• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 866 Views, 13 Comments

A Balance of Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

With Twilight no longer ascending to Equestria's Throne, she and her friends have a new life to live.

  • ...

19 Making do

A severely disheveled Starlight slowly trudged into Twilight's office and collapsed into the large chair behind the desk. The chair was adept at encouraging good posture, making it very uncomfortable in Starlight's current position, but her exhaustion was more than enough to overcome that discomfort.

“One week down,” she huffed, sliding further down on the chair so she was unable to see over the desk in front of her.

Just as she felt the vaguest hint of relaxation daring to approach her there was a knock at the door. Starlight moaned briefly before she called out. “Come in.”

The door opened, though she had no idea who was there as she couldn't see over the desk itself.

“Uhm … Miss Starlight?” A voice said from beyond Starlight's vision.

“Ah, hello Ocellus.” Starlight said, raising her hoof and waiving the changeling student over before pointing in the direction of one of the chairs in front of the desk. “What can I help you with?” She asked, trying (but failing) to sound cheerful.

“Are you okay?” Ocellus asked, cautiously taking a seat.

“Just a little tired.” Starlight said, waiving the question away with her hoof. “Is there something you needed help with?”

Ocellus couldn't help but feel strange as she wasn't so much talking to Starlight as she was talking to her hoof. But at least Starlight was paying attention … in theory. “I was actually wondering about my grades.”

Starlight's hoof drooped slightly as Ocellus spoke. “Ocellus, you're consistently in the top of the class, I really don't think you have anything to worry about.”

“I guess, but still …”

As Ocellus spoke Starlight did her best to pay attention and respond, but her focus did flag as the minutes passed. However, before Ocellus could notice Starlight's waning concentration there was a new knock at the office door.

The knock quickly brought Starlight to her senses, “I'm with somecreature right now,” she called.

Spike cracked open the door and poked his head in. “You still have today's meeting Starlight.”

“Meeting?” Starlight asked as her mind slowly churned up the information. “Oh! I'm sorry Ocellus, there's so much at the end of the year to take care of I have to get to this meeting. But trust me, you're doing great in your classes, you have nothing to worry about.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive, Ocellus. You're not going to have any trouble.”

“Oh, well … I guess I'll see you tomorrow Miss Starlight. Thank you for seeing me.” Ocellus said as she got up and walked past the dragon holding the door for her.

With some effort Starlight forced herself out of the chair and moved towards the door where Spike was waiting. “Thank you Spike,” She said, clearly in some pain, “you're probably the reason this place is still running right now.”

“Thanks, but you're doing all the hard work.”

“Have you found anycreature that can cover my counselor duties?”

Spike shook his head as they walked slowly down the hallway. “No, Neighsay's substitute office said that they handle teachers, not support staff.”

“Of course they would,” Starlight sighed. “Counselors are important for a school too, you know.” She added with more than a hint of frustration.

“I've also turned down a few offers?”

“You have?” Starlight asked, astonished.

“Oh yeah,” Spike laughed.

“That bad?”

“Well, it's not Discord, thankfully, but Spitfire isn't exactly motivational in the right way.”

Starlight chuckled as she envisioned the military dressing down Spitfire would likely give anyone who walked into the office. “Yeah, probably not the best choice.”

“Cranky Doodle …”

“Enough said.”

“Nice as it was, I had to turn down the Crusaders.”

“They're getting more ambitious.” Starlight said with a smile.

“Yeah.” Spike said, smiling himself. “You know, you could just do less. We'll be halfway through the last month soon, there's other things that have to be taken care of.”

“Spike, the last month is so stressful that the students need a counselor.”

“And what about the counselor herself?”

Starlight sighed, “Like you said, we're almost halfway through the last month. I can push through.” Starlight said as she opened the door to see the faces of the other teachers looking to her.

Rainbow Dash's irritated look fell away as she saw the disheveled temporary headmare.

“Oh my goodness.” Fluttershy breathed, “Are you alright Starlight?”

Starlight forced a smile. “I'm a little tired, but we're so close to the end of the year. It'll be alright.” She said as she slowly walked over to her chair and sat.

“If you're certain, dear.” Rarity said, cautiously.

“Yeah, I'm fine.”

“Very well then.” Rarity said with a smile. “Now, about the final testing schedule: Rainbow Dash, I believe it would be best if you could have your teamwork finals near the end of the month …”
“What?!” Rainbow Dash asked, genuinely surprised. “Are you kidding me? One: we get them out of the way early and then my classes are a good chance to let them rest after all of your finals. Two: you think better after getting some exercise, it's going to help them …”

“Are you certain about that dear?” Rarity asked.

