• Published 26th Apr 2020
  • 2,587 Views, 70 Comments

Expedition to the Cloudbreak Islands - Starglider

Ponies and friends set out to explore legendary floating islands, travelling in two experimental airships capable of piercing the permenant storm wall. A new world awaits them, populated by strange creatures and filled with unknown magic.

  • ...


The Hall of Alliance was a distillation of everything the ponies had seen on Fellis. The grand structure stood scarred, half-ruined but still proud on an islet to the north of Fellis City. The interior was full of faded glory, tapestries now tattered and rotting but mosaic floors still telling of past victories and prosperity. Clearly it had stood as the cumulation of an impressive, multi-species civilisation, but that time was now two centuries past.

The enormous domed chamber at the centre of the complex reminded Set Sail of the Temple of the Four Winds, though there were no glowing crystals here. Instead the wind blew through cracked and missing panes in the stained-glass windows. In the brief silences when the inhabitants stopped shouting at each other, a mournful keening could be heard - not that there had been many such intervals.

The circular floor was dominated by an enormous stone table where the delegates sat, surrounded by a ring-shaped upper gallery packed with two hundred or more spectators. Cats and sharks and sphinxes and griffons and even a few gillmen all faced off, gathered into tight groups of their own kind, shooting each other angry and distrustful looks when they weren't watching the show below.

The central table was polished stone, with the delegates seated along two opposing arcs. There was a pronounced step between the two sides, seating the natives a good thirty centimetres higher than the outsiders. They were grouped behind four seals that symbolised their species: pictograms on the table top that Summer Scribe recognised from the abandoned magical laboratory.

Behind the first seal a dark red sphinx sat next to a pale blue animated statue: Ne'kuno and the avatar of their recently returned Oracle (secretly the spirirt of the pony, Summer Scribe). Reverence for the Oracle's legend and a fair dose of curiosity had driven the other felines to accept her offer to assemble here. The two sphinxes sat resplendent in their finery, Ne'kuno's face hidden as always by her mirror-polished golden mask.

Behind the next seal two bulky creatures lay on a platform, each with a four-legged lion body joined to a humanoid upper torso, like feline centaurs. Everdream and Arcana were not seeing eye to eye: the former was intrigued by the situation, while the later was quick to call the revelations lies: some kind of trick by the rapacious sharks and their equine dupes. The two mystic's staffs flashed and flared as they emphasised their words, at times seeming like their argument would devolve into a magic duel.

The third seal represented the bipedal cats, the ones the ponies recognised as Abyssinians. The tiger-striped Royal Flush kept his eyes on the sharks, full of bravado and giving away nothing, but surprisingly willing to engage. Beside him the cougar-like Frostpaw seemed much less comfortable, his eyes darting around while his ears flattened at every surge of noise from the onlookers. The massive thrones behind the fourth seal remained empty: it seemed none of the remaining leonoids were in a fit state for diplomacy.

The six felines faced off against a further three pairs of delegates, arrayed along the lower sweep of the table. On the left was the leader of the dirt sharks: Firesteel, gold chains glinting as he gestured and flexed, flashing the cats a sharp-toothed smile as he assured them that only Triskelion Mine could turn a profit on the 'third-rate minerals poking up through that litter-box to the north'. Occasionally he elbowed the other shark: his accountant Pitchblende, who offered supporting figures in his fussy, nasal voice.

To the right the blue pegasus Azure Feather sat with the fire-feathered bird-dragon Sunburn, representing the Skylanders and their interest in seeing Fellis reunited. Neither had said much so far, just watching the chaotic meeting with stoic unreadable looks. Finally in the centre sat a pegasus mare and stallion: Trade Wind and Set Sail, second and third mate respectively of the EAS Harmony, sole remaining airship (to the best of their knowledge) of the Cloudbreak Expedition.

Set Sail could see a few of her friends up in the gallery: she took some solace in the sight of the Grenelda and Reef Skimmer, ready to leap down and fight off the natives should things devolve into violence. That small comfort aside, it was her and her two fellow pegasi, trapped in this pit, facing off against an enormous crowd of alien predators.

"So like Miss Oracle here was saying, all that superstition was just getting in the way of business. You kitties got nothing to worry about, just a nice seven percent cut sitting there for the taking, once that laser's out of the picture. Hell, you wanna scout the best pillars for us, I'll make it nine percent! Easy money," Firesteel was saying magnanimously.

"So... daylight robbery with a smile and a gratuity, good to know you sharks never change," Royal Flush growled. "I've had better things to do than kick your sorry behinds, but now it's clear what the ancients intended. You ain't stealing one more gem of our inheritance, even if I gotta smash every one of your stupid carriages!"

“Alright, it looks like everyone’s here, so I think we can get started!” Set Sail said in a voice not quite a shout, “I’m Set Sail!”

