• Published 26th Apr 2020
  • 2,595 Views, 70 Comments

Expedition to the Cloudbreak Islands - Starglider

Ponies and friends set out to explore legendary floating islands, travelling in two experimental airships capable of piercing the permenant storm wall. A new world awaits them, populated by strange creatures and filled with unknown magic.

  • ...


The crypt of the great pyramid was an enormous gloomy chamber, in which hundreds of floating graves slowly orbited the central plaza. There, at the heart of the structure, the explorers stood face to face with a glowing apparition. With a humanoid torso rising from a lion's body the old mystic resembled a centaur in general form, though his features were fully feline. The translucent face was twisted into a scowl, from the revelation that the mystic's grand plan to revive Fellis had been derailed by ignorance and superstition.

"What happened here, anyway?" Set Sail asked with a haunted look in her eyes, "What could've hit you so hard that... that it caused this mess in the first place? We flew by this pit; this... crater that was just unimaginably huge."

Logoros regarded the pegasus coolly for a moment, considering how to sum up the fall of his city. "All was chaos and confusion in the aftermath of the cataclysm," the spirit intoned. "Many islands lost to the grey before the sacrifice, and many more in the deed itself. The peacekeepers - the Skylanders - were gone. The Kaosians saw an opportunity to achieve their longed-for domination."

"Oh it took a few years of squabbling, struggling for dominance, but soon enough they were united and striking out to subjugate the free peoples. Resistance was minimal at first, but as they pushed west Mabu and Elf set aside their differences and combined their forces. To maintain the advance the Kaosians needed weapons, raw materials... and slaves. Fellis was rich, yet weakened, our hunting grounds curtailed and our people hungry and scared. The Kaosians came in overwhelming force, blackening the sky with their ships and swarming through city streets and virgin forest alike."

The ghostly cat-taur stared into space, his expression pained. "...Much was sacrificed to turn back the tide. Our laboratory spent a month under siege from cyclopses, spellfire tearing at the walls even as we worked to prime the Eye. The leonoids threw themselves into battle, each casualty taking a hundred trolls to the grave with them, yet even that was not enough. The trolls breached the great armoury, and in a final act of defiance our creations destroyed their own fortress, to ensure their weapons would never be used for evil."

Logoros sighed. "At last the Eye was open, rending the enemy fleet, yet their footsoldiers still marched across our island, intent on killing every cat that remained. It took the supreme effort of the sphinxes' Oracle to put an end to it, their numbers matched and overwhelmed by her waves of clay warriors. Yet that too was a sacrifice, for Tu'yalla's energies were drained to nothing. The line of the Oracles was ended, the sphinxes left to guard a lifeless grave."

"But thanks to their efforts, Fellis survived!" Te'summi said hopefully, "And our sacrifice stalled the Kaosian advance, gave the Eonites time to unite and resist. Even in death, the Fellissian alliance saved Skylands!"

"Indeed, quite the campaign! Stuff of legends even," Reef Skimmer suggested, joining the sphinx in trying to lighten the mood.

Logoros just scowled. "It was a desperate, brutal time," he said flatly. "Legends are rarely pleasant to live through. We speak poetically now of the War of Light and Darkness, or the Arkeyan Rebellion, but I have no doubt the creatures of those eras found them equally trying."

Grenelda tapped a claw on her beak, for once keeping her thoughts to herself. It sure sounded like the local cats had a hell of a rough history: griffons were no stranger to that. Figured that they'd end up moping around and complaining about their lost former glory, instead of seeing the opportunities right in front of their own eyes. The revelations were coming thick and fast and that probably meant a change in plans, but they could figure that out later.

“How awful...” Set Sail said, her tail low: 'a force so terrible it blackened the skies' sounded just like what the Storm King had done to Canterlot, and these creatures had no alicorns to rescue them. “That explains so much. This island isn’t isn’t doing so well, because you’re all... still wounded, too weak to heal yourselves. But the danger is passed; you can heal now, you just need a little help from—from somepony else.”

“They’re not going to heal that crater,” Cloud Cutter pointed out, her tone sceptical and her glowing eyes as blank as ever, “It would take a century - at best - to turn that into anything it used to be.”

“No, I mean their... their friendships,” Set Sail said, rubbing her forehead with a hoof as she thought it over. Looking up at Logoros, the pegasus said, “The sharks have been raiding Fellis to harvest the pillars, and they sent us to destroy the Eye so they could do so without their people getting killed. I came here to find out what they weren’t telling us, and it turns out that if your people harvest the pillars, then the sharks will still get their metal without losing their lives, but they won’t be able to do it by ripping us all off. And we’d be fools to destroy the Eye.”

Clashing Gale backed up and stood quietly, letting Set Sail say her piece. The curiosity burning within him was by no means quenched, but the captain's questions took priority. The fate of the entire expedition hung on her ability to find allies. His own remaining queries were far more selfish in nature - though not solely personal, as his whole team had undergone the Undead transformation.

Flustered for a moment, the brown pegasus looked away, nervous at what she had to say next. She gulped and came out with it: “Me and my crew are in trouble; our ship is heavily damaged, and there are pirates trying to eat us. We’re sitting ducks out there. If we could move to Felis, then we could help you out, and... be a little bit safer from getting destroyed."