“Ooh, I get all my best ideas when bouncing around and running all over Ponyville.” Pinkie excitedly said as she giggled.

“Oh yeah, totally. I even asked experts on this stuff.”

Rarity sighed as she spoke up. “But when they get to my class they're so exhausted they can't possibly pay attention to my tests.”

“Maybe you should …” Rainbow Dash started to say before a loud snore interrupted her.

All eyes turned to Starlight, sleeping sitting up as the meeting went on.

“Like that.” Rarity sarcastically said before shaking her head.

“Can anypony think of some way we can help?” Fluttershy asked the group.


Ocellus once more stood outside the headmare's office door, her anxiety over the finals building once more.

She knew that Starlight was exceptionally busy being both headmare and counselor, and hated to bother her over her own problems. But she needed to talk to someone about it.

Just as she was about to knock there was a burst of wind.

“Hey Ocellus,” Rainbow Dash said with a smile, “what's up?”

“Oh, uhm …” She began as she looked to the loyalty professor. “I was just about to talk to Miss Starlight.”

Rainbow Dash blew a quick raspberry, “Yeah, I can see that. But what about? Starlight's been kinda busy, so we're stepping up to help out.”

Ocellus paused a moment to think it over, opening her mouth before being interrupted.

“You know what? Let's go for a fly. It'll give us some privacy.” Rainbow Dash as she gestured for Ocellus to follow.

With a shrug, Ocellus followed Rainbow Dash outside and high into the sky.

“Cool. So what can I help you with?” Rainbow Dash asked with a smile.

“Oh, well, with finals here I'm kind of worried I might not do as well as I could.”

Rainbow Dash slowed as she turned to give the changeling a curious look. “Really? You? You're always the best scoring student we have. You've got nothing to worry about.”

“Yeah, everycreature tells me that, but I just don't know. Like in your class for example: I'm not as good at sports as everycreature else.”

“Yeah, but it's not about you being good.” Rainbow Dash casually said as she looped in the air quick, coming to fly right next to her student. “I see you out there every day giving it your all. Working with every creature. That's what I care about. As long as you put in the effort, I'm going to see and make sure that's how you're graded.”

“Really? Wow, that's a relief …”

“Glad I could help.” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile, “Want to …”

“Now about Miss Rarity's class, I was …”

“Hold on.” Rainbow Dash said, stopping them both midair. “You don't need to worry about that. There's actually something I had to learn a long time ago that I think could really help you out here: Your only real competition is yourself. And as long as you do a little better than you did last time, you're winning.”

Ocellus paused as she thought about Rainbow Dash's words. “But I'm already top of the class …” She said, her voice wavering slightly.

“Exactly, so don't worry about it. You'll do fine.” Rainbow Dash said nodding and turning back to the school. “ … Now, uhm, which class do you have next?”


Smolder watched as Rainbow Dash and Ocellus flew off, taking a moment to think about what she had overheard.

Starlight had helped her with several things before, and she was comfortable with her. But maybe it was a good thing that the other professors were helping out.

She took some time to consider the best professor to ask for help and began walking towards her class.

“Hi hi!” Pinkie Pie excitedly said with a giggle as the dragon walked through the door.

“Hey Prof. I heard that with counselor Starlight taking over as headmare for the rest of the month the professors would be helping out with counseling.”

“Ooh! Yes, she's been super busy and falling asleep everywhere.”

Smolder nodded and shrugged.

“What can I help you with?” Pinkie happily asked.

Smolder couldn't help but feel uncomfortable but she'd been meaning to ask someone this for a while. “So … I guess I seem a bit standoffish, and unapproachable to a lot of the ponies here. The others suggested because I don't exactly show when I'm happy like they do.”

“Ooh, that could be tricky.” Pinkie said, tapping her chin with her hoof. “I have an idea!” She suddenly said, jumping up and pushing Smolder along with her head.


Ready to stand in, Applejack kept an eye on Starlight's door for the next student to need help. After helping a couple ponies with a quick piece of advice she was feeling like she had this well under control.

She was fully confident when she found Gallus looking down as he walked towards Starlight's office.

“What's got you lookin' so glum?” Applejack asked as she approached the griffin.

Gallus sighed and shrugged. “It's Grandpa Gruff, he's trying to make things difficult for me here … again.”

“Now why would he do that?”

“I don't know, he probably finds it funny.”

“I wouldn't say that …” Applejack started to say before being cut off.