A stallion with a lively blue coat and dusty red hair followed immediately with: “And I’m Trade Wind! You don’t know us, but that’s a good thing! We’re travellers from another land, who don’t stand to benefit from cozying up to either one of you.”

“You do know us a little though,” Set Sail added, “Enough to know that we’re not going to screw you over. It wouldn’t do us any good!”

“We stuck our noses where they don’t belong, and we learned something that could get all of you what you want, and save you a lot of trouble,” Trade Wind stated, “but before we talk about, it we need to agree on some ground rules.”

“We didn’t come here just to yell at each other, after all!” the mare declared, with a quick glance Trade Wind’s way.

“We each get to talk one at a time, starting with us, the ponies,” Trade Wind explained, “Because we’re the ones insisting on you all being here, so we better have a good explanation for it. Nobody gets to interrupt what you have to say, until you said it, and then you can answer questions.”

“This is the talking stick!” Set Sail said, holding up a simple rod with a bit of yellow painted on its tip, “Whoever has it is the one who gets to talk. We’ll pass it around the table clockwise, until everyone’s had a say. And then we’ll... do it again if we have to!”

“Nobody gets to talk more than ten minutes!” Trade Wind called out, “Say what you have to say, and then move on!”

“And just pass it on if you want!” Set Sail added.

“Does anyone object to those terms?” Trade Wind concluded, coolly eyeing the various delegates he was facing.

Royal Flush, Arcana and Firesteel immediately began objecting vigorously to those terms, the former because they 'weren't having no outsiders telling us what to do', the later because 'management consulting wasn't included in the contract'.

Summer Scribe cast a stern glare across both bickering parties. "Quiet!" she rumbled imperiously. "These ponies are the only reason why we're here meeting at all." She closed her eyes for a moment. "They are the only reason we have any chance of securing our sovereignty once again. Once we have terms, you may disagree with them - so be it. But we will have a proper debate, not squabbling and paranoia, so that we may come to the right conclusion."

Beside her Ne'kuno nodded quietly. "Yes... Let us take this seriously." She gave the mystic and Fellissian delegations a pointed look. "This is our chance to make amends on our long century of poverty and ruin. Would you have it crumble away too, like the rest of our society?"

The intransigent felines hissed back at the sphinxes, but did hold their tongues. Everdream was more receptive, giving Summer a slow nod. Firesteel shot her a canny look - an active Oracle was a new factor in cat-folk politics and he was still gauging just how much authority she weilded - then favoured Summer with a wink.

The two pegasi fluttered back to settle down into their seats. Set Sail wasted no time, sifting through the notes in front of her with a hoof as she spoke: “Ponies... come from the faraway magical land of Equestria. We may not have the same diet as you, but unlike the herbivores of your lands, we are just as smart and capable as any carnivore.”

“The purpose of our expedition is to explore and learn about these new lands, in the sky,” Trade Wind said in a confident baritone, “We were marooned when our ship was damaged, and while trying to recover from that, we met two very rich cultures that have a lot to offer each other.”

“The land sharks aren’t raiding the pillars for the fun of it,” Set Sail remarked mostly honestly, “They’re a noble and capable group with an awesome skill and passion, but they’re hurting for resources so much, they have to risk their lives and even die to harvest the pillars on your island.”

“The pillars were meant to be harvested though!” Trade Wind speaks up, “Just not by the sharks. The wonderous and mystical people of Fellis have grown these valuable resources to benefit their future generations.”

“Now that the Fellisians have recovered their birthright, they can give the Uberite to anyone who shows themself to be a friend and ally!” Set Sail says gladly, “And the sharks have invaluable equipment, machines, and knowhow that would help you all thrive, rather than just struggling to survive.”

“So that’s what we know, and that’s what we think will help,” Trade Wind concludes, “No one, feline or shark, has to die anymore. A fair trade agreement would benefit both of you, and let you fight for the important things, instead of getting bogged down in an endless conflict over resources. Any questions?”

"You ponies, you with the Eonites?" called a male voice: Frostpaw, the cougar-like cat from the northern tribe. "'Cause all this sweet talkin' and friendship, that's their line all right. For sure, I never heard of this 'Equestria'. If it's real, must be the other side o' Skylands."

“We’ve heard of the Eonites, a little,” Set Sail told Frostpaw with a bit of a grimace, “We ponies are all about friendship, like they are, but the difference is we’re actually here to make friends, not... kidnap creatures, shove them into pods and turn them into short lived magical monstrosities.”

“If you ever spot me shoving someone into a pod, you’re free to put a stop to my evil,” Trade Wind said wryly, with a sideways look at the strong-looking cat creature.

