• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 11,319 Views, 202 Comments

A Place in Equestria - GoebelTron

Fluttershy finds a 5-year old boy who lived in an orphanage with no memory of his family and no friends.

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Chapter 20: Thomas’s First Nightmare Night - Part 1

On the next week, when Thomas was off from school for in-service, Fluttershy was feeding her animals their breakfasts, until Thomas came to the kitchen. “Thomas? What’s wrong, sweetheart?” she asked. Thomas had a soft smile on his face. “Momma... do you know what tonight is?” Thomas asked, until she looked at the calendar and it read “Nightmare Night.” Fluttershy gulped nervously and then looked down at her little colt, “Thomas... what are you asking me?”

“Momma, I know you’re scared of Nightmare Night... but can you please take me trick-or-treating? Please?” Thomas asked in a cute way. “Oh, sweetie. I know this is your first Nightmare Night, but I can’t. It’s just too frightening for me,” Fluttershy said. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. But the answer is no. I’ll have your Auntie Rarity take you if you want.” Thomas suddenly felt his heart break from her answer, and then he suddenly began to cry and ran off to Ponyville. “Thomas, wait! Thomas!” Fluttershy called, until she realized what she said, then she followed him.

When he arrived in Ponyville, he suddenly stopped by a building, opened the door, and entered the building, and sat down on his knees and cried with his head tucked underneath his arms, but suddenly he saw a shadow appear. “Thomas?” He looked up and saw Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash standing there with looks of concern, then he got up and hugged Twilight’s neck and nuzzled his wet cheek into her chest fur, until she sat on her haunches and hugged him back with her forelegs wrapped around him, “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“M-My M-Mom-Momma s-said n-no!” Thomas replied, until he continued to cry. “Aww... Shhhhhh... It’s okay, Thomas. I’m here,” Twilight said rubbing his back. “Did you run off, precious?” Rarity asked, until Thomas nodded. “Did you really want her to take you out tonight?” Twilight asked. Thomas nodded, then Twilight brought him back closer to her chest and calmed him down by rubbing his back with one hoof and held his bottom with her other hoof.

“Thomas! There you are!” Fluttershy’s voice appeared, until he looked away and buried his face into Twilight’s chest. “Fluttershy, he’s really upset about what you said to him,” Twilight said. “Fluttershy, why do you do this to yourself? It’s just a holiday for fun!” Rainbow Dash asked. “Just tell us the truth and we’ll listen,” Applejack said. “I’m scared of it, okay?! I don’t why, but it’s just so scary at night! I’m sorry!” Fluttershy said, until she began to cry. The mares were shocked about her reaction over Nightmare Night, then Rarity went to comfort her, “There, there, darling. There’s nothing to be scared of. It’s all pretend.”

Fluttershy wiped her tears and then looked at Thomas who was still upset from her answer, “Umm... if there’s still time... I’ll join you in your Nightmare Night festivities, and I promise to take Thomas for some candy collecting, since it’s his first Nightmare Night here in Ponyville.” Thomas then looked up at her and then saw her hoof gently placed underneath his chin, “Sweetheart, I promise I’ll take you, but I don’t want to lose you all night, okay?” Thomas nodded and then when she smiled warmly with tears in her eyes, he then gently jumped onto his mother’s chest and then felt her hold him in an embrace.

“But here’s the real reason why. Every Nightmare Night, I shut myself in my cottage and refuse to come out until morning. But it’s just like when I was afraid to sing in front of anypony. If I haven’t given it a try, I never would’ve found out how much I would enjoy it,” Fluttershy explained. “And we’d have missed out on how great ya sound,” Applejack said. “But don’t worry, Fluttershy. As long as we’re together, we’ll have fun together and it’ll be a great experience for your son’s first Nightmare Night,” Twilight said.

“Fluttershy with us on Nightmare Night? Why, that’s the most wonderful idea I’ve ever heard!” Rarity said. “Yeah! You can get dressed up in a costume with us, play some spookily fun games and eat candy apples with us!” Pinkie Pie said. “And maybe y’all can go through my family’s corn maze!” Applejack said.

“Girls! I’ll try, but I’m only doing this for my precious little Thomas, because it’s his first Nightmare Night, and I don’t want to disappoint him or break his heart again,” Fluttershy said. “I’m ready to take on Nightmare Night, but maybe with your help.”

The five mares cheered happily, then Thomas showed Rarity his drawing about some ideas for his costume, “I’ll get right on it, precious. I just need to take care of your mother first.” Thomas nodded and then went with both Fluttershy and Rarity.

Later at Rarity’s boutique, Rarity was helping Fluttershy with her costume, “Mummy? No. Headless horse? Absolutely not. Vampire fruit bat? Ugh, too ghastly.”

“Auntie Rarity, I thought you said you were gonna make her look less scary!” Thomas said. “I am, darling. It’s just hard for me to decide since I’ve got yours to worry about later,” Rarity said, then thought of an idea, and pulled out a row of costumes, “Ooh! Yes. This one will look gorgeous on you. Period costumes are all the rage this year.” Fluttershy kinda looked worried about it. “What? No good?” Rarity asked. “No, it’s fine. It’s just that... all those layers could slow me down, or worse, make me trip. Sorry, not to offend you or anything,” Fluttershy replied. “Oh. I never... considered that. Never fear!” Rarity said, as she went to look through again.

