• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 1,983 Views, 49 Comments

How I became an Equestrian - Raybony

A Nightmare of my own threatens to destroy the land of Equestria and my love. And me and the Mane 6 are the only ones that can stop it.

  • ...

Rise of Nightmares

I walked back to Sugar Cube Corner, a bit better from the events of the afternoon, but still felt bad about it. it was nighttime so nearly everyone was in their homes, getting ready for bed or get ready for tomorrow.

I was just hoping that tomorrow, I could speak to Fluttershy, she really has gone through a lot and I just made it worst. And even if she didn't forgive me, at the very least I would apologize to her, she at least deserved that from me.

I came to the door of Sugar Cube Corner, and knocked on the door, not wanting to come in without permission, even if I was living there for the moment.

After a few seconds, the door to the establishment open, to reveal Mrs. Cake standing there with a smile. "Oh hello dear, we were wondering where you had been all day."

"I was just out Mrs. Cake, not doing much." I told her, but my voice sounded a bit dishearten, which seemed to notice.

"Is something wrong dear?" She sounded a bit concern.

"It's nothing Mrs. Cake, just somethings I need to sort out in the morning." I told her as I walked inside, I didn't want to be reminded of what I did to Fluttershy at that moment.

Mrs. Cake could see that something was bothering me, but decided not to press on it. "Alright then, I hope everything turns out ok."

"Me too Mrs. Cake, me too"

I went up the stairs so I could go to my room and have a rest. I laid down in bed, trying to let sleep take over, but all I could do was stare at the ceiling, wondering what I could have done differently.

I could have just tell her that I just wanted to be friends with her, at least she wouldn't think of me as that Iron Cloud. I could have try to leave the cottage without saying too much, maybe that way I wouldn't say something bad.

But as much as I wanted to change things, I knew what was done was done, and I needed to fix it somehow. Finally I felt my eyes getting heavier, as sleep took over, drifting off to sleep thinking what to do in the morning.


I felt a warm sensation as I stir around, I couldn't move my body, it felt like it was glued to the floor. I try opening my eyes, but the light was to bright to look at, after a few moments I try again, this time I could see a white ceiling.

I tried to move my limbs, but they felt different, but yet so familiar. I turn my head to my side I notice my a human arm, MY human arm. I looked at the rest of my body to confirm my suspicions. I had my human body back, but I din't have my regular clothes, instead I had a white long sleeve shirt, a pair of white trousers and white sneakers.

"But how..." I didn't know what was going on, one second I was in my bed at Sugar Cube Corner, as a pony; the next I'm back as a human in a white room and totally different clothes to the ones I was wearing when I got turn.

I started to get up slowly, jogging my memory on how to move my body. "Hello Luis, it's nice to see thou again" I heard a voice and turn around to look at nothing. "Sorry if we can't make ourself presentable" the voice said, I could hear a smile in the voice.

"Who is there, where am I and how do you know my name?" I yelled at the walls, not knowing where the voice was coming from.

"Calm thyself friend, we are mearly trying to help you. We know of the creature that has invaded this lands, and we know what is doing." I could hear the worry on her voice, somethings told me that that Nightmare was doing something vile and I didn't know what.

"What is going on? how do you know all this?" I wasn't still sure I could trust this voice, but I really wanted to know what was happening.

We can do better" It said. The room started to shake, the walls started to move, making more space in the room, I saw as new objects started to form out of the floors and walls, they twis and turn until making a new solid shape. From tables to vases, to frames on the walls and chandeliers on the ceiling, I could even see other rooms being form from doorways in the wall.

I didn't know what was happening, the room had change itself an made what appear to be, a fancy looking living room in a hotel. That is until I saw two familiar shapes start to appear in the room, and as they did, the room itself started to gain colour.

"Sister, are you sure this spell can help?" I heard the faint voice of Princess Luna.

"I know it's not perfect yet Luna, but the scientist at the University tell me that it should help track the creature down." The voice of Celestia said. by know I could see every detail in the room, the frames in the walls, now show images of Ponies from different races in poses. I could see a small fire place which was burning, giving the room warmth. I saw scrolls scatter around in a table, showing some cryptic runes and mathematical formulas.

