• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 878 Views, 13 Comments

A Balance of Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

With Twilight no longer ascending to Equestria's Throne, she and her friends have a new life to live.

  • ...

15 An Uncomfortable Morning

The noise the bed sheets made as Twilight moved was unbearable for her throbbing head, and the spinning she acutely felt made going back to sleep completely impossible.

Cautiously, Twilight opened an eye and found that she was looking down directly at a vaguely familiar floor. Forcing herself to look up she was relieved to find that the room was mercifully dark. Appreciative as she was to be safe in a bedroom, she had realized fairly quickly that this couldn't possibly be her bedroom, and she took a moment to recall the night, sincerely hoping her hunch was right.

The details were fuzzy to be generous, but she did definitely recall going home, then for some reason she went to see James. And after something between the two, she remembers him picking her up and feeling safe and comfortable. Then nothing until she woke up.

While that was no guarantee she hadn't left at some point and simply didn't remember, she was hopeful that everything was like she remembered.

Being as careful as she could to not make much noise she sat up and did her best to take in the room.

Fortunately she was definitely in New Guardia castle, though not a room she really knew. She tried to turn her head to get a better look, but despite her stopping, the room insisted on continuing to spin. Twilight shut her eyes as she took a moment to settle her stomach and consider what she did see on her brief inspection, and fortunately it was the best case scenario so far.

Once her stomach stopped trying to force it's way out of her she carefully opened her eyes. Catching her attention almost immediately was the end table, and more notably the items on it.

Her horn lit up momentarily only to go dark as she recoiled from the light and had to focus to not vomit from both the agony of her throbbing head and a wave of nausea. After her stomach had settled once more she reached first for the note sitting beside the glass of water and a small cup with pills.

“Drink me. Eat me.” it simply said.

“Well, I am through the looking glass … so to speak.” Twilight mumbled to herself, taking a swig of the water and swallowing the pills.

The water wasn't too cold and felt good as she drank it, though she still had to fight her own nausea as she did. The worst of it passed as she sat in bed, focused on trying to not feel miserable, and in minutes she felt up to trying to leave the room, not completely sure what she was going to see on the other side of the door.

Years of coming by for visits helped her recognize that she was in a hallway not far from where James and his family lived, the same hallway she and her friends would pass through to take the long way to the holo suites. Despite everything still spinning she was able to quickly orient herself. Something clicked behind her but she chose to ignore it in favor of avoiding making the world spin once more.

Low placed lights cast just enough light to not bother her eyes too much as she looked towards the end that would get her closer to her own home.

“How are you feeling?” Came a deep, familiar voice that mercifully spoke softly.

“Like somepony just turned my head inside out the hard way and spun me around for a week straight.” Twilight answered as James walked around in front of her.

He nodded before speaking up, “That makes sense. You put away probably a third of a bottle of rum made for creatures twice your size.”

Twilight closed her eyes and groaned. “We didn't know it was rum, I though at most it was going to be a cheep bottle of wine.”

“The conference primarily connects people with high value goods, and everyone wants their goods to stand out: They don't bring the cheep stuff.”

“Seto mentioned as much.” Twilight said, closing her mouth suddenly with her eyes going wide.

“You need a bucket?” James carefully asked.

Twilight stood still a moment longer before slowly shaking her head.

“Are you …” James started.

Twilight slowly nodded and took a breath. “Yes, I'm alright. Just a little queasy for a moment.”

“I hope those pills helped.”

Twilight chuckled as she started walking again. “I woke up in a strange bed, in a room I didn't recognize, with a drink and pills and a cryptic note referencing Aether Through the Looking Glass. If I didn't remember coming here that would have been terrifying.”

James smirked as he walked beside her. “Probably less than if I had sat by the bed.”

Twilight grinned as she heard the comment. “Yeah, even remembering last night that would have frightened me. For several reasons.”

“I just left you Lucca's morning after treatment, hopefully it helps.”

“I'll tell you when my head stops throbbing.”

It wasn't long before they heard another pony approaching, the sound of the hooves on the ceramic floor making Twilight wince as they came. “You need more rugs,” she mumbled.

Starlight rounded the corner and immediately smiled as she saw Twilight. “Oh thank goodness you're here.” She casually said. “Spike was getting worried when Lyra came by to make sure you were alright and we couldn't find you.”

Twilight's face twisted as she heard Starlight talk.

“She's here, but alright is debatable.” James quietly commented.

