• Published 11th Dec 2019
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Equestria: The Afterlife - Timzocker201

What would you do, if you found yourself in an unknown location and couldn't move? That's the situation Markus finds himself in, after suffering a horrible fate.

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CH63: Nowhere to go back again

“And why did they look at me like that anyways? Surely, they must have heard about the GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE!”

Starlight and Trixie came back early in the evening from their trip to Starlight’s former town. She had been invited to participate in the festivities there and was allowed to bring a friend. Obviously, her choice fell on the first friend she had made: Trixie.

“Eeeeh, sorry, but I think I did a very good job of isolating us back in the day… hehehe.” Starlight chuckled dryly.

“Hmpf, I can’t blame them for being mad at you, if that isolation made them miss out on shows by the GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE! I definitely have to visit them again and give them an encore!”

“Yeah, I thought you would say something like that.” Starlight playfully rolled her eyes, while she and Trixie got off the train and made their way through Ponyville.

“So… how about we do something together, huh? We could go shopping or maybe we could do some magic tricks or—“

“Sure, we can, but first I’ll have to get my grades from Twilight.” Starlight cut Trixie off, just as they reached the front door of the Castle.

“Oh, really? Is that friendship-stuff really so important to you?” Trixie scoffed.

“Says the one asking me to go shopping with them, like a friend. And yes, it is important to me. Twilight gave me a second chance and I am more than willing to repay that favour.”

Without waiting for Trixie’s response, Starlight pushed the doors open and stepped into the main hallway. She expected Spike to be there and greet her or at least hear the two foals play somewhere. However, only silence greeted her.

“Huh, that’s odd.” She thought as she traversed the empty corridors on her way to the only room she could think of where everypony could have gone. And indeed, when she and Trixie reached the doors that led to the map room, they heard voices.

“Great, now go in there and get this done with! Trixie hates wai—“

Starlight’s hoof flew to Trixie’s muzzle and silenced her. There were voices coming from the map room, yes, but they sounded… different. Starlight had spent enough time with Twilight and her friends and while she could not claim that she had perfect memory, she could tell that these were definitely not theirs.

Slowly, she crept closer and when she reached it, she opened the door just a tad to look inside. What she saw almost made her gasp out loud – six insectoid ponies were sitting at the map table, looking up to a hologram of a seventh that spoke to them, as if giving orders (and needlessly reciting a plan).

“Hey, those aren’t –“ Trixie suddenly blurted as she looked through the gap.

Starlight immediately shushed her, but it was too late. She only barely managed to pull Trixie behind the door again, before the strange beings inside could ask “What was that?” and similar things, before the voice from the hologram ordered: “find out who or what that was. It is too early to get my plans discovered.”

Starlight stifled a gasp and quickly teleported Trixie and herself out of the castle before they could be found.

“WOW!” Trixie lamented. “At least warn me before you teleport us, Celestia dammit!”

“It was necessary! We were almost caught! We must report this to Mystic, right now!” Starlight commanded, immediately storming off towards the barracks.

“Starlight, wait!” Trixie shouted after her, before sighing and shaking her head. “And there goes our afternoon together…”

A few moments later, Trixie and Starlight found themselves in front of Mystic’s office. Starlight knocked, before the ‘come in’ came from Mystic.

“Mystic!” Starlight immediately shouted when she barged in. “We have a problem! There are these weird Bugpony-things in the Castle and Twilight and Rainbow are nowhere to be seen, let alone Spike and the foals!”

“Ah, I see.” Mystic replied neutrally. “Well, before we get the investigation going, please give me your name and address first.”

Starlight was dumbfounded. “WHAT?! Mystic, Twilight has vanished! We need to find her, now!”

“Yes, I do see the urgency in this, but we still need to follow proper protocol.” Mystic said back.

“Proper--?! You’ve never cared about protocol until now!”

“Just because you`ve never seen me do it doesn’t mean I never do it.”

