• Published 26th Apr 2020
  • 2,596 Views, 70 Comments

Expedition to the Cloudbreak Islands - Starglider

Ponies and friends set out to explore legendary floating islands, travelling in two experimental airships capable of piercing the permenant storm wall. A new world awaits them, populated by strange creatures and filled with unknown magic.

  • ...


Blaze Trails was a pony who took life as it came, rolling with the punches and trying not to take anything too seriously. The one thing she was dead serious about was her role as a guide, and protecting the ponies who needed guiding. They'd been to the cat island twice now (thrice counting the trip with the sharks) and faced mortal danger every time. Pushing through a musty old mine infested with spider-centaurs and giant bugs and who knew what was gonna be a doozy. Like the Captain had said, they needed the best ponies for the job and they needed to be prepared.

So Blaze had been doing the rounds, having a friendly chat with each volunteer - but one creature just wasn’t making herself available. Nutmeg Inferno had been just a peach, far as Blaze had gotten to know her on the copter flight, but as soon as they'd touched down the kirin had scarpered off without a word. Now Blaze was having a hard time tracking her done - she wasn't in her office, and all the mechanicky ponies could say was that the kirin was somewhere near the bow, installing a cannon of all things.

It sure was a nice day up top, moored next to the meadow: birds tweeting to each other, ponies wandering among the tents and long grass, sheep occasionally objecting to the intrusion with an annoyed baaaa. Sure enough, just behind the big weather device was a strange angular contraption, that could’ve been a cannon if you squinted your eyes real hard - yet no kirin in sight. Of all the things to work on right now; it wouldn't do them much good if they couldn't get the ship flying again.

Blaze Trails finally found Nutmeg below deck. The gold and brown, red-ruffed creature was squeezed up into a little nook, using her big old wrench to tighten the bolts that anchored the new whatever-it-was. Blaze trotted up slowly, not wanting to startle the kirin.

"So, about this push through the tunnels under Fellis... you're coming along, right? I could see how your eyes lit up when you saw that steam train," Blaze began. She considered the next part carefully: "Buuuut... you're going to need to take this seriously. This could get real dangerous: worst case, those bugs were just the beginnin' of the horrors down there."

“Oh I’m uh... not going,” Nutmeg said, staring back at the earth pony from her dark little crawlspace, her expression unreadable. “Yeah, sorry. I meant to tell you, but y’know... I was just thinking about Sprocket. She needs some more experience, and she wanted to go, I think. You should talk to her, and... uhm... she’s probably working on the port boiler right now - you know, in the engine room.”

Blaze Trails took a step back in surprise; she'd been all set to tamp down Nutmeg's enthusiasm, but it seemed she'd already had second thoughts. Maybe the engineer felt she wasn't up to the task, so was burying herself in work to take her mind off the situation? "Well, err..."

Blaze hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "If you say so, I suppose." No sense trying to force the issue, they were all volunteers out here. "So, you can vouch for Sprocket being up for the job? Have you talked about this with her, or am I gonna be your messenger?"

“Well sure she asked me about it. Talked with me about it, a little,” Nutmeg said, wiggling out from her crawlspace to stand before the sturdy-looking green pony. “She just needs a little encouragement. I know she can do anything I can, except walk into a firebox,” Nutmeg continued.

“When we formed our company, everyone wanted me to be the leader, and I do a pretty good job of that, but it’s mostly symbolic. You sign more contracts when you put a kirin front and centre. Sprocket, Gearshift, Static Signal, Scarlet Gauge, and Petunia are the ones who founded it with me, so any of them are, up for the job.”

She looked behind her, adding nervously, “I yeah, heh... gotta get these defences mounted, and see about testing them, in case the drow find us. So... sorry. I’m... uhm... busy.” Nutmeg Inferno blushed a grimace of nervous shame, then jumped back into the hole. The sound of tightening bolts confirmed the conversation was over.

Blaze Trails let out a slow sigh of discomfort. True, they were running on borrowed time - either they got the ship flying again or the drow were gonna hunt them down. And yeah, Nutmeg was one of the few who could do something about that - even fixed artillery was better than nothing if it came to a fight.

"Alright, I understand. Didn't get to talk to Sprocket so much, but... figure I'll just sit down with her and we'll work things out. If you say she's got the train part in hoof, I'll take your word for it." With that Blaze set off for the engine room, intent on tracking down the unicorn. Sprocket had flown the copter perfectly well on her first trip out, and by all accounts had given a good account of herself in the sphinx's pyramid, so... maybe this wouldn't be too bad.

Sprocket was indeed lurking at the back of the engine room, reared up on a table covered in assorted machine parts. The unicorn’s creamy pink fur accentuated her dark mane and tail, while her horn was suffused with an amber aura. She was levitating a screwdriver and a wrench, along with a ceramic cup of something black and bitter.

Her device started with a metal kettle connected to cute little hoses, equipped with an oil burner and acting as a miniature boiler to power the pistons. A touch of magic on a lever sent a little pony doll hurling across the engine room. Sprocket chuckled quietly at the success of her improvised steam-powered trebuchet.

Blaze Trails switched from an easy saunter to a frantic backpedal as the projectile flew across her vision. She looked around for a threat, or a weapon gone wrong... but no, seemed like the unicorn was just foolin' around. The earth mare gave a little laugh of her own before launching into the conversation.

"So, uhh, Sprocket. Hey! We met a few days back; didn't get the chance to talk so much on account of you flyin' the copter and all." She held out a hoof to shake. "So you know we're going back, gotta push through the tunnels to get into that pyramid, whatever it takes to get the sharks on our side. Nutmeg mentioned you were interested... does that mean fully onboard, or are you still working it through in your head?"

