• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 11,314 Views, 202 Comments

A Place in Equestria - GoebelTron

Fluttershy finds a 5-year old boy who lived in an orphanage with no memory of his family and no friends.

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Chapter 16: Helping Out At The Farm

The next day, dawn was starting to break, and the beautiful golden light of Celestia’s sun began to comfort Equestria. At Sweet Apple Acres, the crowing of a rooster was heard. In her bedroom, Applejack woke up and let out a big yawn, and then she rubbed her eyes and smacked her lips. After she got out of her bed and stood up on all four legs, she prowled downward, stretched her bones and then sighed warmly. Applejack then walked on the wooden floor in her bedroom and went over to the hanger to grab her hat and put it on, “Looks like today’s a good day for a family visit. Hope he ain’t busy today.”

When she was wide awake right now, Applejack got out of her room and walked down the hallway over to Apple Bloom’s bedroom to check on her. When she saw the door was slightly open, she carefully opened the door quietly and then saw Apple Bloom sleeping peacefully in her bed with a few soft breaths. Applejack suddenly decided to quietly enter the room and walked over to the bed. She reached a foreleg up and gently stroked her little sister on the shoulder. Apple Bloom suddenly moaned and started to stir in her sleep, until she heavily opened her eyes and saw Applejack giving her a warm smile, “Apple Bloom? Are y’all awake, sugarcube?” Apple Bloom rubbed her eyes and stretched both her forelegs and hind legs, then hugged her big sister and nuzzled her cheek on her chest fur. “Yeah. I’m awake, Applejack,” she said with a yawn. “But ya know it’s too early for applebucking. We usually don’t start until later in the day.”

Applejack came over and wrapped her foreleg over the filly’s shoulders and brouhaha her close to her chest and hugged her, “I know, Apple Bloom. Listen, I need ya to wait with Granny Smith and Big Mac while I head on over to Fluttershy’s cottage and go get Thomas. I thought today would be a perfect day for him to visit our farm and help out a little.”

“That’s awesome, sis! I bet he’s gonna love it here at our farm! Maybe I can play with him when my chores are done, ya know, like play tag, horseback ridin’, or hide and seek with the hay bales!” Apple Bloom said. “And don’t worry about a thing! I’ll make sure Granny Smith and Big Mac know where you’re headed!”

“I’m sure ya will, Apple Bloom. Now you hurry along and get ready, and I’ll be back in a bit,” Applejack said. “Okay, sis! See ya soon!” Apple Bloom said, then she ran off, then Applejack went downstairs, and then she walked out the door and left the farm so she can pick up her nephew. ‘I just hope he’s awake right now,’ she thought to herself.

Meanwhile, at Fluttershy’s cottage, Thomas was stirring in his sleep when the warm light of the sun made him comfortable. He suddenly started to wake up, and he saw his mother standing there. “Good morning, Momma,” he said with a soft voice. “Good morning, my precious little colt,” Fluttershy replied with a soft voice, then she walked closer and gave him a hug around her chest, then she lowered her head and gave him a kiss on the top of his head. “Do you want to cuddle for a few minutes?” Thomas nodded and then Fluttershy hovered over to a rocking chair and sat down with her child gently grasped in her embrace and then she started to gently rock back and forth, until they were nice and comfy.

Applejack was now walking over the dirt path that was a little far from Ponyville, and then after crossing the bridge, she finally made it to the hill where Fluttershy’s cottage was. “Well, looks like I made it. But I pretty sure hope I’m not too early, because I wouldn’t want to wake the little feller up with an early start... if he’s still asleep or not. Guess I better make sure,” she said, as she started to walk up the hill.

After a few minutes of cuddling, Fluttershy lowered herself towards the floor and she let Thomas climb on her back, then they went downstairs so she can feed her animals and give her son his breakfast. Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door, and after she put Thomas on the couch, Fluttershy went to the door and then answered it. When it was opened, she saw Applejack standing there with a pleasant smile on her muzzle.

“Howdy, y’all. Is it early or am I on time?” Applejack asked. “Oh no, no, no. Of course not. You’re just in time. I was about to feed my animals and give my precious little Thomas his breakfast,” Fluttershy said. “Do you want to come in for a little bit and have some breakfast with us?”