“I’VE GOT IT! How about...” She saw a plain black dress with a long skirt with a huge decorated mask. “Ooh, now this is a real stunner! I call it "Masquerade"! Just a simple black dress underneath, but complete with this ornately decorative mask!” Rarity suddenly saw Thomas hiding, “What? Masquerades are really scary.”

“They can just be so difficult to see out of,” Fluttershy said, trying on the mask. “Yes, but this one has eyeholes,” Rarity said. “W-What about being able to see what's to the left or right of me?” Fluttershy asked. “I suppose your vision would be somewhat obscured. It's your first Nightmare Night out and about, and we do want you to be comfortable,” Rarity said. “I know that, and I want my son to feel comfortable since this is his first Nightmare Night as well,” Fluttershy said.

“Aww... well, alright, forget the mask, but you certainly need something for your dress, but what?” Rarity said. “What if I just wear the dress?” Fluttershy asked. “Oh, sure, dear. That's... fine,” Rarity said, and then Fluttershy took the dress with her to go try it on.

“Alright, precious. I’ll do everything I can for you to have your costume for tonight, so why don’t you go comfort your mother for a little while?” Thomas nodded and went with Fluttershy, until he saw his mother in her masquerade dress. Fluttershy smiled warmly and then gave her son a hug, until Thomas nuzzled his cheek on her chest fur. “You look pretty, Momma,” Thomas said. “Thank you, sweetheart,” Fluttershy said, leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek, and then she leaned down on her forelegs to let her son climb up onto her back and then she walked him home.

Later on in the afternoon, while all the towns ponies of Ponyville were getting ready for Nightmare Night and while some fillies and colts were dressed up, Rarity was working diligently inside her bedroom. She was finished with a few costumes for her friends and their sisters. She even made one for herself, her sister Sweetie Belle, but she was still working on sewing the fabric and adding some little more texture onto a cute little costume she was making for her little nephew, Thomas.

When she finished with the sewing, Rarity added some finishing touches on the costume, “Just a little bit more... and VOILA!” She suddenly smiled brightly as she levitated Thomas’s costume so she can take a look at it after setting up a mannequin of Thomas’s body size. “Oh, Rarity. You’ve really outdone yourself this time, darling! Oooh, I think my darling little nephew is just going to love his Nightmare Night costume! I’ve just never seen anything so heroic before.” She giggled lightly with a squee as she then hung the costume on the rack with the other costumes she made.

Thomas’s costume was amazingly customized of a royal blue and red pajama jumpsuit split into a long sleeve shirt and two-toned pants with the legs being blue and the bottom of the legs being red. The red on the shirt and pants was all covered in a black webbed pattern. It came with red webbed arm lengthened gloves, and a small red mask that had plastic spectacles with white transparent lenses and black frames surrounding them. There were also two patches that looked like spider symbols on the shirt, but there was a big red one on the backside of the shirt and a small black one on the chest area.

Rarity then let out a deep sigh of relief from her hard work on the costumes,” Well, now that was a lot of hard work, but sometimes a lady’s job is never easy or too much trouble. But this one is so adorable!” Rarity gazed at the superhero costume for Thomas, until she heard a voice.

“Rarity? Are you okay in there?” Sweetie Belle’s voice said from outside the hallway. Rarity turned around and saw her and her friends. She beamed happily as she saw them, “Oh! Come on in, girls. I’ve got your costumes all ready for tonight.” The three fillies beamed happily with big bright smiles. “Can we see them?!” they asked in unison, looking at the mare with their cute little eyes.

Rarity giggled at their excitement, “Oh, alright. Just hang on.” She looked over at the clothes rack that held the costumes and levitated their costumes over to them so they can look at them, “Well, do you like them?”

Sweetie Belle’s costume was a black leather vest with the exterior covered with white and pink diamonds and the collar covered in dark purple diamonds. She also implied a cute black ribbon collar with a pink heart shaped gem that was held by a silver piece for her costume and a small makeup kit for her eyes and lips.

Apple Bloom’s costume was a scary scarecrow and Scootaloo’s costume was a Shadowbolt uniform.

“These look awesome!” Scootaloo said. “Yeah! I’m gonna look scary with this scarecrow costume!” Apple Bloom said. “Thanks, sis! This looks so cool!” Sweetie Belle said. “You are most certainly welcome, little sister,” Rarity said. “How about if you three go play on your crusading adventures? But be back here at sunset.”

“Don’t worry, Rarity! We’ll be sure that our little buddy enjoys his first Nightmare Night!” Sweetie Belle said. “Yeah! You can count on us to help you and Fluttershy give him a chance to have fun!” Apple Bloom said. “I know you will,” Rarity said, until she gave Sweetie Belle a kiss on the top of her head. “Now, you three run along and have fun, but do be careful and try to stay out of trouble.”

The fillies nodded and then went to do their crusading, then Rarity went to her other friend’s houses to drop off their costumes.

