• Published 26th Apr 2020
  • 2,588 Views, 70 Comments

Expedition to the Cloudbreak Islands - Starglider

Ponies and friends set out to explore legendary floating islands, travelling in two experimental airships capable of piercing the permenant storm wall. A new world awaits them, populated by strange creatures and filled with unknown magic.

  • ...


The mood was sombre on the long flight back from the Temple of the Four Winds, as Set Sail guided the Second Chance in a long southerly arc, staying well away from the drow base. The sun was setting by the time the commandeered copter approached the cliff-edge meadow that served as their temporary home. This time there were no ominous shotgun-bearing bipeds or freshly burn marks on the EAS Harmony's hull.

There was still some excitement to be had though: as the tired ponies trotted up the gangplank onto the larger airship, they were treated to the sight of a griffon hen blowing flame out of her beak. Behind her a blue pegasus mare was forming a tiny ice sculpture of Princess Twilight out of a bucket of water, while an enormous straw-coloured pegasus was taking very careful steps around the deck, looking rather worried by her sudden doubling in size. Clearly Grenelda, Bluebell and Static Signal, at the very least, had been sampling the magical cola.

Set Sail was livid, flying from creature to creature, demanding to know what happened and then informing everypony in no certain terms that they could not and would not replace them, so the magical sodas were to be used only for emergencies. The pegasus was rather frustrated that she couldn't leave the ship for a day without some other calamity befalling them, but even as she gave most disapproving angry stomps at the crew's behaviour, she couldn't help but feel glad to have seen some familiarity. It had been a long ride home with nopony she could talk to about that accursed temple, and yet even here in the far reaches of this strange land, ponies were making it their home.

Grenelda began insisting that this was a stupid plan, because how could they be expected to use them in an emergency without having some practice first, but a hard look from Gustus got her to shut up. She slunk off to compare fire breath with Sunburn, squawking in appreciation as the Skylander blew a much larger jet of flame into the air.

The unicorn engineer-pony Sprocket wasn't livid so much as astonished, running up and exchanging some amazed words with her giant friend. Then the straw-coloured Static Signal let Sprocket climb up her wing and cling to the fur of her back; the two went thundering off excitedly toward the cover of the jungle across from the meadow.

Azure was just relieved, even happy, to return to the Harmony . The day had been one of the most physically and emotionally taxing in her life, and Azure was more than ready for it to end. While the strange displays were... well, striking, the newest pegasus didn't say a word, instead just closing her eyes for a moment, shaking her head and heading down to her cabin in the lower levels.

The elation and excitement of a day out exploring the Wind Temple and Azure's experience with the trial should have been a high; Summer Scribe could have rode on all the way to dusk, but Azure's despondent reaction to the transformation has numbed her response and left her feeling reflective. Maybe the unicorn-turned-pegasus would be more open to new experiences tomorrow...?

Well, Summer couldn't force anything, but maybe she could use the incentive of the wish-stone to get her crewmate to come out of her shell a little and get back outside. For now though, as Set Sail yelled out her annoyance at the surreptitious soda users, she couldn't help but chuckle into a hoof. While it was true that they had a limited supply of the soda, it's wasn't that scarce, and it was useful to experiment a little and know exactly what it's capable of for when we actually need to use it, right? So Summer Scribe fell into scientist mode, digging out her notebook and trotting around to ask each soda user about the exact effects they experienced.

Exciting as the possibilities of MagiCola were, soon enough the effects wore off, and with the captain's veto on any further consumption that was it for the night. Everypony turned in for some much-needed rest, not to re-emerge until well after dawn. Summer Scribe had caught Set Sail eating breakfast in the mess; after a some wild speculation on the nature of the air temple, she proceeded to relate what Sunburn had told her about her find in the atrium.

Summer, while gulping down a mouthful of hay and oats, levitated the wish stone out and placed it on the table, glowing rune upward. "So, I figure everyone who went out on the expedition - minus Sunburn, he already abstained - can take turns wishing for something and we'll see who's wish wins! It sounds like a fun time, and whatever we get out of it will make someone happy. There an old well in the abandoned mabu village, just twenty minutes' trot from here, convenient huh?"

The peaceful scene of ponies munching on breakfast was slightly disturbed by the sound of breaking dishes, followed by a series of unintelligible grumbles. Summer looked over to see Azure Feather standing over a broken bowl, shaking her head. It was amazing how useful telekinesis proved to be when you didn't have it anymore. Azure had found that out the hard way; ashamed, she slipped into a seat some distance away from Set Sail and Summer Scribe.

