chapter was spent on thinking about how to name the foals? really, I may be bad with emotions, but I am even worse with names :twilightsheepish:

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