• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 11,250 Views, 202 Comments

A Place in Equestria - GoebelTron

Fluttershy finds a 5-year old boy who lived in an orphanage with no memory of his family and no friends.

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Chapter 11: Rescuing Thomas/Comfort

Meanwhile, in the treasure part of the cave, Thomas was still crying from Diamond Tiara’s hurtful words that broke his heart. After he woke up, he took out some marshmallows from his bag and skewered them on a branch, then roasted them over the fire and ate them. When he was done with his marshmallows, he put the stick he roasted them with in the fire and then looked into the pond inside the cave and took a drink.

After that he sat back down with his knees curled up, until he then heard something growling and puffing a huge steaming mist. “Who disturbs my slumber?!” A voice appeared. Thomas nervously turned around and saw a big, scary, red, majestically scaled, and Smaug/Ghidorah based dragon growling at him. “What are you doing in my cave and why are you hoarding my treasure?!” Thomas nervously gulped, “I’m not stealing anything... I-I didn’t mean t-to... to...” The dragon suddenly growled angrily at him and was about to breathe fire at Thomas, who started to run for his life after he grabbed his bag and blanket.

The dragon made a thunderous fire-breathing roar and then chased after Thomas with raging fury. When Thomas was cornered by two boulders, he cowered in fear to avoid the dragon’s fire breath. When it got closer, the dragon was about to eat him, when it accidentally slipped and Thomas continued to run.

Meanwhile, Twilight was still outside searching for Thomas, until she heard a faint voice, “HELP!” Twilight recognized that voice, “Thomas! That sounds like he’s in trouble. Hang on, sweetheart! Auntie Twilight’s coming!” She galloped to the source of Thomas’s screaming.

The dragon then appeared to a big cavernous room surrounded by rocks and boulders, then the beast used its tail to smash the boulders that he thought Thomas was hiding. While the dragon was distracted, he was able to crawl backwards and was far enough to get behind another boulder and crawled into a hole to stay hidden. When it caught Thomas’s scent, the dragon went to the boulder that was near the hole that Thomas was hiding in, and as the boy stood still and tried to breathe silently, until the dragon went away and then Thomas quietly made a move.

Suddenly, the dragon found the boy and breathed fire at him, but suddenly missed. When Thomas was about to make it to the exit, the dragon blocked the path with its tail, and then a couple of more boulders and tumbling stone surrounded him until the dragon caught Thomas with its claws. Thomas whimpered like he was gonna scream as the dragon was about to roast him alive and eat him, “P-Please... Help... Help me...”

When Twilight entered the entrance of the cave, she started looking, until she heard him again, “HELP ME! PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP!” Twilight then realized she was getting closer, then she saw him trapped by the dragon, then looked up at a big rock silicone, and used her magical laser beam from her horn and knocked the dragon on its head. While the dragon was distracted, Thomas got up and started running up the circular staircase. After the dragon saw him running, it breathed fire at him, but Thomas jumped and hid from it.

“Thomas! Over here!” a voice came, until Thomas saw Twilight over there, then he quickly made a run for it. “Auntie Twilight! You found me!” Thomas said running over to her. “Hurry! Hop on!” she said, lowering herself until Thomas jumped onto her back. After Thomas screamed while the dragon made another roar and was about to crush them both, Twilight started running with her nephew on her back.

“I’m glad you found me, Auntie Twilight!” Thomas said. “Can we talk about this later?! Right now, we need to get outta here!” Twilight said. Thomas heard the dragon’s roar come closer, then Twilight felt him grasp her neck, then she kept running, “Hold on!”

Twilight ran around the silicones in a circle with the dragon chasing them four times. When she stopped, the dragon breathed fire as she dodged the attack, until the dragon was getting tired. “What’s wrong with him?” Thomas asked. “All part of the plan,” Twilight said, then she saw a cliff in front of her, and looked back at Thomas. “Hold onto me, sweetie. We’re gonna jump over.” Thomas then held onto his aunt, then Twilight took a deep breath and galloped towards the cliff and jumped over, until she landed on the other side and made it towards the exit and it caused the dragon to chase them into the forest. “Aunt Twilight, it’s chasing us again!” Thomas said. “Hold on!” Twilight said. “I can’t see anything!” Thomas said, until Twilight used her horn as a flashlight, then Thomas held on her. “It sure is scary in these woods.”

When the dragon got closer, it suddenly got trapped by a bunch of trees and rocks, then it made an furious retreat.