Ne'kuno listened quietly, inscrutable as ever with most of her face hidden by her golden mask. Now she leaned forward as though with a hint of credulity. "These are bold claims, ponies. We have known the sharks only as opportunists; they take what they can, not even seeking an audience with us - you say that now they will change their ways and honour a fair trade deal with us? What has changed between then and now?" Her tail flicked slowly.

Trade Wind looked to Set Sail, and the two ponies whispered together for a moment. Then he smiled, saying “Yeah... yeah.”

Turning to Ne’kuno the stallion explained: “The reason they want to honor the deal is it’s a whole lot less trouble. What changed is not them, but you. You discovered the true nature of the pillars, and now you have the power to share them. It's up to the sharks if they want to keep spending resources fighting you, but we wouldn't be here if I thought that was how it's going to turn out.”

With no more questions for the moment, Set Sail rolled the talking stick over to the shark delegation next to them, saying hopefully, “Alright, so what do you think?”

The smaller shark, Pitchblende, picked up the stick and looked at it thoughtfully, only for his boss to grab it out of his hand. "Guessing you call it the Mediation Mace, right? Nice little side-hustle you got going here." Firesteel smiled indulgently at the ponies, using the stick to make a vague sweeping gesture at the surrounding room. "Let's hope we don't have to escalate to the Arbitration Axe!"

An easy laugh that again reminded them just how many sharp teeth he had. "Passionate, yeah, that's us! Work hard and play hard, that's why Triskelion Mining Corp is the biggest independent supplier of raw and refined materials on the rim! Gotta correct you though Set Sail - we ain't hurting for nothin'. Working a dozen seams for two dozen customers, to say nothing of our booming reclaim & recycling arm."

"So why are we out here?" Firesteel asked rhetorically. "You see, after being cooped up down in the drift my boys feel the need for speed, and what kind of boss would I be if I didn't give my staff the chance to drive a tricked-out rig through laser death for the promise of a substantial bonus?! But I'm willing to part with that great benefit, so we can get a deal going with you kitties, get you banked up and integrated into the enterprise, you know? Honestly the commercials are marginal, but these ponies are saying it could be the start of a greater trading relationship, so why not give it a shot."

Summer gives a solid, unwavering gaze at Firesteel, as one seeing through deception would. "You call the uberite pillars 'marginal'? They are the most valuable deposit you've ever laid your eyes on, shark - not to mention the runestone, and the imaginite! Don't you dare try to undersell their value before us all. Our ancestors chose well in their ritual, bringing this material into existence and under our control. You are just a cut throat capitalist, and you know fully well what you are hoping to get out of this."

Summer grinned a wry, toothy grin. "So... we ask that you act truthfully, and acknowledge its true value, as shall we." Of course she had first hand knowledge of both the pillars and the sharks from when she was a pony, but no one would doubt the Oracle being able to figure this out, in her own mysterious ways.

Trade Wind spoke up then, saying loudly to the... odd looking sphinx character, “Excuse me! But you have to wait your turn. Ask a question or let the sharks speak.”

Summer Sphinx... cleared her throat: "Ahem. Yes, I suppose I did not pose that in question format... Carry on, as per your rules."

Firesteel waved him off. "Oh she's got a question - question about operating expenses, seems like. No doubt you got a thousand years of secrets in that stony noggin' of yours, Oracle, but any of them deal with accounts receivable and capital depreciation? See it's one thing to say a pretty old chunk of imaginite's just the finest thing you ever saw, it's another to pay your labour, transport, maintenance, security, refining, sales and marketing costs..." the hulking bipedal shark ticked off the litany of costs on his stubby fingers "...not to mention the next-of-kin pay-outs."

"Thing's only as valuable as someone wants to pay, and you gotta find that someone, get the goods to 'em, and make sure they don't get any ideas 'bout keeping the goods and the money, you see what I'm saying? Now that's what it takes to be a capitalist, and you cats are in the lucky position of having some experts who can handle all those details for you."

Before anyone else could object, he tossed the stick underarm at Summer. Ne'kuno sprang forward and caught it in a paw, anxious that it might shatter the Oracle's avatar.

Summer Sphinx cleared her throat again, recovering from a modicum of temporary embarrassments. Then she took the stick from Ne'kuno with a quietly muttered 'thank you', attempting to settle herself before the audience. As fun, and... almost natural it is to be the Oracle, she wasn't immune to stage fright when her performance was this important. "Thank you. My view on these matters is simple: we must do whatever it takes to restore our people to our former glory. It will take all us cats together, and likely outside help as well. We have been sitting on - squandering - the incredible resource the pillars represent."

"In our current diminished state, we lack the ability to harvest or use it. We have here in front of us a prospective ally, the Sharks of Triskellion, who are willing to trade incredible, life-changing resources for the minerals. Everything we could ever need to rebuild: construction materials, tools, machinery. Felissians, this is exactly what our ancestors wanted us to do, is it not? Would they wish us to remain in shambles to spite outsiders, or to secure prosperity whatever form it comes in?"

