• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 866 Views, 13 Comments

A Balance of Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

With Twilight no longer ascending to Equestria's Throne, she and her friends have a new life to live.

  • ...

11 Line of Succession

She didn't remember the last time she'd set foot in Saillune, though she did remember the chaos that was happening at the time. She really hoped that this visit would involve less fighting. Lina and Gourry had been invited to attend both the funeral of King Eldoran and the coronation of the First Royal Successor Phillionel, however they had only now arrived to attend the latter.

The reminder of the succession issues in Saillune brought up unpleasant memories. There had been multiple attempts to cut ahead in the line of succession, many placing Lina right in the line of fire. However, with Phillioniel's brother Christopher abdicating his claim, their youngest brother Randionelle and Christopher's son Alfred both dead, and now the coronation occuring, it seemed as though the matter was finally settled.

Unless, of course, Amelia or Gracia decided they wanted to take the throne for themselves, but that wasn't even worth considering.

The funeral was more than a day behind them, and Saillune was starting to get back to life. Lina would have thought they'd still be in mourning for their lost king, however he'd been bedridden for years with Phillionel acting as the defaco king. It likely wasn't really a transition for the kingdom, or at least the city of Saillune itself.

“Ugh, I am so ready to get to an inn and get a bath.” Lina complained as they trudged along the lower streets.

“Weren't we invited to the palace?” Gourry asked, scratching his chin as he tried to recall.

Lina greatly appreciated Gourry's company, he was a first rate swordsman, in fact she had never seen better, and she would admit he was easy on the eyes too. But she would just as readily admit that he was more than a little dim. “Yes Gourry, we were invited to the palace. Do you really think we'll be well received if we show up stinking of hard travel?”

“Uhm …” Gourry mumbled as he bunched his eyebrows contemplating.

Lina sighed and shook her head. “Let me save you the trouble. We're going to the palace as guests, so let's at least take the time to clean up and put on some nice clothes.”

Gourry's eyebrows finally loosened as he looked to his traveling partner. “So, uhm, why were we invited here again?”

In one swift movement Lina reached out, smacking Gourry with something before even he could react.

“What was that?” Gourry asked, rubbing his cheek.

“You really forgot what's happened? It's all anybody's been able to talk about since the day it happened!”

“Don't change the subject, what did you just hit me with?”

“It's a slipper, now are you seriously telling me you have no idea King Eldoran died?”

“Where did you get a slipper?”

“It's not important. Haven't you been listening at all to what's going on?”

“You know I don't pay attention to gossip.”

“Would it kill you to even try to stay informed?” Lina growled.

“Why should I bother when you know everything already?” Gourry said with a laugh.

Lina grit her teeth and told herself that no matter how satisfying it may be, smacking him again wouldn't accomplish anything.


Lina lounged and soaked in her still hot bath, easing the stress of not only the road, but Gourry's comments. Meanwhile, outside near the markets, a commotion was growing.

Lina ignored it as best she could, choosing to focus on her relaxation. Unfortunately the commotion was clearly moving, and getting closer in a hurry. Moving noise like that usually meant trouble. With a sigh, Lina climbed out of the tub and dressed quickly. If there was a fight coming she was not getting caught up in it naked.

Poking her head out to investigate, Lina heard the sound of the inn door closing and many setts of hard boots hitting the wooden floor. She pulled her head back in, just in case they were looking for her, and began to examine her options for escape.

Obviously she could fight her way through, but that would be messy and inn keepers tend to not like people who make those kinds of messes in their business. Like most inns, the rooms were on the upper floor, so if needed she could jump out the window and use Raywing to fly off.

But what about Gourry?

He'll be fine.

Lina had to pause as she looked over the planned escape rout, and that's where she saw the mob for the first time. And much to her surprise it wasn't a band of thugs, nor a mercenary group. If anything it looked to be a lot of parents with their families. What in the nine hells is going on?

Without warning there was a pounding on Lina's door, making her jump and turn abruptly.

“What did you do, Lina?” came Gourry's voice.

“Why would you think I did anything?” She answered, incredulous.

“Because you've always done something.”

“Well I didn't this time.” Lina said as she flung the door open. “Come and look.” In one quick motion Lina reached up and grabbed Gourry's ear as she began to drag him to the window, pointing out once they were close. “Does that look like a group that would be coming after me?”

“I dunno. What'd you do?”

Lina yanked on Gourry's ear hard, making him yelp. “Get serious Gourry.”

“Okay, okay. Maybe there's some kind of sale going on.”

Lina sighed, at least he wasn't making stupid jokes. Or she sincerely hoped that he wasn't. “You don't think we'd have heard about a sale of any kind when we checked in?”

“Maybe it was last minute.”

“Let's just go see.” Lina groaned, walking towards the door.

Once they were at the stairs it was clear someone was trying to get away from the crowd outside. Lina was able to make out voices as they got closer to the to the stairs.

“Nah, I'd say that was worse than Cludge Town.” a female voice mentioned as if in answer.

“Really?” another asked.

“Yeah, they didn't chase us down the street.”

“If you'd like to return to the palace, ma'am, we can go right away.” A third, male voice, responded.

After a sigh the first voice spoke up. “I guess so … Dang it, I wanted to look around the markets while we were here. Hey, Starlight, how'd you deal with this at the Sorcerer's Guild?”

“Oh.” The second voice hesitantly answered. “I … actually never got to the guild. I looked around the palace library, that's how I learned that I can't read a thing here.”

“Huh.” The first grunted. “I guess that would do it.”

“I'll ask the proprietor about a back exit, we'll have you back to the palace before long.” The third voice commented before the sound of boots on wood echoed up the stairs.

Carefully, Lina walked down the stairs and turned towards where the voices had come from. At a table she saw two women and a man in what appeared to be military uniforms, a fourth was talking quietly to the inn keeper. What Lina saw with the uniformed people made her stop. Two brightly colored ponies sat in the chairs at the table, and one of them was a unicorn.

Lina's eyes began to feel dry as she saw her first unicorn in person, and it looked nothing like she had expected.

What made Lina's jaw drop was when the orange pony looked their way and sighed before actually speaking. “We ain't for sale, and we ain't nobody's pet neither.”

“Oh, okay.” Gourry absently said. “We we're just wondering what was going on outside.”

“Yeah, I'm afraid that was us,” the unicorn uncomfortably said, “sorry.”

The man who had walked off to talk to the innkeeper approached the ponies and addressed them directly. “We've got permission to use the back way out whenever you're ready to return to the palace.”

“Thanks, an' sorry to bother you with this whole pointless trip.” The orange one answered, clearly disappointed.

“Not a bother, ma'am.”

“Hey.” Gourry casually said, “we're on our way to the palace later too.”

“Oh, I thought everyone who was coming was already there.” The unicorn said, clearly interested.

“'Cept, of course, Amelia's sister: Gracia.” The orange pony cut in.

One of the women sitting at the table appeared to pull out a book and tapped at the open pages, closing it after looking over something. “Lina Inverse and Gourry Gabriev.” She suddenly said, “If you two would like to accompany us, you're welcome too.”

The unicorn looked to the woman before turning her attention to Lina and Gourry. “So you're Lina and Gourry.” She said, her voice more intrigued than anything else.

“You've heard of us?” Lina asked as she was finally able to come to terms with what was happening.

“You've got a reputation.” Gourry casually said.

“Since when do you listen to gossip!?” Lina spat his words back at him.

“If you two don't mind,” started the guard who had spoken to the innkeeper, “I believe we've kept this man's business closed long enough.”

“I was just in the middle of something. Go ahead, we'll be okay on our own.” Lina offered, the oddity of the situation running through her head, even if she could deal with it..

“I can see that.” The unicorn offered with a chuckle.

It wasn't long afterwords that, surrounded by their escort, the ponies left through the back of the building and Lina went back to her cool bath.

With a sigh Lina looked at the tub and quietly muttered under her breath, holding out her hand as she did. A ball of fire shot from her palm and engulfed the tub, and soon steam was raising once again from the water.

Lina carefully climbed back into the tub and sighed happily as she again allowed the heat to seep into her tired limbs.


“I am done with all of this political stuff!” Rainbow Dash shouted through her door.

“I'm sorry.” James said as he stood beside the door. “I know this is a big change right away, and you had no time to get ready. None of us were expecting something like this. But at least for now, we've gotta just push through it.”

“How often does something like this happen?” She asked sharply.

“A couple times a month sometimes. Something this big, once or twice a year.” James answered.

Rainbow Dash groaned loudly.

“Maybe let me handle this James.” Twilight offered, turning towards the door. With a sweep of her wing Twilight ushered James away, and with him out of the way she turned back to the door. “Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah Twilight.” Rainbow Dash answered, sounding irritated still.

“This is actually pretty normal for princesses,” Twilight casually said. “You should know. After all, you and everypony else were there to help me through all this.” Carefully she opened the door to the room and walked in, finding Rainbow Dash laying on the bed, staring up at the skylight. “When I first became a princess, and when I was going to take over for Princess Celestia.”

“So that's it?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight was relieved to hear that Rainbow Dash sounded calmer than just moments ago.

“I date James and become a princess? No alicorn magic or anything?”

“Well, your position is more political than something you were dropped into.” Twilight sat on Rainbow Dash's bed and smiled. “Besides, you're only dating James right now, so it's this kind of weird position.”

“Like what?”

“Like a princess, but not a princess.”

“That doesn't even make sense!”

Twilight shrugged. “This is certainly an unusual situation.”

Rainbow Dash groaned once more and rolled over. “I was not ready for all this.”

“No.” Twilight answered calmly.

“Thanks.” Rainbow Dash sarcastically mumbled into the pillow.

“You weren't …” Twilight calmly pointed out, “but you can handle it. And I'll help you however I can.”

“I had no idea a relationship could be so complicated.”

“Relationships are hard things. And it takes sacrifice from everypony involved.”

“I guess, but Big Mac didn't have any of these issues, and he's married.”

“I'm sure he and Sugar Belle did, but we didn't see them. And we all know that James and Lucca don't get along all the time.”

“For all the same reasons we sometimes have to kick his butt back into behaving.” Rainbow Dash mumbled.

“Is this really so different then?”

Rainbow Dash rolled over once more and sat up as she thought. “… No. But also yes. This is so different than when we were just friends. Now I have to consider how what I say and do make him feel.”

“You didn't do that before?”

“I mean, I guess I did. But now there's consequences when I screw something up. And here's a little thing I don't like saying: While I'm awesome at most things, I screw other things up all the time.

“Do you talk to him about it?”

“No, that's the point! I don't want to screw this up.”

Twilight sighed as she stretched her wing out to hold her friend. “Rainbow Dash, not talking about these things is what could screw things up.”

Rainbow Dash's face fell. “What?”

“You've heard James and Lucca talk about their day, they tell each other everything.”

“They've been married a long time, even my mom and dad will talk about boring things when there's nothing interesting.”

Twilight shook her head. “They tell each other everything so they always know what's going on with the other, and if there's a problem they can work it out with everycreature who can help.”

“He does want to talk … a lot.”

“That's because he cares about his relationship with you.”

“I guess I can see that. But I was so not ready for this.”

“Ready for what?”

“I had no idea there would even be a political side of this relationship.”

“Right.” Twilight said with a nod, “I can see how that would be a big change for you. The only experience you've had was helping me.”

Rainbow Dash turned to look at her friend. “Hey, you're already a princess, this wouldn't be much of a change for you.”

Twilight blushed, “Oh come on, Rainbow Dash.”

“Of course, Rarity would love every minute of this.”

Twilight paused a moment as she thought about it.

“Come on, we both know I'm right. She even dreamed about marrying a prince.” Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

“And you just had to do one better with a king.” Twilight added as she laughed at the situation.

Rainbow Dash shook her head and let a grin ease it's way onto her face. “Alright, Twilight. I think I'm done freaking out now. It's just good that somepony understands.”

“I was getting a little worried you were rethinking everything with James.” Twilight said with a grin.

Rainbow Dash was pointedly silent for a few moments. “Nah, I'm not. But I never thought about this side of it.”

“Royalty is a really different life. No matter how much you may want things to just stay the same.” There was a hint of sadness to Twilight's voice as she spoke.

Rainbow Dash, ready to talk about anything else, changed the subject to one Twilight would easily obsess over. “You know what's going on today?”

Twilight brightened as she jumped from the bed, her horn glowing and a scroll appearing. “I have a schedule right here.”

“Of course you would.” Rainbow Dash commented as she rolled her eyes with a smile, though Twilight was already focused on her schedule.

“Well, I've got some library time scheduled. I'm still learning their language but I'm getting closer. Actually, James and I have another meeting to get to later, and I wouldn't mind the company.” Twilight sighed as she looked at the schedule, “it feels a lot like when Princess Celestia would bring me to events and all I would do was smile and wave.”

Rainbow Dash paused and turned to her friend. “Yeah, I thought it wouldn't be so bad, but as far as politics go, that's all I do as his girlfriend. Show up, put on a dress, smile and wave, wait for the next event.” Rainbow Dash growled again as she thought on her time here so far. “It's so boring.”

Twilight chuckled slightly, “In the meetings, I just sit and listen to what everyone is talking about. And I don't have context for any of it.”

Rainbow Dash paused and turned to her friend. “Yeah, I had no idea it sucked so bad.”

“At least back home most political events involve a party.” Twilight sighed.

“But remember the yaks?”

“How could I forget.” Twilight laughed.

“Ugh, you'd think a coronation would be cause for a party, but here it's some kind of stuffy thing. Seriously, these people need to learn how to have fun.”

“It's probably still a bit too soon since they lost their last king to really celebrate.”

“I guess so. … Twilight, let's have a party when we get back.”

“I know Pinkie would like that.”

As the two spoke there was a knock at the door. “Are you feeling any better?” James called through the wooden door, “If you're interested, I was actually going to go and meet Lina and Gourry. Apparently they just got to the palace grounds.”

“Do I have to put on a dress?” Rainbow Dash called back.

“This isn't a formal thing, so no.” James' relief was evident in his voice. “Dress, or not, however you like.”

“Okay, I'll come along. Twilight?” Rainbow Dash offered as she began to fly.

“You go on ahead.”


Lina stirred in her sleep, not that the bed wasn't comfortable, quite the opposite in fact. Her problem came from elsewhere, an uneasy feeling of being watched with clear hostility. In other words, she was being hunted.

Years on the road and under attack on a regular basis had given her a good sense for just these situations, and those senses had saved her life more than a few times.

She sat up on her bed and stretched, letting her hand come to rest on the hilt of her short sword. Whoever it was surely would strike if she took the time to prepare, so her sword would have to be enough. “Alright,” she called, standing and looking around the room. “I'm ready for you.”