Between the excitement of the soda experiments and Azure's rapid retreat to her cabin, hardly anypony had caught a glimpse of her the previous evening. As such the sudden appearance of the expedition's newest pegasus was drawing a few embarrassed stares and generating a fair number of whispers as ponies ignored their breakfast for a moment and asked each other how this was possible. A prank involving the magical plant poison joke seemed to be the most plausible theory.

Set Sail made a mental note that this was one more thing she'd have to explain at the next crew meeting, or the rumours would just get wilder and wilder. Nopony seemed to think anything was wrong with Azure, at least. She seemed just like a normal pegasus, no different from any of the rest of them. Set Sail had thought the other ponies would be more amazed, considering it was sort of like becoming a princess. Maybe with more of an explanation, they’d think differently. Princesses... Set Sail pulled out another mouthful of hay, staring off pensively as she chewed what hay was not idly sticking out of her mouth.

"Wishes, huh," Set Sail asked Summer vague interest, "I wonder what happens if you just wish for something good. Well, I'm sure you'll figure it out, Summer. If there’s one thing you really understand, it’s magical artifacts like that." The brown pegasus mare had her green kerchief on again, tying back her blue hair. She visibly winced at the sight of Azure breaking the bowl. A good leader would probably help her out, and go over there, and give her advice, and stuff.

"Mmm, I think you need to be more specific than that." Summer mused. "Sunburn said that how well you make the wish matters, so it probably has to really resonate rather than being half-hearted or rules lawyering, you know...?"

"Here," Cloud Cutter said as Azure tried to clean up the spilled oatmeal and broken pottery, silently sneaking up on her and unintentionally startling Azure half to death. On the purple pony’s outstretched wing was another bowl of steaming oatmeal. “You should use the wooden bowls, Azure,” Cloud Cutter added in an admonishing tone, “Until you get the hang of winging it.”

Azure Feathers' soldier instincts had prepared her for a lot of things. A sneaky undead-element Pegasus, not so much. Not to mention her magic senses were just gone... urgh, things just keep getting better, right? Still, Cloud Cutter received something that had been pretty rare since Azure's transformation: a small smile. "I owe you a bowl in the future, then... thank you." A curt bow of her head; wooden bowls... it almost felt like she was a filly again, for Celestia's sake.

Cloud Cutter didn't scold; she just quietly backed off and returned with a bag to scrape most of the oats and shards into. Her eyes went to Set Sail, but... the purple pony was still leery of approaching the captain. So she just disposed of the mess and returned to Azure's side, in case she needed anything else.

Summer Scribe had flattened her ears at the sound of crashing and shattering, not sure if lighting her horn to help would be kind or make Azure feel even worse... but there was Cloud Cutter, surely providing more assistance than she could. Yet... she remained eager to reach out to Azure, so she turned the wish stone around so the new pegasus could get a good look. "You wanna try making wishes with us later, Azure? Maybe you can get something you really want out of it." She forced a cheerful smile onto her face despite Azure's defeated look. "Worth a shot, right?"

Azure raised her head at Summer's call, trotting over to gaze at the glowing stone. "...You'll forgive me if I'm wary about another strange artefact... or the magic of this land in general, after everything that's happened. If you're going to mess with it, I should be there, but no promises for an actual wish."

Summer Scribe's ears flattened. It wasn't going to be nearly as fun if she ended up just sitting in front of a well trying to get a wish to work while everypony else watched. Oh well; there was still time for Azure to change her mind if she came along, so... "Sure, no problem! Will be happy to just have you around." An enthusiastic little nod. "And - sometime today you should test what your new wings can do. See if they're up to Champion of Wind snuff, right?" She leaned forward, smiling and hoping Azure would too.

Azure extended a wing and stared at her feathers. Summer had a point: she'd gone through the trials, become a Champion of Wind. That... that had to mean something, right? True flight, weather manipulation, sure that sounded great but without her horn... everything was like being a filly again; Cloud Cutter cleaning up her mess was absolute proof of that. She'd have to learn a lot just to live as a pegasus, let alone truly fill her role as the guardian of the expedition, or to retake her place in the Lavender Blades.

"What kind of... oh hey, good to see you Summer!" Melonwater said in a somewhat muffled tone, before stopping to swallow the rest of the oats. "And Azure Feather... wow, uh, you're a pegasus now. That's... uh, quite a change?" He shook his head, unable to think of anything else to say, so he simply turned back to Summer Scribe. "What kind of stone is that made of? Huh... can I have a closer look?"

The younger pony's arrival broke Azure out of her reverie; she couldn't help but give a rough chuckle as she sat down. "Good to see you too, Melonwater." Quite a change indeed...

"Good to be back!" Summer racked her memory. "I think Sunburn said it was made of... Imaginarium? Whatever that is." She didn't know much about rock, so she was curious for Melonwater's take, and delicately slid the find over to him.

