• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 11,251 Views, 202 Comments

A Place in Equestria - GoebelTron

Fluttershy finds a 5-year old boy who lived in an orphanage with no memory of his family and no friends.

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Chapter 17: Visiting Cloudsdale/A Day with Lyra and Bon Bon

The next mid-late morning, Rainbow Dash was soaring above the sky and enjoyed the warmth of the sun as it blanketed her cyan fur. She decided to get a little exercise by performing some sorts of tricks, back flips, and somersaults and she kicked some clouds out of the way with her super fast flying while the wind was brushing against her fur and waved her rainbow colored mane and tail. After she was finished, Rainbow Dash laid down on a cloud and relaxed with her hind leg crossed over her other one.

While she was relaxing, Rainbow Dash suddenly got an idea, “Maybe I can go ask Thomas if he’d like to go visit Cloudsdale. Maybe I can also give him that ride I also promised. It’ll probably be an awesome experience with his super awesome aunt! Fluttershy’s cottage, here I come!” She then took off to Fluttershy’s cottage.

While she was flying, she realized something, “I should probably make a quick stop at Twilight’s castle, since he can’t walk on the clouds. Should’ve realized that.” Rainbow Dash suddenly saw Fluttershy’s cottage up ahead and lowered onto the ground, then she trotted over to the door and knocked, “Flutters? You and Thomas awake yet? It’s Rainbow Dash.”

The door opened to reveal Fluttershy, “Oh, Rainbow Dash. Um... hello. Do you want to come inside? I was fixing my precious little Thomas his breakfast.” Rainbow Dash nodded and entered the door, then she saw Thomas feeding the indoor critters, “Heya, sport.” Thomas suddenly turned to see who it was, then he ran over to her, “Hi, Auntie Rainbow Dash!” He suddenly hugged her neck and gently nuzzled with her chest fur, and caused her to softly chuckle. “I know, you’re excited to see your awesomely cool aunt,” Rainbow Dash said, ruffling his hair. “Well, I see that it looks like that Fluttershy has a little colt of her own that likes to take care of animals like she does.”

Fluttershy giggled and came out holding Thomas’s bowl of porridge, then gave it to him after he finished the critters. “Yes, he sure does. And it makes me so proud of him,” she said. “He’s been so helpful to me because he just loves to help me feed the critters every morning before breakfast.”

“And I usually do it to make Momma happy because I love helping Momma feeding the animals,” Thomas said, until he continued to eat his breakfast. “Looks like he’s got the same talent as you do,” Rainbow Dash said. “Yes, and they enjoy his politeness when they see him show how much he cares for them. I am very proud of all of my precious little ones, and especially you, my sweet little Thomas,” Fluttershy said kindly, until she gave her son a hug, then she saw him softly blushing and smiling until she lowered her head and gave him a kiss on the top of his head, then she let him listen to her heartbeat. “He even loves to listen to my heartbeat when we cuddle.” Rainbow Dash smiled warmly, and Thomas softly giggled and nuzzled with his mother’s chest fur.

Rainbow Dash then remembered why she came, “Hey, Thomas. Do you wanna come with me for a tour at Cloudsdale today? It’s the place where pegasus ponies live. If that’s okay with you, Flutters. But don’t worry. I’ll make sure he’s safe and taken care of, and I will not let him out of my sight, because of me being the Element of Loyalty and stuff.”

“Oh! Um... of course, Rainbow Dash. I think it’s okay with me if you want to take Thomas to Cloudsdale,” Fluttershy said. “And before I take him there, I’m gonna make a quick stop at Twilight’s castle to ask her if she can cast that spell for him to walk on the clouds, since he not a pegasus or an alicorn. But if isn’t there, I’ll ask Starlight,” Rainbow Dash said. “But if he wants to ride on my back along the trip, that’s fine by me.”

Fluttershy nodded, while she held Thomas in her motherly embrace, then she looked at Rainbow Dash with little concern and worry, “Um... I know this may sound silly, but are you sure that it won’t hurt him while Twilight casts the spell on him, or Starlight?”

