• Published 11th Dec 2019
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Equestria: The Afterlife - Timzocker201

What would you do, if you found yourself in an unknown location and couldn't move? That's the situation Markus finds himself in, after suffering a horrible fate.

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CH74: All is allowed in love and war

Two days after the treaties with Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon were signed, the first refugees arrived. They were guided by the agents of Delta Company, who had been hiding amongst them and only now revealed themselves.

Markus looked over the balcony of Friendship Castle, as another trek was currently being examined by members of Bravo. After all, they couldn’t risk letting their guard down, even if they had treaties signed.

Behind him, he heard hoofsteps slowly approach from within the castle. They stopped for a moment, probably when their source spotted Markus leaning on the railing, and came over.

“Isn’t it nice to see so many ponies get to safety? It really was a good idea to go for the diplomatic approach.” Twilight praised herself, while she was leaning against Markus and looked down onto the arriving trek.

“It is indeed good to see that it worked. We really have to thank you for talking me into diplomacy, otherwise this wouldn`t have been possible.” Markus admitted, eliciting a proud hum from Twilight. “However, I am still doubtful of the permanence of this treaty. Even if it is, our goal is not to maintain the war, but to end it. Thus, eventually we will have to intervene.” He then pointed out.

“Yes, sadly. If only they weren’t possessed, then we could just try to talk them out of it.” Twilight lamented.

“If they weren’t possessed then this entire war would’ve never happened. Really, there is no use in lamenting over alternate timelines, Twilight. We are here, now, in our Timeline and we will have to make the best of it.”

“Yes… so what do you have in mind?” Twilight asked.

Markus looked over to her for a moment and stroked his mustache, before looking back down. “Well, the basic plan would be to blast both of them at the same time with the elements. That would require them to be at the same location and us close enough to hit them. Luckily, as far as I assess this conflict, one will end up challenging the other in their capitol sooner or later and that’s when and where we will strike as well. Preferably it would be Nightmare attacking Daybreaker, as Canterlot is already a somewhat familiar Battleground. At least it’s a city where all of us have been at least once.” Markus explained.

“Also it would be very close to us, so we would have enough time to react.” Twilight added. “Well, here goes hoping that that will happen.”

“Hoping will do very little to aid us. There are more active means we can influence the outcome.”

“Really? How? The treaties we signed poised us as a neutral power, didn’t they? How could we intervene without breaking those treaties and risking retaliation? Not to mention the refugees.” Twilight asked.

“I didn’t mean an outright intervention. I meant a more… covert approach. Delta is currently tasked with escorting the refugees from all across Equestria, which means that they already have fake identities that they can use to infiltrate Daybreaker’s army and sabotage it. That way, we can shift the balance of powers in Nightmare’s favour and make sure that Daybreaker is pushed back.”

“And all that without either of them knowing that we’re involved… well, not the most chivalrous way of dealing with it, but I must confess I had a similar thing in mind.” Twilight admitted. “Now, all that remains would be actually getting to Canterlot on time.”

“Indeed, which is why I’ve already commissioned a new type of equipment. Which reminds me: the training prototype will be delivered in a few minutes and I wanted to come to the base for that. Do you want to come as well? Yes, you too, Rainbow, I know you’ve been eavesdropping from behind the door.”

As he said that, a mildly embarrassed looking Pegasus mare stepped forth from behind the wall, while rubbing the back of her head and smiling abashedly.

“Ehehe, yeah, I was just, umm, you know… kinda passing by when I heard you two talk and… stuff…”

“Yes, of course you were.” Twilight rolled her eyes, albeit smiling meanwhile.

The three went downstairs, out of the castle and towards Ponyville. Although, even though their target was the base, they took a minor detour to Sweet Apple Acres, the southern orchard of which had now become a refugee camp. Everypony who didn’t fit into the spare barracks of the base anymore was given shelter here, although since there were no solid structures as of yet, said ‘shelter’ consisted only of a few hundred tents and a few scattered firepits.

Markus regularly checked up on the refugee camp and looked if anything was amiss. He didn’t promise them any luxuries like solid structures or an allowance or anything, as it was meant to be very clear that this all was temporary. However, he provided them with plenty food and water, given out in rations by Applejack herself, as she provided most of it.

When he was certain that everything in the refugee camp was in order, they finally made their way to the base, where Bravo and Charlie were already fully assembled and waiting. However, they were not waiting for him – even if they didn’t know that.

When Markus arrived, the gates of the factory opened as well and Flim and Flam came out… together with a large, tracked vehicle that had a wedge front and a large, rectangular back. On top of it there was what seemed like a larger version of the earthponies’s 37mm gun, mounted in an armored turret.

“And what… is that exactly, your Highness?” Captain Loyal Pawn asked uncertainly, when the vehicle was parked in front of the formation.