"But your people won’t talk to us; they think we’re working with the sharks to steal their hope for the future," she lamented. "I can’t promise any miracles, but we’ll try to get your people to come here and speak with you so that they can learn the truth and end this silly raiding once and for all. So could you maybe... mention that we were here trying to help? I’d like to have at least a chance to show Felis that we’re not here to hurt them.”

Logoros stared at them for a while, absorbing Set Sail's little speech. "A damaged ship, pursued by pirates, doing deals with sharks. Then you braved spidrow and worse, breeched the seals... out of curiosity? I doubt even a sphinx would do so much, not when mere survival was in question." His dead eyes glowed with unnatural light, a predator's piercing stare boring into ponies. "You sought to close the Eye, in return for repairs or shelter. Nothing less could justify such a risk! Yet now you would abandon that deal?"

A pause, then he said sadly "Perhaps you speak truth. I know little of the present, what lies now beyond these walls. Call upon me again, and I shall say you came in peace, nothing more, nothing less. Yet I warn you... seek not to sabotage the Eye, lest you awaken the wrath of Gnosym."

“What deal?” Set Sail asked irritably, “They said they’d repair our ship if we turned off the Eye. I said we’d keep that in mind. I didn’t come here because it was dangerous. The flipping spidrow nest is just as safe as anywhere else in these blasted islands. When you don’t know what to do, all you can do is investigate. You call that curiosity? The sharks didn’t tell the truth; they didn’t know the truth, but they gave me a clue, so I followed it. The bleeding ship can drop into the abyss as long as my crew is safe. I just—”

Realising she wasn't exactly being diplomatic, her hoof went to her face. At length the acting captain said: “Sorry, yes you have my word we won’t do anything stupid about the Eye. For all that it kills things, it’s an amazing creation. Thank you for... giving us your consideration at least. I wish you all luck when, hopefully, your people return to this place.”

"Little horse, I have no way of verifying what you say," Logoros set, with a hint of frustration in his voice. "What is certain is that you rescued Te'summi and gave me this chance to empower her. For that alone I hope you find peace." Turning to Te'summi, he said "Take this, as tool and proof. It will unseal the main entrance, and if anything of the Conclave remains, convince my kin that you gained the trust of the great Logoros." With a wave of his ethereal paw there came a click from the monolith. The metal clamps had popped open, releasing the elaborate stave that sat before the tomb.

The orange-furred sphinx crept forward, whispering "Should I... you would entrust your staff to me?" At the spirit's nod she reached out and took it, tucking it under one wing. "Oh, thank you Archmage!" she said, sinking into a bow.

Watching Te'summi's take the blessing, Set Sail cast her eyes down in a little bow as well. She wasn't sure anything else could be said at this point. They needed deeds, not words.

Grenelda whistled then asked the question that's surely on everyone's mind: "Cool staff. What's it do? Is it blasty?" Logoros didn't look like he was going to answer - typical, the old bastard was clearly tight-fisted when it came to giving out magic power - so she just clicked her beak and smiled. "Hopin' the rest of the cats can be as reasonable as you! If it goes the way it oughta, you'll all own this island once again." 'We're gonna play both sides,' she thought, 'force 'em to make up and then taking down the Drow'll be no problem. Excellent!' The hen was practically daydreaming about where they'd go from there.

Logoros looked thoughtful. "The sharks of my time... struck a hard bargain, but delivered on their promises." He shook his head. "Only the leaders of this time can decide. Have a care, griffon, that your reach does not exceed your grasp."

Cloud Cutter sighed, trying to appear supportive, even as she wondered if she'd have to look elsewhere for her own answers. At least no one else had been turned into a zombie, and they'd learned things that would be of great use to the mission. Still... she began to walk away from the monolith, but then turned back to the spirit, saying fussily: “I realise you seem to have done it out of some... sort of obligation.” The purple pegasus gave a meaningful look at the intricately carved obelisks, resonating with unseen power: it seemed like the spirit was anchored to them. “But if I might ask... how did you become Undead? Instead of just dead dead?”

The spirit gave the pegasus an unreadable look, then explained slowly: "All spirits tarry for a time in the deadlands, though it may be a day or a millennium. Those of us with... fetters, obligations, things that forbid rest... we remain longer. And those with certain... knowledge, or affinity, they may still have the power to manifest in the lands of the living. For me, a gatekeeper must open the way, though once it is done I can do more than most."

Logoros paused, cocking his head with a quizzical expression. "These things are known to all Elementals of Unlife. You need only meditate, open your mind to the energies that animate you. Answers will come, though perhaps not so plainly as I would speak."

Clashing Gale stepped forward, listening intently. This was it: Set Sail's conversation had wound down and it was likely now or never to get the answers he wanted. Open his mind, the spirit said. In a flash, the realisation came: in the heart of the storm, that moment when the energy had burst out of the malfunctioning storm piercer. He'd assumed he'd been knocked out cold, along with the rest of his crew. But no... they weren't supposed to survive that. The Undead element... the powers at work here must have seen an opportunity: unsuspecting, fresh new souls to claim for their own. If it hadn't been for the alien magic, only corpses would have emerged from the storm.

