• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 11,315 Views, 202 Comments

A Place in Equestria - GoebelTron

Fluttershy finds a 5-year old boy who lived in an orphanage with no memory of his family and no friends.

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Chapter 19: The Talent Show

The next morning as Celestia’s sun started to appear against the dark blue sky, turning it into a gradient canvas of light and dark orange, and light blue, Thomas was stirring in the bed underneath the soft warm bedsheets with a warm smile as the light from the sun shined warmly through the window. He suddenly felt a nudge gently stroking his shoulder and then heard a soft voice, “Thomas. Time to wake up, sweetheart.” As he heard the voice call him, Thomas let out a big soft yawn, then he reached out his hands to rub his eyes, and then he saw Fluttershy looking at him with a warm smile on her face. He carefully climbed out of bed and went over to his mother to give her a warm hug around her neck pressing his cheek gently against her soft chest fur, “Good morning, Momma.” He sighed softly as his cheek was pressed against Fluttershy’s chest.

Fluttershy smiled warmly down at her little colt, “Good morning, my precious little one.” She reached a foreleg embracing him motherly, then she gently nuzzled with his hair on his head and gave him a kiss on the top of his head. “Did you sleep well?” she asked stroking his back with her forehoof. Thomas looked up into her beautiful greenish blue eyes, “Yeah, I did. I also wrote the song to thank all of you, including you, my aunties, and my friends for letting me live here. I also wanna make you proud tonight, but please don’t be mad at me if I don’t win.” He suddenly began to cry softly in her chest fur, until he felt himself being lifted up and being held. “Awwww... it’s okay, sweetie. I promise I’m not mad. What you’re doing is one of the most sweetest things nopony has ever done,” Fluttershy said kindly. “Are you hungry?” Thomas nodded until he felt his stomach grumble, then Fluttershy giggled and thought of an idea, “How about if I make you some toast with apple jam and an scrambled egg?” Thomas nodded and held onto her as she carefully carried him downstairs to the den to put him on the couch so she can fix him up his breakfast.

After a couple of minutes, she came back with his eggs and toast, and she had a glass of orange juice with her, “There you go.” Thomas then took his silverware and ate his eggs, then moved on to his toast, and then slowly drank his orange juice. “Was it good?” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah. Thanks, Momma,” Thomas said. “You’re welcome, now put your dishes in the sink and go get dressed,” Fluttershy replied. After he put his dishes in the sink and went to the bedroom to get dressed, Fluttershy smiled at her critters enjoying their breakfasts.

After another couple of minutes, Thomas came back down wearing a new set of clothes, which consisted a dark blue heather hoodie, a sports grey long sleeved shirt, and his dark blue jeans, “I’m ready, Momma.”

“That’s good, Thomas. Hey, um... how about if we go visit your aunties before we go to the talent show later tonight? Would that be fun?” Thomas nodded, “I’d love that, Momma. Can I ride on your back?”

Fluttershy softly giggled and then nodded, “Of course, sweetheart. Just give me a couple of minutes.” Thomas nodded as he saw Fluttershy give Angel some pets, “Angel, could you be a good boy for Mommy and watch over the others?” Angel nodded and then nuzzled with her hoof that was petting him between the ears. “That’s a good bunny. Now we’ll be back later tonight,” she said, then she knelt on her forelegs for him to climb up on her back. After he was settled in on her back, he waved at the animals, “Bye, guys. We’ll see you all later.” As soon as Thomas was ready, Fluttershy trotted out the door and walked over to the pathway that was leading to Ponyville.

As they finished walking around Ponyville, they saw Lyra and Bon Bon pass by. “Hey, Fluttershy!” they said in unison. “Hello, Lyra. Hello, Bon Bon,” Fluttershy said. “Guess what?” Bon Bon asked. “We’re coming to see you perform at your talent show tonight!” Lyra exclaimed. “Good luck on stage tonight, sweetheart,” Bon Bon said. “Thank you,” Thomas said. “We’ll see you later, girls,” Fluttershy said, as the two mares walked off, then she and Thomas continued down the dirt road.