"Then what is keeping us from trying it? the longer we wait, the more chaos that creature from the human can cause."

"Luna, that human has a name, and I know that you are just acting to hide your feelings for him" Celestia said, a small smirk on her face.

Luna moved her face away, a small blush creeping to her cheeks. "T-that it's not true, I only want to get him back to his world, that's all."

'WHAT? Really? Even one of the Princess has a crush on me, what is with me and this mares, am I giving off a `wanted, needed` aura?' I really needed to talk to this mares more often.

"Really? Then why do you always watch him when he sleeps through his dreams?" Celestia said with even bigger smirk than before.

'Wait, what?' Scratch that, I need to talk to LUNA about this when this is all over.

"Can we avoid this conversation? I really want to know why can't we use this spell to find this creature." Luna said, her face was all red from her blushing and was hiding behind her waving mane.

"Oh right, sorry Lulu, to answer your question is because we need something from the creature to use as a sample." She said, now her serious tone and face back.

"Sample? I don't get it."

We can use this spell to portrait the magic of every kind of creature that we know, we can use it to distinguish a unicorn from an earth pony, even if they are hiding or too far away to tell the difference. But we can only do it if we have a sample of their type of magic."

"So what your saying is that if we want to tell the difference from another's magic and the magic from the creature, we need to get magic from-"

"Me" The Nightmare said as it burst through the door of the room, behind him a pair of guards lay unconscious on the floor. Both Princesses gasped at his entrance.

"What are you doing here? and what have you done to those guards?" Celestia yelled, anger clearly in her voice.

"I just decided to finally make a visit, and don't worry about those two, they are alive but will never wake up. It said as it moved to a window, looking to the everfree forest.

"Thou shall undo whatever trickery thou has performed on those souls." Luna boomed with her Canterlot voice, shaking the paintings and the chandelier that was hanging in the ceiling.

"Oh but I don't want to, in fact" in a blink, it wasn't standing by the window anymore, but now right next to Luna's face, its mouth just inches from her ear. "I feel like I want to do it again." In a quick move, it buried it's teeth to the back of Luna's head, making scream in pain.

"Let go of her monster." Celestia yelled at the top of her lungs with fear and anger to the event. It sent a magic bolt to the Nightmare's head, making it let go of it's prey. "Lulu, are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, it felt cold, my whole body felt cold from the bite, and I felt weaker for a moment." She said as she shook her head, to get the feeling off.

"hahahahaha, oh it's better than I though.

"What are you rambling about?" Celestia asked with anger, not looking to see if her sister was ok.

"So much magic from one bite, it's no wonder you are the rulers of this land. This is even better than that hydra from the swamp"

"What are you talking about?" Luna said, not liking the sound of things.

"I feed off magic, but only that from dreams, either be normal ones or the worst nightmares that you can have. Because I was product of one I can put other dreams into my victims, that bite is me doing just that, and in exchange I get the magic in their bodies."

'Magic from dreams? I though that the magic used in dreams was from humans; but then again, this is a dream come true from others.

"And with that bite I have enough power to make some changes to myself." It said, I saw as part of his dark mist started to set on his body, at first I though he was casting a spell, but then I saw part of the fur from his body start changing to scales, they spread out around his chest, encasing him in a scale armor.

"It's that...dragon scale?" Celestia asked, amaze at it's feat. 'Dragon scale?' I though to myself.

"Oh yes indeed, but thats just half the surprise" I saw as he started taking a deep breath, going into a stance. 'What is he doing, what did he mean by-' I was stop mid thought by what happened next.

"Move" Celestia screamed, dodging a blaze of fire that was sent to them from the Nightmare.

I was stunt, the Nightmare that I remember never could breath fire, was this what it meant by 'half the surprise'?

"How is this possible? no beast can breath fire except for the dragons?" Celestia was stunt as well as me, her face showed it. I looked at Luna, she was staring at the Nightmare, terror in her eyes.

The fire from the attack started spreading around, making it hard for me to see what was going on, I couldn't feel the heat so that meant I was safe from them, but not Celestia or Luna.