Sprocket hopped her forelegs from the table to the floor, looking wide-eyed at Blaze Trails before nervously shaking the hoof. “Seriously?" she said incredulously in her lowborn accent, "Ya think I should go back out there, after what I did?”

By now Blaze was sweating behind her ears. "Err... you're going to have to elaborate for me? Spent a long spell in sickbay before... oh, you mean in the pyramid?"

“I totally froze up,” the other mare said grimly, “I was a frikkin basket case after what Reef did. I never saw anything like it before! He killed her with water! I mean it was real wild, and I kinda want to see what else he can do. I’m goin’ stir crazy here just thinkin about it! Buuuut.... you don’t want somepony like me. I’m just a clumsy nopony who don’t know what I’m doing. Huh. The chief really recommended me?”

Blaze suppressed a frown, managing to nod instead. Couldn't blame an engineer for not being used to seeing creatures die. The pony clearly needed a pep talk. "Nutmeg recommended you straight up. Said you'd be better for the job than her, even."

The earth mare put on a grin and nodded again with more enthusiasm. "We'll need someone to repair and drive that train we found, and I'm sure the pyramid proper will have no end of mechanisms that need puzzling out, so you'll be a vital part of the team." That left the issue of self-defence against whatever was lurking in those tunnels, but Blaze would wait for Sprocket to broach that subject.

“Well I been... I been practicing and stuff, y’know just in case it ever happens again,” Sprocket said, fidgeting on her hooves, “Those chompies are a lotta fun to mess with. You levitate somethin' sharp,” she demonstrated with her floating screwdriver, “And just, wham, bam!” she swiped it in the air and jabbed it right into the table. The tool stuck fast: Sprocket stared in confusion as her magic failed to retrieve it, then shrugged.

“I mean of course I don’t got a lot of strength behind it,” she admitted sheepishly, “But we been doing some spectacular things with that gunpowder recipe of Abernathy’s. Check this out!” She levitated a vaguely circular chunk of wood from a pile on her table, saying: “All I do is hit this with a fire blast and boom!”

There was no boom. Sprocket stood blinking for a moment, then blushed, saying: “Eheh I can’t exactly show it off here. Don’t want to blow up the engine room again.”

Blaze Trails grinned: that's what unicorns brought to the party, right there! Thoroughly distracted, she gave the screwdriver an experimental nudge - sure enough, the damn thing was wedged in hard. She gestured with a hoof at the rest of the gear: "Y'got a weapon to show off, then? Anything like Nutmeg's 'rifle'? I wanna see it in action." Sometimes these techies had their own ways to handle themselves, long as they packed the right gadget...

“Well no, I just... y’know, took a piece of torn sheet metal out there, and... I’d have to get a real weapon I guess,” Sprocket said, her gaze dropping as she realised this was serious. “But it’s fine really. Nice thing about being a unicorn; ya don’t need to stick it in your mouth, so it don't need a handle. Heck just my horn is a weapon against anything that don't like fire. And I guess physically too, though it ain't too sharp... and that would be kinda gross. Mostly I was hoping, and not that I'm hoping I mean, but these explosives are wicked sick. I’d love to see ‘em— I mean, y’know... be all responsible with ‘em and stuff.”

"Alright!" Blaze said cheerfully, "sounds like you're perfectly capable of handling yourself in a fight. You've got your unicorn magic, and your explosives, however they work. And I have it on good word you're a talented engineer. And if you run low... you know they found more explosives, abandoned in the mine?"

"So... what's worrying you? If it's that combat's still scary for you, well, honestly..." Blaze lowered her head, "I gotta admit, it's been scary for me too. I mean I've dealt with my fair share of beasties but this is above and beyond, what with the giant angry slugs and swarms of electric bugs and whatnot. But I figure, ponies can always get it done together. If you want some quick self-defence training, be a pleasure to go through the ropes with you."

“Oh I’m just y’know... just trying to figure out how to deal with all that... screamin' and stuff,” Sprocket said with a shy look Blaze’s way, “I just dunno who to talk to about that stuff, and— yeah I could use a self-defence thingy. I don’t know if I’m doin' it right just messing around by myself.”

Blaze Trails nodded, her smile warm and affirming smile. "Then let's do it. I'll teach you close quarters combat, how to remain alert: all the tricks your mind and eyes need to be doing to not get surprised." She gently pats a hoof on Sprocket's shoulder. "As for the... screamin' and stuff. Look, you gotta realise that fightin' is just something you push through, when it's the only way to go what's gotta get done. You can take time to think through the consequences after, but in the heat of the moment there's no time for second-guessing. Keep it cool and hone your skills, so your instincts work for you instead of against you."

“Oh, well alright,” Sprocket said with a smile and a warm feeling in her heart, “I don’t know nothin' about honing my instincts, or trickin' my eyes, so if you wanna do that for me it’d be a real help. I don’t have enough ta do around here anyway, so a little rough and tumble might do me some good. You sure are nice, uh... whoever you are.”

"Goodness, did I forget to introduce myself? Sorry, I got so caught up in all of this. Blaze Trails, ma'am." She grimaced, but was soon back to nodding and grinning. "Yep, a little playfightin' will give you the experience you need. I'll show you how you can sneak up on creatures, how to get out of a pin, and how to use a knife, and if you bring that 'rifle' of yours I'll see if we can't get some steady shots out of it. Y'wanna head outside now? Doesn't look like you're doin' anythin' important."

“Yeah, lemme tell Static, and I’ll be right there,” Sprocket replied, then blinked at Blaze’s odd choice of words. “Sorry, I don’t know that I think I have a 'rifle',” the engineer pony said in confusion, “What’s a rifle?”