Pale moonlight streamed in through the slats of the blinds, illuminating a patch on the opposite wall and providing just enough light to see the room by. The clothes she had worn into the palace were tossed on a chair. One more light shone into the room from a skylight near the center, it was the irregular pattern of the light thrown on the floor that told Lina just where the would be assassin was.

“Oh.” Came a curiously watery voice, “you're ready for me?”

Something fell from the skylight, making a wet “thwap” as it slapped the floor.

“Ugh!” Lina grunted as she leaped back from the thing. It wasn't easy in the low light to tell just what the mass of writhing tentacles was really composed of, though to take a guess she'd go with seaweed. Whatever it was pulled itself up to about her height and formed basic limbs from it's chaotic tendrils and began reaching for her.

Lina slashed at the approaching limb, hoping to distract the mazoku long enough to give herself a little room to either cast a spell or to get to the door.

The room was definitely too small to effectively fight, so escape was her priority. After the swipe, she rolled forward, underneath the arch formed by what passed for legs, and once she was close, flung open the door to what was currently a much less appealing sight than the hallways of the castle: She opened the door and saw her own face staring back at her, beyond was her room again with that same mazoku. She watched as it's core began to split lengthwise.

As if this thing weren't freaky enough.

From the split she saw what looked like a large orange eye peering out, and if the split had stopped once the eye was revealed it would have bad enough, but it continued until the bulbous dripping eye was completely exposed, hanging from what looked like a pulpy stalk with smaller eyes randomly along it.

Lina turned to face her opponent and began casting a spell, there was only one way out now and that was through the mazoku.


Twilight opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling of her room. She appreciated all of the effort everyone in Saillune had gone to for her, and the bed was good, but it just wasn't as good as her Cloudsdale bed back at home.

She had just opened a book to read until she fell back asleep when she realized that something other than her bed felt wrong. Twilight closed the book and looked around, trying to place the feeling. It was as if something just went missing. Nothing looked out of place, but she couldn't shake the feeling.

She shook her head and tried once again to read, though her mind inevitably went back to the persistent feeling. Something was missing, but she just didn't know what.

She took a breath and closed her eyes, hoping that meditating would help her find where this feeling was coming from so she could either address or dismiss it. As her mind cleared and she began to focus on the feeling it became clear that it came from beyond her room. The feeling itself was peculiar, it didn't seem as though something had simply vanished, but more as if something had been carved away and replaced with something unreal.

Twilight opened her eyes and walked out into the hallway, nothing about this felt right and she was going to find out why.

“Is there something I can help you with Ma'am?” A guard asked as they noticed Twilight leave her room.

“Oh, no …” Twilight sputtered before stopping herself. “Actually, is everything alright out here?”

The guard gave her a confused look before giving a quick whistle and asking in a voice above a whisper. “All clear?”

A chorus of “All clear,” came back in reply and the guard smiled down at the pony nodded. “All clear Ma'am.”

Twilight awkwardly laughed. “Thanks, I think I'll just go for a walk if that's alright.”

“Of course, would you like an escort?”

“Oh, no. I'm just going down the hall to visit a friend.”

“At this time?”

“Yes, he always has trouble sleeping so he's probably awake still.”

“Very well, I'll be here when you get back.”

“Thank you.”

As she walked down the halls towards the void another door opened and James poked his head out. “You feel that too?” he quietly asked.

“Yeah, it's … well it's weird. Did it wake you up too?”

“No, I just can't sleep, it's too quiet. I've been trying to pinpoint it, but unfortunately I can't focus right now.” James growled.

“It's just down the hall.” Twilight said, her concern growing as she realized she wasn't the only one to wonder what was going on. That feeling of concern was only heightened as another door was flung open and the man James had told her about earlier rushed into the hall, sword in hand, and pounded on the door.

“Lina!” Gourry called. “Is everything alright?”

James looked to Twilight and they both nodded before running to the door. “Move Gourry.” James said as he pushed the fighter out of the way. James pulled his arm back and with a quick thrust of his open palm, broke the door in.

To Gourry's surprise, but not so much for Twilight or James, the room had nobody inside.

The commotion in the hallway had drawn the guard and now several had gathered at the door. “What's going on here?” The first guard demanded.

“Did you see a woman leave this room? Red brown hair, short, and flat.” Gourry asked without answering anything.

“She didn't leave the room, Gourry,” James said. “Unless she stepped out without getting dressed.” James turned to the man and tossed Lina's mantle and shirt to him.

“James,” Twilight said. “It's here, whatever is going on it has to be hiding Lina.”

At the statement, Gourry began to toss the room.

“What's going on?” Came a new voice that Twilight and James recognized immediately, as Starlight looked into the room from the doorway.

“Lina's missing, but somehow still in this room.” James said as he checked other implausible areas for the missing woman. After a moment he stopped and walked towards the skylight. “It's faint, but it feels like she's here.” He said as he closed his eyes and tried to focus. “Dammit, I know something does this, but I just can't think!” He growled as he gripped the sides of his head.

“But you're sure she's here?” Starlight asked.

James and Twilight both looked to the unicorn.

“Positive.” James answered.

“Absolutely.” Twilight said at the same time as James.

“Okay.” Starlight said as her horn began to glow. An emerald luminescence formed around an amulet that sat on the end table. “This should be good. Alright everycreature, give me some room.”

The others did as Starlight instructed and backed away from her as she closed her eyes and concentrated. A pale emerald light filled the room before coalescing into the area right where James had felt Lina's presence. Moments later, in a flash of emerald light, Lina appeared laying on the ground. She was unconscious, her nightgown was soaked, and angry red welts were rising on her throat, wrists, and ankles with blood oozing from regular small holes along the welts.

“Lina!” Gourry shouted as he tried to lift her, only to pull his arms away with a growl. As quickly as he inspected his arms they began to turn red where they had touched Lina, with blisters beginning to form as he watched. “What's going on?!”

With a flex of his arm James' omnitool flashed to life and he began a scan. A red light flashed and without even thinking James grabbed the neck of the nightgown, ripping it free from her. Lina's entire body was horribly blistered as though she had been in the middle of a fire.

“If it looks wet, don't touch it.” James growled, blisters already forming on his hand that he had used to remove the soaked garment.

Gourry took a deep breath and lifted Lina, without the remaining portion of the nightgown, and placed her on the bed. Grimacing as the burns on his arms got worse.

With his intact hand James began to cast a healing spell on Lina, though it was anyone's guess if it was even working.

As James cast, Gourry placed his hand above Lina's mouth, feeling nothing he took a deep breath and began to work on trying to revive her.

“Healers should be here soon.” Lucca said from the doorway. “What happened?”

“We'll have to ask her when she wakes up.” James said the moment he had the chance. “Don't touch anything in here that's wet, it's basic enough to burn on contact. My scan history has the information.”

“Is everyone else alright?”

“We will be. Do we have any Senzu?”

“No, not even Applejack's have blossomed yet.”

“Dammit.” James said as he began to sweat.

“I'll get something to neutralize the base.” Lucca said as her voice got more distant.

Between Gourry's rescue breathing and James' healing magic, Lina began breathing before long as Lucca came back and began to coat her in a white powder. New lesions stopped forming as the powder turned into a slime coating her.

Minutes later several men who had clearly been woken recently rushed in and took over healing the unconscious woman. One each began to attend to James and Gourry's burns as James rattled off information about what little he knew of Lina's injuries.

Finally confident that things were taking a turn for the better, Twilight asked Starlight what had been going through her mind since seeing her seemingly pull Lina from nothing.“What spell was that you used?”

“Oh, I just combined a scrying spell with an advanced teleportation spell.” Starlight answered, clearly proud of her ingenuity. “Mistmane's fog walker to be precise.”

“Hey.” Gourry said, getting the attention of the ponies. “Thanks for saving Lina.”

“You're welcome, I'm glad we could help. But it was really the three of you.” Twilight said with a smile.

“I didn't even know there was anything wrong until I heard the shouting.” Starlight added, “How did you know what was going on?”

“I don't ignore my gut.” He explained, “I wasn't even the first here, what about you … Uhm …”

“Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight answered with a smile. “I guess I just had a gut feeling too. As for James …” Turning their attention to James, who sat in a nearby chair, it was plainly obvious he had fallen asleep as the priests tended to his hand. “… well James isn't always able to sleep so easily.”

“Yeah, I've seen some old mercs like that. They can never relax, like there's always someone behind them. Nobody's told me what's bothering him, but I figure if he doesn't say, then it's not my business.”


It was a surprise for Starlight to see James in good spirits that morning as he and his family sat with a simple breakfast before them. She began to relax as she realized that the current situation apparently wasn't serious enough to even interrupt James' morning coffee.

“How's your hand doing?” Starlight asked as she approached the table with the assumption that things were going well, particularly as he was holding his coffee with the hand that had been burned only hours earlier.

“Quite well, thanks.” He said, placing his coffee down and flexing his hand, showing off his ordinary looking palm.

“It's only been a few hours! What happened to your hand?” Rainbow Dash asked as she looked over to him.

“There was an incident last night and I got a chemical burn. But the priests here are top notch, my hand is good as new.” James then turned back to Starlight. “Apparently Lina's doing much better, too. She should be out of treatment by lunch. Her throat still hurts, though, so we're not getting much in details about what happened.”

“Woah, woah, woah, hold on a moment. What happened to Lina?” Rainbow Dash asked, drawing James' attention back to her.

“Like I said, we don't have much by way of details. But she did say one thing.” James said, evenly.

“Don't stop there,” Rainbow Dash urged almost immediately, “what did she say?”

James smiled at Rainbow Dash briefly before nodding. “Mazoku.”

Starlight's eyes widened as she heard the word. “That's not good.”

James sighed and took a sip of his coffee. “No, it's not.”

“But if it just got the drop on Lina, then there's no reason to think we can't handle this. There are far more weaker mazoku than there are tough ones.” Lucca added.

“And though it means we should keep an eye on everyone while we're here, it's entirely possible she's the only target. Taking out pieces of Shabranigdo appears to paint a target on someone's back.” James explained.

“You don't think …” Rainbow Dash asked uncomfortably.

“Nah, Xellos respects her too much to not at least give her a warning about attacking her. Hell, he gave us a warning.”

Casually, Zelgadis and Amelia approached as those at the table spoke.

“Until Lina's back up and talking, we've only got one word to go on.” Zelgadis said as he stood behind James. “Gourry and I searched her room and stuff and there's nothing we can think of that would have drawn the mazoku.”

“Other than Lina herself.” Amelia added.

“That's what we were thinking too.” Starlight said with a sigh.

“Shouldn't we get Rarity?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Investigation is kind of her thing. I know I told you about how she helped me in Canterlot years ago.”

“This isn't like a normal investigation, Rainbow Dash. The only clues we have are in Lina's mind and on her nightgown,” Starlight explained.

“And the only thing her nightgown tells us is what chemical burned her.” James added with a shrug.

Before long, one more figure ran up to the growing group gathered at the table. “She's talking again.” Twilight said as she got close. “I went to visit her and she's up and talking again.”

“Go check in with her.” Lucca said as she turned to James. “Tali and I will stay with the girls.”

They had to settle for a brisk walk as they got to the temple where Lina was being treated. James having been called out for chasing after a flying Rainbow Dash

Starlight couldn't help but make a comparison between the dormitory style layout of the healers portion of the temple and the separated and clean rooms of the hospitals she was familiar with. This served as another reminder about how this world was behind theirs in many ways.

“Miss Lina!” Amelia happily called out as she ran towards the cot with her friend on it before leaping into the air.

“Sure, and I get chewed out for walking too fast.” James mumbled under his breath.

Zelgadis appeared next to the cot and caught Amelia by her collar in midair. “She just recovered, Amelia.”

“Oh … right.” Amelia laughed.

“Thanks Zel.” Lina quietly said as she looked to the rest of the group, her face quickly turning to anger as she saw James. “Dill brand!” she shouted, rubbing her throat after as it still felt as though it was torn to shreds.

The spell Lina cast had a brief buildup as a small circle appeared beneath James before launching him into the air. Starlight and Twilight reacted quickly, their horns glowing and catching James in a shimmering bubble, as Zelgadis and Amelia held Lina down on her bed.

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “What was that for?”

“He ripped off my nightgown!” Lina countered.

“It was burning you.” Twilight countered as she and Starlight gently set James back on the ground.

“I'll get you a new one today, Lina.” James calmly said.

“That's not why I'm angry!” Lina insisted.

“Lina,” Amelia pleaded, “he was trying to help you.” Carefully she and Zelgadis let go of the fuming woman.

“Girls, you might want to step away from me for a minute.” James quietly said before speaking directly to Lina. “Lina, the last thing on my mind was ogling you.”

Lina turned red as she shouted at James. “Oh yeah! And what's wrong with me?!”

“You were severely burned and it was only getting worse.” James answered bluntly. “Lovely as you may be; I was more worried about you living than your modesty.” He managed to say moments before a flying metal tray hit him square in the face with a resounding “Klang!”

Total silence filled the area before Lina spoke again. “Yeah, I guess you're right. But you can't do that to a girl and not expect her to be angry.”

As Lina spoke Zelgadis visibly relaxed and Amelia gave James a thumbs up just out of Lina's line of sight. Starlight and Twilight gave each other a curious look, making Lina turn quickly as Amelia and Zelgadis hurried to look nonchalant.

“As glad as I am to see you back up, Lina,” James commented as he walked closer to Lina's cot, placing the dented tray back on the end table. “I'd more like to know what happened last night.”

“Yeah, did the mazoku say why they attacked you?” Amelia cut in.

“It was trying to kill me, Amelia.” Lina growled. “I wasn't exactly inclined to have a chat with it.”

“Yes Lina, but did it say anything that might tell you why it came after you?” Zelgadis asked.

“No. Hells, it seemed to act like I was an inconvenience. Beyond general boasting, all it did was complain that it had other people to kill.” Lina groaned and rolled her eyes. “Sorry I was such an inconvenience for it.”

“Why would a Mazoku have a list of targets?” Starlight asked.

“Only if they had a plan.” Rainbow Dash answered. “Like how Xellos targeted you, Twilight.”

“Xellos what?!” Lina shouted in surprise before once again gripping her raw throat with a wince of pain.

“Excuse me miss.” A priestess harshly said as she approached the group. “We have people resting here. If you can't keep it down, I'll have to ask you to leave.”

“I'm so sorry.” Amelia quickly said shrinking back. “We'll be quieter.”

“Please do.”

“Yes, Xellos attacked her home last year,” James answered calmly, desperately hoping he could change the subject without saying anything about the Lord of Nightmares. “Specifically for Twilight.”

“Why? What reason would he have to attack a unicorn?” Lina asked.