"That it's something I learned on my time in the forest, the magic I consume I can manipulate it to shape my body, only problem is that I need a lot of it if I want to keep it all the time, if not it wears off, that is why I keep my victims alive, so I can have a constant food supply for me to use." It said, smoke rising from it's mouth from the fire that it just let off.

"Luna, go get the elements and send them to their bearers" She stop to look at Luna straight in the eye. "It's time to tell them ."

Luna gasped at the last part, "Tia, but we are not sure if he's -"

"We don't have time, if we fail here then they will never know and will never get the elements, now go." She had a look that there was no room for discussion. Luna nodded her head and exit through an open window.

"Do you really think you can stop me? I took down a hydra without any effort, do you really think you have a chance?" It said, getting ready for the fight that was about to happen.

"Even if thats true, I will not give up so easily, I rather die fighting than letting you take any more ponies lives." Celestia said, summoning a blade with her magic, it had a thick hilt with rune markings running along all the way the thin slit. It had a double sided blade with similar markings as in the hilt, but more spread out from each other, and on the base of the blade I could see the shield of the nation of Equestria.

"As you wish" He said before launching towards Celestia, before I could see what happened next the whole room change quickly to the throne room, I was taken aback when I saw a bunch of guards pointing their spears at me, I was about to say something when I heard a loud thud from behind me.

I looked back and saw that another group of guards were barricading the door with objects that were in the room at the time. I looked around and found Luna writing down on a scroll, the chest with the elements next to her.

"Stop delaying the inevitable Luna, just open this doors and I will spare the other guards" I heard the voice of the Nightmare from the other side of the door. I backed away slowly, not wanting to be near when that came crashing down.

"Hold that door as long as you can, I need time to send this through." Luna said, her horn started to glow, the scroll and the elements surrounded in her magic.

"Princess, just what is that thing, I never seen such a monster in my life." a guard from the barricad shouted, straining to hold the statute that was being use as barricade in place.

"A monster created from Nightmares themselves, I fear that it will not stop until every single being in the planet has being conquered by it." Luna shouted, straining to send the elements as their own power was working against her. With one last push, she manage to send the objects directly to Twilight, hoping that she could act quickly.


"Arrrrrgh" the scream from the guards as they were sent flying from the door, just to be stop in mid air by a dark aura, surrounding them all and pulling them to the dark hallway. And just like that it was silent.

"I'm afraid that there is no escape now Luna The voice from the Nightmare said from the dark, a small light from a magic aura could be seen, and said aura was around the body of Luna as she try to break free. "It's over."

"No, No, NOOOOOOOOOO" The scream of Luna could be heard, hanging in the air, as the whole scene started to crumble away like a building in an earthquake.

I looked around, I was back in the white room, but it was all collapsing around me. "What is going on?" I screamed, hoping that the voice was still there.

"You are waking up. Remember, that the clue to wining this battle is with your friends. ALL of them" The voice said as it faded away with the noise of the room falling apart.

I looked around, trying to see a way out, but there was no door, no window, heck there wasn't even a small air vent, the whole room was seal thigh.A large craking sound came from above me, and when I looked up I saw the ceiling falling directly in top of me, burring me alive.


I gasped, as I woke up in the middle of the night. I looked at my arms and found that I was still a pony, but I knew everything I just saw was real.

I got out of bed and went out of my room towards Pinkie, before I could even knock on it, Pinkie came out, her face showed fear, I knew that either she saw the same thing as me, or she just knew that something was wrong.

"Let's Pinkie, Twilight needs us." I turn around to head to the stairs but turn my head back to her. "Everyone needs us." I said and she responds with a nod, we both race down the stairs and out the door. We were going to end this once and for all, or die trying in the process.

Author's Note:

So it is time. Will we be able to destroy the Nightmare before it gets even more power? What were the Princesses hiding from us? And will I be able to fix my friendship with Fluttershy? We will have to wait and see.

I'll be going back to school tomorrow, so I though I should post this before that, as the last time I took like two whole months to update this. And I also manage to make a cover picture for my story.

Tell me in the comments of any grammar that needs to be fix, and what to do to improve it, English isn't my first language.

Have a nice day/night/whenever you are. :twilightsmile: