• Published 13th Feb 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six, Spike, and Cheese Sandwich are off on one sweet adventure with their friend Charlie Bucket to the infamous Wonka chocolate factory. There they shall discover a world of pure imagination as they have never seen before.

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I’ve Got a Golden Ticket

The blood raced and the adrenaline ran an all-time high, as Charlie and his pony friends, Spike included, ran as fast as they could back to the Bucket house. Mere moments ago, a miracle of epic proportions occurred: News spread of the final golden ticket supposedly found in Paraguay was actually a ‘fake’. On a whim, Charlie had purchased a Wonka bar moments before discovering this information and when he opened the Wonka, he and every pony else were very surprised to discover the ‘real’ golden ticket. Now here they were, sprinting down the street heading for home.

They until they came upon a long dark tunnel, just the shortcut needed to get back to the house. They kept running till they reached the middle of the tunnel, when something unexpected happened. A man stepped from the corner, standing right before the group, and they all came to a sudden halt. The man was tall and lanky, wearing a black suit and bowler hat, but the most prominent features were the octagon spectacles he wore and the scar across his left eye. He looked down toward the group of friends with a small smirk.

“I congratulate you, little boy,” He said. “Well done. You found the fifth Golden Ticket. May I introduce myself? Arthur Slugworth, President of ‘Slugworth Chocolates, Incorporated’.”

Everyone gasped in shock, slowly backing up a step. This was Mr. Wonka’s most nefarious rival in the chocolate business, the very man who forced the chocolatier to shut his operation down by stealing all his secret recipes. Now there he stood, a mere few feet from them. His sights turn toward the ponies and Spike, his smile drops.

“Forgive me for saying, but what I have to discuss is between me and the boy. So, would you kindly excuse us?”

Not liking the tone, Rainbow jumps in front of Charlie. The rest of her friends follow suit.

“We’re Charlie’s friends,” Rainbow spoke up. “Whatever you have to say to him, you can say it to us!”

Seeing the fierce gleam in her eyes, Slugworth lightly chuckled.

“Very well then,” He complies, turning back to Charlie. “Now listen carefully because I’m going to make you very rich indeed. Mr. Wonka is at this moment working on a fantastic invention: the Everlasting Gobstopper. If he succeeds, he’ll ruin me. So, all I want you to do is to get hold of just one Everlasting Gobstopper and bring it to me so that I can find the secret formula.”

No pony liked what this man had to say. He was basically asking Charlie to steal Mr. Wonka’s new invention and hand it to him. Celestia only knows what that would do to Wonka’s candy business. This made Applejack grit her teeth thinking about it.

“Now lookee here, Slugworth!” Applejack spot. “Ah think we heard quite enough outta you. Charlie’s a good boy and he wouldn’t steal nothing from nobody, no-how!”

“That’s right!” Rainbow nodded, vigorously. “Haven’t you stolen enough from that man already? Grandpa Joe told us how you’re the reason Mr. Wonka closed his factory in the first place! It’s your fault Mr. Wonka had him fired!”

Slugworth turned his attention to the two ponies, a clear scowl on his face.

“Is that what you were told, little pony? Did you also know I ‘tried’ to be a friendly competitor? Did he ever tell you I ‘tried’ trading recipes fairly with him? That I ‘tried’ to merge our companies? He wouldn’t budge and I received nothing. He was the one making the most money, forcing me to steal from him. It’s his fault… Not mine.”

This man’s explanation certainly received little sympathy from any pony in this group. In fact, he appeared to be justifying their reason not to trust him. Regardless, Slugworth turned back to Charlie, pulling out a large stack of dollar bills.

“Anyway boy, if you succeed, your reward will be ten thousand of these. Think it over, will you? A new house for your family, and good food and comfort for the rest of their lives. If I were you, I’d choose wisely seeing as I have made the ‘same’ offer to the other four winners.”

It was then that every pony now realized why he looked so familiar. This was indeed the same man they saw in all the television interviews, alongside the other four ticket winners (Assuming Veruca Salt met him just the same). They remembered the times he whispered into their ears, knowing what he had instructed them to do. The same man making the same offer to steal from Mr. Wonka.

Mr. Slugworth places his hands along Charlie’s shoulders, looking straight in the eye.

“And don’t forget the name… Everlasting Gobstopper.”

With that, Slugworth walks off slowly through the tunnel they came from. They stare off after the man, as he faded in the distance. They couldn’t believe what they just saw; this was a lot to handle at one given time.

