• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 1,983 Views, 49 Comments

How I became an Equestrian - Raybony

A Nightmare of my own threatens to destroy the land of Equestria and my love. And me and the Mane 6 are the only ones that can stop it.

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I laid there wondering how did Pinkie got here, or more importantely, why was she here? I started to remove my hooves from her, but to my dissmay I stired her awake, her eyes blinking as they got use to the light, looking up she saw the face of a shocked unicorn, upon realizing this she snap her eyes open and got out of bed in one quick move.

"Go-good morning Luis, um, how are you?" she asked trying to make the scene less awkard.

"Um, good I guess, now what were you doing in my bed Pinkie?" I asked her.

"Oh that, well last night I remember that we forgot your stuff at Twilight's house" she said pointing at a small pile of things, sure enough there laid all of my stuff. "So I decided to go get it and leave it in your room, and when I was about to leave I saw that you were uncomfortable, it seemed that you were having a bad dream, because you were mumbling something about your family and stuff like that, so I decided to stay for a bit and keep you company, I guess I fell asleep and ended up in you bed."

'Bad dream? I was having a wonderful dream.' I get out of bed, trying my best not to fall off balance. "Then thanks Pinkie, you didn't check any of my stuff did you?"

"Nope, you you have some really weird stuff, do humans need all of that just to camp?" she asks me her happy attitude on her face.

"The majority yes, but some of thoes things are not essential but more for entertainment." If there was one thing I didn't want her or any of the girls to find out was my eReader, its book library having about five stories about them, and one of them being grimdark tagged.

"Oh, can I see them? Can I, can I, can I?" she said bouncing in place like a kid on christmas eve. 'oops, shouldn't have said that' I cursed to myself.

"Later Pinkie, Mr. and Mrs Cake must be waiting for us downstairs, I would rather not be late for my first day here at work." I tell her, trying to get to stop thinking about my stuff.

"Your right, we got a large order to fill today and we are going to need all the help we can get, come no time to waste" She says dashing out the door and me following behind on a small trot. I had been difficult to walk yesterday, but I was getting use to walking on four legs rather quickly.

When I came downstairs I was introduce to Mr. Cakes and given the job on helpping Pinkie on making the order. It was really simple, we had to make 150 cupcakes and 3 cakes for a party, it was really no problem, 'If' I had hands. "Oh come on, how do I hold this stupid jug?" I had been struggling with a small measuring jug for five minutes.

"It's easy silly, you just hold it like this." Pinkie said, holding the jug on her hoove with no apparent thumbs. "See? it's a piece of cake, oh talking about cakes, can you check the cakes for me? they should be ready about now." I noded starting to trot away when she called out again. "And please, use your magic or your mouth this time, we don't want another incident like last time." I looked towards the waste been, seeing the cake that I tried to take out of the oven but forgott I didn't have hands anymore and tried to hold it with my hooves.

"No problem Pinkie, I know what I'm doing this time". tell her graving a towel with my theet and taking out the cake onto the the table. "Tholdh tho Id hath ith" I said with the towel still in my mouth.

"And thats the last one, now all we have to do is put the cupcakes mix in the oven and put the frostting on the cakes." She saids going for the pipping bags of frossting on a shelve.

"Really, don't cupcakes normally have icing on top ?" I asked, in all my years as a chef I never heard of cupcakes for a party without icing.

"Oh don't worry, the pony that made the order said that is for the kids and adults to decorate, so we only need to worry about the cakes. Now catch." She tosses a bag of frossting towards me.

With out thinking I dash for the bag before it can hit the floor and caught it in my hooves. I exhale inrelief, that was one less mess to clean. "Yay you did it, I knew you would do it." She said clapping her hooves together while balancing 3 pipping bags on her head.

"What did I do? I asked her, before she could answer I noticed what I was doing, I was holding, holding, the bag with my hooves like it was attached to them. "How, what, I mean, huh?"

"You were thinking too much, you had to stop thinking as a human and start thinking as a pony, thats why you couldn't hold anything."

"Really? hmmm, when you say it like that I guess it does make sense, who would have guess that you would be teaching me." I said smilling at her, whivh she return with a bigger smile.

"Ok then, let's finish this cakes shall we?" she said beggining to decorate the first cake, I nod at her and start helpping her on finishing up the cakes.


It has been about to weeks, and in that time I had helpped the cakes a lot with their bussiness, that they said that I could stay there as long as I wanted. It really was good to help them out, now with me one of the cakes can spend some time with the twins while we keep on working.

I had manage to master walking on hooves and now was able to gallop whenever I needed, but there was one thing that I haven't actually tried yet, and that was magic, after all I was a unicorn and should learn how to use magic as long as I was here.

I came face to the front door of the Library and knocked, after a short wait a small purple dragon with green spines answer the door. "Hello Luis, what brings you here?" Spike asked as he opened the door to let me in. "Need a new recipe book for the cakes?"