“Alicorn.” Starlight corrected as Twilight closed her eyes and looked away. Her statement was met with confusion from the group of three.

“Right.” James said as he tapped his forehead, quickly devising a way to get the topic off why Xellos had come to Equestria. “Outside your world all an alicorn is the proper name for a unicorn's horn. Alicorn as you know them are just called winged unicorn.” Starlight and Twilight both turned and stared confused at James as he finished his statement.

Soon James had turned back to Lina and her group, determined to overload them with information. “In their world, an Alicorn is a pony with the strengths of all three types, Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn.” James explained, ready to launch into a political lecture if it would provide the desired distraction. “And they're all royalty, though it's an earned position and not inherited, with the exception of Twilight's niece …”

“Just stop.” Lina said bluntly. “I don't need to hear about this right now, least of all on an empty stomach.”

“Speaking of,” Amelia said as she looked around, “Where's Mr. Gourry?”

“Probably having breakfast.” Zelgadis said with a dismissive smile.

“He's not getting that fancy palace food without me.” Lina growled as she threw the covers off herself, revealing that she was wearing a set of priestess robes that hung off her awkwardly as they appeared to be a few sizes too big for her.

Once alone, James gave a relieved sigh.


The meeting hadn't been a scheduled one, but with a Mazoku in the palace and attacking someone, everyone needed to address the situation.

“I appreciate your concern, Phillionel.” Lady Seto calmly said once Phillionel finished explaining the situation. “I am personally not worried about the dangers of a mazoku.”

“I don't doubt your abilities Seto.” James countered as he paced the room. “And while you likely could handle yourself quite well: Despite their similarities, mazoku are very different from Ryoko. While they are not physically more dangerous, their abilities are significantly harder to counter and defend against. Even I'm vulnerable to them if I'm not prepared to fight, or if I'm exhausted.”

“We fought them last year and you nearly died.” Twilight added to his statement.

“James regularly throws himself into dangerous situations,” Seto responded. “So his nearly dying doesn't actually say much.”

Rainbow Dash sighed as she heard Seto's comment.

“We should focus on the issue here.” Zelgadis argued. “And it's less “Are we safe,” and more “Why are they here.””

Lina smacked Gourry, who was dozing peacefully.

“Normally something like this would be an assassination attempt.” Tali commented. “Do you think that maybe she was just a mistaken target?”

“We considered that too,” Phillionel answered. “but her room had been empty for months before her arrival. Besides, who would benefit?”

“Normally an assassination attempt would benefit the next in line for the throne.” Seto added casually.

Christopher scowled at her a moment before speaking up. “I've abdicated my claim to the throne, should my brother die, the throne would pass to his eldest daughter: Gracia.”

“And myself after her.” Amilia added. “But neither of us would want to harm daddy.”

“Not to mention Gracia's history precludes her from considering assassination for any situation.” James added.

“I'm sorry, I believed that you had two brothers, Phillionel.” Seto stated.

“I did. Randionelle tried to assassinate me a long time ago. He is no longer with us.” Phillionel clarified.

Phillionel's comment got an uncomfortable shift from the ponies as they were reminded how nice things were in their world compared to the others James visited.

“Maybe Lina was the target.” Rainbow Dash suggested. “I mean, she's pretty bad ass and has taken out a lot of mazoku.”

“No.” Lina cut in. “It made it clear that I was just an obstacle. Though clearly I'm some kind of threat. Probably because, like you said, I'm a bad ass. But that also means they had a more valuable target. And that doesn't leave many options.”

“And it being a mazoku leaves even fewer.” Zelgadis added.

“That leaves two real possibilities,” Tali commented, “The Saillune family, or our family.”

“What of the Kimiki family, are we to not consider them?” Christopher asked, shooting a pointed glance Seto's direction.

“The Kimiki family is too far removed to be of consequence beyond personal ties. Nobody would benefit,” Seto calmly answered, “and retaliation would be devastating.”

“I didn't know mazoku were political.” Gourry commented absently, drawing a frustrated glare from Lina and a sympathetic look from Amelia.

“I doubt it's political,” James said, shaking his head, “the line of succession is clear and it would make more sense to take out low priority targets first. But clearly someone here is a threat or could cause a lot of chaos if they were gone …”

“And what better way to cause chaos than assassinating the soon to be king just before coronation.” Lina reasoned.

The room fell silent as they found themselves once again nowhere.

Tali cleared her throat and looked around. “I think the best option right now would be to create temporary transponders for everyone who may be at risk. That way we can at least know right away if someone is taken like Lina was.”

“I believe temporary ones may be suitable,” Seto calmly agreed. “As long as no trace of them remain.”

“I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about.” Christopher said as he looked to their guests.

“Uncle Christopher,” Amelia said suddenly, and nervously. “You see, uh, like the world beyond the barrier, James and his family have developed their technology to a greater degree than our own.”

“Yes,” Phillionel chimed in, much more calmly than his daughter. “And while they cannot share much of their technology with us, we do enjoy the benefits of our friendship.”

“And a transponder is simply a device we can always locate, so as long as you have one on you we can find you. Similar to an astral beacon.” James explained.

“I had no idea we had been making these kinds of treaties. Perhaps I underestimated your capabilities so long ago, brother.” Christopher said as he looked around the room before chuckling, “You've even contacted creatures I did not know had a society, yet here they are. The world beyond is vast indeed.”

“I'll get working on those transponders.” Tali offered, standing and walking out.

“If this is an assassination attempt, there must be a ring leader.” Seto commented, “If we can get a clue as to who it may be we may be able to resolve this before another attack.”

“That would be nice.” Amelia sighed.

“I suggest we each get several transponders, that way, should the mazoku show up again, we can slip one on them and track where it goes to.”

James hummed a moment before nodding. “I'll tell Tali to get more.” He said before standing and walking out, followed by Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

“Do you think that they'll strike again before the coronation?” Twilight asked the remaining group.

Christopher rubbed the back of his neck and contemplated. “This close to the event, I cannot say with any certainty. But it's better to be prepared. Brother? Do you believe that it may be a mazoku simply trying to cause chaos.”

“The mazoku have long been opposed to the holy Kingdom of Saillune.” Phillionel responded.

“I only ask because it is no secret that Lina Inverse has drawn the attention of the mazoku time and again.”

“And beaten them every time if her exploits are to be believed.” Starlight answered, staring at Christopher.

“But, none the less, she has been at the center of their plans time and again, and inside the city is not the place for a confrontation.” Christopher countered, clearly irritated by the unicorn speaking to him as she had.

I invited Lady Lina here, and my guests will not be mistreated in my kingdom.” Phillionel said, his voice quiet but powerful.

“Of course, brother.” Christopher quietly acknowledged before standing and excusing himself.

Phillionel turned and bowed his head to Lina. “I sincerely apologize that you were attacked Lina, and that I must ask that you to once again face the monster should they return.”

“That's alright, we're used to facing mazoku. That chump just got me by surprise is all.”

Phillionel chuckled as he looked back up. “The same Lina Inverse as ever. Though I must ask that you restrain yourself should you need to fight. We may not be able to afford rebuilding the city.”

“If that is necessary, Jurai could loan you the money.” Seto said with a wicked smile. “We've certainly paid for larger disasters.”

“What?!” Lina nearly shouted, “I am not a walking disaster!”

“Well, there is usually collateral damage when you fight.” Gourry offered, unhelpfully.

“Shut it, or you'll be collateral damage.” Lina threatened as Zelgadis and Amelia quietly laughed.


“You've already got yours Rainbow Dash.” Twilight heard James say as she walked down the hall their rooms were located in.

“Yeah, but what about the spares?” Rainbow Dash asked. “If that Mazoku shows up we both know I'm the one who's going to be able to get it on them.”

Applejack let out a quick laugh. “That's what you think, I bet I could just as easily get it on 'em.”

“Well, first I need to get yours on you.” James said, unusually smoothly.

“What's with that tone?” Twilight heard Applejack suddenly ask.

“Look up and close your eyes.” was James' reply, though Rainbow Dash began to laugh. After a pause Twilight heard James speak again, still with his intentionally smooth voice. “Do you trust me?”

She head Applejack sigh before answering. “I do, but if you try to kiss me …” She said before James cut her off.

“You'll certainly have the opportunity to say no.”

Applejack's response was to chuckle, although it sounded a bit awkward.

Twilight cautiously peaked through the doorway, unsure about just what to expect on the other side. She saw James kneeling in front of Applejack, gently pressing his middle finger between her eyes, Rainbow Dash holding her hat.

“There we go.” James calmly said, his voice completely normal, signaling for Applejack to open her eyes.

“You just tapped my forehead. Why'd I have to close my eyes for that?”

“Because I didn't want to risk dropping it in your eyes.” James explained to Applejack as he stood back up and took her hat from Rainbow Dash, placing it awkwardly on his head. “It was just barely stuck to the tip of my finger and could have come off at any time.”

“I … don't know what I was expecting.” Twilight said as she walked through the door.

“It's James, so …” Applejack said, giving him a sidelong glance.

“Nothing I haven't been doing already.” James answered with a grin before taking the hat off and holding it out for Applejack who eagerly took it back. “Speaking of, since you're here, I should get you taken care of, though I thought Starlight would be with you.”

“She wanted to talk to Lady Seto.” Twilight answered before adding, “I'm surprised you've got the transponders already.”

James uncomfortably scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah, after the whole Washouts thing, Tenyo suggested we keep a couple temporary transponders around.”

“Was it because …” Rainbow Dash began to ask when James interrupted.

“Yeah, it's because of what I did.”

“Well, I'm glad it happened.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

“There were a few things it made clear.” James said as he looked to the ponies in the room with him, finally settling on Applejack and Rainbow Dash, “And showed me that I have some dedicated friends.” He then turned to Twilight, still smiling, “Let's get you that transponder.” He said gently.

Twilight smiled as she stepped forward, looking up and closing her eyes.

James reached into his pouch and pulled out a small wooden box. The lid lifted and revealed two small green flakes on a white cushion. Carefully he pressed his middle finger against one of the flakes and gently lifted it.

After a brief moment of consideration he carefully placed the tip of his finger against Twilight's nose. The flake stayed behind, lighting up briefly before fading away.

Twilight twitched her nose for a second, fighting off a sneeze before opening her eyes. “James, that was my nose.” She said as a handkerchief lit up by a gold flecked violet luminescence flew around and wiped where James had placed the fleck.

James shrugged as he looked to her. “Your horn was in the way of where I would normally place it.”

“With the transponders that tiny, it's gonna be tricky just to get them out and on the Mazoku.” Rainbow Dash said as she inspected the remaining fleck in the box.

“That's if they even work.” James calmly said as he collected the box and closed it. Shoving it back in his bag, he explained his reasoning. “I'm not saying it's impossible, but if it's a stronger Mazoku it doesn't need a true physical body and I have no idea if the transponder will work in that case. Let alone if it can track something in unreal space.”

"And why are these just flakes?" Rainbow Dash asked, raising a eyebrow at James. "Mine was some kind of injection that was sore for hours."

"These are just location. Yours has medical nanites that also track your health."

"Medical what now?"


The sun shone brightly as Starlight walked alongside Seto in the courtyard, the warm, sweet air creating a mood in stark contrast to the happenings of the night before.

“Lady Seto,” Starlight said, more stiffly than she had intended to. “There is something I wanted to ask about. Uhm, if that's alright, that is.”

Seto gently laughed as she looked down at the pony. “You don't need to be so nervous around me, I'm no different than Twilight, or even Lucca.”

“Oh,” Starlight nervously laughed, “sorry.”

“That's alright, just relax.”

Starlight took a steadying breath, “Okay. So, you mentioned that you had taken James' proposal to the review board.”

“Yes, he had clearly thought it through and didn't overtly belie his true intentions.”

Starlight paused a moment, “Well, that gives me a few more questions to ask.”

Seto smiled and sighed, “I wish we could talk about this now, but I believe we have some rather rude guests.”

Starlight screwed up her face as she looked to the woman, now standing still and looking out ahead of her.

“I hope you don't mind, Starlight, but I would prefer to handle them myself.”

“Handle who?” Starlight asked as she looked around, finding nothing out of place.

“The assassins.” Seto answered with a widening smile.

“I don't …” Starlight started to say before being interrupted by a gruff voice.

“Looks like we've been spotted, boys.” A tall, thin man said as he stood up from a nearby bush.

Seto unfolded a small hand fan and hid her face as she grinned. “I do hope you'll offer some real entertainment.”

Starlight stared slack jawed at the bold statement. Despite Seto's clear excitement at the prospect of a fight, she appeared to be relaxed.

“We aim to please,” Came the obsequious reply, offered with an exaggerated bow, “speaking of …”

The thin man quickly stood up, and a streak of silver raced towards Seto who now laughed eagerly.

In a moment Seto twirled around and several thunks were clearly heard as several knives dropped harmlessly to the ground around her.

Starlight looked around, only now realizing that they were surrounded by seven similarly built men who stared at Seto, one who's mouth hung limp in shock that not a single knife had hit her.

Seto wasn't done, however. Between her fan and her face she held one of the knives that had been thrown at her. With a smile she snapped the fan closed, further concealing the pilfered blade. “What a shame. You missed.”

While she spoke one of the men behind her sneaked forward aiming to stab her with a short sword and lunged, daring to take this apparent opening. Seto suddenly twisted to the side and brought her elbow up and across his face hard. The man crumpled quickly as Seto casually looked to the apparent leader.

As if their companion crumpling to the ground was their cue, the remaining assassins rushed forward, possibly hoping to overwhelm the woman.

A knee sharply drawn up bloodied the nose of one as Seto fluidly adjusted the attack to place her foot on the back of the falling man and forcing him to the ground. Standing on the man's back she punched another in his side, dropping him as quickly to the ground, clutching his injury. Immediately she snapped back, turning to block the blade of another with her fan and shoving the heel of her palm into the leader's forehead.

A sound, closely resembling “gluk,” could be heard as Seto kicked out and caught another assassin in the neck. Flowing once more into a step, Seto backed up and guided two more assassins into colliding with each other.

The sword she had blocked was once again swinging for her, and with another spin, Seto swept his legs from under him, kicking his head as he landed. The last assassin was already backing up, ready to flee.

“I never said that you could leave.” Seto said with a grin as a flick of her wrist sent the knife concealed in her fan flying into the man's shoulder.

A chorus of groans and moans from the ground around her accompanied Seto's wicked grin.

“What just happened?” Starlight asked as she tried to comprehend what it was she had just seen in the last few seconds.

“We've just been attacked. I am sorry, but you'll have to ask those questions of me later. For now I believe we should use this opportunity to get what information these men have to offer.” With a snap of her fingers a green ooze appeared to flow from the air around their attackers, encompassing them completely before forming into spheres that floated slightly off the ground. As Seto began to walk, the spheres fell in line behind her.