“Pfft! Relax, they’re both experts at magic. Starlight’s a experienced unicorn who learned a lot of spells and Twilight’s the Element of Magic,” Rainbow Dash said. “You saw how Twilight gave some comfort with her magic, remember?”

“Oh, yes. I remember. And I do trust Twilight. It’s just that... I just don’t want anything bad to happen to my precious little Thomas, or see him get hurt. He’s only a child and I love him so much,” Fluttershy said, until she looked down at her colt and stroked his hair with her hoof and covered his shoulders with her wing, until he nuzzled his cheek with her chest fur and comforted her foreleg. “I love you too, Momma,” Thomas said with his cheek squished. “And I sometimes give him some nice cuddles when he’s sad or depressed, or if doesn’t sleep well,” Fluttershy said, until she gave him another kiss. “I’ll be okay, Momma. And I would like to go with Auntie Rainbow Dash to Cloudsdale,” Thomas said, giving Rainbow Dash a warm smile. “Okay, then. And don’t worry, Fluttershy. I promise I’ll have him back by lunchtime or before dinner, depending how long it takes,” Rainbow Dash said, until she gently rubbed his head.

“Okay, that’s fine,” Fluttershy said, then she looked down at Thomas and broke the hug. “Thomas, go get dressed, sweetheart.” Thomas nodded and hugged her foreleg, then went upstairs to put his clothes on. “Um... What exactly are you planning to do with him in Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked. “Well, first, I’m gonna show him the entire weather factory, so I can show him how the clouds, rainbows, and all the weather is created, including the snow, rain, thunderstorms and winds. Then, I’m gonna show him my job at the Wonderbolts headquarters and introduce him to my colleagues there, including Spitfire. And finally, I’m gonna show him some other places in Cloudsdale, and bring him back either around lunchtime or dinner time,” Rainbow Dash said. “And I’ll make sure to keep an eye on him so that he’ll be safe.” Fluttershy smiled warmly and hugged her pegasus friend, “Thank you, Rainbow Dash. I know you will.”

After a few minutes of waiting, Thomas came down wearing his charcoal grey hooded jacket, royal blue shirt with dark blue rings, and bluish green cargo pants. He then walked up to Fluttershy and gave her a warm hug around her neck and nestled his head against her soft and warm chest fur. As the mare hugged him back with one foreleg around his shoulders and heard him sigh comfortably, he looked up at her and saw her looking at Rainbow Dash, “Could you give us a few minutes?” Rainbow Dash nodded, “Sure. No problem.” She then went outside to wait for them.

While Rainbow Dash was outside, Fluttershy sat on her haunches and brought Thomas a little bit closer to her chest, then looked down at him in the eyes, “Sweetie, I’m doing this for your safety, but please be careful. I just don’t want you to hurt yourself.” She then received a nod from her little colt, then hugged him again, nuzzled the top of his head and gave him a kiss on the forehead. “And don’t worry about me, I’ll still be here when you come back, and we’ll go somewhere for lunch or have a scrumptious dinner together, okay baby?” Thomas nuzzled his cheek against her chest fur and smiled warmly, “Okay, Momma. But don’t worry about me, I’ll be okay, and I’ll have Aunt Rainbow Dash to look out for me. Right, Auntie Rainbow Dash?”

“You said it,” Rainbow Dash said, then she bent on her forelegs. “Hop on, little buddy.” Thomas smiled at her then he walked over to his aunt and climbed onto her back and sat straight and gently grasped her mane. Fluttershy came over and gave him one more hug and kissed his forehead, “Okay, sweetie. You listen to your Auntie Rainbow Dash, okay? Now you two have fun and please do be careful,” Fluttershy said. “Okay, Momma,” Thomas said. “Don’t worry about it, Flutters. As long as he has his super awesome aunt around, nothing bad will happen,” Rainbow Dash said. Fluttershy nodded softly and went back inside. “Okay, buddy. I’m gonna fly carefully since this is your first time. Are you ready? Just hold on tight because we’re going up,” Rainbow Dash said.

