• Published 26th Apr 2020
  • 2,596 Views, 70 Comments

Expedition to the Cloudbreak Islands - Starglider

Ponies and friends set out to explore legendary floating islands, travelling in two experimental airships capable of piercing the permenant storm wall. A new world awaits them, populated by strange creatures and filled with unknown magic.

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Grenelda was a ball of cackling, infernal glee, watching the destruction being wreaked all around her. The griffon was twice her usual size and wreathed in flames, thanks to the lingering magic of the long-defunct soda factory. Seeing the feared Ravager go from intimidating warship to pitiful wreck in a single beat filled her blazing heart with joy. The sight of the native griffons fleeing their bondage was just icing on the cake: be free, fellow flyers! Of course, it wasn't over yet; her allies were still fighting furiously, and she had her own role to play.

The remaining escort copter was trying to run, desperately firing its rear harpoon at her. With feline reflexes she twisted around and snapped her beak, plucking the projectile out of mid-air before cleanly biting it in half. "Think you can puncture me like some dumb cargo ship?" she screeched, pumping her wings to catch up with the drow craft. "I'm cooooming..." the hen crooned with malicious glee, leaning forward as she closed the distance, claws outstretched to shred the flimsy vehicle.

In the cramped space of the Harmony's gun turret, Brightscale had momentarily forgotten his fear of the Undead elemental crammed in next to him. The teenage gillman slapping the batpony's flank, whooping and hollering: "We sure did a number on 'em! Would you look at that... the mighty Ravager, the nightmare that destroys whole villages, crippled and burning and going DOWN!"

"It's... quite the sight, to be sure," Clashing Gale admitted, a little shocked by the scale of the forces on display here. He should've expected Azure and Sunburn to work together, but... the fire tornado still caught him by surprise. Grenelda had turned into some kind of blazing monster and even the Doctor could apparently drop house-smashing amounts of water on the enemy at will.

Said hippogriff (or roc, just now) was currently spiralling down to glide next to Azure and Sunburn, forming a little trio of flyers watching the burning ship and hunting griffon. "Good show all round," he chirped, "the blighters are good as done for! Although not actually done for quite yet," he noted. "What now, do we demand their surrender and render aid as possible? Or were you planning to continue fire until the ship breaks apart?"

Azure was smirking at their handiwork; Clashing had done a solid job with the elemental cannon, immobilising the enemy and eliminating any hope of escape. "It's like a dream... still amazed that actually worked. Couldn't have gone better..." Her eyes went to the damaged shark ironclad, trailing smoke from the smashed engine room, and the cat war galley with its missing figurehead. A pang of guilt flashed across her face, but she was still smiling: "...well, not much better, anyway."

Reef Skimmer was right though. The guns on the enemy ship had gone silent, probably because the crew were concentrating on damage control, but it was still a threat. "They've got no propulsion, fires all over, holes in the balloon... we could just pull back, let it go down on its own." As if to punctuate her suggestion a sudden explosion blew out the Ravager 's entire bow, as the flames reached the magazine holding shells for the main gun.

The great grey eagle didn't say anything, but from the stare he was giving her Azure could tell he wasn't happy. "Alright, how about this... we go alongside, demand their surrender. If they let us board, then we try to help... maybe the sharks can save that ship. Maybe even add another ship to our collection!" They won the fight; now they collect the spoils, right? Sure it was a burning hulk now, but between Nutmeg's ponies and those shark engineers, they could work miracles.

"If it can't be saved, we evacuate who we can. And if the drow are stupid enough to continue fighting, well... let's just say I've got a lot left in the tank." The mare stared into the distance, where a giant griffoness was reaching into holes she'd smashed in the copter's hull and dragging screaming drow out in her claws. "Between us and our allies we should be able to mop this up without further casualties."

"Well then," Reef squawked. "Suggest we pay the esteemed Oracle a quick visit, suggest she cease fire and lend some aid, ceramic or otherwise, to the boarding effort?" Despite all the damage the drow might still have some functional anti-air weapons, not to mention their spellcasters.

"You're taking them alive?" The low rumbling voice came from the fire-feathered, bird-like dragon hovering near Azure. Sunburn seemed surprised by her decision: "Alright. I'll tell the sharks to save their ammo." With that the Skylander was flying off towards the damaged Leverage.

"If they surrender," Azure muttered. "If they still want a fight, don't hesitate: finish them off. Understood? Then we're taking the fight to their island base. With the strength of our forces, their best case scenario is surrender - the Captain's got a plan for that. Worst case scenario is that they cease to exist." She didn't want to say it, but with all these carnivores around that probably meant ending up as meals for sharks and griffons. With the amount of hate the drow had earned over the years, extermination was a real possibility.

"Indeed," Reef conceded. The mismatched pair quickly flew to the Fellissian war-galley, Azure flapping lightly down to land near the blue ceramic avatar of Summer Sphinx, standing in the centre of the deck under the watchful eye of her attendant sphinxes. Reef Skimmer, still in roc form, perched on the damaged prow, drawing nervous stares as the entire ship tilted forward slightly under his weight. "Oracle, the enemy ship is thoroughly disabled. And on fire," he stated, "Now Azure Feather here favours a boarding action, which would rather require you to cease fire, and perhaps consider lending us a few sphinxes?" he finished hopefully.

Summer waved a reassuring paw to her allies, indicating that they shouldn't fear this strange monster of water. She stepped forward and nodded. In truth the excitement of the battle would have her hyperventilating with exhilaration - if she still needed to breathe - but she needed to maintain the facade of the calm and wise Oracle who had seen everything Skylands had to offer. A brief pause, then she said levelly: "A boarding action? If you think there is value to be found on that ship, then... Yes, it shall be."

Summer stared into the distance, ordering her remaining ceramic golems to form up and escort her allies. She concentrated for a second, then replacements for the shattered ones popped into existence on the deck. "Everything is happening so fast - what remarkable firepower..." she murmured to no one in particular.

"Oracle, I should accompany them," Ne'kuno said, the sphinx sizing up Azure Feather as if wondering how the pegasus accomplished the fire tornado. "No doubt there are mages on the drow ship - if they have survived our assault."

