• Published 24th Dec 2019
  • 2,526 Views, 237 Comments

Pinkie Pie goes to Hogwarts - WoomyWobble

Drama, mystery and funny stuff all wrapped in an epic adventure! Follow Pinkie Pie as she finds herself in the magical world of wizarding Britain. Here she will find new friends, new baked goods and new parties!

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Chapter 15: Meet the Parents

It seemed that all the parents of the first year Slytherins were invited to this gathering. Pinkie tried to find Maddie in the crowd but she couldn't find her.

Luckily Albie was here as well. Surely he would have her back.

Pinkie and Millicent shuffled their way towards their designated seats. Pinkie noticed that Millicent was sitting next to a woman who was a lot like an older Milly. She looked a lot more womanly though and her face was a lot more gentle looking.

Daphne's dad was easy to recognise. Her father had the same blue piercing laser eyes that her daughter had though his looked decidedly less friendly.

Blaise sat next to a woman who wore a lot of jewellery. She looked Mediterranean and had a purple scarf around her head. As for Blaise himself he didn’t appear worried.

The parents of Crabbe and Goyle looked mostly to Draco's dad to tell them what to do. Draco himself did his best to appear as miserable as possible. Crabbe and Goyle didn’t quite get the look down and just looked like weird guilty fish.

Pansy's father seemed quite cunning as he stroked his small beard.

Pinkie sat down next to professor Snape. Maybe he would have her back as well.

Dumbledore rose from his seat. “Millicent Bulstrode and Blaise Zabini. Draco Malfoy has accused you of orchestrating an unprovoked attack on him and his friends. Do you-”

Millicent snorted. “It was hardly unprovoked.” She gave Draco a hard stare. “That idiot had it coming.”

The pretty lady next to her looked shocked by her outburst. “Milly! Our parents didn’t raise us this way. Why would you-”

“Our parents didn’t raise me at all!” Millicent crossed her arms and huffed in anger.

It was true that as heir their parents had focused more of their attention on Mildred. But she always thought that they at least were close. She also knew that Millicent was a hotheaded girl but she wasn’t cruel.

Blaise’s mother decided to distract everyone. “Blaise why don’t you tell us what happened? I believe everyone here would like to hear your view.”

“Hmm… Well it started for me when I found a battered Pinkie on my way to class.”

Draco’s father looked unimpressed. “What in Merlins name is a Pinkie?”

“…I’m Pinkie.”

It was like she was beneath his notice until then despite her impressively recognisable hair. Pinkie was starting to be a little annoyed by his dismissive attitude. It has been a long day after all.

“I see...”

“Moving right along.” Blaise interrupted. “I brought her to the hospital wing and I thought that would be that. The whole experience left me a bit shook I must say.”

Dumbledore raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “And did she tell you how she came to be in such a state?”

“I'm in the room you know!”

He turned towards Pinkie. “Indeed you are. I believe you told madam Pomfrey you fell down the stairs?”


Blaise replied instead. “She told me the same thing.”

“And what did you think of that assessment?”

“Thought it was bullocks. But you don't start debates when you find someone hurt like that.”

Blaise's mother pinched his ear to the entertainment of the people present. “Language!”

“Quite. What did you think happened mister Zabini?”

“I thought she got beat up.”

“Why did you think that?”

“Just looked like it I suppose.”

“Why do you think that Pinkie would lie to you?”

“I don't know...embarrassment maybe? Truth be told it's hard to imagine what goes on inside her head.”

Dumbledore sighed deeply. “And what about you miss Bulstrode?”

“Pinkie told me Draco, Crabbe and Goyle did it when I visited Pinkie in the Hospital wing. Then I asked Zabini to join me in kicking their asses.”

“No I didn't! I said we were muffins.”

Millicent's expression was rather done in. She was tired as well. “You talk in your sleep.”

Dumbledore would always trust a Bulstrode to get to the heart of the matter. “I see...Why did you not go to-”

Draco's father suddenly jumped in. “So my son had to endure an horrendous assault because of the potioned up ramblings of a mu...ggleborn?!” He gestured dramatically. “What sort of institution are you running here Albus?”