After Twilight and Thomas made it out of the forest, she stopped and let Thomas climb off to take a look at him, but he sat down and curled his knees to his chest and covered himself with his arms and hands. He then looked up at her with fear in his eyes. "P-please, Auntie T-Twilight. D-don't hurt me, p-please." He begged with a whimper. He couldn't help, but remember the bad dream he had last night.

Twilight frowned down at the frightened little boy, and then realized that he was scared of something, so she went over to him, sat down on her haunches, reached out her forehoof to rub his back, then very carefully placed her hooves underneath his small trembling form and pulled him in to give him a hug and cradled him against her chest to comfort him while sitting down. “Shhhhhh... it’s okay, sweetheart. You’re alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” She said, while she gently leaned her head down to nuzzle his cheek.

“Thomas, can you look at me please?” Thomas looked up at her after opening his eyes, “Thomas, we were so worried sick about you, and so was your mother. Why did you run away?”

“B-Because I’m not a pony. I-I don’t belong here,” Thomas said, nuzzling his cheek on her chest fur.

“Do you want to talk about what your problem is at my castle? We can have hot chocolate,” Twilight asked, until Thomas nodded, then Twilight lifted him with her magic and placed him on her back, then she trotted back to Ponyville. “Auntie Twilight… p-please don’t tell Auntie Rarity that I got my clothes dirty. I didn’t mean to,” Thomas said while hugging her neck. “Shhhhhh… don’t worry, sweetheart. Just try to relax, okay?” Twilight said while patting her hoof on his hands to calm him down. She then continued trotting downtown in Ponyville while Thomas laid himself against her neck for a hug and nuzzled with her mane.

After she made it back at her castle, she opened the door and went to the other mares, “Everypony, I’ve found him. He was somewhere in the Everfree Forest, but he was in a cave that belonged to a dragon, but don’t worry. He won’t be bothering him anymore.” When Twilight went to the living room section, she lifted Thomas off her back with her magic, and then laid him on a pillow, until she found out he was whimpering with faint little sobs and sniffs.

Fluttershy looked up and saw Thomas sobbing on the pillow, “Thomas! Oh, my precious little colt!” She stood up, trotted over, laid beside him and placed both forelegs underneath his body and wrapped both the blanket around him, then placed her wings around her forelegs until he saw his mother.

“Shhhhhh... It’s okay, baby. Momma’s here,” Fluttershy said as she cradled her son. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re safe.” Fluttershy then gave him a kiss on the cheek, then placed him next to her and laid her wing over him for comfort, then she looked up at Twilight, “Thank you for saving him, Twilight,” Fluttershy said. “No problem, Fluttershy,” Twilight said, then she and the other mares laid on their pillows, and they had concerned faces.

“A-Auntie Rarity? I’m sorry I got my clothes dirty. Please don’t punish me!” Thomas said, until he cried again. “Aww... it’s alright, darling. I’m not mad at you, precious, and I can’t stay mad at somepony as adorable like you. I’m sure you didn’t mean to get your clothes dirty because it was an accident and it happens. Would you like me to wash them at the boutique for you tomorrow?” Rarity said, stroking him. “Mmhmm,” Thomas said, then he hugged Rarity’s foreleg. “Shhhhhh... don’t cry, darling. Auntie Rarity is here. It’s going to be alright,” she said, then she leaned her head down and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Applejack came over and stroked his shoulder, “Fluttershy, may I?” Fluttershy nodded, then Thomas ran over to Applejack, “Come here, sugarcube. Let Auntie Applejack give ya a hug.” After she wrapped her foreleg around Thomas for a hug and brought him closer to her chest for him to lean on, and while he continued to cry, she wrapped her other foreleg around his legs and used her other hoof to stroke his shoulder, “Now, what’s troubling ya, little feller?”

“Diamond Tiara’s words caused me to run away. I tried to be brave, but it scared me,” Thomas said. “I-I-I did-didn’t mean to run away! I was scared... t-that you would hurt me after all you did for me. I know it was j-j-just a d-d-dream, but it felt real.”

They all d’awwed at his sadness, then Twilight walked over until Rarity placed her hoof on his shoulder, “Sweetheart, could you tell us about your dream?”

Thomas nodded, then he took a deep breath, “While I was sleeping, I kept hearing Diamond Tiara’s hurtful words, then I woke up and it was morning. When I went downstairs, Momma wasn’t there. I kept looking while I journeyed to Ponyville, then I found you all having a picnic together, but when I came over you were angry at me, so I asked what was wrong, then you yelled at me, and then you turned into monsters and were starting to chase me. When you all found me, you started to hurt me!”