Blaze Trails blink blinked, making a 'long object' gesture with her forehooves. "The, uhh, shooty blasty explodey thing you were talking about? That's what Nutmeg called it - Abby's got one too? Or at least some other sort of 'gun'."

“Oh! Right, those cute little mini-cannons!” Sprocket blurted out, eyes lighting up, “The chief’s real good with them, knows all about how to make ‘em and stuff. I dunno if I’m copacetic with the idea of setting off that explosive powder in a metal tube right next to me though. Bombs make more sense to me - like, isn’t it better if the explosions happen over by the bad guys?”

Blaze Trail scratched a hoof behind her ear, feeling out of her element. "I admit, I'm not the pony to consult on these matters, but I'm thinkin' the explosion is to make the projectile go really fast? Like firing a bow but you don't even need the draw strength for it anymore." She shrugs, "Maybe there's a way to have it both ways, I dunno."

“Right, it’s just like a cannon,” Sprocket says, “The blasting powder goes in the back, then you add a little baby cannon ball. That’s why they’re tubes, to make the explosion all go one way, sending it right at whatever it’s pointed at. But uh... I mean we do good work but we don’t exactly have an iron foundry at our hooftips here."

"Sure, the plan is to make the explosion all go one way, but do you really think that plan would work out every time? Plus the barrel gets super hot, and makes ya ears ring. Sure I could shoot it in my magic... once. Then the projectile goes one way, the cannon goes the other way, and I’m a sitting duck without a weapon anymore.”

Blaze Trails cocked her head: "Hmm... right, yeah, I see." She's wasn't totally following, but the problems seemed clear enough. "Well... Here's something to think about. Maybe if the deal with the Shark goes through, we can see about getting better weapons, as well as the propellers we need."

"I still got this..." Sprocket tapping her fluted horn with a hoof, “and... how about I show you how cool these grenades I cooked up are?” Sprocket replied amiably. “They’re a lot safer, and sealed up, no need to mess with powder when somethin' nasty's charging at you. And uhm... I mean you’re the guardspony, so you should be the one showing me about weapons. So let’s stop yakkin' and get out and get crackin'!”

Blaze Trails looked amused: "I ain't no guard - you must be thinkin' of Azure. Me, I'm an explorer, just doing my best to fill out the ranks. But... thanks. Yeah, you show me something cool and I'll show you something cool too!"

The two ponies trotted off together, heading off the ship and down the forest track to the abandoned quarry, now their makeshift training area. For the two hours laughter and explosions echoed across the jungle. Sprocket showed Blaze her basic fireball, her fireball-assisted explosive, and how she heated up the chunk of jagged scrap to a glowing amber, to make it better at cutting things. Blaze made sure to get Sprocket a real knife, but... perhaps not a super rare and expensive one, or one with a flammable handle. And so one more pony was prepared to do the Nightmare’s work, down in the abandoned molekin mines.

Reef Skimmer was thinking along similar lines; stuck in a new body with strange new abilities, all his reluctant wing-sword practice seemed of little use. Front-line combat had never been his calling, but they were struggling to survive in a harsh and unforgiving land. As one of the few creatures with any sort of combat training and now an 'elemental' to boot, he had to learn how to fight all over again.

Thus he was flying over the dense forest that covered most of Blissful Pastures, heading for the quarry - best not to repeat the incident that had left the meadow rutted and sodden. It was a short hop so he hadn't taken his roc shape, instead just relaxing and letting the blue tentacles expand from his legs and midsection. Bereft of the ability to magically shed weight, even his relatively large wings didn't suffice to keep him aloft - not without the help of the streams of water he was blasting downward. Hopefully nogriff was sneaking about below, lest they get a sudden drenching.

It took only a few minutes to reach his destination. Somegriff- someponies rather were down there, a green one and a pink one, turning to look up at his decidedly unstealthy approach. The mutant griff came down for a slightly squishy landing a respectful distance away, saying "Ah, Blazing Trails, Rocket, one does hope one isn't interrupting."

“It’s Sprocket, not Rocket,” the creamy furred unicorn mare said, but pondered, “Though given what we’re up against, a rocket might not be a bad idea...”

“Oh don’t worry, we were just getting done here,” Blaze Trails said, waving a dismissive green-furred hoof his way, “You sure do make things wet on your way.”

“Long as he doesn’t get the black powder wet,” Sprocket said, giving Reef a suspicious look.

The griff frowned, flattening his ear-fins back. "As I understand it, correct procedure is to transfer the stuff directly from kegs to sealed leather pouches, or it simply won't-" he began, then thought better of it, ducking his head and saying "But I suppose we're all improvising out here. One will do one's best to wash only willing volunteers."

Sprocket just shrugged at Reef’s offhand criticism, saying, “We’re makin' our own containers at this point. What the heck is leather?”

“Uh, it's... never mind,” Blaze muttered, then turned to Reef Skimmer with a smile, asking: “What can I do you for?”

Reef cocked his head one way then the other, considering. "Ah, I confess I didn't anticipate your presence, was just out for a spot of practice you know... but since you are here, hmm." He eyed the blades strapped to Blaze's flank. "...perhaps you could lend assistance? Or failing that, advice;" his beak gaped open in an avian smile, "one got the impression you've crossed paths with quite the menagerie of hostile beasts."

“I’ve seen a beastie or two in my travels, you could say,” Blaze said with a shy blush, and a discerning eye toward Reef’s beak, “Nothin' from these islands of course. What sorta beast did you find?”

Reef Skimmer took two steps forward, then realised he was still a noodly tentacle beast. "Oh, erm, do excuse me," he said, averting his eyes as he started to squeeze himself down into hippogriff shape. "The diversity of megafauna out here really is quite wonderful, but a good portion of it seems hostile. My concern was not with one specific beast - though that overgrown caterpillar certainly put us through the wringer - more that, well..."