"Please do," Summer nodded in agreement. "Stay safe, and extract their decisive surrender."

With that they were in the air again, Azure and Reef in the lead followed by Ne'kuno, Te'kepan and a small flock of Summer's creations. The group approached the burning Ravager in time to see the magically enlarged Grenelda get bored of playing with the remaining drow copter. Her claws had torn numerous holes in the hull, exposing the engines: the hen jumped free and then finished the job with a shot from her arm-mounted cannon. The boiler exploded, shattering the craft into a cloud of falling wreckage. The hen was left to slowly shrink back to her normal size, beak gaping wide in a grin.

Reef Skimmer had shifted back into his mutant hippogriff (or to be honest, hippogriff-themed tentacle monster) form, which was much more practical for hovering particularly if he needed fine control of his water jets. He drew up to the Ravager and began hosing down the hull, trying to stop the flames progressing all the way to the back of the ship. A few incredulous drow gathered on deck, pointing bows and magical staves like smaller, cruder versions of the ones the mystics carried.

Azure wasn't far behind, calling out to Reef: "Looks like they still have some fight left in them. One shot and they'll regret it..." Maybe that would be warning enough; she watching the bipeds intently, waiting to see if she'd have another fight on her hooves or they would see sense and submit.

Most of the drow did seem reluctant to pick a fight with these creatures that had virtually destroyed both their gravity traps and their warship, but presently one skittish archer let fly with an arrow that embedded itself up to the fletching in Reef Skimmer's chest. The gooey hippogriff just gave the creature a scornful look and turned his water gets on it, blasting the drow off their feet and across the deck. Naturally this triggered a commotion, which paused only when a bright red beam of magic lanced out from Ne'kuno's golden mask, immolating a drow sorceress a moment before she released her spell.

Seeing her allies under attack, Azure Feather shook her head slowly. When she raised her voice it would be blunt and to the point: "I'm only going to offer you surrender this once. Cease your fire and we'll let you retreat." The voice was tinged with anger: these idiot creatures had lost, that much was clear. Without their flagship, the drow left on the island were ruined and soon to be routed. Why were they still trying to fight? Her offer of surrender was their only hope.

"Choose wisely and choose immediately," she concluded. Azure thought back to a moment with her old Lieutenant... "some creatures just don't want friendship," her commander had said, "not even the slightest hint of it". She hadn't believed it at the time, but now she was starting to appreciate the Lieutenant's point of view. Still, they might surprise her...

The drow were concealing themselves as best they could inside hatchways and behind machinery, dozens of white eyes glaring back at their tormenters. "Retreat!?" a female voice called out, sounding on the edge of hysteria. "You smashed all the propellors... we got ten minutes 'til we fall out of the air, at best. You expect us to sprout wings?!"

As if in answer to that question, the sleek sharp shape of the Exocosus roared into view, its many engines going full tilt. The gleaming air yacht slewed around in mid air until it was flying backwards, engine thrust braking it to a stop just in time to avoid colliding Azure and the other flyers. A burly figure stepped out of the cockpit onto the jacuzzi deck, the sun glinting on his gold chains and oiled pecs.

"Pony!" Firesteel called out, "..and Sphinx and, uh, Water-bird-guy. You got them drow suppressed? 'Cause we're gonna tow this hulk over to the island before she drops like a stone. Leverage is limping over there too, 'cause she's losing gas and we ain't sure she can make it home. Hell, we were gonna crash their party anyway, now we just got a little more ugency to it."

Yet another sphinx flapped up to join the group; Te'summi twirled the Staff of Logoros around in a paw, the tip gleaming with magic. "Do you require additional suppression? Some of the secrets of this staff have revealed themselves to me, so... I can provide covering fire." The young sphinx was fired up by her people actually doing something, not just guarding a dusty pyramid every day: showing Skylands their real power, and being a part of something bigger. All thanks to the new Oracle!

Azure smirked and nodded to Te'summi, then to Firesteel, eager to start his 'salvage' operation. "Sure thing," she shouted, as loudly as she could. "Drow not suppressed as of right now, but they've got about ten seconds..." a little pause, putting emphasis on those two words "...before I give the order to suppress." The cannons on the Exocosus swung around to point at the drow, eliminating any doubt as to what would happen if they said no.

It was too much for the shell-shocked dark elves. They were used to raiding villages and pillaging merchant ships. Occasionally some prey would fight off a copter or a strike team but no one had ever stood up to the Ravager. Staring death in the face, survival instinct finally trumped pride and they threw down their weapons, staring fearfully at the monsters that had overwhelmed them.

Azure shook her head. This hadn't gone exactly how she'd pictured it, but they'd surrendered, and time was of the essence... "You can count your lucky stars that we got to you before the griffons... or the gillfolk. Now act like good little fillies and colts while we get you home - unless you actually want to fall out of the sky." She wasn't kidding; Reef might be keen on the obeying the laws of war, but she wasn't going to accept even one allied casualty. Any further hostile action from these bipeds would sign their death warrants.

The drow just stared back incredulously, amazed that these strange creatures would all but destroy their ship... then tow them home. It sounded too good to be true, but for now they went along, creeping back inside and focusing on trying to save their ship. Reef Skimmer's efforts had dealt with all the visible flames, though smoke still poured from the bow and the whole vessel was listing badly and tilting nose-down in the air.

"Permission to board and treat the wounded?" the mutated hippogriff asked Azure. Staring into the distance, he said: "One does hope Winter Hope has any casualties on the Harmony well in hand; at least, from here it seems like they've got that galleon on the run."

With a sigh, Azure gave the hippogriff a conflicted look before nodding. "Granted: you can go ahead, Reef..." She knew she was supposed to show all creatures mercy, but part of her still wanted to blow the drow's ship out from under them and be done with it.

At the helm of the EAS Harmony, Set Sail watched her allies fly up to the smoking hulk of the enemy battleship. After a brief pause they went aboard; she could only hope that meant the drow had surrendered. She could hardly believe it; instead of a long and punishing gun battle, there had been a few shots exchanged and then one decisive elemental assault.

Her reverie was broken by a certain red-maned pegasus stallion trotting up to her and declaring: “Captain, the brawlruses are moving!”