Thomas nodded and then leaned towards her mane and firmly grasped her neck without hurting her, and then Rainbow Dash bent down on her forelegs, and then shot up into the air while Thomas clinched his eyes shut and held onto her tightly and screamed a little. Rainbow Dash then flapped her wings as she stopped and hovered into the air, and looked back and reached her foreleg up towards her neck to gently stroke his little hands, “Hey, it’s okay, kid. You can look now.” Thomas slowly and carefully opened his eyes and then saw that he was in the sky and saw big white fluffy clouds all over, then he looked down and saw Fluttershy’s cottage and the Everfree Forest above them.

Rainbow Dash then looked back at him with a smirk on her face, “See? What’d I tell you? As long as you have your Aunt Rainbow Dash alongside you, there’s absolutely nothing to be afraid of, especially if you’re feeling like you’re going to get hurt or killed. But that’s not gonna happen. So, are you ready to fly some more?” Thomas nodded and then hugged her around her neck without hurting her, “Am I hurting you, Auntie Rainbow Dash?”

“Nah! I’m a strong pony, and it really takes a lot to hurt me. Now, hold on tight. We’re gonna make a quick stop at Auntie Twilight’s castle,” Rainbow Dash said, then Thomas held onto the pegasus mare and then she started flapping her wings and then flew forward, and Thomas then looked down and saw Ponyville from above while Rainbow Dash flew above the town in a very steady and slow motion so that the little colt wouldn’t be afraid of heights. “Th-this is kinda nice, Auntie Rainbow Dash. It even feels good up here,” Thomas said as he hugged his loyally awesome auntie, who smirked at his happiness. “I knew you would say something like that. Alright, hold on tight because it’s kinda gonna be a softly bumpy landing,” she said, as she felt him tighten his grip and then she carefully flew down to the ground with a little speed, then she hovered above the ground a little and gently landed with a gallop and slowed down with a trot, and then she walked over to Twilight’s castle and knocked on her door.

The door was suddenly opened by Twilight’s magic. “Oh, hi, Rainbow Dash. How are you this morning?” The lavender alicorn asked in a polite manner. “Heya, Twilight. I’m doing fine,” Rainbow Dash said. “Good. Why don’t you come inside?” Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash nodded and entered the crystal castle. “So, what have you been up to?”

“Nothing much. Just helping reorganizing the library since Starlight and Spike are in Canterlot. They were requested by the Cutie Map for a friendship problem,” Twilight said, until she suddenly saw Thomas on Rainbow Dash’s back. “Well, hello there, sweetheart. And how’re you doing this morning?” After Thomas climbed off of Rainbow Dash’s back when she lowered herself on her forelegs, he went to the lavender alicorn for a hug, “Hi, Auntie Twilight. I’m fine. Auntie Rainbow Dash’s gonna take me to Cloudsdale and show me everything.”

“Oh, really?” Twilight asked, who hugged her nephew back as he leaned his head against her soft chest fur. “Yep. I’m also gonna show him the headquarters of the Wonderbolts! It’s gonna be awesome,” Rainbow Dash said. “But since I realized that he isn’t a pegasus pony and can’t walk on clouds, but you can since you’re an alicorn, do you think you could cast that cloud walking spell on him? Fluttershy doesn’t want him to get hurt, or killed.”

“Yeah, sure. I don’t mind,” Twilight said, then she looked down at the child who was hugging her chest with a soft smile. “Thomas, while I cast this spell onto you, I just need you to close your eyes, just relax and stay calm, okay? I promise it won’t hurt you.” Thomas looked up at her and nodded warmly, and then relaxed after he closed his eyes. Twilight and Rainbow Dash then stepped back. Twilight then focused all of her attention on the little colt who was calm, slowly breathing in and out, and had his eyes closed.

She then lit her horn up, “Alright, Thomas. Don’t be scared, sweetie. This might tickle a little.” Thomas nodded and continued to concentrate by thinking of a happy feeling, until Twilight’s purple aura surrounded him as she started to perform the spell. While he was relaxing and Twilight was concentrating, as a white light started to envelope him in a warm and cozy embrace, and he could somehow feel himself floating off the ground like he was in gravity. After Twilight finished focusing all of her magic on her nephew, she slowly lowered Thomas back down on the floor and he somehow fell asleep.

