• Published 24th Dec 2019
  • 2,527 Views, 237 Comments

Pinkie Pie goes to Hogwarts - WoomyWobble

Drama, mystery and funny stuff all wrapped in an epic adventure! Follow Pinkie Pie as she finds herself in the magical world of wizarding Britain. Here she will find new friends, new baked goods and new parties!

  • ...

Chapter 10: A Plot of Revenge

As the first year Slytherins shuffled their way into the common room and from their into their beds, three freshly made redheads sat down and started to plot their righteous revenge.

"We could spread shameful rumours that will ruin the standing with their families?" Daphne suggested. "Misconduct of the lecherous sort is always effective."

"We should kick 'em in the gentleman's plums. That'll teach 'm a lesson." Millicent opined as she was shadow kicking her imagined enemy's in the goolies.

Pinkie listened to their suggestions with interest. "Those ideas could really get us in trouble… And they seem kinda mean spirited."

Daphne looked at Pinkie like she was stupid. "Of course they're mean spirited. It's revenge, not a hugfest magicon." She started to think that maybe she should plot this revenge thing on her own. "How is an accordion of all things going to help anyway?"

Pinkie beckoned the two girls closer. Millicent kicked the air one last time and made her way around the table. Pinkie pulled the other girls around her and started whispering in their ears.

"Oh." Said Millicent. "That is rather devious actually."

Daphne was pondering things through."We would look like beautiful vengeful valkerie."

"And the weasel twins look like they can't take a joke if they get all moody about it."

Daphne got her notebook out. "This will require a lot of planning. There are a few logistical problems."

"Leave it to me!" Pinkie jumped up from her seat in excitement. I think the elves can help me find the right tools and a place to practice.

Millicent looked thoughtful. "We're going to need outside help as well. Some of these spells will at least require a fifth year."

"Well let's go ask one then!" Pinkie ran of to the dormitories and started knocking on doors of the older students.

One of these doors was opened by a serious looking fifteen year old by name of Archibald de Vries, a Dutch transfer student known for his skill with a wand, particularly in the junior duelling courts.

"What happened to your hair?" He asked the firsties.

"Never mind that. Would you like to help us with our dastardly plan of revenge?"

"You know how this song and dance goes. What's in it for me?"

"You get to hex the Weasley twins into a confusing oblivion and no one will think it was you."

"...Go on."

The girls in crime whispered in his ear and explained the plan in exquisite detail.

"Pinkie I would pay to do that."

Hands got shook and it was getting late so they decided to leave their scheming for the next day. It was better to scheme with a well rested mind after all.


Goodnight Milly.

Goodnight Pinkie.


It was a beautiful morning at Hogwarts. The birds were singing. The sky was blue and three little girls with orange hair were making their way towards the kitchen to request aid from the elves.

Pinkie was about to tickle the pear to gain entrance but it once again swung open without preamble.

The kitchens weren't nearly as hectic as last time. One of the elves came up to them and greeted them with enthusiasm.

"How may the elves help the Grand Mistress today?"

Millicent and Daphne looked at each other.

"Grand mistress?" Daphne mouthed.

Millicent shrugged, elves were just weird sometimes.

Pinkie didn't notice the exchange. "Well I just wanted to thank all of you for the terrific job done yesterday. The fireworks were fantastic and the music was full of pep and very classy."

The young elf seemed to shine from the praise "I'll be sure to pass it along."

"Now speaking of music, do you have any idea where we can find some instruments to practice with? Maybe a secluded room as well so we don't bother anyone?"

The elf jumped up and down in excitement and clapped his hands together. "O I sure do Mistress. On the seventh floor you'll find a tapestry of Barnebas the Barmy trying to teach trolls how to dance. Opposite the tapestry is the room you require."

The elf wrote down all instructions to find the room and how to enter it. He gave the parchment to the girls.

"Be sure to follow the instructions or the room won't appear. It's very picky."

Pinkie grabbed the elf and gave him a big hug and kissed him on his bald head. "Thank you so much mister elf! This will help us loads."