“So, that’s Mr. Wonka’s biggest competitor, is it?” Twilight asked.

“Eeyup!” Applejack scowled. “Ah can see now why Grandpa Joe spoke so lowly of him.”

“To think that horrible man wants dear Charlie to steal for him,” Rarity said, appalled.

“Yeah, well that ain’t ever happening!” Rainbow snarled.

“I think that makes him a super-duper big meanie pants!” Pinkie said.

“Took the words right out of my mouth,” Cheese agreed.

“We can worry about him later, girls,” Twilight spoke up. “Right now, I think we should worry about getting back home.

“She’s right”! Spike nodded. “We’ve got to spread the news to the family.”

Deciding to put this behind them, for now, the group took off once more down the street. They weren’t about to let Mr. Slugworth’s offer damper their mood after the most amazing thing happened. After a while, they finally arrive at the house and Charlie bursts through the door with the others close behind.

“Look, everyone, look, I’ve got!” He shouted. “The fifth Golden Ticket is mine!”

The rest of his family faced him in bewilderment, not having a single idea what he was talking about.

“You’re pulling our legs, Charlie!” Grandpa Joe exclaimed. “There aren’t any more golden tickets.”

“No, Grandpa, the last one was a fake; it said so in the papers,” Charlie explained, loudly. “I found some money in the street, and I bought a Wonka Bar, and the ticket was in it.”

“It’s true,” Twilight spoke, happily. “It’s an absolute miracle!”

“Ya’ll can say that again, Twi,” Applejack nodded.

“It’s such a wonderful thing, isn’t it?” Fluttershy asked.

“Look at it Grandpa,” Charlie insists. “See for yourself!”

He hands the golden ticket to Grandpa Joe, who took it and began to study it.

“Read it Joe, for heaven’s sake,” Grandma Josephine said.

Grandpa Joe looked over the writing on the golden ticket very carefully, reading it aloud for all to hear as the Mane Six and their friends gather around.

“Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this Golden Ticket, from Mr. Willy Wonka. I shake you warmly by the hand. For now, I do invite you to come to my factory and be my guest for one whole day.

“I, Willy Wonka, will conduct you around the factory myself,” Twilight Sparkle continued. “Showing you everything there is to see…

“Afterwards, when it is time to leave you will be escorted home by a procession of large trucks,”Spike read next. “Each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat.

By this point, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich’s mouths water at the mention of a truckload of chocolate to last a lifetime.

“And remember, one of you lucky five children will receive an extra prize beyond your wildest imagination,” Rarity continued. “Now, here are your instructions.

“Present this ticket at the factory gates at ten o’clock in the morning of the first day of October, and do not be late,” Grandpa Joe read on. “You may bring one member of your own family but no one else. In your wildest dreams you could not imagine the marvelous surprises that await you! Until then, Willy Wonka.”

“Charlie, you’ve done it!” Pinkie exclaimed excitedly.

Pinkie hopped and wrapped her arms securely around Charlie for a massive hug, which the little boy was all too happy to return. The rest of the group pulled into the hug as they celebrate this momentous occasion. After a moment or two, they separate so Charlie can acknowledge his family.

“Congratulations, Charlie,” His mother smiled.

“Thanks mom!” He replied.

He then turns toward Grandpa Joe realizing something.

“Grandpa? It says I can take somebody with me; I wish you could go.”

Grandpa Joe thought for a moment, before he threw the blankets off himself.

“Would you all mind giving me a hand?” He asked. “Or hoof?”

“We’d love to help, Grandpa Joe,” Twilight answered.

Charlie put his grandpa’s arms over his shoulder, while the ponies did the same with the other.

“Alright, every pony,” Pinkie said. “A one and a two and you all know what to do!”

“Then heave!” Applejack instructs.

They all lift with all their might helping Grandpa Joe stand on his feet. Once he stood straight upright, they all let go. Grandpa Joe had a warm smile before plopping back onto the bed once again. Every pony gasped when this happened, hoping he was alright.

“Are you okay?” Charlie asked.

“Oh yea, I’m fine Charlie,” Grandpa Joe answered.

“Are you quite certain, darling?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, I’ll be all right.”

Charlie grabbed ahold of his grandpa’s hands; his friends gather behind him as they all pulled. Once again, Grandpa Joe was back on his feet, but stumbling about. Every pony tried to help him retain his balance, but this proved rather difficult.

“Easy, dad,” Mrs. Bucket said.

“Don’t worry Mrs. B, we’ve got him,” Rainbow assured.