“Last time he visited all he did was rant about how this whole thing was a waste of time, and scoffing when I told him I enjoyed it here.”

“Well, let's go sit down for a minute and see if I can help out.”


The sound of waves lapping at the beach slowly came back to Twilight as the warm spring breeze gently woke her up. She moved the book that had been blocking the sun from here eyes and examined it once again: Husbands for Sale.

Some bizarre disease had wiped out the majority of the men, leaving civilization desperately trying to adjust and in fear for the future. The protagonist was traveling across her country, doing everything in her power to rescue the man she loved from auction. Twilight could spend hours picking apart the premise, and would eventually, that was part of the fun of these books.

The trashy romance story had done a good job taking her mind off of her current standing in Equestria, but only as she read the book.

Her eyes scanned the previous page to make sure she knew her place in the story. She blushed as she recognized the indicators of another sex scene approaching. All of his scenes were sex scenes. Even though he tried desperately in his mind to focus on his true love, he inevitably got lost in the moment, and was a slave to his passions.

Twilight read a few sentences before deciding that she was done for now. While it would distract her, it wasn't as easy to get lost in the book as it was abundantly clear that all of the characters were human, as the descriptions continually made obvious. She'd pick it back up later, but for now she'd had enough.

Twilight collected the bookmark that had fallen to the sand as she napped and carefully placed it. She didn't actually know how long she had spent at the beach, figuring that now would be a good enough time to head back.

But as her stomach complained she made a little change to her plan and would stop by Mirror Pinkie's bakery for a snack and maybe to visit. Pinkie, no matter which, would be quite good at taking her mind off things.


“Oh, there she is!” Pinkie announced as she jumped up, pointing to Twilight.

“I'll go get her.” Rainbow Dash said as she shot off towards the distracted alicorn.

“Here to spend some time with James?” Twilight asked with a smile as she saw her friend flying towards her.

“Uhm, no.” Rainbow Dash answered as though Twilight knew that already. “We agreed to meet up today, remember?”

“It's Thursday already?” Twilight asked, the realization hitting her hard.

“Whoa, you must have really chilled out if you've forgotten what day it is.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile as she adjusted herself to float in the air with her forelegs folded over her chest.

Twilight shifted uncomfortably as she heard Rainbow Dash's statement. “I guess. James suggested that I avoid scheduling and just try to be unstructured for a while.”

“And how's that going?” Rainbow Dash asked, turning and gesturing for Twilight to follow her.

“… I forgot what day it was. I'm not good at it.”

“Yeah, I guessed.” Rainbow Dash said with a laugh.

“Hi Twilight!” Pinkie happily called as the two got close.

“I see you've been spending some time on the beach.” Rarity said with a grin, as she pulled out Twilight's bathing suit from her saddlebag.

“Beach,” Rainbow Dash said with a grin, “prime cillaxing spot.”

“How are things back at the school?” Twilight hesitantly asked.

“Fine, just fine.” Starlight was quick to say.

“ … I see.” Twilight sadly answered.

“It's not that things aren't harder without you.” Fluttershy quietly added, placing her wing on Twilight's back. “But it's only a month, we can handle it.”

“I mean, Starlight here is spread a little thin,” Applejack said offhanded, drawing glares from the other ponies. “Uh, but it's a little harder to find a substitute councilor than a teacher.”

“Do you need me to come back? I won't mind if you do.” Twilight asked, almost eager.

“We're almost halfway through,” Rarity said, “you take all the time you need to rest, darling. We can handle this.”

“Besides, after this we're going to Jurai. We can take a break there.” Rainbow Dash said casually.

“Well, it's not Jurai but the Galactic Academy.” Twilight corrected.

“Whatever, we're still going to another world.”

“You know, Pinkie,” Starlight commented as they walked into the bakery, “I wouldn't have expected you (or rather the other you) to be able to run your own bakery and be James's personal assistant. That's a lot of work.”

Pinkie brushed off the comment as she blew a raspberry. “Please, back home I work at the Bakery, school, help out Mayor Mare, and I'm still Ponyville's preeminent party pony.”

“How in Equestria you ever find that kind of energy, I'll never know.” Rarity said as she shook her head.

Pinkie made a happy little noise as she smiled. “Creamy, creamy frosting.”

“Huh? … Frosting?” Applejack asked moments before Pinkie pranced forward and examined the thick frosted cupcakes on display. “Oh.”

As the group sat with their treats they agreed to stop talking about school and enjoy themselves.

“So have you become a regular at Midnight yet?” Rainbow Dash asked as she nudged Twilight.

“Actually no. I've just been relaxing.”

