• Published 24th Dec 2019
  • 2,526 Views, 237 Comments

Pinkie Pie goes to Hogwarts - WoomyWobble

Drama, mystery and funny stuff all wrapped in an epic adventure! Follow Pinkie Pie as she finds herself in the magical world of wizarding Britain. Here she will find new friends, new baked goods and new parties!

  • ...

Chapter 8: First Day!


Pinkie skipped towards the Slytherin table in stunned silence. She sat next to Daphne and an angry looking girl who sat in front of Pinkie.

The sorting quickly continued with Harry Potter who was sorted into Gryffindor after a particular long sorting to raucous applause from the Gryffindor table. Pinkie hoped that he would have fun there.

Once the sorting was completed Albus Dumbledore stood up from the head of the staff table.

"Before we start the feast I would first like to say a few words, and they are as follows: Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment, Tweak. Thank you."

Pinkie was giggle snorting uproariously at Headmaster Dumbledore's joke although in the entire school she seemed to be the only one.

"Geez, tough crowd."

The food appeared on the table and everyone started to dig in. Conversations started up on every table.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie. What's your name?"

"Daphne Greengrass, charmed." She responded looking like she felt anything but, as she took a bite out of a piece of shepherds pie. Daphne quickly turned towards a boy on her right and started talking with him.

The angry looking girl regarded Pinkie for a long while.

"Hey are you any relation to the Pie family? You know the one that was wiped out by mysterious means?"

All the heads of the first year Slytherins turned back towards Pinkie with an audible whoosh.

Pinkie felt a bit put on the spot by all the sudden attention.

"Uhm… Yeah I guess."

She quickly grabbed some veggies to put on her plate. "Me and Albie tried to get some money from my family vault but it was empty." Pinkie didn't feel like sharing about the key and the creepy note. She felt that wasn't really appropriate dinner talk.

The big girl who introduced herself as Millicent Bulstrode. "So are you trying to tell me you're actually a pureblood?"

"I suppose..." Pinkie started munching loudly on some broccoli.

"Well then where were you all this time?" Millicent asked.

Pinkie swallowed with an audible gulp. "I was raised in an orphanage. It was great! I've made so many friends there."

Now that the subject didn't refer to… seven years ago she felt a lot more excited.

"I've got seven brothers and six sisters. There's Mark, Ricky, Timmy, Alfie, Nico, Duncan,
Lewis, Jillian, Cerys, Gracie, Iris, Maisie, Sophie and Phoebe. Oh, and Pinkie of course. And then there's Maddie she takes care of us."

Daphne looked at her unimpressed. "Must be wild."

"Oh, it is! Never a dull moment at Happy Oaks. That's what Maddie always says."

Pinkie grabbed some mashed potatoes and turned towards Daphne.

"So what's your story, morning glory?"

"No story I'm afraid. I was home schooled like most at this table."

"Really? Then how did you make friends?"

"Our families all know each other and organized meetings and parties when we were younger."

"Parties?" Pinkies attention peaked at the mention of parties. "What sort of parties?"

Daphne noticed the change in the pink haired menace and tried to be dismissive. "The sort of parties that serve tea."

"Oh, tea parties! I know about those. They go great with boardgames and art!"

Many at the Slytherin table had no idea what she was on about. Conversations continued but it became clear to Pinkie that she was the odd one out. Maybe it was because of her hair colour? It used to be a topic of contention way back in primary school. It couldn't be the pureblood thing because she was one.

She was about to comment about it when the food disappeared and Albus raised from his seat.

He started talking about the school rules and about not going in to the forbidden forest which made sense to Pinkie and then he said not to enter a corridor on the third floor to anyone who did not wish to die a most painful death.

Pinkie started laughing again and once more she was the only one.

"Geez, it's okay to smile you know."

The look in the eyes of headmaster Dumbledore told her however that he was quite serious.

Feeling a little awkward she waited for Albie to finish his speech and then it was time for the school song.

Words were conjured in mid-air so it was easy to sing along. Everyone did their own thing. There didn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to the melody.

As Pinkie was singing she noticed something though. Were the horses singing along? It was hard to tell. Peaceful yet joyfully energetic, the rhythm started something within herself.

Just when she started noticing this the music came to an end.

She didn't realise that the entirety of the Hogwarts student body never sang the song so harmonious before.

Albus rose once again from his seat after applauding jubilantly. "Ah music, a magic beyond any we do here at Hogwarts. Now of you trot. Big day of learning tomorrow."