“This, dear captain, is your new equipment. Well, at least the training prototype of it. Sadly, because of the war we don’t have enough resources to build all the equipment we need at once, so we will have to slowly get them out one at a time.” Markus answered.

“Ah. Very good sir and… may I ask how it is used? I mean, don`t get me wrong, it is quite obvious – even to me – that this is some kind of transporting equipment, similar to Charlie’s, but… what exactly is it?”

“A good question and one I am of course here to answer: this is an Infanty Fighting Vehicle, or IFV for short. It is armored well enough to withstand spellfire and hoof-held weaponry, but might be weak against Catapults. I don’t actually know, this hasn’t been tested. Though, in the event that it is vulnerable to them, it is still mobile enough to evade the projectile. Its crew consists of three ponies - one driver, one gunner and the commander, who doubles as assistant gunner. In the back, there’s enough space to fit a squad of ponies, who can then be transported wherever they’re needed. Additionally, it can provide fire support with its 37mm Autocannon.” Markus described, while pointing to the corresponding parts of the vehicle.

“From today onwards, you will be trained on this vehicle, some specifically as its crew and the rest as mechanized infantry ponies. I will teach you how to properly disembark, how to quickly get moving again and so on. Flim and Flam will also teach an train a few mechanics to specifically repair this type of vehicle. All the ponypower needed for this will come from Bravo company, with additional recruitment if necessary, though it would be best if that was avoided. Captain, I want you to assign the proper roles to your ponies. Remember: three crew and one squad between five and ten ponies per vehicle. You will be equipped with the necessary amount of vehicles after you’ve completed your reassignment.”

“Yes, sir.” The captain confirmed. “Just one question, sir… are we really going to start training with only one vehicle available?”

“Yes. I know it isn’t easy to do, but it is doable and we are running on a potentially very tight time limit.” Markus pointed out.

“Yes sir. Of course sir.” Loyal Pawn agreed, before muttering under his breath. “Alpha’s lucky they don’t have to do this as well…”

Meanwhile in the Everfree Forest, in a clearing that made nostalgia spring up in Mystic’s heart, the Alpha company stood in front of a true metal beast. It was a large, tracked vehicle that had a large turret with a big gun mounted on top. The barrel of the gun was large enough to comfortably fit a hoof inside and the overall size was higher than even the larger earth ponies, like Big Mac, would ever grow. It’s turret was almost completely round and it had only two hatches on top for the crew to get in.

Mystic whistled in astonishment as she took in the sight. A true beast, she could easily tell. However, sadly that wasn’t entirely a good thing, as she was tasked with taming said beast with only a manual to help her.

“Oh well, that is certainly going to get interesting.” Mystic said to herself.

“Yeah, no kidding. Are we really supposed to learn how to use this thing with only a single training vehicle and a manual? This isn’t going to get easy.” Shadow remarked from beside her.

“That’s the level of expectations that comes with being the elite. Don’t worry, I’m very positive that we can do this. At least it’s better than the wooden mockup we had until yesterday.”

“Heh, true. Makes me wonder though, what he wants to accomplish with such a thing. Could it be that we’re in trouble again?” Shadow asked more to himself than to Mystic.

“Honestly, I should be asking you and not the other way around. After all, you can just teleport to the prince anytime you want, while I only have the info we had when we left, plus what we’ve all seen – that laser that fried half of Mount Canterhorn. I hope the princesses are okay.”

“They’re probably fine. Really, they’re alicorns! If Prince Markus was already so hard to kill when he wasn’t immortal yet, what do you think must happen for the princesses to even suffer a scratch?” Shadow asked rethorically.


“Also, Markus ordered us specifically to ignore all outside signals except his own and concentrate fully on our mission.” He reminded her.

“Yes, you’re right. I should really stop worrying so much, I have a company to train. Thanks, nam—euh, Shadow, for getting me focused again.” Mystic thanked.

“No problem, that’s what your second-in-command is there for.”

“Hehe, well, not exactly, but that’s not important. What’s important is that we get this thing running.”

“Yep, well then: Horrido Joho!” Shadow shouted, making Mystic raise her eyebrow.

“Horri… what? What was that supposed to mean?” She asked confusedly.

“The prince taught me this. He said it’s the battlecry of the infantry where he is from.” Shadow answered.

“Really now? Sounds more like something Pinkie would suddenly say in the middle of a conversation.” Mystic joked.

“Hahaha, very funny. Seriously, you should try it. It somehow feels really awesome to say that.” Shadow encouraged.

Mystic looked at him with a little smirk and rolled her eyes.

“Come on…”

She looked at him, with her smirk slowly growing into a small smile.

“Horrido Joho, come on, say it!”

Her smile grew a little more, before she chuckled and shook her head in defeat.

“Horrido Joho!”

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