"As an officer of the Queen's Navy and one of the creatures, erm, 'empowered' by this place, one has a duty to stand on the front lines and defend one's fellow griffs, err, ponies." He dipped his head, saying guiltily: "Which in all honesty hasn't been going terribly well."

“Uh huh... that so?” Blaze said, eyeing the hippogriff as his chest and abdomen squished themselves back together; if he thought that was less disturbing than being all noodly, he had another thing coming! “What are you having problems with?”

"Ah, you see a griff's first instinct is to strike with claws..." Reef held up a foreleg, realised it was still blue and wriggly and glared at it for a few seconds until it resembled a grey-scaled eagle's foot. "...perhaps switching to the beak or hooves if situation demands. Yet it seems those instincts are now counterproductive."

He demonstrated by dragging his talons over a rock; instead of scoring scratches into the surface, they just slid over it, deforming as if made of rubber. "In retrospect, one really should have taken wing-blade training more seriously." He sighed, then his eyes went to Blaze's sheathed blades. "One was wondering though... 'griffon's claw', did you say it was? Would you indulge me in an experiment, via the loan of your blade?"

“Oh sure thing, one sec,” Blaze said, nosing around her midriff and pulling the curved blade loose of its sheath, then mouthing it off to him. As Reef took in his flexible digits, Blaze gave the strange creature a worried look “Try not to get it too wet, 'kay? That one ain't stainless, wouldn’t want a nice blade to go to rust, don’tcha know.”

"Thank you! One will certainly do one's best." Reef Skimmer was back to looking like a hippogriff now (save for having pearl-tipped spines on his head); he eyed the blade curiously. It was indeed an impressive bit of metalwork, rather larger than an actual talon but curved and pointed in a similar fashion. Sitting back on his haunches, he took the blade in one claw and pressed it into his other claw, the flesh briefly reverting to blue goo as the blade sank in. The hippogriff winced as it broke the surface and frowned with concentration as his body tried to push the foreign matter back out again, eventually getting it to stay inside.

"Bizarre sensation..." he muttered, "now, for the real test." Reef rose to his feet and walked a little awkwardly over to a bush. Then he brandished a claw and made the blade reappear in the exact position of his middle talon, a long and wickedly sharp piece of steel sliding out and taking the place of the talon-shaped goo. It was extremely impressive and intimidating for about two seconds, before Reef reflexively extruded it completely and the blade dropped to the ground.

“Oh uh... you probly don’t wanna lose your em... grip on it,” Blaze said with concern, trotting forward to the hippogriff and the downed blade. “Mind tellin' me how’s this gonna help you defend ponies, again?”

Reef seemed embarrassed, stepping away from the pony and looking away. "It just seemed that, well, if one still had one's talons then..." he trailed off. "I realise I don't possess the hunting skills of Grenelda, or likely even Gustus, but at least it's a... known quantity, if you catch my drift? Whereas trying to make use of these new abilities... you saw how that went in the mine. Trying something for the first time in a fight for one's life, nearly got Sails and myself killed."

Lifting a hoof, Blaze said cautiously, “Wellll I wouldn’t say you almost—”

“Are you nuts?!” Sprocket finally blurted out after staring in shocked silence the whole time. The creamy-pink engineer stomped up to Reef Skimmer saying in amazement, “You are nuts, aren’t you? I thought you were just some doctor, but you’re a freakin' crazy badass warrior! Breaking creatures in half and melting their skin off’s not good enough for you, you also gotta have a knife to cut ‘em with? Luna’s tits man, that is just wicked suck!”

Reef Skimmer was taken aback by the unicorn's outburst. "Well I- That is to say... taking down one surprised spellcaster is one thing but... you weren't there at the mine. Big purple brute the size of an orca, gave it the water blast treatment but the thing pretty much shrugged it off. I thought perhaps dissolve the beast, but one ended up impaled on a stalactite. Sails had to step up and take it down... one wonders how she became so proficient with axes..." Reef stared into space for a moment, smiling as he recalled the Captain's heroic defeat of the splatterpillar.

“I don’t know you gotta get proficient with axes, don’t you just swing ‘em?” Sprocket said, her confidence dimming as she spoke, “I didn’t know you got your tail kicked in that mine. But uh... you... remember why that spell lady was surprised, don’t you?”

The hippogriff looked down at the unicorn, wondering what she was getting at. "Sudden explosions of spray with no water source in sight are presumably a rare occurrence even in these parts," he said dryly.

Sprocket's ears went flat, as she lowered her hoof and said, “Seriously? You seriously don’t remember.” she said in less than impressment. Lighting up her horn, Sprocket’s magic did a thing, sparking a growing fireball right at the tip of her horn. “You remember this at least, dontcha?” the mare asked coolly.

"Certainly," he admitted. "Your spellwork was instrumental in revealing the number and location of the enemy, not to mention supressing the caster for a critical moment."

“It was my magic project back in school,” Sprocket said distractedly, staring at the flame before sending it streaking up to burst far overhead. “Lets you light things on fire outside the range of ya horn field. And uh... wake up phoenixes turns out.”

Her eyes refocused on the hippogriff. “So yeah, I was throwin' those fireballs at her. That’s why she was off guard. I wasn’t trying to kill her but... I kinda killed her too, because we were working together. That’s how ponies get stuff done. So get yourself a knife or whatever, but it don’t count as a fail if you get your tail kicked, and it lets your friend step in and... finish the job. You still killed ‘em just as dead.”