“That would be true if I hadn’t seen you actively break protocol before!” Starlight retorted.

Mystic seemed to become slightly nervous at this, as if she had been found out. “Oh yeah? Euh, well, how would you know what’s proper protocol anyways? I mean you’re not a member of the guard.”

“Because I help you sort through some minor legal matters every evening at Twilight’s, did you forget that as well?” Starlight accused with a glare. “You know what? I think this isn’t Mystic that I’m talking to right now. You’re part of this, aren’t you?!”

“Now, that’s just—“ Mystic wanted to protest, but Starlight was faster.

“ALAAAARM!” Starlight shouted, which immediately caused the hallway to become a mess of shouted orders, before the clopping of hooves could be heard quickly approaching.

“Who just screamed ‘alarm’?!” A sergeant demanded as he barged in.

“Sergeant, remove these two from my office this instant!” Mystic ordered.

“WHAT?! What does Trixie have to do with--?” Trixie lamented, but was cut off by Starlight arguing.

“This isn’t Mystic! Some weird Bug-Ponies replaced the Element Bearers and I think Mystic as well!”

“As you can see, she’s just spouting nonsense right now. Get them out of here, I have to get back to work.” Mystic commanded again.

“Yes, certainly, but first…” the sergeant hesitated for a moment, seemingly thinking of something. “Ma’am, as you know I will have to write an incident report on this, so may I have your service number?”

“980-02-1003, there you go. Now, carry on, sergeant.” Mystic dismissed.

“Yes, certainly, Colonel.”

The sergeant lit up his horn and looked at Starlight.

“No, wait! I’m not lying, she’s really—“

The sergeant blasted a stun spell clear across the room and hit Mystic square on the face. She stumbled for a moment, before falling to the ground.

“Firstly, there is no protocol that states that a senior officer, or any soldier for that matter, has to give their service number to anypony and that for good reason.” The sergeant said, while walking over to the desk. “And secondly, that was the wrong format. The prince had the format of our IDs changed, pretty much for this exact reason.”

When he passed the desk and looked at the impostor, he only barely let a small expression of surprise slip through his stoicism.

“I had a feeling already, but it still is somewhat of a shock that the Bugponies you meant were Changelings.”

“Oh, so those are Changelings! Twilight told me about them before, but I had always wondered what they looked like.” Starlight remarked.

“You’ve never seen a Changeling before? Huh, I though pictures of these things spread like wildfire after the original Canterlot Invasion?” The sergeant questioned.

“Uhhh, yeah, at that time, I think I was pretty occupied being sort of a local tyrant and stuff?” Starlight said sheepishly, to which the sergeant raised an eyebrow at her.

“She isn’t joking, mister. Don’t worry though: She’s now Twilight’s personal student or something like that, so she’s clear.” Trixie remarked.

“Ah, so you are Miss Starlight then? In that case I have to apologize that I have even thought of doubting you.” The sergeant apologized. “But back to the topic: We will interrogate these Changelings on the whereabouts of the Element Bearers, but seeing as the prisoners from the original invasion didn’t say much, we’ll likely have to dig a lot deeper than that.”

“But how? I doubt that anypony except a Changeling would know where they keep their prisoners.” Trixie stated.

“Well, then why don’t we just ask a Changeling then?” Starlight said.

“Yeah, well, miss, that`s pretty much what interrogations are and—“

“No, I don’t mean like that. There is a ‘friendly’ Changeling up in the Crystal Empire. We can go up there and ask him where their hive is. Maybe he can even lead us there.” Starlight explained.

“Ah, that is indeed a valuable asset. I propose then that you go and talk to that changeling, while I have the others arrested… and report to the Prince. He probably won’t like this at all.”

Taking the late afternoon train to the Crystal Empire, Starlight and Trixie arrived there the next morning. Starlight rushed towards the palace, Trixie following right after and explained what had happened in Ponyville.

