• Published 11th Dec 2019
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Equestria: The Afterlife - Timzocker201

What would you do, if you found yourself in an unknown location and couldn't move? That's the situation Markus finds himself in, after suffering a horrible fate.

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Ch73: War in Heaven

The war of the immortals had left Equestria in shambles. Few actually knew the reason for the war, but everypony saw the destruction it had brought.

It all had started relatively tame. The loyalists of both sides fought over dominance everywhere they were present, without any actually existing borders. Then, when dominance was established, those of the winning party tried to establish contact with the surrounding villages, to see where their friends and foes were.

Mostly, they met allied forces, as Equestria always had a strong west-east divide regarding their preferred patronage and those few that had the bad luck of finding themselves alone amongst enemies didn’t last long.

Most of the ponies chose to stay neutral, out of fear of conflict and because they didn’t want to choose a patron alike. However, this wasn’t acceptable to their overlord and many of them were either pressed or brainwashed into following their deity into battle. Those few who were lucky enough to not be chosen, were either forced to work the war machine or managed to escape somehow.

The Solar and Lunar Guard joined their respective patron’s side, with only very few acknowledging the corrupted state they were in and defecting to seek a cure for the disease or joining one of the neutral parties. However, there were also those who chose to fight, even though they saw that something was wrong, as the risk of defection was high. Only very few that did were ever even heard of again, as the princesses were personally hunting them down.

The Royal Guard was split into three camps. Half of it remained neutral and tried to uphold order, while a quarter each joined one of the corrupted princesses. However, the position of the neutral camp was quickly crumbling, as they found themselves sandwiched between two warmongering giants whose power grew with every day that passed and while Daybreaker, formerly princess Celestia, and Nightmare Moon, formerly princess Luna, had declared that they shall not attack any guardsponies that chose to remain neutral, the guards quickly learned that that promise only applied to the alicorns personally. Thus, the remaining neutral guardsponies found themselves faced with three choices: join one of the extremist parties and participate in the war, join one of the neutral parties and try to survive or make a glorious last stand, trying to uphold the order they once swore to protect. Most chose the second option, while the remaining few chose the first. Only a hoofful of lunatics chose the third option.

While there were actually quite a few places that managed to remain neutral – mostly larger cities or regions that had very little to do with the princesses anyways, like Cloudsdale or Appleloosa – those who fled had two prime targets: The Crystal empire, as a sovereign nation, had the political grounds, as well as the defensive capabilities to remain stable in the throes of civil war. In fact, Shining Armor, the prince of the Empire, led a good portion of the neutral guard there, while the others scattered all over Equestria.

The second biggest target was Ponyville and the surrounding smaller settlements. Of course, they also had a big skirmish there, as the ponyvillians tended to be quite extremist. However, since they had their own pair of alicorns there, most of the extremists were actually followers of Markus and Twilight and thus quickly got rid of most of the rioters. It also helped that the Shadow Guard didn’t split up, since they already had their own patron to rally behind.

That being said, they weren’t over the hill just yet. Even if their internal problems had been solved rather quickly, they still found themselves poised against overwhelming numbers on two fronts at the same time. The fact that Delta hadn’t shown itself since the parade and that Alpha was mysteriously occupied with some secret mission, didn’t make things easier, as that meant that it stayed solely with Bravo and Charlie to defend Ponyville and its surroundings. Something that was not an easy task as, while they were the strongest in ponypower among the other companies, they were also the least combat experienced.

Charlie in particular had a big problem at first, since being a motorized company, their training up until now was mostly focused on mobile warfare and even these lessons couldn’t be finished before the war started.

However, other than crumbling defenses, the refugees also had another problem on their hooves: both parties were hunting down and killing those who tried to flee, sometimes slaughtering entire villages that were travelling together.

One of these cases happened right in front of Markus’s eyes, when a trek of a few hundred ponies came into sight, tightly followed by a few solar loyalists. Of course the shadow guard stepped in, however they only managed to save about half of the refugees.

Markus grit his teeth, as he watched the survivors mourn their dead. He wanted to save those poor, innocent lives so desperately, yet his hands were bound. Ponyville was simply not powerful enough to launch a counter-offensive. Sure, they had the Shadow Guard, but who would defend their homes while they were on the assault?