The brown mare switched her gaze to the west, where the magically-levitating sailing ship did indeed have sails back up. Tattered sails strung on masts that had been hastily lashed back together, but that was enough for the air galleon to slowly pick up speed, heading south-west in an effort to leave the battle behind.

“They’re running,” Set Sail said thoughtfully, “We can’t let them leave though." In truth she wanted to do just that; the other ship was crewed by very tough-looking creatures, and it was surely no coincidence they had the word 'brawl' in their very name. Still, "That black griffon said there might be slaves on board.”

Another look at the smoking Ravager, then her eyes went to her crewpony and friend. Set Sail gave Crimson Sky a reassuring smile, saying “Don’t worry, we won’t pick a fight we can’t win.” With that she sprang into action, charging down the deck and shouting: “Set a course southeast. Full speed ahead - we need to catch that galleon!”

As the propellers whirred faster and the ship changed course, a blank-eyed purple pegasus flew up to Set Sail, calling out “Captain!” as she approached so as not to startle yet another pony.

“Oh Cloud Cutter, good,” Set Sail said, “That galleon may have captives onboard, to be sold as slaves, so we need to stop it from retreating. Bring the Second Chance along and tell Gustus to be ready to use that 'Puckle gun' of his. We have some particularly tough creatures to... negotiate with.”

“Right,” Cloud Cutter said, turning tail and flying back to the pony's copter. Gustus was at the controls, keeping the little craft close to its mothership; he was happy to let the pegasus take over, but when she mentioned they were going into combat his expression was grim.

"Yeah... alright, let's get this over with, safe as we can under the circumstances." He was thankful they hadn't gotten into a gun duel with the battleship - the galleon had been bad enough and he didn't share his mate's near-suicidal confidence about charging into battle. He crawled out of the cockpit and took the mounted gun in his claws, cranking the cylinder and checking all the chambers were loaded. He'd fired off a dozen shots practicing - the thing looked clumsy but he'd take it over a harpoon any day. "Alright Cloud Cutter, we're ready for.. 'negotiations'," he called back, chuckling and clicking his beak.

Back on the deck of the Harmony, Set Sail was calling out: "The rest of you pegasi come with me! We need to keep these Brawlruses from turning their broadside cannons on us again! Keep your distance and just maintain a strong cross wind, just enough to blow the ship around; keep those cannons pointed the way we want them, which is away from our ship!”

A minute later she was leading a chevron of pegasi toward the galleon; most of her feathered flying crew, save a few that were needed to run the ship. Even Static Signal was there; the engine-mare had no training in weather work, but when push came to shove most every pegasus had some innate ability. Set Sail eyed the galleon warily, feeling uncomfortable about the heavy axe slung at her side, wondering how they could save any captives trapped therein without those walrus creatures getting their hooves on anypony.

The enemy ship was not under the best of circumstances. Sails ruined by judicious application of Air in the wrong places, a more powerful ship in hot pursuit, along with a buzzing copter that couldn’t possibly belong to the drow, because what dark elf would paint pink hearts and flowers on their hull? If that wasn't enough their were the winged animals, flying around and battering the ship with further blasts of air, keeping them from aiming their cannons at their tormenters.

Wild shots had no hope of hitting the animals, not with the distance and the punishing cross breeze, but it didn’t stop the brawlruses from trying. Hurling crude insults along with their bullets, both lost in the wind. Then one of the beasts started flying closer, gaining the attention and the aim of every member of the crew on deck. Muskets roared one after the other as they cheered at the prospect of blowing at least one of the infuriating things out of the sky, but it was just a little bit too far away.

The beast looked like a brown sheep with feathery wings, circling the ship at a dangerously close distance, but deftly dodging any shots aimed its way. Finally the first mate realised what it was playing at and shouted out: “It’s drawing our fire! Don’t shoot, don’t shoot!”

A sudden whirr of intermeshing rotors drew everyone's gaze: the copter was almost on top of them, drawing up to pace the galleon, a dozen metres from the aftcastle. That gave the flying sheep an opening to move in close, hovering just above the deck. Apparently it was a female, as it called out in clear language: “Now that I have your attention, who’s the one running this ship?”

Of course they all ignored her, frantically reloaded their muskets until their best gunrus got it together and took aim at the creature. A single shot from the copter knocked him flat on the deck, as Gustus the griffon peered about with steely eyes, cranking a fresh round into his weapon and looking for the next brawlrus to aim her way.

“Anypony else feel like doing something stupid?” Set Sail called out in aggravation. Because she knew they were going to do that and she couldn’t afford to deal with what happened just now. He’d be fine, surely. Probably. Maybe.

"Lucky shot, but ye can't keep this up!" one of the walrus-creatured roared back at Set Sail. "You'll get tired a'fore we run out of ammo. Should save yerselves the trouble and fly home. Ye can have the drow."

"You better hope I don’t get tired!” Set Sail called back, “Because if I get tired, then my friends in the big ship behind me are gonna blow you out of the sky! We can keep your cannons pointed away from us, you can’t match our speed. The drow went down in one solid volley. Now... there’s only one way you’re gonna get out of this alive: you talk to me and we come to an agreement! Now who’s the one running this ship?!”

The blubbery biped stomped out onto the open deck, pride overcoming any fear of the enemy guns. "Ye be talkin' to Captain Dreadtusk," he said, laying on the stereotypical pirate accent as if it was mandatory for a creature in his position. He did indeed have a bigger and more impressive hat than the others, which seemingly made him the captain. The Brawlrus's squinty eyes somehow narrowed even further as he yelled: "Now just what kind 'o agreement did ye be thinking of?"

Set Sail didn’t land just yet, calling down to him, “A little bird told me you had some precious cargo you were trying to make off with. Now I don’t care about gold or jewels, but the reason absolutely everyone back there is wrecking the drow is because everyone's family is in that cargo. Give us any slaves you got from the drow, and you can all leave, no questions asked.”

The brawlrus just crossed his arms, yelling back: "What do you take me for?! We don't take no slaves on old King Plunderbay! Each and every crew and passenger aboard me ship was a willing participant to the voyage!"