Shining Armor’s reaction to the news was to immediately jump up and try to rally his guard, however Princess Cadence stopped him. After all, they did not know where they were brought, not to mention that transporting the whole Crystal Guard to wherever they were held would likely take much too long.

“But we can solve that first problem right away! That’s actually why we’re here, we need to talk to Thorax!” Starlight explained, gaining a nod from Cadence, who then called the guard to fetch Thorax.

“Yes, Princess? W-what do you need?” Thorax asked as he entered the throne room.

“Hey Thorax. Good to see you again.” Starlight greeted.

“Oh, h-hey Starlight.” Thorax greeted back.

“Thorax, Starlight just told us that Twilight has vanished and that instead of her and her friends, there were Changelings sitting at the map table.”

“What? But t-that’s horrible! That means that Chrysalis has taken them prisoner!” Thorax whined.

“Exactly and this is where you come into play. Starlight over here had the idea that you could lead them to your hive, right Starlight?”

Starlight didn’t seem to listen. Instead she was staring at Thorax as if she had just seen a ghost. “Eugh, Starlight? Is everything okay?”

Starlight was ripped out of her staring and shook her head. “Huh? Oh, umm, sorry, I just… It only just now fully registered with me that you’re a Changeling.”

“Really? But then why did you come to ask me if you didn’t know?”

“I did know that you’re a Changeling... since yesterday. It only just fully sank in just now.” Starlight tried to explain.

“Ooookay? Well, I mean, anyways, I can show you the way to the hive, if you want.”

“And I’m joining you in the search!” Shining Armor proclaimed.

“That would be very unwise, dear Shining Armor.” Suddenly another voice said from the other side of the throne room.

Prince Mortis had suddenly appeared behind them, now slowly walking towards the two ponies and one Changeling who were bowing before him.

“Prince Mortis. I didn’t expect you to come here as well.” Princess Cadence noted.

“And what do you mean with ‘That would be unwise’?” Shining Armor added.

“Exactly what I said. Despite not being an alicorn, you are still the prince of the Crystal Empire and therefore a valuable asset for both sides. If Queen Chrysalis were to get her hooves on you again, she would certainly take care to not repeat her previous mistake. But do not fret: I will accompany them and make sure that they arrive safe and sound.”

“Oh, so you are allowed to go huh? Ever thought about what happens if they capture you?!”

“They can’t.” Mortis said simply.

“Really? That’s it? That is just like a foal in the playground saying ‘you can’t do that’.”

“Not quite.” Mortis said, suddenly appearing beside Shining Armor. “You see: you have a materiel body. I don’t. I can just vanish into the death realm if I get in danger. You can’t.”

“That is all good and well, but it’s useless if we waste our time here arguing!” Starlight cut in.

“Quite right. I can transport us to the hive’s location immediately. All I need is our dear Thorax here to think about it.” Mortis explained as he walked over to him and lowered his horn to his head.

“O-Okay… Umm, well, here-“

And suddenly, they were gone.

Barely a few moments later, two ponies, a changeling and an alicorn suddenly appeared on the edge of the Badlands, within viewing distance of the Changeling hive. Though, while Prince Mortis seemed completely fine, the other three were not.

Starlight, Trixie and Thorax were dry-heaving, nearly collapsing to the ground while doing so.

“What was that?! Trixie just felt like… like… like she was just pressed into being infinitely small and then was suddenly ripped apart again!” Trixie whined.

“I had not thought that my method of teleportation would cause you such distress. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.”

“This is a bit more than just an inconvenience, you know?” Starlight said, while coughing off the last bit of her nausea.

“And couldn’t you at least drop us a bit closer to the hive? Trixie hates unnecessary troubles.” Trixie whined.

“Unfortunately not, no. This area seems to be surrounded by a very strong magical barrier. I’m afraid that you will have to traverse the rest of the distance on hoof.” Mortis stated.