When evening came as Celestia’s sun was finally setting deeper, Fluttershy and Thomas tucked all the animals into their beds for the night, and they had some spookily decorated frosted sugar cookies and hot cocoa with them. The cookies were shaped as skulls, pumpkins, spiders, and bats. As he finished his hot cocoa and cookies, he looked up at Fluttershy, “Umm... Momma?”

“Yes, sweetheart?” Fluttershy asked, when she placed her cup on the table. “Umm... I know that Apple Bloom and Auntie Applejack told me about Nightmare Night being about the little ponies dressing up in costumes going out together to play games, collect candy and have fun, but is that all or is there another reason why it’s called Nightmare Night?”

Fluttershy sighed softly and reached out her foreleg to him, “Come here, sweetie.” Thomas scooted closer and then he felt Fluttershy wrap her foreleg around his small form as he sat on her lap and blanketed himself with her dress. “Did Princess Luna tell you about the story of Nightmare Moon?”

Thomas nodded, then swallowed deeply, “Yes, Momma. But I felt sorry for Princess Celestia banishing her to the moon after Princess Luna was mad and turned bad and changed into Nightmare Moon when Princess Celestia refused to let the night stay forever.” Fluttershy saw him shaking, then she comforted him by bringing her little colt closer towards her chest fur, then continued, “That’s right, sweetie. The reason why it’s called Nightmare Night, sweetie, is that it’s named after the tyrannical rule of Nightmare Moon when she first appeared and took control of the throne of Equestria, just before Princess Celestia banished her to the moon. But we celebrate Nightmare Night with our friends and family by having fun and laughing so that it can be a happy one instead of a scary one.”

“I think I understand now,” Thomas said. “Do you want to cuddle with me for a few minutes?” Fluttershy asked. Thomas nodded and then he leaned closer towards her chest and Fluttershy wrapped her forelegs around him in a cradling embrace while she laid down on her sofa and used her dress as a blanket for him.

After a couple of minutes, Fluttershy saw her son waking up, while she held him in a cradle and gently rocked him back and forth.

“What time is it?” Thomas asked as he was rubbing his eyes. Fluttershy looked at the clock, “Looks like we’ve got some time to ourselves. It’s merely 5pm.” Thomas nodded and hugged his mother again, “Momma? What made you change your mind?”

“The thing that changed my mind... was you, my sweet little one. Of course I was still scared to go out tonight, but I didn’t want to hurt you. But ever since you came into my life, Thomas, you have put a special place in my heart, and have made me the happiest pony and loving mother in all of Equestria,” she said. “That’s why I will always love you, Thomas.”

“I love you too, Momma,” Thomas said. When they broke the hug, there was a knock on the door. Fluttershy went to answer it, then it revealed Rarity and the CMC in their costumes, and Sweetie Belle was wearing eyeshadow and lipstick. “Hello, Rarity. Hello, girls,” she said softly, until she stood aside to let them inside. “Hey, girls,” Thomas said. “Hi, Thomas!” the three fillies said in unison as they trotted over to the couch and gave him a warm group hug, until Thomas smiled warmly and softly blushed. “Wow! Nice costume, Fluttershy!” Apple Bloom said. “Yeah! You look so beautiful!” Sweetie Belle said. “I like the way your dress looks!” Scootaloo said. “Aww... why, thank you, girls. You’re very sweet,” Fluttershy said.

“I like your costumes, too,” Thomas said. “Thanks, buddy,” Scootaloo said, giving him a gentle pat on his shoulder. “Thank you, little cutie,” Sweetie Belle said, until she hugged him and nuzzled his cheek. “Yeah, that’s real nice of ya,” Apple Bloom said. Thomas looked up at Rarity in her costume. “Hi, Auntie Rarity. I also like your costume. Mermaids are beautifully awesome,” Thomas said.

She was wearing a linen aqua green and ocean blue skirt that looked like a mermaid tail with a purple fin and pale light grayish aqua green seashells on each side, and she had purple seashell shoes on her front hooves and a big purple seashell chest piece. She also had a pale light grayish aqua green seashell and white pearls on her mane.

“Well, thank you, precious. That’s very kind of you,” Rarity said, then she lowered her head down and gave her nephew a kiss on the cheek, then she opened one of her saddlebags and looked through it. “By the way, darling. Here is your costume,” Rarity said, levitating the costume out from the bag and gave it to the little colt. “What do you think, darling?”

“It looks nice, Auntie Rarity. Thanks,” Thomas said. “No need to thank me, precious. I just wanted to add some customs, but I did follow the drawing you showed me,” Rarity said, until she felt the little colt hug her on the chest. “Aww... I love you too, darling.”

He smiled warmly and then looked at Fluttershy, “Momma, can I go put it on?” Fluttershy giggled softly and nodded, “Of course you may, sweetheart. We’ll wait for you.” Thomas nodded and ran upstairs to try it on.

