• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 1,983 Views, 49 Comments

How I became an Equestrian - Raybony

A Nightmare of my own threatens to destroy the land of Equestria and my love. And me and the Mane 6 are the only ones that can stop it.

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Welcome to Equestria

I was dreaming of me being in a tunnel of light which seemed like it had no end, I couldn’t stop myself moving as I walked to one end of the tunnel, I couldn't feel anything, I didn't feel floor as I moved towards the light, I couldn't feel the air as it hit my face or the natural feeling of a breath.

As I reached the end I felt the sun hitting my eyelids, immediately I stir awake and put my hand to my face to block the sun.

“Man I could swear that the wood was denser than this”. As I opened my eyes I took quite a sight, I was in an open field under a single tree just outside a large dark looking forest.

I looked around, this didn't seem right, I had set camp on a small clearing in the woods, but where I was right now was totally different but at the same time so familiar, I had seem this place before but wasn't sure where.

I stood up and looked around checking for anything else that may be aroun over the hills. I looked over one of the hills and came with a sight that would most certainly make anyone dumbfounded, right in front of me in the distance was a colourful town, but what was more unbelievable it that I recognised that town.

"Ponyville?" That couldn't be, Ponyville was from MLP, I most have been dreaming, yeah thats it it was all a dream. I pinched myself, which sent a sting of pain, `ok, I’m not dreaming, then I'm gone crazy and I have started to hallucinate.' I went running to a a part where I knew was a tree, if I was hallucinating then I would smash to the tree and snap me back to reality.

I went with full force and went to slam at where the tree would be, unfortunately I went long and ended on the ground earning a face full of dirt.

I shook my head as I stood back up and went checking around trying to find any of the trees that were on the clearing that I had camp in, but I never came with one, then I remeber that I never went to sleep next to a tree, I headed for said tree and extended my hand towards and touching it, feeling the rough surface og the trunk.

"So this is real then?" I couldn't believe it, I had been transported to Equestria, now I know what some of you may think, that me being a fan of the show I would be going crazy at having a chance like this, but one thing is being a fan who considers life more inportant than a hobby and another is being a crazy fan lover who does everything pony related. So yeah I rather have my normal life than being in Equestria (no offence on you readers that would do anything for something like this).

I shook my head and went back to the problem at hand, “ok so I’m in Equestria, just outside of ponyville, with all my stuff and enough food to last a week.” I let out a frustrated sigh. “This is just great, I’m trap in Equestria, I don’t know anyone, well not personally, and I may only be able to stay here for a week. Well I may as well pack my things before something happens.”

I started taking down my tent and putting it back in my camping backpack. But Murphy's law was on action, because as soon as I open my bag, a pink pony pops her head out, nearly giving me a heart attack.

“Hi, you look funny, are you new in town, because I know everypony in Ponyville and I’ve never seen you before, did you come from the Everfree Forest? Because that would be creepy, do you like parties, of course you do, who doesn’t like parties, have you meet my friends? I’m sure twilight would be interested in you, so what are you, a mix of some weird animals? Do you have a name, would yo...” I placed my hand on Pinkies mouth to silence her.

“Please stop with the questions, I can’t answer any of them if you don’t let me” I told her as I removed my hand from her mouth.

As I let her go I start noticing how big she was, on all four she was about my shoulder high including her mane, and if she was in her hind legs I would say that she would be a head taller than me.

“Okie, Dokie, Lokie” she said before starting with the questions (at least one at the time) “So what are you?”

“I’m a human” I said plainly, having a good idea that she wouldn't care.

"A huwhatnow?" she asked confused at the strange name. 'Well I didn't see that coming'

"A human, its like an ape but has a better developed brain allowing it to rationalise and think like any other human, or pony in this case." She looked even more confussed at my explanation. "Ugh, we are hairless talking apes."

"Oh, why didn't you say so? and why were you out here so close to the everfree forest?"

