• Published 13th Feb 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six, Spike, and Cheese Sandwich are off on one sweet adventure with their friend Charlie Bucket to the infamous Wonka chocolate factory. There they shall discover a world of pure imagination as they have never seen before.

  • ...

Never Been Sweeter

For all the ponies in the group, including a baby dragon, this was official the wackiest, bizarre day in their entire lives. Every single child, except for Charlie, were lost, taken away by their own habits. Following a chaotic venture in the Television Room, Mr. Willy Wonka escorted Charlie, Grandpa Joe, and the ponies trough another hallway connected to his office. As the two grabbed their coats, every pony else could clearly see Mr. Wonka’s demeanor had changed. No longer the funny, energetic man he had been all day. Instead, he seemed very upset, almost disheartened. He sighed to himself, as he collected some mail and began sorting through the envelopes.

“So much to do, so much to do, invoices and bills, letters… I must answer that note from the Queen.”

Mr. Wonka opened the door to his office, but just as he was about to step inside Charlie calls out.

“Mr. Wonka, what’s gonna happen to the other kids? Augustus, Veruca?”

“Even Violet and Mike,” Twilight added. “We can’t just leave them all.”

“I know they weren’t the nicest kids in town, but the least we could do is make sure they’re restored to normal,” Fluttershy said. “If that’s not too much trouble, that is.”

Once again, Mr. Wonka sighed as he turned around, practically kneeling to the ponies level.

“My dear, I promise you they’ll be quite all right,” He assured. “When they leave here, they’ll be completely restored to their normal, terrible old lives. But maybe they’ll be a little wiser for the wear. Anyway, don’t worry about them.”

“Eh, what do we do now, Mr. Wonka?” Grandpa Joe asked.

Mr. Wonka’s eyes widened for a moment, as he looked around.

“Oh, yes, well, I hope you enjoyed yourselves. Excuse me for not showing you out. Straight up the stairs. You’ll find the way.”

He was about to escape into his office, when he was stopped again, but this time by a certain party pony.

“Sorry to interrupt Mr. Wonka, but I was really, really, REALLY hoping that I could talk to about something important,” Pinkie spoke. “You see, I’ve got this baking business back at home that I…”

“I am very sorry to cut you off, my dear, but I really don’t have the time to discuss anything with any of you any further. I’m terribly busy, whole day wasted.”

He quickly shook Grandpa Joe and Charlie’s hands, doing the same notion for the ponies and Spike.

“Goodbye to you all. Goodbye.”

Then without another word, Mr. Wonka entered his office and slammed the door behind him. This left a group of ponies, a baby dragon, and a little boy with his grandfather looking at each other with confusion.

“I-I don’t understand,” Rarity shook her head.

“What happened?” Charlie asked.

“Did we do something wrong?” Spike asked.

“What about the lifetime supply of chocolate?” Pinkie asked.

“I don’t know,” Grandpa Joe said. “But I’m gonna find out.”

Joe quickly opens the office door, as the entire group steps inside. Willy Wonka’s office was set up rather strangely, where there was only half of literally everything. There was half of a safe, half a desk, half a couch, half a clock…

Half and half?

Half and… *Pause* Wise guy…

“My, what an interesting style for this office,” Rarity said, looking around.

“Not really the time tah be admirin’ the scenery here, Rarity,” Applejack whispered.

“Can’t a lady admire interesting layouts now and again?” Rarity muttered.

The group eventually noticed Mr. Wonka, without his jacket and hat, slumped over his desk with one hand on his head and smoking a cigar. He seemed to be working on some important documents, but the group were anxious to speak with him. Grandpa Joe approached the man, watching him silently.

“Mr. Wonka?”

“I am extraordinarily busy, sir,” Mr. Wonka sighed.

“I just wanted to ask about the chocolate. The lifetime supply of chocolate, for Charlie. When does he get it?

“He doesn’t.”

This threw every pony for a loop. Why would Charlie not receive a lifetime supply of chocolate he rightfully deserved for winning the golden ticket contest?

“I don’t understand, Mr. Wonka,” Twilight said, confused. “Why wouldn’t Charlie be able to receive the lifetime supply of chocolate?”

“Because he broke the rules,” Mr. Wonka responds, putting the cigar down.

Everyone faced each other in confusion. ‘Broke the rules’? What did he mean by that? Looking back, since they first entered the factory, there was never any mention of rules or regulations.

“What rules?” Grandpa Joe asked. “We didn’t see any rules, did we, guys?”

“I don’t remember anything about rules,” Rainbow agreed.

“We’ve been all over this factory today and not once did we hear about rules,” Spike added.

“Wrong, sir, wrong!” Mr. Wonka snapped.

Every pony stepped back in shock, especially the way Mr. Wonka snapped at their little dragon friend. Poor Spike was so spooked he hopped onto Twilight’s back and hid himself in her mane.

“M-M-Mr. Wonka?” Fluttershy whispered. “W-W-What are you t-talking about?”

“Under Section Thirty-Seven B of the contract signed by him it states quite clearly that all offers shall become null and void if—And you can read it for yourself in this photostatic copy…”

He quickly got up from his desk, approaching the giant half safe sitting in the corner. He pulls out the smaller copy of the contract which they remember signing at the beginning of the tour. He sat back at his desk, pulls out a small half-magnifying glass, and began reading over the contract in a rather upset and angry tone.

“’I, the undersigned, shall forfeit all rights, privileges, and licenses herein and herein contained, et cetera, et cetera… Fax mentis incendium Gloria culpum, et cetera, et cetera… Memo ibs punitor delicatum!’”

After reading that part, he slammed the contract so hard on the desk and turned to everyone in a wild frenzy.

“It’s all there, in black and white, clear as crystal! You stole Fizzy Lifting Drinks. You all bumped into the ceiling, which now has to be washed and sterilized, so you get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!”

He then turns toward the group of shocked ponies, but his eyes were more focused on Pinkie Pie, who couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“As for you Pinkie Pie, when I read that newspaper depicting you and your friends saving my contest from corruption and scandal, I decided to show kindness from the bottom of my heart, I open my doors to let you join the grand tour, and how do you repay me? You disrespect my rules, you tarnish my factory, and now I see you’re just the same as every person I’ve ever met! You are nothing more than a thieving spy who only wants to learn my secrets and sell my products to another rival company!”

The entire time during Mr. Wonka’s rant, Pinkie’s eyes filled with tears. She couldn’t believe this man would even say such talk. After everything they’ve been through today, for him to accuse her of stealing his secrets, it hurt her.

“You say you want my help with saving your little baking business from going under… Well my dear, I humbly decline! Good day to you all!”

His angry rant over, Mr. Wonka placed his head back in his hand and continued his work. The entire group stood there, staring at the man in shock and a twinge of fear. This kind man, who graciously showed them around his factory all day, all dashed aside because his sudden anger scared them all. But mostly, every word he said made the group sad, if not disheartened, just when they were really enjoying themselves. However, out of everyone in the group, Grandpa Joe was outraged.

“You’re a crook!” He whispered. “You’re a cheat and a swindler! That’s what you are. How can you do a thing like this?! Build up a little boy’s hopes and then smash all his dreams to pieces!”

“Yeah, not only do you refuse to help one of our friends, you’re willing to have a poor innocent family wind up on the streets!” Rainbow added, yelling. “Mrs. Teevee was right about you! You’re no genius; you’re an inhuman monster!”