Suddenly, they saw Starlight trotting over to them. “Fluttershy! Thomas!” she hollered. “Auntie Starlight!” Thomas said reaching out his arms, until Starlight walked over and gave the little colt a hug against her neck with a foreleg over his shoulders. “Are you excited for tonight?” Starlight asked. “Yes, Auntie Starlight. I’m a little excited, but I’m gonna try to make you all proud,” Thomas said. “That’s fine, honey. Just be glad it’s your first time doing something like this,” Starlight said, until she gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Okay, so Rarity asked me to fetch you two because she’s got a surprise for your son at the boutique. Come with me.” Fluttershy and Thomas followed Starlight to the boutique.

Meanwhile, at the boutique, Rarity was adding some finishing touches to the last outfit for the little school ponies’ talent show. “So Rarity, how’re you doing so far on the outfit? It’s getting kinda boring without Thomas around,” Rainbow Dash said. “Almost done, darling! Just a few more black gems and little bit more of black glitter and this outfit is fini!” Rarity said from upstairs.

“Man, I can’t take this boredom anymore! What’s taking them so long?!” Rainbow Dash asked in boredom. “I know. If he was here, we would’ve helped distract him with a little fun, but now it’s no fun at all,” Pinkie Pie said, with a sad mopey face, and her mane deflated. “Don’t worry, everypony. Once Starlight comes back with Fluttershy and the little sweetheart, then some of us will do our part while half of us helps Rarity with the outfits,” Twilight said. They suddenly saw Rarity come down with a beaming smile, “I’ve finished it!” Rarity said. “It’s magnificent, darling! Oh, my darling little nephew is going to absolutely love this!”

They suddenly heard the door open and reveal Starlight, Fluttershy, and Thomas enter the shop, “Sorry we’re late, everypony. Thomas was getting bored along the road, so we got him a snack from Sugarcube Corner to cheer him up.”

“It’s okay, Starlight. As long as he’s okay, that’s fine by me,” Twilight said. “Thomas? Are you nervous, sweetheart?” Thomas looked at his Auntie Twilight, “A little, but I’ll be fine.” Twilight smiled warmly at him. Rarity looked at the little boy, and gave him a warm smile, “Hello, Thomas darling. How are you feeling?” The unicorn mare reached up a foreleg and rubbed his back and stroked his spine gently.

Thomas gave his auntie a hug on the chest, “I’m a little nervous, Auntie Rarity, but I’ll be okay later on. It’s just my first time doing stuff like this.” Rarity then gave him a kiss on the forehead, “It’s alright, precious. It’s sometimes okay to be nervous, but you’ll get over it soon. Now, come with me and we’ll let you get changed into something I made for you to wear at the talent show tonight.” Thomas followed his aunt as she lead him to her dressing room downstairs, along with the others who followed.

When they got downstairs, they saw the crusaders with their outfits on. Sweetie Belle was wearing a pearly white dress with a two layered skirt with two tints of lilac purple and pink like on her mane and on her chest was a golden flower gem piece. Apple Bloom was wearing formal country clothes and had red boots on her hind hooves. Scootaloo wore a black spandex leotard with orange flames and dark pink lighting bolts on the sleeves that covered her hind legs and forelegs, and she had a helmet with the same colors as her suit.

“Thanks for the dress, Rarity! I look so much like an actual diva!” Sweetie Belle said excitedly. “Yes, you do, darling,” Rarity said, as she hugged the little filly.

“What do ya think, Applejack? Too fancy?” Apple Bloom asked. “Nope. It’s perfectly alright. At least you’re not doin’ anythin’ wreckless, that’s fine,” Applejack said. “Don’t worry, Applejack. I’m only gonna do some tricks with this here lasso,” Apple Bloom said. “Okay, I’m just trying to make sure if it’s safe,” Applejack said.