The batpony's shoulders slumped, his membranous wings drawing tight like a cloak. They should have been consumed by the storm. Yet here they were. He had to look away from the others as it all came together in his mind: there was no 'choice'. And there was no altering this. If the Undead element hadn't raised its bony hand to keep them... well not alive exactly, but still walking and talking... then the crew would be down seven ponies and have even less chance of returning to Equestria.

Seeing her superior lost in thought but unable to read his mind, Cloud Cutter continued to interrogate the ghostly mystic. “I’ll... keep that in mind,” the purple pegasus said in a troubled tone, with one cautious hoof raised, “Have any spirits, or... or other things Undead ever gone the other way? I realize it’s impossible it’s just...”

"Ah, you regret going down this path?" The ancient feline's expression remained mysterious, but his tone became sympathetic. "The Elements may withdraw their favour from a creature that merely taps their power, but a true melding of creature and Element... that transformation cannot be undone. The Elements do not give up their chosen, Unlife least of all."

His gaze went to the batpony. "Millenia ago, a coven of witches thought as you did. They sought to use distilled Life to reverse the process. And thus vampires came into being." A pregnant pause, then a dry chuckle. "Oh it was not so bad. According to the story, the first few centuries were... strained, but Unlife came to appreciate the unique contributions your kind brought to the fiesta."

Clashing Gale was pulled out of his reverie as the spirit spoke to him directly. The remaining pieces of his mental puzzle had been dropped right in his lap: the origins of this realm's vampires, transforming him into what he was... the fact that he couldn't go back, and maybe the most important thing... "Just... meditate on the energies within and understanding will come..." he murmured, wondering if he'd ever be calm enough for that to work.

"I... I understand," Cloud Cutter said raggedly, head sagging despite herself, "Thank you for... sharing that; it explains a lot about what Clashing has been going through. I'm... I—I have no further questions, thank you.”

There was no point trying to bargain with a spirit who had no more say in these rules than she did. The undead pegasus turned and galloped away, her wings spreading for what that's worth as she leapt off the edge of the pillar and rose into the air. Everycreature stared after her for a few seconds, then came a shout: "Now see here!"

Reef Skimmer. It could only be Reef Skimmer, stamping a slightly gloopy claw on the stone. "That is simply unacceptable! These ponies are in need of treatment, not platitudes!"

"Griffon, you try my patience." Logoros growled. "Treatment? I just explained how creatures far more wise than you failed to-"

"Failed to remove this 'unlife', yes one will credit that, but what of restoring other abilities? The touch of Air that you sensed in the Captain... all pegasi share it. Until it was cut off by your unnatural energies!"

Clashing's own question died in his throat as the Doctor said what he was thinking, and much more forcefully at that. Yet... in truth he had to agree with the spirit. "Doctor Skimmer..." he began, "I'm not sure what treatment is possible, seeing as, well... if it wasn't for the Undead element, I wouldn't be not here right now, nor Cloud Cutter, nor anyone else on the Storm Piercer squad."

The batpony turned to the spirit and bowed stiffy: "Thank you for the answers, Logoros. Please forgive the Doctor's outburst... but he does speak truth. All Pegasi share a connection to the Element of Air, and Cloud Cutter seeks to attain that connection again. Is there a way to aid her?" He found no words to explain it further... he knew what she wanted, but the Undead element had already asked for her soul, for all of his squad's souls...

The spirit crossed his arms. "Your concern is touching, gatekeeper, but the Elements do not share their Champions," he growled. "Spellcraft may allow the use of other energies, by keeping them at arm's length... but you do not strike me as a mage."

"Margret Bellcrank!" Reef shouted, with claws tensed and feathers fluffed out. Seeing Logoros scowl he said: "Ah so you do know the name. Nutmeg mentioned that the Skylanders said that... well never mind, the point is, she became Undead yet retained her Tech. So it must be possible!"

"A... special case." Logoros admitted. "One in a million. It is true, that one got Unlife to admit Tech back into her form... either she was exceptionally persuasive, or impossibly stubborn." He shook his head dismissively. "No other has repeated the feat before or since."

"But... it is possible." Clashing Gale concluded. "One being... two elements. Hmm. Certainly a piece of knowledge Cloud Cutter will want to hear. And... one that could help her, too," he mused, thinking of Mystic Rune and her crippled horn; yes, many would like to hear of this...

Set Sail was looking between the hippogriff and the spirit with increasing anxiety. They seemed to be civil, but... “Reef, Archmage Logoros is not trying to deceive us here, and he knows what he’s talking about,” she said placatingly, “It’s just very unlikely to be the... solution. I know you’ve been frustrated with being unable to heal Cloud Cutter and the others, but they’re not suffering from any malady. There’s nothing wrong with her; there’s just something... Else.”

For once the grey hippogriff did not defer to his superior. He looked sadly after the departed pegasus, then said firmly: "Captain, the mare is clinically depressed. Perhaps even suicidal. As Clashing here says, we must pursue every possibility for treatment."

The avian eyed the glowing spirit thoughtfully, then trotted closer. "Now Logoros, old fellow, this is a fascinating predicament, wouldn't you say? Experimental treatment, one success that nogriff has been able to replicate? Worthy of a proper clinical trail, surely? Now what conditions might we need to recreate the effect?"