Cloud Cutter’s ears perked with interest at Summer’s statement about something that can grant wishes. But before she could ask, Melonwater kind of didn’t notice stepping in front of her. The young geologist really was the one most qualified to pass judgement on stones, so she just settled back and listened quietly.

"Oh wow..." the earth pony tapped the softly glowing blue stone with his hoof, frowned, then very cautiously licked it. "Eesh!" he jumped back as if he'd gotten a static shock. "Sunburn... that fire griffon guy? M-Maybe... we could go ask him... together..."

"Hmm..." Summer considered. Melonwater wanted to push for more information? She had to admit, it did make sense to exploit their temporary draconic conduit of vital regional information to the fullest. "Sure! After breakfast?"

"Yeah! Right, breakfast..." the stallion agreed, scooting back to his bowl of warm oats.

Cloud Cutter left the scholars to their studies, looking over to Set Sail, who was over there eating by herself. As good a time as any, it seemed. The purple pegasus walked up to the hay munching pony, saying, “Hello, captain. I... gave Reef Skimmer your message.”

“Oh? What’d he say?” Set Sail asked around a mouthful of hay, looking up at Cloud Cutter standing beside her where Set Sail sat there on her belly at the short table.

“He said... that he wasn’t going to get in the way of our happiness, and he’s glad you chose me over him, because it’s better that your true love be a pegasus, than a monster like him,” Cloud Cutter reported, thin-lipped.

Set Sail blushed heavily at that, chewing her forgotten hay looking at Cloud Cutter like a moonstruck calf, until the purple pegasus said, “I don’t think he understood the message. Or my... situation. Thinking of himself as usual.”

“I’m r-really sorry to make you do that,” Set Sail said, “It’s been really... hard to approach him lately. I just hope he stops being all dangerous, and hurting himself, and comes to talk to somepony, e-even if not me.”

“He wasn’t as er... violent as he was earlier,” Cloud Cutter said. “I can’t say that hasn’t changed by now, but he might be safe to approach. He’ll probably just sit down there sulking until you... go rescue him from himself.”

Sighing, Set Sail replied glumly, “Thank you anyway for doing that. I guess he doesn’t trust me enough, if I don’t go down and talk to him myself. I just hope he doesn’t...”

“He didn’t to me,” Cloud Cutter said, “And I don’t think it was just because I was dangerous. I know how much those worms hurt. I don’t know how he could expect you to just approach him like that. As if it was your fault for being afraid of something like that happening again.”

“He saved me from them,” Set Sail said, shaking her head in dismay, “He turned them into something good. Something that could be good, if he’d just realize what a... hero he is. I just have to, just... risk it. He wouldn’t hurt me again. N-not after saving me.”

Cloud Cutter wished she had some way to reassure her of that.

Summer Scribe couldn't help but listen in on the conversation, flicking her tail. She didn't know if Reef Skimmer wanted to see her yet - or honestly, ever - but... the news of the hippogriff starting to calming down and talk to ponies again did draw out a little smile. It was hope, right? It's never too late. ...Also, Set Sail's blush was cute, regardless of the circumstances. That was sweet to see.

"You know... you two would be pretty cute together..." Wait, had she said that out loud? Hopefully the two pegasi hadn't heard her.

Cloud Cutter certainly pretended not to hear, if she did, which she didn't!

Azure had heard as well, and the reminder about the doctor's situation only added to the thoughts churning in her brain. For all the frustrations she was having with her new form... it could have been worse. Much worse. Reef's situation was proof of that. Another thing to think about... As for the possibility of romance between the doctor and the captain... better to let sleeeping dogs lies. She simply murmured "So the doctor's still down there..."

Summer's relentless enthusiasm for new, untested and possibly dangerous magic couldn't be denied for long. Once all stomachs had been filled, an impromptu expedition party spilled out onto the upper deck. There they found a pair of griffons munching on... something, possibly rabbits, although nopony wanted to get too close to confirm. Naturally the griffs wanted to know what all the fuss was about, and the party snowballed further as they insisted on joining.

Rain had come in the night, leaving the meadow shimmering in the morning sun and full of the smell of wet grass. The Equestrians were in high spirits during the leisurely trot to the abandoned village, the destination of the pony's first foray onto the island, though pushing through the wet vegetation choking the overgrown path did leave them with damp fur. Summer took the opportunity to show Set Sail and Sprocket the Skylander shrine - look, there was Spyro, and that one must be Sunburn - while the others cleared the bushes growing over and around the abandoned well.