“Well, I see I haven’t come too early after all. That’s awful kind of you, but I actually came here to ask y’all somethin’. It’s for Thomas, but is he awake?” Applejack replied. Thomas suddenly saw her at the door, then he ran to her, “Auntie Applejack!” He suddenly gave her a hug around her neck and laid his head against her warm and soft chest fur and looked up into her eyes with a warm smile. Applejack gave him a warm smile back, and then reached a foreleg up and softly rubbed both his shoulders and back with her hoof gently patting his shoulder. She chuckled at his warm hug, “Hehehehe. Well, good mornin’ to ya too, sugarcube. It’s not every day you get to see li’l old Auntie Applejack.”

“He’s very eager to see all of you anytime soon,” Fluttershy said. “So what did you want to ask him?” Applejack then looked back down at her little nephew, “Thomas, if it’s alright with your momma, how would ya like me to take ya over to Sweet Apple Acres and show ya around? You can have breakfast with us and help out too, if ya want. Plus my sister’s excited to see ya. But it’s up to her to decide.”

“Really? I can come and visit your farm?!” Thomas asked excitedly, then received a nod from his auntie. “Please, Momma? Can I please go to Auntie Applejack’s farm? Please?” He gave his mother the puppy eyes, then Applejack looked at Fluttershy, “What do ya say, Fluttershy? Don’t worry, I promise he’ll be fine, and I’ll have him back in time for dinner.”

Fluttershy smiled down at her son’s adorable eyes, then she nodded and gave him a kiss on the forehead, “Yes. You can go, sweetie. I’m sure Auntie Applejack will take care of you for today.” Thomas hugged his mother with gleeful excitement, “Yay! Thank you, Momma!” Fluttershy and Applejack smiled warmly at him, “You’re welcome, baby. Now, go get dressed.” Thomas nodded, then gave his mother a kiss on her cheek, then carefully ran upstairs to get dressed. “He’s such a sweetheart,” Fluttershy said, then she turned to Applejack after she heard her kettle going off. “Would you like some brewed tea before you go?”

“Yeah, I guess that’ll be fine with me,” Applejack said, then Fluttershy went to the kitchen to take care of the kettle that was finished boiling. After she turned off the stove, Fluttershy poured the boiling water into two cups that had two bags of Zecora’s brewed tea inside, then Fluttershy brought it over for Applejack and herself to drink. “I know he’s going to love being on your farm at Sweet Apple Acres,” Fluttershy said with a soft squee. “Eeyup. I know he will too, but I also plan to introduce him to Granny Smith and Big Macintosh. I forgot to introduce him to them both at his welcoming party at Canterlot,” Applejack said in agreement. “And like I said before, when the sun starts to set, I promise I’ll bring him back here for dinner time.” Fluttershy nodded and hugged the country mare.

They suddenly saw Thomas come down wearing a forest green and blue flannel shirt underneath his fire engine red jacket and dark blue overalls. He also had a pair of yellow boots with him. “Aww, Thomas. You look so amazing!” Fluttershy said. “Just like a real farmer,” Applejack said. “Thanks, Momma,” Thomas said. “Okay, baby. Now you be good for your Auntie Applejack and have fun at her farm, and I’ll have dinner freshly warm for you when you get back,” Fluttershy said. “Okay, Momma. I love you,” Thomas replied, and then he hugged his mother. She hugged him back and gave him a kiss on the forehead, “Mommy loves you too, sweetie. Now, go have fun and I’ll see you later.” He nodded and went over to his aunt.

“Why don’t ya ride on my back? It’s gonna be a little while and I don’t want ya to tire yourself out,” Applejack kindly suggested as she lowered herself on her forelegs. Thomas nodded and then carefully climbed onto her back, then Applejack stood back up on her forelegs, and then looked at Fluttershy, “I’ll make sure he has a good time.” She tipped her hat and then walked down towards the dirt path with Thomas on her back. “Bye, Momma!” Thomas said waving at Fluttershy. “Bye, sweetheart! I love you!” Fluttershy replied waving her hoof. When Applejack crossed the bridge to Ponyville, she and Thomas journeyed through Ponyville.