For the umpteenth time since this war began, Twilight found Markus looming over the strategic map he had put over the CutieMap, likely about to spend another sleepless night trying to find a way out of this hopeless situation.

“Markus, please, you can’t keep doing this to yourself.” Twilight said softly, as she entered the room and stood beside him.

“You keep telling me that and yet, I see innocent civillians get slaughtered every day and there are many more that I don’t see. If there was at least a way to save them, this would all be a lot easier.”

“Then why don’t you just do that first? I’m sure you can come up with some sort of plan like back in Gryphonia.” Twilight offered.

“Gryphonia was different. Back then there only was a single target and we only had a single front line to worry about. This time, we have two front lines and thousands of Villages, some of which likely aren’t even on the map.” He ranted.

“Then… have you ever thought about a non-military solution?”

“…Come again?” Markus asked, dumbfounded.

“I mean, why do we need to fight to assure those ponies are safe? Wouldn’t a non-violent solution be more appropriate, given what we are trying to accomplish?” Twilight argued.

“Maybe… but seeing as we are only dealing with untrustworthy figures, I doubt that the diplomatic approach will work…” Markus dismissed.

“Maybe the daemons that possess them aren’t, but I believe that somewhere in there, they are still there. We only need to appeal to their good side.” Twilight offered.


“Yes. If you like it or not, I’ll be coming with you.” Twilight said firmly.

“Ah, alright. Actually, that’s a good idea since you have a way better relation to Celestia than I have.” Markus said.

Twilight stood still for a moment and blinked a few times, before staring at Markus, which made him visibly uncomfortable.

“Uhhh, Twilight? What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Hmm? Oh, uh, nothing, it’s just… I’m still getting used to you not stopping me when I want to take action.”

“TAKE ACTION?! Count me in!” Rainbow suddenly screamed while barging into the room.

“Alright, you can join Twilight.” Markus quickly said.

“And don’t you even try talking me—wait, what?” Rainbow stopped, when she noticed what Markus had actually said.

“Yeah, that was almost my reaction when he said that.” Twilight commented to that.

“Wow, I… I really need to get used to you not stopping us anymore.”

“Yeah, I said something similar as well…” Twilight commented again.

“So, anyways, what’s the plan? I know I already said that I’m in, but… would be good to know anyways.” Rainbow said sheepishly, to which Markus and Twilight rolled their eyes in amusement.

“Yeah, well, the short version is that we are going to talk to both, Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker and try to get them to give the refugees free passage.”

“Wait, so we’re going to them directly? Like face-to-face, in one room, together?” Rainbow asked.

“Uhh, yes, that’s mostly how talking works, why?” Twilight answered.

“Then why don’t we just blast both of them with the elements and be done with it? This just looks like it would be adding extra steps!”

“I also considered that at first, but there is a problem: We only have one set of elements, but two evil goddesses in two different locations. The moment one is taken out, the forces of the other will likely win the upper hoof and push back the other, which would not only make the remaining one likely win the war, but it would also hurt the civillians on the losing side quite a lot.” Markus explained.

Twilight and Rainbow looked at each other for a moment, silently asking the other if they understood what Markus had meant.

“Uhh, why? I mean sure, I saw the gryphons destroy whole villages, but why do you think ponies would do that to other ponies?” Rainbow finally asked.

“Because they think different. They follow a different ideology and therefore must be eliminated.”

“But they didn’t choose to do that! Most of them don’t even want to fight in the first place!” Rainbow argued.

“So? That doesn’t make a difference to the attacker. As an analogy, let’s say a bug – or better yet, a Changeling flew into your room, completely by accident. Would you care that it was by accident?” Markus asked pointingly.

“Well… if it was one of the new ones, I would.” Twilight answered, while looking away.

“Of course, but I’m talking about the old ones.” Markus pressed.

Twilight looked around the room, tying to avoid eye contact, before finally dropping her head and sighing.

“Yeah, I guess you got me there. So, first we get everypony into safety and then we can finally cure the princesses.”

“Yep. Also, speaking about changelings: I was wondering, why Thorax hasn’t intervened in these past weeks, or taken up communications with us at least. Do you know something?” Markus asked, to which Twilight suddenly appeared to grow quite red.