Shuffling along with the rest of the first years towards the Slytherin common room. Pinkie was thinking upon the experience she just had. Did that always happen when she was singing and just didn't realise it?

She bumped into the backside of a second year. Apparently they had arrived

One of the prefects gave them the password for the entrance to the common room which was hiding behind a painting.

Then they entered the room proper. Everything had a green sheen to it because of the light that filtered through the windows. They were underneath the lake Pinkie realised and the water coloured it green. That's probably where Slytherin house got their colours from.


She sat down in a comfy bean-bag looking thing and allowed herself to drift away for a moment as the hullabaloo around them died down.

Suddenly the other door opened and an ominous looking man entered the room. His cloak was billowing as he glided menacingly towards the centre of the room.

"I am professor Snape."

Pinkie quickly said upright and gave this man her full attention.

"And you are the privileged few who were sorted in the most noble house of Slytherin. Many of you know the about the stigma of being a Slytherin." He turned his coal black eyes towards Pinkie.

"Some of you do not..."

"Because of this reason there are a few extra rules that every Slytherin must abide by lest they suffer my... displeasure."

The mood in the room changed. It seemed like everyone was very seriously listening to what professor Snape had to say.

"First, I expect each and every one of you to give your utmost in your classes. I require at least 'Exceed Expectations' on two subjects and an 'Outstanding' on a third."

There was am audible gulp coming from the direction of two burly looking boys.

"Second. I expect each and everyone of you to be the shining exemplars of cunning and ambition that our house is known for. Should anyone get caught doing any rule breaking the consequences will be dire."

The message was obvious. Don't get caught.

Pinkie didn't get it.

"Third, Slytherin comes first. Our house is the most contentious of all the houses within Hogwarts therefore I will not suffer any infighting."

These rules seemed perfectly reasonable to Pinkie. Do good in school, don't break the rules and no fighting fellow Slytherins.

Hold on a second!

Did that mean that fighting the other houses was okay? Nah she was sure that professor Snape just phrased it a little awkwardly.

She was thinking about the other rules that professor Snape had outlined, wondering how hard it would be to get an outstanding in a subject as they were shepherded down the stairs towards their respective dormitories.

Slytherin had two people to a room with the rooms for girls on the left and the rooms for boys on the right. It was stressed that boys were not allowed into the rooms meant for girls lest they suffer extreme awkwardness.

Pinkie entered one of the first year female rooms. Sadly it was already occupied by Pansy and Daphne who did not take kindly to her intrusion. Pansy rather rudely requested that she leave the room using some very mean words.

Pinkie was a both saddened and confused by the hostility. Particularly after professor Snape's speech. Thankfully Millicent Bulstrode walked past and told Pinkie that she would room with her, though she made sure to tell Pinkie it was because they were the only ones left.

To Pinkie it seemed that Millicent was also one to be a little left out. She was quite… Pinkie didn't want to say chunky. That would be hypocritical after all she herself would winter quite well also.

However Millicent did seem to have something going on with her eyebrows that made it seem like she was permanently angry.

Sophie would call it resting bitch face Pinkie knew. She briefly wondered how the orphanage was doing without her there to bake bread and pies.

"This is my side, that's your side. If you stay on your side there will be no trouble."

Pinkie snapped out of her reminiscing.

"Oki doki!"

She started unpacking her trunk humming a silly song. She placed a multitude of pictures from the orphanage on the bedside table. Her clothes were already placed inside the small wardrobe.

Who did that? She wondered. Did Hogwarts just teleport her clothes around? Could it do that if she was wearing them?

There were still some pictures left over so she put them on the small desk along with her beatbox.

She tried turning it on but it appeared that the flyers were true and that it wouldn't work inside Hogwarts proper. It would only play alpine jodeling. Pinkie wasn't in the mood for that.

Next she put some plushies on her bed and placed balloons in every corner that she was allowed to go.

"What in Merlin's Camelot is that?"

Millicent was pointing at her balloon array floating above her desk.

"They're balloons, silly."

"I know they're balloons you absolute spazzoid. Why are they above your desk?"

"Because it feels like a party?"

"Do I look like I'm in a partying mood?"

"You look like an angry bear. I thought tha-"


Millicent suddenly charged Pinkie and they tumbled to the ground. Millicent started trying to hit Pinkie in the face but Pinkie was trained in the orphanage style of fighting. This meant scratching, hair-pulling, biting, kicking unmentionables, eye-gauging and spitting if necessary.

Seven years in an orphanage taught her well enough.

Although Millicent had the weight advantage Pinkies technique proved superior. She was about to put Millicent in a full Nelson when their door opened up.

