• Published 24th Dec 2019
  • 2,526 Views, 237 Comments

Pinkie Pie goes to Hogwarts - WoomyWobble

Drama, mystery and funny stuff all wrapped in an epic adventure! Follow Pinkie Pie as she finds herself in the magical world of wizarding Britain. Here she will find new friends, new baked goods and new parties!

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Chapter 16: The Great De-Clenching

Where in the name of magic was that thing!

Daphne had searched Pansy's side of the room top to bottom. Had she hidden it somewhere else? Was there no other way? If only she knew more magic. A summoning charm maybe.

But it was no use. She didn't know it and it was clear that it wasn't in this room.

Now she had to clean everything up before Pansy came back and then she'd have detention with mister Filch.


She kicked the nightstand and nearly broke her toe. She was glad that there wasn't anyone here to see it.

“Now what am I going to do?”


It was time for her first seeker practice! Pinkie was loaned one of the school brooms for the occasion.

Professor Snape was adamant not to damage it. Well, not to damage it any further. The bristles were standing at odd angles and the wood was a bit splintery but it wasn't anything that a little bit of tactical spell 'o tape couldn't fix.

She was a little bit sad that Millicent wasn't here to see her first practice but she was serving her first detention with mister Filch.

Her Gryffindor friends were of course, banned from watching.

The excitement had caused her to be a little bit on the early side today so she'd put tasty energizing cookies in the locker rooms for extra enthusiasm during the drills.

She was already on the pitch in her full sports robes when the other players started trickling in. The realization that she could've done some practice flights instead of the cookies didn't make her feel bad. She would just do that next practice.

Eight people in total including herself made it onto the pitch and there were a few people spectating in the stands as well. It was also possible that they just found a quiet place to do their homework.

Magic allowed for some strange habits.

She knew that their team captain was Marcus Flint and that she would spend the day mostly with Terence Higgs learning about seeker shenanigans and whatnot.

Terence looked like an easygoing, friendly sort of guy. He had his broom lackadaisically over his shoulder and greeted Pinkie earnestly.

He explained the basic rules of Quidditch and their role in it quickly. Pinkie knew already but it was always wise to revise. It looked like he had some things to say about her broom but decided to keep them to himself.

The first thing they did was catch snitches. Terrence would release one and then they would both try to find it.

Pinkie thought it was a lot of fun trying to outwit her opponent but it was obvious after a few minutes that Terence would not be outwitted.

He was always a little bit faster, a little bit more agile, and a little bit more observant.

Pinkie didn't mind though. She paid close attention to him every time he gave advise and asked pointed questions ranging from broom techniques to searching strategies.

Back on the ground Pinkie told him that it was only the second time she was on a broom and that the first time was with the lesson with madam Hooch.

Terence seemed mildly impressed. “Not bad at all young 'un. We might make a seeker out of you yet.”

Well, it went without saying that after that compliment Pinkie was practically glowing.

The other players were just about done with their role specific drills as well and joined them on the ground.

Marcus Flint gestured towards Pinkie. “How did she do?”

“Not bad at all for a firstie. She certainly has those minerals.”

“Aw, thanks Terence.”

Introductions were made. There was of course Terence and Marcus the captain and chaser. Then came chaser Adrian Pucey. Miles Bletchley who was a keeper. Two burly looking beaters named Caspar and Cassius. And Edward who was also a chaser.

Pinkie would be the only girl in the team if she could make the cut.

Marcus called for a practice test just for her so that everyone could see what she was capable of.

He had Caspar and Cassius hit bludgers at her from oblique angles so she had to dodge them and find the snitch at the same time. It was obvious that they were taking it easy on her when she saw how hard they were smacking the bludger at Terence.

With the harsher treatment Terence still looked much more at ease then Pinkie did.

For Pinkie it was still a little scary but at the same time incredibly exciting. She could tell that she was improving quite a lot just by flying around.

The test ended as was expected. She didn't catch the snitch. The last couple of seconds were quite fun though. She actually saw the snitch first and raced after it like a dog after a bone. Terence was just faster then she was.

Her first practice ended in good cheer. Even though she herself was not yet allowed to play an actual match. She couldn't wait to see how Harry would do against them.


“Merlin's beard, what?!” Daphne was getting really annoyed of Millicent evil eying her like some weirdo.

Or maybe the fumes were getting to her.

They were scrubbing away at old chamber pots with rags and a dubious cleaning potion. Possibly muggle in origin.

“Nothing.” Millicent said. “Just wondering what you're scheming about now.”

Daphne sighed and continued her scrubbing.

“...I couldn't find the necklace.”

“What? How could you not find it? It’s the most gaudy thing ever!”

“It wasn’t in the dorm. I’ll try and figure something else out... If Pansy send it home already… I don’t know what I can do.”

Millicent shrugged and spit on the chamber pot to the disgust of Daphne and continued her own cleaning.

“Sounds like one of them ‘your’ problems.”


“Are you still coming tonight? I don’t really care, but if you don’t, I’m sure Pinkie wouldn’t like it.”

