• Published 26th Aug 2012
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How I became an Equestrian - Raybony

A Nightmare of my own threatens to destroy the land of Equestria and my love. And me and the Mane 6 are the only ones that can stop it.

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The Nightmare Awakes

The afternoon went by as Twilight, Spike and me worked on the library, telling each other things about one another. “Really Twilight, you teleported yourself into the Princesses chamber when you were 10?” I asked not believing her story.

“It’s true I was with her when it happened, boy you should have seen her, she kept apologising to the Princess like for 2 weeks, if it was me I would have gone insane on the fourth day.” Spike say to which I laughed, seeing as it may as well be true.

“Don’t laugh, it was really embarrassing, at least I didn’t teleport myself and spike inside a wall, that would have been worst.”

“True but from what you both told me it seems that you might have overreacted a bit, seriously 2 weeks? I would have gone 2 or 3 days but you took it a bit too far.” I told her trying to make her see my point.

“I guess I did went a little out of my head over that but still, it was ‘her’ chambers and I just pop up right in there in her studies.” She said finishing organizing a shelve on the wall. “But enough about myself, tell me what do you do, as far as I can see you don’t seem to have a cutie mark?”

“Well that’s because us humans don’t have a specific talent.” Twilight raised a brow not getting what I meant. “The thing about humans is that we can decide what we want to do, we don’t just focus in a single thing as our main job, we can also have different things that we can also be good at.”

“Like Applejack and Pinkie Pie? They both are good bakers and they have different special talents.” Twilight replied with enthusiasm.

“Yeah not so much, they both are good bakers yes but they can be related with their special talent. Pinkie can bake the treats for her parties while Applejack can do it to help with the farm.”

“Hmmm, when you put it that way it does seem like it.” She said think on my explanation. “So what do you do then, you seem like quite a teacher, with the way you think and come up with solutions and explanations quickly.”

“Well I wouldn’t say that I’m teacher material that would be your area of work.” I saw Twilight blush a bit at the compliment while looking away. “I actually I’m a chef, nothing too fancy mind you, the last thing I want is Rarity to come at me with asking about the ‘high class’ culture of my world.”

“I think you would be right on that” She said holding a small laugh. “But you told me that your kind doesn’t just go with one thing, what else do you do?”

“On weekends I do some fishing trips to the ocean to catch a couple pounds of fish a day, it’s a great way to exercise as we need to bring in all that fish from the nets and let me tell you, those are heavy.”

“And what do you do with the fish?” She asked me, curiosity on her tone.

“Oh well we...um, we eat it?” As I said that her face filled with shock.

“You eat meat? What else do you eat?” She asked a little scare, even Spike was eyeing me a lit unsecure.

“Don’t worry you two, I won’t eat you. Humans are Omnivorous but we can survive on a vegetable and fruit diet.” I told them trying to ease the tension that was building up.

“Phew, that’s good, for a second there I thought I was going to have you tied up again.” She told me jokingly.

“Yeah I would prefer that you didn’t.” I looked around, seeing that almost every shelve was now filled with books. “Hey Twi is there anything else that you need?”

“Oh yes, can you go to the basement and get me a copy on ‘arcane magic’? it should be an old red covered book with a golden border and a rune on the front. I would send spike but he has his hands full.”

Looking to the direction that Twilight was facing I saw Spike having a hard time balancing a tower of books while walking down the stairs.

“Erm. Spike, maybe I should help you, you got too many books for you to handle yourself.” I offer which he return with a shake of his head.

“No I’m fine I just need to, WHOAAAA” Spike sliped from the stairs and landing on the floor, just for the tower of books that he was holding moments ago to bury him.

“’sigh’ I’ll help him you go and get the book, it shouldn't take you too long, its on one of the cupboards.” Twilight said as she went to work digging out the baby dragon from the pile of books while waving an arm.

I started to go towards the door to the basement while laughing at the scene.


When I entered the basement I looked at the whole room, it was different that when I had seen it on the show, it gave a sombre feel. The whole room was barely lit by a small window that let the sun to sip through, making the moats of dust visible as they passed through the rays of the sun.