“Uhm, are you sure this is alright?” Starlight asked, glancing back at their prisoners.

“If you're concerned: Yes, they can breathe.” Seto calmly answered.


“I wanna know what's going on.” Amber complained as she and Sara waited for their parents to come back from the emergency meeting.

“Is it just me, or have we been under unusually tight security today?” Sara asked as she leaned towards her sister.

“We're always under tight security, especially here.” Amber continued to complain. “I can't go anywhere without a guard, even when I go to the bathroom there's a guard outside the door.”

“Yeah, but since last night if we're not with mom or dad they've had four guards for each of us.” Sara whispered.

“Dad's just worried.” Amber dismissed.

“But why? What's all this training we're going through good for if we just have security on our butts all the time?”

Amber only offered a shrug as a response.

The sound of the door opening caught their attention, hoping that it was one of their parents. Even though they both realized that they would be kept in the dark about what was going on. Despite this, Amber still spoke up.

“So what's going on?” She asked before anyone stepped into the room.

The door halted and a disappointed groan came from the other side. “Of course I'd get this target,” Came an unfamiliar, grizzled voice. As the door finished opening a large, disappointed man came walking in. “Look girlies,” he said as he shook his head, “it's nothing personal, just lay down, close yer eyes an it won't hurt.”

“Excuse me?!” Sara asked, her face contorting in fear and disgust.

“I don't wanna do this, but the boss says jump …” He said as he approached, closing the door behind him and drawing his short sword.

Amber let out a shriek at the sight, trying to back up. Sara hugged her sister quickly and began reciting something under hear breath.

With a resigned sigh, the assassin raised his sword. “I am sorry.” As he brought the sword down an unseen force stopped his blade just before striking the cowering girls down. “Huh?” No matter the force he put behind his weapon it didn't move further towards his targets.

As he listened, the reason became clear. It was faint but what he had thought was simply fearful muttering he could now hear a pattern. The girl was chanting a spell.

“Yer only draggin' this out girly.”

With the sound of splintering wood the door flew open. Lucca's eyes blazed as she charged into the room, war hammer held ready.

Startled, the assassin turned to face the threat, only to be met with a hammer to his face, spinning him around and leaving his neck at a rather severe angle.

Not wasting any time to assess the condition of her daughter's attacker, Lucca raised her foot and with a swift kick to his backside, launched him out the nearby window.

The threat gone, Lucca dropped the hammer and tried to grab her daughters only to be stopped by the wind barrier.

“It's okay girls, I'm here.” Lucca said, hoping they'd look and see they were safe.

She stayed there, trying to hold her daughters for minutes until Sara timidly looked out.

With a gasp, Sara dropped the barrier, reaching an arm out to hold her mother along with her sister. Lucca quickly embraced them both in a protective hug.

“I'm sorry mom.” Sara sobbed. “I just … I just froze.”

“What are you talking about.” Lucca asked with a smile. “You kept both your sister and yourself safe.”

“But I,” Sara stammered. “I couldn't fight. All I could do was put up a barrier. I've been trained to fight, but I just froze.”

“It's okay Sara.” Lucca calmly said. “This wasn't a game like you're used to, this was real.”

“But I've never frozen in a real fight before.”

Lucca paused at the comment. When had her daughter been in a real fight before? They always did what they could to keep their girls as safe as their positions would allow. Though they had certainly failed at that before. Hesitantly, Lucca spoke to her daughter. “I … I can't say I know about what fights you've been in, but you did the right thing today. And that's what's important.”


“Amelia,” Lina said, exasperated, “I told you, I don't need any security. And to be honest, the guards here don't have the best track record.”

“Yeah, I guess you're right.” Amelia admitted.

“Besides, Lina can handle a mazoku easily enough.” Gourry commented.

“Oh, right. Gourry, you were going to ask James about fixing that sword of light replica he gave you.” Lina said, smacking her fist into her open palm.

“Did you break it again, Mr. Gourry?” Amelia asked with a sigh.

“Well, James did say it wasn't all that strong or reliable. Not like the other one Gourry broke.” Lina answered. “And maybe I messed something up when I tried to study it.” She added under her breath.

Before she finished speaking, Gourry had drawn his sword and was looking around.

Lina had seen this too often to second guess Gourry's senses. As she reached for her own sword she felt it, the blood lust of someone ready to strike. She turned to Amelia, who already had started preparing a spell to cast once she had a target.

“It's human.” Gourry quietly said, only barely being heard by his two companions.

“Coming from a mazoku to a human is a serious downgrade.” Lina casually said.

“You think they're after you too, Lina?” Amelia asked.

“Lina?” Came a voice from the shadows. “Lina Inverse?”

Lina's face twisted in confusion. “Uhm, yeah. What's it to you?”

The closest thing to a response that came was the immediate dissipation of the blood lust and the sound of a panicked run.

Lina's face went red as she heard the fleeing. “Why you! How dare you run from me like that!” she growled.

“But Lina, isn't it better to not have to fight?” Amelia asked.

“Yeah, but we need them for questioning!”

“Oh, I guess you're right.”

Gourry easily outpaced the two women as he sprinted off down a nearby corridor after the sound, running blindly as he searched for their would be assailant. He only stopped when he came to an intersection with several open doors along the hallways.

“Did you catch him Mr Gourry?” Amelia asked as she caught up.

Gourry shook his head, gesturing to the scene in front of him. “There's no way we could check all of them before they got away anyway.”

“I see.”

Once again their senses were assaulted by a strong bloodlust, however it now came from behind them, accompanied by a growl. “Where is he?”

Amelia and Gourry abruptly turned to see Lina seething behind them, glaring down the hallway.

“Uhm, Miss Lina, we were just going to question him … right?” Amelia asked, clearly concerned for their attempted assailant.

Lina gave her a wicked grin, “Oh I was going to question him alright.”

Gourry shivered at the statement. “Maybe it's better I didn't find him,” he whispered.

“He'll have a reason to be afraid when I'm done with him.” Lina continued to growl.

As Lina seethed a guard came running from the other end of the hallway. “Princess Amelia!” The guard exclaimed with obvious relief. “Thank the heavens you're safe.”

“Did you see someone running away down that hallway?” Amelia asked urgently. “We were accosted moments ago, but the perpetrator escaped.”

“Uhm …” The guard stammered a moment. “No, my lady. But the palace grounds are on lock down now, if your assailant only recently fled they are not escaping.”

“Good. We need to stop this evil plan in it's tracks, no matter their nefarious motivation.”

Lina paused as she heard the guard talking, clearly Amelia had missed a key piece of information. “Wait a moment.” Lina asked, suddenly more curious than upset. “Why are the grounds already on lock down? We only just got targeted.”

“There's been another attack in the palace.” The guard reported.

“Oh no.” Amelia gasped, “Who's been attacked?”

“Princesses Amber and Sara.”

At the mention of Sara, memories of James' retaliation to her abduction flooded Lina's mind. And clearly James had gotten more powerful since that incident. The destruction he could bring to bear would certainly prove devastating should either of his children get hurt again.

Clearly Amelia understood this too and gasped. “Are they alright?” She asked, a tremble in her voice.

“Yes, my lady. The young ladies were not harmed, their mother fought off the cur.”

“What about the guards watching them?” Gourry bluntly asked.

Lina was surprised at the astute question from Gourry, but she had already guessed what the answer was.

“The young ladies are safe,” the guard reiterated.

It was an obvious dodge, leaving only that the guards were complicit, or dead, and Lina had no reason to doubt the loyalty of the guards. Their ability, yes, but not their loyalty.

“Lady Amelia, Miss Lina, Mister Gourry, the Prince is reconvening this morning's meeting to discuss this new development. Please come with me.”

“I guess that answers who they're after.” Gourry quietly said to Lina as they followed behind the guard.

“Not quite,” Lina responded, matching Gourry's tone. “If they were after the Glastos family, I'm far from their biggest obstacle. So why was I attacked? And why did that last guy run when he heard who I was?”

“Maybe that Mazoku just didn't like you.” Gourry offered unhelpfully, reminding Lina why she didn't ask his opinion often.

As they walked it became hard to ignore the growing clamor.

“Excuse me.” Amelia asked as she stopped the guard a moment. “Do you know what that noise is?”

“Yeah, it seems to be following us.” Lina commented as she turned an ear towards the noise that grew louder even as they were stopped.

“Sound's like they're going our way.” Gourry offered, unhelpfully.

“I've been ordered to deliver you safely to the meeting, once I've done that I will go and investigate.”

That, however, proved unnecessary as shortly after the statement a group of armed guards lead by Zelgadis came around the corner escorting Seto, Starlight, and several green spheres clearly containing people that floated just above the ground.

“What's all this?” Amelia asked as she approached.

“It seems that Lady Seto here has lived up to her unofficial title and caught the assassins meant for her.” Zelgadis answered with a grin.

“Meant for her?” Gourry asked, “I thought they targeted Sara and Amber.”

Seto raised her eyebrow at the comment, Starlight, however, gasped and rushed Gourry.

“What happened? Where are they? Are they alright?” She asked in a panic, not even giving space enough to breathe.

“Easy there miss unicorn,” Lina said as she separated Starlight from Gourry. “We don't know any more, we just found out ourselves.”

“I believe they would be at the meeting we are to attend, particularly as they would now be witnesses to what happened.” Seto calmly said.

“If they're alright!” Starlight insisted.

“I think if they had been hurt we'd have more pressing concerns than the assassins.” Lina deadpanned.


Zelgadis cleared his throat quickly to get their attention. “The warehouse district still bears scars from the last time someone hurt Sara.”

Starlight paused a moment before nodding. “Yeah, I guess we would know right away if something serious happened to them.” She took a breath and stepped back, her anxiety over the gir's safety not diminishing. “Okay, let's get to that meeting.”

“So, uh, who're these people.” Gourry asked, poking one of the balls.

“Those would be our attackers.” Seto said, not looking back as they continued walking along.

“I saw a spell like this once before.” Lina commented as she inspected the same ball.

“I'm afraid I'm completely unable to use magic as you know it, that's simply some kinetic gel keeping those men stationary.”

“Kinetic gel?”

“Unfortunately it's one of those things I can't really explain to you, Miss Lina.”

Before long the guards ushered the group into the meeting room, along with the attackers on Seto's assurance that she had them under complete control.

Once inside, it was all too easy to find Sara and Amber (even though they couldn't be seen) as James, Lucca, and Tali were clearly huddled protectively around them. Rainbow Dash hovered above the group, turning to see the new arrivals.

Twilight and Applejack sat on either side of the clumped family, nodding to Starlight as they turned to see the newcomers.

Phillionel paced, fuming, barely noticing as the group arrived.

“I've brought you a gift, Phillionel.” Seto said with a grin, taking a seat near where she had sat earlier that day.

Phillionel turned abruptly, his scowl not leaving as he saw the new guests. “These knaves know no honor, attacking the families of my friends. What could they be plotting?” As if to emphasize his point, tough more likely through frustration, he slammed his large fists on to the wooden table, several cracks radiating out from where he struck.

“Then it's quite fortunate I brought my attackers.” Seto said, grinning wickedly.

“Yes, of course Lady Seto, and you have my sincerest apologies, I have failed hosting you in my kingdom.” Phillionel said, dropping his head as he spoke. “However, there is work to do now that we must focus on.”

“Please, allow me.” Seto offered. “After all, they didn't offer much entertainment when they attacked.”

“Entertainment?” Twilight asked.

“Yes Twilight, despite James' insistence; my nickname as the Devil Princess is, in fact, from my fighting prowess.”

“Yeah,” Starlight added, “The whole thing was over in seconds.” She took a moment and watched as Seto selected a person from those she had brought before turning her attention to the family huddled against each other. She could easily see James, Lucca, and Tali holding tightly to something between them. “Sara.” She cautiously offered, “Are you alright?”

“No.” Came a strained voice. “Dad's crushing us.”

Starlight's horn lit up as she gently pulled James away from the group. “Okay James, she doesn't need you to suffocate her.”

James reluctantly released his daughters, and a couple gasps were heard as Sara and Amber were able to fully breathe.

“Thanks Starlight.” Sara said as she took another deep breath.

“I'm sorry.” James muttered.

“You just worry.” Applejack finished for him.

“Survive an assassination attempt only for dad to nearly finish the job for them.” Sara joked, halfhearted.

“Do you want to talk about this?” Starlight asked as she approached the girl.

Sara gave an uncomfortable half smile. “Maybe later.”

“Whenever you need. And the same goes for you Amber.” Starlight offered.

“I suggest you answer our questions quickly.” They heard Lina growl at the man Seto had selected, clearly she was trying to sound intimidating. They looked over to the table where a single green ball floated just above the surface, a portion appeared to have been cleanly excised as only the man's head and neck were free.

“Though if you'd prefer to not cooperate, we can certainly find some way to … convince you.” Seto added with a wicked grin.

“Let me convince him. I need to get mine for them attacking my daughters.” James announced, his cold voice sending a chill down the spines of most in the room.

“We were just told to take out the princesses,” The man quickly spoke up, nearly shouting in his terror. “The boys found out who the princesses were and we just followed orders.”

At the comment the ponies looked to Twilight, who simply shrugged and shook her head.

“That's it?” Lina asked, drawing out a dagger and resting the blade on the captives cheek.

“Okay, we didn't find all the princesses, but I swear we were just doing as ordered.” The man pleaded.

“Following unjust orders does not absolve you of your unjust actions.” Phillionel said as coldly as James.

“Yeah, and why was I attacked?” Lina demanded.

“And who are you?”

“Lina Inverse.” Zelgadis calmly said, watching the color drain from the prisoner's face.

The prisoner swallowed hard, “So the boss's pet mazoku couldn't do the job.” He said, a distinct shiver in his voice as he looked to the woman grinning wickedly in front of him.

“Pet Mazoku?” Starlight asked.

“You don't know much about Mazoku do you?” Lina asked, shaking her head. “Mazoku are not pets, if anything your boss works for it.”

“No, the thing did whatever the boss asked.” The prisoner clarified.

“That's … actually useful information.” Zelgadis quietly said to himself.

“Who's your boss?” Lina asked.

“He's the boss, that's it.”

“He has a name.” Zelgadis said, clearly irritated, “Everyone has a name, even the mazoku.” As Zelgadis pressed, Lina took the chance to run her dagger across his cheek, drawing a thin line of blood.

“I've been in the Demon Fang for six years. I swear, nobody calls him nothin' but boss.” He shouted quickly.

“The Demon Fang?” Seto asked as she turned to Phillionel.

“It's a nearby bandit gang.” Zelgadis answered, “They've been getting more active lately. But they've never been a particularly dangerous group, just hard to find.”