Logoros shot the suddenly-chummy griff a sceptical look. "The forces of Air and Unlife would have to accept the creature as a shared vessel," he said dubiously.

"Indeed, quite so," Reef Skimmer said, as if he understood the forces at work. "Now there are of course zones where Water choses to mingle with the other Elements. Even a certain Locker where it combines with Undead! Now I don't know about Air, but if there were a nexus where Air and Undead meet up for tea and scones... wouldn't you say that's just the place for our little experiment?"

"Difficult... but not impossible." Clashing Gale remarked fairly quietly. Goodness, maybe this would work, as he managed a bit of a smile...

“Experiment?! But—I—I don’t want to question your profession doctor, but...” Set Sail said quietly, the fussy brown pegasus fidgeting unsurely as she realised neither creature was listening to her.

Clashing Gale gave her a wan smile by way of reassurance. "Trying to recreate something that's only happened once, working out what's needed to do so.... what else do you want to call it?" He spirits were rising now that there was some hope for his friend; a part of him wondered if that was the Doctor's intention all along.

Set Sail's words fell on deaf ears: Logoros was starting to warm to the idea. "The nexus of concordance... that would be the logical place yes. Ah, my apologies, griffon... clearly you too have made a study of the Elements. If the subject enters the Eternal Organ, contacts the two Elements, then perhaps..."

He turned to the whispering ponies, a smile on his face for the first time since he'd awoken: "One exceptional creature hardly constitutes a pattern. Yet as this watery griff says, if in doubt, experiment!" A bone-dry chuckle. "You will need an Air elemental of course, to open the gate."

“M-maybe we’ll consider it, but maybe we should just... talk to her?” Set Sail asked with a weak smile.

The two strange stallions, feline spirit and hippogriff, seemed to be bonding over their enthusiasm for the experiment. Reef waved a wing at Set Sail dismissively: "Yes yes consent forms and so on, the usual procedure. So Logarithm, where would you say this Eternal Organ is exactly?"

"Logoros," the mystic corrected amiably. "Oh on the northern rim of course, though things shifted around so much in the cataclysm... You'd best consult a local."

Clashing Gale nodded to Logoros... yet it was there that he blinked. "That... that is no problem, we have a Champion of Air in our ranks... one that..." He looked to the captain, a curious look on his face. "Care if I inquire on one more point, Captain?"

"Oh of course, Clashing!" Set Sail said, caught off guard and a bit surprised that he'd ask, still.

"Just checking, Captain. Thank you." He then turned to Logoros once more. "We have an Air Elemental in our ranks that had her connection to the element of Magic severed by her transformation... could I inquire on the location of a... a nexus where those two elements are present?"

The spirit's enthusiasm drained away as he regarded the vampire pony. "Gatekeeper, understand that even one such miracle is a near impossibility. There is a precedent for Unlife permitting another element, albeit a singular one, but combining arbitrary elements..." He shook his head. "Many villainous Elementals have sought further power from a second Element. In all of recorded history, none have succeeded. Yet..." He looked to Reef again. "I bid you return, and share your results with the Conclave. In the unlikely event of success... perhaps we could proceed to further trials."

Just as the spirit's enthusiasm drained away, so did Clashing's smile. "Understood," he remarked simply, trying to suppress his annoyance at the mere thought of Azure being a villain; there wouldn't be any more questions from him that day.

“Provided they no longer accuse us of conspiring against them after this, we’ll be happy to share anything we find,” Set Sail said, eyeing Reef warily, “We really should be going though, before our friends start to worry about us. We don’t want to overstay our welcome.”

"I thank you again, for this blessing!" Te'summi called out; the talk of Elementals had be fascinating but mostly over her head. "Ah, my companion is gone... I must ask anew, if another flyer could assist..."

“I’ll be happy to, Te’summi,” Set Sail said with a smile, “I didn’t...” she paused confused for a moment, “...see if you needed to be carried, when you came in. Are you okay with just a boost?”

The young sphinx spread her wings, and with Set Sail's help rose up into the still air of the crypt. Reef Skimmer bid the spirit farewell and reverted to his tentacled form and took Grenelda for another reluctant water-jet ride. Clashing Gale was last to depart, spiralling up over the rotating rings of floating graves, then gliding down to following the others through the elemental gate. It closed behind them, the metal disc with its misshapen skull fading back into existence between the pillars.

Clashing Gale was happy to see the four ponies they'd left behind safe and sound and eager to hear what they'd found beyond the gate. Melonwater was lying there with Sprocket as they hurried up to them, holding the mare in a tender embrace, sleeping like a baby. Sprocket made a shushing motion with her hoof.

Blaze Trails was passing the time by carving: she had a knife out to a piece of wood she was carrying in her pack, and she was whittling away at it, forming some kind of curved shape. Maybe the start of a head? As her companions approached she quickly put the distraction away, relief evident on her face as she welcomed the rest of the party back.

Her eyes wandering from Cloud Cutter to Clashing Gale to Set Sail. Grenelda, at least, looks a mix of disappointed and bored. Didn't find what she was hoping for? She'd honestly expected somepony would be changed by the energies inside the nexus, and was pleasantly surprised that no one seemed affected. "Glad to see y'all back and in good shape! So... what was it like inside? Learn anything useful?"