I tried to turn on the lights searching for a switch on the walls but found, I started to go down the stairs, the cracking of each step echo through the room, as I continue walking down the stairs I heard a small whisper in the air, I couldn’t make out what it said but though that it was the voices of the ponies outside.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I felt a shiver go down my whole body, this place was staring to give the spooks, looking in the shadows I looked for the book that Twilight sent me to find; again I heard the voice but much clearer now. ‘Come...release me’. That voice it sounded so familiar but I couldn’t think why.

Deciding to forget about it for the moment I kept on searching for the book, I looked on the shelves all around but no luck, when I when to search inside a cabinet I heard the voice again, this time like it was right in front of me. ‘You’re nearly there, just a bit moooreee’. There it was again, that same familiar voice, it made my whole body tremble but I just didn’t know why.

Opening the doors on the cabinet I saw the book that twilight told me to find, resting on the side of another books that couldn’t know what they were about as they had no titles, I was just about to grab the book when I stopped, taking away my hand slowly from the book, ‘Something is wrong’ I thought to myself, something about the book felt sinister, almost evil.

‘Your are so close, just take it and be done with it’ the voice called again, now I could make the sound perfectly, it sounded like a mixture of a wolf and bear, the ferocious growling of a hungry wolf and the the strength of a mad bear. I stopped thinking as I near the book again, all reasoning, all insecurities, all fears drift away as I came closer to the book.

I didn’t notice at the time but the room was starting to grow darker, as the shadows started to near me from all directions, sucking the light out of the room, as I was just about to touched the darkness blocked away the last bit of light, then it was just darkness.


I didn't know where I was or what was happening, all I could remember was me being in a library one second the next on surrounded by darkness.

“H-hello? Is anyone there” I asked, hoping for someone to be there.

I heard I small laugh from one of the sides and turn around immediately, there was nothing there. I heard it again this time from behind me.

“Whose there, show yourself” I yell into the darkness turning around everywhere expecting an attack.

“It’s been a while hasn't it Luis?” The voice from before said from somewhere in front of me, looking right in front I couldn't see anything. “Who are you and how do you know my name?

“You don’t remember me? That hurts, but after all I was your worst nightmare.” It said sending a cold shiver down my spine.

“No. It can’t be, I forgot about you years ago, how can you be here, where is here? I asked my heart beating fast from the fear of who this voiced belonged to.

“Oh, but that’s the thing, you can’t destroy dreams, only hide them on your mind. I have been waiting a long time to hunt your dreams again, but I think I prefer this.” It said, now I could make out two red dots glowing in the darkness, as they got brighter I could make out a shape, a wolf head stuck out of the darkness, with it it’s dark fur which was so dark that it match the darkness of the place that I was, if you focused enough you would be able to see a dark mist that sip out of its fur to return back to him, its claws as long as that of a tiger stuck out with dried blood from its last victim. In all and all, this looked like a wolf but was at least twice as large as one and reaching the height of my shoulders, and had a dark presence that could easily scare any large predator that may come in its.

“I-I don’t get it, how can y-you be real? I‘m not dreaming and If I were you wouldn't be here, so how-“

“I’m here? Well that’s quite a good story, you see dreams are the product of the magic that humans have.”

“Magic? But there is no magic on earth.” I said dumbfounded at his statement.

“All humans have magic on them, every dream, every idea, every hope and wish is magic that humans use. So when you have a dream you are using your magic to create it, and sometimes when that dream is strong enough and a lot of humans believe in it, it comes true, that’s how this world exist.”

I couldn't believe it; it means that all those hopes and dreams that I always had could become true if I just believe hard enough, but what’s more, Equestria is a dream come true, this was incredible. Before I could have gone too deep into my thoughts I focus my attention back to my nightmare. “And what about you, what about nightmares?” I asked not really wanting to know the answer.

“That’s the good part, where the humans use magic to create dreams, nightmares are the result of lost dreams, hopes and wishes; we feed on those dreams and grow stronger, and sometimes when we become strong enough we can take the places of the dreams that you make and take it’s magic.”

I was shock and angry, he had stolen away my dreams whenever I had him as a nightmare, I couldn’t take it, I could have had peaceful night dreams, but instead I had those horrifying nightmares. “Good thing I got rid of you then. I don’t think I could have handled you for very long.” I said smirking a little.

The nightmare started chuckling evilly. “What’s so funny?” I growled at him, hating him with all my soul.