The poor elf looked a mix between happy and insulted.

"...It's miss elf actually."

But Pinkie didn't hear it she had already bounced across the room and grabbed the other two girls by the hand and pulled them along to the seventh floor.

Daphne rolled her eyes but didn't say anything letting herself be pulled along.


Barnebas the Barmy was trying to teach his troll friends Stephen and Barnwicky some proper technique but it was slow going. Didn't they realize that they could be much more graceful if they showed the world some real pizzazz?

"I would appreciate it if you put some more effort in your cabriole Stephen. We're not here to flop around. We're making art here!"

Stephen for his part was not amused at Barnebass' criticism and told him so. They were doing their best after all.

"Snort grunk sniffle? Sniffle sniffle snort..."

"Not with that attitude you won't!"

Barnwicky heard enough and clocked Barnebas over the head with his trusty club in good nature. It was a love pat really.

Barnebass rubbed his dome. Realizing that he may have pushed a little to hard today. He was about to apologize when he heard footsteps around the corner.

"Quick everyone get into character!" He shouted.


The girls followed the elf's instructions and rounded the corner. The room was supposed to be somewhere around here. They started to touch the walls looking for clues when they encountered the painting they were searching for.

"Excuse me, is one of you Barnebas?" Tactfully omitting the 'the Barmy' moniker Daphne asked the painting.

"Indeed I am." Barnebas said hoping for some interaction with three dimensional people.

"Great thanks!"

"Yeah it should be that wall." She pointed the wall out to the other girls.

Barnebas looked a little forlorn. Barnwicky patted him on the back with a little bit more force then usual. A tradition at this point.

Pinkie walked in front of the wall pondering about music, instruments, musical instruments, a place to practice and have fun.

Like clockwork the stonework shifted and rumbled to reveal an ornate looking door with a little musical note in a gold plaque at it's centre.

Daphne was grinning, music lessons were always her favourite at home.

Without much ado Millicent kicked in the door.

The girls looked excitedly on the rows upon rows of musical instruments. Daphne's eyes roamed and landed upon the beautiful white grand piano by Stoneroad and Daughters.

She played some keys and immediately fell in love. It...She sounded perfectly in tune and the notes had a lyrical quality that the standing piano at home simply didn't have. She knew she just had to come back here in secret. Just to get better acquainted with Ophelia. Daphne sat down and touched the keys some more.


Pinkie meanwhile was walking along the rows just marvelling at it's treasure. The shear volume of it all beggars belief. She didn't even know that there were so many different instruments in the world let alone in one place. She grabbed a small flute looking thing and gave it a blow.


No, no, no. She wasn't look for peep.

It was time to experiment.


There was one who didn't have as much fun. Millicent was rather bored. The room was great and all but for someone who wasn't as musical inclined it got boring quick. Though the amount of magic in the air was interesting.

She idly wondered how the room came to be and as she did so she waddled her way into a big drum looking thing with some brass disks on top causing her to trip.

"Stupid drum!"

She grabbed a wooden stick with a fluff ball on top and hit the drum with it.




Millicent giggled like a maniac. She grabbed the big drum and put the strap around her neck allowing her to carry the heavy thing. On the shelf she found one of those round things that had a lot of brass things in it.

...The fun had been doubled!


The sound of an accordion blasted through the music room startling Daphne out of her muse. She closed the piano and petted Ophelia on her cute lid.

"I've found one!" She heard from a distance. "It's got buttons on it!"

Pinkie came running from the rows with an admittedly beautiful accordion in tow.

"I believe they're called keys." Daphne informed Pinkie. "Aren't you supposed to know that? I thought you knew how to play."

"Of course I know how to play silly… O you meant the accordion." She looked thoughtful for a second. "Never played it in my life."

"What?! Our whole plan hinges on it!"

"Don't worry my part is easy I'll just,...-"


poom tss, poom tss, POOM TSS, POOM TSS, POOM TSS, POOM TSS, POOM TSS, POOM TSS, poom tss, poom tss.