“More than useful,” Set Sail said gladly, “We learned why this pyramid was created, and why destroying the laser would be a very bad idea.”

“Assuming they don’t just lock us out and tell us to never return,” Cloud Cutter pointed out dryly.

Clashing Gale tried to cheer he up: "Doubtful, considering that we're the key to solving their shark problem, one way or the other. That's gotta be worth something." At minimum safe harbour and free passage, he thought.

Blaze Trails tilted her head, not quite getting the implications: "So what's the big deal? We hoping for an alliance with the cats, all of a sudden? Rescuing Te'summi should earn us some favour, but..." As Set Sail explains the nature of the feline superstition surrounding the pillars, the earth pony gave a wry chuckle. "Oooh... now that is something worth knowin'. Poor things had the wrong idea all along.. Can't believe they're suffering so much over a gut feeling gone wrong."

The rest of the story came as they continued up the shaft, spiralling around on the huge ramps. The air slowly warmed until they reached a grand hallway, richly decorated with statues and mosaics. At one end they caught a glimpse of another vast room, filled with curious shapes and twinkling patterns of light: the ritual chamber at the heart of the pyramid. The other direction led to a substantial door, made from a single block of polished stone. Te'summi quickly found the right metal plate and touched the staff of Logoros to the corresponding symbol...

The sphinxes returned to the pyramid bearing a large wooden structure, a sturdy platform with two long poles and something like a gazebo built on top of it. It was covered in elaborate carvings and gold inlays, albeit with paint peeling in places. They reverently loaded the golden sphinx statue that now constituted Summer's true body onto the palanquin; the feel of paws on her metallic form was at once familiar and disturbingly alien to the new Oracle. Ze'noath and Te'kepan went to the front and each strapped one of the long poles to their back, while the other two sphinxes took positions at the rear.

It seemed sphinx flight worked on similar principles to pegasi, in that they could extend the mass-lightening effect to carts and similar items they were attached to. At Summer's query Ze'noath confirmed that in a pinch two sphinxes could fly her, but that four was less exhausting and altogether more impressive. The group padded down the entrance hall and emerged into the dappled sunlight of the statue-lined avenue. The sights and sounds of the surrounding jungle were sweet relief to Summer, who'd been stuck in the quiet gloom of the pyramid interior for four days now.

From there the group took flight. Summer's quartet of ceramic sphinx golems flapped into the air first, stiffly and clumsily but still not bad for a first attempt (she told herself). With the short stint of practice under her belt, her avatar was next to take wing. It was somewhat like her experience with Azure's butterfly wing spell, albeit with a bit more aerodynamics and less magic. Her wide wings seemed quite sufficient to carry her, though she was pretty sure she couldn't do that mass-lightening trick pegasi used to haul heavy objects around.

Finally the sphinxes carrying her palanquin rose into the air. The group joined up and headed north over the jungle, then bore north-west over the island's central lake. Summer was intrigued by the strange sensation, the cold metallic alien feel of her statue being carried along - a phantom touch lacking a mapping to any natural body part - while existing in a separate location that was also 'her', her avatar. Occasionally she looked back at 'herself' to remind herself where she actually was in space.

Ze'noath made a point of guiding them down to a low pass over a village nestled in the trees: the home of the hunter cats who'd hassled the ponies at the monastery. Dozens of bipedal cougars and a pair of feline taurs pointed and stared, both at the Oracle itself and Summer's ceramic creations.

Summer returned the favour, scanned the settlement below - rather rough and makeshift compared to even the other cat village - and there was Blaze's tent, set up next to one of the huts! Summer filed that away to be dealt with later, as they climbed back into the sky, heading over the hills to the northern arm of the island.

The pyramid of Gnosym dominated the horizon now, a massive edifice of gleaming marble capped by the crystal with its ominous glow. Summer stared at it anxiously, remembering how it had nearly obliterated the Megalodon (along with their first away team). The sphinxes seemed unconcerned though, flying steadily onward. They were over the desert now, a wide expanse of flat sand dotted by the curious mineral columns, each glittering with strange inclusions.

The main entrance of the pyramid faced south, a long flight of shallow steps flanked by two enormous statues of the felitaurs, each bearing a carved stone staff topped by a glowing crystal, like much smaller replicas of the one at the pyramid's summit. Ne'kuno was already there, flying in lazy circles with three more of her guardians patrolling further out. "Oracle!" she called out, "this place is fit for your presence. No trace of sharks nor Kaosians today."

"Excellent! Thank you, Ne'kuno." Summer's ceramic sphinx avatar watched as her palanquin was carried down to a landing near the pyramid, then flew in to examine the entrance in closer detail. Between the two statues was a huge stone door with depictions of the four Fellissian species on it: Sphinxes, Mystics, Abyssinians and what she now recognised as Leonoids. A clear pattern: she lifted a paw to the Sphinx picture and closed her eyes as if willing something to happen.

At Summer's touch the elaborate seal came alive with magic: the engraved sphinx began to glow and the air rang with a soft, continuous tone, as if a tuning fork had been struck. Either she was sphinx enough to fool the door mechanism, or the builders had made special accommodations for the Oracle.