Twilight then walked up to him to wake him up, “Okay, sweetie. You can open your wake up now. It’s over.” He suddenly opened his eyes and stood back up, and started blinking and saw that he was still in the castle and he couldn’t feel any pain. He was suddenly stroked in the arm by his lavender alicorn aunt, “Are you feeling alright, sweetheart? Did it hurt you or are you feeling any numbness?” He shook his head softly and nuzzled with her chest fur, “No, Auntie Twilight. I’m fine. It felt warm and cozy like how I cuddle with my Momma’s fur.”

Twilight suddenly smiled warmly and then gave her nephew a hug, “That’s good. I would even feel bad if I really did hurt you, sweetheart. You know that, don’t you?” Thomas nodded and received a soft kiss on the forehead by his Auntie Twilight. “You can now walk on the clouds, Thomas. Just try to be careful not to fall off.” Thomas hugged her around her neck and nuzzled with her cheek, “Thank you, Auntie Twilight.”

“You’re welcome. Now I think it’s time for you and your Auntie Rainbow Dash to head over to Cloudsdale for some quality time together,” Twilight said. She released the hug, and then Thomas went back over to climb up onto Rainbow Dash’s back.

“See you around, Twi. And thanks!” Rainbow Dash said as she trotted out of the castle with Thomas on her back. After they left the castle, Rainbow Dash hovered into the air, so she wouldn’t scare Thomas, and flew off into the clouds nice and easy. “Okay, little buddy. Next stop: Cloudsdale!” she said as she flew off to Cloudsdale with her nephew on her back.

Later on, high above Equestria, Rainbow Dash was soaring with Thomas riding happily on her back with a few giggles, until she suddenly saw a giant cloud that somehow overlooked the entire sky continent of Cloudsdale. After she saw the view, they went to the entrance of the city and Rainbow Dash then landed on the cloud, “Well, here we are, little bro. Welcome to my home of Cloudsdale.”

“Wow... it’s so cool!” Thomas said looking at the entire colossal cloudy buildings. Rainbow Dash then lowered herself on her forelegs, “Okay, Thomas. I’m gonna let you down now, but just take it easy. Let’s just hope Twilight’s spell worked on you.” Thomas held onto Rainbow Dash’s mane gently as he reached his left leg over her and carefully climbed off her back. When he let go off Rainbow Dash’s mane and his feet touched the cloud, they sunk in, but somehow he didn’t fall through. He suddenly felt himself standing safely, freely and happily on the cloud. “It worked, Aunt Rainbow Dash! It worked!” He said, softly pushing his feet down into the big cloud as it felt soft and warm, and a little bouncy, then he made a cloud angels. “Hehehe.... Looks like somepony’s happy,” Rainbow Dash said, softly ruffling his hair with a forehoof. “You know, clouds are both great to walk on and nap on.”

“If I slept on one of these, I would never want to wake up again,” Thomas said, hugging the cloud. Rainbow Dash then snickered, and they both laughed, “Now, what do you say about going over to the weather factory here in Cloudsdale. Because I wanna show you how all the weather is made in Equestria. There’s also liquid rainbows, too.”

“I’d love too, Auntie Rainbow Dash! Let’s go!” Thomas said as Rainbow Dash nodded. “You can stay on my back if you want, but I’ll be sure to give you a chance to explore. Just don’t touch anything, okay?” Thomas nodded as she grit her teeth on the back of his shirt carefully and lifted him up onto her back, and then flew off towards the factory.

When they arrived at the weather factory, they landed on the concrete surface and then Rainbow Dash walked over to the cloud generator, “See that, Thomas? That generator is where all the clouds for the weather are made until that tube right there releases them, and those pools and pipes are how rainbows are made into waterfalls.” Thomas saw the water vapor being generated and releasing clouds from the tube. There were also big pipes pouring rainbow colored liquid into several pools. “This is awesome. So, the clouds you make... Do they also make snow, rain clouds?”

“Mmhmm. They also create storm clouds,” Rainbow Dash said. “In case you didn’t know, Auntie Rainbow Dash... I’m really scared of thunderstorms, even when I’m sleeping,” Thomas said hugging her mane. “Aww... it’s okay, buddy. We sometimes create rain or thunderstorms that have rain to make plants grow,” Rainbow Dash said. “Okay,” Thomas said.