"What is the meaning of this?"

A prefect.

"Uhm, we fell down some stairs?" Pinkie tried.

"Cute. Five points from each of you for this appalling behaviour. Now go and see madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing. I hope for your sake that this is over or I will inform our head of house."


Millicent and Pinkie slogged their way through the Hogwarts halls.

"Which way is the hospital wing?"

"I'm new here too bubble brain."

"Why do you keep calling me names?"


Luckily, after a frustrating amount of time some older students were willing to help them out to get where they needed to go.


Poppy Pomfrey was not amused at the state that two first years entered her hospital wing. Scratches, bruises and hair at odd angles meant muggle fighting. Years as a healer at a boarding school gave her such insights.

"We fell down some stairs." The one with weird hair said.

"Together, did you?" Poppy gave them a look filled with incredulity.

"They moved." The other one said.


Poppy did some quick diagnostic spells on them and found only superficial injuries. Some rudimentary healing spells later and they were good to go.

She gave them a permission slip to go back to their common room after curfew and send them on their way.


"Goodnight Milly."

"Fuck you Pinkie."


The next morning saw both Millicent and Pinkie looking bleary eyed at breakfast. Millicent sat with Daphne and Pansy giving Pinkie dirty looks as she ate her food.

Pinkie looked towards the Gryffindor table as she was chewing. She saw Neville, Hermione, Harry and Ron having fun with one another. She was beginning to regret asking the hat to put her where the hat had put her.

"Put me in the house most in need of a party." That's what she wanted.

That's it! Maybe she just needed to organise a little shindig in the common room. That way she was sure to get in the other girls' good graces.

She needed help in organisation. More importantly she needed a place to bake.

Pinkie was thinking so hard that she didn't notice that the Slytherin table was deserted. Quickly she made her way towards the dungeons. It was time for potions class.


"Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Hermione's hand shot up.

"I don't know sir."

"Clearly fame isn't everything. Let's try again. Where would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?"

Pinkie was raising her hand as well trying to catch professor Snape's attention. She wanted to ask if her prior education had been lacking since she didn't know the answer either.

"I don't know sir." Harry said quietly. "I think Pinkie does though. Maybe you should try her?"

"A point will be taken for you cheek, Potter."

Professor Snape proceeded to give the answers to the questions he just raised and snidely went on about aconite or something. Pinkie lowered her hand when the potions instructor insulted Hermione's arm flailing.

Pinkie suspected the only reason she was spared any insults was because she was a Slytherin and honestly that would be blatant favouritism. Maybe the potions professor was just having a bad day?

Professor Snape conjured an assignment on the board. It were the instructions to create a potion that if prepared right would cure boils.

"Now, I assume all of you can read." Snape said looking around the classroom expecting to find those who couldn't. "Since I don't trust anyone of you enough to actually follow the instructions I shall put you in pairs. Maybe two heads are better then one."

Pinkie was looking around for anyone but it seemed like she and Hermione were the only ones who hadn't found anyone. Seeing nothing for it a Gryffindor-Slytherin team up seemed like it could be fun to Pinkie.

Hermione was setting up the cauldron putting it on medium flame as Pinkie went to get the other supplies. She tripped over Draco's foot on the way back but luckily she was able to keep the ingredients from falling.

"So how is life in Gryffindor?" Pinkie asked Hermione. "In Slytherin it's all very interesting. Did you know that our common room is underneath the great lake? How cool is that! I wonder if I'll see miss Squid again from the windows sometime."

"Hmm?… Could you help me crush the snake fangs?" Hermione kept glancing back and forth from her potions book and the blackboard, making sure that the instructions added up.

"The instructions are not in line, surely it is preparation time?"

Hermione looked away from her book. Did Pinkie just talk in a funny voice? And why did she rhyme? Before she could comment Pinkie shoved her out of the way.


For the following two hours Hermione was rather stunned by the proficiency that Pinky showed in potions. She new that Pinkie loved baking and cooking so maybe the two skills were supportive of one another?

Finding herself in an assistant role was a rather unique experience as well. In her prior school she was forced to take the lead in group projects more often then not. But Pinkie seemed rather forceful.

"Do not be so hasty." She said. "Or our potion will not be tasty."

Now she was getting concerned. The potion was not supposed to be tasty it was supposed to be a cure for boils. She was so busy following Pinkies instructions that she forgot to look at the blackboard and missed the fact that they weren't even following them.

Panic set in.

It was to late now though. They had only five minutes left. When she looked around the room some other potions were already turning red. Some were even turning pink which was an indication of a superior potion.