Daphne and Pinkie both gawked at Millicent walking by completely in her own world merrily beating the drum and tambourine.

"...I don't think I've ever seen her that happy before." Daphne mumbled. She wanted to shout some more at Pinkie but knew it would be counter productive. So she sighed instead.

"Right I'll find something a little more portable then. Why don't you go practice that accordion?"

"Oki doki!" Pinkie gave her a salute and grabbed her new toy with vigour. "Let's rock baby!"


Any instrument was hard to learn. Daphne knew this well. She was taught from an early age because it took a lifetime to master the piano. Though she dabbled with the violin she also practised the guitar in secret. Her parents would never approve of such a rustic instrument but Daphne just loved music so much that it was hard to resist.

It was all for the family she told herself. In the future it would help in finding a prospective husband and perhaps it would be useful in charming future business associates. Music was a weapon in a woman's arsenal after all. It was best to be well armed.

A guitar caught her eye on a shelf a little ways away. It was an acoustic guitar with a very elegant design. She strummed the strings and found a warm tone reaching her ear.

This was the one.


When she returned she found Pinkie playing with her accordion on a weird muggle device. Her mouth fell open.

"Hi Daphne! I found a unicycle. Think we should use it?"

There were so many questions running through her mind that it was hard to pinpoint one and ask it. She was about to make her choice when she got distracted by something else.

poom tss, poom tss, POOM TSS, POOM TSS, POOM TSS, POOM TSS.


Millicent had arrived. She was smirking at them "It's really jolly good fun this. I get to hit things and nobody can complain."

And on that bombshell it was time to go to work and start practising.


The amount of progress they made came as a surprise to Daphne. Even though they were only practising one piece of music and an incredibly easy one at that. The quickness with which they learned it was impressive.

She had to begrudgingly admit that Pinkie had a real talent for showmanship. Even though her bit was simplistic she made it look like a real act.

It got her quite excited.

If they kept this up they could put the plan in motion by tonight…


Millicent never had so much fun in her entire life! It felt like she finally found a place where she could just unleash her...well she didn't know what exactly but unleash something. She was allowed to hit things and nobody cared. Ha! That was the best bit for sure. Her friends were very encouraging and… Friends? When did that happen? ...Who cares!

Poom Tss, Poom Tss, Poom Tss.


The horses were enjoying it! Pinkie could tell. It was very subtle and a little bit… strange actually, to have them sing along. She started playing the accordion with even more bombast to try and see if they would go along with it. She was starting to think that the horses weren't that scary at all.

Until one tried to bellow loudly along. That was a little bit scary.

Perhaps Dumbledore was right? Perhaps it would all even itself out. Pinkie felt hopeful.


The dining hall was starting to get packed with students waiting to get their munch on. Fred and George were goofing off trying to impress Angelina and Katie with some silly joke items they cooked up somewhere. They were mildly successful. The old Weasley charm was working wonders or so they believed but honestly the girls had seen better.

Suddenly, from beyond the dining halls, sounds could be heard. They didn't know what it was. Drumbeats maybe? It got the attention of everyone.

A trio of Slytherin firsties with Weasley red hair came barrelling through the halls with a musical fanfare that conjured a smile on everyone sitting at the tables.

The hall grew silent as they played something that sounded like polka music while moving between tables gathering stares as they went.

Some people started to clap along when they suddenly stopped in front of the Weasley twins.

The silence was profound.

"You!" Pinkie sang. "Play your pranks...like a troll... plays with snot."

Fred nostrils grew four sizes making him look distinctly troll like.

"EY!" Millicent shouted.

Daphne jumped in with her guitar "And you gasconade... like a bitch... like a lot." As poor George sprouted two fluffy dog ears.

"And you... always squeak... always speak… acoustically." Fred could feel his vocal cords raise an octave.

Daphne and Pinkie started singing in harmony. "You should know… that we won't leave it be-he-he!"

"Cause you're hot and you're cold!"

"You're yes and you're no!"

"You're in and you're out!"

"You're up and you're down!"