Reef ducked his head, seeming unconvinced. "I don't suppose you have any more like that?" he asked Blaze hopefully. "One has a variety of surgical implements of course, but nothing that would fit so neatly."

“You know, I had a few knives to work with in that battle,” Blaze said thoughtfully, picking up the talon-like knife, and carefully wiping it off on her shoulder fur, “But that caterpillar beast was tough! I don’t know that having a knife, or talon would’ve helped much. But your melty thing... it sure noticed that. Honestly, those water tricks you got are a lot more powerful than... than anything I could give ya.”

"In principle perhaps," Reef admitted. "In the heat of battle though, one feels as if one is... flailing around? Trying to apply it. Perhaps it's different for ponies; in the Navy everygriff must drill for close combat, all in the manual you know, such that action in a crisis is a matter of reflex. I suppose that's more hinderance now than help."

He looked from Blaze to Sprocket and back. "Oh, I am sorry. I suppose this does sound a little ridiculous. It's just... Azure makes it look so easy, you know? Infused with alien magic and she's creating typhoons and calling down lightning as if it was nothing."

“So why’re you bothering with knives then?” Sprocket asked, patting Reef on the shoulder, “You oughta be drilling for close combat with what you got, if you feel like you’re flailing around with it.”

“She has a point,” Blaze said with an apologetic smile, “Seems like your problem is not that alien magic, but the fact that you need more practice. Lose the old instincts, make new ones!”

“I been good at fire my whole life, so I dunno how that would be if I was suddenly shooting off water or something,” Sprocket said, shaking her head, “Still, you gotta do what’s effective, not what you think looks good. I know when you stuffed your... tentacle thing down that... spider lady’s throat and... made her sorta... burst, that was real... effective.”

"It is true that massive subdermal injection of pressurised water is likely to make short work of most creatures," Reef mused. He'd been horrified by what he'd done to the spider-creature, but... on reflection, was it really any worse than death by talon and beak? Arguably less so: it had been over in a moment. "Very well. But you must not tell all the mares back home that one has no talons to speak of. Why, I should never have a mate again!" The bird equivalent of a wry smile was lost on the ponies.

“Oh, you’re lookin’ for a mate, huh?” Blaze Trails remarked, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

Reef's expression slowly changed to shock as he realised what he'd said. "Well, erm, not as such... one is the only hippogriff on the ship you know..." A gulp. "There is perhaps one possibility, but one is still... working to make that feasible."

“Well I’m not namin’ names, but... I think you got a good chance,” Blaze said slyly, “So keep on at it.”

Fortunately his feathers concealed the blue blush. "Yes, well, be that as it may..." Reef quickly turned to Sprocket: "So! Woke up a flock of phoenixes, you say? That does sound exciting..."

The stepped sandstone pyramid thrust upward through the thick Fellissian jungle, pagoda at its summit baking in the morning sun. Deep within lay the cavernous central chamber, a vast hall of thick columns ringed by the statues of sphinxes of old. The space was dark and still: a sole guardian lounged near the sole exit, reading a dusty scroll. Yet he was not the only inhabitant of the space: nestled in its side chamber was the striking golden idol, its sapphire eyes aglow. The artefact was now host to an alien intelligence - alien to the Cloudbreak Islands, at least.

Summer Scribe was trapped in what was, as far as she knew, the greatest library of knowledge to exist anywhere in the Cloudbreak Islands. As thrilling as that was, she could only sit captive with nothing to do but think and relive ancient memories for so long, before the inaction became unbearable. Sure, it had only been a couple of days since Cloud Cutter and Clashing Gale came by for a chat, but the more Summer thought about her situation, the more it became clear that she'd have to take matters into her own hooves to secure her release.

The plan? Pretend to be a Sphinx Oracle, just like the ones of old, and make her demands. She'd skimmed a ton of relevant memories, more than enough to visualise herself as such a creature. The pony spirit inhabiting the golden statue focused her will, concentrating on a spot just in front of her. Ceramic whirled into existence: a leonine shape forming out of nothing. Glazed in cyan and blue with trim of gold, looking regal with all the relevant garb, and a smug not-quite-pony countenance.

Another moment of concentration and Summer was in this new body, animating lifeless clay as if it was a real creature. She settled into her new form, feeling it out... toed paws and wings, of all limbs! She felt them casually spread behind her, peering back with curious glee. "Ooh, I've never had real wings before. This should be fun to try out! ...Once I'm on the surface, of course."

"Okay, Summer - am I good to go? Do I look convincing? Sound convincing? Maybe deepen my voice a bit... Memorise some stump speech and jargon?" she muttered, ceramic paw-pads clinking on the stone floor as she pacing in her little cell - the pyramid's inner sanctum, sealed away behind the Earth gate.

Te'kepan was used to long stints guarding the Hall of Truth: sphinxes were patient creatures... most of the time. Without warning a voice boomed from the rear of the space, muffled by the barrier and echoing through the hall: "I want out! Let me out at once!"

To say the guardian was startled would be an understatement. He dropped his scroll and hurried over to investigate, arriving just in time to see the elemental seal flash white. The gate dissolved before his eyes... and out strode a glossy ceramic sphinx of cyan, blue and gold, with eyes narrowed and gaze stern. "I finally awaken from my slumber, and this is what I find? I've been left imprisoned in some cell like a discarded relic? Guardian, I demand to know whose decision this was!"

Te'kepan stared in shock at the avatar. There hadn't been an Oracle in his lifetime, or that of his mother; only his grandfather had spoken of the last desperate battle that had ravaged their home, and sacrifice that had ended it. "It cannot be... Oracle? They said... We thought you were gone forever!"