Seto snapped her fingers and the kinetic gel flowed around the head of the panicking bandit until it once again completely engulfed him.

“It seems they have political ambition now.” Tali said.

“But why target Sara and Amber?” Amelia asked.

“As he said, they were told to take out the princesses.” Seto pointed out before asking. “Do we know where your sister is, Amelia?”

Amelia's eyes went wide before turning to Zelgadis. “She was supposed to be in Saillune later today.” He said as he thought about what Seto certainly meant. “I'll ask the captain of the guard to send a contingent out to meet her and escort here right to the castle.” He added, hoping to ease her worry.

“I believe that they may be trying to make you look like the mastermind Amelia.” Seto said, thinking about everything available. “As you mentioned on our walk here, your assassin ran off right away.”

“I feel safe ruling out Amelia as the mastermind.” Phillionel said, sitting in his chair and crossing his arms.

“As do I.” Seto conceded. “But that, taken with the timing of the coronation … either this was meant to look political …”

“Or it really is political.” Lucca commented.

“And this is way above a bandit's weight.” Lina added.

“I just don't see who with a motive would benefit from this.” James grumbled, rubbing his temples desperate to figure something out.

“A rival country, perhaps.” Seto suggested.

“No.” Amelia cut in. “We have treaties and trade with all the surrounding countries, not to mention our connection with James. They'd have far more to lose by this than they could possibly gain.”

“Even those who look enviously on our kingdom benefit more from our presence than our fall.” Phillionelle commented with a brief nod.

“Maybe it really is just Mazoku causing trouble.” Gourry suggested.

“I think it's the only thing that fits. A strong Mazoku wouldn't bother with all this, but a weaker one would have to get help.” Lina said, shaking her head, dissatisfied with the answer herself.

“Fits best, but targeting the princesses screams politics to me.” Tali commented.

Lina sighed and dropped her head. “And that puts us right back at square one.”

After talking circles for nearly an hour and getting nowhere, they finally left the meeting room once more. Sara stayed back a moment, promising her father she'd be with Zelgadis and Amelia and to let them know when she was going to be on her way back.

James promised to send some of the best guards available for her when she was ready. While she wasn't fond of the idea of having New Guardian troops watching her now, she felt they would be safer than the local guards had been.

Before splitting off herself, Seto asked Starlight to accompany her. “It would seem we have some time to talk now if you would like to ask me those questions.” She offered.


Amelia and Sara walked the grounds of the palace as Zelgadis left, saying he was going to try to figure out where the bandits would be.

“I'm sorry to bother you …” Sara started to say.

Amelia cut her off with a beaming smile and shook her head. “It's not a bother at all. What did you want to ask me?”

Sara cleared her throat briefly, “I uh, I wanted to …” Sara took a calming breath and nodded to herself. “Will you teach me some magic?”

Amelia kept her pleasant smile as she thought a moment. “I thought you were already learning magic at the Sorcerer's Guild in New Guardia.”

“I am,” Sara sighed, “but I only know barriers and a little healing magic. I need to learn something I can fight with.”

“Oh,” Amelia calmly said. “I think that Lina or your father would be better at that side of magic.”

Sara groaned. “They both use black magic, and I'm more comfortable with shamanic magic.” She said as she scratched her cheek.

Amelia hummed a second. “I understand, but it's useful to know both aspects. Even I use some black magic.”

Sara took a breath, ready to argue when Amelia put her finger over her lips.

“I'll teach you a few spells, and Zelgadis can help you with others.” Amelia chuckled briefly as they continued their walk. “Don't worry,” She said with a wink, “I won't tell your parents.” She looked around for a moment before gesturing for Sara to follow her. “Elmekia Lance should be easy enough to start with.”

Hours passed as the two worked until a distinct laugh wafted across the palace grounds. A woman, dressed in only a cape, boots, leather bikini that barely fit, and over sized spiked spaulders, laughed haughtily as she was escorted through the grounds of a home she had not seen in several years.

“Gracia!” Amelia happily called as she ran to meet her sister.

“Amelia!” The woman called just as excited, meeting her sister with a strong embrace.

Sara stood back watching the scene for a moment before the woman gestured to her.

“Amelia, who is this girl?”

“Right, you haven't met her.” Amelia said as she held her hand out to Sara. “Gracia, this is Princess Sara Lara Glastos. Sara, this is my big sister: Gracia Ul Naga Saillune.”

“You may call me Naga.” She said, holding her head high and smiling wide.

Sara quietly nodded and painted on a smile. “It's a pleasure Miss Naga.” She politely said.

Naga raised an eyebrow and scowled briefly at the teen. “No,” She said bluntly.

“Ex … excuse me?” Sara asked.

“You're a princess,” Naga said as though it were obvious. “You should carry yourself like one.” Naga marched over and grabbed Sara by the shoulders, pulling her completely upright so that Sara was now slightly taller than Amelia, and pushing her head back so she was looking up. “There we go, that's better. Now let me hear you laugh.”

“Excuse me?” Sara asked, genuinely confused.

“Like this.” Naga said before throwing her head back and letting out a loud, haughty laugh. “A laugh like mine: that can only be earned with supreme overconfidence in yourself and everything that you do.”

Sara gave a weak half smile. “Yeah, I don't think I'll be doing that.”

Naga glared at Sara once more before huffing slightly. “You'll have to work on that if anybody's to take you seriously as a princess.”

“Gracia, do you know where Zelgadis is? I thought you might have seen him as he was searching for the Demon Fang.” Amelia asked as she looked around.

Naga paused a moment as she thought about the question. “Right, he's that wonderful chimera you married." She said, hitting her fist against her palm as she remembered. "I never saw him.”

“I should go find him. Sara, Zelgadis and I will teach you more magic when I get back.” Amelia said before casting Raywing and flying off.

Once Amelia was out of sight Naga turned back to Sara. “You should have more confidence in yourself.”

Sara only responded with an awkward smile.


“So it just stopped working?” James asked as he examined the hilt Gourry handed him. With the clear threat of Mazoku they wanted every weapon they had ready. Once Gourry had told him what happened, or rather wasn't happening, James insisted he follow him to his room.

“Yeah, Lina can't think of why it broke.” Gourry answered as he took a seat nearby.

“I wouldn't expect her too, she doesn't make magic weaponry.” James said as he moved to the writing desk to better examine his work. With a flex of his arm, his omnitool blinked to life and he scanned the item for any flaws not logged already.

The screen flashed with the logged test number, and brought up his notes. Examining them carefully, he read it's failure point, explosion point, and flaws compared to his final version. He thought briefly about making a note on ways to improve it, but he didn't have the time to properly test any ideas on that at the moment.

Neither could he replicate his earlier success without destroying this sword … and putting himself through a great deal of pain he did not want to go through again. Not that his pony friends would let him if they suspected that he intended to.

After the scan showed nothing more than a few superficial scratches it was time to address the magical aspects. James placed the hilt on the desk and closed his eyes before chanting a quick spell. Once cast, James was able to see that the enchantment had faded, likely with use. His best theory was that it wore down because of all the power that had to go through it on a regular basis, that, and that it was simply an inferior product. Even with his extensive notes and superior version, the information Gourry's regular and hard use provided James with crucial data he wouldn't otherwise get.

From here he had several options to attempt making the repair, and none of them were particularly feasible at the moment. As a test he held the hilt up and focused his will.

It took several seconds, but eventually there was a blink of light that encouraged James to continue. He redoubled his focus and after a few more seconds a blade did indeed appear. However the effort he had to put into manifesting the weapon was completely impractical for combat.

“Hey, you fixed it.” Gourry said surprised.

“No.” James dismissed, clearly disappointed. “I'm gonna have to do some serious work on this to get it usable again, let alone working right.”

“But it's working now.” Gourry reasoned.

“Not exactly, but there are a few things I can use to get it there,” James tried to explain as he let the blade vanish. “but I'm not going to run off to my workshop with a Mazoku running around and my family in the crossfire.”

“What do you need?” Gourry asked.

“Diamond dust, silver, and orihalcon. If I had some sort of capacitor I could probably keep this from happening again.”

“Alright.” Gourry absently said. Not that James had expected him to follow what he was saying.

“You see, if you were to hit this with a spell while you were activating it, it would start no problem. But without some magical feedback it can't get kick-started.” James uselessly explained, more for his own benefit than for Gourry's..

James made a couple more notes about the weapon and handed the hilt back to Gourry. “I'll see if I can come up with something, I'll definitely have this solved by the time you leave Saillune.”

“What if the Mazoku shows up first?”

“I'm hoping I can think of something before then.”


“Do y'all get the impression that this happens all the time here?” Applejack asked as she, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash walked through the halls.

“Yeah, they are way too used to talking about creatures trying to kill them.” Rainbow Dash answered. “I mean, how do they live like this?”

“It's not that different from our own history.” Twilight commented.

“Beg 'yer pardon?” Applejack asked, turning to Twilight.

“Well, Sombra didn't rise to power peacefully. He controlled ponies and used them as tools and weapons. And in another timeline, we were at war with him, just trying to survive.”

“Right, you told us about that.” Rainbow Dash said, recalling some of what Twilight told her years ago. “But is this really the same?”

“Actually, yes … Sort of. If anything, Saillune is handling this better than we were. I saw what was going on in that time, and it's effects on you Applejack. Listen to everyone, while they know what's going on they're still optimistic.”

“Sounds deluded.” Applejack said, shaking her head.

“A bit maybe, but listen to them. They aren't pretending nothing is happening, they're certain everything is going to be alright. If anything, they're more worried about what Lina may do than not getting through this.”

Rainbow Dash sighed as she thought about what Twilight had said. “And us without our elements.”

Twilight shook her head. “Even when we had them, how often did we actually use them? And that's if they would even work here.”

“There's gotta be something we can do.” Rainbow Dash insisted.

“We're in the same situation as James and Seto, there are some things we just can't do or we risk the development of this world.”

“They attacked Sara and Amber, Twilight. That cow's already left the barn.” Applejack stated.

“And they came to help us fight last year, it's not like we're not involved already.” Rainbow Dash argued.

“I guess you're right.” Twilight admitted.

“Of course I'm right. Now let's go see what we can do.”


Zelgadis stood hunched over a map covered table, chewing on a crudely sharpened pencil as he examined the area around the borders of Saillune. He'd have to ask the captain of the guard about any new sweeps of the walls and any flushed bandit camps. Or perhaps he should ask Lina to hunt them down, she did seem to have an uncanny knack for finding bandits.

With a couple scratches he marked where the most likely places for a camp would be. He knew that these places had likely already been checked, but any force that could check them would likely be spotted and the camp would move before it could be cleared out.

He huffed as he grabbed a spyglass from the table and walked to the nearby window. With a twist of the lens he brought the view into focus. Not that any bandit camps would be close enough to spot from his vantage. Though with the coronation in the next couple days if the Demon Fang intended to strike they would likely have camps nearby.

“Are we interrupting anything Mr. Zelgadis.” Twilight asked as she and her friends entered the room.

“No.” Zelgadis said, adjusting the spyglass once more.

After waiting a moment, expecting more than one word in answer, Rainbow Dash spoke up. “So what are you doing?”

“I'm trying to figure out where the Demon Fang is camped out.” He answered, “Since we know who has been attacking, we need to plan what to do next. Part of that is finding where they are …”

“And hitting them first.” Rainbow Dash excitedly finished for him.

“It would be easier if we didn't have to worry about them.” Zelgadis confirmed.

“I'll go check it out.” Rainbow Dash announced, rushing through the window and past Zelgadis.

“Wait!” Twilight and Zelgadis both shouted before sighing.

After a few moments, Rainbow Dash came flying back in laughing uncomfortably and rubbing the back of her head. “So, uhm … where should I check?”

“Think for a moment, would you.” Zelgadis scolded, “What do you think would happen if they saw a scout flying over them. They go deeper and we lose track of them again.”

Applejack stepped forward and with a grin said, “Maybe if they saw y'all flying overhead, but one thing I've seen time and again since gettin' here is y'all don't think of us as people. At least until we start talkin'. I'm willin' to bet they wouldn't think twice about a pegasus flying overhead.”

Zelgadis paused as he thought about her argument. “You may have a point.” Zelgadis gestured to the map, turning and pointing out to Rainbow Dash the places he felt most likely to have camps. “Now don't get too close, you're still too colorful to not be conspicuous, but they may not think you're a scout.”

“Back in a flash.” Rainbow Dash boasted, once more bursting out of the window.

“Hopefully she doesn't make things worse.” Zelgadis said, turning to Twilight.

“I'll admit, she can be a hooffull,” Applejack said, getting Zelgadis' attention, “and a bit more interested in doing things fast than right. But she can get the job done.”

“You'd be surprised at just how much detail she can learn just from flying over an area.” Twilight insisted.

It was only seconds before Rainbow Dash came flying back in, looking quite pleased with herself.

“Did you really investigate?” Zelgadis asked, obviously skeptical.

“I know this is important, so I made sure to not pay attention.” Rainbow Dash answered, sounding quite proud of herself.

Zelgadis clenched his jaw before muttering under his breath. “You've got to be kidding me.”

“Alright Rainbow Dash,” Twilight patiently said, “what do you remember of your flight?”

“Okay, so I think Amelia is teaching Sara something, I heard mention of Astral Break and she was showing Sara how to position herself. A tall woman with dark hair was just escorted into the courtyard, three guards were napping, two were playing cards while another was keeping an eye out. And most of the rest looked bored out of their minds.

“The market was busy with people getting ready for the coronation, a lot of decorations were going up, particularly hanging from the street lamps. Several bakeries just pulled out fresh bread, one had some great smelling cakes coming out.”

“This is ridic …” Zelgadis started to say before Twilight cut him off.

“Let her finish Mr. Zelgadis, she's getting closer to the outer walls.”

Zelgadis grumbled to himself as Rainbow Dash continued.

“I didn't see any real camps near the walls of the city, though I did smell smoke where the forest was thicker near the third location you suggested. But nocreature was anywhere near when I passed by, so maybe they had left already if they were there. And then I came back.”

“Thank you.” Twilight said with a smile. “Did that help any, Mr. Zelgadis?”

Zelgadis looked at the map again and examined the area near where Rainbow Dash had indicated. “That's a pretty busy area, Bandits aren't uncommon further up the road.” As he thought about the report the answer struck him solidly. “But if they intended to get into the city and palace they could rob wagons up the road, hide among the goods, and walk in like any normal merchants with guards.”

“That's how we got the pirates into Canterlot.” Rainbow Dash said proudly.

“'Course, we used a cake.” Applejack clarified.