"So long as the compensation is fair, my desire is to see us trade for what we need. To take control of our destiny, and finally rid ourselves of foes and famine! ...That is all. While the character and fairness of the sharks must be judged and found worthy, this is the approach I wish to take."

"Oracle, we are all overjoyed that you once again guide the sphinxes," Royal Flush rumbled, emphasising 'sphinxes'. "If Everdream is certain mining the pillars will not curse us all..." a pointed stare at the scowling Aracana, "...that's good enough for me. Yet I must ask... have the sharks not already been tried, judged and convicted? Many of our parents and grandparents lost their remaining coin to the shark's ursury, and many treasures were sold to them for a pittance, by desperate starving cats. You all heard him: nine percent! How can that be 'fair compensation'."

"Your concerns are heard, Royal Flush." She turns a glance to Firesteel once again. "And that is why my proposition is simple: we get them to sign a contract today, fair to both parties, and hold them to it. If they are capitalists of their word, then we will get exactly what we have agreed upon. We have suffered long enough: now we will get what we deserve."

The talking stick began to glow then, as an unseen force yanked it out of Ne'kuno's paw. It flew directly into the hand of the female mystic; her other hand held her staff aloft, its crystal tip glowing. "Fools!" she ranted, "The shark-demons have sought the plunder and ruin of Fellis for a lifetime or more! A few tricks, some harmless-looking 'mediators', and you're ready to give up without a fight! You say we were wrong, all those years of reverence for our ancestors? Nay! Their plan will be revealed in due time, and we must-"

"ENOUGH!" Everdream's shout echoed around the chamber, flattening ears and leaving silence in its wake. His fury had been building as Arcana spoke, and now his own staff was touched against his throat as he spoke out. "I, EVERDREAM, AM MASTER OF THE CONCLAVE," he withdrew his staff and continued in a more normal tone, "and the sphinxes opened the way for me to confer with the great Logoros. No spirit of that calibre could be tricked or controlled by their like. You-" he jabbed a finger at Aracana, "-have clouded minds with superstition, and I will abide it no longer." The other mystic was glaring daggers at him, but was forced to submit, dropping her gaze.

"Now... it is my belief these ponies are agents of fate, come to catalyse our long-overdue resurgence." The cat-taur smiled down at Set Sail. "Already they have done more in a week than... certain creatures have in a lifetime. Yet it is up to us to..." an amused glance at Firesteel "capitalise on this opportunity. I know in my heart that the people of Fellis have it in us to rebuild lost glories. What I do not know is whether the involvement of the sharks will accelerate or hinder the process. At this point I remain open to both possibilities."

Set Sail raised her hoof asking, “Your friend might be wrong in some ways, but she’s trying to protect what she loves too, and she’s been here much longer than we have. I feel you’d benefit from a new relationship with the land sharks, but if your friend turns out to be right, could you please, um, resoundingly defeat us?”

Summer Sphinx quietly taps a claw against the floor, watching Set Sail closely. It would be nice if she'd project a bit more confidence about all of this... She said nothing, though. It was hard to get mad at someone showing their belly, but where was the Set Sail who forcefully pinned her in her cabin, in the aftermath of Reef's transformation?

Arcana did not seem to be mollified, just scowling and glaring back at the ponies. As for Everdream, he stared at the equines for a long moment, then slowly smiled. Then he turned to the final group at the giant meeting table: "It is said the Skylanders were a common sight on Fellis, centuries ago. Now many believe the Skylanders destroyed, disbanded or at least too sorely pressed to bother with the Fringe. I do hope you're here to prove them wrong, Sunburn." The mystic bowed his head.

"Hard pressed indeed if they're recruiting from these 'ponies'," Arcanna sneered, still trying to sow distrust among the other felines. Everdream ignored her, releasing the baton a metre above the table. Instead of falling it just hovered there; with the flick of a claw the felitaur sent it drifting over to Azure and Sunburn.

Through the whole conference, Azure hadn't said a word: instead, the blue pegasus had been intently studying the array of native creatures, sizing up possible threats versus possible allies (which were largely one adn the same). Her apprehension grew as the meeting wore on and the talking stick made its way around the table towards them. She had been planning to pass it straight to Sunburn, hoping his diplomatic skills were less lacking than hers. However Arcana's word had gotten her attention; judging by the scowl on her face, Azure was not going to let that insult slide.

Flapping up from her seat, Azure caught the stick in her mouth and paused to stare at the assembled cats. She hovered for a few moments then landed, composing herself and placing the stick on the table. "As Set Sail told you, we are from a land far away, ship and crew sent here on a long-range reconnaissance mission. Until we arrived we had no knowledge of this land's magic - nor any knowledge of the Skylanders, nor of the creatures that lived here."

