• Published 24th Dec 2019
  • 2,526 Views, 237 Comments

Pinkie Pie goes to Hogwarts - WoomyWobble

Drama, mystery and funny stuff all wrapped in an epic adventure! Follow Pinkie Pie as she finds herself in the magical world of wizarding Britain. Here she will find new friends, new baked goods and new parties!

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Chapter 12: Halloween!

Pinkie and Millicent were sneaking their way towards the music room. It was a little late and tomorrow it would be Halloween or Samhain as Milly liked to call it.

Pinkie had plans for that day so a little drum session would do Milly some good to mellow her out.

They arrived at the painting of Barnebas to find the door with the musical note already present. Pinkie and Millicent looked at each other and decided wordlessly to try and sneak in.

When Pinkie tried to open the door however she got yanked inward only to stumble upon non other then Daphne Greengrass.

Pinkie giggled “Sneak hug attack!”

Daphne did not reciprocate.

“Get of me.” She said stoically.

Pinkie laughed awkwardly as she got up “Sorry.”

Still it was Daphne that looked like she did something wrong. She had the look of someone who got caught.

“Sooo...” Pinkie was fishing. “What 're you up to?”

“Nothing.” She said maybe a bit to fast.

“Nothing huh.” Millicent was circling around Daphne like a bloodhound. “Then what is this?!” She grabbed some papers that were poking outside Daphne's robe.

“Nothing! Just some papers. Give em back!”

Millicent ran away giggling. “Let's see shall we.” She was running away and as she ran she saw what it actually was. “Wait. This is just sheet music.”

Millicent suddenly stopped. “Why are you embarrassed by sheet music?”

“It's muggle.”


“It's muggle!”

'Chopin nocturne in E flat major op 9 no 2' shone prominently as the title. Millicent was still a little shocked by the revelation and so Daphne was able to yank her papers back.

“And I'd appreciate it if you could keep mum about it.”

“Oh silly, you don't have to be embarrassed about that. I listen to muggle music all the time.” Pinkie tried to be reassuring and put an arm around her shoulder.

Daphne just rolled her eyes and left the music room in a huff.

“Daphne's so odd.” Pinkie observed but Milly just looked at Pinkie like she was a dunce.

“Come on.” She said. “Let's wreck this place.”


Pinkie had found a really cool wand that would make her voice bubbly which was really funny. She taped it to her face with a bit of spell 'o tape so she could keep her hands free.

The screaming guitar she had found would have to suffer those hands.

Millicent had found a drum kit that looked strong enough to withstand her.

And withstand it it did as Millicent went to town on those poor little drums. Pinkie had never heard anything like it as she hit the drums crazy fast.

It gave Pinkie some serious jumping energy as she was slappin' her guitar and started shouting random thoughts through her bubbly microphone wand thingy.

The energy couldn't be dissipated by just playing the music so she sort of ran around in silly figure eighths.

And wouldn't you know it, that was a bit much for even Pinkies brain to handle so she tripped.

“#$@%” She said through her musical diatribe.

She was laying on her back and continued with renewed vigour and even more aggression that the 'music' let loose inside of her.

She shouted “Get up!” With anger at herself and accidentally threw her guitar into Millicent's drums.

Millicent was stunned into silence. Pinkie was about to ask her if she was alright but then Milly started laughing.

“That was #$@% brilliant!”

Pinkie laughed as well. And with the silence that followed came a moment of Zen and inner peace.

“I sure hope the room can fix all this because I don't know where to start to be honest.”

“Meh, who cares nobody comes here anyway. Let's go before we’re late for curfew.”


Goodnight Milly.

Goodnight Pinkie.


“Pinkie Pie! Fill me with the power of darkness!”

“One tripple-dipped double-chocolate gobble-muffin comin' right up.”

Pinkie threw a chocolate muffin over her shoulder with practised ease and Millicent caught the little muffin with her big angry maw. She tore it to pieces with macabre eagerness.

It was Halloween morning and classes were about to start. Millicent was dressed as a vampire, pointy teeth and all and Pinkie was dressed as a witch. She had found a spiffy hat somewhere and had asked Archy to transfigure her nose long and warty. One of the warts even had a few hairs growing out of it.

Honestly Millicent had no idea how Pinkie talked her into this but she had to admit it was fun seeing the different reactions of people.


She startled a second year Slytherin out of her morning funk when she came down the stairs and laughed.

She got a stinging hex for her troubles but she didn’t care.


The charms lesson of the day was rather fun. Wingardium Leviosa, the levitation charm. As usual Pinkie had trouble learning the spell but underneath all the toot noises and party whistles she got her feather to wiggle a bit which she was extremely proud of.

Professor Flitwick knew of her concentration issues and commended her on both her spiffy hat and her progress with magic in general.