"Ahem, ah, Ne'kuno. The four pictures here... It seems easy enough to get a Mystic or an Abyssinian here. But are there any extant Leonoids we can summon? She turns her head back, tilted. "I do not believe I am capable of opening this door on my own, though there are certain things I can try if there are no other options." Inwardly Summer Scribe was desperately trying to think of something: to get so close to reuniting with her friends only to be stopped at the literal doorstep would be nothing short of humiliating! Sure, there would probably be another chance soon, but to come all the way here and sit helplessly in front of a locked door...

Ne'kuno had been watching closely: she nodded in satisfaction, then said "Few Leonoids remain on Fellis, still patrolling the ruins of their fortress. They seem consumed by a blind rage, attacking all who intrude in their halls. Even the mystics, their creators, have not been able to tame them." The sphinx began to pace back and forth, staring that the door. "We know others endure, scattered across Skylands, but it has been many years since our scouts last encountered one."

Summer Scribe hadn't even considered what the sphinxes would've thought if the door hadn't recognised her. Huh, maybe she should've been more paranoid, ordered a servant to touch the glyph instead. Never mind, it worked out ok. She tapped a contemplative paw to her chin: tink, tink. "Hmmm. It's only necessary that a Leonoid touch the door - not that they do it of their own free will. With my powers, I can eventually wear one into submission no matter how long they rage. Do you have any objections, Ne'kuno?"

The leader of the sphinxes looked dubious. "Ze'noath?"

The older male thought for a moment, then conceded: "I know not whether they have a finite reserve of energy, as a sphinx would, or draw from the infinite power of the Elements, as you do Oracle."

Ne'kuno was already thinking along other lines: "Need it be whole, or even functional? Perhaps an arm would be enough." Summer still found it weird for such a pony-like smile to show so many sharp teeth.

Summer Scribe was a little put back at the casual suggestion of dismembering what would under better circumstances be an ally, but... she has to admit, in their current state as wild monsters, they don't sound of much use to anysphinx. So, after a moment's contemplation she responded truthfully: "The door, I believe, is not so... picky about what it is brought from each of the four species. I believe an arm would suffice, and that would remove the logistical difficulties of transporting a subdued monster across the islands. Then, do we have a plan?"

"It will not be easy, but with your-" Ne'kuno was cut off by a deep rumbling from within the pyramid, followed by a loud grinding noise as the enormous stone door began to sink into the floor. There would be no fetch quest for golem parts: it seemed someone, or something, had decided to let them enter.

Summer Scribe perked up, legitimately shocked and on the edge of her paws. She certainly wasn't expecting the puzzle to just solve itself unprompted. She stared at the rumbling, disappearing door: "...Huh? I mean, um..." She takes a moment to scour her mental library, like glancing over the index of a great historical store, and finds nothing. "...Hmm. No, I really have no idea why it's open, now. But it does save us the effort..."

She shook her head, dismissing the musings. Time to act regal! "Ahem... right then." Summer Sphinx strode forward, calling her four ceramic bodyguards to surround her. "In the name of Sphinx-kind, I, the Oracle, set paw in the Pyramid of Gnosym! The great structure of the Mystics will once more share its precious magic with us, so that we may use it for its proper purpose - to defend our way of life!" she proclaimed, strolling toward the threshold as the last bit of door sank to floor level!

With the portal open the platoon of sphinxes, living and ceramic, found themselves staring at a strange band of creatures gathered within the pyramid's ornate entrance hall. Several varieties of griffons and colourful equines, dirty and exhausted from their ordeals, plus one young sphinx holding an elaborate magical staff in her paw.

With her mission stated for all to hear, Summer Scribe strode forward into the chamber. Her ceramic sphinx bodyguards now moved in decent synchronicity with her - as though they were an extension of her will, an assurance of her power... then she couldn't help pausing at the surreal sight of all her friends, just standing there staring back at her. She'd spent days thinking about how this exact moment would go down, but actually seeing it in front of her was something else entirely.

Summer wanted to just run forward and hug them all and say how much she missed them, but she had a... persona to maintain in front of her new sphinx friends - the friends of her other self. She could only hope the ponies didn't overreact and blow it; hopefully she'd be able to talk to them in private later? For now, though, she had to pretend to be shocked.

"You all are... How did you make it in here?" the Oracle said, her voice stern yet tinted with intriguing confusion. That orange sphinx with the staff - Summer didn't recognise her, but she seemed to be friendly with the ponies? She'd address her first: "You - sphinx. How did this come to pass? You are here of your own free will, then?"

Te'summi stared in utter shock, her eyes going from Summer to Te'kepan to Ne'kuno and back again. "I-I... Who... Oracle?! I-I was taken by the spidrow, trapped so long in the draining darkness..." Her voice trailed off as a blur of dark blue fur flew over to her.

"Sister, oh my little sister, you are returned!" Te'kepan sobbed, throwing his paws around Te'summi's neck and pulling her into a tight embrace. Ne'kuno just grimaced at the display of emotion - her eyes were on the strangers.

It was lucky that Summer Scribe wasted no time in addressing them: a squawk died in Grenelda’s throat as she suddenly thought better about blurting something out. The dark-haired creamy-furred unicorn Sprocket, and the brown-feathered blue-maned Set Sail, both went from staring in awe, to shrinking back, ears low at the great construct’s stern words and forceful presence.