At last they were ready for the experiment to begin. Summer Scribe trotted up to the well, floated the wish stone out in front of her and contemplated its mysterious rune. "Alriiight, here goes nothing." She wasn't sure if you were meant to wish for a specific item, or if you should make a qualitative wish and let the stone decide what form it takes. Only way to find out the rules was to run some tests, right?

The little unicorn took a breath and composed herself, clopping her hooves together once before saying, "I wish for horseshoes that let me soar into the skies above." With that she tossed the stone in a practiced arc! She figured that with Azure unable to cast the wings spell and Reef in no condition to pull the cart, their travel options were down to just the captured copter; always best to have a backup plan. If the wish didn't resolve, she could think of plenty of other things to try...

The gleaming blue stone with its mysterious glowing purple rune arced into the shaft and disappeared beneath the lip. Then a deep, hollow, booming sound came from the well, as if there was a great drum hidden inside. The wish stone arced back out again, bouncing up as if it had struck an invisible trampoline; Summer caught it in her magic before it could hit the dirt.

"Try again?" Set Sail suggested amiably.

"Looks like it's working at least," Sprocket said with a somewhat confused frown.

Summer Scribe set the wish stone down and trotted back to the others. "Hmm... yep, seems to be working! We just need to figure out a wish that rings true." She looked around at the gathered audience. "Who wants a go next? Fair's fair, right?"

Azure Feather had watched Summer's initial wish result in little but a parlour trick; she'd taken a step back as the little mare caught the stone. "I'll pass on this... I've seen enough unpredictable magic for now." she stated. The pegasus rolled the dice yesterday, and it had come out... decently. She didn't feel like risking a worse outcome just then.

Sensing Azure's turmoil, Summer tries to cheer her up. "I won't make you make a wish, but Sunburn said it'll only turn into simple objects, so I don't see how it could backfire. Assuming you don't wish for something explosive or caustic, of course..." she mused, imagining the slapstick potential.

"Propellors don't count as a little thing," Sprocket said warily, "I could try for some uh... something to help with the ship?"

Summer Scribe nodded her head. "Sure! Make the wish however you think it should be made." She didn't want to influence Sprocket unduly: they needed as many different perspectives as they could get, after all! She stepped aside and gave her fellow unicorn encouraging nod.

Sprocket hesitated, before taking the stone in her magic. "Maybe uh... maybe some really nice metal cutters? I shouldn't do this. I don't know anything good to wish for."

The engineer repeated Summer's gesture, giving a little flick of her horn as she magically tossing the stone into the opening. This time it appeared to be blown back out by a sudden blast of air from the depths of the well. Before Sprocket could levitate it again, Melonwater had dashed in and caught it in his mouth. "Ooww! Stiill kinduh teengly." he said through clenched teeth. "A brilliant-cut flawless red beryl!" he declared hopefully, before tossing the stone back in with a shake of his head. This time the sound was more of a chime than a boom, but alas the result was the same; it bounced out again.

Summer Scribe tilted her head left and right, listening to the different sounds. Were those meant to be the colder/warmer feedback? It certainly sounded like Melonwater had been the closest yet. "Hey, hey, no need to rush: we can take turns like civilised ponies." She trotted up to the Wish Stone, gazing into its unfeeling runic glow. "Okay, who's next? Anyone?"

"Let me have a shot at it," Gustus said, stepping forward and holding out a claw, "Show a pony how it's done."

Summer happily floated the wish stone over to the griffon's talons and stepped aside. "Ok.. you're up, Gustus! Good luck!" His mate Grenelda stood close by, watching with an impatient stare.

Gustus peered at the stone in his claw, before gripping it like a die and shaking it saying, "A diamond tail ring!" With that he let the stone fly down the well. Alas, the griffon received only another chime for his efforts, and the stone had soon popped back out again. It seemed this wishing business was harder than it sounded.

Gustus let the stone lie, grumbling something like "...find one myself..." as he retreated.

Grenelda clicked her beak as she approached. "You all aren't wishing for what really matters. Let me show you how it's done." She grasped the wish stone firmly, flicking her wrist to give it an impressive spin as it curved frisbee-like into the wishing well, while shouting "I wish for wing blades so mercilessly sharp they'll slay my foes with prejudice!"

This time the stone slid to a stop in mid-air, hovering in the centre of the well and spinning lazily as the onlookers held their breath. Its glow seemed to brighten then... with a ping it shot back out again. Grenedla could swear the cursed thing was taunting them at this point... and did so quite colourfully, after deftly catching the returning stone.

"I uh... you sure you don't want to go, Azure?" Set Sail asked, looking nervously at the stone nestled in Grenelda's claw.

"I'm sure, Captain." Azure replied, taking another step back. "All this thing seems to be doing is bouncing back to us, anyway."

Summer Scribe grinned over to Azure. "It's doing... something. And Sunburn seemed pretty sure it could work! Unless this one is defective... hmm." She lifted the wish stone up in her telekinetic grip. "No, I think we're definitely getting warmer with each wish. The more definitive and heartfelt it is, the closer to being fulfilled it gets. So I just need to be true to what I desire most."

The unicorn turned back to the well and prepared for a second throw. "I wish for a lens, through which the mysteries of Skylands may be clarified; to bring insight on a land and culture unknown to us." As she tossed the stone, she imagined how much easier things would go if they just knew the local language and customs, instead of bumbling about like tourists! This time the stone seemed to skitter about on an invisible surface, bouncing and tumbling with little 'pings' before finally popping back out of the well.

"I'm really starting to wonder if this stone even does what it says it does," Set Sail said in frustration, glaring down at it. "It's more like a stone of humiliating the unworthy!"

"Closest yet, I think..." Azure commented, taking a step forward, as if having an idea, but then just as quickly taking a step back as she shook her head. Seconds later, she'd repeat the process again. She clearly doesn't have faith in this thing... or perhaps herself. "Captain, why don't you actually give it a try? Surely there's something you want?"

Summer Scribe nodded her head to Set Sail! "Yeah! Maybe you've got the special something we're all missing out on. Give it a shot!"

"Right well... I mean I don't know what to wish for either. Just something to help all this... mess," Set Sail said, picking up the stone on her wing. "If nopony else can think up a good wish, I can give it a shot." Regarding the well with a sceptical eye, Set Sail declared, "Okay then let's just go with—"

"Could I—"

Set Sail turned, to see somepony else standing in the shadow of the trees.

Cloud Cutter stepped forward, asking, hesitantly, "I know it's impossible, and it won't work, but could I... wish for something?"

Summer Scribe nodded her head, happy to see the purple pegasus engaging in something. "Of course!" What would the strange mare wish for, given how passive she'd been since her transformation? 'This should be interesting!', Summer thought.

Set Sail slid the stone from her wing to that of the purple pegasus. Cloud Cutter then headed up to the well, looking down it with a nervous expression on her face. She said, "I wish that... I could have something to... change my Elemental Alignment, even just for a little bit. I just want to feel the... the winds again." Then she let the stone fall into the shaft.

As the stone disappeared into the well, a deep resonant tone filled the air, sombre and mournful like a great gong struck to the mark the passing of a beloved elder. The stone rose back into view, swirling around and around, spiralling closer to the centre of the opening until it reached the centre, hanging there in the air. Alas... no miracle was forthcoming. The sound died away and with an almost apologetic pop, the stone bounced out again, falling onto the mossy ground.

Summer Scribe frowned, but nods in understanding. "... Good wish, and the wish stone seems to agree. My guess... what you wanted isn't within its power to grant, unfortunately." She bowed her head low. "Don't lose hope, Cloud Cutter: we have so much left to see and learn. There might be a way yet."

"It was a silly idea anyway," Cloud Cutter said neutrally, turning and walking away from the well, "I'm fine with... this. Better than being dead dead, right?" She tried to smile back at the others, in a perfunctory attempt at humour. Her smile didn't reach her eyes though.

Set Sail sighed, and picked up the stone. "I really don't know what to wish for. Something to help the weather scientists, or... Reef Skimmer. They're the ones most hurt by this place. I wish I could find something that would help us with Reef. He's the one who's one bad night away from... doing something awful to himself." She looked down the well, then closed her eyes and said, "Uh... I wish for... something to help with Reef Skimmer? I- I don't have to wish for myself, right?" Then she dropped the stone in, immediately turning away and blushing. "Sorry that was terrible wasn't it. Someone else should go..."

First, a sound like a garden hung with a thousand tiny silver bells, through which a group of giggling foals run, leaving all the bells chiming in their wake. Then, a golden glow growing deep within the well. Something shot out in a shower of glimmering sparks, something heavy that thumped to the ground right behind Set Sail. The pegasus jumped and turned back to see... a book. A sizeable tome in fact, bound in leather, with a simple blue symbol on its cover that she recognises from the entrance seal of the water nexus. The wish stone was gone.

Summer recognised the sentiment in the captain's words, and bowed her head solemnly. Without a blueprint of how to carry out the wish, it's sure to be another fail... ? She gawked in surprise as the wish stone reacted brighter and stronger than ever before. Was Set Sail's heartfelt desire really powerful enough that the wish stone couldn't help but reciprocate? It was a beautiful scene to behold as the leather-bound tome emerged from a conflux of energy.

Azure bowed her head a little the stone finally came through on its promise. As for the resulting item... "Well... if this can help the doctor, then by all means... I think... I think it'll help all of us, in the long run." she states, before staring back towards the Harmony. "That's one more thing learned..."

