• Published 11th Dec 2019
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Equestria: The Afterlife - Timzocker201

What would you do, if you found yourself in an unknown location and couldn't move? That's the situation Markus finds himself in, after suffering a horrible fate.

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CH76: The beginning of the End

While Vinyl and Octavia were patrolling around Ponyville, there were three ponies standing near the factory’s entrance of the base. Mystic and the two captains that were with her were currently discussing the upcoming operations and which part who was going to play.

“So the plan is basically to let the remaining guards and the militia defend Ponyville, while you shadows just… rush in and hope for the best? Do I have to point out, how idiotic that is?” The solar captain pointed out.

“If you leave out the important bits like that, yes it sounds idiotic. However, if you add in that we have intel that both princesses are in Canterlot AND that we have a few new toys to play with, then it already looks like a mildly decent plan.” Mystic defended.

“Yes, but ‘mildly decent’ isn’t perfect by a long shot, you know?” the solar captain countered.

“You’re just miffed because you don’t get to fight on the front lines. I think ‘mildly decent’ is all we need.” The lunar captain spoke up.

“You’re just trying to get on her good side in hopes of getting to the front yourself.” The solar captain deadpanned.

As a response, the lunar captain shrugged. “It was worth a try. In the end, serving on the homefront shouldn’t be too bad. After all, it is very likely that both parties will retaliate against us.”

“Which is exactly, why you two are staying back, to make sure that we have a line to fall back to, in case something goes wrong.” Mystic clarified.

“A plan as important as this one shouldn’t be able to go wrong.” The solar captain muttered.

“A completely failsafe plan would require a lot of time to be laid out and time is a luxury that we don’t have. You both have your orders, now dismissed.”

Twilight was nervous. VERY nervous. Just a few hours ago the news came that Nightmare Moon had started her assault on Canterlot, which meant that their assault would soon follow. Not only would that mean setting everything on this one chance, but she would also have to leave Dawnbreaker and Spectral Flash behind with only Scootaloo watching them.

Not that she didn`t trust the filly to do such things, especially since she now had a hoof in her education herself. It was just that Spectral Flash and Dawnbreaker were Alicorn Foals, which tended to be a bit more… stressful.

Despite this, Scootaloo ensured both of them that she was no little filly anymore and that she could handle the two of them. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle would certainly help her if she needed it.

“Although I get the feeling that that would only make the ensuing chaos a lot bigger.” Twilight said to Rainbow, as they ascended the stairs into one of the Castle’s spires.

“Yeah. Let’s just hope she manages to sit them on her own.” Rainbow said, while rubbing her neck.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine. Right now we should focus on what lies ahead of us.” Twilight reminded, just as they reached the top of the staircase. They took a turn to the right and found themselves in a small hallway, in which one door led to the main balcony, where Markus stood near the railing and looked through his binoculars towards Canterlot.

The two mares joined him, Twilight on his left, closer to the railing and Rainbow on his right, towards the middle of the platform.

In the distance, one could hear and see spellfire. Distant shouts rang through the air, as a skirmish close by became more and more heated and the fighters more and more desperate.

Several of these skirmishes dotted the path between Ponyville and Canterlot, as the final frontline between the two warring parties ran exactly along that line. Not exactly an ideal situation for Markus, but it would have to suffice.

The biggest battle however, took place immediately around Canterlot. Nightmare Moon’s troops were currently besieging the ancient Unicorn City and Markus was watching with interest.

“So, how’re things looking?” Rainbow asked.

“Thus far, very little has changed. They’re still trying to get through the gate and judging by what it took last time, I doubt that they will get past it in a timely manner.” Markus assessed.

“But… that means that we can’t carry out your plan, doesn’t it?” Twilight worried.

“It would probably, if anyone apart from me had made this plan. Of course I already ordered an Infiltrator to be posted in their defensive lines and destroy the gate. Our attack will begin tomorrow at 0900, so make sure you are ready for that.” Markus explained, without taking the binoculars down.

“Oh, okay then… I guess we should… make ourselves ready.” Twilight said slowly, before retreating. After all she knew Markus long enough to know that once he was in his ‘zone’, there was very little that could bring him to do anything else.

I-666 ‘Zeta’ was a very experienced infiltrator drone. The fact that she was allowed to carry a name attested to that, as it was a right only given to the elite of the elite.

Everyling always wondered how Thorax managed to get one, but noling ever dared – or cared - to ask.

Zeta’s task was simple: Infiltrate the solar troops in Canterlot and plant a bomb on the gate’s mechanics to allow the lunar troops to enter. A simple task, really. Especially given that she had already infiltrated the troops guarding Canterlot months ago and had even made a few ‘friends’ within it. Thus, she found it fairly easy to enter the gatehouse, especially since they were currently under siege and everypony’s attention was elsewhere.

Inside the Gatehouse, there were two large pedestals on either side of the gate, upon which sat two crystals. These two crystals were the core of the magical wards that protected the gate and surrounding structures by using magical resonances to create a strong anti-magic field around the Gate which was even strong enough to deflect larger physical objects. Smaller and/or faster ones may get through though, although there are very few objects that small and fast that deal enough damage to also get through the several hundred armor spells that are embedded withing each of the gate’s wings.

Luckily, Zeta didn’t have to get through them, as the structure had one fatal flaw: as soon as either one of the crystals fell out of alignment, the whole anti-magic field would collapse, leaving the gate vulnerable to attacks. In addition to that, the magic-removing effect of the crystals made it impossible to magically reinforce the gatehouse, so it had to be physically armored up. The problem with that was that it was only armored up on the outside. On the inside, however, it was still very voulnerable.