“Do I look awesome or what?!” Scootaloo asked Rainbow Dash excitedly. “You kidding?! You look 20% cooler, and you’re as awesome as me! I’m so proud of you, squirt!” Rainbow Dash said, softly ruffling Scootaloo’s mane, until she pulled the filly against her chest for a hug.

“You three look so adorable,” Twilight said. “Yes, I agree, darling,” Rarity said. “You three look great,” Thomas said, with a soft blush. “Thanks, Thomas,” Sweetie Belle said. Rarity then remembered something, “Thomas, I finished your outfit.”

“Where is it?! Where is it?!” Thomas excitedly asked. “Now, now, now.” Rarity softly stroked his hair with her hoof. “If a lady may ask, could you close your eyes?” Rarity asked, until Thomas closed his eyes with his hands and she went to get his outfit from the hanger. Thomas suddenly peeked, “Ah ah ah ah! No peeking, darling!” Rarity said. Thomas giggled until he heard her come back over to him. “You can open your eyes now, precious,” she softly said. When Thomas removed his hands from his eyes, he saw a black glittery and gem covered tuxedo suit with cuffs that had a pattern of piano keys and dark grey matching pants, a fancy white buttoned up dress shirt, a silver vest with music notes all over, a black ascot and bow tie with white gems on both corners of the bow tie and a big golden gem on the center and red miniature spherical gems all over the ascot, and there were a pair of black and white dress shoes that almost looked like sneakers. “I realized you might be uncomfortable with dress shoes, so I managed to make you something classical,” Rarity said. “Now, go try it on and show us what you think.”

“Okay,” Thomas said, then he went to the changing stations to put on his suit. “Ya know what’s girls? I think it’s very nice for him to play the piano for us all,” Applejack said smiling softly, until they all nodded in agreement. “I’ll try to keep my cool in case if I start to get a little sappy,” Rainbow Dash said. “But I guess it won’t be that bad. Besides, this might be something that I might enjoy.” Rainbow Dash suddenly smirked softly. “I think he’ll do wonderfully,” Fluttershy said. “And I can’t wait for his reaction on the outfit I made for him! He’ll absolutely love it!” Rarity exclaimed as she beamed with a big smile. “I’m sure he will,” Twilight said.

They suddenly saw Thomas walking out with his outfit on, and Rarity saw him with a soft warm smile and tears in his eyes. “What’s wrong, precious? Do you not like it?” she asked in concern. “A-Aunt... Auntie R-Rarity... I... I LOVE IT!” Thomas said as he ran over to his auntie and wrapped his cute little arms around her neck and laid his head buried against her soft white chest fur and cried happily. “T-Tha-Thank you so much...”

They all smiled warmly at his kind gesture, and Rarity felt her heart melt at his happiness, then she felt tears of happiness sting her eyes as she lifted her foreleg up and gently hugged him bringing him closer towards her chest. “Aww... you’re welcome, darling. I’m so happy that you love it, precious,” Rarity said softly as she hushed him softly into his ear, and gave him a kiss on the top of his head tenderly and rubbed his shoulders with her hoof.

“Aww... Rarity, it looks so beautiful! That’s one of the nicest things you’ve ever done,” Twilight said, as Thomas blushed softly. “That is so cool,” Rainbow Dash said. “Yep. It’s absolutely fine with me,” Applejack said. “Oooooh! Glitter!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“You look so handsome, sweetheart,” Fluttershy said. “Thank you, Momma,” Thomas said, until she wiped his tears with her hoof. “Don’t worry, Thomas. We’ll be cheering for you when you get up on stage,” Sweetie Belle said. “I’m sure you will,” Twilight said. “Now, let’s head on over to the schoolhouse.”

They all nodded in agreement, as Fluttershy leaned down and let Thomas climb onto her back. After they were situated and when Rarity turned off the lights and locked the door to her boutique with a “closed” sign, she then join the others after she grabbed the outfits for the fillies and colts.