This was too much for a certain creature who'd been hiding below deck, watching through the latticework hatch. With a sudden blur of electric blue feathers the young griffon burst out of the ship and flew for all he was worth toward Set Sail. "That ain't exactly true!" he squawked, "not when it was a choice between being your cabin boy and dying in the arena!"

"Get back here bird!" Dreadtusk roared, then when the griffon paid him no heed he followed up with: "Bring that deserter down!" Several brawlruses took aim with their muskets, only to duck back down as Gustus unleashed a hail of suppressive fire. Shot after shot hammered the pirate ship, the griffon working the Puckle gun's crank as fast as he could.

Set Sail took a moment to look over the young griffon rushing up to her: he looked flustered and bedraggled but not on his last legs. “Head for the copter!” she shouted over the blasts of the mounted gun, “We’ll get you home!”

With that dealt with, the brown-furred mare spun up a little tornado herself: just a dust devil really, since she knew Gustus would have to stop and load a fresh cylinder into his weapon. She sent the twister blasting off over the deck, disorienting the crew and taking quite a few of their precious hats away, then announced: “Now that I have your attention again, are there any other unwilling participants below deck? And I’m sure that blue fellow would let me know, if you decide to lie about it.”

Set Sail inwardly winced, hoping Gustus was all reloaded. The brawlruses certainly would have to assume that. She had to look tough and strong before them, and puff out her chest more!

"They got two Mabu girls they was gonna ransom!" the griff called out. He stared at the copter, initially apprehensive of the drow-built craft but reassured by the sight of a griffon operating the forward gun. "And, uh, thanks... miss." With that he was winging off to join Cloud Cutter in the little ship's cockpit.

The flock of native griffons had been circling lazily some distance away, staying out of range and content to let the pegasi do their weather thing, but at the sight of one of their own escaping the galleon they were heading towards Set Sail at a rapid clip.

Set Sail trailed a forehoof along the axe at her side, hardly noticing as the griffons flew up. “Ransom, huh,” she called down to the pirates, “And how’s their family paying for that ransom? With their freedom? That’s how slavery starts y’know! And then the only thing that can free you is pain.”

Dreadtusk (if that really was his name) stomped furiously around the deck, splintering crates and sending his crew backing nervously out of the way. He picked up a barrel and for a second looked like he was going to hurl it at the pegasus, hovering frustratingly out of reach, but then he caught sight of the incoming war flock and thought better of it.

"Gold!" he shouted back. "So that be it, you want a cut of the profits? Could be seeing to pay up a tidy sum right now, for an assurance to stop troubling me ship. How does five hundred gold Imperials grab ye?"

“Gold?! Gold is just metal! Why do you all like gold so much?" Set Sail shouted angrily, "The only profits I want are the creatures in your hold, who don’t want to be there! So either let them go, or I’ll toss every single one of you overboard myself! How’s that for an agreement?” She actually kind of wished he would throw the barrel, just so that she could kick it right back at him.

"You'll what?" The bulky creature slapped his thighs and roared with laughter, his crew following suit with somewhat less enthusiasm (most of them were still searching for their hats). "Missy you might have an impressive ship over there but you ain't winning no brawls with us!" There was a sudden gleam in his eye as he stared up at his unlikely tormenter "'Less you wanna come down here and prove otherwise."

By this point all six of the native griffons had swooped in to hover near Set Sail. "How 'bout we gut these bloated lard-tubs?" Ebony Hail called to the pegasus.

Set Sail gave a single panicked glance at the griffon hen before shouting angrily down to the captain, “You want a brawl, you got it! You and me, one-on-one, no tricks, no flying and...” the furious mare hurled her axe, spinning into the wooden deck of the galleon with a hearty thunk, “No weapons!”

“Are you insane?!” the much larger griffoness called back in complete exasperation, “He’ll wipe the floor with you!”

“He won’t even be able to touch me!” Set Sail called back.

“If you think you can beat me, you’re welcome to try!” the powerful, bulky beast of a captain roared, casually removing his cutlass, and handing it off to a loyal crewmate. Then he added with a cunning squint, “But if I’m gonna wager the Rizzo girls for your taking, then what’re you gonna wager on the unlikely event that I (ahem) manage to defeat such a fearsome creature as you?”

“Who said anything about wagering?” Set Sail belted out furiously, “I just wanna kick your ass!”

She was ruining everything by doing this and she didn’t care, and it felt great. Landing solidly on deck beside her axe, Set Sail felt slightly less like this was a horrible idea when instead of just grabbing her, the rest of the crew spread away into an informal circle around her and the captain. She didn’t have time to think about herself or her crew anymore, only the fight, and all she knew is it felt right, and she was so sick of these creatures and their wagers.

The terrible bipedal brawlrus towered over her in his arrogant tricornered hat, and Set Sail wouldn’t let running away be an option. Hope lost, wings spread, the blue and brown pegasus mare had only one option. She leaped at the epitome of her hatred and kicked him in the face. He tried to catch her in an uppercut, turning his cheek before her hoof impacted, but Set Sail used the rebound of her kick to skitter away to a safe distance.

A mutter went through the whole crew as Captain Dreadtusk stumbled back at the force of the blow. Lifting a hand to his cheek he said, “Yer fast I’ll admit, but it’s gonna take more than a tickle to defeat me, lass. And what was that about ‘no flyin?’”

“No flying out of range. Haven’t you ever fought a winged creature before?” Set Sail corrected him, eyeing the big brawlrus warily, “It’s the rules of altercation! I’ll bind my wings, if you’re willing to fight me with your arms tied behind your back?”

“There’ll be no need for such frivolities,” Dreadtusk drawled, “I’ll make this quick and easy, so why don’t you just lay down and play dead like a nice little sheep-bird?”

He charged at her with frightening speed then, his right hook impacting with a tremendous force, but Set Sail was faster, so he impacted only the air where she used to be as she darted around him, giving him a solid kick in his side as the creature turned belying his great size, and swung at her again. She jumped over his arm, and he shouted in pain when she kicked him in the face again, as Set Sail danced to a safe distance again. She didn’t want to—

He rushed at her with roar and a series of blows that would each down an ox, but his fists only met feathers as Set Sail leaped forward, battering him with her wings and climbing over his torso. She had to knock off that ridiculous hat of his and he grabbed for her but her tail slipped from his grasp, as all he got was a kick in the pants for it, Set Sail powering away from him and turning to face him again as she skidded to a halt.

