• Published 13th Feb 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six, Spike, and Cheese Sandwich are off on one sweet adventure with their friend Charlie Bucket to the infamous Wonka chocolate factory. There they shall discover a world of pure imagination as they have never seen before.

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The Wondrous Boat Ride

The entire group stood in complete confusion, shocked over the turn of events which occurred less than a few moments ago. First, Augustus Gloop falls into the chocolate river and then gets sucked through a giant pipe to the Fudge Room. Next thing they know, Mrs. Gloop, the boy’s mother, was escorted to said fudge room by an Oompa Loomp in hopes to recover her son. Everyone looked off in their direction, trying to put what they saw into words.

“Can any pony explain to me what the hay just happened?” Rainbow asked.

“Your guess is as good as mine, darling,” Rarity answered.

“Hey, what kind of place you running here anyhow, Wonka?” Mr. Beauregarde asked, curiously.

“Uhhhh . . . Mesdames et messieurs, maintenant nous allons faire grand petit voyage par bateau,” Mr. Wonka responded.

*Pause* Care to do the honors, good sir?

*Clears throat* ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, now we are going for a great little boat trip.’

Everyone was taken aback by Wonka’s answer, seeing as they had no idea what he said because it was in another language. The only one who seemed to have any idea what he was saying was Rarity.

“Oh my, I didn’t know you spoke ‘Prench’, Mr. Wonka,” She smiled. “Comme vous êtes généreux de nous inviter à une belle promenade en bateau.”

‘How generous you are to invite us on a lovely boat ride’.

… How do you even know ‘French’ anyway?

‘French-To-English’ translator; anyone can do that.

*Clears throat* Once again, everyone looked confused by this small exchange. Mr. Salt knelt down to whisper in Twilight’s ear.

“What are they talking about?”

“I have no idea,” Twilight shrugged.

“Voulez-vous entrer le Wonkatania?” Mr. Wonka asked, gesturing beside him.

‘Do you want to come on the Wonkatania?’

From up the chocolate river, a lovely paddle boat with white-and-blue trimming floats peacefully down the stream. It was piloted by a single Oompa Loompa captain, with two others working the paddles. The boat came to a calm stop alongside the group and they all look in wonder.

“Wow, what a boat!” Charlie marveled.

“Ohhh, looks good enough to eat,” Grandpa Joe agreed.

“That’s quite a little canoe yah got there, Mr. Wonka,” Applejack commented.

“All I ask is a tall ship and a star to sail her by,” Mr. Wonka smiled. “All aboard, everybody.”

Mr. Salt pushed past everyone, ponies included, just to get Veruca up front.

“Uh, ladies first, and that means Veruca.”

“If she’s a lady, I’m a Vermicious Kind,” Grandpa Joe snarked.

“And I’m a pretty little princess named Rose Petal,” Rainbow joked.

The rest of the ponies, Spike included, couldn’t help but chuckle at the idea of their tomboyish friend as a pretty princess in a frilly gown. Before long, everyone else piled into the boat.

“You sure this think’ll float, eh, Wonka?” Mr. Salt questioned.

“With your buoyancy, sir, rest assured,” Mr. Wonka answered.

This gained another laugh from the ponies.

“She’s tres joli [very pretty] indeed, Mr. Wonka, but is she seaworthy?” Rarity asked, in seriousness.

“Nothing to worry about, my dear,” Mr. Wonka assured. “I take good care of my guests.”

“Yeah, you took real good care of that August kid over there, that’s for sure,” Mr. Beauregarde said, sarcastically.

“Everybody aboard?” Mr. Wonka called out. “You’re going to love this; just love it.”

The Oompa Loompa captain rang the ship’s bell and the two paddling the boat once again put the boat into motion. Once more, the boat slowly drifts down the Chocolate river as everyone admired the scenery.

“Hey Daddy, I want a boat like this,” Veruca told her father. “A beautiful paddle boat, that’s what I want.

Grandpa Joe, who sat in front of the two, leaned over to listen to Charlie and the ponies.

“What she wants is a good kick in the pants.”

They nod in agreement, hoping at some point that spoiled little brat gets what’s coming to her.

“I think I’m gonna be seasick,” Mrs. Teevee commented.

“Just do me a favor, darling,” Rarity requests. “Don’t get anything on my precious mane.”

Mrs. Teevee shot the fashionista a nasty look, when Mr. Wonka hands her something.

“Here, try one of these.”

“What are they?”

“Rainbow drops. Suck ‘em and you can spit in seven different colors.”

Mrs. Teevee, disgusted at the idea, placed the rainbow drop off to the side. Violet looks at Mr. Wonka, while picking her nose.

“Spitting’s a dirty habit.”

“I know a worse one,” Mr. Wonka grinned.