“Hey... now that we’ve seen the weather factory, how about if I take you to see something way awesome as me?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Okay,” Thomas said, then he and Rainbow Dash left the weather factory, until she flew by the cloudy stadium. “That right there’s the Cloudosseum. It’s where most competitions take place,” Rainbow Dash said while flying. “Like racing?” Thomas asked. “Something like that,” Rainbow Dash said. Then they finally arrived at a place that looked like a academy with a training field. “Thomas, say hello... to the Wonderbolts Academy,” Rainbow Dash said. “In case you were wondering, I’m also training to be a Wonderbolt, and one of the best.”

“Can I meet them?” Thomas said. “That’s why we’re here,” Rainbow Dash said, until she heard a voice. “Hey! Rainbow Dash!” it said. She turned around and saw some of the main Wonderbolts appear, but one of them was a pegasus mare with light golden yellow fur, a deep orange mane and tail with a light orange streak, deep orange eyes, and her flank had a cutie mark of a firebird. She was also wearing a blue collared shirt with badges and medals, a whistle around her neck, and a pair of sunglasses.Her name was Spitfire.The others were wearing their Wonderbolts uniforms. Their names were Soarin’, Thunderlane, Misty Fly, Blaze, High Winds and Fleetfoot.

Soarin’ had very pale cornflower blue fur, a wavy dark grayish phthalo blue mane and tail, and moderate emerald green eyes. Thunderlane had dark magenta gray fur, a combed light grayish cyan mane and tail with lighter streaks, and light gold eyes. Misty Fly had pale light grayish olive fur, a combed and wavy light brilliant and very pale arctic blue streaks, and moderate sea green eyes. Blaze had light yellow fur, a brilliant orange mane and tail like Spitfire’s, and moderate purple eyes. High Winds had light grayish gold fur, a curly and puffy dark and moderate cobalt blue mane and tail, and moderate harlequin green eyes. Fleetfoot had light arctic blue fur, a straight, combed and cloudy light gray mane and tail, and moderate cerise eyes.

“Hey, you guys. How’s it going?” Rainbow Dash asked nervously. “Nothing much. Just doing the usual. Training new recruits,” Spitfire said. “So, what brings you here?”

“I’m actually showing somepony the awesomest places in Cloudsdale, including the Academy,” Rainbow Dash said. “Well, that’s neat,” Soarin said. “Well, thanks. So, how’ve you guys been hanging? Not that I already asked,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Oh, we’ve been doing really well,” Spitfire said.

Thomas slowly got off Rainbow Dash’s back and hid behind her right foreleg with a hug, until Misty Fly and Fleetfoot noticed him. “Hey, little guy. What’s your name?” Fleetfoot asked softly, until Thomas softly whimpered and nuzzled Rainbow Dash’s foreleg’s fur. “Wait a minute. Aren’t you that human kid we have heard about from the party at Canterlot?” Spitfire asked, looking down at him. Thomas nervously nodded, then Rainbow Dash spoke up for him after she held him up in her foreleg and he suddenly curled up towards her chest, “Sorry about that, you guys. This is my nephew, Thomas. He’s Fluttershy’s son.”

“Fluttershy’s his mother now?” Blaze asked. Rainbow Dash nodded, “Why don’t you guys introduce yourselves so that he won’t have to be afraid?”

“I’m Spitfire, and I’m the captain of the Wonderbolts, meaning I’m in charge of keeping track,” she said. “I’m Soarin, the second-in-command,” he said. “You can call me Fleetfoot. This is Thunderlane, Misty Fly, High Winds and Blaze. It’s very nice to meet you, buddy,” Fleetfoot said kindly. “Thank you. Auntie Rainbow Dash told me about you all,” Thomas said. “Is it true that you’re really famously fast flyers in Equestria?”