Later on, Applejack, with Thomas riding on her back, finally arrived on the dirt road pathway to Sweet Apple Acres after a few minutes of a walkthrough in Ponyville. Thomas looked around in wonder and saw the road surrounded by so many apple trees on each side that was bordered by white fences, until he looked over Applejack’s shoulder and began to see that they were now headed towards the farm, which consisted a cornfield, a chicken coup, a pig pen, a small watering well, their house, and a big red barn that was very decorative and had four windows on each side and one above the door, and an arrow with a big red apple.

“WOW.... Auntie Applejack, is this really your family’s?” Thomas softly asked in amazement as they entered through the welcoming arch of the farm. Applejack nodded her head softly, “Eeyup. It sure is, little feller. Thomas... welcome... to my humble home... of Sweet Apple Acres.” Thomas was suddenly surprised that the place had so much view, so he hugged Applejack’s neck gently, until she smiled warmly at him. She then trotted up onto the front porch and walked inside the house, “Granny Smith! Big Mac, I’m home!”

“We’re in the kitchen!” Granny Smith said two meters away from the living room, then Applejack lowered herself downward and let the little colt climb off her back, then she stood up. She suddenly heard a barking noise, that came from her dog, Winona. She came running to greet the country mare, and then Applejack gently petted her dog with her forehoof, “Hehehehe. Hey there, Winona! Now take it easy, because I just had a long walk back.” Winona suddenly saw the boy next to her owner, then she yipped excitedly and then carefully jumped on him and gently fell on the floor with him, placed her front paws on his shoulders and licked his face, causing him to laugh. “Silly doggie! It’s nice to meet you too, Winona,” Thomas said giggling from the dog’s kind welcoming greeting, then he petted the dog by gently stroking the top of her head, until he giggled and gave Winona some belly rubs.

When Winona was relaxed, she went back into the kitchen. Thomas then looked up at Applejack, “I like your dog, Auntie Applejack.” Applejack tipped her hat and gently rubbed his head with her hoof.

“Thomas! You’re here!” Apple Bloom exclaimed trotting down into the living room and gave her friend a big softly warm hug. Thomas hugged her back by wrapping his arms around her neck and laying his head on her shoulder, “Hi, Apple Bloom. I’m glad to be here too.”

“That’s great news! While my big sister was coming to get ya, I was helping Granny Smith fix breakfast for us. Hey! Why don’t ya join us?!” Apple Bloom said. “Yeah, come on, sugarcube. We’ve got plenty for ya,” Applejack said. “O-Okay,” Thomas said, then he held onto Applejack’s hind leg as she and Apple Bloom walked him to the kitchen to eat breakfast. When they were seated, Thomas sat next to Apple Bloom and then saw Applejack and Big Mac bring some plates full of haycakes, scrambled eggs and hash browns over. They made two buttermilk pancakes with a small spoonful of scrambled eggs and hash browns for Thomas, and was given to him by Big Mac, “Thank you, Big Mac.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied. “Well, hello there, little fella. Your auntie told us about ya,” Granny Smith said. “Good morning, Granny Smith,” Thomas said. “Alright, y’all, let’s dig in!” Applejack said, then they started to enjoy breakfast together. Thomas then reached for his silverware and started off with the pancakes.

“Auntie Applejack, thank you for inviting me and letting me have breakfast with you,” Thomas said while giving his auntie a hug. “Aww... y’er welcome, sugarcube. But just remember, y’er always welcome to visit here on Sweet Apple Acres anytime ya want to come,” Applejack replied, with her foreleg around his shoulder, then she went back to eating her breakfast. Thomas then finished his pancakes and went on to his eggs and hash browns.

After their big breakfast, Thomas walked to Apple Bloom in the living room and gave her a hug. “Thanks for breakfast, Apple Bloom. It was really good,” Thomas said. “No problem, little buddy. I’m always happy to help,” Apple Bloom said. Applejack then looked down at Thomas and placed her hoof on his shoulder, “Thomas, do you wanna go outside for a little tour of the farm? It’ll be fun.” Thomas nodded happily and he carefully climbed onto her back and held onto her neck gently, “I’m ready, Auntie Applejack.” Applejack tipped her hat and walked outside with him on her back. Big Mac and Apple Bloom went with them while Granny Smith took care of the dishes.

