• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 878 Views, 13 Comments

A Balance of Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

With Twilight no longer ascending to Equestria's Throne, she and her friends have a new life to live.

  • ...

21 House warming

Inside Mihoshi's ship there was just enough room for everyone to find a small area for themselves for the trip. Rainbow Dash once again found a nook where she could nap, Pinkie and Twilight intently stared outside as the ship began to rise while Fluttershy and Rarity talked.

“Not the roomiest ride.” Starlight mumbled as the ship left Earth's atmosphere.

“I do apologize for the limited space,” a chipper male voice said, “unfortunately the GP couldn't provide a transport ship for this.”

“Sorry.” Starlight said looking around, not seeing the origin of the voice. Applejack shrugged as Starlight looked her direction. “ … Uhm … Where are you?”

“I am Yukinojyo,” the voice commented, “the central computer of the ship. I'm everywhere here.”

“Oh …”

“So what method of travel do you use?” Twilight asked eagerly, still watching space from the window. “Warp Drive? Mass Effect Relay? Quantum Tunnel?”

“Hyperspace Jump, actually.” Yukinojyo answered, sounding pleasantly surprised. “A comparable form of high speed travel. In fact, once we leave the solar system we'll jump into hyperspace and should be at the academy quite quickly.”

“Thank you.” Twilight said as she turned around and sat down, smiling wide as she began to read her book once more.


“Looks like we're in hyperspace now.” James idly commented, getting Rainbow Dash's attention.

“Really? Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of bump or something?” She asked as she stood up and looked out the window. “And on your ship we could see the stars.”

“Well, it's different methods for similar effects.” James commented, “And if I could explain everything going on, I would.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I wouldn't listen anyway.”

James grinned and shook his head. “Fair enough.”

“Oh, somepony's following us.”

“Huh?” At the comment James stood up and looked out the window beside Rainbow Dash. “They may not be following us … but they are there all the same.”

As they watched, the ship appeared to divert slightly, until it was close enough that the ponies and James could see into the windows of the other ship. Something that several occupants in the other ship made sure to take advantage of, inspecting the interior of Mihoshi's ship as best as they could.

“Told ya they were following us.” Rainbow Dash said proudly as Pinkie happily waved at the occupants.

One of their observers returned the gesture as another was more intent on cataloging what they could see.

“I think they're pirates.” James idly commented.

“What?! No way, that's awesome!” Rainbow Dash eagerly said, joining Pinkie in waving at them. “Since they're following us, maybe we can hang out once we get to the academy.”

James gave Rainbow Dash a curious look before reminding himself of her experience with what passed as pirates in her world.

“More than likely their sizing us up to see if there's anything worth stealing.” James countered.

“Come on.” Rainbow Dash said dismissively, “These are pirates. They're too cool to do anything like that.”

“I'm sure I've told you before: but you've never met a real pirate. Those parrots really are just treasure hunters.” James said, focusing on the other ship.

Rainbow Dash sighed and rolled her eyes. “Pirates,” she corrected.

After about a minute the pirate that had been focused on them turned to the inside of the ship and gave a signal. Moments after, the ship began to pull away as the ponies waved goodbye to their travel friends.

“Yukinojyo?” James asked once he was sure the pirates were actually leaving.

“Hah.” Rainbow Dash said confidently, “I told you they were too cool for that.”

“Yes sir.” Yukinojyo chirped.

“Do you know what ship that was?” James asked as Rainbow Dash gloated.

“That was the pirate ship Uragiri. Part of Kage pirate guild, one of only a handful of pirate guilds remaining.”

“Really? Things have been cleaned up that much?”

“Seina Yamada has been particularly effective at his job. That, however, has lead to many of the smaller pirate guilds being absorbed into larger guilds which are much more difficult to deal with.”

“Interesting. And a large enough guild could resolve itself.” James commented to himself. “Anyway, how much longer until we get to the Galaxy Academy?”

“If we avoid any incident, we should arrive just after midday tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?!” Applejack asked, astonished.

“We're traveling some pretty extreme distances.” James commented. “The fact that it's going to be so quick is impressive. There's not a whole lot that can be done to go any faster.”

“That is assuming that there are no incidents.” Yukinojyo repeated. “That was a pirate ship we encountered after all.”