Later on, as the sun was making an early sunset, they arrived at the schoolhouse and saw all the parents and the other ponies of Ponyville finding some seats to sit on and then they went to the schoolhouse to drop off Thomas and the Crusaders so they can get ready. “Alright, y’all youngins. We’re gonna be at the seats watching y’all perform. You do well, okay?” Applejack said. “Okay, we’ll see you at the view,” Scootaloo said.

Fluttershy then lowered herself so Thomas can climb off her back and then she gave him a quick hug, “Thomas, I know you’re still a little nervous, but try your best. Okay? I love you.”

“I love you too, Momma,” Thomas said, as he hugged her back, then she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the forehead and went to join the girls in their seats. Rarity went off to go drop off the costumes for the students. “Y’all ready for this because I am!” Apple Bloom asked excitedly. “Yeah! I feel like my voice is like a choir from heaven when I sing,” Sweetie Belle said. “Just keep believing, because when I show off my awesomeness, your minds are about to be blown!” Scootaloo said with a smirk.

“I-I hope you all do good,” Thomas said. “Aww... thank you, Thomas,” Sweetie Belle said. “No problem,” Thomas said. “Hey, we all believe in you, and we’ll be rooting for you,” Scootaloo said. Thomas smiled softly and joined the other Crusaders for a group hug.

They then arrived at the stage that was built from the strongest wood and metal, and then it was surrounded all the way in the back and sides with a big red satin curtain. There were three stage lights set up on the left and right sides, along with two in the center. When they arrived at the backstage, they saw the fillies and colts practicing their routines.

Thomas suddenly saw a big black electric grand piano sitting on the stage in the center. He went up and looked at it, then he gulped nervously. “You okay?” He suddenly heard the voice of Diamond Tiara. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just nervous. I’ve never performed in front of a crowd before,” Thomas said. “Hey, it’s okay. Just try your best, okay?” Diamond Tiara said, comforting the colt, until he nodded. Diamond Tiara then smiled warmly and gave him a kiss on the cheek, “Okay, I’m gonna go practice. Good luck, cutie!” Thomas nodded and then went to go rehearse his notes by singing some of the lyrics.

”When you were standing in the wake of devastation

When you were waiting on the edge of the unknown

And with the cataclysm raining down, insides crying save me now

You were there impossibly alone...”

“Wow... you wrote that?” Silver Spoon asked. “Oh! Y-yeah, I did. It’s a song I wrote for my Momma and my aunties so I can say thank you and everypony else for letting me live here,” Thomas said. “Aww... Well that is so sweet of you, Thomas. I’m sure they’ll be proud of you,” Silver Spoon said. “By the way... I’m not trying to be mean... but what are doing for the talent show?” Thomas asked. “Don’t worry. You’re not being mean. And the thing I’m doing for the talent show is me tap dancing to some jazz music,” Silver Spoon said.

“I hope you and Diamond Tiara do good out there, too. And my friends the Crusaders,” Thomas said. “Thanks, sweetie. I’m sure your aunties and your Momma will be proud. You take care and I hope you do good as well,” Silver Spoon said, as she trotted off to go rehearse for her performance. He then turned back to practice on the piano, and then practiced his singing.

Later on, 7:00 arrived and the adult ponies while some of the babies and preschool foals started to take their seats along the ground before the stage. Fluttershy and her friends, including Spike took their places in the front row so they can see closely.

In the backstage, the fillies and colts were finally ready to go out and perform on stage when called upon. Ms. Cheerilee suddenly walked over and looked at all of her students in their cute little costumes with a bright smile, “Alright, children. Tonight, I want you to do your best out there and have a little fun. Now remember, when I call your name and your act, just come out and do your performance the best way you can. Alright, now just wait here while I start the introductions. And by the way, Thomas? Octavia Melody and her friend, Vinyl Scratch wanted me to give you this.” She gave Thomas a letter from the two music mares and read it.