He bowed low, though his eyes didn't leave the avatar. Such a pale blue... he was certain the last oracle been moss green, unless the paintings were wrong? Still... he'd best keep his doubts to himself. Ne'kuno would know what to do. "Forgive us Oracle, but we are sworn to protect you from harm. Fellis is plagued by raiders without and vermin within; spider-creatures that would steal away what little magic remains."

The Oracle nodded quietly at the guardian's bow; her stern gaze softened slightly, though she still seemed troubled. "It appears I have slumbered far too long - for that I apologise. It took a long time to recover my strength and pull myself back from the edge of oblivion. I... hope I am still the same sphinx I once was." She closed her eyes for a moment and mimicked a calming breath.

"Is this what we've been reduced to in the mean time, then? Perhaps it is time I take care of my people once more, then. No mere vermin nor raiders can be allowed to scour our magnificence and force us into hiding and hoarding." The Oracle lifted and drops a ceramic lion paw, clinking on the stone. "Who is in charge? I request an audience at once."

Te'kepan looked around, unable to shake the feeling this was some kind of trick or joke - if so there was no hint of it in the dark, silent interior of the Hall of Truth. "Ne'kuno is First of the Guardians," he told the Oracle. "She is likely scouring the jungle for new burrows." He spread his wings: assuming this was the Oracle, he'd better make a good impression. "I will find her, tell her you request an audience!"

The Oracle nods sternly, "Good - thank you for your initiative. I will remain here until Ne'kuno arrives. I look forward to leading our Sphinxes out of fear once more."

Te'kepan's wingbeats died away as he flew away down the entrance hall... and Summer Sphinx fell back, collapsing to her haunches in relief. "Whew! That's a hard act to keep up. And I think Ne'kuno will be even harder to trick, but I've passed the first test." She rubbed at her forehead with a paw - marvelling at the weird, many-toed appendage... then realising there would never be a bead of sweat to wipe away, no matter how stressed she got.

"OK, time to prep again. How do I look... Wha!" Summer recoiled in shock, as she realised her feline hindquarters still bore her scroll and quill pen cutie mark. She silently thanked the gloom and the guard's poor powers of observation as she comically tried to rub rub rub at it with a footpaw... "Argh, don't tell me I can't fix this without..."

With a sigh, Summer got up and raced back into the golden statue's chamber. There was a loud shattering crash, like a dozen vases being dropped at once. A few minutes passed, then a brand new Summer Sphinx emerged: identical in every way, except with plain blue hips this time. "Whew: that's what I get for autopiloting the finer details! Gotta get this stuff right!"

Summer had no clock, no way to measure time in the maddening constancy of the pyramid's interior, but it seemed like perhaps half an hour before wingbeats echoed down the entrance tunnel. The leader of sphinxes had arrived, and not alone; two more of the creatures followed on each flank, forming a chevron with the golden-masked Ne'kuno at its tip. They padded cautiously through the puzzle room, alert for intruders. None were to be found, only the avatar of the Oracle, standing in the exact centre of the pyramid.

Summer Sphinx regarded her guests serenely, bowed low as they approached. "Ne'kuno, First of the Guardians - it is a pleasure to finally meet. I have awoken after a long, fitful slumber, to news that I have been gone far too long and our people are flanked by threats and scourges on all sides." She scraped an agitated forepaw on the stone floor. "This cannot be allowed to stand."

Ne'kuno stared at the ceramic sphinx, expression hidden behind her mask; after a lifetime of futile hope, of going through the motions because tradition and duty was all they had left, to actually meet the Oracle? It was too good to be true, but... "The return of the Oracle would be a wonderful thing!" she said carefully. "Yet, we are seekers of truth, and I find a hunger gnawing at me. Pray tell why you appear to us now, and so... different... to the Tu'yalla depicted yonder."

The deep red sphinx gestured with a feathery wing at one of the statues lining the perimeter of the hall - one Summer now recognised as the last of the Oracles. She'd drained her energy to nothing repelling the troll invaders, letting her consciousness flicker out. The line of Oracles had been broken that day, leaving the artefact empty for the first time since it was created.

Summer Sphinx nodded slowly, acknowledging the other's concern. "Indeed, it is most understandable. I have been gone so long, and my spirit broken into pieces, re-arranged in a nightmarish century of fever dreams nigh on oblivion. I do not know how much of the old Tu'yalla still remains - I believe I have been reborn a new, reconstructed from the empty wisps of what remained after my downfall."

She closed her eyes, in quiet contemplation. "I have been gone so long I'm sure I've passed into mythological history by now. I do not know why I am here now, besides that finally my spirit has clawed its way out of the depths and I can exist once more. It has... been some time."

Ne'kuno began to pace around the avatar in a wide circle, leaving her quartet of guards to stand mute and stunned (save for Te'kepan) near the entrance. "We held to our duty. We are sorely pressed by spiders and cyclopses, while sharks raid the north. Yet, we allowed those who seek knowledge to enter the Hall of Truth, even though the Oracle lay silent." She was far enough around now to look into the sanctum - the grave was still there, eyes glowing as blue as ever. "Surely you would not forget the tennents of Akk'tu'hesin?"

The Oracle nodded again, turning on all fours to maintain eye contact with Ne'kuno. "And I am pleased that you have maintained them in my absence." Her wiry, leonic tail flicked as she shifted to a grin. "I am not questioning that you have not done enough. Nay, you have done all you can in these desperate times. What I am suggesting is that with my return, we cower no longer. That we show Skylands that we are not a people who roll over and show their bellies in the face of adversity. Nay, that they once more have the Oracle on their side!" She swiped with a foreclaw, rumbling proudly.