“Fluttershy darling, I’m so proud that you decided to join us this Nightmare Night. Otherwise, the little darling would be upset if you didn’t come, and his heart would’ve been broken into shards,” Rarity said. “I know. But what made me change my mind about tonight was because he was the reason. He’s held a special place inside my heart and I love him so much,” Fluttershy said. “Agreed, darling. But would it be alright if you and the little darling came along with me and my sister and her friends out on Nightmare Night and enjoy the festivities? We’ll be sure he has enough candy later on,” Rarity said. “Besides, we were hoping if he’d like to enjoy his first Nightmare Night with his sisters.”

Fluttershy nodded with a blushing warm smile, “Um... of course, Rarity. I’d love to help, because I don’t mind letting my son to enjoy his first Nightmare Night with these sweet little angels while I’m around, but I’m doing this to make sure he doesn’t get scared or hurt too badly. So that’s why I’m coming along.”

“Hey. Don’t worry, Fluttershy. We’ll help ya watch over him,” Apple Bloom said, softly stroking Fluttershy’s foreleg. “Thank you, girls. And don’t worry. Me and Rarity will take care of you three also,” Fluttershy said. “Of course, darling. We will make sure that this Nightmare Night will be special for you and the precious little darling,” Rarity said.

“Momma? I’m ready,” Thomas’s voice appeared, and they all saw him wearing his Spider-Man costume. The ponies looked at him with big cute smiles. “Wow! Now that’s cool!” Scootaloo said. “Thanks. Spider-Man’s my favorite superhero,” Thomas said. “Who’s Spider-Man?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Spider-Man is a crime fighting superhero with radioactive superpowers that allows him to climb on the walls and detect danger with his spider sense like an alarm. He also shoots webs to catch bad guys or save people from getting hurt. He can swing anywhere he is with his web too,” Thomas said. “I look up to him because he’s always there for other when fighting evil, just like you all are.”

“That’s amazing, darling. Well I think this Spider-Man you speak of is indeed a good trait of a hero, darling. Just like a trait you truly possess,” Rarity said, until she brought him closer towards her chest for another hug. “You are truly a little superhero, sweetheart. Just like Spider-Man,” Fluttershy said, as she walked over to him with a warm smile and pulled him in for a big gentle warm hug with her foreleg. She then nuzzled the top of his head and then she leaned down on her forelegs and let him climb up onto her back.

“Oh! Before I forget...” Rarity said, until she levitated four small pumpkin shaped buckets out of her saddlebags for Thomas and the girls to collect their candy with. “Here you go, darlings.” She then gave them their candy buckets and then they all went to enjoy Nightmare Night together after Fluttershy turned off the lights in her cottage and then locked the door.

As they were walking through the road of Ponyville, Thomas looked in amazement at all the ponies dressed up in many unique and creative costumes. He also saw them playing games, collecting candy, dancing to some music, and eating food that was being sold at vendors. Fluttershy looked back at the child on her back, “Are you feeling okay, baby?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Thomas said. “It’s just like Halloween in my world, but different.”

“Don’t worry, precious. We’ll make sure you have fun tonight,” Rarity said. “But since I’m in Equestria, what do I say besides trick-or-treat?” Thomas asked nervously. “It’s okay, cutie. It’s easily simple. How about if we show you?” Sweetie Belle spoke up. Thomas nodded and went with the three fillies towards the front door at Sugarcube Corner, and stopped at the doorstep. After Apple Bloom knocked on the door, Sweetie Belle continued, “Okay, Thomas. When the door opens, all you have to say is “Nightmare Night, what a fright, give us something sweet to bite!” and then they will give us candy.”

“Okay,” Thomas said. The door suddenly opened and then Mrs. Cake, who was dressed up as a monster bride, and Mr. Cake, who was dressed up as a jester appeared. “Nightmare Night, what a fright, give us something sweet to bite!” Thomas and the girls said in unison. “Aww... hello, girls. And... oh, Thomas! Is that you, dearie?” Mrs. Cake replied. “That’s right, and I’m Spider-Man this year.”

“Aww... well you are certainly adorable with that costume. You deserve a special treat,” Mrs. Cake said, then she and her husband gave the four young ones some candy and some decorative frosted sugar cookies and put them into their buckets, and Mrs. Cake gave Thomas a swirly lollipop in the colors for Nightmare Night. “Thank you, and Happy Nightmare Night!” Thomas said, giving Mrs. Cake a hug. “You’re very welcome, sweetie. Now you kids enjoy yourselves!” she replied. “Okay! And can you please tell Auntie Pinkie Pie I said hi?!” Thomas asked. “Sure thing, kiddo,” Mr. Cake said.

When Thomas got back on Fluttershy's back, he showed her his lollipop, “Momma! Look what Mrs. Cake gave me!” Fluttershy saw how cute the lollipop looked, “Aww... that’s so sweet of her! Did you say thank you?” Thomas nodded, “Can I eat it, Momma?” Fluttershy nodded, and then Rarity opened it for him until he started licking the delectable sweetness from the lollipop.

While they were walking later on, Thomas finished his lollipop and then he decided to save the candy he got for tomorrow to eat. They suddenly saw Rainbow Dash coming over wearing a spacesuit, “Hey, you guys! Oh, hey there, sport. You enjoying your first Nightmare Night with your mom?” Thomas nodded, then she suddenly gazed at his costume, “Wow. Look at you. I have to say, that truly is an awesome costume, kiddo. Who are you anyway?”