“That’s right, kiddo. Well, we’re not the fastest, but we’re the best flyers there is. Rainbow Dash here is the fastest than all of us. She’d even make a great Wonderbolt,” Spitfire said. “It’d totally be cool with her on our team,” Soarin said. “Well, if I keep on practicing, I might get the chance,” Rainbow Dash said. Thomas suddenly went to Spitfire, “Thanks for performing at my party at Canterlot.”

“Don’t sweat it, Thomas. You’re a really cool kid and I think you deserved it,” Spitfire said, gently ruffling his hair. “Thank you,” Thomas said. “Aww... aren’t you the sweetest thing ever?” Fleetfoot asked. “Am I allowed to hug you?” Thomas asked. “Sure,” Fleetfoot said, then she pulled Thomas over towards her chest for a hug and felt him wrap his arms around her neck. “Aww... he’s so adorable!” Misty Fly cooed. “I guess he’s not so bad,” Thunderlane said. “Rainbow Dash, as a reward for your nephew, you’re allowed to bring him over anytime you want,” Spitfire said. “Yes, ma’am,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have to get back to patrolling on the skies,” Thunderlane said. “We’ll see you around, Thomas,” Soarin said, until Misty Fly gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Take care now, sweetheart.”

“And try to stay out of trouble,” Spitfire said. “Okay, bye,” Thomas said, then the Wonderbolts took off and flew past them. “You ready to go home? I know it’s a little early, but I think you can handle it,” Rainbow Dash asked. “Yeah, I’m ready,” Thomas said, then Rainbow Dash let him climb onto her back and then flew back to Fluttershy’s cottage.

When Rainbow Dash landed, she trotted up to the hill near Fluttershy’s cottage and leaned down on her forelegs to let her nephew climb off her back, then looked down at him, “Okay, kiddo. Next time you wanna visit Cloudsdale for some fun stuff, you just let your Auntie Rainbow Dash know, okay?” Thomas nodded and hugged her neck and leaned his head on her chest. “Okay, I’m gonna head off now. See you around!” Rainbow Dash said and then she took off.

“Thomas? Is that you, sweetheart?” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah, Momma! I’m home!” Thomas said, as he came inside and gave his momma a hug and nuzzled with her chest fur. “I had so much fun! She showed me the weather factory, and I saw a lot of clouds and some rainbows, and she showed me the Wonderbolts and I met some of them, including Spitfire!”

“Really? Well, I’m glad you had fun, sweetie,” Fluttershy said, then she gave her colt a kiss on the forehead. “Do you want to go out for lunch?” Thomas nodded, and then climbed onto her back. “I’m gonna take you someplace that some ponies enjoy,” she said as she trotted off.

When they arrived in Ponyville again, they went to a small restaurant called “The Hayburger.” When they entered the place, Fluttershy walked over to a table for her and Thomas to sit at, and then a waiter came for their orders, “Hello, and what can I get you?”

“Um... I’ll have a daisy and daffodil sandwich with a glass of water,” Fluttershy said. “I know I’m an omnivore, but could I try the kid’s 2 hay burger meal and hay fries with a root beer if you have any?” Thomas asked. “Of course, little bro. Okay, I’ll be back with your orders,” the waiter said and went to the kitchen to retrieve their orders.

Later on, their waiter came back with their orders and then placed them on their table. Thomas suddenly took a bite of his hay burger and found it quite tasty after he chewed and swallowed his first bite, “This is awesome!” He continued to eat his burgers and then managed to eat some of the hay fries, which tasted like curly fries. “Is the food good, sweetie?” Fluttershy asked. “Mmhmm,” Thomas said, until he swallowed on the final bite of his first hay burger, then he moved on with his second hay burger.

When he was done with his burgers, they paid for their food and left the restaurant, until Thomas thought of an idea, “Momma? Can I ask you something?”

“Of course, sweetheart. What is it?” Fluttershy asked. “Well, I met these two ponies, Lyra and Bon Bon at my adoption party but Auntie Twilight introduced me to them,” Thomas said. “Yes? And?” Fluttershy asked. “Momma, please don’t be mad at me or yell at me, but... is it okay if I can hang out with them until dinner? I just wanna get to know them,” Thomas said. “But if you’re gonna say no, then that’s fine.”