“A school Lucius as you well know.” Albus remained calm to the annoyance of Draco's dad. “If you are inquiring as to how this could have happened and all that. That is what this gathering is all about. Now.” He turned towards Pinkie. “Is what miss Bulstrode told us the truth?”


“So the actions of miss Bulstrode and mister Zabini were in retaliation for the actions of mister Malfoy?”

“Yes. I think so.”

He looked to the two other children with an inquisitive eyebrow.



He turned towards Draco. “So mister Malfoy is not as innocent as he would've liked us to believe?”

Lucius was dismissive. “The girl is obviously lying. Most likely to hide her own crimes which we haven't even discussed.”

“That's because there are none.”

“Don't be naïve Albus. Where two are fighting two are guilty. She's probably the one who instigated all of this somehow. She's the first who got beaten after all.”

Dumbledore scuffed in surprised.

“By that rationale all victims are the perpetrators of the crimes against them. That's quite a position to take even for you, Lucius.”

Pinkie didn't like any of this but he understood where he was coming from. It couldn't be fun to have your son painted as the bad guy.

She liked how Albie was defending her though. He was a real pal.

Lucius was grinding his teeth. “We're not talking about a bill in the wizengamot here. We're talking about a brawl between children.”

“Then I shudder to imagine what you believe Pinkie here as done to your son.”

All eyes shifted towards Pinkie who found herself in the position to try to look as innocent as possible because she was.

Draco meanwhile sported an ugly grin that went unnoticed. He was about to start some sob story about how she was about to steal his magic when out of the corner a small voice could be heard.

“...It's my fault.”

Surprise swept through the crowd.

“It's my fault alright!” It was Daphne Greengrass. She was crying but was also determined.

Even though she was afraid that her parents would punish her the entire sordid tale came tumbling out. The manipulations, the lies, all of it.

Well maybe not all of it. She cleverly avoided speaking about her true motivations at the time and instead made up a story about some imagined slight from Pinkie.

The room was left in stunned silence. Both by her dastardly plotting and her apology.

Dumbledore rubbed his beard in contemplation and broke the silence. “I see...I think we all have a clear picture now. It started with Daphne, who instigated an attack on Pinkie, who's friends retaliated on Draco, Gregory and Vincent.”

He sighed deeply. “I must confess I feared I had to expel some people for these acts of senseless violence.”

Several gasps were heard from the crowd.

“Due to the young age of the persons responsible we will not go that route. However, extensive detentions shall be served with professor Snape and mister Filch till the Christmas hols for all those who inflicted injury on another person. This includes miss Greengrass.”

He looked around the crowd but didn't get any objections. “Good, I will allow a moment with the parents to say goodbye, then it's of to bed with you lot!” He pointed towards the children and finished with a smile.


His mother was an imposing figure. With her dark skin green eyes and black hair she was known in Britain as the true pureblood iron queen of the Zabini family.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Oh she was the leader of the Zabini family for certain and they were powerful.

But her blood was as pure as her conscience was clear.

They were the Zingari. Italian Roma or Gypsies and they found in this magical Britain a wonderful set of business opportunities.

So of course their blood was pure and anyone who asked questions was bribed with a hefty sum of gold, cursed though it might be.

This was all fair, after all, you shouldn't ask questions in the first place.

So now they were as pure as the driven snow.

Their family was decidedly matriarchal and yet Blaise had earned himself some respect with his family members even at a young age. With his easy attitude and subtle intelligence he had made himself useful.

“This was unlike you.” His mother said.

“You think so?” Blaise smirked at his mother. “I figured you'd approve given your own historic actions on such matters.”

Her actions were legendary in certain circles.

“I never said I wasn't proud. I said it wasn't like you. Normally you seem more detached.” She got a sly smile on her face. “Perhaps there was something personal about this particular girl? Hmm?”

Blaise refused to get baited. “Not particularly. She doesn't seem to be overly bright. Funny though. I suppose it was a little bit personal.”

“The Malfoys will be displeased.”

“I say fuck 'm.”

“...Still a bit young.” She boxed his ear out of habit “Language. We are upstanding citizens are we not?”

“Yes mother.”

They hugged each other.

“I’m looking forward to the holidays.”