When they arrived outside, Applejack looked back at her nephew, “Do ya wanna see how we got fresh apple products started?” Thomas nodded, then she smiled warmly at him as they continued to walk down the dirt path towards the apple orchard, then she leaned down on her forelegs to let Thomas climb off her back. After he climbed off, Thomas looked up at the tree and saw the delicious dark red, light red, light green, red/yellow blended and pure yellow apples on the branches. Applejack walked over to an apple tree and turned around to Thomas, “Alright, sugarcube. Are ya ready to see your Auntie Applejack do some applebucking?”

“What’s applebucking, Auntie Applejack?” Thomas asked. “Do you just kick the tree or do you shake it?” Applejack shook her head with a smirk, “Here, watch this.” She went closer to the tree, then she turned around, bent down on her forelegs and bucked the tree with her hind legs and several apples fell into the baskets. “See that? That’s how it’s done,” Applejack said.

“That was awesome!” Thomas said. “Do it again! Do it again!” Applejack chuckled before she ruffled his hair with her hoof, “Alright, simmer down, little feller. Y’er almost as excited as your Auntie Pinkie Pie.” Thomas then lowered his head in sadness, until Applejack pulled him closer towards her chest for a hug, “Hey, no need to cry. I wasn’t tryin’ to offend ya. Ya just need to calm yourself a little.” Thomas nodded, and then softly nuzzled with her chest fur and sighed warmly as the country mare hugged him back and nuzzled the top of his head, “So, do you applebuck all of these trees everyday?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said. “Ya see, Thomas, it’s usually a family habit. But when we finish our applebucking, we then give the rotten apples to the pigs over there, and sometimes, ponies usually come by to taste some of our freshly squeezed apple cider, or some of our homemade apple treats, including that pie I offered ya that time,” Applejack said softly. “I guess it’s nice for everypony to have some fun here, huh?” Applejack nodded, then she let Thomas go and went back to bucking more trees. “Aunt Applejack? Is it okay if I help out?”

Applejack then thought of an idea, “Hmm... ya know, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea. How about... if ya help Apple Bloom sort out those apple bushels over there?” Thomas looked up with a hopefully warm smile, “Really? You mean it?” Applejack nodded and tipped her hat, “Of course I mean it. I don’t mind at all.” After Thomas gave her a hug on the foreleg, he went over to Apple Bloom, “Apple Bloom? Can I help?”

“Yeah, I don’t mind. Here, sit next to me and I can show ya,” Apple Bloom said. When Thomas sat down, Apple Bloom started to show him how to sort the apples, “Okay, Thomas. Now all of these are gonna be sorted into two groups. This bushel will keep the clean apples for cider season or if wanna make treats out of them, and if there are apples that are rotten and bruised or have holes in them like this one, we sort it into a pile. After they’re sorted, we take the pile that has the rotten apples and mix it with the feed we give to the pigs right there. Do ya understand how to do it now?”

“I think so,” Thomas said, then she patted his shoulder gently. “Don’t worry, little buddy. It’s not that hard. It’ll be fun,” she said with a warm smile. “Okay, then let’s get started,” Thomas said. He and Apple Bloom started sorting the apples that were either rotten or fresh. After a few minutes of separating the bad apples from the good apples, Thomas and Apple Bloom finished checking. “Applejack, we’re done!” Apple Bloom said. “Great job, Apple Bloom. You too, Thomas,” Applejack said, then she lifted him up and placed him on her back. Apple Bloom took the bushel of bad apples to the barn, then Applejack saw Big Mac take the good apples to the house to get rinsed off.

When Applejack walked over to the barn and entered through the door, she lowered down on her forelegs and then let Thomas climb off her back as Apple Bloom finally set down her bushel near the big steel bushel and stood aside. Applejack walked over to Thomas, “Alright, Thomas. Would ya like to help me feed the pigs?”

“Mmhmm. I’d love too, Auntie Applejack,” Thomas said. “Well, alrighty then,” Applejack said ruffling his hair gently, until she looked at Apple Bloom and Big Mac, who came back from the kitchen, “Apple Bloom, help Big Mac get the corn, cabbages and grain. I’ll show Thomas the rest.” Apple Bloom nodded and went with Big Mac to get the sacs of both grain and corn, and the crate full of cabbages. Applejack saw Thomas put his boots on after he took his sneakers off, “Thomas? How about if ya help me mash these apples? I can show ya how.”