“I SAID GOOD DAY!” Mr. Wonka screamed, turning away.

It was silent again in that office, nothing but the ticking of the clock inside the room. All the words and accusations Wonka made began to seep in and it was all clear from this moment. They made it through the tour, but they still lost. It seemed that Wonka had made up his mind and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

“Come on, everyone, let’s get out of here,” Grandpa Joe declared, leading the group. “I’ll get even with him if it’s the last thing I ever do.”

“Yeah, if Slugworth wants a Gobstopper so bad, he can have it,” Rainbow Dash said, angrily.

“But Rainbow, we can’t!” Fluttershy argued. “We’re not really going to stoop that low, are we?”

“You saw the way he acted, Flutters! This is not how a person should treat their guests, even if we did make a mistake. If this factory and all the chocolate is all that man ever cares about, why should we care what happens to him at all?”

They were just about to make their way out the door, when Charlie pulled away and the whole group turned around. But Charlie wasn’t the only one. Beside him, Pinkie Pie, while her mane remained slightly intact despite the sadness in her eyes, also stood in silence as if she were still absorbing everything. There is a long pause as Charlie and Pinkie turn toward Mr. Wonka, who kept scribbling away at whatever invoice and bills he had to work with.

Then to everypony’s surprise, Charlie and Pinkie Pie slowly trudged toward Mr. Wonka who was either unaware or simply chose to ignore them. Pinkie Pie slowly takes the Gobstopper, which she kept stored in her mane the entire time. The ponies, even Spike, gasped as they saw just what Pinkie was about to do. There they stood, inches from Mr. Wonka, who’s eyes never left the papers.

“Mr. Wonka…” Charlie speaks.

Before Mr. Wonka could say anything and instead of continuing, Charlie just placed the Gobstopper on Wonka’s desk. As if that wasn’t enough, even Pinkie Pie drops her Gobstopper right next to Charlie’s never taking her eyes off Wonka. Wonka seemed to pause after that, whether he noticed the candies or not.

“Thank you for the opportunity,” Pinkie whispered, sadly.

Then Pinkie Pie and Charlie slowly made their way back to the others. The ponies and Spike approached Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie, what are you doing?!” Rainbow asked. “That’s supposed to be for the Cakes!”

“No Dashie,” Pinkie shook her head. “Mr. Wonka was right; we did break the rules. He told us not to mess with the Fizzy Lifting Drinks, half of you told me ‘not’ to drink it… And I didn’t listen. I don’t deserve a Gobstopper; I don’t deserve anything.”

“Darling, please don’t blame yourself for all this,” Rarity said. “I admit I’m partly responsible for that too.”

“Besides, we came all this way to help you,” Twilight said. “So, you wouldn’t have to leave us.”

“Which was very nice of you, Twilight,” Pinkie nodded, sadly. “I appreciate it, I truly do. Despite everything, this was the best adventure I’ve ever been on and I have no regrets coming here. Regardless what happens next, I wouldn’t trade this trip with you guys for anything. Not even for all the chocolate in the world… Or anywhere.”

Touched and flattered, the ponies and Spike tearfully approached Pinkie and she gave them a big group hug. Even Cheese Sandwich and Charlie joined in, as Grandpa Joe looked on tearfully. In all that time, Mr. Wonka seemed frozen though whether he was listening or not no pony or person could tell. But then, he slowly lifts his hands over the Gobstoppers, as if he suddenly had an epiphany.

So shines a good deed, in a weary world,” Wonka whispered.

All of a sudden, Wonka quickly turns around.

“Pinkie Pie!” Wonka called out. “Charlie!”

Pinkie Pie and Charlie slowly turns back towards Mr. Wonka, the others facing him curiously though the disappointment were still on their brows. But then, to their surprise, Wonka’s expression warmed up as they saw a smile form on his face.

“My little friends… You won!”

“WHAT?!” The group said, in unison.

And there it was, that energetic personality bringing Wonka to life, as the man suddenly reached out and hugged both Charlie and Pinkie Pie, who were the most surprised how he was suddenly so happy.

“You did it! You did it!” Mr. Wonka cheered. “I knew you would; I just knew you would. Oh fellas, forgive me for putting you through this. Please, forgive me!”

“Oh, you don’t have to apologize Mr. Wonka,” Pinkie assured. “I’m not a pony to hold a grudge. But what do you mean ‘we won’?”

“I’ll explain everything my dear, I promise,” Mr. Wonka assured. “Come in, Mr. Wilkinson.”

Another door opens and the group turns around. To their surprise, a very familiar man appears before the group. His oval shaped glasses and the scar on that one side of his face. The ponies and their other friends gasped, for they recognized him from the start.

“Charlie, every pony, meet Mr. Wilkinson,” Wonka introduced.

“Pleasure,” ‘Mr. Wilkinson’ greeted.

“Slugworth!” Charlie gasped.

“Slugworth?!” The ponies gasped.

“Wut’s he doin’ here?!” Applejack pointed.

“No, no, that’s not Slugworth,” Mr. Wonka assured. “He works for me.”

“For you?” Twilight said, in shock. “But he… And the money… The Gobstopper…”

The Princess of Friendship was perhaps more confused in this moment that she had been in quite a long time. Seeing her evident confusion, Mr Wilkinson decided to explain.

“My dear pony, how did you think you all got to come to this factory in the first place?” Mr. Wilkinson said, taking a newspaper. “How do you think you all made the headlines? Coincidence?”

“You? That was you?”

“When I heard the rumors of a millionaire in Paraguay claiming he had ‘found’ the fifth golden ticket, I took the first plane I could book to investigate the claim, as I did with all the others. But when I got there, seems someone… Or ‘some pony’ had already beaten me to it. Then I started seeing pictures of the printing press and the fake tickets, so I went around looking for clues.”

“Then I heard some folks in town talking about a group of ponies and a dragon crossing the streets with a little boy and if I hadn’t seen you for myself, I wouldn’t have believed it. I knew somehow you were all responsible for helping Mr. Bucket get his Golden Ticket and so Mr. Wonka arranged for me to have you included on the tour with or without tickets.”

“You mean… You’re not some greedy, scary businessman who asked us to go into Wonka’s factory? Asking us to take his Gobstopper, to hand it to you, put the man out of a job, and take over the candy business… And the world?”

“My Little Pony, in all that time spent hearing so much about how terrible ‘Slugworth’ was, did you ever stop to ask ‘anybody’ who Mr. Slugworth truly is? Or even if that’s who he really looks like?”

“Well, actually…” Pinkie thought, realizing. “No… We never asked.”

“We had to test you, Pinkie Pie,” Mr. Wonka explained. “Both of you and you passed the test. You won!”

“Won what?” Spike asked.

“Yeah, let us in on it,” Cheese urged, tugging his mane. “The stress and tension is making my mane fall out.”

“The jackpot, my dear sir,” Mr. Wonka answered. “The grand and glorious jackpot.”

“The chocolate?” Charlie guessed.

“The chocolate, yes, the chocolate, but that’s just the beginning,” Mr. Wonka replied, grabbing his hat and coat. “We have to get on, we have to get on; we have so much time, and so little to do.”

Suddenly, Mr. Wonka stopped as if he realized something. He turns toward Pinkie Pie, who smiles, as they say in unison…

“Strike that; reverse it!”