“Music Options: Vocal Choir; Funk; Pop; Electric Guitar - Vinyl”

When Ms. Cheerilee was ready, she walked out onto the stage, and then walked over to the microphone stand and gently tapped it without making loud noise, “Good evening, mares and gentlecolts. Welcome to the Annual Ponyville Elementary School Talent Show. I am Ms. Cheerilee, and I will be your host for this evening. But before we get started on the performances, I have one more co-host to join. May I present to you, Mrs. Starlight Glimmer!” The ponies applauded and then Starlight walked up onto the stage and waved at everypony until she waved at her nephew and then went to the microphone, “Thank you, Ms. Cheerilee. Everypony, it’s such an honor to be attending for co-host for this evening. Now, if there are no more questions, then let’s get down to business. When I hold the list, Ms. Cheerilee will say the names of our performers.”

Ms. Cheerilee looked at the first act on the list, “First up is Snips and Snails with their groovy breakdancing!” The crowd clopped their hooves to welcome the two unicorn colts who came out dressed in hoodies, ball caps and sunglasses. They suddenly turned on the music and then started breakdancing while rapping. When they were finished, the crowd applauded and then the two colts bowed and went backstage.

“Well, that was something, huh?” Starlight asked. “Indeed,” Ms. Cheerilee said, then she looked at the checklist for the next act. Starlight then decided to announce it, “Next up, we have... Sweetie Belle with her singing talent!” The crowd applauded as they saw Sweetie Belle come out and then saw Starlight lower the microphone towards her level and then Sweetie Belle spoke up, “Hey, everypony. This song’s about us, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but it’s about us succeeding and failing, but trying to get back up and trying again.”

When she finished her song, she bowed and saw Rarity cheering for her. Then, she left the stage and went backstage to rest. “Sweetie Belle? You were great,” Thomas said. “Thanks,” she said.

Ms. Cheerilee then looked at the list again, then called out the next act, “Next up is Apple Bloom and her lasso stunt maneuver!” When Apple Bloom walked out with her lasso, she gritted the rope with her teeth and began to do her stunts with it with jumping over the loop, tap dancing with it, and jump-roping through the loop. When she was finished, the crowd applauded and then saw Applejack tipping her hat with tears in her eyes, and then ran to the backstage with happiness.

“Let’s hear it for Scootaloo with her scooter stunts!” Starlight announced, then Scootaloo came out and saw many wooden ramps out there, until she put on her helmet. “Okay, everypony. Get ready to have your minds blown by the awesomeness of this little filly right here!” She then got onto the ramp and when she was ready, she kicked off from her scooter holding on tight to the handlebars and then did many regular flips, backflips, and other cool stunts with her scooter. When she was finished with her stunts, she saw the ponies applauded with whistles and clapping noises. “Thanks, everypony. Be sure to stay cool as me,” she said as she kicked off on her scooter backstage.

“Okay, up next is Silver Spoon with her jazzy tap dancing!” Starlight said, then Thomas saw Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara appear. Silver Spoon was wearing a black leotard with a black bow on the crest and a short satin skirt around her flank and she had black glittery tap dancing shoes on all four hooves that looked like short heeled Mary Janes flats. Diamond Tiara was wearing a pearly whitish pink leotard with a white tutu and white leggings on her hind legs and her hind hooves were covered by pink ribbon strapped ballet shoes.

“Do good out there, Silver,” Diamond Tiara said. “Thanks, Diamond. You too,” Silver Spoon said. As she walked out onto the stage, she put on some funky jazz music and began her tap dancing act. Thomas and the others watched in amazement as Silver Spoon clopped each heel and sole of her tap dancing shoes. When the song ended, she bowed her head and trotted backstage.

“Let’s hear it for Silver Spoon!” Ms. Cheerilee said as they all applauded. When the audience was silent, Starlight and Ms. Cheerilee looked at the list again, “Next up is Diamond Tiara with her ballet reciting act.” Diamond Tiara felt a poke on her flank, then turned around and saw Thomas with a warm blush, “Good luck out there.”