“Let's just hope that nothing on a GP cruiser interested them.”



“What were you able to determine from our little ride along?” Asked a large humanoid man sitting on a pile of cushions at the top of a dais where he overlooked the bridge of his ship.

The bridge was almost oppressively dark, though not for lack of lighting. And while it looked to be very utilitarian, it was meticulously clean and the crew had whatever comfort they could desire. The head of the guild simply insisted on maintaining a theme with his ships.

“The cruiser itself could get us a good profit. It's top of the line, however that's because it's the property of the Kuramitsu family.” The crew member explained.

The large man sighed as he lay back on his cushions, “… Okay, let's report that we found the ship but it escaped before we could intercept. Kage himself may want to tangle with all of that, but not me.”

“There's one more interesting thing to report on that ship first sir.”


“Wow,” Twilight said in awe as she starred out the window “I've never seen a star with rings like that before.” At the comment, Pinkie, Starlight, and Rarity all rushed to the window she was looking out of, squashing her against it.

Out in the darkness there was a point of light with thin faint rings at about sixty degrees from each other.

“I wonder how that works? Wouldn't gravity pull them all into one ring?” Starlight wondered.

“I don't know, but it's quite a sight. A pity that it's not more colorful.” Rarity commented.

“Let me take a look.” James said as he stood up behind the ponies. “I see,” he added with a grin, “they're not just rings, that's the Galactic Academy.”

“What?” Twilight and Starlight asked as they turned to James.

“Yes, it really is an impressive feat of engineering. Each of those rings are the size of a solar system.”

“Are we almost there?” Rainbow Dash asked as she stood up and stretched her wings. “I don't think I'll ever complain about a long train ride again.”

“Yeah, I think in about an hour we should be able to get off.”

The group watched as the rings continued to grow, until the one that they approached was all that they could see from the window, and after a lurch from the ship woke Applejack and Fluttershy everyone was ready when it was finally time to leave.

The ship floated silently over a large pool of clear water as they descended to the clean docking bay. Silver and white predominantly could be seen from the synthetic material that formed the surfaces. Just beyond the gangway three similar looking people were waiting for the group.

As they walked down the gangplank Mihoshi was notably excited, even hopping slightly to see over James to the people waiting for them. Pinkie's tail twitched slightly as Mihoshi came down from one slightly higher hop and she didn't land as she expected. The only warning the other ponies and James got was Mihoshi's surprised “oof” as she came down and lost her footing, falling forward hard into James' back.

Thinking as quickly as he could in the moment, James just barely managed to redirect himself from falling on the ponies by pitching over the side with Mihoshi still clinging to him. Their combined shout of surprise cut short by a splash as they plunged into the water beneath the ship.

“Sorry.” Mihoshi said to James as he swam towards dry ground with her still holding his back. Rainbow Dash rolled on the gangway laughing at the spectacle.

“It's just water.” James said, resigned.

The one man in the group waiting at the dock sighed, and with the press of a concealed button a mechanical arm reached into the water, fishing out the two.

Mihoshi laughed awkwardly as they were deposited in front of the trio. “Hi Grandpa.” she sheepishly said to an older looking gentlemen that shared her tanned skin tone and wavy blond hair, his beard just long enough to tie beneath the chin.

“Oh dear, Mihoshi.” Said a pudgy older woman as she shook her head, her short similarly blond hair and tanned skin tone identifying her as part of the family. Her voice was kind, but clearly embarrassed.

“Mihoshi!” excitedly exclaimed a young woman (who looked remarkably similar to Mihoshi,) as she helped Mihoshi stand before hugging the still soaked woman.

“Mom!” Mihoshi happily said as she returned the hug.

“Mom?” Rainbow Dash asked as she flew over to the group. “I thought she was your sister.”

James stood up, towel draped across his shoulders, and offered a polite nod to the trio before turning to the ponies. “Girls, allow me to introduce,” he said, first gesturing to the older man, “Minami Kuramitsu,” then turning to the older woman, “Mikami Kuramitsu,” finally looking towards the last woman still hugging Mihoshi, “Mitoto Kuramitsu.”

Twilight stepped forward and nodded politely though a bit stiffly. “I am Princess Twilight Sparkle,” she started before introducing her friends.

“I hope you don't mind if we're not that formal, Ms. Sparkle.” Mikami said with a smile.

“I don't mind. In fact, you can call just me Twilight if you like.” Twilight said with a relieved sigh as she relaxed slightly.

“Ooh!” Pinkie excitedly said. “This is so exciting! I can't wait to see everycreature!”

Mikami and Minami chuckled as Pinkie pranced in place. “She's certainly an energetic young woman.” Minami commented with a smile.

“I have to admit, I wasn't expecting the head of the Seniwa government and Grand Marshal of the Galaxy Police to meet us here personally. New Guardia is hardly important enough to merit that honor.”

“I'm here in an official capacity as the head of the Galactic Academy,” Mikami said with a smile.

“And I'm here to thank you for your continued support in our diplomatic endeavors. Hinako should be here before the end of the month, if everything goes well.” Minami added. “And to help you along, we've arranged a special customs and immigration so you're not waiting so long.”

“Oh, right.” Mitoto said as she let go of Mihoshi, “Just follow me and we'll get that handled for you.” She soon turned back to Mihoshi, “You know, it's been a while since the whole family has been together, we should celibate before you leave.”

“Misao is here?!” Mihoshi excitedly asked.

As Mihoshi and her mother spoke to each other Mikami addressed James once again. “Once you're settled in we can arrange the procedures. There's still the red tape we have to get through.”


“I'm glad we don't have to do that every time we visit New Guardia.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew over to James, who was sitting on a park bench overlooking a pond. “No offense, but I wouldn't go through that every time just to visit you.”

“Well, I've made exceptions for all of you. New Guardia's customs is notorious for it's thoroughness.” James commented, watching Pinkie prance around, saying hi to everyone. He turned to talk to Rainbow Dash more, only to find she had taken off to fly around the park.

“Well, everypony's here.” Twilight said as she looked around the group, “So what's next?”

“Now we wait for our ride.” James commented.

“Yes, but a ride to where?” Rarity asked.

“The house that's waiting for us.” James answered easily.

“You have a house here?”

“No, the Kuramitsu family was kind enough to lend me a house for the duration.” James explained with a smile. “It's not large, but should be just fine for our needs.”

“Oh good. Not to be rude, but I was rather afraid we'd be living in a dormitory since I had heard we were staying at a school.” Rarity said, with a relieved sigh.

“I almost think they were afraid of the same thing.” Rainbow Dash said as she landed and nudged Starlight with her wing.

“Hey.” Starlight said, clearly irritated.

“Oh come on,” Rainbow Dash responded as she rolled her eyes. “James's snoring is legendarily bad. You remember in Saillune, when the guards scrambled because they thought a beastman had somehow gotten into his room.”

“Could you blame them?” Starlight whispered, slightly relieved that she wasn't the butt of the joke. “Not only was he snoring that loud, but he was shouting in his sleep too.”

“Wow!” Pinkie exclaimed before laughing and stopping suddenly. “Wait! This means we get to be roommates!” Pinkie exclaimed, even more excited than she was before as she pranced in place. “This is going to be super fun!”

As Pinkie pranced a familiar figure approached the group.

“Airi.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile watching the woman approach.

“It's nice to see you all again.” Airi said with a wave as she walked.

“I thought you'd be working right now.” James commented.

“It's true that I have some paper work to do, but it's important to meet our esteemed guests and …”

“You're ditching work to run around and have fun with us?” James interrupted.

At the comment Airi deflated slightly and waved dismissively. “Not at all, I'm just …”

“It's okay, I do it all the time.” James laughed as he watched Airi trying to deflect his comment. “Besides, I'm not going to complain if another beautiful woman comes along.”

Airi smirked as she resumed her confident stance, “Relentless as ever. One of these days I might just decide to take you seriously. Then what will you do?”

“Panic.” James answered with his normal half smile.

Airi smiled and turned around, “We should get going, there's a lot of shopping to do.”

“Shopping?” James asked, confused.

“Shopping?” Rarity asked, excited.

“Shopping?” Rainbow Dash asked, defeated.

“Of course, you need more than just a roof over your heads: the house is empty. And I'd assume that you'd all like beds at least.”

“Sounds like we've got more to do before we can settle in.” Applejack said, resigned.

