• Published 13th Feb 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six, Spike, and Cheese Sandwich are off on one sweet adventure with their friend Charlie Bucket to the infamous Wonka chocolate factory. There they shall discover a world of pure imagination as they have never seen before.

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Fifth Ticket?

Having found the first four tickets, the hunt for the final Wonka golden ticket grew more insane than anyone could possibly expect. Wonka bars were quickly becoming more and more rare with each passing day, many people finding it harder to get their hands on even one. This brings us to the Wonka auction held in the United Kingdom.

A large of gathering of people were ready to auction for some of the worlds most prized items from around the world. The auctioneer banged his gavel on his podium to gain the crowd’s attention as man brought forth a box of Wonka bars.

“Lot 403. I can personally guarantee, ladies and gentlemen, that this is the one and only, the absolutely last case of Wonka Bars left in the United Kingdom. Shall we start the bidding at one thousand pounds? Do I hear one thousand pounds?”

One by one, the bids went higher and higher as more people were desperately hoping to claim that last ticket.

“Fifteen hundred pounds? Two thousand? I have two thousand five hundred here. Four thousand pounds? Forty-five hundred pounds! Five thousand pou—Your Majesty!”


In another part of the world, a police detective sat in an office chair in the study of the Curtis home. Along with him are a large ensemble of police officers, tape recorders, and a very distraught Mrs. Curtis. Her husband, Harold, had been kidnapped and was now being held for ransom. The only problem is that they had no idea what the ransom was, which is why they are sitting here waiting to find out.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Curtis,” The detective spoke. “Doesn’t seem to be anything in his papers to give us a clue.”

“They kidnapped my husband twelve hours ago,” Mrs. Curtis spoke, frantically. “When are we going to hear from them? What do they want?”

“They did it for ransom. All we can do is sit and wait for their demands.”

“I’ll give them anything, anything they want!” Mrs. Curtis cried out. “All I want is to have Harold back!”

Just then, the telephone rings and everyone sprang into action. One officer used a recorder to tape into the phone to trace its signal, another recorded the message itself, as the detective and Mrs. Curtis answered the phone.

“Go ahead, we’re listening. Uh huh… Uh huh…”

The detective turned to Mrs. Curtis, who looked expectantly.

“What did they ask for? Whatever it is they can have it.”

“They want your case of Wonka bars.”

Mrs. Curtis looked disbelieving at what she heard. She stood from her chair, walking toward the window looking as if she was in deep thought. Everyone else looked at her, wondering what she was doing.

“Mrs. Curtis, did you hear me? It’s your husband’s life for your case of Wonka bars.”

“How long will they give me to think it over?”


In the Bucket house, Charlie, his family, and his pony friends sat along the bed of his grandparents as they finished dinner. Pinkie Pie insisted on making them all some cupcakes to wash down the cabbage soup they had. To be honest, everyone was quite thankful. Cabbage soup certainly wasn’t filling, nor even the best tasting meal.

“Okie-dokie-lokie, every pony, here comes the cupcake train!” Pinkie joked. “All aboard! Choo-choo!”

Every pony laughed as Pinkie walked toward them, wearing a conductor’s cap which balanced a tray of cupcakes on top.

“You know that’s what I love about you, Pinkie,” Charlie smiled. “You are so random.”

Pinkie smiled, blushing slightly as every pony grabbed a cupcake. As they all chewed the moist delicious treats, they couldn’t help but savor every bite to the last crumb.

“Now these have to be the most delicious treats I’ve ever tasted,” Mrs. Bucket complimented.

“Thank you, Mrs. Bucket,” Pinkie thanked her. “I made sure to make it with lots and lots of love!”

“You know with treats as wonderful as these, how could that bakery of yours back home possibly not have customers?” Grandpa Joe asked.

Pinkie Pie shrugged as she chomped on her own cupcake.

“I’m not really sure. Usually, Sugar Cube Corner is busy all the time. In fact, this one time, it was so busy I could hardly keep track of everything I’m doing and accidentally burnt the cookies I was baking. Well, then again, usually I do burn a lot of stuff like the one time me and Apple Bloom made Cupcakes for this one party. But to be fair, it’s not for…”

The whole time, Grandpa Joe shook his head as Pinkie rambled on. Every pony couldn’t help but follow suit. True, they loved Pinkie to death but when she talks, she could go on and on forever.