“A magical barrier, huh? That would then also mean that we can’t use magic in there.” Starlight noted.

“Indeed. However, since this is the home of the Changelings, I doubt that it causes them any trouble.”

“N-No, we Changelings can still use our magic behind the barrier.” Thorax confirmed.

“Be that as it may, we are already here, so there’s no turning back now.” Starlight said, before walking through the barrier. When she did so, she felt a shiver run through her spine, as the blockade took effect.

Trixie followed her with the same reaction, while Thorax remained unfazed, just as he said.

“I am afraid I cannot accompany you any further.” Mortis suddenly said.

“What?! Why all of a sudden?!” Starlight protested. “Did you suddenly get cold hooves?!”

“Not so much cold hooves as a rather painful realization.” Mortis clarified. “Do you remember what I said in the castle, about me not having a materiel body?”

“Euh, yes. Wait, you don’t mean…”

“Exactly that.” Mortis said, reaching a hoof out for demonstration. The parts that went over the barrier immediately vaporized into black dust.

“I am very sorry, but it seems that you will have to carry on without me.” He stated, looking over the invisible barrier. “Though, I suppose if you could destroy whatever artefact is creating this, then I could join you again.”

“The barrier comes from Queen Chrysalis`s throne. I don’t know if we can even get there…” Thorax said.

“We will have to try. Come on, we’ve wasted way too much time already.”

When they reached the main gate, the trio wasn’t surprised to find it guarded by two changelings in armour. Originally, Starlight wanted to use a sleep spell, but the lack of magic kept her from doing so.

“Hey, why don’t you go over there and ask them to open the doors?” Trixie said.

Thorax didn’t say anything, instead hinting over to his very sparkly wings.

“Oh… yeah, I forgot about those.”

“Okay, that only leaves one thing. I will—“

“NO!” Trixie cut Starlight off. “I know exactly what you’re going to say and no. You’re not going to distract them so we can get in there.”

“But somehow we have to get rid of them!” Starlight argued back.

“Yes. I said that you aren’t going to distract them. This is a stage for the Great and Powerful TRIXIE!” Trixie said.

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to—“

“Okay, just to be clear, firstly: you wanted to save them, so it is you who has to go in there. Secondly, the Great and Powerful TRIXIE knows how to captivate an audience…

A few minutes later, a small explosion suddenly grabbed the attention of the guards. Trixie had used a few smoke bombs and firecrackers that she seemed to always carry around. When the guards spotted the mare, they immediately went after her, leaving the gate unguarded.

Inside, Starlight and Thorax found the hallways to be strangely… empty. Not a single guard was to be seen, nor any other changeling that might have milled about. The reason for that became apparent, when the two rounded a corner somewhere in the middle of the hive and found none other than Mystic Gem fighting off a group of guards.

“Hyaaa! Take that you little—Oh, hey Starlight, what took you so long?” Mystic asked, when she was done with the Changelings.

“I… eugh, I… wow. It seems you didn’t need help after all.”

“Oh, I would’ve needed some help the day before yesterday, when these weird— Starlight, watch out, behind you!!” Mystic suddenly cried out, running towards Thorax.

“Mystic, wait! This one’s okay! It’s the one that Twilight and I told you about!” Starlight shouted, throwing herself between the two.

“Oh. Sorry. Well, anyways, we have to get a move on. I think the pods are this way!” Mystic said, rushing into one of the corridors.

“Pods? What does she mean by that?” Starlight asked.

“Ugh… I think it’s better to show you and then explain…” Thorax said, looking somewhat ashamed.

Starlight shrugged and ran after Mystic, whom they caught up to when she stopped before a room and went inside.

Going after her, Starlight suddenly understood what she meant with ‘pods’, as she saw rows and rows of green capsules stretch out before her. Most of them were empty, only eight of them held ponies and one a baby dragon.

“Thorax… what are these pods?” Starlight almost whispered in disbelief.