With a nod Zelgadis stood and looked to the ponies. “Thanks for your help. Unfortunately we may just to be too late to keep the Demon Fang out. But I'll talk to the captain of the guard and see about improving the security. … If you're right, three of them at least should be quite well rested.”

Twilight rushed over to him, ready to walk down with him. “Actually I have some experience with palace security. My brother is captain of the EUP guard and even challenged me to get passed his tightened security.”

“That's a good idea Twilight.” Applejack said, encouragingly. “If Fluttershy were here we could even get geese set up.”

The comment stopped Zelgadis mid step. “I … don't think that's necessary.”

“Maybe not that much, but Shining Armor did have double rotations of guards, double the guards stationed at every door, patrols in the hallways, and magical badges to secure the doors.”

“Magical badges to secure the doors?”

“Yeah, each guard had a token that they needed to use to unlock each door and pass through. It wouldn't stay unlocked long so everypony had to have a badge to get though.”

“Course, once you had a badge, the doors weren't any obstacle.” Applejack pointed out.

“So we keep an eye out for any random parties that start up.” Rainbow Dash countered.

“Or concerts.” Twilight added.

“Or out of control balloons.” Applejack said with a laugh.

Zelgadis paused as he heard the ponies talking, there was genuine promise in a lock that couldn't be picked. “Do you know how to make those locks?” He asked, genuinely interested.

Twilight stopped as she heard the question. “Oh, uhm … No, I don't know how to make them. I guess if you don't have those locks already, it's not a great plan.”

Zelgadis sighed, “I don't think we'd have time to install them anyway.”

“There's gotta be something we can do to help out.” Applejack insisted.

“Well, you've certainly helped out already. But I think it's best if we all prepare for a fight.” Zelgadis said as he once again walked for the door. “And Twilight …”


Zelgadis leaned against the door, both as if blocking it and listening outside. “It's fortunate for you that they didn't recognize you as a princess. But there's no promise that'll happen again. If you're not prepared to fight with everything you have … maybe you should ask James to take you home.”

“Y'all were there in Ponyville when Xellos attacked.” Applejack said, disbelieving. “Twilight's proven she can stand up to monsters.”

“I know. But you're from a world were everyone can afford to be as optimistic as Amelia. But in this world … happy endings don't come cheap.”

“What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked, as bewildered as Applejack.

“He may have abdicated his claim to the throne, but if Phillionel, Gracia, and Amelia were all to die … Christopher would be forced to take the throne.”

“He kidnapped it?” Rainbow Dash asked, completely baffled.

“Not abducted: abdicated.” Zelgadis shook his head as he spoke, surprised to hear a question that before he would have only expected to get from Gourry. “Meaning that he chooses to not be an heir. However, if there's no other successor: such as Gracia or Amelia, he has no choice but to take the throne. In turn, he's the only one who would benefit from the death of his remaining family. Remember, the instructions were to kill the princesses. Vague, but certain enough to encompass Amelia and Gracia, and leaving Sara, Amber, and Seto as collateral damage had it succeeded.”

“But the bandit didn't know the name of his boss. I reckon he'd recognize Christopher if he were the one giving the orders.”

“There are a great many ways to conceal one's identity, the most basic being hiring someone else to give the order. A tactic royal families are all too familiar with.”

“So let's go get Christopher and make him confess.” Rainbow Dash said, punching a forehoof into another to emphasize her meaning.

Zelgadis groaned, “That's a great way to get yourself killed. There isn't a straight forward approach to solving this, and frankly, the less people involved the easier it will be.”

“Just what do you mean by that?” Twilight asked.

“Be ready to fight between now and the coronation, and when it's done: Go home, and let us solve this.”

“You think we're unfamiliar with this just because we're not as gloomy as you?” Twilight asked with a surprising amount of anger in her voice.

Zelgadis had to take a second look at the pony as the flash of her golden eyes gave him a moment's pause.

“My friends and I fought off a tyrannical king who would have enslaved my people … Twice!” Twilight growled as she began recounting her own struggles. “Shortly after becoming a princess it was up to me to face down a monster that had effectively succeeded in destroying my country. If not for my friends, we would all be dead by now. One of my students tried to lock my friends and I away to slowly starve, she nearly killed James! And we stood up against Xellos and the greatest monster our world had to throw at us. That's not even close to all we've faced! So don't think for one moment that we haven't gone through this before! We are not children, we are not helpless, and we are not going to just walk away when somecreature needs help!”

“Have you just been holding that all in, Sugar cube?” Applejack asked as she placed her hoof on Twilight's back.

“Woah …” Rainbow Dash said eventually. “When you say it like that … we're way more bad ass than I thought.”

“I … don't think that was the point Rainbow Dash.” Applejack said as Twilight calmed down.

“That's alright Applejack, I'd rather hear someone be impressed by all we've done than dismiss us because they look down on us.”

Zelgadis locked eyes with the princess, a cold recollection of himself prickling at the back of his thoughts. “I get it. But thinking like that is what gets you killed, or turned into a freak like me.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow as she kept her unbroken gaze on Zelgadis. “What do you mean?”

“Are you talking about your body again?” Rainbow Dash asked. “How many time do you have to hear that you're awesome until you believe it?”

Zelgadis glanced at Rainbow Dash for a moment before looking to Twilight once more. “You never heard the terrified screams of the children when they saw me. Having to hide my face every time I go into town because people only view me as a monster. I asked for the power to help, but I didn't ask to have my body warped into this thing.”

“I see.” Twilight quietly said. “Just like me.”


“I asked for power to save my friends and my country, and I have lost so much because of it.”

“Oh come on,” Rainbow Dash moaned, “not you too.”

“Then you're problem isn't obvious to everyone, as mine is.” Zelgadis said, still not breaking eye contact.

“I think we've gotten a bit off track here.” Applejack cut in, moving between the two.

“You're right. I'm sorry Applejack.” Twilight said after a moment.

“If you want to help, nobody is going to turn you down. Just don't get in the way.” As Zelgadis finished speaking there was a unexpected knock.

“Zelgadis? Are you in there?” Amelia called through the door.

Zelgadis turned and opened the door. “Yes. Did something happen?”

Amelia stepped into the room and paused as she saw the ponies. “I need to talk to you in private for a bit.” She laughed awkwardly a moment as she spoke.

“Amelia.” Twilight said, taking a step forward. “Is there anything we can do to help?”

Amelia's smile became genuine as she regarded Twilight. “Other than just being ready, not really.” Her smile faded as she she continued. “Kind of makes you feel powerless when there's nothing to do to help.”

Twilight groaned before answering, able to guess just how Amelia felt, “Like almost every time something happens.”

“Well, there will still be a couple pre-coronation meetings for us to attend. But yeah, there really isn't anything for us to do.” After a polite nod, Amelia escorted Zelgadis out of the room, leaving the ponies alone.

“So sit and wait.” Rainbow Dash groaned.

“At least you did something.” Twilight grumbled. “Once again, I was just window dressing.”

“Well, if we can't be useful, let's at least be ready.” Applejack reasoned.


“Security is tight.” Rainbow Dash said as she slowly flew back to her room along side her friends, carrying several books Twilight had borrowed from the palace library.

“The coronation is tomorrow and it's been silent since that last attack. They're nervous that whatever's coming will be big.” Twilight explained.

“Is that why you're getting all these books? Looking for some spell that will solve this whole thing?” Applejack asked, balancing on the handle of the pushcart of books she pushed along for Twilight.

“We're all doing what we can.” Twilight reassured. “James is repairing Gourry's sword, Lucca and Tali have armed themselves and supplemented the guard with New Guardian troops. Lady Seto is even running the guards through drills.”

“I think she's pushing them a bit hard.” Applejack commented, “Two passed out from exhaustion this morning.”

“Yeah, and with her body mods, she's not even trying.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“I gotta say … Those body mods are gonna be a doosie with us.” Applejack said as she tried to immagine just what she could do with her already impressive strength enhanced. Competitions with Rainbow Dash were certainly going to get more intense, to say the least.

“Well, we don't know just what will happen. There's some general things they believe will happen, but we're a new species to them. Starlight asked just what was likely to happen, and Seto couldn't give her anything for certain.”

“Speaking of Starlight,” Rainbow Dash said as she looked around. “I'd think she would be here to study too.”

“Rainbow Dash …” Applejack calmly said. “She told you she can't read these books.”

“She did?” Rainbow Dash asked, nearly dropping a book as she went to scratch her head.

“Yer the one who asked her.”

“Oh.” Rainbow Dash said, and did not comment on it further.

“Anyway,” Twilight said, bringing the conversation back, “I'm not looking for spells. These are records of their political alliances and trade partners. Everycreature keeps looking back at the royal family, but if I can find a country that would benefit more from chaos in Saillune we may be able to put things on track to strengthen an alliance or at least stop further assassination attempts.”

“Wow. That sounds even more boring than studying magic.” Rainbow Dash said flatly.

Twilight smiled as she thought about the political landscape she was about to uncover, years of history and culture for her to understand. She even began to prance as they walked. “This is going to be so much fun!” She said, her voice giddy.

As they passed James' door they heard grumbling followed by paper tearing.

“Guess he's not having much luck.” Applejack said at the noise.

“I don't think he has everything he's used to working with here.” Twilight said before adding, “Maybe you should see how he's doing Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash got a puzzled look as she turned to her friend. “What good could I do? I'm not an egg head, I don't even understand the magic of our world, how can I help with some other world's magic.”

“Maybe he just needs to see someone who cares.” Twilight insisted.

“Uhhh … Shouldn't we be focused on this right now?”

“Sometimes it's best to take a break so you can refocus and come back with fresh eyes.” Twilight said, hoping her tone got her meaning across.

“Yeah, I guess it could.” Rainbow Dash admitted, not taking the hint.

Twilight's horn lit up and took the books from Rainbow Dash before opening the door and pushing the pegasus in.

“Hey, what the …?” Rainbow Dash yelped as she was pushed into the room, the door closing once she had cleared it. “What was that for Twilight?”

“Uhm, hi Rainbow Dash.” James said as he looked to his unexpected guest.

Rainbow Dash sighed as she turned to James. “Hey.” She said a bit uncomfortably.

“Everything alright?”

“I guess I should be asking you that.” She admitted. “Sounded like you were having trouble with something.”

It was James' turn to sigh as he looked to the old replica sword on his writing desk. “Yeah, it should be a relatively simple fix, but I just can't find anything here to force this to work.”

Silently cursing Twilight, Rainbow Dash flew towards the pieces of torn paper. She didn't understand anything on the page, but examined it anyway. “So what do you need?”

James smiled, happy that she was trying to at least understand. “Not much. The best solution I've been able to come up with needs a crystaling crystal.”

“Really, that easy? Then why not just run to the Crystal Empire and get one?” She suggested.

James shook his head. “I'm sticking around in case there's another attempt, but I've already asked Pinkie to run and get one for me ASAP.”

“Shouldn't take long then, so what's up?”

“It's going to be later tomorrow at soonest. Remember, there's no train to the Crystal Empire this late.”

“Rrrright. It's night there now.”

“Basically. So yeah, Pinkie can rush, but there's nothing to be done to get it here any quicker.”

“There no other way to fix this?” Rainbow Dash asked as she picked up the hilt. She remembered how she had used James' sword in the Battle of Ponyville and tried to start the sword herself.

James watched as she clearly tried to make the blade work, with only the expected lack of a result. “The only other way I can think would be to make a whole new one.”

Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide as she remembered just what that had entailed last time. Cautiously she turned to look at the man in the room with her.

The look of concern wasn't lost on James, “I couldn't make a new one in less than a day anyway. And definitely not worth the pain when I can sufficiently fix the problem with an accessory.”

“So what if the sword isn't working when the attack comes?”

James shrugged, “Honestly there's enough powerful magic users here that I don't think the mazoku will be that much of a problem if we gang up on it. Though I did have Pinkie deliver my replica before she went to Ponyville, so we can put that in Gourry's hands.”

“Are you worried?”

James scratched his beard briefly. “I'm not worried. … I am … I guess alert? I think it's all going to be alright, but only if we take this threat seriously. Lina and I both have some powerful trump cards if things get too hairy.”

“But that Mazoku nearly beat Lina.”

“I'm choosing to believe what she told us about it. Starlight, Twilight and myself have been maintaining a low level security spell to let us know if there's any incursions like the one that initially took Lina.”

“What about the transponders?”

“I … don't actually know if they'll work in unreal space, it's never been tested. Starlight suggested the field, and honestly I'm more comfortable with more levels of defense. … Even though it's alerted us to Lina herself twice already.” James waved his hand briefly, as if fanning away a pesky thought. “She's still fine tuning it.”

“So … that's it? We're just waiting?”

“Not really much more we can do.”

“Argh! Why is everything so slow?!” Rainbow Dash nearly shouted.

James shook his head before walking to the bed on the other side of the room, “Sit here for a minute.” He bluntly said, patting the bed beside him.

“Ookay? Why?”

“Just do it.”

Without another question Rainbow Dash did as he asked. The moment she sat down, before she could even speak, James reached out and began rubbing between her shoulders. “What's this for?” She asked after letting out a happy moan.

“Wouldn't hurt to relax for a bit.” James answered calmly. “Course, you'll have to share me with Tali. I promised to meet her for lunch in an hour.”

“Mm-hm.” Rainbow Dash moaned again.


Lina and Gourry walked the length of the temple reception hall where the coronation would be held in less than twenty four hours.

“And why are we here, Lina?” Gourry asked, sounding bored.

Lina sighed, resigned to explaining her idea, knowing full well that Gourry wouldn't listen. But that was better than him asking her over and over again. “There wasn't an attack since the one on the princesses, and frankly it's been too quiet. It just makes sense that they'd attack during the coronation tomorrow.”

“Are you sure? Maybe we just beat them and they've given up.” He suggested.

“That's not likely, if they're working with a mazoku then I doubt they would give up easily.”

“But tomorrow? When everyone is going to be on guard, particularly around Phil?”

“They may just be thinking they can slip an assassin in the chaos of an attack. Not a great idea, but not the worst.”

“I appreciate your insights Lady Lina.” Came the polite but powerful voice of Prince Phillionel as he walked into the temple. “Do you really believe that a Mazoku would attack in the center of Saillune's holy power, where they would be at their weakest?”

Lina stopped to consider for a minute as she tried to visualize what was likely to happen. “It's not unheard of. Kanziel seemed to barely notice Saillune's holy power whenever he would attack. If this guy's anywhere near as strong as he was, then it's even more likely. Clearly counting on us trusting in that power.”

Phillionel bowed his head as he listened to Lina. “So it's best that we plan as if we have no defenses.”

Lina hesitated, she didn't want to discourage the man, but it was his life and those of his daughters on the line. “Yes, we need to act like there's nothing between them and whatever defense we prepare ourselves.”