“So, Charlie, how was school today?” Twilight asked.

“It was alright I suppose,” Charlie responds.

“Are yah sure about that?” Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow. “When yah say that, it makes me think it ain’t so good. Remember, ah’m the Element of Honesty.”

“I promise Applejack, everything’s fine.”

But Applejack knew right then and there Charlie was lying through his teeth. She knew Charlie was already fusing about that last golden ticket, probably thinking of it during school that day. That alone probably distracts him, making school tougher to get through. Nonetheless though, she went back to her cupcake, but never took her eyes off Charlie.

Shortly after finishing their dessert, Charlie started to yawn and stretch, signaling that he was tired.

“Well, I’m heading off to bed.”

“Already darling?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, I’m just really tired,” Charlie replied. “I want to make sure to get enough sleep for school tomorrow.”

With that said, Charlie gave his mom, his grandparents, and his friends a hug good night before heading to bed. Shortly after he left, Twilight and all her friends eyed each other curiously.

“You sure he’s alright?” Twilight asked.

“I’m not sure,” Fluttershy said. “He does seem very sad.”

“The poor dear must be dreading the finding of this last ticket so gravely,” Rarity added.

“Well, at least they haven’t found it yet,” Spike assured. “I’m sure there’s still a chance.”

“Uh guys!” Applejack called. “Ya’ll may wanna come and see this!”

Every pony turned over to Applejack, as she and all the others looked at the television which once again had another live news broadcast. They were all dreading what they were about to hear, but still they watched to see what was going to happen now.

“That’s it! That’s it! It’s all over! The Wonka Contest is all over! The fifth and final ticket has been found, and we’ve got a live report coming in directly now from Paraguay, South America.”

The image transitions to a black-and-white broadcast coming from South America where a Paraguay reporter waited.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is finished. The end has come. The fifth and last Golden Ticket has just been found right here in Paraguay. The finder is lucky Alberto Min~oleta, the multimillionaire owner of gambling casinos throughout South America.”

He holds up a picture of the golden ticket finder, for all the world to see.

“Here is the most recent picture of Alberto the happy finder, the man who has finally put an end to Wonakamania for all the world.”

“Turn it off,” Grandpa Joe said.

Mrs. Bucket turned off the television, as the atmosphere in the room changed drastically. What was once happiness and hope, soon were replaced by despair and heartbreaking with news that the contest was now over. Twilight, Spike, and all the others look at each other sadly knowing what it all means.

“Well, that’s it,” Grandpa Joe declared, dejected. “No more golden tickets.”

“A lot of rubbish the whole thing,” Grandma Josephine grumbled.

“Not for Charlie, it wasn’t,” Rainbow Dash said.

“He wanted so badly to win this contest,” Twilight sighed, sadly. “Just to finally have a single shred of something good.”

“I can only imagine how hurt the poor dear will be once he finds out,” Rarity said, wiping away a tear threatening to fall.

“Who’s going to tell him?” Grandma Georgina asked.

“Let’s not wake him,” Mrs. Bucket sighed. “He’ll find out soon enough.”

“Yeah, let him sleep. Let him have one last dream.”

Unbeknownst to any of them, poor Charlie was completely awake having heard the whole thing. He couldn’t control the tears spilling down his cheeks nor could he believe it was all over. He truly wanted this so badly, to finally have a chance to have something great. However, once again, fate proved unkind.

Back in the living room, Pinkie Pie was the only pony staring at the black screen of the television, as if she was in a daze. Every pony else looked toward her, noting how she remained frozen and couldn’t help but feel a slight concerned.

“Pinkie Pie, are you all right?” Fluttershy asked.

But Pinkie Pie did not answer right away. She just remained completely still and silent, like a statue in a garden. Cheese Sandwich slowly walked toward her side, placing a gentle hoof along her shoulder.

“Come on, Candy Floss,” Cheese begged. “Please say something, just something.”