“What? You love dancing! You have to go while you're here.” Rainbow Dash insisted.

“But I'm here to relax.”

Pinkie giggled as she shook her head. “Exactly. And what better way to relax than boogie your tail off!”

“We should go there as soon as we're done here.” Rainbow Dash insisted.

“Ain't that a night club? It's not even noon.”

“And honestly, I'm exhausted.” Starlight added as Fluttershy subtly nodded.

“Perhaps after the finals are done and we have a chance to get some rest first.” Rarity suggested.

“Alright, but let's go during the day. That's when Ed DJ's and he's got the good music.” Rainbow Dash conceded.

“So what've you been doin' to relax here?” Applejack asked, taking a bite from her cupcake.

“You know me, I've been reading.” Twilight said casually.

“Anything interesting.” Starlight asked.

Twilight blushed and cleared her throat. “Just some technical things. Not really interesting to anypony but me.”

“Really? Relaxing by being even more of an egghead?” Rainbow Dash asked with a laugh. “Well, I guess you're the pony for it.”

Twilight nodded and gave an awkward chuckle.


Twilight waved to her friends as they walked through the doorway back to Equestria, having promised to meet again the same time next week after nearly all of the finals are finished. With a sigh, Twilight began to walk back towards the room she had been given while staying, despite her actual bedroom not being particularly far away.

As Lucca had said, staying away from Equestria all together had helped her get into a vacation mindset, or as much of one as she ever got. But she couldn't help but feel like she should be doing something.

As she finished putting her bathing suit away there was a knock at her door.


“Sorry to bother you,” James said as he opened the door, “I just need some help if you feel up to it.”

Twilight smiled as she looked to him. “Of course,” she said eagerly, “I haven't done anything useful since I got here. And honestly, it's kind of hard to relax if I'm not actively working on something.”

“Sorry to hear that,” James said. “After you help me with this I can help you find something to do if you think that will help.”

“Yes, please.”


Starlight sat with her hooves pressed firmly into her forehead, groaning as she heard the panicked stories being told to her. Each concluding with the hope that somehow she was going to fix everything.

“I told her to just relax, but Ocellus seems more wound up than ever!” Rainbow Dash said, completely confused.

“And Grandpa Gruff is on his way to pull Gallus out of school!” Applejack insisted over Rainbow Dash.

“It seems like Smolder is pulling away from the other students.” Fluttershy commented as Pinkie uncomfortably chuckled.

“I simply cannot figure out all of these problems.” Rarity said, exasperated.

“Everypony, just stop!” Starlight said firmly. She took a moment to breathe and get her bearings, though it never really happened. “Okay, I'm glad you tried to help me. But if you had talked to me instead of just going ahead and trying to solve everything, things wouldn't have gotten this bad.”

“Well what can we do?” Rainbow Dash asked, desperately.

“Okay, priorities. Applejack, when is Grandpa Gruff going to be her?” Starlight asked as she began to consider her options.

As Applejack opened her mouth to answer the familiar grumbling of the ornery griffon could be heard in the hallway. “Now …” Applejack uncomfortably said as Starlight's eyes twitched much like Twilight's would.

“Okay!” Starlight said, clearly irritated. “Discord?”

The group was silent, mostly looking confused at Starlight, as the Draconequus was clearly nowhere to be seen.

“Uhm, Starlight? I don't think he's …” Fluttershy cautiously offered.

“Oh, did you need my help, Starlight?” Discord said, slowly turning around in a char that had not been there moments earlier. He smirked as he pet a miniature manticore that lay in his lap.

“Definitely.” Starlight said with a sigh of relief. “Can you please keep Grandpa Gruff busy while we come up with something.

“Ooh, goody.” Discord said with genuine glee. “Maybe we can visit the Ghastly Gorge. Ooh, or the Peaks of Peril, or maybe even …” Discord said with growing enthusiasm before being cut off by Starlight.

“Nothing dangerous Discord, just keep him busy.”

“Where's the fun in that?”

“Please.” Starlight asked, letting her exhaustion come through in her voice. “I just need somepony to keep him busy while we think of a way to keep him from pulling Gallus out.”

Discord sighed and held his claw up. “One perfectly boring distraction coming up.” With a snap the Draconequus vanished.

“Uhm … Ain't you a little worried about what he might do?” Applejack hesitantly asked.

“Not thinking about that right now.” Starlight quickly answered. “Okay, so do we know why Grandpa Gruff is coming to take Gallus away?”

The only answer she got was a general head shake from the group.

“Great.” Starlight grumbled. “No ideas what-so-ever? I'm certain that this is something Gallus would have specifically come to talk about.”

“The way Gallus told me, it sounds like Grandpa Gruff sometimes just gets it in his head to be a pain in the flank and threaten to pull him out.” Applejack explained.

“Yeah, I do hear about that every so often. Gallus usually gets pretty depressed around those times. But he's never actually come to the school to do it before. So what's different this time?” Starlight said, pacing in front of the group.

“If he does this so often, why is this the first time he's come by?” Rarity asked.

“Twilight usually handles that.” Starlight admitted before shaking her head. “Let's see what we can learn from Gallus.”

“I'll go get him.” Applejack offered, “After all, I'm the one who got him in this mess.”

“So what should we do about everycreature else?” Fluttershy asked as the door closed behind Applejack.

“Let's just handle one problem at a time right now.” Starlight explained, despite mentally running through the other problems she'd heard that day.

Before long Applejack walked back in with Gallus slowly trudging along behind her, neither looking hopeful.

“Gallus,” Starlight calmly said, “do you know why Grandpa Gruff wants to take you back to Griffonstone?”

Gallus limply shrugged, “Like it matters. He's actually come to drag me back this time.”

“So you're just giving up?” Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief.

“We're not going to let that happen.” Starlight said, walking over to Gallus and using her hoof to lift his face from the floor. “Not if you don't want to leave.”

The last statement seemed to spark life into Gallus, giving him one hope to cling to. “Of course I don't want to leave! I actually have friends here!”

“And we want to keep it that way.” Rarity assured.

“So, why do you think he came to take you back?” Starlight asked again.

“I followed Professor Applejack's advice and was honest with him. I told him I was tired of his bullying and how he used the fact that he's my assigned guardian to torment me.” Gallus explained, hoping that somewhere they could find a solution.

“Assigned guardian? Isn't he your actual family?”

“No, everyone just calls him Grandpa Gruff. I don't have any family, which is why they sent me here: No sweat if things don't work out.”

“That's horrible!” Rarity gasped.

“Those no good feather brained …” Applejack grumbled under her breath.

“Why I aughtta!” Rainbow Dash said, punching the air.

“Is that why you never go back to Griffonstone?” Pinkie asked.

“Everypony!” Starlight said firmly, quietening the room as her mind raced. “You said he's your assigned guardian, has he always been or was that just for school.”

“Just for school, if it weren't for politics I'd still be wandering the streets of Griffonstone.” Gallus explained.

“Could anycreature become your guardian? Maybe somepony in town?”

Gallus shook his head. “I asked that the first time he threatened to drag me back, he laughed as he said that he'd have to sign for any non griffon to be my guardian.”

“Okay, so what about …” Starlight began when Rainbow Dash interrupted.

“So we just need to find another Griffon to be your guardian.” Rainbow Dash declared.

“If it were that easy Grandpa Gruff wouldn't have been assigned to me.” Gallus said, just as disappointed.

“We at least need to try!”

“Do you know how to do that?” Applejack asked Rainbow Dash.

“Just get a griffon who lives in Griffonstone to go the the records office, pay the fee and sign the papers.” Gallus explained.

“See, easy.” Rainbow Dash declared.

“And if anycreature knows what griffon would be most likely to help Gallus it would be Gabby.” Spike announced.

“Why can't she do it herself? We're kind of in a hurry.” Rainbow Dash asked.

“She moved to Ponyville a couple months ago.” Spike explained.

“Well, tell her what's going on and tell her to hurry!” Starlight said, practically shoving the dragon out the door. She turned to Gallus as the door closed, “Don't worry, we're going to do everything we can so you don't have to leave.”


“Discord!” Starlight shouted as she approached the juggling Draconequus, “Put them down this instant!”

With a smirk, Discord simply walked away from the group he was juggling, allowing gravity to bring most of them down for him. Several ponies limped, groaning, to the nurse's office while Starlight was quick to intercept Grandpa Gruff.

“Thank you for distracting him, Discord.” Fluttershy quietly whispered to Discord as he walked past her. “But maybe that wasn't the right way.”

“It got the job done, didn't it? Anyway, I'll see you later: for tea.” Discord said casually before snapping and vanishing from the school.

“I am so sorry about that, let …” Starlight said as she rushed to the griffon.

“As you should be!” Grandpa Gruff snapped as he stood. “Now, where's Gallus? The sooner we're gone, the better.”

“You've traveled all the way from Griffonstone, wouldn't you like something to eat?” Pinkie desperately offered.