The spells were following one another in rapid succession now. It was getting harder and harder to recognize the Weasley twins as they slowly transformed in curious ways, one sprouting icicles where the other shot steam out if his ears and so on.

"You're wrong and we're right!"

"It's black and it's white!"

"You look like a crup!"

"Here, wear some make up!"

"This is how you pay, hey!"

Millicent recognized her bit. "FUCK YOU!" She shouted.

"You don't give a bad hair day!"


The song went from verse to verse changing the Weasley twins appearance in a number of monstrous ways. When the song ended and the hall finished their applause Pinkie had something to say to the Weasley twins...

From out of nowhere she pulled two rubber chickens and pointed them at each of the thoroughly hexed boys. The war paint under her eyes arrived in an equally mysterious fashion giving her a slightly mad look.

"Let it go. Or we'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go…"

The twins swallowed audibly and nodded.

Pinkie squeezed the two chickens and dropped them on the ground filling the stunned hall with a loud, ominous and oddly comical 'Whaaaah' noise.

Pinkie was staring crazily at the twins when Millicent picked up the tempo.


The sound of loud polka music filled the Hogwarts halls once more and three girls fanfared their way back to their music room leaving the sound of laughter in their wake. Even Fred and George when they got a good look at each other couldn't stop their laughing. They were got good.


Meanwhile if the Slytherins were paying attention to the big hourglasses in the entrance hall they would have noticed the Slytherin house hourglass was displaying some odd behaviour.

"Ten points from Slytherin." Professor McGonagall shouted. "For hexing in the dining halls."

Professor Snape looked furious. "Twenty points to Slytherin for livening up the place."

"I beg your pardon Professor Snape do you seek to undermine my authority?"

"Hardly, deputy headmistress I merely wished to reward my students for their… youthful exuberance."

"Ten points will be removed from Slytherin house for bullying behaviour!" Professor McGonagall moved to make herself look intimidating but professor Snape rewarded that with a sneer.

"Twenty points to Slytherin for shear musical genius."

"We cannot condone this Severus!"

"Why are those twins still in this school then Minerva?!"

They went back and forth for a long time with poor Albus caught in the middle holding his head in his hands just trying to get an evening meal. The students meanwhile were laughing up a storm at the dinner show they got presented with.


"Whahaha did you see the look on their faces?" Millicent looked positively manic. "They were genuinely afraid. No one can stop us now!" She stared at her own hands like she discovered some sort of super power.

Archibald petted her on her head. "Easy there Maleficent. Wouldn't want to scare the children." He indicated the others.

Pinkie and Daphne stared at Millicent like she was possessed.

Daphne rolled her eyes. "Everyone in this school has gone completely barmy." She snootily raised her head "Well this was… something. I'm going to see what my friends are up to." She left the others alone as she made her way towards the common room.

"Thanks Archy." Pinkie gave him a hug. "We couldn't have done it without your help."

Archibald smiled. "Gekkehuis. I'll see you girls later ja?" He waved at them as he went down the stairs as well.

Feeling a little slow and tired Millicent and Pinkie both trudged their way back towards the kitchens. Millicent was staring at Pinkie, like she was a complicated arithmancy problem.

"You know… You're weird." She said almost in thought.

"I am?"

"Yeah. It's like you're… different somehow. Like your magic is weird, you do weird things, and the elves are weird around you. You're just weird."

"Weird bad?"

"Hmm… no? I don't think so. I mean at least you're honest. What you see is what you get. It's a different story with the others. They're all just pretending. Pretending to be civil, pretending to be nice, pretending... that they like me."

Millicent stopped to look outside a nearby window. She was fumbling with her hands. The view was really spectacular with the sun going down over the forbidden forest. Pinkie didn't see it. She looked at Millicent instead.

"I'm sorry for hitting you and calling you names the other day. I just… I just didn't like that you were so happy and I wasn't."

"Truth is... of all the stupid faces in this school, yours is the one I want to punch the least."

"Aw, thanks Milly."

Millicent snorted at Pinkie's awkward timing.

"You're welcome."




Author's Note:

Only with less Russian dudes and more British girls.