Pinkie squeaked in excitement as she bounced along after Airi, joined shortly by the rest of the group walking along beside her.

Airi lead them to a large ship that would look more at home in space, even though they could see similar designed ships flying around in the sky. To enter, they walked along the wing to the nearest door, but once inside they found the ship was furnished similarly to a living room.

“Wow,” Twilight said as she looked around, settling on a nearby couch. “and this is okay for a moving vehicle?”

Airi laughed before she answered. “Of course, you won't even realize we're traveling. These ships are the best for shopping trips. Just let me know and we can go whenever you like.”

James shrugged as he spoke up. “I could just rent a car. After we get the house furnished I doubt we'll need anything quite this spacious just to go shopping.” As he mentioned the possibility of renting a car, Rarity froze briefly.

Airi brushed James off and shook her head. “For the head of a trade empire, you really should know just how important shopping is.”

Slowly, Rarity turned to James, horrified. “You most certainly will not rent a car!”

“Oh come on!” James complained, “I'm a good driver. Why will nobody give me a chance?”

“I did!” Rarity countered. “Or have you forgotten when you borrowed your brother's motorcycle. I swear, my life flashed before my eyes.”

Airi laughed once more as she heard the accusation. “Don't worry, if need be I can send a couple cadets to escort you should James get behind the wheel.”

“Don't forget the ambulance.” Rarity scoffed.

“Rarity, at no point in that ride were we even at risk of crashing.” James said bluntly.

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash said, suddenly, “Sean has a motorcycle? That is so cool!”

“So what's this home we'll be staying at like?” Fluttershy asked as she took a seat by Twilight.

“If you're expecting a castle like James' I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.” Airi commented with a smirk, “But there are enough bedrooms for everyone, and even one to spare. There's an outdoor bath that's just amazing, and a kitchen with anything you could possibly want.”

“An outdoor bath?” Applejack asked, thoroughly confused. “Am I missing somethin?”

“Yes, that does seem rather odd.” Rarity commented.

“It's not a bath in the way you're thinking.” James clarified. “You wash yourself, then get in the bath to relax. Like at the spa.”

At his explanation the few remaining sounds of confusion turned to delight.

“I'm more curious about the bedroom situation, I was told quite clearly that there were eight bedrooms. So there wouldn't be one to spare.” James added.

Airi gave James a mischievous smirk as she spoke, “Is that so? I had assumed that you wouldn't be sleeping alone. Oh well, I guess I was wrong.”

“Wait, so what were …” Rainbow Dash began to ask before a tone cut her off.

A translucent screen appeared in the middle of the room with the word “ARRIVED” scrolling across it.

“It seems we're already here.” Airi said happily, “Come on, let's go enjoy ourselves.”

Rarity pranced along as the group followed Airi, eager to experience what shopping on a new planet would look like.

“I gotta say, it's mighty green here.” Applejack commented as she saw more benches that were grown from living trees, and broad leafed plants resembling ivy that snaked across nearly every wall.

“Yes, it's quite lovely.” Fluttershy said, admiring the flowering plants that hung down from many of the buildings, and watching the uniquely colored butterflies that landed to drink the nectar.

“I guess Twilight was right, they definitely made this place a garden.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“We used to have a lot of large, crowded cities,” Airi commented, “But those were actually a problem with growing populations in the past. It's not good to cram so many people together and expect them to behave.”

“But once we were able to make uninhabitable planets viable to live on we went to work making that life enjoyable. And now those cities are mostly entertainment districts with probably the best nightlife you could hope to find.” Airi finished with a smile.

“Not to mention, Rainbow Dash, we're currently on one of those mega structures you were hoping to see. New Guardia is absolutely minuscule compared to the academy.” James said as the doors to the store opened.

Inside the store, Rarity looked around excitedly briefly before her face fell. She continued to look back and forth along the displays and aisles. Not really knowing what she wanted to find, but hoping that it would have been more than this.

“Wow.” Starlight said, with a smile, “this is almost aggressively normal.”

Airi laughed as she watched the ponies. “What were you expecting? It's just a department store.”

Rarity sighed as she came to accept that it wasn't some posh unique experience she had hoped for. “Well, I guess we do need the basics too.” She eventually conceded.