Starlight recoiled a moment before apologizing quietly. “Ri-i-ight, you're probably hung over too.”

Twilight slowly nodded.

“Yeah, Lyra was not looking her best when she came by, and apparently Bonbon's still out. I just hope whatever you drank was at least good.”

Twilight once again nodded as she gave a quiet “Mh-hm.”

“I might have to try it sometime. Though probably less than you had.”

“Let me know and I can set up a time where you can try all the alien booze you like. Though I don't think she'll go a little slower next time since now she knows it was rum.”

Twilight's only response was to give a slight noncommittal shrug. “So what time is it Starlight?” She eventually asked as they continued to her door home.

“It's almost noon.”


“Until Lyra came by we just thought you were working on something at the school and had disappeared again.”

At the mention of school James snapped his fingers, making Twilight wince in pain. “Sorry about that.” James quickly added. “So this summer break I've got some plans for all of you.”

“Plans?” Starlight asked as she cocked her head.

“Body mods. Seto actually told me the final approval came through as she and her husband left the conference. And while I still haven't gotten answers from everyone who's been approved, they can take as long as they like to make up their mind. But for everyone who's ready, I'm going to be making plans.”

“Oh,” Starlight quietly said. She had thought about this off and on, every time coming to a different conclusion, but she found herself leaning more and more to accepting his offer. Her biggest fear was losing those she cared about. Though she reasoned others would eventually come along. Just like when Twilight and her friends came into her life. And she knew that she would still have some of her friends. Twilight, as an alicorn, likely didn't need the modifications, Rainbow Dash would clearly get them and then there was Discord, as well as James and his family. Quietly, she reassured herself that she wouldn't be alone.

And that was usually the clincher, the fact that it created more possibilities. But another concern soon crept into her mind: What if she wanted more than just friends? She had been struggling with that more and more lately. Sunburst had clearly moved on and even if she found someone, could she live with them for their whole life and just move on without them one day? Would James be willing to help them live longer for her sake? She chewed her lip unconsciously as she thought again.

James caught the tell and stopped, kneeling down to look Starlight in the eye. “If you do say yes, until it actually happens you can change your mind. No matter how many times that happens. It's not an easy decision to make, and you should be certain it's something you want.”

“Celestia just made me an alicorn, all this was dumped on me later.” Twilight said, smiling despite her clear pain and nausea.

“That obvious?” Starlight nervously asked.

“Well, I did just mention it.” James explained before turning to Twilight. “The offer is open to you too, Twilight,” James reminded her, “the benefits are more than just a longer life after all.”

“I guess it wouldn't hurt if I did. I mean, I've already got a lot of what you mentioned just for being an alicorn …” Twilight paused again to take a few deep breaths, hoping to avoid vomiting. “Will it mean I don't get hung over anymore?” She asked as if pleading.

“Sorry, the factors that lead to that aren't so easy to be rid of.” James offered, placing his hand on the back of Twilight's neck and gently rubbing the base. “Ginger Ale usually helps me get over a hangover faster if you want to try that too.”

Twilight moaned lightly and nodded, “Just give me everything.”

Starlight started to speak, but hesitated. Never the less James saw her start and looked directly at her.

“Yes?” He asked, smiling warmly at her.

“Oh, well … If I can take my time to decide, maybe I can come along and choose then.” Starlight cautiously said.

“Absolutely.” He calmly said.

“I'm just glad it won't be ready until summer.” Starlight sighed. “I mean, I do like the idea, but …”

“It's actually ready now. But I think summer would probably be a better time given the school and all that.” James explained after Starlight's pause.

“After what she said in Saillune I didn't think it would get approved so fast.”

“Honestly I think Seto wanted to make sure you were ready before pushing it through. She does have a lot of sway on these matters.”

“But we didn't talk about any of that the other day.” Twilight said as she remembered her time spend with the alien monarch.

“Yeah, and she barely talked about it in Saillune.” Starlight added.

“She has her own way of finding things out, and with as successful a matchmaker as she is I'd say it's effective.”

“Has she even talked to everypony?”

“Before the conference she spent a whole day at Sweet Apple Acres and Rarity's boutique each. She told me she was offering to get them a place in the conference, but I knew there's no way that was all.”

“Yeah, I guess I can see that. But what about Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, or Pinkie?”

“Given Seto's hand in Rainbow Dash and I being together, I'm pretty sure she's already made that evaluation. As for Pinkie and Fluttershy; she personally saw to it that Mirror Pinkie got the mods and Fluttershy is so gentle that nobody could see a problem with her getting them.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“That's still not everypony.” Twilight pointed out.