“I don't have time for …” Grandpa Gruff began before Rainbow Dash interrupted.

“It's free,” She announced.

Grandpa Gruff paused for a moment and shrugged. “Lead the way.”

“Quick thinking Pinkie.” Applejack whispered as they walked off towards her class.

“I think that maybe we can turn this into a tour of the school if we do it right.” Starlight suggested. “That should give us some more time.”

“That won't be much, darling.” Rarity pointed out.

“It's time that we don't have otherwise.” Starlight argued.


“Enough!” Grandpa Gruff bellowed as Rarity was about to begin her explanation once more. He'd been juggled, dragged around, ignored, and now it was only obvious that he was being stalled. “I'm leaving, and Gallus is coming with me!” He snapped, silencing everyone around him.

“The thing is …” Starlight began before being cut off.

“Oh, no. Don't you start again. Unless this is all because Gallus is missing again don't say anything!”

“About that.” Rainbow Dash started before another voice cut her off.

“I'm here.” Gallus uncomfortably said as he walked up to the group, his friends behind him. “But I don't want to go.”

“Well I don't care, we're going!”

“Why are you doing this? Why do you even care what I do? You've made it clear you don't want anything to do with me.” Gallus asked, indignant. “Or am I right, and you're only doing this because you think my pain is fun?”

“Why doesn't matter. We're leaving, and that's that!” Grandpa Gruff said as began to fly towards the door.

“He's not going anywhere.” A new voice said.

Just as she finished speaking Gilda flew in through the doorway, scroll clutched in her claw, and came to land just in front of the old Griffon.

“He's not?” Grandpa Gruff asked, incredulous.

“What, is your hearing going now? I said: Gallus isn't going anywhere.”

“Now listen her missy!” Grandpa Gruff said as he poked Gilda. “It's my choice if he stays or goes, and I say he goes.”

“No, it's not.” Gilda said, prodding Grandpa Gruff with the scroll she carried.

Grandpa Gruff snatched the scroll, flicked it open and starred at it.

“Need me to read that for you too?” Gilda mockingly offered.

Grandpa Gruff scowled as he read the scroll before rolling it up and shoving it back at Gilda. “You want to deal with that good for nothing? Fine, he's yours.” Grandpa Gruff said as he began to fly off in a huff.

“Get lost, buzzard.” Gilda called out just as Grandpa Gruff got to the door.

“Gilda?” Rainbow Dash asked astonished.


You're Gallus' new guardian?” Rainbow Dash finished.

“Yep. Gabby said it was an emergency, so I offered to help.”

“But you never liked me.” Gallus said, very confused.

“Dude, don't ask why, just be glad she did.” Smolder said, sounding as tired as she looked.

“Kid, just 'cause that coot wants you to be as miserable as him doesn't mean you should be.”

As Gilda spoke there was a curious sound, which at first sounded like a gasp, but in the moments that followed it became obvious that Gallus had stated laughing. “I don't know if I can ever thank you for this.”

Gilda shrugged, despite the warm feeling spreading in her chest, “If you're ever in Griffonstone again, I could use some help at the scone stand.”

“And Yona help too.” Yona announced as she stomped happily.

“Yeah, sure. Anyway, Dash, you got some free time? I'm not in Ponyville often.”

“Absolute … “ Rainbow Dash started before looking back to her friends and remembering just how much was left to do. “Well … Maybe in a little bit, I've still got some work to do.”

“Well look at little miss responsible.”

“Hey, I've got creatures that depend on me.” Rainbow Dash said defensively.

Gilda grinned, “Well, I guess I do too now.” She said before turning back to the students. “I guess you're not going to complain about me leaving you here, are you?”

“This should be done in no time.” Rainbow Dash desperately said, “I'll see you in just a bit.”

Starlight sighed as she spoke up. “This is all just counseling stuff. The rest of you can go.”

Rainbow Dash wasted no time in bursting out a nearby window with Gilda as the others hesitantly began to walk away.

“Are you sure?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, I mean, it's going to be a lot of work, but somepony's gotta do it.” Starlight wasn't sounding confident, and the tiredness was once again starting to creep back into her voice. “And I've got an idea of how I can help things along a little easier.”

“If you need anything, don't hesitate to holler.” Applejack said, walking towards the door.

“Dear, I know this is inviting disaster, but maybe you could consider taking some time off.” Rarity suggested.

“I appreciate that, but it's only a little longer. After the last final finishes it's going to be a lot smoother.”

“I guess we'll let you get to work.” Ocellus said hesitantly.

“No,” Starlight quickly said, “you six stay. We're going to do a little group session so you can help each other as well.”


