• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 1,983 Views, 49 Comments

How I became an Equestrian - Raybony

A Nightmare of my own threatens to destroy the land of Equestria and my love. And me and the Mane 6 are the only ones that can stop it.

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Well how should I start this? I was just going for a nice day of camping to get away from my worries of work and studies. I had planned this trip for some time now and only my friends and family knew where I was, I had decided to go by myself as I thought it would be a better way to relax, how wrong I was.

It was a nice day of July of the Summer Holidays on the UK. I was getting off in my stop at the train station in the countryside, taking in the surroundings of the small town and the beautiful fields that spread far and wide.

The houses and little establishments had a rustic yet stylish look to the town giving a welcoming feeling, the people look quite friendly and gesture to each as they pass by.

As I went by I took notice of a coffee shop and realize that I hadn’t had anything to eat since this morning, so I went into the shop to get a small snack before I headed to the fields.

While I waited I decided to ask a few questions about the place to employe. "What can you tell me about this place?"

"Not much" The lady on the desk said. "This time of year we ussaly get a lot of costumers from the city who wants to visit the countryside. But since the Olympics is going to happen really soon I guess we are having a bit of a dry year."

"Do you enjoy it here?" I ask, seeing as she was a little depress for the Olympics inconvenience.

"Oh yeah, I used to live in Manchester but since my parents move here I had to get use to the idea of living in the fields." She looked out the window for a moment, lost in though. "It really was a rather good change, if I could choose between living here or in the city I would live here, it has been quite a good life."

I noded to her, I understood what she meant, being away from the constant noise from the cars and city was really something really enjoyable.

After I got my food I sit down and enjoyed it with a nice latte, reading about the games that were bound to happen in a few weeks, I was looking forward to the 100m race wanting to see Usain Bolt attempting to smash a new record.

After I was done I headed to the woods not far from the towns exit, as I walked through the wood I took in the scenery that was around.

The trees standing a few meters high from the ground and their leafs shading most of the sunlight, the small creatures that pass through the canopy and the streams of water as their sound gave a calm felling.

As I walked through the trees I couldn’t place away the feeling that there was something in the air, like some kind of presence or force, it was as if something was going to happen, but after much time I manage to put the felling away.

I spent the next few hours looking at the fauna and wild life that there was in the woods, taking pictures of the beauty that surrounded me. It was quite a master piece if I could say, the strong look from the trees was softend out with the beatiful look from the flowers and herbs.

The sun was starting to set and I had to find a place to set camp, as I walk I started to feel the force again but it felt different, like instead of being a random feeling it had a shape, I couldn't describe it but for it felt familiar for some reason, but I manage to put it at the back of my mind and continue walking.

After I found a nice clearing with a view to the sky, I took my sleeping bag out and made a campfire using a small lighter to burn some dry leaves and a few sticks. The fire gave a small warming embrace of heat as it shone in the now dark night.

I laid on top of my sleeping bag as I enjoyed some chicken soup that I made myself for dinner and had a nice cup of tea, I went into my sleeping bag where I took out my personal eReader and started reading my favourite fanfic of MLP.

It had been a few years since I discovered the love for the show; it had always made me feel better for myself and to cope with the harshness of my everyday life, in a way it made everything look much better for, to see that humans were creatures of wonder and even if didn't agree to everything or come to the best of term, we could always do much more together.

some people may say that they started liking the show because of the episodes or the art, but for my it was the stories that the community made, that’s what made me a Brony, I love how people come up with a story that can reflect a positive idea in the society if only we could see it, or the adventures that would come up for the characters or the comedy.

As the fire started to die down I turn off my eReader and look to the night sky, gazing at the stars and the full moon that shone with its soothing light.

"I wonder if the nights in Equestria are as beutiful as this, who knows maybe they even have the same constelations."

I laid there for what seemed like hours, sleep finally taking me over and made fall asleep like a log.

As I sleept there the wind started to pick up, making leafs to fly in the air as they started to surround my camping area. The gentle breeze now a gust of wind that made a small tornado of leaf, sparks started to shot out from leaf to leaf, the sparks started to increase on size and frequency as it was about to do something.

In a flash the clearing was enveloped in a bright light, all the animals were awoken from their sleep as the white light shone to their eyes, and as quick as it happen the light was gone, all that was left on the its place was a single dark wallet, this not carrying anything but some money, some cards and a ID card, It's owner gone like he never existed.