Her and Pinkies potion was turning towards a happily bubbling periwinkle blue.

She was about to really lay it on her but before she could professor Snape bellowed across the room.

"Time's up!" He stood up from behind his desk and started roaming around giving judgemental remarks at everyone.

Neville had suffered a rather explosive error during the lesson and had to be carted of to the hospital wing. Hermione noticed during that exchange that Snape really had it in for Harry who he blamed for the whole ordeal causing points to be lost for Gryffindor. Now he was raving on about Ron and Harry's potion. He was probably really going to blow his top when he saw her and Pinkies monstrosity.

Hermione started hyperventilating as she'd never gotten bad marks before. This was really starting to mess with her identity, she was supposed to be smart! How could she let this happen? Stupid Pinkie and her stupid rhymes! She ruined everything!

"What is this?" Snape was inspecting their potion and didn't look impressed.

"It's boil removing potion." Pinkie chipperly responded.

"Is it?" Snape sneered.

"Uh huh."

"Then let's find out." Snape ordered the entirety of the class towards the hospital wing. Neville was lying in bed there still covered in boils being examined by madam Pomfrey. He looked embarrassed of having the entire class look at him like this.

"Madam Pomfrey? I've brought a fresh batch of boil healing potion."

"Yes and an entire group of first years. Why are they in my hospital wing?" She seemed thoroughly annoyed.

"I thought it would be educational to see one of their potions at work and maybe help poor Neville here at the same time."

"I see." She still looked annoyed but could see where he was coming from. The world was in desperate need of more healers and maybe this would help coax more students among their ranks.

Professor Snape did his own diagnostic spells upon Neville and then poured Pinkie's and Hermione's potion down his throat.

At first he was struggling against it but then he gulped it down quite happily.

"Hmm, tastes like sweet lime pie."

Snape looked disgusted at Neville. "It's not supposed to taste like sweet lime pie. It's supposed to taste like a bowl of snot."

Still his boils started to disappear leaving behind healthy looking skin.

"Five points from Gryffindor for making a potion that tastes good."

"It appears to me that children actually wanting to take there medicine is good idea." Madam Pomfrey said.

"That's debatable, we wouldn't want children drinking random potions now would we."

"Debatable indeed especially since your first year students came up with a completely new potion for removing boils in their first lesson." Madam Pomfrey gave Snape a stern look that he couldn't ignore.

"...One point to Gryffindor for making a completely new boil removal potion in their first lesson."

Hermione looked afronted. "And Slytherin." She said. "Pinkie is in Slytherin."

Pinkie was busy talking to Neville making sure he was okay and making him laugh.

"Oh right so she is. Ten poi-"

Another look from madam Pomfrey.

Professor Snape deflated some. "One point to Slytherin for the same reason."

"Maybe the point reduction for Gryffindor should was a bit harsh as well?"

"Fine, no point reduction. But if you find first years chugging Draught of the living Death don't come crying to me." His robe bellowed dramatically as he left the hospital wing.

"This lesson is over."

"That man." Madam Pomfrey sighed. "Always so dramatic."

Pinkie joined her side at Neville's bed.

"I'll say. I've stopped trying to drink drain cleaner since I was eight."

The whole class looked at her like she was crazy.

"Oh, come on that was funny!"


Hermione and Pinkie went their separate ways. The Slytherins were going to charms class and the Gryffindors were… Pinkie wasn't really paying attention.

Making potions was really fun Pinkie thought as she was walking towards her next class, but professor Snape was in dire need of a hug. Pinkie was going to get on that real quick right after finding a place to bake in preparation for her party.

She entered the charms classroom early and was met with a small professor standing on a lectern that was comically raised to make him able to see the entire classroom.

Pinkie quickly sat in the centre of the room. She was excited to learn how to use her wand properly. The lesson hadn't started yet as she was looking around the room she noticed that the walls of the classroom was filled with countless books. From what she could see these were all books about charms.

"Hermione would love it here." She thought thinking about her friend. Hermione really was her first friend in the magical world. The thought gave her hope that the Slytherins would end up maybe liking her too.

As the rest of her class came in, Ravenclaws and Slytherins both, the short professor started introducing himself.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. I am professor Filius Flitwick and today you will experience your first charms lesson." He tapped his lectern with his wand and a big word appeared on the blackboard: Lumos

"Everyone get your wands out, we're going to have some fun!"

The professor's squeaky voice and enthusiasm immediately endeared the professor to Pinkie. This lesson was going to be great!