“That's why I chose this store, we can work our way up for everything we need.” Airi said proudly.

With a moment to adjust Rarity nodded and turned to James, “Darling, would you please push the shopping cart for us?”

“Yeah, I knew this was coming.” James said, shaking his head.

“You seriously can't push your own shopping cart?” Rainbow Dash asked, turning to the unicorn.

“Of course I can, but we don't have to.” Rarity said, turning to where she though James stood.

Much to her surprise not only was James not where she was expecting, but had been dragged forward by Airi who was already happily placing items in the shopping basket.

“Miss Airi, isn't this shopping trip for our housewares?” Rarity asked, as she and the other ponies rushed to catch up with the excited shopper.

“Oh, it's only a couple items.” Airi said, patting the air with her hand as she smiled as Rarity. “You should get some of this too: This body lotion works miracles.” She added as she dropped another bottle into the cart.


James sighed as he placed the card on the plate for the store attendant. Somehow Airi had managed to spend nearly as much on herself as the ponies had spent put together. And this was just picking up some of the basics, they hadn't even gotten to furniture.

Once the card cleared, the attendant smiled as the items were teleported away.

He was just glad that Rarity had insisted on seeing the house before agreeing to shop for décor.

He hadn't quite zoned out as Airi directed them to the elevator. Shortly after the door closed there was a flash of light before the doors opened once more.

As they walked out the difference between the two locations was stark, they were clearly on a furniture show room floor with every variety they could need, and small rooms set up to show off ways to decorate with the products.

The ponies walked out slowly, looking around before turning back to Airi.

“Wow.” Starlight said, looking around the elaborate displays and demo rooms. "This is some department store."

Pinkie happily squealed as she bounced from demo room to demo room, popping out of cupboards, drawers, and pausing to carefully examine the kitchen displays.

“No, we just left the department store, this is the furniture store.” Airi answered.

“Ain't they all part of the same store?” Applejack asked, turning to a window nearby.

“No. While the department store has some furniture, you're really better off going to a dedicated furniture store.” Airi said casually. "You'll definitelly get better quality."

"So each floor is a different store?" Twilight asked to clarify as Airi nodded.

“Well, stores aren't set up like this in their world, or in New Guardia.” James casually said as he walked over to the mattress section and began feeling the demo.

Rainbow Dash poked one of the demos alongside him and shrugged. “Not as good as a Cloudsdale mattress, but I guess this will do.”

“Really?” Airi asked with a grin before turning to James. “You know, since the decision technically means it's an option, maybe I should come by Equestria and do some shopping.”

“Oh, absolutely.” Twilight happily said. “I know we're not as technologically developed, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it all the same.”

“If it was all about technology I'd be hard pressed to visit my husband, Yosho, back on Earth.” Airi said.

“I thought his name was Kastuhito.” Starlight commented.

“That's just the name he goes by on Earth. He had a little fun when he stopped by, and now he just lives there. As such, to not raise suspicion he has to wear a disguise and change his name from time to time.” Airi casually explained.

As she spoke it became apparent that Pinkie was drawing a lot of attention, and some of that attention was spilling over to the rest of the group.

“Excuse me, sir?” An unassuming man asked as he looked to James. “Do you know her?” He finished as he pointed to Pinkie, who had gathered a collection of brightly colored mismatched furniture, and a crowd.

“Sorry about that.” James said, lowering his head.


“Pinkie, darling,” Rarity said as they sat in the ship that was now finally taking them to what would be their home for the next couple months. “Not that your choices weren't … colorful … but perhaps you should allow me to make the decorating decisions.”

“What, so you can fill the place with frilly things we're not allowed to use?” Rainbow Dash asked, incredulously. “No way, at least if Pinkie did it we could use what's there. Not that it matters, I'll decorate the place. Then you know it'll be awesome.”

“Like you can decorate?” Applejack scoffed.

“Hey, my home is awesome!”

“It's not even our home.” Twilight argued. “We'll only be there for a little while so let's not go changing everything.”

“Look,” James cut in, “We've each got our own rooms to do with as we will. Let's leave the communal areas with a minimum of personal touches. Like Twilight said, we're only here for a little while.”

“What do you think Airi?” Rarity asked, turning to the woman who had remained silent as they talked.