As the boat continued down the river for a while, everyone just continued to marvel at everything they have seen so far on this wonderful journey through the factory. Turning toward Charlie and Grandpa Joe, Wonka takes a ladle and lightly dips it into the chocolate river. He takes the scoopful of chocolate and hands the ladle toward the two.

“You look starved to death,” Wonka noted, to Charlie. “Try some of this; it’ll do you good.”

Charlie casually takes the ladle and takes a tiny sip of the chocolate. It was so warm, so smooth, as he could feel the chocolate course down his throat. Possibly the best chocolate he ever tasted in his life.

“It’s great,” Charlie smiled, handing the ladle to his grandfather.

“That’s because of all those cocoa beans,” Wonka replied, turning to the others. “By the way, did you know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins? Gives one the feeling of being in love.”

“Hmm… You don’t say,” Rarity thought.

Speaking of love, Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie sat awfully close to one another during the boat ride. Pinkie felt something wrap around her waist and turns to the side. Sure enough, Cheese had sneakily wrapped one arm around her. She just looks at him with a huge smile.

“Oh Cheese, you sly devil you,” She giggled.

Cheese blushed bright red but turned so Pinkie wouldn’t notice. This did not go unnoticed by the other ponies, or Spike, as they looked very giddy toward the two. Feeling a tad brave, Spike scoots close to Rarity attempting to place an arm around her. But the little dragon quickly withdrew when Rarity looked at him.

“What business you in, Salt? Mr. Beauregarde asked Mr. Salt.


“Hmm… Is it me or is Wonka two quarters short of a buck?”

“I’m sorry sir, I don’t speak American.”

After another few moments floating along the river, the group noticed the boat was heading toward a dark tunnel. This seemed to make everyone quite nervous.

“Mr. Wonka, we’re heading towards a tunnel,” Spike spoke.

Mr. Wonka turns his head to look behind him, noting the approaching tunnel.

“Oh yeah, full speed ahead!” He told the Captain.

“Hang on, where are we going?” Mr. Salt asked.

“I don’t know, but I don’t like the looks of that tunnel up there,” Mr. Beauregarde said, nervously. “Hey Wonka, I want off!”

“Round the world and home again, that’s the sailor’s way!” Mr. Wonka said, giddily.

The boat quickly increased in speed, which made everyone more nervous than before. Soon the entire boat was enveloped in complete darkness of the tunnel.

“I don’t like this ride, Daddy!” Veruca whined.

“Faster!” Mr. Wonka commanded.

“Wonka, do me a favor?” Mr. Salt pleaded. “Tell those people to stop paddling back there.”

Suddenly, the whole tunnel itself became engulfed in a strange mixture of lights.


“We’re going too fast!” Twilight said, loudly.

“We’re gonna sink, I know it!” Violet yelled.


“Hang on, darling!” Mr. Salt cried, clutching his daughter. “Just close your eyes and hang on tight!”


Poor Fluttershy was so scared, she leapt behind Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, who held each other as tightly as possible. As for the Pegasus, she merely hid herself in her hooves, weeping softly praying for this ride to end.

“T-T-This is s-so scary!” She whimpered.

“What is this, a freak-out?!” Violet yelled, toward Mr. Wonka.

“Hey, this isn’t funny, Wonka!” Mr. Beauregarde also yelled.

“You can’t possibly see where you’re going, Wonka!” Mr. Salt cried.

“You’re right; I can’t,” Mr. Wonka responds.

Meanwhile, the boat continues to speed faster and faster down the river, heading towards Celestia only knows where. While the entire group looks around in fear, the only ones who were enjoying themselves were Charlie and Grandpa Joe.

“This is kind of strange…” Charlie said.

“Yeah, strange, Charlie, but it’s fun! Ha ha!” Grandpa Joe laughed.

As the boat soared down the river, some strange imagery appears along the walls. The images depicted several creepy, frightening images which seem to be different for everyone. From a creepy bug crawling along someone’s face to a random eyeball that seems to stare at them. But none compared to the following images the ponies and Spike could see: A castle in flames with a skull encircled by a snake hanging over it, a large reptile roaring loudly on a dark rainy night, a planet sized orbital battle station with a wicked old man laughing sinisterly, and a tall skinny woman with a demonic fan dressed in a nun’s habit.

By this point, Rarity grabbed a hold of Spike, hugging him for dear life. Normally this would make Spike blush madly into a giddy wreck, but at the moment all he could do was hold Rarity tightly waiting for this horror to end.

“How much to get off the boat, Wonka?” Mr. Salt begged.

“Uhhhh… I think I’m gonna be sick,” Mrs. Teevee moaned.

“I can take a joke, but this has gone too far!” Cheese Sandwich cringed.