“You got a bit of fight in you, I see!” Dreadtusk said, beady eyes glimmering in excitement as he faced his foe, “Let’s see how you deal with this!

He rushed her again, and Set Sail had to struggle to get behind him, trading blow after blow as she held the wind in her wings and shot around him. He was tough, but he wouldn’t last forever, and as soon as she could get him in a good cyclone this would all be over. She could actually win this! She could—oops.

His fist impacted her this time, catching her in mid-air and sending out a shockwave through her body as her side exploded in pain and she bounced on the deck, sliding all the way up to their improptu audience, now composed of pretty much the entire crew.

“Well, that was all fun and games,” Captain Dreadtusk said, turning away and brushing off his hands, “Now we’ll—”

“Captain!” the nearest crewmate shouted out as Set Sail struggled to her hooves, panting from the pain. She’d... she’d felt worse, actually. She charged him this time, and their violent dance resumed, with Set Sail landing all the blows until a lucky left hook caught her upside the jaw and sent her spiralling away to land again in a dishevelled heap.

“Will you stay down already?!” Dreadtusk shouted, stomping up to her more wary this time. Her ears were ringing, and her jaw was sore, but she didn’t think her vision was darkening, so that was probably a good sign. He had to turn away to say, “Someone get a harness for this creature, we—” but that was enough for Set Sail to hook his leg in her wing. She had no hope of toppling his short legged sturdy frame, but with a powerful flap she yanked herself behind him and kicked him in the rump to shove herself away.

There was no hope of defeating him of course. He was three times her size and just had too much endurance. She could absorb a lot of shock, but those blows were desperately punishing whenever he managed to land them. At last, Set Sail struggled to stand, but she was hurting too much to keep up her vital speed anymore, and he stood over her even as she tried. It’d only be a matter of time before he did some permanent damage. She slumped back down to her side, defeated, but the captain was breathing hard and nursing a black eye already from her efforts. His hat remained discarded on the deck behind him.

“Do you accept defeat then??” Dreadtusk asked her suspiciously.

“C-Captain,” Set Sail wheezed, lifting her head to meet his eyes, “These creatures, they’re out for blood. I can’t hold ‘em back any... longer. You need to get... get out of here. If you give up the girls, then... then they’ll let you go. I’ll... kick their asses if they don’t. I’m sorry, that...that’s all I can do.”

She slumped down again, as the captain regarded her with an unnerving amount of quietude. He straightened then, shouting out, “These creatures want the Rizzo girls so much, they can have ‘em! We got plenty of booty and we’re getting out with the most precious booty of all, our lives! Bring ‘em forth and set ‘em free! It’s the uh...” He cooly regarded Set Sail one more time, concluding stoically, “Right thing to do.”

The interior of the drow cruiser was a dark, smoky mess; the walls cracked and bent, with smashed equipment and broken bodies strewn everywhere. Azure Feather used her Air abilities to blow most of the smoke out, while Reef Skimmer began triaging the enemy wounded. The shell-shocked drow seemed amazed that any creature would try to heal their opponents, shrinking back and watching with wide eyes as the mutant hippogriff did his grim work. He seemed to have it in hand, so Azure left him with a pair of sphinx bodyguards, making her way back out into the sky.

The many engines of the Exocosus were still going full blast, hauling the crippled Ravager towards the far end of the central island, as far as possible from the enemy citadel. As they came in for the final approach the sharks cut their tow line, leaving the enemy airship on a collision course for the island. "Brace for impact!" yelled Azure, before flapping clear of the inevitable crash. The keel of the cruiser dug into the mud, bringing the still-smoking vessel to a shuddering and likely permanent halt.

Looking around, she could see the other two shark ships not far behind. The beaten-up cargo airship towed their warship down to a somewhat gentler landing nearby, the ironclad's flat bottom allowing it to settle with minimal damage. The cargo ship pulled away to hover by the island's edge, sheltering from the inevitable artillery fire from the fortress. Fortunately Fortuitous, the cat's magical floating galley, had followed the shark ships to the enemy base. No sooner did a drow cannon open fire on the landing site, than a magically enhanced ballistae bolt streaked out to silence it.

The enemy infantry were harder to root out. Soon enough the sharks had unloaded their armoured trucks, spewing columns of black smoke as they revved their coal-slurry engines, slowly advancing toward the southern gate of the ancient, scarred fortress. Soon the Harmony arrived to join the fight, having let the brawlrus ship flee the scene.

Griffons carried gillfolk down to join the sharks, the whole force creeping forward until they began to exchange fire with the defenders. Spells and magically-enhanced arrows flew from the battlements and murder-holes of the sprawling castle, while the allies answered with rifle and harpoon fire. At this range nocreature was hitting much, but that was sure to change if the infantry had to charge the enemy position.

"Azure Feather!" A stallion's voice caught her attention: the pegasus Crimson Sky, swooping up to hover nearby. "The Captain's down; no don't worry, it's not too bad, black eye and some bruises. She convinced the captain of that galleon to give up their hostages without a fight." He gestured with a wing at the retreating vessel, sailing away into the distance as fast as their tattered sails and jurry-rigged mast could carry them. "Without any more of a fight, anyway."

He stared at the brewing conflict below, then looked back to Azure. "So what do we do?"

Crimson Sky's report took a little of the wind from Azure's sails. "The Captain... oh, geez." She sighed, shaking her head. It didn't sound too serious, at least. She had to focus on the final step of her battle plan: taking out the drow fortress. Taking down an airship was one thing, but this place was vast and ancient. She had no doubt it had seen many battles and held off entire armies.

Another feathered shape approached, a big black one with sharp talons and a murderous beak. "Oh yeah, we're ready for some action," Ebony Hail said, "but those drow are dug in pretty good there. Gonna take casualties rushing them. Looks like you got their guns suppressed, why not sit back and wait for them to break cover?"