A well-placed explosive charge could dislodge the Crystal and make part of the interior walls crumble, starting a chain reaction which would (hopefully) eventually lead to the tower falling in on itself. The Gates, in return, would then just fall over, as no magical ward in Equestria could change the fact that such massive doors need hinges to hang on.

Zeta was just about done with setting up the bomb, when the unthinkable happened. At first, she only heard faint hoofsteps from behind. Then more. And then even more.

“So, you were a traitor after all, huh?” A familiar voice asked, more like a statement.

Zeta turned around as calmly as she could and looked onto the newcomer with feigned confusion.

“What, me? No! What makes you think that?” She asked.

“Oh, don’t try to feign innocence, I know you just tried to rig the crystal with something!” The guardspony pushed.

He was one of those earlier mentioned ‘friends’ that Zeta had made, although something seemed fishy about him from the start and Zeta was now slowly realizing what.

“What? Oh, no, no, you’ve got it all wrong. I was just checking if the crystals were still safe. Those last few hits were pretty hard, after all.” Zeta tried to defend.

“Hahaha, nice try. Unfortunately for you, Princess Daybreaker already told me that you might be a traitor from the start.” The Guard chuckled, while a few others came in and blocked all the exit paths.

“Heh, so you really were a counter-spy. Never thought you guys had one.”

“Oh please, did you really think the most powerful princess in Equestria wouldn’t notice if a few very curious accidents crippled half of her troops? You must’ve been really stupid to think that would work. Now, cease your actions and surrender, lunar scum!”

A short smile flew over Zeta’s features. If they really thought she was a lunar spy, then she might still have a chance.

“I will never surrender to you traitors! For Nightmare Moon!” She shouted, before launching forwards… into an already erected barrier.

“Ha! As if I wouldn’t see that coming! You lunars really are stupid!” The guard laughed, while Zeta was flung back behind the crystal.

“Now surrender. Nightmare Moon will lose this war anyways, so there’s nothing for you to hope for!” The guard demanded.

“Heh, Queen Nightmare Moon is strangely close to Canterlot for a defeat, don’t you think?” Zeta snarked as she got up, sitting halfway behind the Crystal’s pedestal.

“That’s only a temporary setback. Nightmare Moon may be near Canterlot, be she will never be in Canterlot. We will make sure she won’t.”

“Pff, a bunch of golden-armoured idiots trying to hold off a goddess? Good luck with that.” Zeta provoked, adding a drawn-out laugh on the end, for good measure.

“I wouldn’t take my muzzle too full if I were you. Now, enough chit chat, surrender! Now!” the guard demanded again.

“I will never surrender!”

“Then you will die!”

The guard suddenly flew forwards with his spear aimed directly at Zeta. The metal tip pierced through her armor and came out on the other side, ripping a wide hole into Zeta’s barrel.

“You lost, scum.” The guard whispered aggressively towards Zeta. The dying changeling barely managed to keep up her disguise, but yet managed a smile.

“And what makes you think that it isn’t you, who lost?” She wheezed, while slowly turning her gaze to where her hoof had been pressing a big, red button on the bomb. The guard followed and his eyes went wide, when he saw the timer quickly count down.




Applejack was almost done with her fieldwork – at least she would’ve been, if she did it for work’s sake. Sadly, the reason was something - or rather, somepony else, who also just happened to be currently trotting up to her.

“Hey, sis.” Big Mac greeted, clad in an olive-green uniform with a few pouches on it and a green-painted spear hanging on his side.

“H-Hey, Mac.” Applejack answered, not daring to look at her brother.

“You know, why ah had ta choose this way, sis. Ah have tah protect our family.” Big Mac stated, but before he could say any more, Applejack suddenly spun around.

“But that’s the thing! Ya don’t! Ah’m already goin’ out there tah end th’ war! Ya don’t have ta throw yer life away!”

“But yer always out there an’ ahm sittin’ here an’ doin’ nothing but wait for ya and yer friends ta save Equestria again! This is different. This time, ah wanna help ya, even if it’s jus’ keeping the back line safe so ya have somethin’ to come home to.” Mac shot back.

“There’s plenty others already doin’ that, Mac! Please, Ah don’t wanna come home an’ hear yer dead!” Applejack pleaded.

“One pony might make the difference between victory an’ defeat, sis. Ah can’t jus’ leave everypony else hangin’ b’cause ya can’t stand me takin’ a risk!”

“Ah can’t stand ya riskin’ that Apple Bloom might lose both her siblings!” Applejack shouted.

“An how’re you doin`anything different?” Big Mac shouted back.

“Well, ah’m gonna be protected by Markus an’ the Shadow Guard, while yer goin’ ta be directly on the front lines on yer own!”

“Ah’m not gonna be alone! There’s plenty a guards left with us and then there`s the rest o’ tha milita! B’sides, yer gonna be facin’ both princesses directly at th` same time, while ah only have ta worry about some idiots from one side.” Mac countered.

“Ah know, but…” Applejack paused, trying to come up with another argument. However, no matter how much she tried to come up with one, she couldn’t find another and when she finally realized this, she sat down and started to cry.

Big Mac went over to her and took her into a brotherly embrace. “Sorry, sis. Ah’ve made mah decision.” He said softly.

“But ya can still turn back! Please, Mac! Please!” Applejack pleaded.

At that moment, an ear-shattering explosion thundered through the air and in the distance, one could see one of the gate spires in Canterlot crumble down and the gate fall.

“Ah’m afraid, it’s already too later fer that.”

Author's Note:

The end draws near! Will Markus's plan work out? Will Big Mac survive? Well, I guess you'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out. :twilightsmile:

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