• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 866 Views, 13 Comments

A Balance of Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

With Twilight no longer ascending to Equestria's Throne, she and her friends have a new life to live.

  • ...

24 A series of calls

James sat quietly drinking coffee at his console as he read through the reports of the morning. The most concerning thing to come up being a three day summit in about week. With a sigh he made a note to return to it after finishing with the girls and before the next group.

He'd also have to bring Rainbow Dash with him, and she had a notable distaste for most political events. Fortunately for her, she only had to make an appearance and stay for the dinner. James was the only one who would have to stay for the whole three days.

But that was all for another time.

With a few strokes on the keyboard and he brought up a template to certify several renewing contracts, two recently elected representatives, and re-authorize several continuing motions. The boring busywork that had to get done from time to time.

As he worked a window appeared on the screen with a message from Liara.

“I got a report the other day that mentioned pirates doing a fly by of Yukinojyo. Mihoshi happened to mention they followed for half an hour: More than enough time to realize they didn't want anything to do with that ship. On a hunch I checked the chatter on their network and, to save you the details, there's a target on your back. I've forwarded the info to the GP, so you'll probably hear from them.”

James sighed as he read the message, considering just what he should do.

The rolling sound of the door opening cued James to type a command that brought his templates back up.

“Oh, what was that?” Starlight asked as she walked over to James.

“Just an authorization request.” James casually said, taking another sip of his coffee.

“Ah, alright.” Starlight said with a smile, “Well, Rainbow Dash is setting up a game of buckball if you feel like joining us.”

“Not too sure where I'd fit in.” James answered with a smile. “Assuming Rarity isn't playing, there's already two full teams.”

“True.” Starlight said with a smile. “But I won't complain about sitting out a round or two.”

James chuckled briefly as he looked back to his template. “Well I really should …” James paused and chewed his lip as he thought. “I should …” he repeated slowly. “Yeah, I'll be out in a minute. This isn't going anywhere.” He eventually decided.


Mikami sat at her desk as she looked over reports for both the Galaxy Police and general concerns for the Kuramitsu family.

As she signed off on the reports, one caught her attention as an intersection of the two.

“Oh dear, what's happened this time Mihoshi?” She quietly asked herself as she opened the cover.

One continual positive sign in Mihoshi's long running recovery was her attention to detail, though that would at times make her reports over long with extensive unnecessary details.

As she read it became apparent that this was going to be no simple matter. Pirates eyeing GP vehicles was common, even individual cruisers, but with the merging of guilds even a minor even like this needed to be investigated.

She brought up a window on he screen, seeing that Seina was currently deployed on another pirate fishing operation. Between the remaining time of the mission and the planned month for repairs she would have to use other means to investigate.

She typed out a short command in her system, opening up a window where a surprised looking young woman snapped to attention.

“What can I help you with today, Ma'am?” She quickly asked.

Mikami gave her a polite smile as she spoke. “Yes, would you please connect me to the Shadow Broker?”

“Right away.” The woman said moments before her image vanished.

Within moments a black screen appeared as a low hum filled the air. “Is there something I can help you with Mikami?” A low grumbling voice asked.

“Still with the theatrics Liara?” Mikami asked with a grin.

“I only have the one priority line set up and the defenses to my identity are automatic. Just one moment.” The low voice commented. “Glyph, would you please remove the privacy filter on this call?”

“Right away, Shadow Broker.”

Within moments Mikami's screen lit up, showing the pleasantly smiling blue face of Liara looking directly at her. “There we go. Now we can talk without all the cloak and dagger.”

“Yes, it's much more pleasant see who I'm speaking with.” Mikami answered. “Now for the reason I called: I just reviewed an abridged version of Mihoshi's report, and I'd like to know if any guild is planning on assaulting the GP directly.”

“Haven't you gotten my message?” Liara asked, her image appeared distracted briefly. “I'm seeing that it's been received.”

“I have a lot of paperwork today, perhaps it's simply buried in my inbox.” Mikami reasoned. “But since I have you here, would you mind filling me in?”
“Alright.” Liara said as her image once again appeared distracted. “Chatter around the Kage guild has increased with emphasis on getting a kings ransom. Literally. They're not planning an assault, thankfully, but they do have their sights on abducting James, seeing him as an easy target.”

Mikami chuckled quietly as she heard the brief. “Maybe I should let them take him, just to see if they'd survive the abduction.”

“I'm sure James would be flattered at the vote of confidence, but it's worth noting that despite getting back in shape, he's not the fighter he once was. And without a sparing partner he's losing his edge once more.” Liara clarified.