As for the blank-eyed purple pegasus, Cloud Cutter seemed to be fish-mouthing, at a loss for what to say. A certain cow-raised red-and-green earth pony merely took a step back, glancing warily at the assembled sphinxes as she kept her mouth ready to access the 'supplies' at her side. A pink haired green stallion still at Sprocket's side looked too weary to be afraid at this point.

Azure Feather looked surprised at the mention of 'sister', but would otherwise keep quiet, well aware that her diplomatic skills were... well, certainly worse than Summer's. Better to shut up and let the Captain handle this, she thought. Clashing Gale just stared in disbelief, one more impossibility to heap on top of all that had happened to him that day.

Seeing the equines around him fall silent, Reef Skimmer felt it was upon him to ensure they were not taken as impolite. "Ne'kudo!" the hippogriff called out, "old girl, what a pleasure to bump into you out here. Looking quite wonderful there, golden mask and lashing tail and so on and so forth. You recognise your dear chum Reef Skimmer don't you, and this is Captain Sails and her crew! Just doing a spot of sightseeing you know, and erm... say, that's a terribly impressive living-statue-person you've made friends with there!" Having given it his best effort, the big griff's beak clamped shut.

Summer Scribe cracked a grin as she sees the cathartic reunion of sphinx brother and sister: not at all something she could have imagined. That should make things go much smoother. Yes, she knew just what to do: her avatar looked over the assorted ponyfolk, as though searching for leader material. Since Reef was the one to volunteer a conversation opener, she decided to go with him.

An indulgent smile was on her face as she made a show of looking over the hippogriff. "You are an unusual sight indeed - an Elemental of Water, if I am not mistaken?" Chalk that morsel of knowledge up to mysterious Oracle powers, she thought, then gestured at Te'summi. "Am I correct to assume that your people have saved one of mine from falling to the voracious hunger of the Spidrow? I hardly expected to see another soul in the Pyramid of Gnosym, let alone a rescue like this."

Set Sail had a moment of open-mouthed horror at Reef’s approach and his terrible words that would surely get them all killed: he wasn’t supposed to know who this was, or who this was supposed to be. This was the exact opposite of what she wanted, which was of course what she expected to get. But Summer wouldn’t... would she? She couldn’t have actually convinced the sphinxes she was their...

Sprocket spoke up: “Yeah, the captain herself pulled her out.” She gave the captain an admiring look, then explained: “We were gonna get her right back to you, but I guess you’re already here!” Azure just looked at the floor: another reminder that she'd been against the whole operation. Truly not her finest hour; she resolved to stay silent.

“W-we didn’t expect to... run into you, here!” Set Sail said brightly with a fixed smile, her gaze darting among the many, many real sphinxes accompanying this sphinx-statue-Summer-Scribe. Just like the myth, great lions with pony heads and griffon wings... and very sharp teeth and claws, she couldn't help noticing. “You must be the... the oracle that Logoros spoke of! Terribly sorry for any intrusion. We um... I know it’s hard to believe but we really were just sight-seeing. I-it’s a long story.”

"Logoros?" Ne'kuno hissed, "What creature would usurp the name of the ancient mystic's leader? Whoever it is... their warning was timely, for you are now in the presence of the Oracle, and will show her proper respect!"

Set Sail looked on the verge of a panic attack, not knowing what to say to that, so Cloud Cutter glided over beside her. She met Ne’kuno’s eyes with her own empty stare. “The ancient mystic’s leader is long dead,” the purple mare said, “But so am I, and that doesn’t seem to stop me. He was laid to rest in this pyramid, so that he could watch over it, as far as I know.”

Frowning, she added, “Or it was a ghostly creature usurping his name, but he seemed very convincing to me.”

Melonwater just shivered, hoping to Celestia that Set Sail would get them out of this but ready to gallop back into the shadowy depths of the pyramid should that start looking like the better option. An encounter with even one of these legendary monsters would've been a fur-raising experience, and now there were a whole pride of them blocking the way out. Still... the reunited brother and sister seemed almost pony-like in their relief.

Summer Scribe nodded: thanks to her Oracle knowledge, she didn't have to inquire about the Proper Nouns being thrown about. She held her head high and said decisively: "Long I have slumbered, but once more I have awoken. And I do not intend for outsiders to poke around what is rightfully our property. Now then," she narrowed her gaze on Set Sail specifically. "Your bravery in rescuing one of our kind shall not go unrecognized - thank you."

"But the Pyramid of Gnosym is not for 'sightseeing'. It is more important to us than you can imagine! Its very existence is the only thing that stopped us from falling into ruin centuries ago! And you claim to have conferred with Logoros, the Archmage? It seems you have delighted in poking your nose into places that aren't yours. I would sincerely hope you have not let any Spidrow in behind you, with the reckless abandon you've displayed."

To the similarly very convincing Oracle Summer now seemed to be playing, Set Sail said: “I know and I’m so sorry, O-Oracle, but we needed to know more about this place. Sight-seeing is the only way we can be at harmony with your people, and learn our role in this world. We–we’ll die if we don’t find what to do, and there’s no way to find it but to... learn.”