“These are used for love-extraction. They make you experience your most love-intensive memories, so we can harvest that love from you.” Thorax answered.

“Oh, really? Huh, almost makes me think that we should leave them like that. Almost.” Mystic said, before slicing a cut into the cocoon with her horn. Immediately afterwards, a green fluid came gushing out of it, bringing a coughing purple alicorn along for the ride.

The same was done with the remaining eight pods and a few hacks and coughs later, everypony stood together in the middle of the room.

“Hah, these guys were lucky that they caught me during my nap. Otherwise I would’ve totally kicked their butts!” Rainbow boasted, eliciting a happy giggle from Spectral Flash.

“Of course ya would’ve. Ain’t like ya almost started cryin’ when they put us in these things.” Applejack teased her.

“Hey! That wasn’t crying, that was… A distraction! Yeah, I wanted to distract them, so you could… you know… try to break free and so on.”

“Of course you did. Anyways, now that we’re all free again, we should probably try to get out of here.” Twilight said.

“Wait, we can’t leave yet!” Starlight protested. “Twilight, we are in their hive! You six can go to this Chrysalis and try to use your elements on her! Who knows, maybe it works? Also… I don’t know if Trixie made it and maybe we can--”

“Oh, I’m over here.” Trixie suddenly said from the door. The group looked over and saw her, suspended in the air by the magic of two baffled-looking Changeling guards.

Before anyone could say any more, Mystic was suddenly charging towards the two guards, giving both of them a fresh taste of her rear hooves and sending them flying to the opposite wall, knocking them out.

Trixie, suddenly freed of the levitation magic, dropped to the floor, right on her rump. “Ow.” She whined, rubbing her behind with a forehoof.

“Trixie!” A happy Starlight called, rushing to her friend and pulling her into a hug.

“Well, I suppose that’s one thing taken care of. Also, I think you’re right, Starlight. We should really go and pay this ‘Queen Chrysalis’ a visit. I still have a score to settle with her.” Twilight said somewhat darkly.

The group followed Thorax’s lead to a large double door. With a short nod to one another, Mystic and Starlight pushed the door open, running inside.

The large hall that lay beyond was mostly empty, except for a smug-looking changeling queen sitting on a stone throne at the end of it.

“Ah, I thought I had heard something. Did you really think you could run around in my hive without being noticed?”

“Surrender now, Chrysalis! You have lost!” Twilight shouted.

“Oh, have I now? To me it looks more like you are the ones who lost.”

Suddenly, the group found itself surrounded by hundreds of Changelings. The doors shut behind them, cutting off their last possible way out.

“Chrysalis, you don’t have to do this! We can work out a way to get along! We can teach you the way of Harmony and—

“Teach me the way of Harmony? Oh no, you don’t understand what’s going on here at all, don’t you? My Changelings are starving and the only way to nourish them is a steady supply of love. Now, you see… Ponies don’t exactly like to give their love to a species like us, so the only option for us is to capture you and harvest what you have.”

The Changelings around them started moving towards them, threatening to capture the ponies again, when Thorax suddenly spoke up.

“WAIT! There is another way!”

“And who allowed you to speak up, traitor?! You no longer have a right to say anything! As soon as we have dealt with them, you will be next!”

Thorax gulped down her threat and instead focused on talking to his brethren. “Please, listen to me! There is another way! You are right, we need these ponies to survive, but not in the way that you all think! I have learned from them that even us changelings can not only take love, but we can also give it! All we need to do is try it!”

The marching stopped and a few very confused faces were now staring at Thorax. “Please, just try it! Try concentrating on yourself and imagine all the love not just flowing inwards, towards yourself, but also outwards to every other changeling!”

Nothing happened. For a few dreadful moments, nopony and no changeling moved. Thorax was about to lose hope completely, when a sudden shimmer appeared somewhere in the front rows before him. One of the changelings was suddenly enveloped by a strange glow, before then changing colours just as suddenly – from the old black to a lush orange. His immediate neighbours followed suit, sparking a chain-reaction that went through the changeling lines.