With wand in hand she eagerly listened how professor Flitwick started explaining the Lumos charm. It was a simple charm that made your wand create light. You just had to say Lumos and your wand would light up.

All around the classroom people were shouting lumos, lighting up their wands. Some were rather dim like Pansy's and some were rather strong like Daphne's. Lisa Turpin who sat next to Pinkie was rather proud waving her gentle light around trying to write her name in mid-air.

"Give it a go Pinkie!" Lisa said.

"Lumos!" Pinkie shouted.

"PWEP!" Responded her wand as a party whistle came rolling out and back in.

Lisa and Pinkie looked a little surprised at her wand and then at each other.

"Lumos!" She tried again.

"Pwep?" Her wand responded a little less peppy this time.

Pinkie was confused by her wands behaviour. She was gathering quite a few stares as she tried hitting her wand on the back of the handle like a bottle of ketchup hoping to unclog it or something.



A cluster of confetti exploded out of her wand covering her desk, herself and Lisa who didn't really seem to mind.

Professor Flitwick noticed the commotion and went to investigate.

"What seems to be the problem?" He asked with a friendly demeanour.


"Pwep!" Pinkie's wand went again.

"O, this is new."

Smiling Flitwick grabbed a nearby chair and stood on top to reach the desk. "Okay, show me again?"


"PWEP!" More enthusiastic this time. Pinkie didn't know what was going on but her wand seemed to be having a ball.

"Hmm, I see." Flitwick said. "Pinkie I need you to really focus on trying to create light. Not to just shout the words."

Pinkie closed her eyes and imagined a light in the darkness.


"Pweep!" Her wand responded jovially. Though this time their was a small light at the tip of the party whistle.

Flitwick sighed, though not in a concerned way. "Why don't you stay a little while after class Pinkie?"

Pansy and Draco were laughing in the corner. She heard them whispering. "..can't even do a light spell..."

The lesson continued but Pinkie wasn't really feeling it. She made few more half-hearted attempts at making magic happen but her wand just kept throwing it's own party.

Pinkie knew the sentiment but there was a time and a place wand!


Professor Flitwick finished the lesson with some lecturing about charms and reading homework. He waited patiently for everyone to leave to give Pinkie some more advise.

Pinkie was lazily waving her wand around trying to make something else happen instead of confetti and party noises. It was proving difficult after having concentrated so long during the lesson. She was getting pretty tired from today's events and could really use a nap to be honest.

Professor Flitwick was watching her trying to cast the Lumos spell closely. Sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn't but it would always come with a party whistle though it started to sound rather sad and tired.

"I'm going to give you some extra homework Pinkie as I'm sure you would've guessed." He told her in a chipper tone.


"Come come, don't be like that. I can tell you are improving."

That did lighten Pinkies mood considerably

"I want you to find a quiet place to practise somewhere without any distractions. Really try to focus on light and nothing else for the charm. See if you can stop your wand from throwing parties whenever it wants."

"But I like parties."

"So do I, but sometimes it is more useful to throw a spell then to throw a party."

"I guess..." Pinkie looked at her wand and thought about how she got it. Maybe it was a bad wand after all.

"Do you think I maybe have a bad wand?"

"If the wand was meant for you it was meant for you. So it's not the wand no. It's lack of focus, plain and simple."

Professor Flitwick started his preparing for his next class.

"Keep practising Pinkie! You'll be able to do it in no time, you'll see. I believe in you!"

"Thanks professor!" She shouted as she left the classroom. She left her last cupcake on her desk for him. She really appreciated his help and sunny enthusiasm. It helped her realise that her life hadn't turned all gloomy. It was just changing and she needed to change with it.


Agent (REDACTED) Field report #748-3289

Target ALPHA seemed above average but within standard parameters. Does not appear to be popular with peers within Slytherin house.

Target ALPHA appears to have genius talent for potions and left one of her signature weapons in the classroom.

Field agent (REDACTED) feared to give in to temptation and disposed of the MCC (Mind-control confections) using Fiendfire.

Agent (REDACTED) regrets the loss of opportunity for study but could not risk loss of faculties at this time.

Requesting expedited (REDACTED) order of target ALPHA. Target ALPHA is exposed.

Target BRAVO is average and asocial though attempts to fit in seem successful.

Target Bravo seems not aware of wizarding etiquette confirming suspicion of an unmagical and poor upbringing.

Protections on target BRAVO seem insurmountable at this time.











Professor Flitwick watched as the message burst into flames leaving not even ashes behind.

Author's Note:

I hate this chapter!! BLAAAAARGARBlegraablle