“This way please,” Mr. Wonka beckoned.

The group follows Mr. Wonka as they depart from his office, as Mr. Wilkinson stays behind and looks on. Instead of leading into another room of the factory, they stumble upon a single door. When Mr. Wonka pushes a button on the nearby panel, it opens to reveal a tiny little room with glass walls and numerous buttons. They soon pile on inside, miraculously it was able to fit everybody.

“We’ll take the Wonkavator,” Mr. Wonka begins. “Step in, Charlie. Everybody. This is the Great Glass Wonkavator.”

“It’s an elevator,” Grandpa Joe said.

“It’s a Wonkavator,” Mr. Wonka corrected. “An elevator can only go up and down, but the Wonkavator can go sideways and slantways and longways and backways…”

“And frontways?” Charlie guessed.

“… And squareways and frontways and other ways that you can think of,” Mr. Wonka continued, gleefully. “It can take you to any room in the whole factory just by pressing one of these buttons. Any of these buttons. Just press a button and ZING, you’re off!”

“There’s so many rooms I haven’t had a chance to show you yet. Like where we keep Fudge Mountain and the administration offices. Doris, my lovely assistant, makes an excellent cup of English tea. Why we even have a place where we keep the most beautiful purple coated sheep!”

“Purple sheep?” Fluttershy gasped, her eyes lit up. “Wait… What do you do with the sheep?”

“Uh… I’d rather not talk about that one,” Mr. Wonka said, dismissively. “And up until now, I’ve pressed them all… Except one.”

Mr. Wonka then points to a single button in the center of a red circle, with the words ‘Up and Out’.

“’Up and Out’?” Twilight asked. “What kind of room is that?”

“You’ll see,” Mr. Wonka replies, turns to Charlie. “Go ahead, Charlie.”

“Me?” Charlie asked, surprised.

Mr. Wonka nods as Charlies goes toward the button and pushes it with one finger. Suddenly, the elevator starts to whir and shake as Mr. Wonka gets excited.

“There it goes!” Mr. Wonka said, grasping the bars. “Hold on tight. I’m not exactly sure what’s going to happen.”

Every pony and the rest grab onto anything they can clutch onto as the Elevator starts ascending at a rapid pace. Mr. Wonka eyes a nearby panel, where a bar slowly turns right trying to approach a little red circle.

“Faster, faster… If we don’t pick up enough speed, we’ll never get through.”

“Get through what?” Charlie asked.

“Ah-ha!” Mr. Wonka points up.

The ponies and Spike look where he’s pointed and then it suddenly dawned on them.

“Are you kidding me?!” Twilight asked.

“Why not? I’ve been longing to press that button for years. Well, here we go. Up and Out!”

“But do you really mean--?” Grandpa Joe began.

“Yeah, I do!” Mr. Wonka nodded.

“But this roof is made of glass!” Grandpa Joe points out. “It’ll shatter into a thousand pieces.”

“We’re gonna be cut to ribbons!” Applejack said, wide-eyed.

“Probably,” Wonka replied.

Fearing the worst, every pony and Spike huddled close to each other as Twilight readied her horn just in case. The elevator starts going faster and faster, the bar reaching toward the tiny red dot.”

“Hold on, everybody,” Mr. Wonka said, anticipating. “Here it comes!”


All at once, the Wonkavator crashes through the glass roof and miraculously the Wonkavator itself was still intact. And there they were, high over the rooftop of the factory, the Wonkavator soared high over the little town. As they flew along the sky, watching folks pass by and cars crossing the streets, the ponies and their friends were blessed with the most beautiful view they’ve ever seen, even more grand than all the wonderful things they’ve seen all day.

“You did, Mr. Wonka, congratulations!” Grandpa Joe cheered.

“Get up,” Mr. Wonka gestured. “Take a look.”

And that’s just what they did, as they each took one part of the elevator to look over the entire town from above.

“Gee Charlie, your town looks so pretty from up here,” Fluttershy said.”

“And look over there!” Twilight points. “I can see your house.”

Indeed, at the edge of town, there was Charlie’s house. No doubt his mother and the rest of his family would be there waiting for him to come home. Boy, would they be surprised of all the things he had to tell them.

“Wow!” Charlie gasped.

“It really looks beautiful,” Grandpa Joe admired.

“There’s my school, Grandpa!” Charlie pointed.

Right along near the center of town, there was the schoolhouse in all it’s glory as a few cars passed by. As every pony looked around, Pinkie looked back toward where the factory was and gasped. Quickly removing a telescope from her mane, she zooms in for a close look and her eyes widen.

“Guys, guys come here!” Pinkie shouted. “You gotta come see this!”

Curious, the ponies and the others took a look at where she was looking, and they were just as surprised.


At the entrance of the factory, where surprisingly there were still people waiting (Mostly reporters), the doors opened, and they prepped their cameras to see what happened. But they certainly weren’t prepared for what happened next. The first to emerge were the Gloops, Augustus and his mother. Surprisingly, the boy was pretty much unscathed albeit all smothered in chocolate from head-to-toe. Mrs. Gloop looked on worried as Augustus was either sucking his fingers or trying to bite them off.

“Augustus, please don’t eat your fingers!” Mrs. Gloop begged.

“But I taste so good,” Augustus replied.

Augustus was about to put his fingers back in his mouth, but Mrs. Gloop grabbed his hand firmly and gave him a harsh look that says “Nein”. Augustus reluctantly stopped as they walked hand in hand together, where there was going to be some changes when they got back to Germany.

The next to emerge were the Beauregardes. The father was the first to come out, but most of that confident business nature left his face, instead he looked in dread as he turned back. His daughter eventually emerged, her skin still completely blue, and she was doing somersaults and all sorts of flips and turns like an acrobat. As a resulting of the juicing machine, she was able to stretch her limbs in ways she hadn’t before and… She actually enjoyed it.

“Look father, I’m much more flexible now!” Violet said, arching her neck back.

Mr. Beauregarde tried to smile, but it felt more forced.

“Yes dear… But you’re ‘blue’.”

As he allowed his daughter to go ahead, to give off a display before the reporters waiting by the gate, Mr. Beauregarde looked and gave a deep sigh as he knew what to expect back home.

“My wife is gonna kill me,” He thought.

The third pair to come out were the Salts, whom the ponies chose to save despite their behavior. The effects of being covered in three weeks of rotten garbage still hung over them, they smelled so bad not even the flies could come close. Veruca looks up and saw the Flying Glass Elevator hanging over them, but before she can say anything her father was already ahead.

“Don’t even think about it,” He said, bluntly.

Veruca gasped, then pouted at her father before walking off in a huff. Mr. Salt took a deep breath and actually smiled, as if another weight fell off his shoulders. It felt really good to actually show his daughter some discipline, to feel like a real father. After straightening his suit jacket, Mr. Salt walked off to catch up with his daughter. Once they have a much-needed bath back home, things were going to be different from now on.

The last to emerge were the Teevees, Mrs. Teevee emerged first after recovering from the shock. But she was clearly in dismay as she looked back. Bending down to get out the door, Mike Teevee came out… Only he was so tall and so skinny, he almost towered over the gates.

“Wow mom, just look at me!” Mike said. “I must be nearly nine feet tall! That’s a Guinness world record, maybe even Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Now I feel like a T.V. star!”