“I’m Spider-Man. He is my favorite superhero,” Thomas said. “Did your Auntie Rarity make it for you?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Mmhmm,” Thomas said with a nod. “Not bad,” Rainbow Dash said, softly rubbing his head with the mask on. “Nice work, Rarity. Just as always.”

“Well, thank you, Rainbow Dash. I humbly appreciate your kind words,” Rarity said, placing her hoof on Thomas’s head. “Thomas’s style on his Spider-Man costume is really unique. Besides, I think he’s just adorable when he wears it. So, my darling and precious little nephew is perfect the way he is.” She suddenly felt her little nephew hug her on the chest, until she hugged him back. “And that’s what we love about him,” Fluttershy said, then Thomas climbed onto her back and held onto his bucket again. “Fluttershy? Where’s your costume?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I’m wearing it,” Fluttershy said. “It’s a masquerade dress, without the mask,” Rarity said. “Riiiiiight...” Rainbow Dash said. “So, where are you guys headed off to anyway?”

“Well, we’re going over to Twilight’s castle to get some candy, and probably do some of the festivities. Would you like to join us, darling?” Rarity said. “Hmm... let me think about this... Yeah, I can come,” Rainbow Dash said. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get over to Twilight’s.” They all nodded and walked besides each other while Thomas rode on Fluttershy’s back.

In the Castle of Friendship, Spike was sorting out the candy randomly while Starlight, who was wearing a homemade wizard’s robe and hat in blue and grayish aqua green stars and a pair of glasses, waited for Twilight to be ready. Spike’s costume was a plush two-headed dragon costume in his natural colors. “How long is this going to take?” Spike asked. “I really don’t know,” Starlight said. “TWILIGHT! ARE YOU DONE YET?!” Spike asked. “Not yet! But I’m almost done,” Twilight said. When she finally came out, she was wearing golden spartan armor with a sand white skirt, a sand white scarf around her neck and on a bracelet, gold hind leg guards, and a gold spartan helmet with red hair on top, “So... What do you think of this costume?”

“You look like a guard,” Spike said. “That’s right, but I’m actually Athena the warrior princess this year,” Twilight said. “Oh,” Spike said, until he heard a knock on the door. “Probably more ponies wanting candy. I’ll get it!” Spike said. When he answered the door with the bowl of candy in his hands, he was greeted by Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity, along with Thomas and the girls in their costumes. “Nightmare Night, what a fright, give us something sweet to bite!” The four young ones said in unison. “Wow, now those are cool looking costumes right there,” Starlight said, as she took some candy from the bowl with her magic and placed them in their buckets.

Spike suddenly looked up to see Rarity dressed up as a beautiful mermaid pony, until he suddenly blushed, “H-h-hey, Rarity. My, don’t you look gorgeous. Hehehehe...”

Rarity suddenly smiled warmly at his generosity, “Why thank you, Spikey-Wikey. My, aren’t you such an adorable little plush two-headed dragon.” She leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Spike suddenly chuckled softly, until his face made a huge blush.

“Is he gonna be okay? Do we need to take him to a doctor?” Thomas asked. “Don’t worry, Thomas. He’ll be fine,” Twilight said coming over, until she looked at him with the three mares and fillies. “Oh, hey, girls. And those are amazing costumes. Aww... Thomas sweetie, you look so cute.” Twilight nuzzled his cheek and then she pulled him in for a hug. “Are you, Spike and Auntie Starlight coming with?” Thomas asked. “Of course we are,” Starlight said. “We wouldn’t want to miss our nephew’s first Nightmare Night, now would we?”

“Wow, Fluttershy. You look so beautiful. Did Rarity just make that?” Twilight asked. “Thank you, and it does make me feel... warm inside,” Fluttershy said, until Thomas nuzzled her chest, and she hugged him back.

When they were ready, Starlight closed the door with her magic and then went over with the others. “Hey! Wait for me!” a high-pitched voice appeared. It was Pinkie Pie and she was dressed up as a roller skating pony by wearing a pale greenish blue shirt on her torso and purple shorts on her flank. She also had her mane tied in bobby pigtails and she had a purple lightning bolt painted on her left eye. She also had purple tube socks on her hind legs and white roller skates on all four hooves. “HAPPY NIGHTMARE NIGHT, EVERYPONY!” She exclaimed excitedly.

“Oh, Pinkie Pie! What a magnificent costume you have on!” Rarity said. “Yeah! I decided to try out roller skating for candy!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly, then she saw Thomas in his Spider-Man costume laughing. “Haha... Auntie Pinkie Pie, you’re funny,” he said with a cute giggle.

Pinkie Pie gasped at his costume and then zoomed over to him and wrapped her forelegs around him as he was gently buried underneath her chest, “Aww... thank you, my little cutie nephew! And don’t you have a cute costume!” Thomas smiled and nodded as he nuzzled his cheek against her chest fur. Pinkie then gave him a kiss on the forehead, and put him on Fluttershy’s back until she saw Fluttershy’s costume, “No wait! I got it! You're a robber escaping into the night! You're a ninja escaping into the night! You're black licorice escaping into the night!”