“I said I would.”

Millicent scuffed.

They continued their cleaning in tense silence.


Pinkie was glad to see that Blaise had joined them at the dinner table. He wasn’t just being nice then! He really meant it when he said they were friends. Pinkie was smiling as she gobbled up her black pudding.

It was an experiment she had set up with the elves. It had liquorice flavouring. So far the reviews were mixed.

“How was detention?”

“Awful.” Blaise and Millicent said in unison to the amusement of Pinkie. Blaise started a twisted tale of Snape forcing them to help Hagrid clear out the thestral stables.

“Still it wasn't all bad. Seeing Draco in a bad mood is always funny.”

Millicent grinned. “Yeah I'll bet. Did he go off on a tangent how he would tell his father about this?”

“Like a broken record.” Blaise looked thoughtful for a second. “Crabbe and Goyle seemed happy though.”

Pinkie had found her way through the pudding. “I think Draco is a bad influence on those two...”

For some reason that set Blaise and Milly off in a fit of giggles.

“Yeah, I think so too.” Milly said when she'd calmed down a bit. “Maybe we should free them from his evil clutches.”

“I think that's going to be tricky. There's something weird going on with those families.”

Millicent and Pinkie thought it through.

“I'd rather wish Draco wasn't evil at all.” Pinkie said “Do you think that their might be a way for us to unevilify him?”

“Human wisdom has it's limits.” Millicent said sagely.

Blaise spat out his broccoli and laughed.

When he calmed down he said: “Some people just enjoy being high and mighty. I don't know if Draco is one of those people but he sure seems like it.”

On that rather sobering bombshell silence descended upon the group.

“Hmm, then I'll just take the long way round.” Pinkie said with determination.

Milly looked at Blaise.“What does that mean?”

He shrugged. “Suppose it means that our strange friend has cooked up some sort of hair brained scheme.”

Waving the comment away Pinkie wasn't deterred. “I just meant that I'll change the world instead. Then he can be nice again.”



Blaise and Millicent both looked at her like she grew a second head. “Well, you're certainly not lacking in ambition.” Blaise said. “A true Slytherin after all.”

Pinkie smiled and jumped up from the table. She started pulling Millicent along towards the exit. “Come on Milly! Let's go do girl stuff.”

“What's girl stuff?”

“You're not supposed to ask that when boys are around, silly.” She winked at Blaise who in truth had no idea what was going on.

He was left alone at the table. Rather enjoying the silence he continued his food in peace, thinking on the developments of the last few days. He could do with meeting new people. Maybe those Gryffindors Pinkie likes to hang around with?


Pinkie had dragged Millicent all the way to the music room. She did the little ritual to open up the chamber to them.

“So, what was that all about?” Millicent asked a little exasperated.

Smiling Pinkie opened the door. “No particular reason. I just wanted to do some music I guess.”

“And Blaise is not invited?”

Pinkie looked shocked and happy. “I thought you wanted to keep the room a secret?”

“I do. But Blaise is alright.”

“Well, let's ask him later then. This is going to be great!”

They entered the room to find Daphne already there. She was browsing the shelves and hadn't noticed them come in.

Pinkie saw an opportunity.

She sneaked in on her tippy-toes. “Another sneak hug attack!”

Daphne was startled as Pinkie wrapped her arms around her. “What are you doing!” She shouted as she tried to wiggle free.

Pinkie let her go and giggled. “You looked huggable.”

Uncomfortable in a way that she couldn't really describe Daphne cleared her throat. “You might think differently soon... I-I couldn't find your key.”

“Aww...” Pinkie looked sad and disappointed. It was a look that Daphne found painful to look upon.

“I'm sorry.” She said quietly.

Pinkie shook her head. “Well... Did you do your best?”

“I... Yes of course. I think Pansy might have found a way to smuggle it outside the castle.”

With a deep breath Pinkie sighed. “O well... I'd rather have another friend then a pretty necklace.”

Daphne got hugged again and this time she awkwardly tried to reciprocate. She was surprised that the other girl would still call her friend after all she’d done.

Millicent entered the isle with a gargantuan drum around her neck and what appeared to be some sort of cymbal on her head.

“Enough moping. Let's make some racket!”


Daphne sat behind Ophelia trying to remember when the last time was when she had this much fun. Up until this point music was always a tool, a means to an end to try and achieve her goals. Even their polka moment with the twins was out of a desire to get even.

This was something different. Even though they sounded absolutely terrible and her tutors would have a stroke if they saw their terrible technique, she couldn't help but smile.

Pinkie was riding her unicycle again, playing the trumpet this time. Playing was the most accurate word for the situation because the sounds that were produced could hardly be called music.

The beat Millicent made was quite accurate though, Daphne had to admit. The girl had a strong sense of timing.

Daphne was looking at the scene when suddenly Pinkie seemed to lose her balance, wobbled a little bit this way and that, and managed to crash headfirst into Millicent's drum with a loud 'pa-boom.'