Thorax himself also started to glow and was lifted into the air. A bright light blinded everyone present and when it finally faded again, Thorax had changed the most of all.

His height had doubled and his chitin was now a bright green colour. In addition to his horn he had now also grown two mighty antlers that protruded from the upper sides of his head.

Not all of the Changelings underwent the transformation, though. A few loyalists remained, which had formed up around their queen like a shield.

“Queen Chrysalis, please. You can see that this works. All I want is for our species to prosper, just like you. Please, I beg you, lay down your weapons.” Thorax pleaded, but Chrysalis would not budge.

“I WILL NEVER SUCCUMB TO THE PONY WAYS!” She shouted, unleashing a beam of magic that flew directly at Thorax.

The newly ascended Changeling only barely managed to erect a shield, before the beam came in, bounced back and barely missed Chrysalis. Instead, the beam shattered the throne and with it, the barrier it was holding, before blasting a hole clean through the wall behind it.

“You will not get away with this, you will—“ Chrysalis cut herself off, as a black ball flew through the doors and impacted the ground.

“I suggest you seize your resistance this instance, Queen Chrysalis.” A low voice came from the place where the ball landed.

The black ball puffed out into a cloud of smoke, which then condensed into the form of a tall, red alicorn.

Queen Chrysalis looked at the transformation with a scowl, but as more and more features became visible, that scowl morphed into an expression of confusion and in the end… fear.

“Everyling, we’re leaving!” She quickly ordered, turning around to the hole in the wall. “This is not the last time we will meet, you hear?!” She screamed, as she jumped out and flew away, her remaining loyal Changelings following her in a thick, black cloud.

Thorax sighed in a mixture of relief and sadness. He had wished that every’ling would go through the transformation.

“Do not fret, Thorax. You have done everything you could and converted most of your kind to the ways of Harmony.” Mortis tried to soothe him. “There will always be a small amount of failure in every success. It’s how the world works. What’s important is to not just look at this small amount, but look at the whole.”

“Yes, I know. Still, I wish that all of them would’ve just… stayed. We may not see things the same way, but they are still my brethren.”

“Which is entirely understandable. However, even a family cannot always have the same opinion. Opinions differ greatly between each individual, something that you will find out yourself in your new role, King Thorax.”

As Mortis said that, Thorax recoiled. “King?! But I- I can’t be a King! I don’t even know how!”

“Given your obvious outward difference towards the others, I dare say that fate has made that decision for you. Do not worry, no one expects you to be a perfect leader from the first day. Knowledge comes from experience and I am certain that Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadence, as well as everyone present right now is more than willing to share theirs.”

“I-I… thank you. All of you. I… I promise I will always try my best!” Thorax said to his changelings, as well as everyone else, who in turn broke out in a round of cheers.

“So, now that that is settled, we should take up pursuit of the fleeing changelings and their queen.” Mystic said when the cheers died down.

You should go home and rest now, all of you. You all went through quite a lot of stress and deserve a little calm for a change. I will meanwhile take care of the remaining loyalists and their queen.” The prince said, forming back into a magic orb and soaring through the hole in the wall, without waiting for an answer.

A few minutes later, Mortis touched down in front of a small cave, which Chrysalis had taken refuge in.

“I greet you, Queen Chrysalis. I have a few matters to discuss with you.” Mortis said, as he walked into the dark cave.

“No! We will not adopt the pony ways! No curse in the whole world could bring me to steep so low!” Chrysalis shouted.

“Adopt to the pony ways? Oh no, that is not what I want.” Mortis assured. “Quite the opposite actually: I want to make you a proposal.”

Mortis closed in further into the middle of the cave, where Chrysalis sat among her Changelings.

“I will allow you to continue your ways and I will help you rebuild a new hive directly under Canterlot, but under a few certain conditions.”