“Close. I'm going to a masquerade ball. Without the mask,” Fluttershy replied. “Well, it does look nice on you,” Starlight said, until Fluttershy blushed. Pinkie Pie then started skating, “Alright! Let’s go get some candy!” The group laughed at her silliness and then went off to get the young ones some more candy.

Later on, they got the young ones nearly enough candy in their candy buckets. “Okay, so we got all of you candy for your buckets, so now where do you wanna head off too?” Twilight asked.

“I know! Why don’t we go see my sister at the bobbin’ for apples event?” Apple Bloom asked in excitement. “I’ve always wanted to bob for apples!” Thomas said excitedly. “Well, then let’s check on Applejack,” Twilight said, then the group went off to the apple bobbing event.

As the group arrived at the bobbing for apples event set up, they saw Applejack dressed up as a lion with her tail braided and had fake paws and claws on her hooves and fur on her front hooves, and her muzzle had a fake nose, ears and whiskers. “Well howdy there, y’all!” she said. The others were amazed about her costume. Rarity was somehow impressed, “Well, I must say, that is certainly the ferociously inspiring costume I’ve ever seen.” Applejack tipped her hat in respect, “Thanks, Rarity. I thought that I could go as a lion for fun.” She then turned towards the young ones, “Well, aren’t y’all looking good in those costumes tonight.” The fillies blushed at her comment, then Applejack saw Thomas in his costume and riding on Fluttershy’s back, and gazed at her costume, “Fluttershy? You look... totally inspirational.” Fluttershy nodded with a soft blush. “Hi, Auntie Applejack,” Thomas said waving at the country mare. “Hello, Thomas. How are ya enjoying your first Nightmare Night, sugarcube?” She asked giving him a warm smile and pat on the shoulder.

“I’m having so much fun!” Thomas said. “Well, I definitely love your costume. What are ya supposed to be again?” Applejack asked. “Spider-Man,” Thomas said. “I like your lion costume, Auntie Applejack.”

“Aww... well, that’s kind of ya, little feller, otherwise I’d go as a manticore and it’d be really frightenin’,” Applejack said. “What’s a manticore?” Thomas asked. “A manticore is a lion based creature but they have wings, their ears are shaped like horns, and they have the tail of a scorpion,” Twilight explained. “I probably don’t wanna meet one,” Thomas said. “It’s alright, sweetie. You won’t meet any of them,” Starlight said, until she kissed him on the cheek.

“Thomas, how would y’all like to try bobbin’ for apples?” Applejack asked. Thomas nodded and gave his mask to Fluttershy so that it wouldn’t get wet, then climbed off her back. The four along with Spike made a circle around the big wooden tub that was filled with green colored water and lots of delicious apples underneath.

“Alright, young’uns. All ya have to do is dunk your heads and try to grab an apple with your teeth. And if ya do get one, ya get to eat it afterwards,” Applejack explained, then they all nodded and got ready. “Alright, on three. One... two... THREE!”

After the countdown, the young ones dunked their heads into the tub and tried to grab an apple. Thomas struggled to get one, so he pulled himself over the tub a little bit to reach in a little deeper, but until he reached in too deep, he suddenly slipped and accidentally fell in with a little splash. The splash also made the others pull their heads out with apples in their teeth. “Applejack! Thomas fell in!” Apple Bloom said. Thomas emerged from the water with a red delicious apple in his teeth and suddenly made a soft smile. “Wow! He got one!” Sweetie Belle said. “Oh, sweetheart, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked. Thomas nodded as he took a bite of his apple, then Applejack softly chuckled with a warm smile.

“Well, hehehehe... ya got one and it looks like to me that ya got yourself a little wet,” she said, until Thomas tried to get out of the tub and reach for the top. “Here, let Auntie Applejack help get ya out of there, sugarcube.” She then reached her forelegs into the tub and gently lifted him out from underneath his arms as the water was dripping from him and then she placed him on her lap. “Here, darling. I brought you a towel,” Rarity said, wrapping the towel around him with her magic, and he then dried himself off and continued to eat his apple. “Alright, y’all. Why don’t ya get yourselves dried off?” Applejack said as the fillies got dried off, and then she wrapped her forelegs around Thomas. “Sorry I got wet, Auntie Applejack. I had fun, but I didn’t mean to fall in,” Thomas said, as he continued to eat his apple. “Aww... it’s alright, sugarcube. I’m just glad ya had fun. I’m pretty proud of ya catching your first apple, too,” Applejack said, hugging her nephew.

Suddenly, they heard Mayor Mare speak, who was in a witch costume, “Attention, everypony! Can I have your attention please?! All ponies who have been collecting candy or still are please come forward and listen to our dear friend Zecora as she will tell you the legend of Nightmare Moon.”

“Momma? I’m scared,” Thomas said. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Here, get under me,” Fluttershy said, then Thomas got underneath her and held her foreleg and blanketed himself with her dress as they walked over to the stage and then she comforted her son by stroking his head gently with a hoof. Suddenly, a sparkling green mist appeared on the stage, and Zecora, who was a zebra with light gray fur and charcoal gray stripes, and a mane and tail with the same colors and stripes, and her mane was in a mohawk, and her flank had a cutie mark of a charcoal gray spiral sun. Her costume was a black cloak and a tribal skeleton face mask with red and gold and brown feathers.