“Thanks, sweetie,” Diamond Tiara said, then she went out on stage and then began dancing with ballet music. When Diamond Tiara finished her ballet act, Thomas then congratulated her and waited for his turn.

Later on, many of the students who participated in the talent show went, Thomas suddenly realized he hasn’t gone yet. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and prayed for luck, until he heard Ms. Cheerilee announce the final act, “Alright, everypony. Since the rest of our students have gone, it’s now time to close it up with the final act for the night.”

Thomas saw his friends come over to support him. “I know ya can do this, Thomas,” Apple Bloom said. “Just go out there and show them how much you feel,” Scootaloo said. “We’re here for you, Thomas. And I know you’ll do us all proud,” Sweetie Belle said. “We’ll be watching,” Silver Spoon said. Diamond Tiara then went over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, “You go and give them some rhythm, cutie.”

Thomas blushed from the kiss on his cheek, and then nodded, “Okay, here we go.” He then waited to be called upon, “As you may or may not have known, me and my co-host would like to welcome our newest lovable student here at our school who will be playing a song on this electronic grand piano for us all. Mares and gentlecolts, please welcome our new student, Thomas!” Thomas heard his name being called and saw his auntie motion for him to come out on stage and he suddenly gave her a hug for luck. After the hug, he took the microphone and placed it on the holder after he sat down on the stool, and took out his sheet music notes and set them up nicely.

When he was ready, he took one more look at the ponies applauding at him, and then he saw Fluttershy and the other girls sitting in the front row clopping their hooves and giving him cheers, blow kisses, and supportive smiles.

He suddenly said a few words before starting, “H-Hi, everypony. Hi, Momma.” He saw Fluttershy waving at him. “This song I wrote is about my depression during my hard life from the past and my experience here in my new home of Equestria. It’s a chance for me to say thank you for giving me support and comfort. So, I hope you all enjoy it.”

He then took a deep breath and then placed his hands on the keys, and after he remembered the percussion, he turned on the backup music on the piano music and then started stroking the keys.

After several minutes of playing and singing the song, Thomas suddenly took some deep breathing, and then carefully stood off the piano bench. He turned around and saw the crowd clopping their hooves with tears in their eyes. He smiled softly at the crowd and then bowed. “That was very wonderful, Thomas. Great job,” Ms. Cheerilee said. “Thank you, Ms. Cheerilee,” Thomas said, until he hugged his Auntie Starlight.

When Thomas went backstage, he was gently wrapped in a big group hug by the CMC. “That was amazing, Thomas!” Sweetie Belle said. “I didn’t know you felt that way about us,” Apple Bloom said. “You’ve got a warm side, kid. Never let it go,” Scootaloo said. “Thanks,” Thomas said. He suddenly saw Diamond Tiara crying with tears of happiness in her eyes, and then she sat on her haunches and lifted her little forelegs up to bring him closer to her and wrapped them around his shoulders giving him a warm hug, “That was beautiful, Thomas. You made us all feel proud of you.”

Silver Spoon placed her hoof on his back and rubbed it up and down with the sole of her shoe, “Yes, Thomas. You play the piano beautifully and wonderfully like a real musician.” Thomas nodded and gently hugged Silver Spoon’s hoof.

Ms. Cheerilee and Starlight suddenly got back to the microphone with envelopes and ribbons with gold, silver and bronze medals, “And now, it’s time to announce the winners of this year’s talent show. And then, I will announce the true winner of this platinum medal for best act in the talent show.” The crowd cheered and clopped their hooves very loudly as they could, then the two mares started to announce the winners. Ms. Cheerilee announced the fillies and colts to come out for their medals, “Now, the first medals go to the act of best skills and variety act. Snips and Snails win third place for their amazing breakdancing, Scootaloo wins second place for her outstanding scooter stunts act, and Apple Bloom wins first place for her lasso tricks act.” Starlight gave them their medals with her magic, then the young ones smiled with glee.