Grandpa Joe grabbed ahold of one of the bed pillars, balancing himself as every pony let go once more. Once they released, they all stood back in admiration.

“Why Grandpa Joe,” Fluttershy smiled. “You’re standing!”

Grandpa Joe looked around in shock, as though he himself couldn’t believe it.

“Look at me!” He said, amazed.

Then a smirk slowly formed along his face, as well as every pony else.

“Look at me! Up and about… I haven’t done this in twenty years!”

“Well, now you can walk,” Spike spoke. “How do you feel?”

Truth be told, for Grandpa Joe, this was perhaps the greatest day of his life. His grandson having found a golden ticket to the Wonka factory; he himself finally out of bed for the first time. So many wonderful emotions ran through him, that he felt there was only one way to express them… Through song.


Every pony couldn’t believe what they were seeing, but none could wipe the smiles off their faces either. The joy and excitement in the air was too contagious to ignore. Charlie hands Grandpa Joe a cane to help him maintain his balance. He smiles, laughing giddy as he runs around the room.

“Here I go! Watch my speed!”

As he ran around the room, he bumps into a few walls but was quickly caught by Charlie and his friends. The song was so catchy, the ponies themselves found it difficult not to sing and dance along. They all began digging through a bunch of clothes, pulling out a hat and coat for Grandpa Joe, who placed them on while dancing around the room. He runs to the window, throwing it wide open.

Soon enough, they come to a stop, smiling and breathing heavily after all the singing and dancing.

“That was fun!” Twilight smiled.

“Boy howdy, that reminds me of the last Apple family hoedown,” Applejack nodded.

“You know Joe, for an old man who hasn’t walked in twenty years,” Rainbow replied, chuckling. “You sure got some moves!”

Every pony else laughed at that say, along with Charlie and Grandpa Joe. It was then, however, Mrs. Bucket, who had gone over the ticket, stepped in.

“Stop! It says the first of October; that’s tomorrow!”

Twilight came alongside her, looking over the ticket herself.

“She’s right!” Twilight said. “It IS tomorrow!”

“We must have been lucky to find this ticket on the very last day,” Rarity pointed out. “Just before the factory visit is to take place!”

“Jumping Crocodiles, Charlie!” Grandpa Joe gasped. “We’ve got a lot to do: Comb your hair, wash your face, polish your shoes…

“Brush your teeth, blow your nose…” Cheese Sandwich added.

“And maybe get that mud off your pants too,” Rarity observed.

“I’ll take care of everything, Dad,” Mrs. Bucket assured.

“We don’t have much time,” Grandpa Joe rambled.

As they spoke, a thought re-occurred to every pony about something happening earlier that day. While there was still time to talk, Twilight Sparkle stepped up.

“Everyone, there’s something we all have to tell you,” Twilight announced.

“We kind of ran into someone on the way home today,” Rainbow nodded.

“Who did you all run into?” Grandpa Joe asked.

“On our way home, we ran into Mr. Slugworth,” Charlie told him.

Grandpa Joe was rightfully shocked, to hear the group ran into Mr. Wonka’s most bitter rivals today.

“What did he say?” He asked.

“He wants Charlie to steal Mr. Wonka’s newest creation,” Spike explained. “We don’t really know what it is, but he expects him to bring it to him personally.”

“I bet he told those other kids the exact same thing,” Rainbow added.

“That big meanie pants wants to make sure Mr. Wonka is out of business!” Pinkie frowned.

Hearing this made Grandpa Joe quite upset, frankly angry too. His former employer, always a kind man working for him, now threatened by a competitor attempting to put him out of business… Again.

“No matter what he said, no matter what he offers,” Grandpa Joe said, determined. “You have to promise me that’s not going to happen.”

“I Pinkie Promise, Grandpa Joe,” Pinkie Pie assured, doing the routine. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“Ya’ll can rest soundly tonight,” Applejack agreed.

Every pony nodded, though Grandpa Joe was a bit confused.

“I thought the phrase was ‘Stick a needle in my eye’.”

“… That would be weird,” Pinkie thought. “And painful.”

“Nevertheless, we won’t allow that ruffian to ruin Mr. Wonka or threaten his business,” Rarity added.

“For now, let’s celebrate Charline finding his golden ticket,” Twilight suggested.

Every pony agreed and for the rest of the day, the whole family celebrated this glorious occasion (Even though most were still bedridden). But come tomorrow, they knew the chance of a lifetime was coming. The day Charlie and his grandfather get to visit the famous Wonka factory.