“That’s the thing, you never manage to get rid of me, didn't you ever wonder why since you stopped having those nightmares you rarely had any dream, good or bad?” I looked at him confused, what did he mean by that? “There are times when nightmares become strong enough that even when they are forgotten they can steal nightmares to survive, that’s right when I hid in your mine I took away most of your dreams, sometimes I would let them go just to laze about, but I was always there, I took your precious dreams, and let me tell you, some of them were delicious.” He said grinning sickly.

“How. Could. YOU? You took away something from me, something that I had always missed; do you know how it feels to wake up not having a single dream for months? You are sick, and I’m happy that I can meet you again so I can kick your miserable ASS.” I yelled at the top of my lungs, I even surprise myself, not for the fact of how much anger I had but at how much I stand up to him, he was as big as I am and that’s in all four. “So now what, are you going to try to come back as my nightmares to torment me?” I said a little more calm this time but anger still in my voice.

“No, Your dream land and the real world are right now connected, so I think I’m going to get and have a little of fresh air. There is just one thing I need to do to get out.” “Oh yeah, and what’s that?” “I’m going to kill you to free myself.” He said as he adapted a prone position to pounce.

In an instance all the anger, all the fury, all the courage was replaced by a cold sweat fear, only having a voice that screamed at me inside my head ‘RUN’

I dashed to one side just as the nightmare leapt at me, immediately I started running away from him, “It’s no use running, there is nowhere to hide.” I didn't care, I just need it to get away until something comes up or Twilight figures how to wake me, that is if I’m asleep.

I heard growling from behind but there not to look, when I heard the sound of a wolf jumping for its prey I rolled on the floor just it’s claws to barely miss me as they tore part of my t-shirt. “Come on don’t make this hard on both of us, just stay still so I can end your life quickly.”

I didn't know what to do I wasn't going to be able to outrun him forever, I was starting to get tire already. ‘Damn, I hate being so out of shape, I should really start jogging more often, that is if I get out of this. Oh how I wish I could run faster.” As I said those words in my mind I felt going faster in an instant. “OH MY GOOOOD” I screamed as I trip on my feet not able to keep up with my own speed. ‘What just happened?’ I asked as I picked myself off the ground, looking from where I had just run I saw the figure of my nightmare a couple hundred meters closing in fast.

‘Did I just wish to be?’ I didn't know and I had no time left to think about it as the nightmare was now a hundred meters away.

“BAZOOK, BAZOOK!!!” I screamed not thinking just saying, in a puff a Kazoo appeared in the air and landed in my hand. “I SAID BAZOOKA, NOT KAZOO HOW CAN YOU MIX THOSE THINGS UP? (You tell me readers, you tell me). In another puff a Bazooka appeared on my hands just in time to dive to one side as the nightmare leapt at me.

“EAT THIS FREAK” I shouted as I spun around and fire the rocket, the projectile hit its mark leaving a cloud of smoke. “Ha, how do you like for dreams?” I said satisfied with my action, that is until I heard laughter.

“Ha ha ha, you really thought that would work?” He said mockingly, ‘How could that not work?’ I was at a loss of words. “We are not longer on the human world, nothing that you imaging from it can harm me here.” He laughed as I view the situation. ‘Oh man, oh man, oh man; how can I hurt him, nothing that I think of can harm him, nothing from my...’ I stood there as realization hit me. ‘Nothing from earth can harm him, because we are in equestrian.’

I chuckle to myself as the nightmare eyed with curiosity. “What’s so funny, do you finally see that it’s useless to escape and how foolish it was to even try?” “Nope” I said as a bright light shot from beneath me, blinding the nightmare for a moment.

I started to feel my whole body starting to change, I felt my arm and legs start bending and stretching in different ways, as the bones started to pop out of place and adjust into new places. I felt the fingers from my hands and my feet start fusing with each other until they form four hooves. My face started to stretch outwards making my eyes and nose to switch place, now my nose was totally flat against my face forming a snout at the same time I felt a new appendage forming from my skull right in the middle of my head making a unicorn horn. I had I tingling sensation as my whole body started to grow a coat of a cinnamon colour and a gray cream colour around the tip of the snout. Finally I felt my hair growing and falling to one side with a Vinly scratch mane style but with a few strands going back, tail was of the same style but cut shorter, all with a black colour and an outlining of red to make the black stand out more.