"No, I'm actually here to see Twilight, is she here?" I asked, seeing as there was not a trace of the lavender unicorn anywhere or signs of recent reading.

"She's here, she is in the basement doing research on that book that you touched, been at it ever since you moved to Sugar Cube Corner. Why, is there something you need from her?" He asked, a little worry when she mentioned Twilight.

"I came here to have her teach me how to use magic, figured that as long as I'm here I should learn a bit on the subject."

"I'll go get her, you can search the magic tomes if you want, they are in shelve D, at least that was yesterday Twilight keeps on changing them around everyday." he says a bit annoyed as he goes through the basements door.

I move to the shelve where Spike said and to my relief the magic books were here. I grab one and read the title 'Magic tricks for the bed'. I looked at the book quizzically, I open the book to one of the middle chapters and before I can read any of the text, it gets sorruanded on a violet aura and pulled away from my hooves.

"You don't need to read that, its... not appropiate for all eyes." Twilight says as she tucks away the book in a drawer.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask her now more intrigued on the book.

"Its about a certain activity that ponies do on the bed." She says but I give her a confused looked. "having fun in the bed?...Doing like the bees?...Urgh" she grunts and leans towards my ear to whispers it to me so Spike doesn't hear. When she says what the book is about my eyes snap open and I start to blush.

"I wouldn't have that booke on the magic section but rather the adult one." I say glad I didn't read anything from the book.

"I'll think about that, Spikes tells me that you want me to teach you about magic right?" she asks me which I nod in return. "Ok then, I'll teach you the principles of magic and then a few basic spells that you may find usefull" I smile at her and accept her offer.

For the next couple of hours, Twilight explains me how magic works on a unicorn and what I should expect to feel, the lesson goes on from the magick flow on the body to the effect on the world. Now having understand the thecnical stuff came the hard part, putting it to practice.

"Come on Luis, you can do it." I can hear Twilights words of encouragement as I tried to focus my magic on my horn. "Your nearly there, I can see a small spark."

I open my eyes to see my horn start to have a small red aura like when casting, closing my eyes again I focus the magic in my horn and start to envelop it on my target.

"Your doing it, now try to make it go up" Twilight says and I pour all of my mind on doing the job, but in an instant the magic is gone and I'm left exausted. "Oh so close, but that was great you manage to envelope it before going out."

"I guess, but it would have felt better if what I tried to lift was a book." I sigh looking at the object that made work so hard. "Not a feather." (What, were you expecting something heavy?)

"It's okay really, I was a filly when I first tried to use magic, so I had a more fresh mind, less things to keep me distracted, and even then it took me 3 days to flip a page. while you manage to summon your magic and focus it on the feather before going off, that is incredible."

I smiled at the praise. "But it's because of you that I manage to do it, without you I would still be struggling to just call the magic." Twilight rubed her foreleg and blushed a bit.

"Thanks, I think that is quite enough for today, the last thing that we want is fore you to have a magic burnout. Just come here every time that you can and we may practice a bit more." she said as she walked towards the kitchen to make some tea.


Thats how it went for the next month, me coming to Twilights tree and practicing magic until I could no longer concentrate on the task. I felt trhilled when I manage to use levitation with no trouble, and I felt more happy when I manage to learn stunt spell incase I ever needed to defend myself.

It all of this time I forgot about the Nightmare and what it was doing, and to be honest I couldn't care less, I was having a peaceful life and I wasn't going to worry about that, at least not for now.

But deep in the everfree, a dark sillouet moved in the dark as it appear to be feasting on a manticore, only there was no blood, the manticore was alive and breathing but wasn't moving at all as the creature on top of it was bitting down on it.

It's theet had a small light that was coming from the manticore, it looked like liquid star light, its shine so white that it rival a dimond under a lamp, so clear that it was like the snow of winter as it landed on top of each other to form a magestic white sheet of cold. But as the creature kept on draining the liquid, the manticore seem to fall into a deep sleep, its colours fading like its own life was being taken but kept a constant breathing.

When the last drops of the magestic liquid where absorb, a dark mist started surround the creature, healing it of a few bruises that it had, leaving the fur and skin totally intact, like it never suffer the injuries.

Ah, that feels much better. the creature spoke as it streched its back from being in the same possition for a while. It inspected its body, that was once covered in wounds and gashes, now showed no trace of them with the exeption of one or two bruises.

It is good thing that this place is so abundant on magic For the last couple of weeks, this creature had been feeding on the magic of the animals in the forest, recovering, getting stronger.

It's gaze now set on a castle that sat at the border of a cliff, a waterfall going from one side of the mountain. But it wasn't looking at the castle itself, but rather at 2 small dots of magic that it could see.

Soon I will have the magic of the most powerful beings in this world It bore an evil grin that could send a shiver of fear.And once I have it, I'll make everyone live a nightmare worst than they could ever imagine, as he went back into the shadows, a chuckled could be heard echoing in the silence.