Set Sail eyeing the book warily, taking a step back. "I am NOT touching that," she said, her voice numb.

"But... wow! You did it! You made a wish!" Summer Scribe cheered. "What was the trick? Were you visualising deep down inside that..." She blinked as the other mare's reaction sank in. "Oh, come on! It's fine! You made the wish, it's what you wanted - no more, no less, right?" She trotted over, eager to examine the results: if Set Sail was too reluctant to believe in herself, she'll just have to open it herself!

Azure was more concerned with the captain's mood. Stepping up, she suggested "Would you rather I take the book to the doctor, Captain? I haven't seen him since his own transformation, and that's several days now... besides, we're two creatures that find ourselves in... at least similar situations..." Surely they were both champions of their elements... Reef's transformation just went... wrong, somehow.

"You go ahead. I don't trust that thing." Set Sail said. "There wasn't any— any reason that should have worked!" she stammered, still blushing and staring at the book, wings half spread. "This has got to be a trap, or- or something!"

Unable to contain her curiosity, Summer had already levitated the book and begun paging through it. Amazingly, it was written in Ponish, not the native runes. Each chapter seemed to start with a striking image of a heroic creature, most of them clearly aquatic in nature. Dragons with fins instead of wings, fishy bipeds similar to the gill-folk, elves wielding weapons of ice and creatures that seemed to be descended from crustaceans... Summer skimmed a few words here and there... the book seemed to be describing their origins, accomplishments, abilities and perhaps personal philosophy.

"You can wish for books, but not blades?" Grenelda squawked indignantly. "Figures! The thing must've been made by some nerdy mages... no offence." she smirked at the enraptured Summer.

"Some books can be very valuable, you know." Gustus said knowingly. "Collectors pay thousands of bits for first editions."

"Uh, you did great Captain!" Melonwater stomped his hooves in applause, before realising nopony else was and stopping, looking sheepish. "I knew I should've wished for a book on the local geology... or I guess, a book on Earth, since that's one of the magical Elements here."

Set Sail watched a whole lot of absolutely nothing awful happen to Summer Scribe and just... deflated, sagging wearily. "I'm going back to the ship," she said flatly, "If anyone finds another wish stone, you can wish for whatever hecking thing you want. If anypony needs me I'll be in my bunk." She spread her wings and soared off then, heading back out through the forest canopy, travelling up the leafy tunnel Azure had blasted the previous week.

"Huh, interesting. It's like the Big Book of Water Elemental Folks." Summer tilted her head - it looked like a fun and possibly uplifting read, but... "I don't know if this the 'fix Reef Skimmer' book I expected. But... Maybe it'll be what he needs to see? That's what we can hope for, anyway. Set Sail, you should..." She floated the book over as though to pass it back, but then blinked: it seemed Set Sail had already given up and gone! Summer Scribe was left sheepishly holding onto it, for once lost for words.

Deep within the stranded airship, Azure Feather trotted down the ramp to the cargo deck. In her teeth - it still felt silly to carry everything in her mouth like a foal - was the heavy, leather-bound book that Set Sail had wished into existence. Though Summer Scribe had begged for another hour with it, Azure insisted that it was meant for the doctor; Summer would surely have plenty of time to read it afterwards. Assuming he didn't dissolve it - Azure was still a little concerned about whether he could control his grafted flesh, and she'd seen first-hand what those worms did to Cloud Cutter and Gearshift.

Soon she was standing there at the heavy, oversized doors to the cargo hold, considering how to open the conversation. What could you say when one of you had fought through the challenges of an alien temple for the prize of becoming the first unicorn in history to become a pegasus, while the other was a bird-horse from under the sea that had been forcibly hybridised with 'animate magical waste'?

After five minutes of playing out various scenarios in her head, she finally deciding that hey... this was getting her nowhere. She often tried to plan out important conversations as if they were tactical engagements, but one word that wasn't in the plan and everything was out the window. Shaking her head, she pushed the door open a bit, speaking up before she took away the hippogriff's privacy. "Doctor? This is Azure, I have something that you may find interesting. May I enter?"

Little had changed since Cloud Cutter's visit the previous day; Reef Skimmer was again sprawled in a depressed heap, a pile of grey feathers from which ropey blue tentacles emerged in all directions, the tips occasionally twitching. He had managed to tidy away some of the evidence of his fits of rage, pushing the broken glass and splintered wood of the destroyed food crates into a pile in one darkened corner. The bird-like head, now adorned with new fins and spines, raised unsteadily to stare at the entrance. "Azure... Feather? I can hardly bar ponies from access to their own ship. One can... only hope, that you purpose here is not also to trade threats and insults."