“Okay, Auntie Applejack. I’m ready,” Thomas said. Applejack nodded and then sat down on her haunches near the steel bushel and placed her hooves on the rotten apple pile. “Okay, sugarcube. What ya gotta do here is make sure ya press the apples as hard as ya can. Watch closely,” Applejack said, as she firmly pressed her forehooves down against the apples, crushing them into mush. “See? It’s easy. Now let’s see ya try it out, Thomas while I do this side,” Applejack said. “Okay,” Thomas said, then he rolled up his sleeves and placed his hands into the apples and started mushing them with his palms and fingers.

Apple Bloom and Big Mac returned with the bags of corn and grain and the crate full of cabbages. Big Mac went to the other side and used his hooves to mush the cabbage into pieces. When he was done, he set it up next to Apple Bloom. “Big Mac, why don’t ya go plow the field? We’ll take care of the rest,” Applejack said. Big Mac nodded and went off the plow the field.

“Alright, Apple Bloom. Go on ahead and pour the grain, cabbages and corn in,” Applejack said, then the little filly grit her teeth on the sacs and poured the grain and corn into the bushel, then she carefully lifted the crate of cabbage pieces into the pile. Applejack looked back at Thomas, “Thomas, if ya want, you can use your boots to mash them up since your hands did their job. How does that sound?” Thomas nodded and then Applejack grit her teeth on Thomas’s shirt, lifted him up carefully and lowered him on his feet into the bushel, and then the child started to mix up the grain, cabbages, corn and mushed apples.

“Great job, sugarcube. Now come with me and we’ll get your hands and boots hosed off,” Applejack said, then she took Thomas to the hose. When she stood by the hose, she saw Thomas grab the nozzle and then she smiled warmly at him. After she reached a foreleg over the faucet to turn the hose on, the water was flowing through the hose and Thomas pressed the nozzle’s trigger and washed Applejack’s forelegs and hooves off. When he was done, Applejack watched him hose his arms and boots off, “Ya done?” Thomas nodded and dried off the water with a towel while Applejack turned off the water and hung the hose back up. After that, she lowered herself and Thomas climbed onto her back, then she stood back up.

“How about if ya two youngins take care of the dinner bell and openin’ the gate?” Applejack asked. “Yeah!” they both said. “Apple Bloom, you take care of the gate. Thomas, how would ya like to ring the dinner bell right there?” Thomas looked back at her, “You really don’t mind?” Applejack shook her head, then Thomas hugged her neck gently and nuzzled her cheek, “I would love to, Auntie Applejack.” Applejack then chuckled as she hugged him back, and then trotted over to the dinner bell. “Alright. Now just stand up on my back and walk up on those boxes right here, sugarcube. When you reach that rope, you pull it and ring that bell. Ya got it? And don’t worry, I’ll hold onto ya, Thomas. And when you’re done, ya can help Apple Bloom feed the chickens and collect the eggs. How does that sound?” Thomas nodded, and then carefully stood up on her back, then carefully walked over onto the wooden crates and walked up towards the bell. Applejack wrapped her foreleg around his belly and stood up on the crates carefully, “Ready?” Thomas nodded, “Go right ahead, little feller.” Thomas then rang the bell, and Applejack hollered out, “Lunchtime!” Applejack poured the slop into the troth, then Apple Bloom stood on two legs and pressed her forehooves on the fence and pulled the handle with her teeth to lift the wooden gate. Suddenly, the pigs came out and started harking down their meal.

“Well, bon appétit,” Thomas said, until he and Applejack laughed together. “Oh! I got another idea! Thomas, let’s go and feed the chickens, and maybe I can show ya how to carefully collect their eggs!” Apple Bloom excitedly exclaimed. “Great idea, Apple Bloom! Thomas, do ya wanna help my sister out? I’ll set up your bath while you’re helping her out.” Applejack asked. Thomas nodded and then went with Apple Bloom to feed the chickens.

When they both went to the chicken coup, Apple Bloom fed the chickens the feed while Thomas carefully collected their eggs and put them in the basket he was holding. When they were done, Thomas gave the eggs to Apple Bloom and went to Applejack for his bath.