“Listen close, my little foals, as I tell the tale of a mare with sinister goals,” Zecora said in a rhyming native voice. She showed a illumination of Nightmare Moon with the mist. “Now to begin, my little dears, of where you got your fears of Nightmare Night, of one so dark and scary. But of Nightmare Moon, who once made you wary.” The foals gasped, until Thomas gulped nervously and started shaking, until Fluttershy kept comforting her son, then Zecora continued.

Suddenly, they saw a couple of flashes of lightning and a softly loud rumble was heard. This caused the young ones to jump as Thomas clinged onto Fluttershy’s hind leg as he got underneath her skirt and hid himself and the girls got underneath Rarity’s underbelly. Thomas suddenly began to cry softly, until he was cradled by Fluttershy. “Shhhhhh... it’s okay, baby. Don’t cry,” Fluttershy said. “Fluttershy? I think he told me about his fear of thunderstorms when we were visiting Cloudsdale,” Rainbow Dash said. Twilight suddenly placed her gentle hoof on his shoulder as he tilted his head back looking a little scared, “It’s okay, bug. Somepony special’s just coming over to celebrate Nightmare Night with us.” Thomas looked at Twilight’s reassuring smile on her face, “Who?” Twilight suddenly giggled. “You’ll see,” Twilight said, then she softly stroked his belly.

The moon then beamed very brightly upon the town of Ponyville and then a black chariot was being pulled by two pegasi guards ponies with charcoal gray fur and pale light purple armor. They had bat-like wings in both navy blue and dark cerulean blue, including their mane and tails. Their eyes were golden yellow and had monstrous irises. When the chariot landed, a hooded figure stepped off, and then revealed herself as Princess Luna as she saw all the ponies kneeling before her royal hooves. “Greetings, thy fellow ponies of Ponyville! Thou may rise,” she said kindly, until the ponies stood up. “Now, everypony resume enjoying yourselves while I get aquatinted with the festivities as well.” The ponies nodded and resumed collecting candy and playing the games.

“Princess Luna, it’s good to see you,” Twilight said. “Greetings, thy fellow friend and princess Twilight Sparkle. Tis indeed a pleasure to see you as well,” Princess Luna said. “How are you this evening?” Twilight asked. “I am doing wonderful, Twilight. Thank you,” Princess Luna replied, then she saw her and her friends in their costumes. “And I simply must say that all of your costumes look quite attractive.” They all nodded, until Thomas peeked and saw Princess Luna, then he revealed himself.

“Hi, Princess Luna!” Thomas exclaimed as he over to her, then Princess Luna saw him and knelt down on her forelegs and lifted him up with her foreleg and held him against her chest. “Hello, dear young Thomas. How are you enjoying your first Nightmare Night?” she asked. “I’m having so much fun! Auntie Rarity made my costume. Momma even decided to join us!” Thomas said, nuzzling his cheek against her chest and hugging and stroking her neck fur. “Well, I’m proud your beloved mother chose to join,” Princess Luna said, until she gave Thomas a kiss on the forehead, then she lowered herself down to let the little colt climb onto her back, and then he sat very straight on her back with his legs between her shoulders and held his candy bucket with one hand and the other gently grasping her mane. Luna smiled warmly and then looked at the other ponies, “So, where are thou headed off to?”

“Hey! Let’s go do the pumpkin launchers!” Scootaloo said. “Great idea!” Sweetie Belle said. “What do you think, dear Thomas? Would you be interested?” Princess Luna asked the child on her back. “I’ve never launched a pumpkin, but I’d love to try,” Thomas said. “Very well,” Princess Luna said, then she and the others went over to the pumpkin launching game.

When they got there, they saw a catapult and a few pumpkins in the basket, and Thomas looked and saw three targets. “How does it work, Momma?” Thomas asked. “The thing is, darling is that you must try to put one pumpkin into that launcher and then pull it back until you release it and then it lands at the target,” Rarity said. Thomas nodded, until Twilight spoke up, “Okay. Now, who would like to go first?”

“Why don’t we let Thomas go first? It’s his first Nightmare Night, ya know?” Apple Bloom suggested. “Good point! I totally agree!” Scootaloo said. “Okay, girls. Simmer down,” Twilight said. “Would you like to go first, honey?” Starlight asked. “Okay, Auntie Starlight,” Thomas said, then Princess Luna lowered herself towards the ground and let him climb off her back.

Thomas then walked over to the launcher, and then saw the targets until he saw Twilight levitating the pumpkin into the launcher. “Thanks, Auntie Twilight,” Thomas said. “You’re welcome, sweetheart,” Twilight said, smiling warmly down at him, and then he walked up towards the launcher.