Nekuno stopped pacing; the golden mask of Sa'ratch hid her frown, but her wings flicked in annoyance. "Inspiring words, Oracle..." a dip of the head, subservience but not submission, "but we are pressed on all sides. Spider-vermin gnaw at us from below, sharks descend to shatter the sacred pillars, Eonites and Kaosians alike come to pick over the bones of Fellis. Have you powers so great that you might rid us of these foes? Will you bring another earthen army to destroy them?" She made a show of looking around; "Forgive me, but I see only your avatar."

Of course Summer knew it would come to this. You couldn't exactly talk about a military operation without at least pretending to back it up! It was clear from her new memories that the Oracle could do more than just make bodies to inhabit: they could be given a life of their own. Limited, but enough to open up a great many possibilities - and in any shape she could visualise.

"Yes - it once took an army, did it not? And though I am still recovering my strength, I promise an army once more." Once again she marshalled her will, concentrates on shaping a Felyssian figure, a cat on two legs with her ceramic glaze and colours, a minimal intelligence that heard and obeyed. She would task it with simply walking out and presenting itself to her sphinx audience. "I believe, after all, I still have 'it'." The glazed sphinx smiled, inwardly praying this would work as intended!

The bipedal cat popped into existence just outside the open Earth gate, formed of glazed ceramic similar to the avatar. It seemed... fluffier than the felines Simmer had glimpsed as they evacuated the mystic's monastery. More like an oversized housecat than a cougar... in fact exactly like her old professor Musty Tome's cat, now she thought about it. That crusty mare should've retired a decade ago, instead of hanging onto her Principle Researcher post and throwing shade on the mostly-legal efforts of Junior Researchers just trying to make a name for themselves-

Summer's reverie was broken as the cat-golem walked straight into a sandstone pillar... and kept walking, face bumping against the stone with tink... tink... sounds as the legs continued to cycle, paws scraping over the stone.

The Oracle, dumbfounded at her own ineptitude, facepalmed and stiffled a nervous growl. "...Ahem." With a wave of her paw the newborn ceramic cat-creature corrected its heading, backing up a few steps and continuing to march forward as though nothing ever happened. Clearly she needed more practice! More immediately, she needed an excuse: "...Forgive me. The important part is, my powers have not faded with time. They just require sharpening."

The sphinxes stared with a mix of amazement and concern, unsure what to make of this undeniably authentic yet apparently inept Oracle. "That does seem to be the case," Ne'kuno said dryly, "Yet... this is the first golem to be created on Fellis since the Armory fell. Even such mindless automata could..." Enthusiasm crept into her voice as she considered the possibilities. "Yes, if we had a phalanx of these to draw the spidrow fire, flushed them out of their holes, perhaps we could cleanse them from the tunnels."

Summer was trying hard not to shake from the tension; for a moment it had seemed like she'd blow her cover, but... now things seemed to be going as she hoped. Even with her lack of experience on display, the mere hint of the legendary Oracle's powers was enough to bring a glimmer of hope. She fully planned on capitalising on that.

Summer Sphinx nodded eagerly, wings spreading and tail swishing pridefully. "Yes! A little time to hone my skills once more, then the spidrow must be shown their place." Though in truth, she was considering her next move: Summer didn't want to lead the Sphinxes into a prolonged and bloodthirsty war. What she really wanted was to aid her ponies by any means necessary. What if... "And in this war, do we have any allies available to us who could help?" She asked Ne'kuno, curiosity hinted in her eyes. "Perhaps even unlikely friends could be spurred to help with myself to rally around."

Ne'kuno sat her rump on the stone, staring at the Oracle (or at least, her avatar). This felt so strange... for the Oracle to appear now, after decades of silence, and she was so... casual? And direct... as if her near-destruction was nothing. The sphinx tilted her head, considering how to proceed. Perhaps the shattering of Tu'yalla's mind had regressed her in some ways.

"Oracle, the Fellisian alliance lies in ruins," the guardian said sombrely. "The Mystics make common cause with us, for the vermin covet their magic even over our own, yet they will not pursue the problem to its lair. As for the Couatan, they offer alliance but demand we strike against the isle of the sharks in return." Her tone was bitter. "Ze'noath councils against it."

"The place is a fortress, dotted with redoubts and bristling with cannons," the big male rumbled. "To say nothing of the great steel monstrosity that travels across the land, belching fire and smoke. Even if we could destroy such a thing, it would doubtless leave us decimated."

The Oracle lowered her head, as though deep in thought, her tail flicking before she answered: "Hmm... yes. We cannot replace one problem with an even greater one. I am sorry to hear that our alliance has deteriorated so. Perhaps the Mystics could be convinced to lend us aid once again..." She shook her head. "And in the case we cannot... are there any unconventional allies we could draw upon, perhaps? Has this island had any new visitors in my absence?" Summer knew she couldn't bring up ponies unprompted; she needed to guide the conversation that way...

"A few still come to trade at the old docks: mabu, gillfolk, even a renegade troll," Te'kepan chimed in, eager to show his knowledge. "Many pilgrims, though some were merely raiders in disguise, seeking to steal the grave- your body, that is. In times of old we might petition the Skylanders, but none have seen them since Re'pippi passed on the mask." A pause, then he said curiously "There were some strange creatures, four days past. Infused with Air, Water and Magic, but claiming not to know of the Eonites."

"They fought the vermin, though not by choice I think." Ze'noath added. "If they are to be believed, the spidrow were tampering with the seal on your chamber. Had the strangers not interrupted them, you might find yourself awakening in the vermin's nest."

"It would never have come to that!" Ne'kuno said angrily, crystal eyepieces literally flashing.

Summer listened in closely: of course she was very familiar the events in question, but it was interesting to hear what the sphinxes were aware of and how they interpreted it. "What is this? You say creatures of the Elements saved my essence from being drained right before my awakening? ... Fascinating."