He was so nice that Pinkie decided to reward him with a lovely little surprise this evening. He was her favourite teacher and she really appreciated the attempts at helping her wand magic shine.

She was sure that he would appreciate it when he’d find it.

Lisa was rather good at charms and she gave Pinkie some pointers on the subject as well since they were pared together again. Lisa was a good friend too. They just didn't have a lot of opportunities to interact.

The taunts from Draco and Pansy had become white noise after all this time. With a good friend by her side it really mattered a lot less when bullies were being mean.

Pinkie was thinking on the last couple of weeks and maybe Blaise was a friend as well. He would sometimes sit with them and have fun with Milly and herself. Then again he also sat with Theo, Draco, Daphne and Pansy.

She should ask him about it at some point. It would be so cool if they were friends!

The lesson ended and there was a little time to waste before the Halloween feast.

Pinkie was going to have to miss the feast because she had a little scavenger hunt planned for the Hogwarts firsties and it needed setting up.


Oh, what was she going to do? They knew her secret!

Daphne was screaming on the inside though nobody would've thunk it if you'd have seen her.

She didn't get a wink of sleep all night. She had to apply her glamour charms her mother had taught her just to make herself presentable this morning.

Oh why did she answer their questions? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

'Maybe you wanted to feel that spark again?' A dark part of her psyche cheekily provided for an answer.

'Shut up!' She shouted inside her own head and suppressed the thought with extreme prejudice.

She was sure that Pinkie and Millicent were planning some sort of blackmail scheme even now. Bulstrode in particular was the vindictive type.

She would have to strike first.

Even though she didn't like the thought at all...


The Halloween feast was in full swing but Pinkie wasn't attending. Normally she would love such an event of course but some things were more important.

Like 'the Spooky Salsa Search of Mystery.' It's what she had called her scavenger hunt.

She was hanging fake bats on strings that would certainly trigger a good jump-scare when she heard something.

The sound of soft sniffles echoed through the empty halls. There was someone crying nearby.

She followed the noise and found a girls toilet that was out of order.

There was someone crying in the stall.

Well that just wouldn't do. Halloween was supposed to be fun not sad.

“Hello? Are you okay?” She knocked on the door.

“Just leave me alone!”

“Oh silly I can't do that. You're really sad and that makes me sad too.”

She fished a cupcake out of her robe specifically baked to perfection in case of sad people.

It's smell was particularly sweet almost cloyingly so. It contained more sugar then was technically possible to fit inside the space that the cupcake was inhabiting and it gave of a strange pink glow when you looked at it sideways.

She slid the little treat underneath the bathroom stall door

“Here, this will make you feel better.”

“...It's probably hexed or something.”

“Hexed to make you feel better.”Pinkie said with a smile and a wink. The stall inhabitant couldn't see it.

Pinkie did see that someone slowly picked up the little cupcake and she heard the hesitant little nibble that followed.

“...This is really good.”

Pinkie heard it said in between sniffles and she felt a little bit of pride.

“Do you want to tell your auntie what happened?”


And so Pinkie heard a sordid tale of friendship, loss and betrayal. How two friends left the other behind because they were fraternising with the enemy.

“Stupid Slytherins.”

Pinkie heard it being mumbled behind the closed door. She put her hand on her waist and huffed.

“Well you're being helped by a Slytherin as we speak so maybe we're not all that bad!”


Pinkie heard the stall being unlocked and Ronald Weasley came tumbling out.

“What are you doing here?”

“I was preparing for my scavenger hunt. Do you wanna join in?”

“I don't thi-”

A loud rumbling crash from outside the room shook the foundations of their toilet

Ron was startled into grabbing Pinkies hand. “W-what was that?”

Pinkie was about to respond when another loud crash echoed through Hogwarts. This one much closer then before.

The silence in the little loo was only broken by Ron's whimpering.

Suddenly the door exploded inward with a wave of wooden shrapnel. A loud roar followed by the troll that supplied it.

The troll was staring at the two children with a confused expression.

It was then that Ron started screaming.


The startled troll tried to hit Ron with his massive weapon. Almost sluggishly the troll moved his massive arm through the air.

Ron and Pinkie jumped underneath it's legs before the club could connect. The stall behind them imploded in a shower of debris and toilet chunks.

He must have hit something important because the floor started to flood with water very quickly.

The troll seemed distracted by the water so Ron and Pinkie slowly sneaked out of the room.

Only to bump into Hermione and Harry who just rounded the corner.

“Ron?!” Hermione shouted. “Come quick. There's a troll on the loose!”

“I know!”

Pinkie jumped on Ron's back to force him low as another swing from the troll's club missed them by only an inch.

“EEP!” Hermione jumped backwards and stumbled into Harry causing both of them to tumble over.

Harry recovered first. He quickly rolled Hermione of of him and helped her on her feet in one smooth motion. Just in time to see Ron and Pinkie erupt from the toilet exit followed by the troll.