As the light started to fade the nightmare slowly lowered its arm to see what was in front of him. What he saw was a standard looking unicorn pony of cinnamon coat and a black mane that could have been mistaken for the darkness in the place if it weren't for the red outlining that it had, for a cutie mark it had a pair of knives crossed on top of each other.

“What have you done?” The nightmare demanded as he eyed the pony.

The pony shot its eyes open to reveal a pair of brown eyes that quickly shifted to a strong crimson. “Oh nothing really, I just thought that if human things don’t work what about pony things, or in this case an actual pony.” I said as I stood there now looking like my OC pony.

“It doesn't matter I will still kill you and I-” Before he could say anything else he was surrounded in a red glow and levitated to the air, just to be sent back towards the ground with great force making get his air knocked out.

“Sorry for that, but how about less chatting and more fighting, or are you scare that I can beat you?” I said taunting him just for the fun of it.

“You will pay for that.” He said as he tackle me to the ground, in a quick swift I kick him off and use a spell to send a magic missile hitting him and leaving a scorch of a lighter colour than that of his fur.

He stood up and disappear on the shadows, I tried to stop him with another missile but ended up hitting the ground, I started to san the area searching for him when I felt a weight on my back and a sharp pain following it.”Aaargh”

I started to bolt around making him fall off me, before he could recover I slammed on him and before he went to the ground I turn around and bucked straight in the jaw.

The nightmare stood up and dash to me, in a blink he passed right next to me scratching , he repeated this for another three times before I used a barrier to block him.

I charged my horn and fired a fired ball spell striking him directly, making him hold his face as he winced to the pain. “You can’t keep this up, using magic can be as tiring as physical work and I don’t think there is much left in you.” He was right, that fireball spell had taken a lot of me, I needed to do something on one hit but what?

“DIE” he shouted as he jump at me, this was my chance, I leaned backwards making me fall on my back, as he starting passing on top of me, I used all my strength to send him flying a few feet to the air, I stood up quickly and leapt to the air towards him.

‘This is it, it’s now or never’ I said as I angle my horn to his chest, impaling it making his eyes shot open, before anything else happened I poured all the magic I could into a single spell sending it inside the nightmare.

“NO,no,NOOOOOO” He screamed as the magic poured all around his body giving off a blinding. All I could hear was the scream of pain from the nightmare will blinded by the light, and soon it all died down the scream was a distant echo and the light was gone leaving me back in darckness.


My whole body hurt, I couldn’t hear anything and my eyes hurt like hell. But even on my state I was happy. Finally I was free from that horrible nightmare, I could finally have normal dreams, and who knew maybe I could have of those dreams that-

“Luis, are down there, what is taking you so-” Twilight gasp as she saw the beat up unicorn on her basement floor. “Spike get help” Twilight shouted towards the door that leaded back to the library.

“What’s going on Twilight?” Spike asked coming to the door. “There is somepony that seems to have been in a fight with a timberwolf, I don’t know how he got he but we need to get help, now hurry.” Spike took a glance down at the pony next to Twilight, that’s all it took Spike to run to the front door to get help.

Twilight looked down to the beat up pony and started examining him. “What did you do to get a timberwolf to attack you?” Twilight asked out loud stirring the pony awake. “Ugh, my head” He said as he raised his head. “Please don’t move, you’re pretty hurt I don’t want anything else happening to you” Twilight said trying to make the pony go back to rest.

“Oh hello Twilight, what are you doing here?” Was all the pony said before collapsing, consciousness leaving him. ‘Was that, no it couldn’t; he is a human not a pony.’ Twilight started to levitate the unconscious pony. ‘Better put him in a more comfortable place before help arrives’

As she brought the pony up the stairs, she didn’t notice a silhouette in the shadows of a very large black wolf that seems that had been in a fight that nearly took it’s life.

“You may have won this round Luis, but the next time we meet I will kill and anyone that you hold dear.” The creature looked towards the window of the basement, he being able to see magic with his sense, every living thing that he saw held an aura of magic for him to feed on. “Looks like I got a buffet of magic for the grabs.” He looked at his beat up body before letting a sigh. “But I think I will recover before I start having some fun.” It said before dissipating in a black mist, sipping through the window and heading for a dark and dense forest outside of the town.