In the big wooden tub full of soapy water that had huge clouds of bubbles, Granny Smith was washing Thomas’s clothes while he cleaned himself up with the sponge full of soap and water. “Ya enjoyin’ your bath time?” Applejack asked. “Mmhmm,” Thomas replied, until he suddenly felt sadness in his eyes. “What’s wrong, Thomas?” she asked. “Aunt Applejack... in my world... t-th-the one t-th-th-that I used t-t-to live in... *sniff* w-we had s-slau-slaughterhouses!” Thomas wailed. Applejack gasped, “You mean it’s a place where they kill animals?!” Thomas nodded, “I really f-feel s-sorry for all those poor animals that have to be killed because of it. Not to mention... *sniff* the millions and millions of cows and pigs and chickens that humans harvest every year are a huge reason for climate change if we don’t survive! I’m sorry I ate those poor creatures, Auntie Applejack! I’m so, so, so sorry!” Applejack took him out of the tub and wrapped him in a towel and wrapped her forelegs around him for a hug. “There, there, now. You didn’t do anything wrong, sugarcube. I’m glad you told me everything,” Applejack said, comforting her nephew.

“Thomas? Why don’t ya dry off and get dressed, and then we can sit by that tree right there?” Applejack said. Thomas nodded and then Apple Bloom took Thomas inside and into the bathroom to get changed. When he got the same clothes on that were washed and walked over to his Auntie Applejack and sat with her until she brought him closer with her forelegs, then he curled himself up and leaned his head on her belly. “Thomas, I know how ya feel,” Applejack said, softly stroking his hair with her hoof. “I felt the same way when my ma and pa passed away.”

“Really? How?” Thomas asked, until Applejack gave him an apple. “Well, when I was a little young filly, Ma and Pa were usually busy most of the time, but every now and then, they had time for me, Big Mac who was my age, Granny Smith who was a little in between, and of course Apple Bloom, who was about year and a half old. They loved us so much, and we loved them, too,” Applejack said. “Ya see this here Stetson hat I always wear? This belonged to my Pa.” Thomas nodded, then Applejack continued, “But here’s the scary part, if I can remember. One day, when Apple Bloom was asleep in her crib, Ma and Pa were about to head out on a trip to Manehattan for family marketing business. After Pa gave his hat to remember him by and when we said our goodbyes, they left in their taxi carriage.”

“Well... well, what happened?” Thomas asked in concerned. Applejack closed her eyes and continued, “Later on, the storm got worse after they left the farm that night. The wind was howlin’ very loudly like a Timberwolf, there was a combination of thunder and lightnin’, and the rain got really, really heavy. The wind was so strong like it blew really hard that it threatened to tumble an entire house into debris, but the only damage our barn got was some roof tiles blown off, which took a while to repair. It even scared Apple Bloom, so I had no choice but to let her sleep with me that night to calm her down. As the storm passed by in midnight, she went out quietly and I let her sleep with me that night. Then suddenly, that morning, while we were fixing the roof on our barn and having breakfast... a mail pegasus came with a telegram... and that’s where we received the bad news. The telegram stated that the taxi carriage that my parents were ridin’ in... it fell off a cliff during the storm. Nopony survived. After we heard everythin’, we were so plum heartbroken.”

“How did Apple Bloom react?” Thomas asked. “She was too young to understand while during babyhood, but when she was 5 years old, she asked us how they passed away, and we told her the same thing. She felt the same way we did when we heard about it, so I went to her and held her against my chest like when she was a little foal, but anyhow, I was the one who took it the hardest that day. Later on, Big Mac and I were left to deal with the labor around the farm and I had to help raise Apple Bloom like Ma did since Granny Smith started gettin’ old. As long as it took all of us to recover ourselves from the incident that involved our parents, we vowed to never forget them as long as they’re in our hearts.”

“That’s awful. I’m sorry you felt that way, Auntie Applejack,” Thomas said, until he hugged her on the stomach. “It’s alright, sugarcube. Like I said before, I wear this here hat in honor for my pa,” Applejack said hugging him back, until she saw Celestia’s sun slowly setting. “Well, would ya look at that? Alright, Thomas. Looks like it’s time to get ya home for supper.”

Thomas nodded and then he held on to her hind leg and walked back to the house. When they came over, Applejack walked over to her folks, so Thomas can say his goodbyes.