Fluttershy smiled warmly and then hugged her little colt and gave him a kiss on the forehead, “Aww... sweetie. I’m not mad. I think it would be wonderful if you hung out with Lyra and Bon Bon. I bet they’ll be great foalsitters for you.”

“Thank you, Momma,” Thomas said, hugging her back. “You’re welcome,” Fluttershy replied. “Come on, let’s walk over to their house and see if they’re available.” Thomas nodded and then climbed onto her back and then felt Fluttershy walking over to their house.

While they were walking, they both kept looking around for the house of Lyra and Bon Bon, until finally, they saw a small peek at their window and heard them laughing. “Looks like they’re home,” Fluttershy said, as she walked to the front door and gently knocked on it 3 times. “Coming!” Bon Bon answered from behind the door, and when she and Lyra answered it, she saw Fluttershy giving her a soft smile. “Fluttershy? What are you doing here?” Lyra asked. “Um...” Fluttershy suddenly turned herself another corner and revealed her son sitting on her back. “Thomas! It’s so good to see you, sweetheart!” Lyra said until she received a hug from the little colt. “How’re you doing so far? Are you enjoying Equestria?” Bon Bon asked.

“Mmhmm. I like it so much, because I finally have friends and a family,” Thomas said, as he nuzzled his cheek on Lyra’s chest fur. “Well, I’m glad,” Bon Bon said with a hoof ruffling his hair.

“Um... if you two aren’t busy, he wants to spend some time with you,” Fluttershy said to them both. “Is that okay?” Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other with eagerness. “Fluttershy! Of course this little cutie can hang out with us,” Lyra said. “Besides, what’s a better time than foalsitting somepony?” Bon Bon asked. “And I just wanna ask you a few questions about your species. Is that okay, sweetie pie?” Lyra asked. “That’s fine with me,” Thomas said.

“I’ll see you in a little while, sweetie. But I’ll come pick you up, okay?” Fluttershy said, until she received a nod from Thomas and gave him a hug, and a kiss on his forehead. “I know you’re both trustworthy, but are you sure you can take care of him?”

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy. He’ll be fine. Right, Bon Bon?” Lyra said. “You said it. Just go enjoy yourself for a little while and leave the foalsitting to us,” Bon Bon said, while she had a hoof on his shoulder. “Okay, now you three have fun and take good care of him,” Fluttershy said and then she went back to her cottage so she can let Lyra and Bon Bon watch over her son.

Lyra suddenly lowered herself on her forelegs. “Hop on, sweetie. We’ll take you to the park so we can have some fresh air,” Lyra said. “Okay,” Thomas said, then he climbed onto her back and then they went off to the park.

When they got to the park, Lyra lowered herself down so Thomas can climb off her back, and then she laid next to a big shaded tree and Bon Bon sat next to her. Lyra then saw Thomas looking at the view while standing, then she spoke softly, “Thomas? You can use my tummy as a cushion if you want to lay back. I just want you to get comfortable.” Thomas nodded and then went over to the two mares, then sat down crisscross applesauce and then leaned back towards the soft fur of her belly. “Hey, sweetheart? Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?” Bon Bon asked. “And maybe you can tell me some interesting stuff about your species,” Lyra said. “I’m not trying to rush your little mind with information. I just want to ask you about a little bit of a few questions.”

Thomas nodded and then he told them about his hard life in the orphanage and why he was brought to Equestria by Princess Luna, and how he met his mother and aunties. Later on, he then told them why no one in the human world wanted to adopt him and why he had no friends.

“Oh, you poor little cutie,” Lyra said, until she hugged the little boy. “We’re so sorry you had to go through all of that, sweetheart,” Bon Bon said. “It’s okay. I got over my pain, thanks to my Momma,” Thomas said. “Well, I think you deserved to live here with everypony,” Bon Bon said. Thomas nodded and hugged the mare. Lyra then started with her questions, “Now, here’s my first question: What are hands like and what do you use them for?”

“Well, human hands are kinda like these, but these things on them are called fingers. We use them to touch, grab, carry or hold things like food or boxes,” Thomas said. “Okay, good point. So, why do humans walk on two legs?” Lyra asked. “I actually don’t know. It’s probably how we’re meant to walk,” Thomas said. “Sorry.”