“I'm surprised you came all the way to Ponyville to tell Gallus he could stay.” Rainbow Dash said as she and Gilda flew over the town.

“I didn't.” Gilda calmly said as she banked to the left and burst through a cloud. “I came to visit my friend.”

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but smile as she followed along. “So how's your project coming along?”

“The Griffonstone Rejuvenation Project?” Gilda casually asked. “Badly. But we're moving forward … That's actually part of why I chose to be Gallus' guardian. Griffonstone needs griffons like him who know how good things can be. Or who knows, maybe some day we can be even better than we were before.”

“Hah.” Rainbow Dash said as she dropped onto a cloud and lounged in the sunlight. “And you called me Miss Responsible.

“I'm just trying to get back our pride, you're the one teaching all those kids.”

Rainbow Dash went silent as she thought about where her life so far had taken her, and what she was still looking towards. “I guess I do have a lot of responsibilities.” She quietly said before laughing. “And I think I just signed up for more with James.”

“Really? You've got how much going on already and you sign up for more.” Gilda laughed.

“Well, it just kind of happened when we started dating.” Rainbow Dash said before squeaking and covering her mouth.

However Gilda had clearly heard the statement as she shot Rainbow Dash an astonished look. “Wait! You have a boyfriend? Since when? Your letters never said anything about that.”

Recovering quickly, Rainbow Dash shook off her embarrassment “Is it really so surprising?” She asked incredulous, “I mean, look at me: I'm pretty awesome. Who wouldn't want to date me?”

“I'm more surprised you have a boyfriend.” Gilda admitted.

“There something wrong with that?” Rainbow Dash was quick to ask.

“No.” Gilda answered just as quickly. “It's just surprising that you, who never wanted to be slowed down by anycreature, would let yourself get tied down to some guy.”

The words “tied down” bounced around in Rainbow Dash's head briefly before she shook them free. “I'm not tied down, I do what I want, when I want.”

Gilda mockingly patted the air with her claws. “Alright there Mrs. Dash, no need to get upset.”

“Gilda.” Rainbow Dash said, clearly irritated.

“Let's grab some chow.” Gilda said with a smirk, getting up from the cloud suddenly. “I flew here right from Griffonstone because it was an emergency, so I'm kinda hungry.”

Caught off guard by the sudden change Rainbow Dash grasped the opportunity to not be the butt of some teasing. “Sure, I've got some good stuff back at my place.”

“Hah, sure, I'm curious what you're like now that you're all domesticated.” Gilda laughed.

“Dude, I haven't changed that much.”

As the two approached the cloud home it was obvious that someone was currently there.

“Next you're gonna tell me you've got kids too.” Gilda joked, ribbing Rainbow Dash.

“No.” Rainbow Dash said defensively. “Great time to show up.” She muttered, irritated, under her breath.

Rainbow Dash already knew who to expect as she walked in, but still felt caught off guard as James moved around her kitchen.

“Hey, since things have been going rough at the school I thought I'd bring you dinner today.” James called from the kitchen. “I hope you don't mind, it's just some takeout.”

“Uhm, James …” Rainbow Dash awkwardly said, getting his attention.

“Everything alri …” James said, stopping as he walked into the doorway. “ … Gilda, right?” He said, addressing the griffon directly.

Gilda nodded briefly with a smirk. “Sup.” Conspicuously, she leaned over to Rainbow Dash, almost laughing as she whispered. “I didn't know that's what you're into.”

Rainbow Dash groaned before introducing the two.

“Well, Gilda, I hope you like broccoli salad, because that's what I brought.” James said walking back into the kitchen.

“Eh, it'll do.” Gilda said before turning to Rainbow Dash. “Seems kinda lame, to be honest. But I guess if that's what you like.”

“He is not lame.” Rainbow Dash said defensively.

“Cool, so what's he do … You know, other than bring you food.”

“He's only one of the strongest creatures ever!” Rainbow Dash boasted. “And he runs the Sorcerer's Guild back in New Guardia, the country he rules.”

“Yeah, guess that's cool enough … if he can prove it.” Gilda said with a smirk, having gotten under Rainbow Dash's skin.

“It's just takeout,” James reiterated, “ no need to wait for an invitation. If you want some, just come get it.”


Starlight lay curled up on the couch in her office, dreading the rest of the students she still had to help. Though the group session had proven fruitful, and it may make things easier to get the other students sorted.

Unconsciously, she flinched as she heard a knock at the office door.

“I'm not here.” Starlight called, hoping just to get some rest.