“Zelgadis was telling me the same thing. Lady Lina, I do not wish to impose on you as you were invited as a guest, but circumstances are hardly favorable to give you and Sir Gourry the reception you rightly deserve.”

“Don't worry. I'll give her just what she deserves.” The voice was pleasant, had it not been for the fact they didn't know where it came from it would have sounded less like a threat.

Instinctively, Gourry reached for the sword, only to hold nothing as James still had it to repair, and without a hilt the solid blade did him no good.

“No.” Phillionel breathed, disbelieving, “It cannot be.”

“Quite the welcoming for my coronation, dear brother.” A rail thin blond man came walking out of what they could only assume to be thin air. His hair hung over part of his face, obscuring but not covering his nose that looked as though it had been broken and flattened more than once. He wore white finery not dissimilar from the attendants of the temple. In another life he could be (and had been) mistaken for a priest.


James was mid bite when the sensation shot through his head. Mentally he reasoned it was Lina once again, but he would still prefer to check than just assume and be wrong.

“I've gotta check this.” He quietly said, turning to his wife.

“You think it's the real thing this time?” Tali asked, pulling the squeeze tube from the induction port of her mask.

James paused a moment before standing up. “I don't think so.”

“If it is, let me know right away so Lucca and I can help.”

James leaned forward and kissed the top of her head. “Of course I will. And I owe you a lunch date: Wherever you like.”

“There's still a few places I really want to visit.”

“Just say the word.” James said as he rushed out of the room.


Twilight and Starlight looked at each other as they both felt the alert they had set up.

“Do you think …” Starlight asked as her eyes met Twilight's.

“Could be another false alert.” Applejack suggested, noticing the reactions of the other two.

“Yeah, but it's probably better to check.” Twilight suggested.

“Who's turn is it?” Starlight asked before realizing Twilight was buried in the books once more. “Never mind. I'll let you know if it's something.”

In a flash of light Starlight was gone from the room.

The scene she popped in on immediately confirmed to her that this wasn't a mistake. Lina held her sword as Gourry was clearly looking for one. Phillionel stood tall, the tension obvious as he flexed and clenched his fists.

“Randy, I beg you, do not do this.” Phillionel pleaded as he looked to the man at the dais. “We believed you dead for so long, your return could be a happy one if you just stopped your foolish pursuit of power.”

With another flash, Starlight vanished.

“Foolish? You've never had to wonder about what was to come. Everything in life was handed to you, because you were first!” Randy spat.

“Do you actually have a plan this time?” Lina asked, mockingly.

“Why yes, Lina Inverse, I do have a plan.” Randionel said, his voice going from a pleasant lilt to a threatening growl.

“Who is this guy, Lina?” Gourry asked, resigned to holding a mop he had found leaning against a wall.

“Not now Gourry.”

“Why not tell him? Tell him how you and my brother left me for dead back then.”

“Because we thought you were dead! You were at the center of a cave in!” Lina countered. “And you were trying to kill Phil, that earns you no sympathy.”

“Please Randy,” Phillionelle continued, “is there truly nothing we can do to dissuade you from this wicked path?”

Randy smirked and waved his hand. “Flow Break!”

Lina grimaced briefly as Randy chuckled. Her spell breaking as he beat her to casting.

“Did you really think I would fall for such a simple distraction?”

“Oh.” James said as he skidded into the room. “Yeah, I guess it's really happening,” he said into a small glowing disk rotating above his wrist. As he finished speaking Starlight reappeared with Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.

“This looks a little unfair.” Randy said with a grin. Moments after he spoke calls of alarm could be heard from the corridors. “There, that should keep any other uninvited guests busy.”

“You fiend!” Phillionelle growled. “Your evil plots against me were one sleight, but to attack your home?! Even if you were to ask forgiveness, who could ever trust you?”

Randy completely ignored his brother as he looked around the room. “Let's make this a bit more fair.” From the air behind him, a dripping sound came as an orb surrounded by vines of seaweed appeared and began to unfold itself. “I believe you've met my friend once already.”

A chill ran down Lina's back and her stomach churned as she watched the orb split open and reveal the bulbous eye.

“Gourry!” James called, throwing a long handled hilt towards the mop wielding swordsman.

Gourry spun quickly, adjusting his grip on the mop and catching the hilt in his now free hand. With a smirk the blade of light erupted from the hilt and Gourry took a fighting stance, dual wielding the weapon and mop.

“Be careful girls.” James quietly said as the ponies walked forward.

“Bram Gash!” Randy called as he held his hand out.

The only indication of what the spell had done were several visual distortions that rushed towards Phillionelle. He braced himself, knowing he couldn't possibly dodge the assault in time.

Gourry and James both rushed to put themselves between the air lances that raced towards the prince, however the magical projectiles were faster.

With the sound of rushing air the lances ceased to exist.

Immediately behind the stunned looking prince, Sara stood, her hands were held up and she breathed heavily.

“Sara!” James shouted. “What are you doing here?!”

“Helping!” She answered.

“Get out of here! Take Phil, and get somewhere safe!”

“I'll get them somewhere safe.” Starlight offered.

“No one's going anywhere.” Randy growled. “Sodieus!”

“Of course.” The creature responded in it's watery voice.

As Starlight went to teleport the two a ripple of strange energy radiated through the room, and with a flash of pale emerald light … nothing happened.

“What the …?” Starlight got out as her spell failed.

“This is unreal space.” James said, soberly.

“Your little vanishing trick isn't going to work … is that a unicorn?” Randy commented before shaking his head to refocus on his goal. “After so long, the throne is almost mine. And I won't let anyone stop me.”

“Sara.” James said, his voice still and even. “Keep your barriers up, no matter what happens. … And close your eyes.”

Before there was even time for her to answer James had crossed the distance between him and Randy, his fist flying just as quickly into the usurper's nose, launching him across the room.

“I … forgot that he does that.” Rainbow Dash said as she turned away from the scene.

“Let us out, or you won't fare much better.” James threatened, as he turned to the Mazoku.

A loud groaning came from where Randy had landed as he pulled himself up to his feet, wiping the fresh blood from his nose.

James' jaw dropped as he watched the spectacle. “That … was supposed to kill you.” He said, his voice expressing his shock even more than his face.

“Perhaps you're just not as strong as you thought you were.” Randy taunted as he stood up, looking no worse for the punch.

“That's definitely not the case.” James said, walking towards his chosen target.

“Zelas Brid!” With Lina's call, a line of light wove it's way from her finger tip around obstacles towards Sodieus. Lina grinned as the spell struck the center of it's gigantic eye.

Her smile didn't last long however as Sodieus's pupil distorted, twisting itself into a perverted semblance of a smile. “That stung a bit, Lina.”

“Keep hitting em with it!” Gourry called.

“I … I can't.” Lina said, horrified, “I had to use amplification just to cast the spell.”

“Well then …” Sodieus began before they were hit by another ray of light.

“She may need amplification, but I don't!” Twilight called, her golden eyes blazing.

“Great job Miss Unicorn.” Lina called to Twilight. “I didn't realize you knew black magic.”

“I don't.” Twilight answered, shooting another blast from her horn. “I'm just copying you.” She took a second to blow on her overheating horn. “And I don't know how long I can keep it up, the spell's pretty taxing.”

While Twilight had Sodieus' attention, Gourry had rushed up to it, ready to strike.

Moments before the light blade came swinging down a blast of liquid rushed up towards Gourry, acting like a shield. Gourry reacted quickly, swiping instead with the mop and reaching the blade through the momentary opening it created.

Unfortunately, the blade didn't make contact as at the last second Sodieus crumpled out of it's reach. The basic liquid rushed to fill the cavity Gourry had made and soaked his arm, raising angry red welts wherever it touched.

Applejack looked to Rainbow Dash and nodded. Without any words exchanged they got ready, Applejack rolling onto her back and pulling her hindlegs close to her body and using her forelegs for balance. Rainbow Dash carefully balanced on Applejack's hind hooves, holding her wings out.

Like a spring under great tension, Applejack shot her hooves out with Rainbow Dash using the boost of speed to her advantage. She readjusted herself mid air to hit Randy in the gut with both her hind hooves at full speed, knocking him back once more.

Randy coughed as he once again climbed to his feet, recovering too quickly. “Dark Mist.”

In moments the arena was shrouded in complete darkness, even concealing the light blade. James lunged forward, hoping to catch Randy before he disappeared, unfortunately he only succeeded in grabbing Rainbow Dash. Her startled yelp giving her away.

More unsettling than the sudden lack of vision was the watery chuckling of Sodieus.

“So tell me, Randy,” James called to the darkness. “when did you take the pledge?”

“Figured it out already?” Randy asked from seemingly everywhere in the fog.

“It was kind of obvious. That punch you took would have left anyone else an unpleasant stain on the wall.”

Without warning Lina cried out before being cut off suddenly with a terrible gurgling sound.

“Bomb Di Wind!” Sara hesitantly called, once again a rush of air could be heard before the black fog began to move and disperse.

Any improvement to their sight was welcome, though the sight itself wasn't, as Sodieus appeared to have sprouted many more tentacles and was part way through wrapping Lina up. Several tentacles forced their way down her throat as her eyes did the only screaming she was capable of.

Gourry immediately swung the sword around and launched several blasts of light from the hilt towards the Mazoku. Once again the liquid sprang up around it, diffusing some of the light blade's power, however a shot did get through, and cleanly severed several tentacles, forcing Sodieus to drop Lina and slink off into the shadows.

Lina gave a couple brief gurgling coughs as the severed tentacles dissolved into a sickly yellow powder.

Randy, meanwhile, was being held at bay from stabbing his brother by Starlight's barrier as Sara worked to get a new barrier up.

“What's this “pledge” you mentioned?” Twilight asked hurriedly, “and does knowing that help us?”

“The pledge of immortality.” James said as he rushed over to Randy, gripping his waist tightly and suplexing him. “Meaning he won't die even if we kill him: Like I have been. Somebody's got to find his pledge stone and break it.”

More weak noises came from Lina as Applejack tried (and failed) to help her stand.

“Beg yer pardon?” Applejack asked, craning her head to try to hear Lina better. After a few more noises Applejack spoke up again. “Something about the Mazoku, I guess.”

James paused a moment, holding Randy in a solid choke hold. “Yeah, taking out the one who made the pledge should settle this.”

Randy gurgled desperately as he gripped James' arm, frantically trying to pull it free.

“Where did tentacle face go?” Rainbow Dash asked, noting the distinct absence.

“Good question.” James mumbled. “Nothing feels right here. Twilight: anything?”

“No, it's like they're everywhere.” Twilight answered, turning to Starlight. “Can you scry where they are?”

“No.” Starlight answered. “if their tentacles hadn't dissolved I could have used those, but there's nothing.”

In James' grip Randy went quiet. “That's right, just calm down and things will be alright. I won't try to kill you anymore.”

“Van Rail.” Randy squeaked out in a strained voice barely louder than a whisper. In that moment ice began to spread out along James' left arm from where Randy gripped him.

James growled in pain, however, before he could do anything about it a burst of power shot at him, shattering his arm at the elbow. Randy was quick to rush forward, and take his place by Sodieus.

James' eyes widened in shock moments before the pain registered, turning his growl into a scream of agony as he instinctively gripped at the bleeding stump. Tendrils of ice continued to creep around his arm until the stump no longer bled. But even James' cry was drowned out by Sara's shriek.

“My brother can wait,” Randy growled. “Sodieus, dispose of that brute.”

“Of course.” Sodieus said, practically collapsing forward to slither towards James.

Sodieus dodged attacks as he quickly closed the distance between himself and James, wrapping himself around the large man completely.

“Dad!” Sara screamed as she watched him vanish in the tentacles. Twilight and Starlight both trying to aim their magic to hit what they could of Sodieus without hurting James as they did.

Phillionel crouched by the young girl keeping up the only barrier between himself and his would be killers, placing his hand on her shoulder he nodded. “It's alright, Sara. You don't have to protect me.”

Sara turned to the large man, giving him a pleading look. Though what she was pleading for, she didn't know herself.

“A good father will always seek to protect their children from harm, but we must all learn that we cannot always do that.”

Sara shook briefly before nodding and dropping the barrier. She glared at the creature that had wrapped up her father and pointed to it with two fingers. “Felzareid.” At the words, a spiraling blue beam shot from the tips of her fingers and slammed into the mass of tentacles, severing a couple and loosening others.

At the opening Phillionel leapt towards Sodieus and began tearing tentacles off in a desperate attempt to free the man beneath. Angry red welts rose up wherever he touched the Mazoku, but he continued without regard for himself.

The disturbing watery voice spoke with an almost blissful tone to it. As though everything happening was the epitome of hedonistic pleasure.

“Oh such fear, such anger,” it spoke with a shudder. “And your desperation.” It paused to groan happily. “Mmmm, more! Give me more!” It demanded.

Gourry propped Lina up, who still tried to speak, yet nothing understandable escaped her lips. “Lina, you've gotta use the Dragon Slave!”

Lina coughed and sputtered before shaking her head.

“You've got to, like against that Kanzeil guy.”

Lina glared at him and forced through two words with a great deal of effort. “I … can't.” She reflexively gripped her throat again at the agony the two words had caused her.

“Well, do we have any other options?!” Gourry asked feverishly.

Lina dropped her head, shaking it as she did.

“Do you really think the Dragon Slave can finish this?” Starlight hesitantly asked, approaching the two.

“Probably. But if Lina can't cast it …” Gourry started before Starlight interrupted him.

“I can.”

“Alright.” Gourry said with a nod, laying Lina back down so he could stand, looking down at the pony. He didn't care who cast the spell, only that they stood a chance. “I'll get it off James, and do my best to keep it away from everyone. And when the spell is ready, hit the sword.”

“Right.” Starlight nodded, “just be sure to get that thing.”

Gourry smirked and gave Starlight a thumbs up before taking James' replica sword and summoning the blade.

With a shout he charged Sodieus, carefully aiming the depth of his slashes so as to not slice James.

The bulbous eye emerged from the tangle of seaweed. It's pupil once again mocking a smile. “Is that hope?” It asked with a sarcastic glee. “I'm going to relish breaking it.” Once again, the wall of liquid came up to block Gourry's assault.

A red orb formed above Starlight's horn as she focused. She'd never actually tried casting the spell before, but she had read the theory and incantation many times, and had even studied James casting the spell. She was certain that she could replicate it herself. “Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows.”

“Is that Lord Shabranigdo's spell?” Sodieus asked, it's pupil contorting into a confused twist. “Even a unicorn can't summon enough power through that spell to actually harm me. But go ahead,” It added with it's sickening iris smile, “I look forward to the taste of your defeat.”