When he was close enough, he reached up to grab onto the end of the launcher, but was unsuccessful. Suddenly, he felt himself being lifted onto Starlight’s back. “Here. Let me help you, sweetheart,” she said. “Thanks, Auntie Starlight,” Thomas said, and he then held down the catapult. “You ready?” Starlight asked, until Thomas nodded. “Okay... on three. One... two... THREE!” Thomas let go and the pumpkin splattered over the target hitting the bullseye.

“Yes! I did it! I did it!” Thomas said. “Woo-hoo! He did it! He did it!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed while bouncing in excitement. “Great job, buddy!” Rainbow Dash said. “You were magnificent!” Rarity said. “Thank you.” he said, then climbed onto Fluttershy’s back.

Later on, the three fillies had their turns and made a bullseye, Spike almost made his, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie made a bullseye, Twilight scored halfway, Rarity scored over the target’s bullseye, Starlight scored a bullseye, and Fluttershy missed until she was cheered up by her son stroking her shoulder gently. Princess Luna scored a bullseye as well, “Haha! Victory is mine at last!”

When they left the pumpkin launchers, Thomas smiled happily as he rode on Fluttershy’s back while he and the group walked through Ponyville. “Hehehehe...” Thomas giggled softly. “What’s so funny, sweetie?” Fluttershy asked. “Nothing. It’s just that I’ve never launched a pumpkin like that. That was kinda fun,” Thomas said.

“So, what do you darlings wanna do next?” Rarity asked. “I know! Why don’t we go play spider toss?!“ Sweetie Belle asked. “What’s spider toss?” Thomas asked. “You’ll see,” Starlight said, as they walked over to the spider toss game.

When they got there, they saw a huge sticky yarn spiderweb and a bowl full of plush spiders on a table. They then saw an earth pony mare with moderate pink fur, a golden yellow mane and tail, light purple eyes and her flank had a cutie mark of two cherries. She was dressed up as a scary witch. Her name was Cherry Berry.

When the group of young ponies had their turn and got their candy, Cherry Berry saw the next group of ponies come over with Princess Luna behind them, and saw the three fillies in their costumes, “Hello, girls!” She suddenly saw Princess Luna look at her with a warm smile.

“Hello, Princess Luna. It’s an honor to meet you once again,” Cherry Berry said, bowing her head towards Princess Luna’s slippered forehooves. “Calm yourself, thy fellow pony. There’s no need to bow to my royal hooves at this time,” Princess Luna said. “Oh, sorry,” Cherry Berry said, then she saw Fluttershy’s costume and how beautiful she looked, “Fluttershy! What a magnificent dress you have!” Fluttershy blushed and hid her face with her mane, “Thank you, Cherry Berry. I’m in a masquerade dress without the mask. Do you want to see my son’s costume?” Cherry Berry nodded and then Fluttershy turned to another side and revealed Thomas in his Spider-Man costume. “Thomas! I remember seeing you at that party last month when Fluttershy adopted you. How are you enjoying your first Nightmare Night, Thomas?” Cherry Berry asked. “It’s really fun,” Thomas said. “Such a great costume, by the way,” Cherry Berry said. “By the way, my name is Cherry Berry,” she said. “Nice to meet you,” Thomas said. “So, who would like to go first?

“Can I go first, Momma?” Thomas asked. “Of course, sweetheart. It’s your first time, so go ahead. I’ll be right here with Princess Luna and Auntie Twilight, okay?” Fluttershy said. Thomas nodded and then she leaned down as he then climbed off her back. When he walked over to the set up where the spiders were, Cherry Berry then gave him a stuffed spider to toss. “Okay, Thomas. The point of this game is to score ten points by tossing one of your spiders to the center of the spider web or anywhere, which will cost you five points,” Cherry Berry said. “Okay,” Thomas said. “Alright, go ahead,” Cherry Berry said.

When Thomas focused on the web, he carefully reached his arm back, took a step forward and threw the spider underhanded towards the web, as it then flew a bit until it suddenly landed on the center. “Yes! Yes! I did it!” Thomas cheered. “Great job, Thomas,” Cherry Berry said, then she gave him some candy for his bucket. “There you go.” She then rubbed his head gently with a hoof.

“Thank you,” Thomas said, then he went to his mother and climbed onto her back. The three fillies and Spike went up next. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo landed theirs in the middle earning ten points, and Spike earned five points as his landed on the lower left. The other mares went next and some of them scored five points and the other scored 10 points, but Fluttershy missed, until Rainbow Dash comforted her. Princess Luna made it to the center.

When they finished the games and got Thomas a candy apple, Pinkie Pie thought of one more idea, “Hey! The night’s still young! How about... if we all do the haunted maze!”

“Oh... oh, my,” Fluttershy said nervously. “Thomas, do you want to go through the maze? I’ll be by your side.” Thomas shook and gulped nervously until he nodded softly. “Don’t worry, honey. We’ll all go together,” Starlight said. “I’m afraid I must attend to other ponies here in Ponyville, but I will catch up with you all later on. So, farewell for now and enjoy the rest of the evening with the little one,” Princess Luna said, as she then walked away with warm pleasantries. “Bye, Princess Luna!” Thomas said. “Don’t worry, we’ll see her later,” Twilight said. “Come on. Let’s go through the maze.”

Author's Note:

What will happen at the maze? :twilightoops:

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