“Me too.”


Lucius had difficulty keeping the disappointment from his face. His son was schemed upon by that Greengrass girl. It was clear that he would need to hasten his son's education come next Yuletide. For now it could wait.

“What is your opinion on what happened here tonight?” He asked his son.

“It didn't go well?”

“...Evidently. Tell me what really happened with the girl.”

“Well... Daphne was saying that she was a blood traitor and that someone should really put her in her pla-”

“A traitor? She's not a muggleborn?”

“No, apparently she's the last living member of the Pie family.”

“Oh? Interesting...So they yet live.” Lucius was trying to figure out the ramifications of this news. Predominately a mining family. Very involved with muggles. Wealth unknown. One of the most ancient families there was. Kept to themselves mostly.

“You're not mad about that? I thought we... You know.”

“No it wasn't us. Nobody knows who did it.”

Lucius had come to a decision. “For now I want you to leave this girl alone. Dumbledore will no doubt keep his eye on you forthwith and she's not worth the effort.”

After a moment to look at his son and to make sure the message had sunken in he changed the topic.

“What do you think of that Greengrass girl?”

“Beautiful, clever but also rather soulless and dull.”

“Hmm...What would you think of a marriage with her?”

Draco turned a little green around the gills. “...I'd prefer Pansy. Maybe not as pretty but certainly more lively.”

“You disappoint me Draco. It's what's best for the family that matters.”

Draco put forward his stiff upper lip. “I understand father.”

Lucius took a deep breath. “I suppose it doesn't matter right now. It's still early days for you.”

A silence fell between them as they both thought things through. Lucius grabbed a pinch of floo powder and turned toward his son.

“I will discuss things with your mother. I'm sure she will send you an owl with her thoughts. Goodnight Draco.”

“Goodnight father.”


Daphne was a ball of nervous energy as she was led into an empty study room by her father. Was this where she was going to be disowned? She couldn't make out his expression from this angle which didn't help.

He closed the door behind her cast a privacy charm and slowly started clapping.

“Well played my daughter. Well played.” He said smiling. “When we were summoned to the school this afternoon and told you weren't attending classes I feared the worst.”

Daphne had difficulty keeping the surprise from her face. She was so certain that her father would be livid.

Her father continued without paying any attention to her. “The Malfoys owe us now for you taking the heat and at the same time everyone present noticed your cleverness. Dumbledore ate it all up! No doubt everybody will be clamouring for your hand in a few years.”

He turned around and hugged his daughter awkwardly.

This was what she'd always wanted. She felt relief that her father wasn't angry with her but at the same time... She felt so dirty.


“Daphne? What's wrong?”

“...Just tired I guess. It's been a long couple of days.”

“I can imagine. I'll tell your mother the news. She will be relieved I'm sure.”


Pinkie was left with Albie in the common room. He looked patiently at the nearby paintings waiting for her to gather her thoughts.

“Maddie wasn't here.”

“No, she was not.”

“Because she's muggle?”

“Just so.”


Professor Dumbledore conjured himself a comfortable chair and sat in front of Pinkie. His pockets seemed a bit deeper then they should have been when he pulled something from them.

“Would you like a muffin?” He asked while offering her a chocolate flavoured one.

The gesture brought a smile on her face and she grabbed it eagerly. “You stole my trademark.”

Despite the comment her mood was lifted ever so slightly and it relieved Dumbledore to know that she would probably be alright.

“I fear it's but a meagre imitation compared to your own creations. Still I've found it a good idea to keep a few on hand nowadays. You never know when you will encounter a student who might need a pick me up.”

“I know right? Very useful.” Pinkie broke a piece from her muffin and gave it to Albie. He took it eagerly.

“The house elves do their best but it's never quite the same. I've asked them why yours taste so different and all I get in return are stares as if I just asked a stupid question. That's a very concerning look to be getting from a house elf let me tell you.”

He looked at her inquisitively but a shrug was all he received as an explanation.

“Fine keep your secrets. Leave an old man with his cravings.”

They ate together in a moment of pleasant silence. “So... Will I sleep tonight ruminating on the true sequence of events, or was there perhaps more to the story of the past couple of days?”