'That was the everfree? doesn't seem that scary' I looked at her and think of an excuse for me being here. "I was camping here after a long day of exploring." I then though of a question. "Can I ask, how did you know I was here?"

“Oh, that was my Pinkie Sense, I had shaking legs, tail twitching and scratchy nose, that means that somepony is new and are outside of town”

`I should have known better` I thought to myself before answering back. “Ok, so what’s your name?” I asked knowing already her name, but decided to ask it so it wouldn’t seem weird if I already know it.

“Oh sorry, I tend to forget to introduce myself when I’m excited, my name is Pinkie Pie, what’s yours?” she responded with her usual cheeriness of hers.

“My name is Luis, nice to meet you Pinkie”

“Luis, that’s a nice funny name. Say Luis would you like to meet my friends over in ponyville?”

I thought about that offer for a moment, it was my dream fantasy to actually meet the cast of the show, but what if they were scared of me?, or what if twilight thought of me as a phenomenon and sent a letter to Princess Celestia? What if... what if Celestia saw me as a threat and banish me to the moon? I stop there realizing how much this sounded like twilight on the incident of Celestia’s phoenix Philomena.

I decided it was best to accept the offer and hope for the best. “Yeah sure, I think that would be nice, seeing as I’m here; even though I may already know them” I said the last part to myself in a low whisper.

“Oh, you already know them? Oh that makes it even easier, but how do you know them? I’ve been living in Ponyville for nearly all my life, and I know everypony that comes here. Are you some kind of spy?” She asked after she started hooping towards Ponyville.

“Well it’s kind of a long story and I rather tell it when I know you all better, don’t want to freak you all out on my first day here”

"Ok then, so what brings you to Ponyville?"

"I didn't come here on purpose, like I told you I was exploring the land and set camp here, I just didn't see the town until this morning." I answered, it wasn't a complete lie, I really didn't know how I got here, hopefully Twilight could tell me why.

"Well thats strange, my Pinkie Sense didn't do anything until this morning, if you really arrived last night I would have sense you even in my sleep, oh look we arrived.

“Huh, oh we are, wow is even better than I imaging” I said as I looked at the buildings that made the streets, the town itself looked like the once from the 13th century, with its walls bearing the wooden frames that supported the house.

“Isn’t it, well we better go to twilight’s place maybe she can tell where you came from, and even tell you some things about the place.”

“Yeah I think your right”

We walked through the street of Ponyville, which for some reason were deserted on anypony, 'maybe they saw me and did the same thing like with Zecora, although that was more of Pinkie’s judgement than anyone else.' I thought to myself.

After a few minutes of walking we arrived at Twilight’s tree/Library/House, which was bigger than what I expected.

“So are you ready to meet twilight or are you scare she will start treating you like a test subject?” she giggle at her own comment, and I wouldn’t say she was wrong, I can remember when Twilight try to understand Pinkie’s ability to predict the future, it didn’t go too well.

“So, are you going in or not? The day isn’t getting any longer and I’m sure she is awake by now.” She said as she used her head to push me towards the door.

“Ok ok, I’m going geez; you don’t need to push me it’s just um...” I stopped wondering what would await me inside this house, it could be anything to being tested on to being sent away to Princess Celestia, or worst, I could be sent to Princess Celestia so they can test on me against my own will, while being kept in the dungeons.

I stopped there realizing that I was going insane just thinking about it, with a deep breath a calm myself and put myself together. “Ok Pinkie I’m ready, let’s surprise Twilight” When I said that she had a grin that cover about 90% of her face. “No Pinkie, we are not throwing her a surprise party”

“Ahhhhh, your no fun” She responded with a pouty mouth, to which she then laugh. “Ok fine, but I’m still throwing `you` a party mister, so don’t think you’re getting out of this one”.

“Ok then, but let’s go in, maybe we can give her a shock” I said to her as I walked into the library, boy I should have made myself ready for the next bit.