She looked directly at Arcana, giving a quiet nod before stating: "You doubt the abilities of ponies, or our intentions? Where we came from, many have made that mistake... and many would-be-villains came to regret it. Now I say this with all due respect for your own magic, but chose us as allies, and you will not find us lacking. Try to do us harm... and you might get a nasty surprise."

"Now, I can't speak for the Skylanders - as I say we has only been two weeks since we first met - but I will raise one point in their defence. Of all the creatures here, only they came offering friendship and assistance. Sunburn has fought for us and Spyro gave us parts to help with repairs. In my judgement... they might be the most honourable and trustworthy creatures here."

Azure looked like she wanted to add more, but... her confidence faltered as she reminded herself that she was no diplomat. More words could easily ruin this. With a sigh and a shake of her head, clearly still frustrated with the cat's low opinion of ponies, she passed the talking stick to Sunburn and stepped back.

The bird-like dragon took it in one claw, giving Azure an odd look somewhere between appreciation and embarassment. Then he shook it off, pointing the stick accusingly at the felines as if threatening them with a magic wand. "You're probably thinking those are idle boasts. That would be a mistake," he growled.

"I've been fighting for Skylands for a long, loooong time. Faced down horrors you wouldn't believe, and destroyed every single one. Azure Feather here, she's not a Skylander - not yet - but she is a true Champion of Air. And like us, she puts her life on the line to save innocent creatures - not just her own crew, saw her dive in and save a family of strange griffs from Kaosian slavery. So you want my respect, then you give her respect."

Sunburn lowered the baton, continuing in a warmer tone: "Like Azure, I'm no diplomat. Spyro always handled that side of things. Situation seems clear enough though. Sharks have machinery and trading partners. Cats have labour and magic. Working together, you've got a shot at rebuilding. Don't, well... sure, you'll survive. Until the truce breaks and the Kaosian war machine really gets desperate for 'recruits'."

Summer nodded calmly to the feathery dragon. Now this was more like it: a reminder that there were bigger threats out there, and time pressure to get a deal done. With her knowledge as the Oracle, she was well aware of the many wars that have stricken the Sky Lands before: sadly, it was not the kind of realm where you could dawdle along and mark out a peaceful, unharried existence.

"Maybe the trolls are desperate enough to try and mop up Fellis, but at Triskelion we take security seriously," Firesteel bragged. "Near on a hundred emplaced guns, and there ain't nobody who bets against a dirt shark in a tunnel fight. They'd lose an army trying to bring us to heel, and they know it," he sneered.

Azure Feather stared back evenly at the shark, answering with: "Well, that may be true, but while you've rich in weaponry, you're sorely lacking in... survivability. You trade for most of your food right? And no doubt other vital supplies as well. I didn't see any fields on your island; I'm not sure your people can grow... well, anything in the environment you live in. On Fellis, they have farms and... hunting, and plenty of land and water to grow more. What would you give for a secure, reliable food supply?" she asked, sounding fairly confident...

Sunburn nodded: "If the Kaosians come for you... blockade would be the smart move... and that's the best case. Worst case, they either convince the drow to rejoin the other clans, or just drive them off the Hand of Eon. If the Kaosians can repair that, they'll lock down every ship, every flyer in the eastern Fringe." He waited for his words to sink in, then with a flick of his claw rolled the baton across the table, back to the ponies.

Set Sail reached forward to steady the baton and carefully picked it up in her teeth; she gave Trade Wind a hopeful look before tossing it to him. The blue-coated stallion caught it with a foreleg, his hoof curling neatly around to hold it against his cannon. He tossed his light red mane back and straightened up, saying clearly: “Alright, we’ve all talked about our situation and what we should do. So now we gotta talk terms. I’m gonna tell you what we ponies need that I think you might be able to help with, and what we have to offer you, that I think you might want."

“First off, we’re far from home, so our crew is the size of a ship, not a whole island. That means fewer of us to worry about, but we’re not gonna have as much to offer. Our numbers are around fifty, mostly flyers, mostly pegasi. The pegasi among us are trained balloon sailors, but the weather is in our blood, and we can help with any weather management you might need. We have some earth ponies who have a lot of strength and... pizzazz for lack of a better word. They can help with your food crops and rock processing, which is the name of your game right now."

"Few unicorns with their own list of tricks, from basic levitation and mending, to chromotechnics and welding. We got a crack engineering team who could probably give you sharks a run for your money; I’m not joking, they were only contracted with us out of messy politics and are seriously overqualified. We have a darned good doctor, and a couple of crew who've trained under him, though our crash has left them busy with our own injured...”

He paused to look back at his splinted legs, wincing before continuing: “But I’m sure we could help anypony in need, especially if they did us a favor or two. As for what we need, we need materials and parts, to repair our damaged ship. Our main propellors got torn up in an... unfortunate collission, and we got several shattered timbers that we’re still working on repairing. Our balloon is patched all to Tartarus - small miracle it's still airworthy, but I did say we were set to sail on this expedition for how good we are with a balloon.”