The troll decided on following Ron.

Ron in a panicked state started running in circles. The troll tried to hit him with his club but Ron remained just out of reach the entire time.

Harry tried to distract the troll by shooting sparks at it with his wand and got his wish.

The troll was going for him now.

Hermione tried to do some transfiguration on the nearby pipes. Maybe to try to turn them into something sharp to hurt the troll with.

She ultimately failed miserably though. She was to panicked and in the end she just didn't know enough magic to get it done proper.

Pinkie was looking on all this chaos and just about had it with mister troll.

The troll was about to clobber Harry into a fine paste when Pinkie jumped up on the trolls shoulder and grabbed him by his fur collar. She looked him deep in the eye.

“Listen here mister! Just because you're big and strong doesn't mean you get to be a bully!”

The troll was completely bewildered and not a little bit intimidated by this girl who was standing on his shoulder.

Pinkie shook his fur coat roughly. “You do not get to hurt my friends!”

She got so close their noses were almost touching.

“Well? What do you have to say for yourself?”

The troll was looking at her stupidly and tried to shrug her off only to find Pinkie was not so easily shrugged.

"I said! What do you have to say for yourself!"

It was really hard to look her in the eye and realise that he was dealing with an actual person. He suddenly burst out crying. He sagged onto the floor and thick tears started dribbling down his face in big rivers.

He snorted loudly.

Pinkie tried to rub is back to try and comfort him but it was difficult since he was so large. “There there. It's okay. Why don't you tell me what has made you such a grump today.”

She passed on a little handkerchief that had little flowers with smiley faces on them and the troll blew his nose with a strange honk sound.

“Grunk snort snort.” He said

“Uh huh, uh huh. That wasn't very nice.”

“Grunk sniffle snort sniffle!... Snif snif snort.... Snif snort.”

“Wow. And that all just happened just now?”


“Well no wonder you're so cranky. Don't worry, officer Pinkie is on the case!”

She turned around and grabbed the troll by the hand to lead him on.

Only to encounter the shocked faces of professor McGonagall, Flitwick and headmaster Dumbledore.

“Oh, hello everybody.”

Professor Dumbledore was the quickest on the uptake. “Hi Pinkie. Could you enlighten us on what happened?” He asked in a calm grandfatherly tone.

“Sure! Mister Snurt here was preparing for a lovely chicken dinner with his girlfriend miss Snurt. No relation. When suddenly a man in a turban came and stole his food!”

“A turban you say...”

“Yeah. You think professor Quirrel might know who did it? Turban wearing wizards might run in the same circles.”

“Hmm, Perhaps. Might I inquire as to what mister Snurts future plans are?” He did a little bow towards the troll.

“Well, I thought I brought him to the kitchens to have the elves cook a nice chicken for him. And then I would show him the entrance to the forbidden forest.”

Pinkie looked a little sad. “I guess there won't be a Spooky Salsa Search of Mystery tonight... Oh well.”

“Excuse me, a what?”

Pinkie pointed towards Harry who got startled into the bats that she had set just hung moments before.

“A scavenger hunt.”

“I see.”

Mister Snurt was starting to get a little bit antsy at the whole conversation and Pinkie grabbed his hand again to sooth him.

“Come on mister Snurt. Let's find you some chicken.”


Pinkie and the troll went around the corner leaving the others feeling mightily confused.


“See? We told you she was nice.”

Ron, Harry and Hermione were currently in the hospital wing getting checked out by madam Pomfrey.

“Yeah alright. It must've been a fluke or something that got her sorted in Slytherin.”

“Yeah.” Harry said. “Maybe the hat was drunk or something... Can hats get drunk?”

Hermione looked thoughtful “I don't think so. But the hat did look tattered. We could ask the headmaster sometime if we can patch it up? Or at least give it a good cleaning.”

Harry nodded and turned to Ron. “In the meantime I think you should apologise to Pinkie. She did save you.”

“Fine. I'll admit she's not evil... Can we be friends again now?”

Hermione grabbed them into a hug. “Oh alright. But only because you were hiding in the girls toilet and now we can take the mickey out of you.” She smiled.

Ron looked unfazed. “The only place they would never think to look.”


After tonight's debacle it was obvious that the intel Gringotts provided was accurate. That ditsy scatterbrain was playing a part and hiding a devious mind.

Not to mention that mysterious power... How did she control that troll?

She had not only found out Voldemort's spy. She used his own plots against him to have him removed. Dumbledore had to act now.

Flitwick was grateful that his own mission remained undiscovered. He poured himself a snifter of goblin wine and sighed.

It had proven difficult to find any usable information. All covert attempts had proven ineffective for some reason or another even with the extra resources the goblin nation was providing.