“There is always more to a good story.”

“Something I should know?”

She thought it through for a while. “Nah, I think things will sort themselves out on their own.”

From out of nowhere she pulled two bottles of butterbeer and gave one to Albie straw included.

“I've hidden beverages around the castle in case of washing down emergencies.”

Albus made an appreciative noise and slurped his drink with joy.

“Do you think professor Snape would appreciate a pick me up? He was very quiet tonight.”

Thoughtfully Albus considered the notion. “He was... in a tricky position.”

Nodding along sagely she agreed. “It can be hard to stand up to your friends.” Pinkie sipped her drink.

“Yes...something like that.”

After a moment of quiet deliberation with himself Professor Dumbledore put his bottle on the floor for a moment and readjusted his glasses. “Professor Flitwick has informed me that you're having issues with your wand magic practicals.”

“...Teachers sure do like to gossip.”

Albie pulled his wand from his robe. “Indeed we do. Since I am the current defence teacher perhaps I could provide you some additional assistance next time you are in my classroom?”

He conjured some lovely looking butterflies that flapped around the room. “For the small fee of extra cupcakes of course.”

Pinkie narrowed her eyes shrewdly “So I'd be paying you for what you should be doing anyway?”

Albie looked faux hurt. “No... No, no, no, no, no... No...Yes?...I'm a very busy man...I'm old?”

They laughed.


“They couldn't even be bothered...”

Her sister looked at her with pity which only made her even more angry.

“They had a very important meeting that-”

“There's always a dumb meeting! I've nearly beaten people to death. You'd think they'd show up!”

Mildred grabbed her suddenly and held her tight to her chest. “Oh Milly... Do I not count?”

All the fight left Millicent and her arms sagged to her sides. The little room was filled with the sound of quiet sniffles.

“...You count.”

“So it's still Millie and Milly?”


Mildred released her sister. “I know that you... our parents...” She sighed.

“Having all their expectations heaved upon you isn't easy either.”

For a moment Millicent was about to say something but then she thought better of it.

“Just... Enjoy your time here at Hogwarts alright? I think I had the best days of my life in these halls.” Mildred touched one of the pillars then smiled at her sister. “It wasn't all doom and gloom here these past few months was it? Tell me about this Pinkie. She seemed nice.”

It didn't take much further coaxing from her sister for Millicent to start waxing poetic of the various adventures they'd already had.

When the time came for Mildred to leave both of them had smiles on their faces.


Pansy's father was stroking his goatee. A habit of his when he was thinking.

“So how did you escape Dumbledore's ire? I know you and Draco are thick as thieves. I have no doubt that you were there as well.”

A sense of pride filled Pansy as she explained. “I made sure I didn't physically hurt anyone and that I never ended up in the hospital wing.”

She suddenly remembered Millicents 'treatment” and shuddered. “Regardless of Bulstrode's machinations.”

“Do you think she will be trouble?”

“...Nah. She had her fun.”

A memory popped in her head. “Oh speaking of fun. Look what Draco gave me!”

She showed her father the necklace key. It sparkled purely in the torchlight of the castle, casting strange shadows on its walls.

“He took it from that silly Pie girl for me. It was so romantic.” She sighed.

“Pie?!” mister Parkinson grabbed the key with his robe making sure not to touch the metal with his bare skin. “This is a Pie family heirloom?! That girl is of the Pie family?”

Pansy felt shock from her fathers intense reaction. “Yes?”

“Give that to me. Quickly now, who knows what those lunatics have done with it.”

Her hands trembled as she gave the necklace to her dad.

He put it in his pocket making again sure not to touch it. Both were waiting for something to happen but it never did.

“How are you feeling?”

“Startled mostly and a bit sad that I can’t keep it. You really think there's something wrong with it?”

Relief flooded his face as he confirmed something. “I don't know but it's best to err on the side of caution.”

Still saddened by the loss of something so precious Pansy started moping. A sight that her father could never resist. Still... Needs must.

“I will send our regards to the Malfoys for this gift. We must be rid of it however. It is technically stolen and those Pies were always a zealous lot.”

“Yes father. I understand.”


He kissed her on her brow, turned around and stepped through the floo.