“Mike, I do not want to hear another word about T.V.,” Mrs. Teevee spat, upset. “As a matter of fact, you’re going to spend your afternoons playing outside and no T.V. for an hour.”


“And you’ll be eating all your dinners at the table, every night.”

“But ma…”


“… Yes mom.”

With that settled, the Teevees carried on with their walk to the gates not even caring what the press will have to say because they’ve been through so much. And yet despite witnessing their kids going through some scary scenarios, despite the consequences of their actions, and add to having their ‘Gobstoppers’ taken away, as confirmed when Mr. Wilkinson held the pieces in his hands while watching from the door, it was just as Mr. Wonka said. While they may go back to their normal, if not ‘miserable’ lives… They would at least be leaving wiser.


The ponies watched them as they made their way to the gates, as the reporters flashed their cameras at the group. They had to admit it was a surprise to see what happened to them, but at least despite how unpleased they were for the way they acted, it was better to see them alive… At least in hopes they’ll learn to be better people. Pinkie Pie put the telescope back in her mane as she turned to Wonka.

“You were right, Mr. Wonka,” Pinkie said, happily. “Everything you said would happen… Happened.”

Mr. Wonka merely folds his arms with a face that said, ‘Told you so’. Satisfied, the ponies turned back to look over the rest of the town taking in all the sights this ride could offer. As they watched, Mr. Wonka turned toward Charlie.

“How did you like the chocolate factory, Charlie?” Mr. Wonka asked.

“I think it’s the most wonderful place in the whole world,” Charlie said.

“I have to agree with Charlie,” Twilight nodded. “Sure, it was a little scary at first, crazy even… But then, we’ve been through crazy and scary scenarios so much… We get used to it. None of that will ever take away how wonderful the factory is; no wonder you love it, Mr. Wonka.”

“I’m very pleased to hear you say,” Mr. Wonka said, pleased. “Because I’m giving it to Charlie.”

Charlie turned to Wonka at the mention of his name, shocked at what he just head. Everyone in the elevator turned to Wonka and were just as surprised.

“That’s all right, isn’t it?” Mr. Wonka asked.

“You’re giving Charlie your entire factory?” Cheese asked.

“You’re joking, right?” Spike asked.

“No, really,” Mr. Wonka assured. “It’s true. It all began when I had the strangest revelation.”

To prove his point, Mr. Wonka tucks his hand to the inside pocket in his coat. After digging for a few seconds, he pulls out one content and shows it before the ponies. But they had to squint their eyes because it was so thin. But Rarity, being a pony with great attention to detail, knew what it was.

“It’s… A piece of silver hair?” Rarity asked.

“Not just ‘a’ piece of silver hair,” Mr. Wonka shook his head. “’The’ piece of silver hair, a reflection of my life’s work.”

“Wait, you mean to say,” Pinkie realized, tearing up. “You’re going to…”

“Oh no, no, no. Not right away. But… I can’t go on forever, and I don’t really want to try. So, who can I trust to run the factory when I leave and take care of the Oompa Loompas for me? Not a grownup. A grownup would want to do everything his own way, not mine. That’s why I decided a long time ago I had to find a child. A very honest, loving child to whom I can tell all my most precious candy making secrets.”

“And that’s why you sent out the Golden Tickets,” Charlie realized.

“You were trying to find an heir to takeover the business,” Pinkie added.

“That’s right,” Mr. Wonka nodded. “Since I never married nor had any children of my own, I decided to invite five children to the factory. Whoever was the least rotten would be the winner. So, the factory yours, Charlie; you can move in immediately.”

“And me?” Grandpa Joe asked.


“What happens to the rest of—” Charlie began.

“The whole family,” Mr. Wonka finished. “I want you to bring them all.”

Happy beyond words, Charlie gave a big hug to Mr. Willy Wonka as everyone looked on proudly for how everything worked out.

“But Charlie,” Mr. Wonka spoke. “Don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted.”

“What happened?” Charlie asked.

“He lived happily ever after,” Mr. Wonka smiled, warmly.

The two embraced in one more hug, as the great glass Wonkavator slowly descends back toward the factory grounds once more. By now, the other guests had gone away but the reporters were still there, and they all had their cameras as the doors slid open and they all stepped out. Just then, a glowing green vortex opens up just near the ponies. They, along with Spike, smile knowing what this meant.

“Looks like it’s time to head home,” Twilight said.

“Yeah, it is,” Pinkie nodded, disappointed. “It’s just a shame I couldn’t find what I was looking for to save Sugar Cube Corner.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that.”

Pinkie Pie immediately turned around when she heard that, as Mr. Wonka knelt down to her level. He reached his arm out, opened his hand, and sitting in the palm is the Everlasting Gobstopper. Pinkie was taken aback as she saw the offering, as she looked up towards Mr. Wonka.

“You… You want me to take it?” Pinkie asked. “Really?”

“I believe a very fun pony friend made a promise to me that she would take this candy and cherish it forever,” Mr. Wonka points out, smiling. “And it would pain me if I didn’t see that she keeps her promise. Will you swear to put this to good use?”

“Cross my heart… Hope to fly…” Pinkie teared up.

“Stick a cupcake in your eye,” Mr. Wonka and Pinkie said, together.

Silently, Mr. Wonka places the Everlasting Gobstopper in Pinkie Pie’s hooves as she looked down with her jaw wide open. Then, Pinkie Pie smiled so huge, it seemed almost impossible. She shook violently and in an instant, she jumps up into the air leaving behind a rainbow trail.


When she came back down to the ground, she wrapped her arms around Mr. Wonka with a huge hug. The man was a slight taken aback, even after just hugging a child. But nevertheless, Wonka hugged her back, as the rest of the ponies watched proudly of this wonderful moment between the two. Eventually, Wonka acknowledged them, beckoning them forward, and they all joined in for one big group hug.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Wonka,” Twilight thanked him. “But what will you do now?”

“I’ll still be around as a consultant, should Charlie ever need advice,” Mr. Wonka assured. “But I intend to take this Glass Elevator and spend the rest of my days exploring. Course, since I’ve already seen most of the world, perhaps I might consider seeing this 'Equestria' you mentioned. Since Pinkie's told me so much about it.”

“That would be wonderful, Mr. Wonka,” Twilight said. "Though I wish it were that simple."

“Trust me, my little pony. I'm Willy Wonka, there's nothing I can't do."

As every pony backed away from Mr. Wonka, they look over toward Charlie and Grandpa Joe. They all trot over to them as the two smiled brightly.

“Thank you, guys,” Charlie smiled. “You’ve done so much for me and my family.”

“Indeed, you’ve given us more hope than we could ever ask for,” Grandpa Joe agreed. “We really enjoyed having you around and can’t possibly thank you enough.”

They both knelt down and, once again, the entire group gave a huge hug seeing as this was goodbye… For now.

“We’re really going to miss you all,” Charlie said. “I only wish I can repay you.”

“Your friendship is more than enough, Charlie,” Twilight assured. “We’ll never forget you.”

“It’s been quite an adventure,” Applejack added.

“And totally awesome!” Rainbow said, happily.

After breaking from their hug, the girls, Cheese Sandwich, and Spike walk slowly towards the green vortex. They turn back one last time, waving goodbye to their new friends, and one by one they walk through the portal. It wasn’t long before the portal closed, leaving just the three and a sea of reporters just outside the gates waiting for the big scoop. Before they go, Willy Wonka approaches Charlie, who looks up to him.