The mares looked down at him with concerned looks, then Thomas to cry again, “I’m s-s-so-sorry for d-dreaming about you h-h-hurting m-me.”

“Now, now, sugarcube. Now’s not the good time to keep all that emotion held in. Just let it out. It was no more than a bad dream,” Applejack said, rubbing and patting his back. “May I do the honors, Applejack?” Rarity asked. Applejack nodded, then she gave Thomas to Rarity, “Don’t worry, precious. Auntie Rarity’s got you. Shhhhhh... There, there. Nopony’s going to hurt you anymore.” Rarity gave Thomas a kiss on the top of his head, then continued to hug him, “Darling, I promise. We would never plan to hurt or torment somepony as precious as you. Only a ruffian with a cruel heart would do that. But next time, don’t you ever blame yourself on something like that if something happens to you. Do you feel better now, precious?”

“Yes, Auntie Rarity. Thank you. I love you, Auntie Rarity,” Thomas said, while he wiped his tears. “Auntie Rarity loves you too, dear,” Rarity said, then she smiled warmly as she nuzzled her cheek with his. When Rarity put him down, Thomas walked over to Fluttershy and sat between her forelegs, then hugged her neck and nuzzled with her warm chest fur, “Momma, I’m sorry for running away. I just didn’t want you to hate me like the dream version did.”

Fluttershy brought him closer to her chest, and then shushed him, “Shh... It’s okay, sweetheart. Shh... Momma’s here, baby. It’s okay. I’m here. I love you, and I always will.”

“Momma, please forgive me for scaring you! I didn’t mean to!” Thomas said, until he cried in her chest again. “Of course, sweetheart. I forgive you, but I was scared like you were never coming back. But I’m glad you’re alright. You just had a bad dream, and that’s what counts.” Twilight came over to Thomas and stroked his shoulder with her hoof, “Thomas, your friends Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle told us about what happened at school yesterday.” He then started to cry again, then Twilight stroked his shoulder, “Shhhhhh... Don’t be scared, sweetie. It’s okay, we’re not mad at you. It’s just that we were worried sick about you, but they were kind enough to tell us about how the little fillies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were being mean towards you. But don’t worry, Ms. Cheerilee took care of it.” Twilight leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Fluttershy looked down at Thomas with confusion, “Thomas, is that the reason why you asked me if you loved me even if you were a little different? Because of what they said to you? I’m not mad, I just want the truth.” Thomas sniffed, and then nodded softly, until he lowered his head. “Thomas... even though you’re not a pony, but a little bit different... I will always love you. Because I will always be your mother,” Fluttershy said. “I love you too, Momma!” Thomas said, then he hugged his mother’s neck.

“Now that’s the Thomas we know and love,” Twilight said. Rainbow Dash then walked over and looked down at him, “Just let yourself cry as much as you need to, little buddy. Because we’re here and you’re safe. You’re also stronger that anypony I know, and you’ve got a big heart that’s strong as a stallion that loves everypony in Equestria.”

“Rainbow Dash is right, sugarcube. Ya also shouldn’t let words like what those rotten little fillies says get to you, because it’s gonna get more worse if ya do,” Applejack said, smiling warmly at him. “Next time they do or say something that to you to offend ya, ya come straight to either one of us to talk to, and we’ll be there to listen.” Thomas nodded. “We just want to protect you, darling,” Rarity said.

Thomas nodded, then started to yawn. Fluttershy giggled softly, then Twilight helped her put her son on her back, while he rubbed his eyes with his small hands. “Goodnight, girls. We’ll see you tomorrow,” Fluttershy said, then she left the castle.

After she and Thomas returned home, Fluttershy took Thomas upstairs and gave him a clean pair of pajamas, which was a red long sleeve that had a pocket, and red and black plaid pajama pants. After he got changed, Thomas thought of something, “Momma? Can I sleep with you tonight?”

Fluttershy smiled warmly, “Of course you can, sweetheart. You’ve been scared all day, so you deserve some love and comfort.” Thomas then climbed up onto the bed and then waited for Fluttershy to climb on so she can tuck him and herself under the blankets, and then Thomas scooted closer towards her belly and then fell asleep, until Fluttershy wrapped her wing around him and gave him a soft kiss on the top of his head. “Goodnight, my sweet little Thomas. I love you,” Fluttershy said, then she rested her head on the pillow.

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