"We're trying to avoid casualties here, no sense sacrificing anypony," Azure replied. "Trying to get as many of you to enjoy life without those..." Her wings started to glow that tell-tale green as clouds began to gather a little quicker over the fortress. "Those insects," she concluded, as the magical glow steadily brightened. "It's all fine and dandy that they're trying to protect from a frontal and even aerial assault, but there's one thing they can't and won't be able to defend from."

“Those brawlruses were using a sailing ship, can you believe it,” Crimson Sky explained. “The captain had us blowing them around like a toy boat, to keep their cannons pointed out of our way, but now they’re out of the picture. I don’t know exactly what you’re doing with your wings there, but the rest of us are free to help.”

Thunder rumbled overhead and fur and feathers began to stand on end as the air charged with electricity. "Lightning." Azure said simply. "Never tried it on this scale, so not sure exactly what's going to happen... but it should be a rude wakeup call for their defences." Suddenly she realised she didn't have to do this alone; pegasi weather working was a team effort, how had she forgotten that? “Have any of you tried your wing at storm management?”

“Well sure I have, at least,” Crimson Sky admitted, the stallion still peering curiously at her wings, “Is that what you’re trying to do there? C’mon, Miss Feather... we need to get higher, and get the rest of us up to help.”

In truth the pegasi were tired from their efforts against the galleon, but still willing to help as much as they could. They flew in pairs around the island, pulling in all the clouds they could find to join the gathering storm. Azure watched from above; for her guiding the weather was as easy now as breathing. The darkening clouds were packed tighter and tighter as the pegasi drew in their orbits.

The rifle fire and spell bolts tailed off as the creatures below stared up at the ominous clouds, hunkering down behind their cover in anticipation. 'Good', Azure thought, 'with the other pegasi helping, that took half the time I was expecting'. It was time. With a dramatic sweep of her wings she unleashed the rain: the sudden downpour fell in torrents on the enemy castle, soaking any drow caught in the open. That was just the appetiser though; Azure could feel the charge waiting to be unleashed. It was just a matter of picking targets and...

A white-hot bolt of lightning seared down from the cloud, striking the muzzle of an emplaced cannon. The nearby powder charges instantly exploded, blasting a hole in the curtain wall. The lightning struck again and again, dancing over the castle, shattering stone where it struck and making it clear that to walk in the open was instant suicide. After a few minutes the charge in the cloud layer was exhausted, giving the drow a brief respite while the pegasi worked to build it up again.

Or so they thought; in truth there would be no respite. With a sixteen-cylinder roar that was audible even over the storm, a shape burst out of the landed Exocosus. It was the Executive Monster Truck Megalodon, repaired and ready for battle. The enormous vehicle streaked toward the castle, heedless of any danger. Mounted on the roll bar was a six-barrelled monstrosity of a machine gun, gold plated and gleaming in the sun.

A squeal of feedback, then the dirt shark CEO's voice boomed out from the hood-mounted PA system. "That was the shock!" he bellowed, "Now prepare to feel awe!" The barrels of the Gatling gun began to spin, then with an ear-splitting deep bass hum, it spewed a continuous stream of high-calibre shells at the drow fortress. Standing in the back of his truck, Firesteel sprayed bullets at the enemy fortification with the carefree manner of a pony watering his garden, while his driver threw the monstrous vehicle about, power-sliding through the mud the rain had just created.

On the deck of the pony airship, a watching kirin shed a single tear of joy.

The golden gun's rate of fire was so high it might as well have been a continuous beam, chewing a deep gouge into the walls wherever it hit. Firesteel didn't seem to be aiming for the drow in particular, so most of them just got cuts from flying shrapnel, though one unlucky behemoth stood up at the wrong moment and was cut neatly in half.

Not wanting to be left out, the mystics on the Fortuitous joined in: Everdream fired off the same spell he'd used against the surprise roc attack, creating explosions of colourful (and burning-hot) sparks all over the castle. Even Clashing and Brightscale joined the party, letting fly with the Harmony's elemental cannon and creating even more chaos below.

Of course all good things come to an end and in this case it was Firesteel's ammo supply. Naturally there was more back in the ship, but the ponies had some idea about the drow surrendering, and he had to admit that would save some cash on consumables and next-of-kin-payouts. Taking the mic of the PA system in hand again, he blared out: "You want some more of that? Or are you knuckleheads gonna see reason and bow to market forces?"

A pegasus soared up to the open cabin atop Firesteel’s magnificent vehicle, not from those gathering the storm above, but directly from the Harmony. She struggled to a halt with a pained wince, and gingerly landed on the soft leather seat next to him. She was clearly favouring one hoof, with her warm brown fur and feathers covering up her growing bruises. She did have a bandage wrapped around her side now, and one around her head, though the utility of them was questionable at best.

“Captain Set Sail,” Firesteel said cautiously, eyeing the mare, “What in the blue hell happened to you?”

“Picked a fight with a brawlrus,” Set Sail said flatly, “Nutmeg told me about this thing, but she didn’t say you had a megaphone on it. Lemme borrow it for a sec.”

She swiped the microphone out of his hand in a surprisingly strong grip with her wing, then turned to her allies and said over the loudspeaker, “The war is over. We won! We’ve destroyed their sky traps, wrecked their only battleship, routed their allies, and their fortress stands no chance against us. The Drow are defeated! They have no power left. The only thing they’re doing now is fighting for their lives.”

Another pegasus had been following close behind, flapping down to fuss over Set Sail. The captain waved the blue mare off with a foreleg, turning away from the microphone to insist: “I’m fine! I’ll rest later. This’s important! Go get Silent Arrow!”

Turning back to the mic, Set Sail said, “They won’t ever raid your villages again, or take away your children, or sell you to some jerks in tricornered hats. All they have is a lot of gold and no options left. They don’t have any farms on this rock, no food growing, no way to get more supplies. They have no choice but to surrender, all we need to do is wait them out, and they won’t last long. We don’t have to kill any more creatures today, but if we attack, there are innocent prisoners, slaves who would die by our hoof."