Who knows what chain of events will happen?


That night, the Bucket household was silent as everyone inside was sound asleep. The ponies and Spike once more huddled together inside Charlie’s bedroom, getting their rest before the big day. As usual, Pinkie and Cheese slept soundly together making silly noises, cuddling up to stay nice and warm. Applejack slept with her hat over her eyes, while Rainbow Dash slept close by a wing folded over the cowgirl, though whether she knew or not she didn’t show. With the tour set to take place in just a few hours, they wanted to make sure they got plenty of rest before making for the factory by ten.

Just then, Pinkie felt a rustle on the bed and opens her eyes, slowly turning to the side. She sees Charlie Bucket sitting up on the bedside, looking down at the golden ticket in his hands. Without waking every pony, Pinkie slowly eases slowly from Cheese’s grip, cautiously crosses over her sleeping friends, Spike scratching his nose when Pinkie’s tail tickled him, and quietly sits alongside Charlie.

“Are you okay, Charlie?” Pinkie asked, quietly. “Couldn’t sleep?”

“Oh no, I’m fine,” Charlie answered, quietly. “I was just… Thinking…”

“About what?”

“Well, to tell you the truth… I’m actually starting to consider whether I should go to the factory or not go at all.”

Pinkie’s eyes widened in surprise when Charlie mentioned that, even after all the fuss that they made about this opportunity not long ago.

“Why would you want to do that? I thought you wanted to go.”

“I do, but… Someone offered five hundred dollars for this ticket alone,” Charlie explained. “Then, Mr. Slugworth is offering me ten thousand dollars just for a candy recipe. Who’s to say someone else will come by later offering to pay me more? The more I think about it, my family needs the money more than we need a lifetime supply of chocolate.”

At this point, Pinkie Pie would be freaking out that Charlie would be giving up a literal golden opportunity especially from a pony who nearly gave up after a chance to save her friends’ bakery slipped through her hooves. But in that moment, surprisingly, she didn’t freak for two reasons. One, because her friends were fast asleep along with Charlie’s family. The second reason being is that she wanted to hear Charlie’s reasoning for putting the sake of his family over his own needs. Still, she knew this was the same boy who refused a handout when he desired to work hard to ‘earn’ his money for his family. While she understood what he was saying, she did the one thing she rarely did for any pony: Act serious.

“Charlie, let me tell you something that you need to hear,” Pinkie offered.

Charlie didn’t answer, but instead nodded his head silently listening to one of his friends.

“There will always be plenty of money out there; money is practically made every day. But this ticket, this shiny piece of gold, there’s only five of them in the whole world. There could’ve been ‘more’ of these easily, I hear they could’ve made ‘nine’ tickets if original sources tell me. Millions of people searched for these tickets, billions even, but that’s all there’s ever going to be.”

“But what about you, Pinkie?” Charlie asked. “You’re the one who has more to gain for this trip than I do; maybe you should go with Grandpa. Either one of you should be going instead of me.”

“Charlie, if I wasn’t your friend, I would take that ticket in a heartbeat and be ecstatic to be surrounded by billions of sweets in each room. But I AM your friend and as your friend, I accept you found that ticket not me. I’ll find a way to save Sugar Cube Corner somehow, I don’t know ‘how’ to do it and I don’t know ‘what’ random thing I could concoct to make it happen. But it will hurt me more knowing that a silly colt would give up that ticket for something as common as money.

“So I need to know one thing…” Pinkie concluded, glaring. “Are you a silly colt?”

“No, miss,” Charlie shook.

Pinkie Pie paused for a moment, her eyes folding as if she were studying Charlie very closely. But just as quickly, her serious expression changes to a content, happy face.

“Okie-dokie-lokie!” Pinkie smiled, yawning. “Well, best we get some sleep Charlie boy. You’ve got a factory to go to. Good night!”

Rather than going back to her spot, Pinkie flopped backwards onto the bed. Some groans and moans were heard, specifically from Rainbow Dash, but not enough to wake them. Charlie Bucket silently looks over at Pinkie Pie and the others, sleeping so soundly. He was sure they would all be thinking the same thing, that he should take advantage of this opportunity that millions of others had missed out even if they themselves couldn’t go. Still, he felt they deserved something more out of this, and he thought back to what Pinkie said the other night, about hoping to talk to Mr. Wonka. As he looks down at the ticket again, he looks back toward his sleeping friend.

“I will talk to Mr. Wonka about your troubles, Pinkie,” Charlie said, silently. “I promise.”