Hearing the doctor's words made Azure close her eyes for a moment, rather painfully. Reef Skimmer was the Harmony's head medic! How could any creature treat him that badly when he held the crew's life in his talons? How could she even think of doing the same when he had a talon in her recovery in her first mission here? "No, Doctor. I wouldn't think of either insulting or threatening you. You helped me heal from my injuries, you saved all of our lives in the Water Temple. That will not go forgotten," she stated. Then she slipped inside, giving the doctor his first look at her and confirming that he was not the only changed creature in the cargo hold.

Confusion flashed across the former hippogriff's face as he got a decent look at the visitor. "Azure? Your wings look... hmm, have you perfected a new spell?" He cocked his head, the gesture even stranger when a group of tentacles were standing in for a neck. "No, it can't be... your horn is gone! What's going on?" he said, sounding shocked and concerned.

Azure's own head dropped like a stone as Reef Skimmer quickly realised what had happened to her. Setting the book down on the ground, she tried to explain: "Our next mission was to meet with the griffons of the Cloudbreak Islands. We travelled to the Temple of the Four Winds with Sunburn - one of the Skylanders - as our ally. Outside we found a band of Kaosians, as he called them - Sunburn took down their entire airship while we saved a family of griffons from giant bats infected by dark magic." A slight smile as the pegasus remembered the griffons' happy faces.

"With the Kaosians gone we were free to investigate the Temple of Air. You were one of the first to figure out that I was an Air Elemental, doctor - I only felt it was right that I undertake the temple's trials, along with Amber, a young griffon who hoped to become a champion. Alas she failed halfway through, but I... I succeeded, becoming a Champion of Wind, and the spirits rewarded me by bestowing true Pegasus wings... but with a drawback, as you've noticed..." She paused, closing her eyes... a long exhale, then a slow shake of her head. "My unicorn heritage - horn, magic, telekinesis... all gone."

"Gone?" Reef was clearly shocked. "But that's impos- I mean, one can't deny the evidence of one's eyes, but it's... unprecedented! You say... you chose to engage with this 'temple'? With the griffons running it? Did they tell you about this 'drawback'?" he said indignantly, anger creeping into his voice as he imagined the native griffons playing a cruel trick on their equine supplicant.

It was clear that the new pegasus was still trying to come to terms with her situation, but hearing Reef starting to get angry at the griffons... that wasn't an option. Especially with his new abilities... Azure shook her head. "Doctor, please, calm yourself. Yes, I chose to undertake the trials. I am an Air Elemental here in the Skylands, you cannot say otherwise and it would be folly to deny it! The temple is a holy place for the griffons, they revere the Air Elemental spirits as much as we ponies worship Celestia, or you hippogriffs worship Queen Novo."

"I've seen the power of Skylands magic. Have you ever seen one creature, alone, take down an entire airship of battle-tested creatures? Sunburn did it, on his own. And I've not only seen the power of Air Magic; I've felt it, I've experienced it. I've used it!" Her wings shone with energy for a moment as if to prove the point. "Hurricane force winds. Storms with force only a full company of Pegasi could hope to achieve. Tornadoes. Some day, when I learn how to truly harness its power? That's going to be me."

Azure Feather paused, sighing. "No, they didn't tell me about this drawback. It was something no one, nor we, nor they, saw coming. But I'm not upset at them. I couldn't be. I chose to undertake the trials." A final weary sigh; her little speech had been trying to convince herself that being a pegasus was a good thing, as much as trying to convince the doctor that she was okay, period.

"Spirits, you say?" Reef Skimmer sighed and sagged visibly. He'd suppressed a chuckle at the idea hippogriffs treated their Queen as a goddess... now was not the time. "If you consider it a fair price to pay, for the power of a whole flock of pegasi... then I suppose congratulations are in order. I confess... those new wings do look good on you." He managed a tiny crack of a beak-gape, before frowning. "It can't be easy though; unicorns seem to use levitation constantly, even reflexively... to say nothing of learning to fly all over again. I... trust your fellow ponies are doing what they can to assist?"

Another metaphorical brick to Azure's head as Reef mentioned telekinesis and her sudden lack of it. "That's the hardest part of this, admittedly. Magic was such an integral part of my life, using my wings to actually carry things will need work. A lot of practice. Flying... hopefully not so much: after all, I studied every textbook on pegasus flight like you wouldn't believe. It's just a question of putting it into practice now."

The mare managed a weak smile before continuing. "The ponies... they're trying to do what they can, showing me the ropes of life as a pegasus and trying to soften the impact of a unicorn losing their magic." Remembering her mission, she gently set the book on the floor and pushed it towards him with a hoof.