She paused to take a deep breath, then explained: "You think all these drow want to live like this? Maybe they just think they have no other choice? So we’re gonna wait for their surrender, and anyone who’s got a problem with that is going to have to answer to me, nhh,” she shifted her shoulder with a wince of pain, “And my crew. I’m sorry if you wanted something to... hunt down and kill, but we’ll do everything we can to make sure it’s only the ones who deserve it, so we’re all going to take a moment to think things over and wait.”

The land shark gave her a sceptical look. "Look missy, if you can sweet talk those scavs into laying down arms, I'm all for it," Firesteel said. "No profit in fighting to the death. But a siege - now that's expensive as well. Gotta keep troops on station, keep on top of any escape attempts. Those kitties aren't gonna hang around for weeks, not those griffs neither."

"Longer it goes on, more likely some fool might come try and bail the drow out - or take over their operation. So... sure, give 'em a chance to see reason. But mark my words, we all want to see this finished today. 'Specially that statue sphinx chick, she wants a dramatic victory to cement her position."

Making sure the microphone was turned off, Set Sail said to Firesteel, “I know it’s a longshot, but I do have one more trick in my feathers. If I can’t stop that... sphinx chick from wrecking the place, it’s fine. But I have to try. And the Drow heard me too, so now they know that surrender is... on the table. ”

Still flying in lazy circles high overhead, Azure Feather instantly recognised the new voice blaring out from the speakers. "Captain... just hoping you're alright," she muttered, listening in appreciation as her commander showed all the assembled predators who was in charge. Wait the drow out? She had to admit, she was looking forward to finishing this here and now; but at the mention of slaves, she understood.

Lives were at stake, and as much as Azure wanted to see the Drow wiped out, there were still so many prisoners who the drow might kill out of spite - no doubt her allies were even more eager to see their safe return. "Alright ponies," she called to the other pegasi, "you heard the captain: return to the Harmony and catch your breath. We'll wait and see what their next move is." Same as before though, she thought: if the drow wouldn't see reason, they weren't getting out of this alive.

A fire-feathered shape appeared off Azure's flank in a flash of flame: Sunburn, the Skylander dragon. "You really think they're gonna give up?" he asked Azure, "'cause in two hundred and fourteen encounters with the drow, I've only seen 'em surrender six times. Every other time - they fought to the last dark elf."

If anyone here was an expert on Drow tactics, Azure thought, it was Sunburn. Sure, those 1-in-36 odds didn't sound great, but... she had to be honest with him. "Ponies don't like to eradicate their enemies. We always, well, almost always give them a chance at redemption. Also, the Captain has a point. There are slaves in there, creatures our allies would much rather see alive - the reason the griffons are even here. But mark my words: if they don't listen, I'm going straight down there and won't stop until every last one of these vermin are gone..."

There was a short lull as drow picked themselves up and tended to their wounded, while sharks reloaded their rifles and griffons sat in the clouds, preparing to stoop on their prey. That gave a certain blue pegasus time to return from the Harmony, carrying a small passenger in her forelegs: a mysterious figure was wrapped in a concealing cloak. The cook and part-time nurse swooped to a halt just above Firesteel's self-propelled carriage, releasing her cargo to land lightly next to Set Sail.

“You want me to say something?” the sharp-voiced little female said to Set Sail, who was still sitting there looking somewhat the worse for wear. “Why do you think any of them would listen to me? I’m just a—”

“Just tell them the plan,” Set Sail said, winging her the microphone, “And just... tell them you’re okay. I don’t know, but they’ll at least listen to you, even if they refuse. Just... try, please?”

“If you’re lying about this I’ll kill everyone you love,” the girl growled, snatching the microphone, and sweeping off her concealing cloak.

“Hey! It’s me, Silent Arrow!” the green-skinned drow unnecessarily shouted into the PA system, “Most of you probably don’t even remember me but you really want to hear this. These ponies are total pushovers; they’ll do anything you like, as long as you’re on their good side. You know what they did after they destroyed my crew and stole our chopper? They actually took me prisoner, me and Jagged Blade, yeah you remember her."

The drow girl sucked her teeth, then explained: "Jagged got on their bad side so she isn’t around anymore, but when they hunted me down after she set fire to their ship, they didn’t even think I was an enemy! They been letting me walk around free as a bird and the only reason I didn’t come back is that that asshole Bloodrain would have just thrown me in the arena to die."

"Yeah that’s right he is a total asshole and I’m going to say it because this pirate thing is stupid. We can’t keep it up. This pony lady’s right, we’re beat and we had it coming a long time. And you know what she’s gonna do if we surrender?” Silent Arrow was sweating, but it’s not like she had anything to lose, and if these 'ponies' were really what they seemed to be...

“You know that old troll island? The one that's all jungle now?” she asked the citadel, “Yeah the one over by the storm wall. Turns out there ain't no trolls or mabu living there, 'cept this one guy with a bridge! And you know their rules there. So you got a choice. You can all die, ‘cause if these creatures don’t kill you, and our good friends don’t come to collect now that our battleship is toast, then you’ll die anyway because there’s nothing that grows on this rock besides chompies! Your other choice is to fuck Bloodrain and his 'never stand down' bullshit, and surrender."

Hopping up onto the roll bar of the monster truck, Silent Arrow declared emphatically, “Set Sail isn’t kidding. These ponies will turn around and fight everyone here to keep us alive, as long as we’re not gonna hurt anyone who doesn’t deserve it. And then they’re gonna let us live on that island, where half of it’s covered in jungle fruit and the other half’s covered in sheep. That’s what they’re gonna do if we surrender!"

"I can’t even believe it myself, and I’ve been living with them for weeks, but what do we have to lose, our pride? There’s nothing proud about being a fucking pirate. The Kaosians are long gone, the troll fleet doesn’t even remember us, and I’m tired of everyone hating us just ‘cause we’re beating them and taking their stuff. So just fucking surrender already!”

Her plea was greeted by silence. Set Sail could only imagine the disbelief on the drow faces, yet... 'come on, come on' she thought 'see sense or these predators are gonna have you all for dinner'. She could see green shapes scurrying around in the broken stone of the fortifications, but there was no reply. Nothing, except...