He gave Set Sail an appreciative look, then concluded, “Got a few carnivores among us, but for the most part we’re generalist herbivores. We can do fine with simple pastures and even browsing. Our current location meets our food needs just fine, but the last thing we need is... protection."

Shaking his head, Trade Wind said, “We’re just too close to the flyer-catching pirates that have been raiding your area, and they’re howling for our blood after we uh... defended ourselves. Once. By, uh... taking one of their copters. Seems like that's enough for them to get obsessed with destroying us. See, our current location is defenseless and our ship severely limited in its movement capabilities. If you help us with nothing more, we need a place we can take a stand, and fight with you against these awful raiders.”

Set Sail spoke up then, saying urgently, “The Kaosians and the Eonites both sound like terrible dangers. I’ve heard... some stories, about machines that twist you with dark magic, strange weapons that turn your friends into enemies. If they ever come back, you need an alliance: an alliance of the willing, who band together because they help each other, not because of some mind warping weapon or machine. Maybe they’re as broken as they left you, maybe they’re no longer a threat, but if you don’t band together as friends...”

“...then you’ll be bound together as slaves,” Trade Wind concluded, looking down darkly.

“Sorry, I just wanted to mention it. Um...” Set Sail said, blushing.

Shaking his head, Trade Wind looked over the rest, saying, “Right, so that’s what I think we should do next, talk about who you can help with what, and what you need help with yourself. But uh... don’t take my suggestion as law. Say what you need to say. We’re not here to judge, we’re here to learn.” He reached forward, placed a hoof on the table. With a glance at the two dirt sharks he set the talking stick rolling slowly their way, keeping his expression carefully neutral outside of an amused twinkle in his eye.

Pitchblende just watched with a resigned expression as it rolled past; Firesteel swept up the stick and twirled it with surprising dexterity in his stubby fingers. "So what we're talking about here is a close business partnership, with tactical contingencies! You want to leverage our full range of competencies up and down the verticals. Smart choice!" He flashed his impressive array of razor-sharp teeth in another winning smile.

"So we're gonna need to get some boys on the ground here and start iterating. 'course it's going to take a while to get you cats up to speed on Total Overmatch Shark Synergy Expedited Reporting, so in the mean time our consultants will handle all the admin. You wanna learn some tech skills? Course you do. That's why I'm opening up our internship program to all Fellissians! Send some cats to work for us, they'll be fully certified in, uh..." He glanced at the smaller shark.

"Three years sir."

"Let's call it two and a half!"

Summer Sphinx pondered that, stroking her chin, leaning over to whisper to Ne'kuno. "Hmm, now this part I have my concerns. I am not sure if our Fellissians will be so eager to sign years of their lives over to the sharks without clear compensation." Ne'kuno nods in calm agreement. "I can hardly imagine a sphinx lowering themselves to the level of forced labour. We are not a resource to be exploited - we are a free people."

"Did you have a question, honoured Oracle?" Trade Wind asked, giving her a look.

Summer Sphinx clears her throat. "Ahem, yes I do. These internships you'll be offering, Firesteel. They are paid positions, are they not? As you'd bestow upon any other employee of a different skin?"

Trade Wind made sure to break eye contact before he smiled.

"Certainly they are well paid," Pitchblende said, "in terms of total in-kind compensation. Secure shelter, engineering training and nutritious food are rare and expensive commodities!"

"Nice of you to offer," Trade Wind said flatly, "Now maybe you could tell us what you need?"

Firesteel shot Trade Wind a strange look. "Our interest in the minerals is clear. We've got the processing, the transport, the buyers. Labour, for sure, we could make more, sell more if I had more workers. Food? We ain't exactly going hungry, but a smart shark never says no to a new source of chow."

"Now as for you ponies - seems like the original deal is moot. Let's say partial credit - if these kitties see reason. You want those repairs, we can talk about signing over a few engineers. Just for a year or two. But... you're busy horses." Another wide smile. "You got more places to go, creatures to smooze with. You're wanna kick some drow tail, right? Show me a solid plan, and sign over all salvage rights to the Hand, and I'll spot you the repairs gratis. Might even throw in a little bonus, to help with the, uh, 'self-defence'."

Summer Sphinx flashes Trade Wind a grin at that. Finally the moment they'd been waiting for: a means to kick some serious Drow ass and bring some much-needed relief and security to the crew of the Harmony. That was the real prize she was after here. 'You better have a good plan for this', she thought as strongly as she could, as though the telepathic waves could leap across the room and influence Set Sail and Azure Feather.