Reef again tried to arrange his tentacles behind him so that Azure didn't have to look at them, though he couldn't do anything about his neck. "I regret... I'm of little use to anygriff now. Not that I knew anything of weather magic, but perhaps I could have provided flying lessons at least." he said morosely, before the movement drew his eye. "Reading material? I suppose it will help pass the time."

Azure just shook her head with a slight smile. "Don't worry, Doctor. My fellow ponies are helping me; you have your own challenges to overcome." Though as his attention shifted to the book, it seemed an explanation was needed. "This... was actually the result of something called a Wish Stone. We spent some time trying to figure out how to make it work, but one crew member finally did, after requesting something that could aid you." The pegasus stared into those fierce eagle eyes as she concluded: "This book - 'Legends of the Endless Waves' - is the result. I can only hope the wish comes true."

"Aid... me?" Reef Skimmer rose unsteadily to a standing position, tentacles splayed out beneath him, and ambled clumsily over to stare at the tome. "Does it describe a cure? A procedure to reverse my condition?!" The excitement in the doctor's voice was giddy, almost manic; Azure had never heard him so emotional before.

Azure Feather had been concerned about the doctor the whole time he was hiding away down there; to hear him so excited brought a smile to her face. She backed off, giving him space. "I don't know what it contains. All I know is that a crew member wished for something to aid you: this book was the result. I decided to be the one to bring it to you, since, well... we haven't spoken to each other since the Water Temple, and I wanted to make you aware of the changes that happened to me, as well."

The tentacles that had replaced the doctor's forelegs snaked towards the book, before he thought better of it and reached down with his head instead, taking the volume carefully in his beak. A tiny smile creased Azure's lips as she watched the awkward, gangly creature mirroring her own sudden need to manipulate by mouth. Having set it down where a shaft of light from one of the hold's few portholes made it readable, he turned back to Azure. "Thank you, Azure! This is... well, it's hope, at least! One only wishes one could do something to thank you. A wish, you say! Remarkable." He shook his head. "Who... who activated the artefact? Summer Scribe, I imagine..." he said, his expression suddenly changing to annoyance.

Azure was relieved to see the doctor open the book: mission accomplished. Maybe this would be enough to bring back their medic. Her smile faded at the mention of Summer Scribe; no doubt there was some animosity there, she fretted. "I know, I was evasive about who made the wish, but... I see no reason to hide it from you. Doctor Skimmer, the one who made the wish to aid you... was the Captain herself. Set Sail."

"The captain?! But... I thought she..." the griff stammered. The big avian head jerked away, unwilling to meet Azure's gaze. Finally, taking care to keep his voice level, he said softly "One can only commend Captain Sail for her dedication to the welfare of the crew. Do convey my heartfelt thanks, of course."

Azure wasn't sure what to make of that reaction, so she just nodded softly. Her task complete, all she could do was wait and see if that book would live up to its promise. "I'll be sure to do that next time I see her. Is... there anything else I can do for you, Doctor?" she asked hesitantly. The last thing she wanted to do was annoy the medic...

"Alas I can think of nothing, but we can only hope this tome will show a way forward." the griff said, catching Azure's eye again. "One does appreciate the sentiment; few seem keen to visit me right now, though one can hardly blame them." He sighed. "You on the other hand... as you say, you are already a champion and a hero. I'm sure you'll have this pegasus business figured out in no time." Reef smiled weakly before fixating on the book again: his one hope for a way out of his nightmare. "Take care, Azure Feather."

Azure simply bowed her head at the praise, though she winced at the mention of 'hero'. In her mind, she was no hero: she'd yet to do anything of note, dismissing the encounters with the drow and the magical bats as merely doing her job. "Shall I close the door on my way out then, Doctor? In any case... take care of yourself. I'll look forward to seeing you again soon," she stated. The pegasus trotted back over to the door, lingering in hope of confirmation before she truly left him alone.

The strange creature just nodded, his attention now focused completely on the book.

The blue pegasus didn't say another word, just exiting the cargo hold and quietly closing the door behind her. At least the doctor had the book. Now she could concentrate on preparations for the real challenge; a week from now, their allies would gather, and they would finally confront the despicable slavers on their home turf.

Author's Note:

This story is a collaboration between myself (playing Reef Skimmer, Melonwater and Gustus), Ferret (playing Set Sail, Sprocket and Cloud Cutter), Patashu (playing Summer Scribe and Grenelda) and Spearmint (playing Azure Feather), based on an online RP.

This chapter is based on the first half of thirty-first session, with me as the GM. The scene with Azure giving Reef Skimmer the book was a 1:1 RP done a couple of days after the main session.