The only response given to Cheese Sandwich was the sound of soft sniffling. Huge tears began to pool in Pinkie’s eyes, her lip trembles uncontrollably. After a moment or two, she finally broke down, crying while throwing her arms around Cheese. Cheese allowed his friend to cry into his chest, while rubbing her back to comfort her. The rest of her friends could offer her some small support.

“I-I-I just c-can’t believe it’s o-over!” Pinkie cried.

“Don’t worry, Pinkie,” Twilight assured, choking back her own tears. “Everything will be alright.”

“No… No, it won’t!” Pinkie sobbed. “We came here hoping to find a way to save Sugar Cube Corner, for the slightest chance to keep it in business and we haven’t had any luck. I hoped if Charlie won the contest, maybe we could talk to Mr. Wonka and see if he could help us. But now… Now we’ll never get the chance!”

Pinkie plants her face back into Cheese’s chest, crying harder. The sight of seeing their friend so distraught made tears fall from the rest of her friends’ eyes.

“Oh, I just can’t stand seeing Pinkie so upset,” Fluttershy whimpered.

“We’ve failed to help our dear friend,” Rarity sobbed. “Now she may have to leave us, forever!”

“We’re so sorry, Pinkie!” Twilight cried.

“Oh, don’t be sad for me, girls!” Pinkie cried, between tears. “Maybe something will turn up. So, what if Sugar Cube Corner was the greatest place in Ponyville? So, what if I move back to the Rock Farm? I won’t make a fuss; it’s just pushing rocks back and forth. With a family that can barely smile… Or even hug… Not even offer a sweet kiss goodnight before bed… OH, I’M GONNA MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!”

Pinkie Pie left Cheese’s embrace, leaping into the arms of her best friends as they all, minus Applejack, cried out in sorrow. Cheese Sandwich trots over toward Applejack, the two standing by watching their friends crying their tears out.

“I really thought we could help her,” Cheese sighed, sadly. “I thought… ‘I’ could help her.”

When he turned toward Applejack, he could see she was thinking deeply.

“Something on your mind, Apple Juice?”

Applejack snapped out of her train of thought, acknowledging Cheese.

“First off, NEVER call me that. Secondly, don’t yah think something’s off about this whole darn thing?”

“What do you mean?”

“What ah mean is this whole thing about the last ticket just makes mah spine tingle. Usually when that happens, it means something ain’t right or some pony is lyin’.”

“Do you think maybe the last ticket is a lie?” Cheese asked, shocked.

“Ah’d be willin’ to bet Granny’s false teeth on it,” Applejack frowned.

After a moment, Cheese Sandwich walked off to the side and away from the looking eyes until it was just him. He thought for a second, wondering if it might be true. Could this ticket possibly be a fake? If so, then that would mean the contest technically isn’t over. That maybe there’s still a chance. The only question is: How could any pony find out for sure? Then, he got an idea, as he faced the sky seemingly at no pony.

“Excuse me, Mr. Narrator, sir. Or… Is it ‘sirs’? Anyways, could you please help me out? I need to know if this ticket is fake or not.”

Now Cheese, we know what you’re thinking, but you know as well as I that we’re not allowed to interfere with the story. I can only tell it as I see it.

“Please Mr. Narrator, Pinkie Pie is so upset. I really don’t want to see her leave Ponyville and neither do the others. But it’s not just about Pinkie Pie. After everything that’s happened, Charlie deserves one good thing in his life. Just one thing, that’s all I can ever ask for.”

I don't know...

We promised our fans we'd never interfere.

Cheese Sandwich got down on his knees, folding his hoofs seemingly in prayer.

“Please Mr. Narrator. Just this once, please help us… Help her… Help him… Help ‘me’.”

*Sighs* Well… Alright. But just this once. For what this is worth: I don’t want to see Pinkie Pie leave either.

Neither do I… We’ll see what we can do.

“Oh, thank you sirs! Thank you, thank you! I owe you one!”

You owe us TWELVE… Set the new scene.