“Well Charlie, you’re officially the new owner of this business,” Willy Wonka declares. “Anything you wish to do, your first order of business, consider it done.”

Charlie thought silently for a moment and he did have many ideas based on what he’s seen in this factory. But there was ‘one’ idea that really stood out, as he turned toward Mr. Wonka, and smiled.


Back in Equestria, the glowing green vortex opened within the library. The Mane Six, Cheese, and Spike all emerged from the other side and as they entered the library, they were immediately greeted by the entire group who had been watching them in the movie. Big Mac, Sugar Belle, Discord, Starlight, Trixie, Maud, MudBriar, a few foals, and even the Princesses themselves. They all ran up and hugged the group, as the portal closed behind them.

“Welcome back, Fluttershy!” Discord greeted. “And every pony else too.”

“We’ve missed ya’ll so much!” Apple Bloom said, happily.

Twilight made her way through the sea of gathering ponies, trotting up towards Princess Celestia. She bowed before her mentor, though the nervous feeling was present on her face.

“Princess Celestia, I just want to tell you how sorry I am,” She said, apologetically.

“My dear student, whatever could you be sorry about?” Celestia asked.

“Well, you told me the television should only be used to travel between worlds if there’s an emergency. We disregarded the rule today; I hope you can forgive us.”

Celestia couldn’t help but laugh a bit, taking Twilight by surprised. The Princess of Friendship was indeed confused, looking at the sun goddess as if she missed the joke.

“What’s so funny?” She asked.

“My dear Twilight, you put way too much emphasis on ‘emergency’,” Princess Celestia points out. “Did you really believe it qualifies only when matters of evil and darkness are involved? Sometimes, my student, the most urgent emergency comes when a friend only asks for help and that’s all the more reason to do what you do best.”

Twilight looked back towards the large group of ponies, noticing all her friends smiling and hugging their friends and neighbors happily. But more importantly, she could see Pinkie Pie, so happy while showing the Everlasting Gobstopper Mr. Wonka allowed her to keep. That day, when Pinkie first came to her for help, when Sugar Cube Corner was in trouble, she didn’t consider it a big emergency. But then, this journey happened, and suddenly they were determined to see that their friend did get the help she needed.

Just then, the library door bursts open and they all turn as Mayor Mare came in. The poor politician was completely out of breath, having ran so much and nearly fainted on the floor.

“Mayor Mare, what are you in such a hurry for?” Twilight asked.

The mayor thankfully caught her breath, after a moment, and faced the Princess.

“Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich are at Sugar Cube Corner right now,” The Mayo explained. “Since the Cakes weren’t able to pay their mortgage, the Riches brought the papers to ‘buy’ the shop. If they do this, it transfers the power of attorney over them and force the Cakes out.”

Every pony gasped in shock. They knew if they didn’t do something quickly, not only would the Cakes be forced to leave, but then Pinkie Pie might have to move too.

“I don’t understand,” Twilight said, confused. “What do Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich have to do with this?”

“Well actually,” Apple Bloom began. “There’s somethin’ ya need to know.”

Soon, every pony in the library approached Twilight and began to relate to her and the Mane Six everything they’ve discovered in their absence. After hearing the full story, the Mane Six couldn’t believe their ears.

“Why those horrible, terrible, brutes!” Rarity yelled.

“They’d blackmail their own daughter?!” Rainbow growled. “That is just sick!”

“Not tah mention payin’ off ponies not tah eat at Sugar Cube Corner,” Applejack added. “No wonder the Cakes can’t make their quota.”

“What are we gonna do?” Pinkie asked, seriously. “What are we gonna do? WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!?!”

“I’ll tell you what we’re going to do,” Twilight said, determined. “We’re going over there right now and demand to put a stop to this.”

“But can we possibly do that?” Spike asked. “We don’t even have proof.”

It was in that moment, that Princess Luna floated down beside her sister. They both turn to each other with knowing smiles.

“Actually, we ‘do’ have proof. But we must hurry before it is too late.”

With no second thought, the entire group ran out of the library door as fast as they could and bolted to Sugar Cube Corner.


In front of the bakery, Mr. and Mrs. Cake stood out in front, with the two little twins in their hooves and they all had sadness on their faces. A bunch of suitcases, all packed up, sits behind. Filthy and Spoiled Rich stood before them, snooty and cocky as ever. Little Diamond Tiara just stood behind them, looking just as sad as the Cakes.

“Well now, I see you have both packed up all of your junk,” Spoiled Rich mocked. “I’d say they’re ready to go.”

“Now dear, let’s keep it professional,” Filthy Rich smiled, facing the Cakes. “All you need to do now is sign this here document and your little bakery here will be out of your hooves.”

He reached into his pocket and unraveled a role of parchment, which looked like a transfer of power document. He then produced a quill and offers it toward the Cakes, who both turned to each other sadly. Eventually, with a heavy sigh, Mr. Cake grabbed the quill with his teeth and was just about to sign.


They quickly turn toward the road, as a large group of ponies, led by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, arrive. Concern was shown from both Rich’s, while the Cakes and Diamond Tiara bow in their presence.

“Oh well, my goodness!” Filthy Rich said, bowing nervously. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, what brings your majesties here today?”

Celestia and Luna, however, just gave the pony and his wife the biggest disapproving frowns any pony have ever seen.

“Do not play innocent, Filthy Rich,” Luna stated. “We know thou and thine wife have been scheming to take control of Sugar Cube Corner.”

“I-I assure you, your highness, I have no idea what you mean,” Filthy Rich replied.

Spoiled Rich, however, took a less subtle approach confronting the Princesses.

“That is the absolute most atrocious accusation I’ve ever heard,” She huffed. “You don’t even have any proof.”

It was then Celestia used her magic to conjure up a series of documents, which she proceeds to read off one-by-one.

“Then what do you make of these documents? We have money laundering, bribery, conspiracy, abuse, verbal and mental, thievery… Need I continue?”

Filthy Rich gulped as sweat dripped down his face, knowing deep down they had been caught. Meanwhile, his wife firmly stood her ground.

“Please, those documents could easily be forged,” She said, confidently.

Princess Celestia thought for moment, knowing Spoiled Rich had made a point. That’s when she caught sight of Diamond Tiara, hiding behind her parents. A genius idea came to her, something that could work in her favor and every pony else.

“You do make quite an excellent point, Spoiled Rich. That is why I would like to inform you we do have a surprise witness to all your crimes… Diamond Tiara, could you step forward please?”

Hearing her name, Diamond Tiara froze in her place. Her eyes widen like saucers, her breath hitched in her throat. Her parents stepped aside, while every pony turned toward her. Her mother merely looks at her with that cocky smile.

“Oh, why yes, of course. Our dear precious Diamond Tiara can attest we have never engaged with any form of illegal action whatsoever. Can’t you dear?”

Diamond Tiara just eyed her quietly, as Spoiled Rich leaned down toward her ear.

“If you say anything other than we ‘haven’t’ done anything illegal, anything at all, I promise you shall be forever disowned from this family.”