“And what conditions would that be?” Chrysalis inquired.

“Well, for one, I would have to regulate your ‘harvests’. Nopony will find it odd, if one or two nobles suddenly vanish or die in mysterious ways. However, if there are too many concentrated cases, then even the ponies might get suspicious, especially after last year’s events.
Secondly, I want to utilize your expertise in regards to infiltration and espionage. I would integrate your Changelings into the Shadow Guard and thus make you official subjects of mine.”

Chrysalis mulled over the offer for a moment, before giving her reply. “No. No, I will never bow my head to any pony! We Changelings are a proud race. We would rather die than get subjugated!”

“Which would be my last option.”

Chrysalis’s eyes went a bit wider, when she heard this. “What?”

“You are a threat to Equestria as a whole, Queen Chrysalis. You have shown multiple times by now, that you can and will cause harm to the pony nation. As such, my only choice is to either control… or eliminate you.” Mortis stared Chrysalis into her eyes. Her wide, fear-riddled eyes, but also eyes filled with sorrow. “Queen Chrysalis, I know that you care deeply for your subjects, just as I do for mine. As such, there can only be one single answer to this.”

Chrysalis closed her eyes and gave a long, shuddering sigh. “You are right. There is only one answer.”

The following morning, Mystic Gem was sitting in her office and sorted through a stack of files and reports, when suddenly a knock came from her door.

“Come in!” She called without looking up, but as the door opened and she saw the colours from the corner of her eyes, she immediately sprang up and snapped a salute. “Prince Mortis, sir!”

“At ease, Mystic.” The Prince replied and Mystic went back to a more relaxed position. “I only came by to see, how you are doing in your new task and rank.”

As the basic bureaucracy of setting up the new guard was done, Mystic had gained yet another promotion, placing her now at the rank of a Lieutenant-Colonel.

“It is… actually all very confusing right now. With my new rank there came so many new responsibilities so fast that I almost thought I might lose myself there for a moment.”

“Relax. With time, you will grow used to it and before you know it, you won’t even notice the extra stuff anymore.” Mortis assured.

“Yeah, I know, but Prince? If I may ask… that isn’t really the only reason you came here, is it?” Mystic inquired.

Mortis chuckled at that. “As astute as ever. No, I actually wanted to introduce a new colleague to you.”

On cue, another pony entered the room. It was a very tall mare, almost as tall as Mortis himself. She was clad in a uniform, much like the other soldiers, only that her colours were different shades of grey and black instead of the standard multicolour scheme. She also wore the standard face mask, also in black, which was extended and covered her whole head and neck. The only thing that wasn’t covered was a jagged horn that extended through the hole in the mask.

“Mystic, let me introduce: This is Major Enigma. She will be leading the Covert Ops Company, Delta.” Mortis introduced.

“Ah, so we’re getting a whole new company! But wait, Delta? What about Charlie? We haven’t filled that one yet!” Mystic pointed out.

“Yes, I know. Charlie is reserved for… an experiment of mine.” Mortis answered cryptically.

“Ah… Well, in that case:” Mystic turned to the Major and extended a hoof. “Lieutenant-Colonel Mystic Gem, but Mystic is just fine. Nice to meet you.”

The Major returned the gesture and replied: “Major Enigma. The pleasure is mine.” In a voice that sounded somewhat familiar…

Author's Note:

- Mystic's service number in the new format is: 120280-MG-00117
let's see, if there are some code-crackers among us ^^

- Mortis maybe invulnerable to physical attacks, but since he is made out of magic, he is very vulnerable to magic dispelling. Not only that, but his own magic reacts to equestrian magic in the same way as matter does to antimatter, meaning that, should anyone for whatever reason ever manage to get a direct hit in with a magic blast, it would cause an annihilation-reaction which would have roughly the force of three Tsar bombs. This is why Mortis almost never drops his shield.

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