She closed her eyes, drawing in her wings and placing her head in her forepaws as she pretended to think. "Whatever their true motives may be... If they possess power, and share a common enemy, we should not rule them out as an option." Nodding to Ze'noath, she asked, "Do you know where they have gone since?"

The male sphinx paused for a moment, waiting to see if Ne'kuno would speak, but she just glowered. "They claimed to be from beyond the Endless Storm," he explained "unlikely as that seems... perhaps an outlying island caught within the storm itself, or a plane apart from Skylands entirely? Two were unicorns of legend, unseen by even our people since before the Cataclysm. Two were griffons, and the fifth perhaps a hybrid, with hooves and wings but no horn."

Ne'kuno bit her lip then purred: "I bid them return in a fortnight, to speak further of their lands. They spoke of sphinxes in this 'Equestria', sphinxes grown to enormous size and power. I thought perhaps... the Spell of Transference... Tell me Oracle, what do you know of unicorns and their kin?"

The Oracle perked up, seeming more and more interested. "Fascinating... A creature we've never seen before? Making such far-fetched claims, too." Her brow furrowed. "To come from this... 'Equestria'? To claim of their own Sphinxes? Such unbelievable sightings can only be a sign of the times we live in. Perhaps I could not have awoken any sooner or later - perhaps it was fated to be right now."

"...Forgive me if my curiosity burns, but I wish to see them with my own eyes. I have never seen a living unicorn before - and I suspect that they may be something new altogether, if they speak truth." She scrapes a foreclaw at the stone floor, as though anxious. "In a fortnight, I see. Must I wait so long? Suppose it cannot be helped?"

"We needed time to attend to our defences!" Ne'kuno said defensively. "Never? Do you not possess the knowledge of all who became Oracle, since the time of Akk'tu'hesin?" she challenged.

Summer smirked at that reply... then nodded slowly. "Indeed, that I do. But I myself have never seen one myself. Memories and stories, true though they may be, are not the same. Am I not allowed to indulge in my curiosity, Ne'kuno?"

"Of course... Oracle." Ne'kuno made a show of licking her claw, brushing off the reprimand.

Te'kepan was quick to fill the silence: "Oracle, one of the unicorns was lost to the vermin! If not dead, then a fate worse than death, cocooned and drained of essence. Perhaps they believe their comrade might still be saved; if not, the promise of vengeance might entice them."

Summer takes a moment to realise that, yes, she was the unicorn who supposedly got kidnapped by the spidrow. Perfect: it seemed the cover story was working wonders! She flicked her ears and gazed at Te'kepan with clear interest. "Really now? It brings me sorrow to hear such a noble and elusive creature might fall prey to such savages." A sad frown.

"But... all the better if it means prospects of an alliance may blossom. I shall be sure to bring it up at our meeting." A flick of her tail betrayed inner anxiety - it seemed like a lot more waiting. She was out of her cell, the sphinxes hung on her every word; it felt like she should be more proactive! But asking to be taken to the Drider-infested tunnels 'just to have a look around' wouldn't go down well. Oh well; perhaps she'd think of something else soon. For now, "I feel... clearly I need to practice. There may be war in our future, and I don't want to be unprepared. Is there anything else we must discuss, presently?"

"There is much you could tell us, Oracle, much that has been lost-" Ze'noath began.

"Nothing so urgent as to preclude regaining your full power, Oracle!" Ne'kuno said quickly. "We shall leave you to your meditations!" There was indeed much to discuss... out of earshot of the Oracle.

Summer cracked a smile at that. "Yes, in due time, dear sphinx. Rest assured that I don't plan on going anywhere, and the knowledge of the Oracle is safe with me. When there are not matters of higher urgency occupying my time, I will gladly pass it on once more." She nodded in assent to Ne'kuno: "Very good."

"We are yours to command, Oracle." As long as the commands were in the best interests of sphinx-kind, at least. Ne'kuno bowed low, and the other guardians followed her example. Then she turned and hurried out of the pyramid, with the others padding behind. Summer was alone once more... save for the pussycat-golem, now walking mindlessly into one of the outer walls.

Summer slumped again, shaking and sighing with relief. Then she walked over and tapped the feline-golem on the head, sending it a command to dismiss and watching as it crumbled, collapsing into a pile of ceramic shards. "Thanks, lil cat - you've done enough for now."

With that the 'Oracle' returned to her chamber to plan her next steps. For starters she needed to get a lot better at golem making. Then she'd have to figure out what she - and her new sphinx allies - could do to help the pony cause. Maybe not going down into the tunnels just yet, but... perhaps some reason to visit the northern pyramid could be concocted?

Author's Note:

This story is a collaboration between myself (playing Reef Skimmer and the sphinxes), Ferret (playing Sprocket and Nutmeg Inferno), Patashu (playing Summer Scribe) and Spearmint (playing Azure Feather), based on an online RP.

This chapter combines three extra 1:1 sessions (Ferret / Patashu, Starglider / Ferret and Starglider / Patashu), setting things up for the final trip to Fellis. Patashu took Blaze for the first part, Ferret for the second. I didn't intend for Fellis to be quite this elaborate, but after the shark negotiation Ferret asked for somewhere 'interesting to explore', so I drew that big map, and then the ponies insisted on visiting most of it... (although we never made it to the destroyed fortress of the lion-golems).

As you can tell I liked the idea of griffons being insecure about losing their talons; ponies might find those weird branching knife-tipped appendages scary, but for a griff (of either flavour) they're essential and a point of pride. Of course the major development here is Summer Scribe going full on Goddess Queen of the Flying Mystery Lions. Let's hope she can keep up the deception or things are going to go sideways fast...