“Get off of him!” Twilight shouted, launching a narrow beam of magic to slip through an opening Gourry left.

Sodieus' pupil dilated briefly before contracting and focusing completely on the snarling alicorn facing it down. Grudgingly, it released James, backing off and taking a more defensive posture.

James was completely soaked, what skin wasn't blistered completely was red and pealing, his arm seeped blood as the magical ice had already begun to melt. He gurgled as the basic liquid was forced from his lungs by reflex.

Undaunted by the change in Sodieus, Gourry pressed on. His total focus on striking the Mazoku, regardless of any other obstacle now.

“May the fools who stand before me be destroyed by the power you and I possess!”

Sodieus growled and lashed out at Gourry.

Experience fighting Mazoku gave Gourry an edge in dodging as he twisted around, slicing several tentacles as he did. Twilight pressed in with an unfocused blast of gold flecked magic.

The blast sent Sodieus reeling. Turning to face Twilight once more before focusing back on Gourry.

“Dragon Slave!” Starlight shouted. As she did, the orb turned into a great beam of ruby light, colliding with the white blade of the sword before that too turned a brilliant ruby.

With a second blast of magic from Twilight, Gourry brought the sword down, cleanly slicing the bulbous orb in two. The tentacles started to crumble to a sickly yellow powder and blow away, and eventually the eye, too, was gone.

Gasps and calls of alarm rang out as the pocket of unreal space vanished, and as quickly as it was gone, James too faded from sight.

“Dad? Dad!” Sara shouted as her father vanished, lunging towards the area where he had just been.

A crowd quickly gathered around Sara as she panicked. “It's okay Sara.” Rainbow Dash said, “It's just his transponder taking him to the hospital, he's going to be alright now.”

Starlight resisted the urge to point out just how badly he had been hurt, and all the liquid he had coughed up.

“But … his arm is …” Sara pointed out in Starlight's place, stopping herself from vomiting as she unconcously recalled the severed limb.

“It'll be alright.” Twilight assured her, forcefully swallowing her own disgust. This wasn't the first time she'd seen a piece of James removed and discarded. “I'm sure that the sorcerer's guild can regrow that.”

“Keelah!” Tali said as she looked around the scene of the battle.

“Absolutely not.” Lucca said. “They're swamped enough.” With a twitch her omnitool lit up and a disc appeared beside her ear. “What's his condition? … Okay … Once he's stable enough for transport let me know, I've got specialists to take over, but he has to come to them.”

“Where's Randy?” Phillionelle, soaked and blistered, asked as he looked around the gathered group.

“Why are you asking about Uncle Randy.” Amelia asked.

“I thought our brother died years ago when he made an attempt on your life.” Christopher added.

“It seems that we were mistaken.”

“Got 'em right here.” Applejack said as she dragged forward a form nearly cocooned in rope. “Finally quite thrashin' about the time Twilight started fightin' the Mazoku.”

“Good, he has much to answer for.” Phillionelle said, his voice filled with subdued passion.

Zelgadis leaned beside the wrapped form and felt his neck for several long seconds. “He's not going to be answering anything … he's dead.”

Applejack's face fell as she looked to the still wrapped body, horrified. “I … I didn't tie him up that tight.”

“If we only knew where he had been all these years.” Christopher said.

“Or why his greed drove him to this.” Amelia added.

“It would seem those answers have gone with him.” Phillionelle said, solemnly shaking his head.

“Your highness, we must have the priests heal you.” A soldier said as he approached Phillionelle, seeing his blisters and open wounds.

“Of course.” Phillionelle quietly answered before looking to Sara. “Princess Sara, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for your timely aid,” he said with a sincere bow.

“Th … Thank you sir.” Sara quietly said, uncomfortably returning the bow.

“Sara.” Lucca quietly said as priests checked everyone for injuries, healing who they can. “I'm glad you're safe.”

“I couldn't help dad.” Sara said, hanging her head.

“Sara, don't feel like you have to.” Tali added, lifting young girl's head up. “Your dad is strong, and that makes him act kind of crazy. Even when he knows the danger.”

“Nopony had any way of knowing that would happen.” Starlight offered, bringing Sara's attention back down.

“Lucca,” Rainbow Dash said as she carefully pulled the woman away from her daughter. “Has he ever, you know, lost a limb before?” She asked, gesturing to where James had been.

“Not when Senzu weren't available.” Lucca admitted.

“He's going to be okay, right?”

Lucca bit her lip as she thought about it, and after a pause answered. “James said it himself, the healers here are top notch. Once he's stable the priests will get him put right.”

“And if they can't?”

“We have the best prosthesis available,” Lucca reassured her, though in truth she was already thinking of how James, Tali, and herself would modify any prosthesis that he might get.


James' head swam as he slowly opened an eye.

Sunlight shone in from the windows in the cool room. Other than the wall behind him that had the window the area around him was sectioned off with white curtains.

James reflexively rubbed his eyes with his right hand before yawning. A sharp pain in his throat jolted his memory about what had happened as he fell unconscious. With the clear, even painful, memory of his arm shattering he threw the thin sheet off himself, preparing himself to see a bandaged stump.

While it was a relief to find a fully intact arm coming down from his left shoulder, it was hard to ignore that this arm clearly had been newly grown. After a certain point it was snowy white and unblemished, compared to his right arm that had been tanned and had small scars and blemishes from everyday living, accompanied by larger scars from other more serious injuries.

As he took in his new arm sensation flooded it, a biting cold accompanied by pain along the seam where the new arm had sprouted. He gripped his bicep at the seam and reminded himself that there was no reason for it to hurt. As sensation flooded the appendage he forced it to move, sluggishly at first, but as he used it, it began to move easier.

Except for phantom pains, this actually feels better than the old one … He thought as he flexed his new fingers. … the old one. He repeated to himself … Yeah, this is going to take some getting used to.

As he thought about his situation, the curtain was drawn back and Tali stood at the foot of his bed. While her mask made it impossible to see her face, James could tell she was smiling by the spring in her step as she walked to him. Without a word she sat on the edge of his bed and examined his new arm for herself.

“How are you doing?” She asked, looking back up to him.

“You know me, I'm alright.” He said, despite the sharp pain in his throat.

Tali tilted her head, a clear indication that she did not buy his dismissal. She turned his new arm to examine the underside, tracing the new veins along towards his wrist with a light and delicate touch.

James couldn't help but smile himself, particularly as the phantom pain and cold seemed to melt away under her touch. “How's everyone else?”

“Of everyone who fought that thing? You were the worst. Lina's still horse, but everyone's burns have already been taken care of.” Tali said, tracing James' palm as it lacked defined lines.

“Something else happened as the fight started.” James recalled, “Was there an attack?”

“Yes.” Tali calmly said. “The Demon Fang had managed to infiltrate the grounds as laborers and at some kind of signal, they all attacked. It was chaos, but it also got put down quickly. I guess that's one less bandit gang for Saillune to deal with.”

James watched quietly as Tali played with his hand, moving his digits and eventually closing his hand around hers. He couldn't help but smile comfortably as he watched her, eventually meeting her gaze once again.

“So I know where you can take me for our new lunch date.” Tali said, smiling with her voice. “Ryuusei's Sushi Bar.”


“I get to fulfill a childhood aspiration every time I walk in, not to mention it's beautiful décor.”

James slowly nodded as she squeezed his hand.

“And their sushi really is the best in the Citadel.”

“Whatever makes you happy.” James cautiously squeezed her hand back and nodded. “So have I missed the coronation?”

“Lucky you, it's happening right now. Lucca's officially taking your place, and Rainbow Dash really stepped up to her new position. She hates it, but she's giving it her all.”

“Sounds like her ... And you just managed to sneak away?”

“Because it's happening down the hall. I just came to check on you quick.” She sighed as she looked to the door. “And I need to get back there just as quick.”

James pat her hand, still wrapped in his. “Go on, I'll see you there in a little while.”

“I don't think the priests would like you getting out of bed right now.”

“Aren't you supposed to be trying to talk me out of it.” James said with a smirk.


“Just stop already.” Zelgadis groaned as Applejack paced. “I already told you, you didn't kill him.”

“He was struggling when I tied him up, an' he was dead when he was untied. Pardon me, but it don't much look like I didn't from here.” Applejack countered.

“James told you that Randy wouldn't die even if he were killed …”

“Yeah, well he can be wrong about an awful lot of things.

Zelgadis sighed and composed himself before continuing. “That sounds like Randy took the Pledge of Immortality.” Unfortunately he found himself interrupted once again.

“That's the promise or something James was talkin' about.”

“Rezzo looked into pledges like that before, ways to extend his life so he would have all the time he could want to open his eyes. But he didn't like the idea of tying himself to a Mazoku.” Zelgadis chuckled a moment before he continued. “Of course he was already tied to one of the worst.”

He turned to find Applejack starring at him, the evident desperation to be absolved wrote clearly on her face. After clearing his throat he continued. “Anyway, the pledge means that Randy died once the Mazoku sustaining his life died, since it was only their power keeping him alive to begin with.”

“So that means …” Applejack began.

“That once again: you didn't kill him. Gourry did. And even if you had killed him, that would only be doing us a favor.”


“So,” Lucca asked as James got ready for bed that night. “How's the hand?”

“Sore and cold.” He calmly admitted. “But it works, and I'll take that over the alternative.”

“Maybe you just need to break it in.” Lucca suggested with a chuckle.

James joined in the laugh a moment as he spoke. “Well, the priest didn't exactly say it like that, but that was the gist of his suggestion. … I'm looking forward to nicer, modern beds.”

After a quiet agreement as Lucca sat on the bed in their room she reminded herself of something she wanted to talk to James about. “So … Sara's been fighting.”

James paused as he slipped on his nightshirt. “With who?”

“I don't know.” Lucca admitted. “After the attempt on her and Amber, she told me she doesn't normally freeze in fights.”

James nodded as he sat on the bed beside his wife. “She's been learning attack magic without us knowing too.”

Lucca sighed and shook her head. “It's not that she knows the magic, or even the fighting. God, I was shooting castle guards when I was only a few years older than her. But it's not knowing what's going on in her life that gets me.”

“And that we might be able to help. Also, you shot those guards to save Crono's life, just like Sara used her magic to save Phil's life, and quite likely mine too.”

“It's just hard. She's so different than Kid ever was.”

“And there's so much of her father in her.” James said soberly.

“So much of both of us. It's hard to remember that she's living through things we never even thought were possible when we were her age.”

“You can sure say that again.”

James stared into the distance for a moment as he thought on this recent turn in the conversation. “I think she's doing well, stumbles and all. She's growing into the kind of person we hoped she would be.”

“What about happy?”

“Happy … happy is work.” James said with a sigh. “And fleeting. But she certainly smiles more, you know, when she thinks no one's watching.”

Lucca chuckled briefly. “You're just saying that so we can sleep.”

“Caught me.” He joked. “But really, ask Starlight, Twilight, or … well any of them. Sara's doing better than she let's on. Or better than she thinks herself.”

“Okay, I think that helped. Come on, it's bed time.”

They both lay in the bed, James draping his arm over Lucca and drawing her in tight.

“Think you can sleep tonight?” She quietly asked.

“We'll see.”


“You're not one to back down when there's a problem, are you?” Seto asked Twilight as the two enjoyed an early morning tea.

“I've seen what happens when problems are left to get worse.” Twilight answered, taking a sip of her hot red tea. The gentle spice pricked her tongue, but not unpleasantly, just enough to wake her up.

“That's a quality all good leaders need.” Seto calmly stated.

“Well, I'm not going to be a leader anymore.” Twilight admitted, a note of frustration to her voice.

Seto simply nodded as she sipped her own tea. “Leaders are more than a name and title. As you are no doubt aware, leaders are the ones who take action when there's a problem.”

Twilight waited a moment before grinning. “I thought you were about to use James as an example.”

Seto chuckled at the comment and nodded. “I could, though he causes as many problems as he solves.”

Twilight sighed at the comment. “I guess that's something we have in common.”

“Which is why we get help from those we trust.” Seto said with a smile. “I left the headship of my family to my husband Utsusumi because I trust him.”

“Oh, I didn't even think that you may be married.” Twilight said, glad for the change in topic.

“I quite enjoy making happy couplings, of course I would have to have one myself. Should you like, Twilight, I can see about finding you a suitable husband.”

Twilight nearly choked on her tea as she heard the offer. “No thanks, I don't think I need to worry about that really.” She uncomfortably laughed. “Besides, how many ponies do you know? It would just be a bother.”

“That's actually half the fun.” Seto chuckled as she continued. “Besides, are you certain it must be a pony? You're a very intelligent young woman, if you like I could find any number of suitors that value that over species.”

Twilight blushed deeply and took a sip of her tea.


Rainbow Dash lounged on a cloud back in Ponyville, relishing the freedom of having no obligations.

None today at least, tomorrow she would be going back to her class.

The warm sun felt good beating down on her as the cool breeze blew through her mane. She relaxed, determined to enjoy this as much as she could before anything even hinting at responsibility came to bother her.

“Ah, there you are Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said, pleased with herself. “I've been searching everywhere for you.” As she spoke her horn lit up, encircling the cloud and Rainbow Dash both with a pale blue luminescence, and dragging them both down towards the ground.

“Uhm, hi Rarity.” Rainbow Dash said awkwardly.

Rarity chuckled a moment before speaking up. “Well, come on: What was Saillune like?”

“I don't know. I didn't see much of it beyond the palace.” Rainbow Dash admitted. “Those people aren't used to ponies like us so when Applejack and Starlight went to the market it was Cludge Town all over again.”

“Oh, the poor dears.” Rarity sympathized, “However, I am surprised you didn't go exploring yourself.”

Rainbow Dash groaned. “I know, I wanted to go treasure hunting, but I was there as some kind of official. I didn't get to do anything fun.”

“I knew you were there for an official function, but I didn't realize you were an official.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Yeah, as James' girlfriend I'm stuck with all the same stuff as Lucca and Tali, and this wasn't a vacation.”

“So what did you have to do?”

“Be there. Twilight and I were both just sitting there, listening, smiling, and waving. It sucked.”

“I'm sorry there wasn't anything interesting for you.”

“Well …” Rainbow Dash said, “It wasn't entirely boring. Actually, Prince Phil's brother was trying to take over before the coronation.”

“Really?” Rarity said, drawn into the story already.

“Yeah, but you see …” Rainbow Dash began to explain her experience with growing enthusiasm, enrapturing Rarity with intrigue and twists. Many of the details were heavily embellished.

Author's Note:

I thought it might be interesting to give Randionel a more threatening presence than he got in his single appearance in the anime and magazine. I liked him as a silly one off bad guy who wanted to seize power with no plan whatsoever, but wondered if I could do something interesting with him, again as a one off villain but more dangerous.