“So what you need is salvage, labour, and somepony to help, uhm, kick drow butt?” Trade Wind summed up. “And you wouldn't say no to some nutritious food, it seems? We’re not making deals yet, just trying to learn more about each other. None of the Fellissians have gotten to talk yet, and you might find they have a lot more to offer than we do. How could we hold you to a deal you made now, if we turn out to be the second-rate option?”

Pitchblende narrowed his eyes at Trade Wind, wondering if this was some kind of reverse psychology.

Summer batted a paw at Pitchblende, before fixing him with a steely (well, ceramic) gaze. "About the labour part - ok, sounds like you want to treat your 'interns nicely'. But I notice the matter of compensation itself is not brought up. You can't be paid in food or shelter - that's just subsistence. I'm afraid to say that if you wouldn't treat a cat working for you as well as a shark, you're not taking us seriously."

"You what?" Firesteel said with exaggerated dismay, "I'm puttin' myself out here, offering a better deal than your common shark ever sees - not even talking student loan repayments!"

Summer Sphinx rolls her eyes with a quiet 'hmph' noise. "Maybe your predatory ways have worked in the past, but no more. 'We swear we're not ripping you off' is below the baseline of courtesy we will be expecting from now on. Payment for services rendered, in your own words - don't expect you can dazzle us with your quick talking. We shall read the terms of any deal you present us with and agree only if it is fair."

"You creatures think so short term," Suburn's rough voice cut into the argument. "The Oracle understands, she's seen a few centuries. Strong allies are worth more than one scam's worth of profits."

Firesteel lunged forward, opening his mouth to tell the dragon to stick to burning chompies, but Pitchblende put a hand on his superior's shoulder. The smaller shark whispered something into the CEO's ear. Firesteel frowned, then slowly relaxed. He waved a hand magnanimously at the sphinxes, saying "Sure, sure. We can go over the numbers, make sure it's a win-win. So... what's your stance on our little drow problem. Guessing our colourful friends here have been recruiting on Fellis as well?"

Summer Sphinx... shook her head. "No - this is the first I have heard of it. But... It is clear that our people cannot be secure until all who threaten them are taught their place. The Hand of Eon was an incredibly powerful artefact... even damaged, I would not see it in the hands of pirates. Like their spidrow cousins, the pirate drow must also be shown we are not to be messed with."

"Do my ears deceive me or are you creatures talking about attacking the Isle o' Misery?" Royal Flush said, his expression incredulous. "Pit of vicious slavin' demons? Guarded by a sky galleon and magick enough to paralyse any ship or creature foolish enough to approach? The clan that fought a troll fleet to a standstill a few years back?" The tiger creature looked up to the viewing gallery, gauging if the visitors there were serious about this. "Now I hate those sneaky scumbags, much as the next cat, but I'll endure the odd raid before I send my fighters into a death-trap."

Summer Sphinx tilted her head to the side... and nodded in agreement. "Yes, while I can weather a lot more than the average feline, it's an understatement to say this is a perilous endeavour. So you - ponies, and you - sharks, if you're signing on for this - will have to make a compelling case that this is a worthwhile endeavour. By all means: do your best to convince us."

Azure had been quietly evaluating each of the races in turn. The sharks... would likely be the heavy artillery, they had the guns and the armour, surely able to grab and hold the enemy's attention. The huge Cloudbreak griffons, no doubt they were even fiercer in a battle than the regular griffons she knew. The sphinxes were a deadly combination of might, magic and discipline; then there were the mystics, each seemingly the equal of a unicorn archmage, and with powerful predator bodies if it came to that. Even the gillfolk had their harpoon guns and ability to infiltrate waterways; if there were any on the target island.

So many forces, so many possibilities, and that wasn't even counting the Elementals. Herself and Reef Skimmer, bringing the forces of wind and water, then Clashing Gale and Cloud Cutter, ready to drain and snuff out enemy lives. Even Nutmeg and Summer would contribute, then of course Sunburn himself, a phoenix-dragon with centuries of experience... oh, she'd seen the inferno he was capable of. Their Elementals alone had a fair chance of winning this, she thought, but it would be a huge risk - they could just as easily lose the whole squad to some unknown Drow trick. Best to play this safe, make use of all the forces available.

"Those scum have long terrorised this region on the strength of a single warship, protected behind their sky traps. But... they're a paper tiger," she reassured them. "They can only exist because their foes are divided. Looking at you all here, we have a half-dozen trump cards, any one of which could wreck the drow's whole day. There's no way the drow can withstand an attack on multiple fronts. If we work together, they'll be toast before they even realise what's hit them."

"So the plan... now it's going to take a lot of work, but I have a few ideas. We start with a surprise attack, disable their sky traps - we already shut down one set in our first encounter, so we know how to handle that problem. Then we draw their main warship away from the citadel, with some kind of trick or feint. Then we hit it with everything we've got - cannons, magic, elementals... if everyone attacks together, it's sure to go down before it can do much damage to us."