“Tell that little guy to turn us around, Wonka!” Mr. Beauregarde demanded.

Just then, the sight of a chicken getting it’s head chopped off made Mrs. Teevee scream.

“Now I am gonna be sick!”

“Save me, Daddy!” Veruca cried.

It was during this intense ride when Slugworth’s face appears briefly on the wall, catching Charlie by surprise.

“Grandpa!” Charlie pointed.

“It couldn’t be!” Grandpa spoke.

As if this ride of terror couldn’t be more frightening, Mr. Wonka began singing a rather creepy tune.

Mr. Wonka then gave a startled gasped, quickly turning toward the rest of the group who gasped in response. His eyes are wide as saucers, a crazed look shifted on his face as he continued.

“Not a speck of light is showing so the danger must be growing. Are the fires of hell a glowing? Is the grizzly reaper mowing? Yes! The danger must be growing for the rowers keep on rowing, AND THEY’RE CERTAINLY NOT SHOWING ANY SIGNS THAT THEY ARE SLOWING!!!”

A shrilling scream escapes Mr. Wonka’s lips, leaving everyone on the boat visibly terrified at the man’s mad expression.

“Oh, make him stop, Daddy!” Veruca begged.

“Wonka, this has gone far enough!” Mr. Salt shouts.

“Quite right, sir!” Mr. Wonka agreed. “Stop the boat!”

With a flash and quick flicker of the lights, the boat makes a sudden stop. When they looked around, they find the boat resting by the hallway next to a large set of steel doors.

“We’re there,” Mr. Wonka said.

“Where?” Rainbow groaned.

“Here,” Mr. Wonka gestures to the location. “A small step for mankind, but a giant step for us. All ashore!”

Everyone quickly scampers off of the boat. The ponies stumbled around dizzily, after such a fast ride. Poor Spike’s scales turned from his usual shade of purple to a sickly shade of green, as he held his stomach.

“Oh no… I think I’m gonna…”

He didn’t finish the sentence when he reached behind himself and pulled out a brown paper bag, quickly emptying the contents of his stomach into the bag.

“Let me off this crate!” Mr. Beauregarde growled.

“Now why don’t they show stuff like that on T.V.?” Mike asked.

“I don’t know,” Mrs. Teevee shook her head.

“What a nightmare,” Mr. Salt moaned.

“Daddy, I do not want a boat like this,” Vercua said, shaking her head.

Charlie and Grandpa Joe stood off to the side near the entrance of another room. Pinkie and Cheese notice the pair reading a sign by the front doors.

“Hey girls! Spike!” Cheese called out. “Take a look at this!”

The rest of the ponies and Spike saunter on up alongside them, reading the sign as well.

“Dairy Cream…” Charlie read.

“Whipped Cream…” Grandpa Joe read.

“Coffee Cream…” Pinkie read.

“Vanilla Cream…” Cheese read.

“Hair cream?” They all asked, curiously.

Pinkie Pie herself turns toward Mr. Wonka, a confused expression on her face.

“Mr. Wonka, sir. What do you use hair cream for?”

“To lock in moisture,” Mr. Wonka replies, casually.

Pinkie Pie paused for a moment, her head tilting to the side like the hand of a clock as a ticking noise was heard. It was then Pinkie reared her head in place as if realizing the joke.

“Oh yeah!!!” Pinkie smiled, satisfied.

“Meine Herrschaften, schenken Sie mir ihre aufmerksamkeit,” Mr. Wonka announced, in another language.

‘My friends [masters], please give me your attention.’

“That’s not French!” Mrs. Teevee complains.

That’s German you Drecksau!

Dude… Language!

“Sie kommen jetzt in den interessantesten und gleichzeitig geheimsten raum meiner fabrik.”

‘You have now come to the most interesting and, at the same time, the most secret room of my factory.’

“I can’t take much more of this,” Mr. Salt moaned.

“Meine Damen und Herren, der Inventing Room,” Mr. Wonka points ahead.

‘Ladies and Gentlemen, The Inventing Room.’

“Now remember, no messing about. No touching, no tasting, no telling.”

“No telling what?” Grandpa Joe asked.

“You see, all of my most secret inventions are cooking and simmering in here,” Mr. Wonka explained. “Old Slugworth would give his false teeth to get inside for just five minutes, so don’t touch a thing!”

As Mr. Wonka leads the guests into the Inventing Room, the ponies and Spike face each other nervously. If what that Slugworth fellow they ran into said was true, that Wonka was rumored of preparing a secret product, it would be in production right inside that room. They had no idea if they would find it inside nor what other surprises would await for them. But after such a terrifying boat ride to get here, a moment they’d rather not talk about for weeks to come, what could possibly be worse than that?