“No, no, no, it’s okay,” Lyra said. “But we do celebrate some holidays like yours,” Thomas said. “But we have Halloween, which is our version of Nightmare Night. We do Thanksgiving, but it’s actually a feast to give thanks to one another. There’s Christmas, kind like Hearth’s Warming, but it’s actually a Christian tradition. There’s New Year’s which is where we celebrate the new year for everyone to grow and learn. Valentine’s Day, which is like Hearts and Hooves Day, but we actually give cards to people we like. Maybe I can ask Auntie Celestia to add Mother’s Day because it’s a day we give our moms something special to show how much we love them.”

The two mares d’awwed at the holiday thing, and then Lyra asked one more question, “So, here’s one I can think of: What do humans eat?”

“Humans eat grain, fruits, vegetables, dairy including milk, and meat,” Thomas said. “But I tried a hay burger today. It was so good, like it was a hamburger with fries stacked on top of the patty.”

“Cool,” Lyra said. “Um... Bon Bon, how long have you and Lyra have been friends?” Thomas asked. “Oh, we’ve been friends when we were fillies,” Lyra said, hugging Bon Bon, until she hugged her back. “Like as happy as we are, nothing will ever keep us apart,” Bon Bon said. “Cool. By the way, the school bully, Diamond Tiara had a change of heart and I helped her apologize for forgiveness, and she defended me from her mean mother,” Thomas said. “Spoiled Rich? Yeah, she’s a real grouchy pony,” Lyra said. “But I’m glad a certain little filly changed her ways,” Bon Bon said. “I also had a great time at the Gala,” Thomas said. “Momma looked so beautiful in her dress. She looked like a peacock.”

“Aww... did you dance with her?” Lyra asked. “Mmhmm,” Thomas said, then he saw a playground. “Hey, uh... Could one of you push me on the swings?”

“Of course, cutie,” Lyra said, then they went to the playground and Bon Bon helped Thomas onto the swing and then Lyra used her magic to lift him on the swing upward, then she let him go and used her hoof to keep pushing him. “So, how did you get your cutie marks? They look kinda cute,” Thomas said. “Aww... why, thank you,” Bon Bon said. “I got my cutie mark for making delicious treats and candies, like lemon drops or other types of hard or chewable candies.”

“I got my cutie mark for playing the harp and that’s how I got my the name Heartstrings,” Lyra said, until she stopped pushing him and let him swing on his own. “Cool! I think my special talent is being friendly to others, and being forgiving or helping them,” Thomas said. “That’s so sweet,” Bon Bon said. “Yeah, totally,” Lyra said, then she thought of an idea and brought her harp over to her with her magic. “Hey, Thomas... would you like to see me play my harp?”

Thomas nodded and then Lyra patted her hoof on the spot next to her, and then Thomas sat next to her, and then Lyra played a beautiful melody on her harp. When she finished, Lyra saw Thomas nuzzling with her left flank with a warm smile. Lyra suddenly giggled and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Bon Bon came over and gave him a small candied chocolate truffle brownie, “I asked Pinkie Pie to help me make this for you. I hope you like it.” Thomas took the brownie and then took a bite from it, “It’s good.”

Bon Bon nodded and then saw the sun setting, and then she and Lyra saw Fluttershy come over, “Hey, Fluttershy. He had a pretty good time. Lyra played her harp for him and he somehow enjoyed it.”

“He was such a cutie,” Lyra said. Fluttershy smiled warmly, “Well, I’m flattered.” Lyra then placed Thomas onto her back with her magic and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then he hugged both her and Bon Bon, then Fluttershy looked at them with a warm smile, “Thank you both so much for taking care of my precious little one.”

“Anytime, Fluttershy. He’s always welcome to hang out with us anytime he wants,” Bon Bon said. Fluttershy nodded and then took Thomas back to her cottage.

After a nice dinner of toasted lettuce and daisy sandwiches with some bowls of soup, Fluttershy gave Thomas his bedtime bath and tucked him into bed, and then gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Sweet dreams, Thomas. I love you,” she said softly as she went downstairs for the rest of the night.

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