"Then... it's just a matter of mopping up. Infiltrate a few forces into their base - maybe Cloud Cutter and Clashing, they're great at stealth - simultaneous attack from inside and out. They will have lost their best forces in the air battle, a few dozen second-stringers will have no chance against griffons, sphinxes and rifle-sharks."

Azure realised she'd been leaning forward, intent on describing her plan - every creature present had fallen silent, drinking in the details. The pegasus sank back, suddenly self-conscious; she hadn't even noticed the tremble in her legs. Even if they agreed, it was up to her to figure everything out; most importantly, how to allocating their forces. This could be her finest hour... or just as easily her darkest.

Set Sail and Trade Wind frantically whispered to each other, until Set Sail whispered “Seriously? Me??”

The blue haired, brown furred and feathered pegasus mare looked to the rest of the delegation with big eyes, saying nervously, “I-it’s called the Isle of Misery? Really? No disrespect to Azure, but we're just fifty ponies... a-and a few other creatures, but not an army! We don't really have the means to-”

"Now that's a plan! Yes, with the forces here we can crush the pirates!" Summer cut Set Sail off before she could do any more damage; she could read the room and they had some good momentum going here. "It will be the first act of the New Fellissian Alliance! No creature on the Fringe will dare challenge us after that, and even the Kaosians will think twice before poking their noses in here!"

"But... but... we’re just a... a ship’s crew, under attack by the pirates and we really just need a more defensible place to move our damaged vessel..." Set Sail's plaintive objections were drowed out by the rising cheers from the gallery.

"Yeah, let's smash those pirates!"

"Cats and griffs and gillies, together we can do it!"

"Teach 'em what it's like to have a ship come in blasting on your home!"

"Now we're talking," Firesteel roared, slapping his rough hide in amusement. "Just so long as it's clear - any and all salvage on that rock's property of us sharks. Gotta cover fuel, ammo, repairs-"

"You can have the machines, shark!" Ne'kuno called back "but we have first claim on all magic! Spellbooks, runestones, foci..." the sphinx looked over to Everdream "I'm sure we and the Conclave can come to an equitable arrangement."

"Indeed," the mystic rumbled, "and they would do you little good anyway, shark."

Firesteel waved them off, saying amiably: "Sure, sure. Tell you what, I'll even give our little friends here," he jabbed a clawed finger at the ponies "...first claim on the provisions. Can't get fairer than that!"

"Yeah, fair. 'Cause you'll be dividing any actual treasure equally, won't you," Sunburn rumbled. "That's the Skylander way, each creature on the op gets an equal share."

Dragon and shark glared at each other for a long moment, until the smaller shark Pitchbende broke the impasse with: "Surely the disposition of petty cash is not a blocker to our agreement. The value of approximately four hundred gravity lenses alone far exceeds-"

"One share per species and one per ship," Firesteel cut him off, "Final offer, take it or leave it."

"Done!" shouted Summer Scribe. "To the New Fellissian Alliance! And the end of the Isle of Misery!"

The whole chamber errupted in whoops, roars and applause, as the tension broke and the assembled creatures in the gallery started congratulating each other. Sharks shook paws with cats, while gillmen and griffons gave each other high-fives. Every one (save for a clawful of die-hard sceptics) wanted to believe this was the start of a better future. Meanwhile Azure was muttering to herself; "So... we're doing this... we're really doing this..."

Set Sail was left staring around with eyes as wide as saucers, her objections dying in her throat. This wasn't the plan! This wasn't what she intended at all! This was supposed to be a simple trade agreement, not a war council! Then Summer and Azure had gotten involved, and what had they done? Now they had to fight the pirates with no real idea how to avoid the battle turning into a bloodbath! Didn't they realise these were predators? The first taste of blood, and the whole thing could turn into a slaughter!

One thing she was sure of: there was no letting go of the tiger now. Set Sail and her little ponies would have to hang onto the tail and see this through to the end.

Author's Note:

This story is a collaboration between myself (playing Everdream, Aracana, Royal Flush, Frost Paw and Sunburn here), Spearmint (playing Azure Feather), Patashu (playing Summer Scribe and Ne'kuno) and Ferret (playing Set Sail and Trade Wind), based on an online RP.

This chapter is based on the 63rd and 64th sessions, GMed by myself. The alliance was a pretty epic scene entailing some stress for Ferret & Spearmint as they try to literally herd (sapient) cats, not to mention bipedal sharks, into a workable alliance.Happily they suceeded, so next chapter is final preparations to go and kick drow air pirate butt. Once again Firesteel steals the show - he's a lot of fun to play (in short bursts at least).

Alas no illustration for this chapter yet, just a quick sketch from me of the layout. However I've just added new art by Chibionpu to the end of chapter five.