“Uhh, yeah, uhh… well, it would seem that most of the reformed Changelings, apart from Thorax and Pharynx, were female, so… they have been kinda busy, ahem, ‘repopulating’ their species.” Twilight answered, her blush growing deeper with every spoken word.

Now, it was Markus’s turn to look at Twilight like a deer in the headlights, while sporadically blinking and moving his mouth like a fish out of the water.


Nightmare Moon looked over the vast landscapes that formed north-east Equestria, when a swathe of black smoke landed next to her, swirled upwards and formed a red alicorn stallion. Without looking over, she greeted the newcomer.

“Welcome, prince Markus. I had already asked myself, when you would come to surrender.”

“I greet you as well, Nightmare Moon. Although, sadly I have to tell you that I have not come to surrender.” Markus said.

Nightmare chuckled at his reply and looked over to him. She mustered him from top to bottom while she spoke.

“Oh dear, what a shock. I really thought you were the most intelligent of them all.” She snarked.

“Intelligence means to be able to assess a situation. I have assessed that if we were to surrender, you would likely not spell mercy upon us.” Markus replied.

“Very well. So what is it that you have come here for?” Nightmare asked with another chuckle.

“I have come to propose you a deal. A treaty, if you so will.”

“Oh? Well, what might this be? Are you trying to wiggle yourself out of my grasp with some cheap bureaucracy? Nice try, but that isn’t going to work.” Nightmare hissed.

“Oh, dear Nightmare, please stay calm for the moment and just listen to what I have to say.”

Nightmare Moon eyed Markus distrustingly for a moment, before she sat down and motioned with her hoof. “Very well, go on. But don’t get your hopes too high.”

“Good to see that you are open for negotiations.” Markus commented with a short smirk. “So: as you might now, the war you are currently fighting is not only fought by you yourself, but mainly by soldiers, who have joined your cause.”

“Yes?” Nightmare interrupted with a raised eyebrow.

“As such, it isn’t always within your control what your soldiers do, which sadly happens to be quite atrocious.”

“Oh, you mean the headhunting and such? That was my personal order. What? Did you think I would let these foolish little traitors escape?!” Nightmare hissed threateningly.

“No, I did not. However, it would be the wiser choice.”

“And why would that be?”

“Because no pony rules alone. Not even you. For a country to work, you need a workforce, beaurocrats, diplomats, all that and much more and you can’t just fill all these roles on your own. You need subjects. However, the current war is taking a toll not only on your soldiers, but on the civillians as well.” Markus pointed out.

“And so I take it, you came here to propose a solution to that problem?” Nightmare asked, still very distrustingly.

“Indeed. If you were to let them escape to Ponyville, I would take care of them until this war is over and they can return to their homes. I myself, as well as Twilight, the element bearers and Ponyville will then join the winner, which, by my assessment, will be you.” Markus said.

“Ohohohoh.” Nightmare chuckled. “You truly have a keen eye and a sharp mind, I’ll give you that.” She said, before mumbling to herself.

“Hmm, having one front less to worry about would indeed be good. It would also lower the chance of revolts… Very well, I shall accept the treaty… on one condition.”

“Which would be?”

“After I have won the war, you shall become my husband.” Nightmare said neutrally.

“Oh my, I did not know you were holding such feelings towards me.” Markus chuckled.

And likewise did Nightmare. “Of course not. However, having the power to control death itself permanently bound to my side would be a boon I would be truly foolish to let slip.” She explained.

“I see. Very well, I accept your terms. Now, let us sign the treaty.” Markus said, before producing an empty roll of parchment and a quill and starting to write.

We, the delegates of Ponyville and the Lunar Republic, with the powers granted upon us, hereby commonly agree to the terms written within this treaty.
Thus, the Lunar Republic shall henceforth allow their citizens to seek refuge within the borders of the neutral territory of Ponyville. In exchange, Ponyville will be annexed by the winning side of the war, once said war has concluded. Additionally, upon Lunar victory, the delegate of Ponyville, Prince Markus Becker shall be bound to the delegate of the Lunar Republic, Nightmare Moon, in political marriage.

Both sides read over this a few times and once both were satisfied, both signed the treaty. Markus gave a short bow, before dissolving into a cloud of black smoke and returning back to Ponyville.