“Next up is Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Featherweight for best dance act,” Ms. Cheerilee said. “Since I saw how well they did, I announce these two fillies to be in first place together, because of Diamond Tiara’s ballet and Silver Spoon’s excellent jazz tap dancing performance! And second place goes to Featherweight for his river-dancing.” Starlight gave Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon their gold medals and Featherweight his silver medal.

“The next awarding is best opera and theater act. Will Dinky Doo, Pipsqueak, Rumble and Truffle come out please?” Ms. Cheerilee said as the four young ponies appeared and got their medals for first place on their multi character opera act.

Later on, the rest of the students got their medals, until Ms. Cheerilee began her final awarding announcement, “Now, the final medals of the night will go to the best musical act, until we announce the true winner of this year’s talent show. Sweetie Belle, Thomas? Could you two come out please?” Thomas and Sweetie Belle both nodded and then walked out on stage to earn their medals.

“Now, since you both did an excellent job with your musical acts, I decided to make this a little easy for you both.” Thomas and Sweetie Belle nodded at their teacher as she smiled at the two. “For excellence on their performances, I place Sweetie Belle in second place for her beautiful singing of her tribute to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and first place goes to Thomas for his wonderfully talented piano song performance.” Starlight gave them their medals and then they bowed and waved, and then went backstage to hear the announcement for the winner of the talent show.

“And now... mares and gentlecolts... it’s now time to announce the winner of the talent show and award the platinum medal for the best act.” Starlight then took out the envelope and took out the paper. Ms. Cheerilee then began to announce the winner, “And the medal goes to... drumroll, please.” The crowd clopped their hooves for a drumroll. “The winner for this platinum medal for the talent show’s best act is...” The audience was waiting to hear the nominee, until Ms. Cheerilee decided to let Starlight announce it, “My nephew, Thomas Mercer Shy!” The crowd clopped their hooves and cheered as they saw Thomas come out and then he received his medal that was placed onto his jacket, then he hugged his auntie, until she gave him a kiss on the top of his head. Then he went backstage to give his friends a group hug. “Apple Bloom! Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo! Look!” Thomas said.

The three fillies looked at their flanks and they saw three shields that were the colors of their mane. Apple Bloom’s had a apple with a heart in the center, Sweetie Belle’s had a star with a music note in the center and Scootaloo’s had a wing with a lightning bolt in it.

“YES! WE GOT OUR CUTIE MARKS! CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS FOREVER!” they shouted in unison as they jumped with glee.

When they walked out, he suddenly saw the seven mares and Spike smiling warmly at him, until he saw Fluttershy sitting on her haunches and then he ran over to her and wrapped his arms around her neck and gently nuzzled his cheek against her chest fur with a warm smile. “Oh, my precious little Thomas. I am so proud of you!” Fluttershy said. “You’re talent just touched our hearts.” Fluttershy then felt Thomas nuzzle his cheek closer, then she pulled him closer towards her chest and gave him a kiss on the top of his head. “Thank you, Momma,” Thomas said. “You’re welcome, sweetheart,” Fluttershy said. “You totally rocked it out there!” Rainbow Dash said. “Yep. And you’ve somehow made us mighty proud,” Applejack said tipping her hat. “Yes, darling. Your musical act was heavenly. I too am so proud of you, precious,” Rarity said, until she walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “When you said about thanking us for giving you a home and family, we just wanna day this,” Twilight said, then they all joined in unison. “You’re welcome.”

“Rarity, look! We got our cutie marks!” Sweetie Belle said. “I’m so proud of you, darling,” Rarity said, then she hugged her sister. Applejack and Rainbow Dash hugged their sisters as well.

“Hey! This calls for a party!” Pinkie Pie said. “How about if we all go out to dinner instead?” Rarity said. They all nodded in agreement and after Thomas got on Fluttershy’s back, they took him and the girls, including Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, our to dinner to award them for their excellence.

Author's Note:

Next up is Nightmare Night. I decided to make his costume be a certain Marvel superhero you may know, but you’ll find out. :pinkiehappy:

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