“I see.” Mikami said, still grinning, “Thank you for your information, as always. I'll see about stopping this before anything happens.”

“I'd appreciate that. Have a good day.” Liara said as her image blinked out.

“Oh, there it is.” Mikami said, bemused as she looked to the next item in her queue.


The ball suddenly shifted it's course to fly just under Fluttershy, and subsequently beneath the basket Twilight had aimed to intercept.

“James, I can't catch the ball if you curve it.” Twilight complained.

“I can't really get it past Fluttershy if I don't.” James countered.

“Oh, I'm sorry.” Fluttershy was quick to say, flying back slightly. “I got a little carried away.”

“Nah, that's fine.” James said, waving away the apology. “I'm still having fun.”

“Pinkie, you want to take over for a bit?” Applejack asked.

In answer Pinkie vigorously nodded and bounced over to take Applejack's spot.

“Oh … Rainbow Dash, should we switch sides?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

“Sure, why not?” Rainbow Dash agreed with a shrug. “Besides, you and Pinkie on the same side are a bit too good.”

“Like Lucca and Tali.” James said with a smile.

“Uh-huh.” Starlight quickly agreed.

“Oh yeah.” Rainbow Dash chimed in.

“Oooh!” Pinkie excitedly said, clearly eager to know more. “Do they play buckball too?”

“Oh, no.” Starlight answered, “One of the games they play in their holosuites. Rainbow Dash and I were going to go against them a while ago.”

“But we couldn't make it that far.” Rainbow Dash finished, clearly disappointed.

As they spoke James's omnitool blinked on, catching his attention. “Someone should take over for me, this is a priority message.”

“Looks like I'm back in.” Applejack commented as James walked towards the house.

The moment he stepped inside an image of Mikami appeared in front of him.“Hello, Mikami,” James casually said as he closed the door behind him. “Is this about the target on my back?”

“Yes, it is.” She answered, seriously, “I understand why you may not take this threat seriously, but we cannot simply ignore it.”

“I know. I've been in your position before.” James explained, “And even failed.”

“I'm certain you know how dangerous the pirate guilds have become as they consolidate their resources under larger guilds. So what should we do?”

“Do you have anything in mind?”

“The safest option is obviously getting you back to New Guardia.”

“True, but I think that's a last resort.”

“I could send some officers as full time guards.” Mikami continued as James nodded. “We could also relocate all of you to a secure house elsewhere in the academy.”

“All viable, anything else?”

“Well, normally I'd send Seina to preemptively strike the pirates, but he's already doing that with another pirate guild.”

“That and Seina can be a bit dangerous to just be around.”

Mikami chuckled and nodded. “Yes, but there is one more option that I would like you to consider: I would ask you to act as bait and lure the pirates into the open where we can arrest them. Obviously we'd have discrete security around you at all times, but I can't guarantee it will be without any danger to yourself.”

James sighed as he heard the option. “Personally I'm inclined to do that, but what about the girls?”

“I assure you, we will do everything in our power to keep them safe.”

“Keeping the girls safe has to be the priority …” James sighed as he considered the options. “I'm putting a lot of faith in you Mikami. I'll be bait, but the girls come first, even if that means the pirates get me.”

Mikami smirked and nodded. “Just the response I expected from you, James. Of course we'll prioritize their safety. After all, your history shows that you're certainly capable of taking care of yourself.”

James smirked as he listened to the comment. “Well, those days may be a bit behind me.” His smirk faded as he considered his statement. “I didn't exactly win the last real fight I was in … or the one before that.”

Mikami cocked her eyebrow at the comment. “The other options are viable if you'd rather take them.”

“No, I'm good being bait. I just have to remember that I'm not as good as I once was.”

“There's nothing to worry about.” Mikami reassured him

“I don't doubt that at all.” James said with a nod. “And for their sake, I'm not going to mention this to them. Augmentation is enough to worry about right now, they don't need to be paranoid about everyone around them. Besides, if they knew, I just know one of them would give it away and we'd lose this opportunity.”

“I'll keep the guard discrete.” She assured him.


That night James walked around the house, checking every door and window despite knowing that those wouldn't actually be an obstacle were anyone determined to enter. His heart beat faster as his mind imagined noises to make him jump.

Screams of terror filled his mind as he strained his ears to catch any noise beyond the building.

With his self appointed round done he stood in front of his bedroom door, knowing what awaited him on the other side, no matter what else his mind was trying to convince him of.

With a grimace to himself he walked away, finding his way to the couch once more and watched the day's news as his mind cleared and his eyelids began to droop.