Spoiled Rich and her husband then backed away, granting the floor to Diamond Tiara. The poor little filly just looked about without a clue what to do. On one hand, she wanted to be truthful and honest, especially towards the princess. But, at the same time, she couldn’t bear the humiliation of her parents disowning her in front of every pony. Then again, if she went along with this, the Cakes would lose their business. It was too much for her poor mind, as tears began to fall from her eyes. And then, she felt a tender hoof on her shoulder and looked up with glassy eyes toward the magenta eyes of Princess Celestia herself.

“My dear sweet Diamond Tiara, no one can force you to do anything you neither wish to say or do. I am no exception. It is ‘your’ choice, all I ask of you is to consider this: After everything you’ve been through, is this the kind of pony you want to be?”

The princess’s words struck the little filly right in the heart. She looks over to the group of ponies gathered around Sugar Cube Corner, then toward her parents. She closed her eyes tightly, took a deep breath, and turned to Celestia, her choice finally made.

“Your highness… It’s true,” Diamond Tiara nodded. “My parents ‘are’ involved in illegal activity. They’ve been bribing ponies to stay away from Sugar Cube Corner, they’ve been laundering money to their partners for a transfer of power document and have been conspiring to force the Cakes from the shop. And I was helping them do it… I’m very sorry.”

Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich dropped their jaws in shock, hearing their own daughter selling them out. But none were more infuriated than her mother, as Filthy tried to hold her back.

“Why you, lousy, backstabbing, little traitor!” Spoiled Rich yelled.

“No honey, no!” Filthy Rich begged, holding her. “Remember your blood pressure!”

Just then, a group of royal guards flew from the sky and surrounded the Rich’s, their spears pointed at them just in case. Princess Celestia soon approached the pair, looking down at them with a fierce frown.

“Filthy Rich, Spoiled Rich, the crimes you have committed against the Cakes, Ponyville, and all of Equestria are worthy of a life imprisonment.”

This seemed to really hit both ponies right at home, the two suddenly started to whimper and beg on their knees… All four of them each.

“No, please your highness,” Filthy Rich pleaded. “You can’t place us in prison; we’ll never survive!”


Every pony paused, as the Princess continued.

“I am nothing if not a reasonable monarch. Which is why I’m offering you both a choice. You can either spend the rest of your lives imprisoned, OR… You can accept being banished, with all your assets frozen, in any other part of Equestria. You are, however, forbidden from ever stepping hoof in Ponyville ever again.”

Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich thought long and hard. On one hand, they could handle being banished to any other city in Equestria they chose, even if it means they lose all of their money and all of their assets. But a lifetime of imprisonment, amongst ponies and Celestia knows what creatures are just as bad as them, even worse… The choice wasn’t hard to make.

“Very well, we’ll accept banishment,” Spoiled Rich answered.

“Quite right, darling,” Filthy Rich agreed. “We can set up plenty of branches in Manehatten, we’ll work our way from the bottom and retake our place at the top. We’re better off without this pathetic one-horse town holding us back. Spoiled, Diamond Tiara, we leave… Immediately!”

The two ponies start to walk off, when a small meek voice cuts them off.


They both turned their heads, seeing their daughter shake her little head.

“Diamond Tiara, I said we’re leaving!” Filthy Rich beckoned his daughter.

“NO! I’m not going with you. I love Ponyville; I love every pony here. I won’t be part of anymore of your schemes. In fact, I don’t want to be part of this family any longer.”

Every pony looked on in anticipation, yet they were also happy to see Diamond Tiara stand up for herself. They turned to her parents, to see how they would respond. Filthy Rich looked at his daughter, as he straightened the collar around his neck.

“Diamond Tiara… You are my only child and I never understood you, not once,” Filthy Rich sighed, shaking his head. “I really hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Me too… Filthy… Spoiled…” Diamond Tiara nodded.

Both ponies were stunned silent, hearing their own daughter call them by their first names was truly the straw that broke their backs. After a minute, Filthy Rich silently turned away without another word while Spoiled Rich sneered at the little filly, turning away with a huff and her nose stuck in the air. All of Ponyville watched as the two ponies walked away of their own free will, no escorts from any of the guards. They walked on until their bodies faded in the distance, never looking back, and strolling without a care in the world.

As Diamond Tiara looked on, watching her parents disappear over the horizon, she could no longer hold back and broke down crying. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo couldn’t stand to see her cry, as they slowly walked up and hugged her, which she accepted.

“It’s gonna be alright Diamond Tiara,” Apple Bloom said, comfortingly. “You’re gonna be okay, we promise.”

“I don’t think so, Apple Bloom,” Diamond Tiara sobbed. “I don’t think anything is going to be alright… Not for a while.”

“Well… If it makes you feel any better, at least you never have to worry about being somepony you’re not ever again,” Sweetie Belle assured.

“Yeah, now you’re free to make your own choices,” Scootaloo added. “Doing everything that makes you happy.”

“Oh girls… What am I going to do now?” Diamond Tiara asked. “Where am I going to live?”

The three ponies turned to each other, contemplating the question. Of course, there were plenty of homes in Equestria and their homes are always open. But before they could make an offer, Mrs. Cake approached the group of fillies and looked down upon Diamond Tiara.

“You know dear, Mr. Cake and I do have an extra room in the house no one ever really uses,” She offered. “We always hoped to open it for rent, but now… You are more than welcome to stay with us, to have a real family. That is if you’d like that.”

Diamond Tiara looked up toward Mrs. Cake, with wide eyes full of tears. A small smile forms on her muzzle.

“D-Do you r-really mean that, Mrs. Cake?” She asked, tearfully. “Even after everything?”

“Of course. We’d be more than happy having you in the family. Wouldn’t we dear?”

“Absolutely,” Mr. Cake nods, with a smile.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders back away a bit, as Diamond Tiara approached the two Cakes and their little twins. She beamed brightly, as the tears fell down her face and she threw her arms around them in a huge hug. They gladly returned, as the whole group looked on. Rarity herself began to tear up.

“Oh, such a happy ending for her. I could just cry!”

“Oh please,” Rainbow groaned, with an eye roll.

“Well, looks like I got a new friend to hang with from now on,” Pinkie said, excitedly. “Every pony got their happy ending.”

“Not just yet.”

Pinkie turned around quickly, seeing Cheese standing behind her. Fully face to face, as she looked over him, Pinkie could tell he had something on his mind.

“What is it, Cheesy?” Pinkie asked.

Cheese took a deep breath, finally seeing his moment had come. He grabs Pinkie’s hooves in his own, once again looking in her eyes.

“Pinkie Pie, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. Something I’ve been trying to say during this whole journey, but for whatever reason the timing was never right. But now I feel there is no better time and place…”

“Wait!” Pinkie interrupts. “Before you say anything, I have something to confess.”

“Oh? What is it?”

Then it was Pinkie Pie’s turn to take a deep breath and the answer shocked every pony.

“I’m in love with you, Cheese Sandwich!”

This took Cheese Sandwich by surprise, while the rest of the group looked on with wide eyes and some even smiling. A few of the fillies and mares, though not as they expected, squealed a bit.

“I wanted to tell you before, Cheesy,” Pinkie rambled. “It’s just that I’ve always been the pony who can be friends with any creature she meets, throwing parties, making them happy, and just being myself. But when it comes to romance… I’m terrified.”