“Make yourselves at home.” She simply encouraged.

“Speaking of …” Starlight said as a tone played along with the translucent screen appearing to tell them they had arrived.

Leaving the ship the ponies stopped to admire the veritable mansion. As with many of the buildings, large leafed ivy like plants draped the outer walls of the four floor building. Between segments of walls large floor to ceiling windows ensured there was always natural light. The vines of ivy cascaded from the walls, and down the tiers of the wooded yard. From where they stood there was a small permanent dock behind them, and surrounded by guard rails in front of them there were large holes that lead to the road below them.

“This place is amazing!” Twilight breathed as she looked over the property.

“James, I think this place is an upgrade from the castle.” Starlight commented.

James chuckled as he lead the ponies under the arch to the mansion. “Well, without demolishing the castle, there's only so much we can do. Though I think Noboyuki did a great job redesigning the interior.”

After a quick transport, the group stood on a garden path just outside the front entrance, and the sound of cheerful voices caught their attention.

Before anyone could react Pinkie gasped and ran towards the talking. “A welcome party!” She excitedly shouted as she vanished around the corner.

Following more from curiosity than chasing Pinkie, the group found a familiar looking family happily talking to their visitor. The dark skin and blond wavy hair giving away that they were once again in the presence of the Kuramitsu family.

“Oh, sorry.” James said as he approached Mikami. “I didn't realize we should have stayed away for a while.”

“Nothing to apologize for.” The pudgy middle aged woman said with a kind smile. “If anything we're sorry to intrude for our little get together.”

“I wouldn't say you're intruding,” James casually said, “this house belongs to you after all.”

“I may have to come for a visit some time, then.” She said with an air of mischief.

“I insisted we have our party here.” Mitoto said, seemingly appearing from nowhere and holding a mop. “I just wanted to make sure the house was clean before you arrived.”

“That's awful nice of you.” Applejack commented. “I guess we should be getting out of y'all's hair now, and let you get back to your party.”

There was a chuckle from one of the older men there before he spoke up. “Nonsense, we're happy to have more guests.”

“Eee!” Pinkie happily squeaked. “This is amazing! There's even a pool!”

James' face fell as he quickly turned and vaulted the bamboo wall. “Pinkie, that's not a pool that's the bath!” He shouted just before everyone heard a loud splash, some water even spraying over the wall.

“Oops. Sorry James.” Pinkie said before giggling.


“This is a bedroom?!” Rainbow Dash asked as her eyes lit up. “This is huge!”

“Will they all be this large?” Rarity asked, equally astonished. “This room could fit Fluttershy's and my house!”

“I wouldn't say it's that big.” James casually said.

“Eee!” Pinkie squealed, “This is amazing! I'm going to have my own kitchen in my room! I'm going to have so many room parties!”

“Are you sure?” Airi asked with a smirk, “You haven't even seen the the actual kitchen yet.”

“Well, I understand that.” James commented as he vigorously toweled his hair. “The main kitchen at my place is really top notch, but I've still got my personal kitchen.” He said before turning to Pinkie, “… Well, as personal as it is anymore.”

“At least look at the kitchen that's already here first.” Applejack argued.

Pinkie squealed happily as she ran for the door. “Let's see the rest!”

“Got any plans for your room Rainbow Dash?” James asked as he walked alongside the flying pegasus.

“Oh yeah, I'm going to have a gym in that corner, a hot tub over there, and I gotta have a massage table!” She answered excitedly.

James chuckled as he shook his head. “Okay then, just remember, we have to take everything we buy with us.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as she spoke, “Well, duh.”

“About the hot tub, though,” James added, “it's kind of superfluous with the bath. And probably not as nice.”

Rainbow Dash grumbled slightly as she landed. “I guess so.”

“Not saying you can't have one, but give the bath a shot first.”

“Alright.” She agreed.

“Is everything alright?” James asked, looking down at the pony.

“Yeah, I'm fine.” She answered, sounding anything but.

“Can we talk about this?” James pushed as they walked.

“No, I'm just thinking about what else to put in my room.” She said, as she heard Gilda taunting her once more. Never thought you would let yourself get tied down to some guy.

“We'll get the hot tub.” James quietly said. “It's not a problem.”