“If you want the full list, you'll have to ask her, I'm only guessing. And of course there's everyone who said no.” James said with a light chuckle.

“Who said no?” Starlight asked.

James hemmed a moment, “A couple, and they have their reasons. But it's not like they can't change their mind. And thanks to a couple other secrets up here we can even make them younger if they decide late in life.”


James smirked as he looked down. “Thanks to some memory spells I can honestly say I have no idea. But I know we can do it, I've done it myself a few times.”

“Wait,” Starlight asked as she looked up to James, “why would you keep that secret even from yourself.”

“It's a fountain of youth, to be metaphorical … I think … people will do some crazy things to get that knowledge and it's safer just forgotten. All I know is that if it's needed I can get to it.”

Starlight paused and eventually nodded her head in agreement. “You coming by today?” She asked.

“I at least have to give Twilight her ginger ale.” James said with a grin. “Though I should probably bring one for Lyra and Bonbon too.”

“Well, I guess we'll see you soon. Coming Twilight?”

Twilight's stomach did flips as she looked at the door, knowing all too well the vertigo she would feel passing through it. The memory itself being enough to trigger the sudden response. Twilight forced her jaws closed as her stomach muscles tightened. Her eyes widening in the sudden realization of what was happening no matter how she fought it.

“James …” Starlight started to say, sounding concerned.

“On it.” Was his only reply as he reached into his bag of holding and collected a bucket. In one swift motion he placed the bucket in easy reach for Twilight before circling around and gently pulling her mane back.

“That was fast.” Starlight said, amazed.

“Not my first rodeo. And I kind of expected this when she showed up drunk.” James calmly answered. “You go on ahead and tell everyone she's going to be a while.” He then turned to Twilight and quietly spoke. “You can stay here as long as you need to feel better.”

Twilight, too preoccupied to make any actual statement, only managed a couple grunts in thanks.

“I'll … see you later.” Starlight hesitantly said as she walked through the door, glad when she stopped hearing the more unpleasant consequences of Twilight's night drinking with the couple.

“Any luck?” Spike asked as he saw Starlight walking down the hallway.

“Oh, yeah. I found Twilight, she's about as rough as Lyra so not willing to make the trip back yet.”

“I don't think I've ever seen her actually hung over before.” Spike commented, amused.

“It's not her best.” Starlight added before her mind shifted to the news James gave her. “So Spike, I guess this summer everypony is going to be getting those body mods.”

“Not everypony.” Spike casually said. “I know I won't be.”

This took Starlight back. “What, really. I thought you'd be all for it.”

“I'm not against it. But I'm a dragon. I'm going to live a very long time already.”

“So's Twilight, but she's going to get them too.”

“That's fine for her, but really Starlight, I'm not that much younger than her and I'm still just a child as far as dragons are concerned. Twilight's …” Spike explained before Starlight cut him off.

“She's not even thirty yet Spike.”

“I know. But she is an adult. The last thing I need is to age even slower than everypony else. Maybe I'll change my mind in a hundred years or so, but I'm just not ready yet.”

“That's very mature, Spike.” Starlight said with a grin.

“Yeah, I've heard.”

“You know what, Spike. I think I'm going to go for a walk.”

“Okay. Have fun.”

Starlight made her way to the front of the castle, finding Lyra sitting quietly in the foyer, her slatted sunglasses obscuring her bloodshot eyes. “Well, we found her.” Starlight quietly said.

“Oh good.” Lyra said with a weak smile. “Is she alright?”

“She's in good hooves.” Starlight answered calmly.

“Yay. I felt so guilty for not insisting she stay, we were all way too drunk.”

“Oh, right. I guess you were drinking rum.”

Lyra winced as she chuckled. “Oh boy. No wonder we were so drunk, we must have had about six shots each.” Slowly, Lyra stood up and turned to the door. “I think Bon and I are going to have a lazy day today. I'll come back later to let Twilight know she's welcome to come to dinner any time.”

“But maybe she shouldn't bring the drinks.” Starlight giggled.

“Are you kidding?” Lyra said with a smile. “It was so fun trying a new drink and getting completely wasted. Maybe not every time, but once in a while is great.”

“I'll be sure to let her know.” Starlight said, returning the smile.