“Toot.” Went the trumpet.

Daphne burst into laughter.


Mortified she slapped her hands over her mouth and looked at her...friends, but it appeared that the damage was already done.

Slowly Pinkie removed herself from the drum and turned her head towards Daphne.

She smiled as if Daphne just gave her the best gift ever. Pinkie put the trumpet on top of her own head and inched closer.

“Hey Daphne...”


“Why couldn't the toilet paper cross the road?”

Completely lost at the non-sequitur Daphne removed her hands from her mouth.

“W-what? What are you-”

“It got stuck in a crack, Daph... It got stuck in a crack.”

Daphne exhaled through her nose and felt laughter bubbling up, so she slapped her hands in front of her mouth again and suppressed it with all of her willpower.

Pinkie was inching closer now smelling weakness. Like a bloodhound, she looked deeply into Daphne's eyes.

“What do you call the ghost of a dead chicken?”

“Hfff, hff, hf, hf I dunno please stop it I-”

“It's a poultry-geist.”

Daphne knew she couldn't suppress this one so she opted instead to just hold her breath as tears were slowly rolling down her cheeks.

“Hey Daph?”

The only response Pinkie got was a high squeak sort of sound.

“Know why you shouldn't write with a dull quill?”


“It's pointless.”

“Pff, hff, hff, hff, ha, ha, HA HAAAANK! HOOOONK! HAAAANK! HOOOONK!”

Millicent burst into roaring laughter as well. With the heavy drum on her stomach still, she didn’t have the strength to get up. Instead she sort of flopped around which set Daphne off again.


Which in turn set Millicent off again.

Pinkies own giggle snort joined in the frey and all three girls were soon all rolling on the floor stuck in a giggle loop.


It was like Pinkie had struck gold. She’d heard goofy laughs before, she’d heard infectious laughs before. But to stumble upon both in the same person? Magical.

“Hey Daphne?”

“Ple- HOOONK! HOONK! No more!”

“Know what they call cheese that's not yours?”


“It's nacho cheese.”

Daphne didn't even understand why that was funny but she started to laugh all over again.


Millicent finally rolled the drum off of her as her giggles subsided.

“Geez Daphne,” she said between giggle bouts “I've never heard you like that before. Never knew you were related to geese.”

Daphne was still having trouble containing her laughter but she was also worried. She had no tools at her disposal to keep this secret. The realization made her laughter melt like snow in the summer sun.

“Please don't tell anybody...”

The remark confused Pinkie. “Tell them what?”

“About how I laugh.”

“You have a wonderful laugh! Oh, I know, this is like the muggle music thing again isn't it?”

“...Yeah something like that.”

Suddenly Pinkie looked like she caught the canary “Well... If you want us to keep this secret... You've got to come play with us in the music room more often!”

Millicent just rolled her eyes at the whole thing and crossed her arms. Really, all this drama over nothing. Still, she couldn't let her girl Pinkie down now.

“Yeah!” She said. ”Or else we'll tell the whole school that Daphne can laugh. Seriously Daphne, you really need to de-clench.”

“I need to... What?”

“Relax! Live a little! This stupid school is probably the only chance you've got, and here you are treating it like some political function. It's weird!”

“Is that what this is all about?” Pinkie asked. “Yeah, that is pretty weird Daphne.”

“But... My parents taught me... That I was always on display.”

“Of course you are!” Pinkie shouted. “So let's give 'm a show!” She waved her hands in the air and popped some confetti from her wand.

The gesture made Daphne smile.


“Milly? Do you think that was the first time Daphne really laughed?”

“I don't know Pinkie I just wanna sleep.”

“Okay. Goodnight Milly!”

“Goodnight Pinkie.”

Pinkie thought about it for a long time before she fell asleep. Daphne must have held back her own laughter for a long long time. For some reason the thought made her deeply sad.


Borgin was adding a fine layer of dust on his displays to give them that authentic look. Most of these idiots would buy anything if it had a bit o' dust on it and you called it dark.

'Oh no, sir it's a dark set of gobstones. Practically ancient this is.' He shook his head. Seriously some people...

Not that is shop didn't carry any dark objects. Of course it did, but they were generally bought by people in the know as it were. Like his next customer.

“Good evening mister Parkinson. What can I do for you today?”

“I'd like to sell this necklace.” He placed it on the counter for Borgin to inspect.

Borgin took some glassware out of his desk and inspected the presented item on display..

“Hm, interesting...Bismuth...” He tried to scratch the metal with his nail. “...Obviously enchanted...”

Mister Parkinson did not respond. He just let Borgin get on with things.

“I can give you one galleon for this.”

“Done.” Mister Parkinson said to the surprise of Borgin.

Normally people haggled more with him.

Probably stolen then. He'd have to keep the item in storage for a while till the heat died down. Oh well, it was still a good deal.

Mister Parkinson took his gold and left in a hurry.

Borgin wished that all transactions were this easy. He went behind the back and hung the necklace in a cabinet. He'd deal with it later.