A solitary drow stood up. His eyes were closed as he threw away his bow. After a few seconds he opened them and stared around in shock, seeming surprised that none of the sharks had shot him. Then he stumbled forward, heading toward enemy lines as if in a daze.

Their comrade's survival emboldened the other drow. Another emerged, then another, discarding their weapons and making their way cautiously out onto the field. A hoarse, unbelieving shout went up from the battlements: "No! It's a trick, you idiots, it must be!" A huge male drow emerged from behind the ramparts. "Traitors, all of you! No drow surrenders on my watch! Sorcerers, put them down! Put them- ugh-"

The behemoth's rant was silenced by a bolt of magic that burned all the way through his chest. Behind him, an elderly drow spellcaster stood with staff outstretched. "Yeah. Guess we all had enough of yer crap, Bloodrain," she told her mortally wounded former leader, as he sank to his knees and keeled over to sprawl on the ground. "I ain't dying just so you don't have to admitt ye're a failure."

The sorceress stepped over the corpse and called down to the others: "Clanmates! You heard Silent. It's over! We're gonna give this surrendering a try. Mayhap it's a trick and maybe it isn't, but we ain't got nothing to lose. Pride?" A harsh laugh. "That got shot out of the sky, right 'n front of our eyes." With that she hurled something into the air; trigger fingers tensed on shark rifles, but it wasn't a javalin... just her staff, falling to clatter on the causeway below.

"They surrendered," Set Sail whispered, "...it's over. It's over!" She grabbed the microphone back from Silent Arrow and called out joyously: "It's over! The drow surrender! We won!" She was laughing and crying at the same time. Her words blared out over the PA one last time: "No more creatures are dying today! We won, and we did it together! Thank you all so much!"

A raucous cheer went up from all around, sharks and gillfolk whooping and hollering, cougars and sphinxes roaring, griffons screeching in delight and ponies drumming their hooves on the deck. The allies had prevailed: the Isle of Misery was no more, and the Hand of Eon was theirs.

Author's Note:

This story is a collaboration between myself (playing Reef Skimmer, Sunburn, Gustus, Firesteel and the drow), Spearmint (playing Azure Feather and Clashing Gale), Patashu (playing Summer Scribe and Grenelda) and Ferret (playing Set Sail, Silent Arrow and Cloud Cutter), based on an online RP.

This chapter is based on the 70th and 71st sessions, GMed by me (although the fight between Set Sail and Dreadtusk was all Ferret). Apologies for the delay in publishing; was planning to put it out immediately after the last chapter, but it's been a busy week.

The drow are defeated! A milestone for the campaign, and if this was a series it would be the penultimate episode of the season. This closes the main story arc we've been following for the last year (since chapter 11). We got the global airship The pony's ship is repaired and we can finally start exploring Skylands properly. Some of the dangling plot hooks will finally be addressed e.g. what was that weird machine on Blissful Pastures, what was the 'cataclysm', what happened to Kaos, Eon and the Skylanders, what was the fate of the other pony airship etc.

Firesteel was a hoot to play as ever; alas, I think it's the last we'll be seeing of him for some time. There will be one more chapter with me as GM, then a brief stint from Ferret to tidy up some details, before Patashu takes over for the next major campaign arc.

Comments ( 4 )

Alas both the RP and this story are on hiatus for now due to various personal, health and family issues affecting the players. Various things hit in September and October that have left everyone with no time for RP. There is a buffer of about 60,000 words RPed and awaiting editing/publishing, but I likely won't have time to do that this year. We hope to resume in 2022, whenever everyone involved is less busy and feeling better.

So, I’ve taken to reading this story and have gotten to the point where Summer Scribe is now a sphinx statue. I’ve reached my absurdity limit. If I wasn’t so close to finishing the last few chapters I’d call it quits.

The Harmony and Friendship should have been outfitted with dragon fire lanterns in case something went wrong. So that Twilight could communicate with them. Second where’s Discord? You’d think she’d send him. As the Spirit of Chaos he’d be immune and could probably fix some of their issues.

Skylands is pretty absurd. If you don't believe me, watch the cutscene compliations. The lore is nearly absurdist and at times parodic, but it's a lot of fun. Superchargers is strangely the most serious, at least in terms of themes and character development.

In this setting dragon magic would not be able to traverse the barrier between Skylands and Equestria. In fact there's an unpublished prequel to this story in which some ponies tried to reach Skylands via long-distance teleport. It took several years of attempts before they got it to work, and when it did the party was scattered and unable to return home. A survivor of that ill-fated expedition is behind the current one, in a plot thread that alas we never picked up before the RP was suspended.

Whether Discord's powers would work in Skylands is writer fiat - different fanfic authors have interpreted his abilities as anywhere between 'godlike' and 'a bit stronger than an alicorn' - but I'd be inclined to say yes. Although his powers were defeated by a chunk of rock (Chrysalis's throne), that was specifically neutralising most kinds of magic. Skylands is clearly full of magic, just a different kind to Equestria.

However the argument 'Discord could fix it' applies to at least half of later season MLP adventures. Storm King, Pony of Shadows, Tantabus, Nightmare Twilight; most of all he should've noticed Cozy Glow's magic drain as soon as it started. He didn't fix those things, so we have to assume he's either elsewhere / out of contact for long periods, doesn't want people to rely on him, or just likes to eat popcorn while watching dramatic adventures play out.

Probably, sitting around eating popcorn. In all honesty I mentioned Discord because he wouldn't interfere unless someone, most likely Fluttershy and Twilight asks him too. If only to provide a way for Princess Twilight to communicate with them and give advice.

Since this is a Skylanders MLP crossover, (though I never got into Skylanders); for things to settle down and ultimately be resolved, the magic system of the Skylands and the rest of the world would need to harmonize. Ultimately Skylander's magic system is governed by elemental spirits. Discord being the spirit of Chaos and the tree of Harmony representing the Spirit of Harmony with the lesser spirits of Kindness, Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Laughter, and Friendship. Equestria's magic system is emotional based, with outliers being Chaos, Harmony, and Order. Magic is Friendship which creates a back door into the Skylander's magic system.

Thus once the two systems are harmonized the stormwall will cease and travel between the two will open up.

I do hope your able to get back to this one day. It is actually really good.

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