Seeing her new friends in trouble, Te'summi pulled away from her brother to address the sphinx leaders. "Ne'kuno, O-Oracle... they speak truth, I was cocooned in the heart of the vermin nest and would surely have perished had this 'pony' not pulled me free. They entered the pyramid to confer with the shade of Logoros - that Unlife elemental," she nodded at Clashing Gale, "summoned him from the nether. Look, he entrusted me with his staff, so that I might open the way!" The young sphinx gestured enthusiastically with the ornate staff, which she seemed quite proud ot.

Summer Scribe quirked an eyebrow. What plights could these strange colourful folk be embroiled in that they'd toy with other people's most ancient and sacred places just out of a need to... survive? "Frankly, you have me curious. I would have assumed you were here to steal our resources, to usurp our secrets. You say you do this to... learn about us, so you can become friends with us?" She chuckled and shook her head - as though this were all unbelievable, yet too strange to be anything but the truth.

Nodding over to Te'summi, the ceramic sphinx continued: "Through your deeds, you've demonstrated that you really do mean what you say. And I can sense the magic in your allies, here - if you are willing and able to help, perhaps there is something to be done, here?" She turned to Ne'kuno. "What do you say? Their methods are... baffling, and I do not think their trespass should summarily be forgiven, but their intentions sincere. Their wish for friendship runs so deep that they'd risk everything; shall we give them an opportunity to aid our people? Then perhaps they will no longer need to resort to grave robbing."

Ne'kuno stared at the ponies for a long while, expression hidden behind her gleaming mask. "A transgression to be sure, yet... who among us would not trespass upon the most holies in pursuit of the deepest secrets of the sky lands? It could be their resemblance to us is not so superficial." She turned to Te'summi: "What do you say, young one? Do these strangers seek plunder or enlightenment?"

Te'summi opened her mouth to speak, then thought better of it. There was the mention of the sharks, yet... these creatures had saved her life. "They took nothing from within," she said carefully, "and promised the shade that they would not tamper with the Eye." Then her eyes opened wide: "Logoros revealed the nature of the pillars! We must..." Her gaze darted to Summer "ah, Oracle... perhaps you know, but... the Blessing was not what we thought. What the mystics told us."

"Oh and Cloudy here reactivated the lasers, so no fear about spidrow getting in!" Reef said happily, indicating the purple pegasus with a sweeping wing gesture. "Assuming the buggers don't learn to teleport... but we saw no sign of that!"

"Yeah they're gonna be lickin' their wounds for months!" Grenelda crowed, "What with their nest blown up and on fire and blasted by water and lightning!" The griffon cackled as she relived the experience.

“What Reef is trying to say,” Set Sail said pleasantly to Ne’kuno, as she wondered how she could jam her hoof into Reef Skimmer’s beak, “is that your pyramid is under no immediate danger. But we do need to tell you at length what we found under there. As for the nature of the pillars... it's true, my little ponies and I are in a position where I think we might be able to help.”

That put a grin on Summer Scribe's face. Things seemed to be going better than could have been anticipated! She nodded to Te'summi, "Your witness is appreciated, thank you." Then her head tilted at the pegasus: the nature of the pillars? That part was a surprise even to her. "You have something to relay about the pillars? Is this a private matter or something you can say right now?"

She leaned forward, wings half-spread. "If you have knowledge of value, I would be most curious... we need all the help we can get to rebuild our former glory." Stepping back and addressing the rest of the assorted creatures, she added: "And I am thankful to hear that you have respected the integrity of our pyramid. Yes, it sounds as if we important matters to discuss?"

Set Sail proceeded to explain the true nature of the rock pillars and the old mystic's intentions for them, pausing occasionally to let Te'summi verify the truth of her words and offer her own interpretation. Summer's shock at the revelation was largely sincere, though the other sphinxes didn't seem surprised, nodding to each other and basking in a good mystery solved. Eventually Set Sail explained that they had injured and exhausted ponies and needed to get back to their ship.

The Oracle told them they should catch their breath first, directing them to a side chamber just off the entrance hall of the grand pyramid. There the explorers gathered themselves and their belongings in what looked like a waiting area, with two of Summer's ceramic golems standing guard at the door. A pair of sphinxes went back outside to keep watch for intruders, while the others including Summer's avatar padded off into the depths of the pyramid, no doubt to make their own investigations.

Author's Note:

This story is a collaboration between myself (playing Reef Skimmer, Melonwater and the sphinxes), Ferret (playing Set Sail, Cloud Cutter, Blaze Trails and Sprocket), Patashu (playing Summer Scribe and Grenelda) and Spearmint (playing Azure Feather and Clashing Gale), based on an online RP.

This chapter is based on the 60th session and the first half of the 62nd session, GMed by me, plus a bit of 1:1 for Summer's approach to the pyramid. At last Summer Scribe (now Summer Sphinx) is reunited with her pony friends, and things to surprisingly well - thanks to the protagonists rescuing Te'summi and not trying to destroy the laser (not to mention Grenelda managing to keep her beak shut). Of course if and when the sphinxes find out that their new Oracle is actually a pony, things might go differently...

Margret Bellcrank is of course Mags, the undead mad scientist & inventor, one of the main supporting characters for Trap Team and Superchargers:

Officially she's 'undead', but there's no way she can crank out all those crazy devices without Tech affinity as well.