Starlight's mind wandered as she walked, stewing on the subject that had been giving her such trouble. A thousand arguments for and against undergoing the procedure, her own fears and the hope of new horizons. Lifetimes of experiences, both good and bad. Watching the world change around her, as she remains constant.

If I choose to stay. She quietly reminded herself, figuring that she could travel if she wanted. James certainly liked taking them to interesting places. But it didn't often turn out as planned.

Every argument had a counter in either direction and every time she considered it, coming to a decision felt more and more impossible.

Her meandering walk had taken her past Ponyville, walking the outskirts of the town near where one of her friends lived. It had been a while since she had visited Maude Pie, and if there was anyone who could listen and give her some solid ground it would be most level headed of the Pie sisters.

The entrance of the cave seemed dull in and of itself, hiding a vibrant and lush landscape within. Much like the pony who had chosen it as her home.

“Knock, knock.” Starlight called as she entered the grotto that she and her friend had long ago discovered by accident. “Are you home Maude?”

“Yes Starlight.” Came the monotone reply characteristic of the eldest Pie sister. “I'm studying these samples that just came in.”

“Ooh, anything interesting?” Starlight asked as she approached an out of the way nook where Maude had set up her geology equipment.

Maude stared dispassionately at Starlight a moment. “All rocks are interesting,” she answered.

“Right, right. But I mean: Anything interesting beyond the usual?” Starlight corrected.

“Yes, quite. I just got a special delivery from your friend James.”

“Really? What did you get?”

“I purchased a particular rock that he called Dreamstone. It comes from Lucca's home world, but disappeared long ago. I wonder how he got any if it's supposed to be gone.”

“That is interesting.” Starlight commented, mildly interested.

“It has some fascinating magical properties, and I can see why James would need it refined to bring out it's strongest traits.”

“Right, you did that for him last year. Well, I look forward to hearing all about it when you've had more time to study it.”

“Yes. It's going to be quite exciting finding out everything I can about this particular rock.” Maude said, smiling with all the emotion she ever expressed.

“Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? If you're not too busy that is.” Starlight asked.

“No, I could use a break anyway. I've been as excited as Pinkie Pie examining this rock and need to calm down.”

Starlight sighed, knowing well that she may sound ridiculous, but if anyone should be used to ridiculous it would have to be Pinkie's sister. “Well, I don't know how much you know about what's going on with my life surrounding your sister and our friends. But James made us an offer recently and I'm nervous about what it could mean.”

Maude quietly nodded as she walked along with Starlight. “Yes. Pinkie Pie went on an on about it. She's very excited about the idea.”

“I see.” Starlight said, more uncomfortable than relieved. “What's your opinion on … you know, possibly living thousands of years.”

“I think it's an exciting idea.” Maude calmly said. “When James made the offer to me I was beside myself.”

Starlight stopped mid-step and turned to her friend. “I didn't realize he made the offer to you too.”

“Yes, he said it's because I was very important to Pinkie Pie but I think there are other reasons.”

“Really?” Starlight was getting wrapped up in the intrigue.

“But I could be wrong. Marble and Limestone were also offered, so it could be as simple as he said.”

“Huh. And not your parents?”

“My parents are staunch traditionalists and refused before he even asked. I think Limestone refused because she's afraid of living that long.”

“Uhm. I know it's none of my business, but what did Marble say?”

“She agreed, probably because she's afraid like Limestone.”

Starlight groaned as she heard Maude's explanation. “Two ponies, two different responses, for kind of the same reason.”

“Yes. But their reasons, like mine, are personal.”

“And you said yes?”

“Of course. Rocks exist all over the universe, each with it's own story waiting to be heard. And I want to know them. It's my purpose.” Maude said, her flat, monotone delivery belying the passion that she felt at the prospects opening up to her.

“But to just go on, leaving everything behind eventually.” Starlight quietly said.

Maude stopped them both, turning to face Starlight. “That's how life is Starlight. But as long as you're still around, you can find the new, the exciting. I know that one day I'll have to leave Ponyville, even Equestria, but that's to learn new things. And if I choose to come back to visit, there will be new challenges for me here when I do.”

Starlight knew her friend well enough to assign appropriate tone to what she was saying, and she couldn't help but feel the hope and excitement Maude was expressing in her own unique way.

“And I'd rather take the opportunity before it's too late.” Maude added.

This statement caught Starlight, bringing up memories of her meeting Velvet and learning that she had missed her chance with Sunburst.

“Yeah,” Starlight said uncomfortably, “don't want to be late.” she quietly added.