The next thing Cheese Sandwich knew, he somehow found himself transported from the Bucket house to the Min~oleta manor in Paraguay. Cheese looked around his new surroundings, he couldn’t help but admire the gorgeous mansion he was now in. He quickly shook the thoughts from his head through realizing he had a job to do. Cheese Sandwich faced the sky once again.

“Alright, I’m in. What do I do now?”

Listen to these instructions exactly because we’re only going to tell you just this once.

Go down the hall and up the grand staircase. Min~oleta has the ticket stashed away in his office but be careful. He’s a very paranoid man, known to have lots of enemies, he’s got guards posted everywhere.

“Gotcha! Thanks again!”

Don’t mention it, now hurry!

Cheese quickly galloped down the long hallway, turning the corner into the grand foyer. He heard approaching footsteps, quickly thinking what to do. On a whim, he noticed a large marble fountain in the middle of the foyer, jumped along the top, and posed like a statue. A few guards walked through the foyer, up toward the grand staircase. One of them paused for a moment, slowly turning to the fountain as Cheese tried to stay as deathly still as possible. After a moment, the guard shook his head and continued up the stairs.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Cheese Sandwiched jumped down from the fountain and quickly spun like a tornado. When he came to a halt, he wore a black turtleneck and knit cap. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a small grapnel gun and shot it up the staircase. Pulling the trigger, the grapnel gun propelled him up the stairs quickly and he proceeds to find the office. He ducks behind every corner, slowly peeling around to see the office at the end of the hall guarded by two burly men.

Cheese Sandwich reached into his pockets again, pulling out four plunger cups and placed them on his hooves. Using the cups, Cheese scaled the wall toward the ceiling slowly. He sneakily crept across until he was right above the door to the office. As he looked down, he noticed the door open and Alberto Min~olete, dressed in a fancy suit, made his exit and spoke with the guards.

“Make sure nobody enters this office under any circumstance,” He ordered.

The guards both nodded, as Min~oleta walked down the hall. Again, Cheese Sandwich reached into his pocket and pulls out a small robot with a wheel.

“Okay, little guy, time to go to work.”

Cheese Sandwich dropped the little robot toward the ground, watching it spring to life. The guards tried to grab the robot, but it wheels away leading the guards in a hot pursuit. When they were out of sight, Cheese grapnels toward the ground and enters the office. Cheese rummaged through the entirety of the office, hoping to find the golden ticket. He searches through the desk, the bookshelf, everywhere.

However, when he looked under the desk, he found a small red button. Pushing the button, the bookcase swung open revealing another room.

“Wow! Now that’s a pretty expensive bookcase.”

Cheese Sandwich slowly walked into the next room, where he found a giant printing press. He examines the machine and the surrounding area. There was a large assortment of paper and gold lament. However, turning to the left, he saw the golden ticket locked up in a glass box. Using his Earth Pony strength, Cheese wrenched the box open and pulled out the golden ticket. He examined it very carefully, studying every detail.

But it was just as Applejack suspected: This ticket was a fake and all the evidence was in this room.

“Ah ha! Thought you could sneak one over the world, huh Mr. Min~oleta?” Cheese smirked to himself.

Cheese Sandwich pulls out a camera from his pocket, taking as many pictures of the secret room, the printing press, and even the fake ticket. He holds the pictures up toward the sky, or in this case the ceiling of the room.

“Okay! I’ve got them! Now please make sure these get to the authorities so this whole thing can be discredited!”

The tickets appear to vanish from his hooves, knowing already they were on their way.

“Hey, thanks again for all your help!” Cheese thanked.

No problem.

Now, to get you back to the Bucket House. But don’t say anything about this operation, act as if everything’s completely normal.

Hopefully this should be all over the papers tomorrow and get the contest back underway.

Cheese Sandwich nodded, smiling in gratitude as he disappears back to the Bucket house. He knew he did a good thing today, not just saving the contest for Charlie but also getting another chance to help Pinkie Pie save Sugar Cube Corner. With any luck, this could really help him showcase his feelings for Pinkie Pie.

One can only hope, took a lot of time putting this whole sequence together.

Mm-hmm… So, who’s going to tell the big boss that we broke our own rules?

*Pause* Bathroom…


*Meanwhile, in a separate room…*