There, he was greeted by Rainbow and Twilight, who had also just returned from their trip to Canterlot.

“So, did everything work out on your end?” Markus asked them.

“Yep, zero problemo! Really, why were you even worried in the first place?” Rainbow bragged.

“Very good.” Markus said, ignoring Rainbow’s brag. “Then, I shall now commence phase B.” He said, before taking a small piece of parchment, writing on it and sending it away in a small, black flame.

“Uhhh, what was that?” Twilight asked.

“That? Oh, that was something similar to Spike’s message spell. Just now, I sent a message to the leader of Delta, who is going to relay it to all the agents spread out over Equestria. We will be receiving the first few refugees soon enough.” Markus explained.

“Ah… so now we just… sit here and wait?” Rainbow asked.

“Yes, we do indeed. Now, how about some tea?”

“Oh yes, tea is good. I’ll go and boil up some water!” Twilight chimed, before trotting ahead.

Markus smirked down at Rainbow for a moment, before she gave in and said: “Okay, fine, I guess tea sounds good. I’ll go get some fresh tea leaves from the market.” She said, before zooming off as well.

I the north-east of Equestria, deep within Lunar territory, lay the rebuilt town of ‘Hoovesville’. Within said town, there was a small house, within which a young stallion and his marefriend were eating breakfast.

“You know what, honey?” the mare asked.

“What, my love?”

“I think you make the best sandwiches in all of Equ-Woah!” She exclaimed, when suddenly, a green flame erupted on eye-level with the stallion and a small note floated down from it.

‘Abandon cover, commence operation ‘Homecoming’’ it read and judging by his look, the stallion knew exactly what this meant.

“D-Darling? What is this? What does it mean?” the mare asked confusedly and the stallion gently put his hoof over hers.

“Honey, you know that I love you, right?” He asked gently.

“Wh-Y-yes, I do.” The mare answered, while frantically nodding.

“And you know that I would never betray you, no matter what happens, right?” He asked further.

“Sneak? I-I really don’t like where this is going.”

“Please, my love, just stay calm. Nothing is wrong and when all of this is over, we can go back to just being a couple. Right now though, I have a few things to do.” He said, before getting up and walking over to a wall.

“After what is over? Sneak? Sneak, what—“ She stopped, when Sneak pushed a button on the wall and the entire section flipped over, to reveal a black uniform that she had already seen once.

“Wait, a-are you an… are you an agent?” She asked wth a hint of fear lingering within her emotions.

“Yes, I am. I am a member of the Delta Company of the Shadow Guard.” He said, while slipping into his uniform. He then went over to her again, to which she flinched back at first, and held her hoof.

“But dear, I assure you that my love to you is real and that, whatever will happen, I will come back to you.” He said, before planting a loving kiss onto her lips and putting on his helmet and mask.

He went over to the door, behind which there was another stallion apparently waiting for him to come out.

“Hey, Sneaky Step, wha—OH MY!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!” He immediately shouted, though Sneaky Step remained calm.

“Don’t worry, Dawn, everything will be okay.” He said, while pushing past his friend.

“Hey, come back here!” Dawn said, but didn’t follow. Instead, he looked into the house and saw the mare come towards the door and sorrowfully look after the weird pony that just left.

“Wait, wait, was that…” He started and trailed off. The mare nodded in reply, just as she watched, how her beloved Sneaky Step was joined by two other uniformed ponies, with whom he then went to the town hall.

“Citizens of Hoovesville!” He shouted, getting the attention of the crowd.

The mare didn’t understand the rest, as she was too busy contemplating her own feelings. Despite having just found out that her coltfriend likely wasn’t her real coltfriend, she still felt deeply attracted to him. She still loved him from the core of her heart and that confused her even more. And so, when Sneak appeared to be done with his announcement and came back, she couldn’t help but wonder aloud:

“Oh Sneaky, what’s this all supposed to mean?”

Author's Note:

The first line of this chapter is taken from the intro of the 2008 Strategy game 'Lost Empire: Immortals', for anyone, who was wondering. :raritywink:

Also, I've put my other project on hold until this one is finished. Yay, more frequent chapters! :pinkiehappy:

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