No, after tonight Flitwick knew that these evasions were no mere flukes.

He sat behind his desk and started on his duties to keep his cover intact when a little card tumbled out of his book.


My spells are quite tragic
But Flitwick pulls me through
I like to throw parties
And the next one' s for you!



Some party poppers exploded over Flitwicks head. Streamers and confetti slowly floated downwards.

At first he was confused but then dread filled his stomach and cold sweat flowed down Flitwick's back.

“No!” He shouted. “NO!”

He threw the book and the stack of student assignments on the floor. Only to have a friendly looking pink cake appear where they once were.

I'll always treasure your attempts. It said in a loopy script.

“HOW DID SHE KNOW!” He bellowed in impotent rage. He had covered all his bases. There shouldn't be any leads, so how?

It was possible that he was being plied for information this entire year.

“Oh, Fillius you're such a fool.”

No doubt this night was orchestrated to remove both spies at the same time.

He supposed it didn't matter now. He needed to run. The headhunters will be coming for him once they learn of this catastrophic failure.

Hastily he started packing his things into a small bag that was bigger on the inside. Maybe he had enough time to-

A friendly knock on the door startled him out of his musings. Hastily he placed the bag behind his desk.

“Who is it?” He tried to sound calm but knew he was failing.

“It's me, Fillius.”

Flitwick recognised the voice of Dumbledore and knew he was caught. Pinkie and Albus. A one-two punch.

“...Come in.” He answered with resignation. He hoped that whatever came next he would at least be left with some dignity.

Albus noticed the streamers and the cake on the table. He smiled gently.

“I do believe I have caught you red-handed.”

Fillius put his hands on the table as a sign of surrender. “Indeed.”

Albus was still smiling. “Do not worry my old friend.”

Fillius kept a wary gaze on Dumbledore as he conjured a chair and sat opposite his charms professor. He conjured a tea set in his hand as well and lazily started stirring his tea.

Flitwick hated that these little intimidation tactics were having an effect on him but he tried very hard not to show it.

“I'm sure you realise the problem we are facing at this junction.”

“It is rather obvious.”

Dumbledore blew on his tea. “And how do you propose we solve this dilemma?”

Desperately Flitwick was stalling for time. “I believe you know my answer to that.”

Dumbledore got very contemplative. “Yes I do. I sometimes wish there was another way.”

“I wish that too.”

“Truly? I thought you would revel in the sport.”

Flitwick harrumphed. “Sport yes. But I know when I'm outmatched.”

“Hm?” Dumbledore smiled one of his little smiles. An odd silence fell between them.

“Aren't you going to eat that?” He moved his head to indicate the cake. “The work of miss Pie if I'm not mistaken.”

So was this what it was going to boil down to? Mind control?

“I'd really rather not. Too sweet for my tastes.”

Dumbledore actually laughed. “Oh come now Fillius. I know that goblins aren't particularly fond of such things but this obviously had a lot of work put into it. I insist.”

Flitwick knew that he was well and truly trapped. Fighting Dumbledore openly was suicide. He hoped that his occlumency shields were strong enough to withstand the coming onslaught.

He hesitantly took a small bite.

He chewed.

He swallowed.

And for the first time in is life Fillius Flitwick, AKA Death's Knife, AKA The Demon of the Pits... Felt a little warm and fuzzy inside.

Tentatively he took another bite. Then another one.

He could tell that his faculties were fine. Nothing in his mind was being attacked. There were no potions that were messing with his mood. He would know he had trained for them all.

It just tasted so indescribably good.

Everything had changed. Suddenly money, power even his skills and training seemed so... silly.

Dumbledore conjured himself a fork. “You don't mind if I have a little nibble as well do you? That looks splendidly delicious.”

Flitwick offered him the cake and started laughing uproariously. Just the image of them, the two most powerful wizards in the castle, gorging themselves on a little pink cake.... seemed so utterly ridiculous.

“I must admit. This cake was quite the surprise.”

“I remember the first time I sampled miss Pie's baking. That girl really has a gift.”

That just set Flitwick of again and this time he almost couldn't stop laughing.

“Yeah I guess you could say that. Who would've thought that the way to an old goblin's heart was neither gold, nor a sword or even a wand but a little pink cake.”

Dumbledore started laughing as well. “If we but knew this sooner who knows how many goblin wars could've been prevented.”

They were both laughing so hard now that they both actually had tears running down there faces.

Still a strange contemplative silence filled the room once all the laughter had faded.

Dumbledore's face slowly morphed into something serious.

“I trust I can count on your support with the Quirrel situation. I'm sure that together with Minerva and Severus we can handle it.”

Flitwick stared at Albus for a long time and nodded.

“Good. Then let us not dally.”

They got their wands out and headed for the third floor.

Author's Note:

If you're wondering what the music in the room of requirement sounded like.

Is a good estimation