“I’ve never fallen in love before, I’ve never been on a date, and I didn’t even know I could handle it. I was so afraid that if I told you, and you refused, it would ruin the friendship we already have. But then I realized when I saw what you were doing, I knew I shouldn’t be scared. I know if this is hard to understand…”

“Oh no, candy floss,” Cheese replied. “Believe me… That makes perfect sense. I always felt very differently about the two of us too. We’ve been friends for the longest time, that when I look at you… All I see is somepony I care deeply for and want to be around so badly I would do anything. Up until a few days ago, I never truly knew what it mean… But now, I know exactly what it is and it’s just as you said: Love.”

Pinkie smiles as her own tears start appearing in her eyes. Cheese smiled too and knew he must keep going.

“Pinkie Pie… I love you too, I loved you for a very long time. I don’t know what I could possibly do without you by my side and I want to spend every waking moment of my life to make you happy, as you’ve made me.”

Now Pinkie’s tears fully fell down her face, as Cheese continued expressing his feelings with newfound confidence.

“Pinkamena Diane Pie, would you be my very special somepony?”

Without another word, Pinkie leapt straight into his arms and planted her lips directly to his. This caught Cheese off-guard and he fell backwards, as they both land on the ground. Never once did their lips break contact, as they held each other close breathing in this beautiful moment. When Pinkie Pie finally pulled away, she smiled brightly.

“I waited so long for you to ask me that,” She said, happily.

“Well, couldn’t think of a better time than now,” Cheese smiled.

They both kiss again, as the rest of the group cheer and applaud, while many fillies and mares squeaked again, some even crying. The rest of the Mane Six and Spike stood off to the side, smiling with tears of their own.

“Aww… They are such a perfect couple,” Twilight commented.

“Our dear Pinkie Pie has grown up so much,” Rarity sobbed.

“Ah tell yah what, that there Cheese Sandwich is the best stallion fur her,” Applejack added.

“He’s totally awesome and not to mention wickedly funny,” Rainbow said.

“They’re going to be so good together,” Fluttershy added.

As they enjoyed this tender moment, a shadow flew over them drawing Spike’s attention and he looked surprised.

“Hey girls, what’s that up there?”

Spike pointed as the others looked up. Floating down to the ground with a single parachute, a crate slowly descended toward Ponyville. Pinkie and Cheese paused for a moment to notice the crate coming down. But then they soon realized it wasn’t just one crate, but a bunch of crates all coming down in little parachutes strapped to the top. One by one, the crates landed within mere inches of Sugar Cube Corner, as every pony made space for it to land. Curious, the Cakes approach one of the crates as Pinkie & Cheese join in, along with the others.

Together, they force open one crate and with the lid removed, they take a peek and gasped in shock. Inside were rows upon rows of Chocolate Bars, all wrapped up with Willy Wonka’s logo and all in assorted colors. Mr. Cake takes one of the bars carefully opens the wrapping paper and studies the treat.

“Is that… Chocolate?” Mrs. Cake asked.

Indeed, it was chocolate, Mr. Cake could clearly see that. He takes a tiny bite on one corner to test it and his eyes widen at the amazing flavor.

“It’s delicious!” Mr. Cake said, taking out the rest. “There must be hundreds upon hundreds of bars in each of these crates!”

Twilight Sparkle took the wrapping with her magic, recognizing the ‘Wonka’ name.

“This is Wonka’s chocolate!” Twilight said, looking at the crates. “They’re all from Wonka!”

“But how did they all get here?” Fluttershy asked.

Just then, another shadow catches Pinkie’s eyes and she looks up. A single envelope floats down from the sky, out of thin air like the crates. Pinkie grabs the envelope with her mane and sees that it’s coincidentally addressed to Pinkie Pie herself. She carefully opens the envelope, finds a single letter inside, and reads it aloud.

To the denizens of Ponyville,
I, Willy Wonka, as my final decree of Wonka’s Chocolates, grant the request of the new factory owner, Mr. Charlie Bucket, to offer his winnings of a lifetime supply of chocolate and exchange it to the family business of Sugar Cube Corner. Inside each crate, you’ll find all sorts of wonderful new goodies, delicious treats, and of course, our finest chocolates, more than enough to keep your business going for generation upon generation. I hope you use them well.
Willy Wonka

P.S. I hope this means you’ll stick around town, Pinkie Pie. Ponyville is beautiful up here.

Reading that part, Pinkie Pie was confused wondering how Wonka would know about Ponyville or much less see it. Curious, she turns back to the sky and gasps wide-eyed when she caught something in sight. There, high over the clouds, the Wonkavator, Wonka’s own glass elevator, floated over Ponyville as if somehow, he was able to find Equestria. But then she recalled how he found Loompaland, a place that couldn’t be found on any map, and realized… This is Willy Wonka; he could do anything.

Pinkie Pie smiled realizing this was Charlie’s doing, that he would ask Wonka to give away part of his award and give it not just to Pinkie Pie, but for the Cakes. And Wonka didn’t just do it for either him or her, but to prove he does care for more than just chocolate. A very wonderful gift.

“Thank you, Mr. Wonka,” Pinkie said, softly.

As the Wonkavator continued upward toward the heavens, until it was completely out of view, everything seemed absolutely perfect. The Cakes were staying in business, Diamond Tiara found a family who’d love her and treat her right, and Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich were finally together.


“In the end, Charlie Bucket won a chocolate factory… Sugar Cube Corner prospered greatly with a new line of candy, compliments of Charlie himself… Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich developed a beautiful romantic relationship… And Diamond Tiara finally got what she always dreamed of… A real family.”

As the camera pulls away, as all of Ponyville helps the cakes move all the crates into Sugar Cube Corner and loading them to have them ready to sell, a single figure watched over them. An Oompa Loompa, dressed in a fancy suit, overlooking the town as he narrates in a surprisingly deep voice.

“And one thing was absolutely certain… Life has never been sweeter.”


Comments ( 109 )

Amazing chapter my friend

A wonderful end and chapter. And everyone lives happily ever after....

Except the jerks who deserved it! Bwa ha ha ha!

Beautiful absolutely beautiful

Pretty sweet ending! Onward to the next adventure on stage!

Also, great jobs for the authors too.

Well I'm surprised that Wonka didn't land and step out, I wonder what type of Pony he would have been.

Oh man, that was such a great story; I loved the way you wrote it.

I cannot wait for the next story.

It was indeed the longest chapter ever put together for a story of such caliber as this one. So many emotions, so many tender moments, and in the end it all pays off. A boy becomes a man owning a business... A pony finds love close to home... And a filly finds a family who truly loves her. It showed how much two friends were really to go through, to pass every test only to realize there was more at stake than a lifetime supply of chocolate. How a figure who seemed malicious and evil based on appearance alone has his own little secret. That one man's legacy passes on to a new generation, as sad as that may what matters is that the wonderful candy continues to be made to pay homage to the man who made it possible.

That even when one friend's concerns doesn't feel like a gigantic world-saving emergency, if we only take the time to listen and understand 'why' it matters to that person, not because they 'want' it to be done, a group of friends can truly make a difference when they reach out and explore the matter at hand. And because this was our own rendition, of course we wanted to see the ultimate fate of the children, why Mr. Wilkinson would pretend to be 'Slugworth' and the role he played, and even begging the question as to what Mr. Wonka would do when he no longer runs the factory. For all we know, he may take his elevator and take it high into space where a certain 'hotel' has a nasty 'Vermicious Knid' infestation (Which would've made for an interesting film adaptation).