“Rainbow Dash asked me to check on you.” James said, opening the door anyway. “Though she may have just wanted to catch up with her friend.”

Starlight groaned as she started to sit up.

“I just fed them and was going to ask it you wanted dinner too, but it looks like you might need something else. Anything you want to talk about?”

Starlight sighed and shook her head.

“Okay, then. Just relax and …” James said as he walked over to the couch and began rubbing Starlight's back.

“I should be able to handle this.” Starlight suddenly started.

James promptly shut up and continued to massage Starlight.

“It's not like I haven't handled headmare duties before, and the students know I'm not as available as I used to be.”

Starlight paused as James began working on the base of her neck.

“But it's not just the school really. I guess it's … well everything recently. The school, everything going on with Twilight, Velvet, I still don't know if I want to go through with the modifications because … well … my life.”

James paused a moment at Starlight's statement. “What do you mean about your life?”

Starlight moaned and nodded. “Things don't work out for me often.” She bluntly said. “Something happens and I freak out and make things worse, like with my town, or when I banished Discord from the school, oh and let's not forget destroying Equestria.” Starlight sighed and shook her head before continuing. “Then somepony has to come in and save me, but I find some way to screw up with everypony else. And when I am finally making some headway in life, when I finally know what I want … I'm too late.”

“Do you not like where you are in life?”

“I … I like where I am, and I've got friends, real genuine friends. But right now I just feel like I'm running on a treadmill: I'm trying so hard and going nowhere.”

“I'm sorry. Trust me, I know how it can be when everything goes wrong.” James calmly said as he began massaging her shoulders.

Starlight scoffed. “It's been my whole life. At least some things go right for you once in a while.”

“Sometimes things go right for you too.” James calmly said. “You've got a job that people appreciate you for, friends who care about you.”

“Yeah, but it does sometime feel like it's all too much.”

“Life can get like that.” James calmly said. “Just relax and I'll take you somewhere to unwind for a while.”

Starlight chuckled at the suggestion. “You're just slowly abducting all the staff of the school.”

“Can you tell me they don't need it? Don't worry, we'll only be gone an hour at most.” After a moment, James carefully scooped Starlight up in his arms and began carrying her from the school.

“James,” Starlight absently asked, “Why are you so big?”

James sighed uncomfortably before he answered. “Well, my sparing partner vanished along with his universe a while ago.”

“No.” Starlight cut in groggily, “Why are you so big that you can just hold me so easily?”

“Well, I guess you can blame my dad for that one.” James said with a chuckle.

As Starlight rested against James, she let her mind drift, enjoying the breeze as they moved across the field to the castle. “Where are we going?”

“Somewhere quiet, where you can rest and come back when you're ready.”

“I just want to sleep and let the year end already.”

“Sleep as much as you like, the world will still be here when you're ready for it.” James quietly said.

“Why are you being so nice?” Starlight asked as her thoughts began to drift off into nothingness.

“Why wouldn't I be?” James asked in response, but the only answer he got was a loud and deep snore.


Twilight smiled as she walked back into her castle from the door James had set up years earlier.

“Twilight! You're back!” Spike happily announced as he ran up and hugged her tightly.

“I missed you too Spike.” Twilight said as he let her go. “So how did things go while I was gone? No Equestria threatening calamities?” She asked with a chuckle.

“No, everything's fine.”

“Fine now.” Starlight said with a smile as she approached. “Things did get a bit hairy while you were gone, but we were able to get things settled.”

“What happened?”

“I think we can go over that later.” Starlight uncomfortably said. “But I think I might just spend some time finding a potential substitute counselor if something like that ever happens again.”

“Oh, Twilight.” Spike said suddenly, collecting a letter from a nearby table. “This came for you while you were gone.”

“Just this?”

“Well, this was actually delivered to your desk at the school.” Starlight clarified. “And there's no return address on it. So it sort of stands out.”

Spike elbowed Starlight and smirked. “I'm betting it's from a secret admirer.”

“Please, Spike,” Twilight said shaking her head, “it's probably just a normal letter that somepony forgot to put their name on.”

Without any more hesitation, Twilight opened the letter and with a smirk began to read.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

You have been lied to.

I cannot share more at this moment, but know that I will contact you again when I can do so. I am sorry that this must remain a one sided conversation, but it is for the best at this time that it remain this way.

“Well …” Starlight bluntly stated, “that's ominous.”

Author's Note:

This is taking longer than I anticipated. I guess the only one I need to apologize to is myself, but I do feel I should say sorry for how long this is taking.
So … Sorry.