“Thank you for breakfast, Granny Smith,” Thomas said. “Y’er welcome, li’l whippersnapper. I’m just glad I got to meet ya,” Granny Smith said. “I enjoyed ya comin’ over to visit today, Thomas, because it was fun having ya here at Sweet Apple Acres,” Apple Bloom said, until she came over, stood up and gave her friend a hug. “Thomas nodded, and then turned around and saw Applejack leaning on her forelegs, “Hop on, sugarcube and I’ll take ya home to your momma.” He nodded, “Okay, Auntie Applejack.” He grabbed his boots, went over to her and climbed onto her back, and then held onto her. “Ya ready?” she asked. Thomas nodded, then she looked back at her folks, “Alright, y’all. I’m gonna take Thomas back home to Fluttershy’s and I’ll be back in a bit.” She tipped her hat at them, and Thomas waved his hand at them.

“Bye, Thomas! See ya at school!” Apple Bloom said waving her foreleg at him. “Alright, whippersnappers. Let’s get supper ready,” Granny Smith said. “Eeyup,” Big Mac said, then the three farm ponies went inside.

While Applejack walked through Ponyville again, she looked back at Thomas, “Did ya have a good time at the farm, sugarcube?”

“Yes, Auntie Applejack. It was fun,” Thomas said, hugging her neck. “Well, I’m glad ya said so. And maybe next time, we can show ya something about Zap Apple Season,” Applejack said. “What’s Zap Apple Season, Auntie Applejack?” Thomas asked. Applejack then started to explain, “Zap Apple Season is when the Timberwolves in the Everfree Forest would howl at dawn, when the sun starts to rise, and we would be informed when it is time to harvest Zap Apples. What they are is they’re apples that had a beautiful rainbow colored skin, and they’re really tenderly ripe.”

“Could I try one next time it happens?” Thomas asked. “That would be alright with me, sugarcube. I’m sure you’ll love the taste of them zap apples as much as ya loved our apples and treats,” Applejack replied as she chuckled and tipped her hat. “And by the way, we also do some games during Nightmare Night, which is coming up in two weeks. We do bobbing for apples, spider toss, and pumpkin launching, which is used by a catapult.”

“Cool. Do you think I can convince my Momma to come out for Nightmare Night? I just want her to take me trick-or-treating this year,” Thomas suggested. “I guess it could work, but how do ya plan on doin’ that?” Applejack asked. “Well, I can ask her nicely and show her that there’s nothing to be scared of,” Thomas said. “That’s what she taught me.”

“Well, I guess it’s fine by me. I have to say, ya really do have a big heart,” Applejack said, then she saw Fluttershy’s cottage up ahead, and she walked up the hill. When she made it by the doorstep, Thomas got off her back and gave his aunt one more hug, “Thanks for bringing me over to your farm, Auntie Applejack. I had fun with you and your family.” As Thomas nuzzled with her chest fur, Applejack hugged him back, “Aww... anytime, little feller. I’m always welcome to take ya over anytime ya want. Now, you have a good night and I’ll see ya soon.” Thomas waved at Applejack as she tipped her hat and left.

Thomas entered the cottage, “MOMMA! I’M BACK!” Fluttershy heard his voice and went to see her colt at the door, “Thomas! I’m so glad you’re back, sweetheart!” She trotted over to him and gave him a soft embrace. “Did you have a good time at Auntie Applejack’s farm?” she asked while hugging her little boy. “Mmhmm. They fed me pancakes, then they let me help out with their chores. I sorted apples with Apple Bloom, helped her and Auntie Applejack feed the pigs, helped collect the eggs from their chicken coup like we did, and after a bath, Applejack told me about how she lost her parents from an accident,” Thomas said. “Oh my... Well, I’m proud you had fun. Now, go wash up for dinner, sweetie. I made you a nice, warm bowl of chicken broth with corn kernels, and then off to bed,” Fluttershy said, then Thomas went to the sink to wash his hands and then he sat down and ate his soup.

When he finished his soup, and got changed into a green pair of pajamas, Fluttershy tucked him into bed and gave him a kiss on the forehead, “Goodnight, sweetheart. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Momma? Can you sing me a lullaby?” Thomas asked. “Sure,” Fluttershy said, then she sang him the “Hush now, Quiet now” song, and after a couple of seconds, Thomas was fast asleep. Fluttershy leaned over and gave Thomas a kiss on the cheek, “Goodnight, my precious little Thomas.” Fluttershy quietly left the bedroom so Thomas can sleep.

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