All the while, we at the 'Cinematic Adventures' community dearly hope this final chapter was worth the wait and we look forward to sharing what the next story has to offer.

Thank you for reading as always.

That was the idea going into this story: Beauty and art.

It wasn't easy getting this done, but I'm glad we finally finished.

I'm sure he'd probably have the same skin tone as a human, his hair would be blonde and kind of messy, he'd have his top hat, his colored vest and purple coat, and I'm sure his cutie mark would have something to do with chocolate (Maybe a Gobstopper). Unless you prefer his design in the remake, in which case he'd be pale, have that Johnny Depp hair cut for the adaptation, and his clothing would be mostly dark red (Hopefully the cutie mark would still be slightly the same).

True, we 'could' have had him featured as a pony... But we decided, now is just not the time.

We do the best we could, to offer our fans a story they can have a great takeaway from. We are proud that you enjoyed it.

Alternate/ second End Credits Roll song:
It Must Be Believed To Be Seen (From "Charlie And The Chocolate Factory – The Musical") · Elise McCann

It would make a great credit song, if they decided to make yet another 'Willy Wonka' adaptation for Hollywood. Give or take another couple years.

At least, you finish just fine and just wait till you and Double e start working on the next one is my most anticipated one yet.

Oh yes... Mr. Enigma and I are very much excited for this next story. We're both such big fans of the subject in question and we have special surprises in store for our fans.

I can’t wait for it to arrive now.( me donning a half-mask.)

This story was fantastic! Btw, I love the ending, and the fact you and Mr. Enigma combined the '71 movie with the 2005 movie. Nice job, guys!

That's been what we planned. We didn't just want to give a 'run of the mill' crossover. We didn't want to feel we had to 'choose' between two versions of the same story, regardless of the few differences. So, we agreed, that if we were to combine certain elements of both products in an attempt to bring something slightly different, we'd give our beloved fans a story they very much appreciate. After all, between our jobs, the crisis of this pandemic, and any time we can spend with our families, we want to make the most of the remaining period to provide the art that we can give. We're not aiming for perfection, because perfection doesn't 'exist', all we ask is that our time and effort was well spent knowing we have fans who appreciate our own contributions.

You're right about perfection not existing, and I know it can be hard to make a good crossover. But other than that, this was great!

Oh, it's definitely challenging all right. And I've seen 'tons' of crossovers over the years, mostly relying on 'action' and 'reaction' and not able to tell a story within the story. Plus, I've seen tons that rely on too many guest stars because they don't put enough faith in their major cast. Plus, this isn't the first crossover series I've worked on with a colleague and it certainly won't be the last.

Oh my gosh that was so beautiful! A perfect ending!

But...why's it still marked incomplete?

It is? *Looks at Incomplete* Huh... So it is. Beats me, if there was an extra surprise that I don't know about I'm just knowing about it. Thought for sure this was the final chapter or maybe Mr. Enigma just forgot, it's all.

But all the same, I'm pleased you enjoyed the chapter and the story as a whole.

I do. And if you're doing a sequel I wish you luck!

A sequel to 'Willy Wonka'? Well, sadly there really hasn't been a film adaptation of that. Not even for 'Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator', which technically follows the events of the first book. But... I'm sure it would be a rather nice thought, all the same. You know, Roald Dahl was working on a third story once upon a time... But it was never completed upon his death.

Wonderful ending!

There still more!? Just like Scooby Doo?

Yeah, I heard. But I meant another movie crossover. Like how on this story it says it's a "Sequel To" the movie they entered previously.

Well if you actually read 'any' of our threads, we are planning 'Scooby Doo 2'. But we have a plan on what movies we want to do next and we're sticking with it.

Oh yeah... I know what you mean. Don't worry, we have something coming up. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it's coming.

“My dear pony, how did you think you all got to come to this factory in the first place?” Mr. Wilkinson said, taking a newspaper. “How do you think you all made the headlines? Coincidence?”

“You? That was you?”

“When I heard the rumors of a millionaire in Paraguay claiming he had ‘found’ the fifth golden ticket, I took the first plane I could book to investigate the claim, as I did with all the others. But when I got there, seems someone… Or ‘some pony’ had already beaten me to it. Then I started seeing pictures of the printing press and the fake tickets, so I went around looking for clues.”

“Then I heard some folks in town talking about a group of ponies and a dragon crossing the streets with a little boy and if I hadn’t seen you for myself, I wouldn’t have believed it. I knew somehow you were all responsible for helping Mr. Bucket get his Golden Ticket and so Mr. Wonka arranged for me to have you included on the tour with or without tickets.”

:rainbowderp: Who knew?


Now onto the next adventure!

The next to emerge were the Beauregardes. The father was the first to come out, but most of that confident business nature left his face, instead he looked in dread as he turned back. His daughter eventually emerged, her skin still completely blue, and she was doing somersaults and all sorts of flips and turns like an acrobat. As a resulting of the juicing machine, she was able to stretch her limbs in ways she hadn’t before and… She actually enjoyed it.

When you become flexible, you go boneless just like a octopus.

Bravo! Bravo! Great ending! And I knew the Riches would get they deserved! AND ABOUT BUCKING TIME THE ROMANCE WITH PINKIE AND CHEESE HAPPENED!!! :pinkiehappy:

Now Diamond Tiara has a real family, and Sugar Cube Corner stays!

Can't wait for the next movie!

I great ending for our heroes, well done.


Bravo! Bravo! Great ending! And I knew the Riches would get they deserved!


Now Diamond Tiara has a real family, and Sugar Cube Corner stays!

Not only that, but Pinkie and Cheese become a couple!!!
This is gonna be SO FUN!!!! :pinkiehappy:

Can't wait for the next movie!

Me too, as I love Broadway now! :twilightsmile:

Mr. Enigma asked for my help on this one part of the story and I was making it up as I go.

We are very excited to show you all what we have in store for the new story. It's going to be loads of fun.

That's the idea. I've seen tons of guys like that on 'America's Got Talent'. The things they do are insane.

Doesn't seem you'll need to do 'too many' reactions for this chapter... Unless you really want to. But I think we officially ran out of songs.

Thank you! Your continued support is most appreciative.

Yes, we can't forget the union between Pinkie & Cheese. She just couldn't wait to plant a big one on Cheese when they both realized how much they love each other. Who'd have guessed Pinkie had trouble confessing her feelings as much as Cheese?

Great magical story. I actually didn't expect the Riches to be banished. Spoiled would totally deserve it. I never saw Filthy as a bad guy despite that scene in Legend of Everfree. Guess that means the Apples won't do any business with them. Filthy's grandfather would be very disappointed at him.

great ending to a great story. so what's the next story gonna be about?

Sniff.....Sniff....a truly magical ending to a truly magical story.
Life.....and karma.....had never been sweeter.

Amazing Story, enigma! You have made this story one candy of an experience!

I wonder what your last commentary will be like!

You know that's how Mel Stuart ended it too. He called the producer while he was on vacation fishing and the guy said just end with happily ever after and that's what he did

Yeah tell me about it. (Wince) But there’s one person in history who used to do stuff like that, way before America’s got Talent could be invented in our time, the one, the only: Harry Houdini. 1874 - 1926

I think he was disappoint when Filthy married that black hearted pointed nosed sob and then let's her walk over him like a rug carpet

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