• Published 2nd Jun 2021
  • 1,108 Views, 56 Comments

Imperial Forclousure - The Sound of Loneliness

A young, orphaned pony discovers herself being related to one of the oldest and most powerful creatures in all the land.

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Old Enemes, New Allies

"Like this?" Tiny brought her head lower and held.

"Yes, excellent, Young Miss," Shadow calmly complimented. "This is the middle bow. It's less formal than the full bow. This is the proper informal greeting of any individuals bearing a higher title. Always remember your manners, Young Miss, it may make the difference between success and failure. Now, when a lord or a lady gives you permission, you may utilize a less compromising bow." Shadow proceeded to bow her head lightly, without moving her neck.

"Isn't that a nod?" Tiny asked, tilting her head.

"Yes, but for our purpose, this gesture is called 'upper bow'. It is the least formal bow and may only be given with explicit permission."


"Because this is the ritual. It is very important to instill respect for titles among noble mares and stallions."

"But I have no titles!"

"Not yet, Young Miss, but you are a sister of the most illustrious ruler for the land to ever see. She chose you specifically to accompany her and you must not disgrace her with your manners. Now, back to practice. Upper bow." The changeling yet again demonstrated the gesture. Tiny loudly blew through her nose and repeated the movement.

To Tiny's great relief, Shadow turned out to be much more lenient in her instruction than Daybreaker was. She refrained from punishments, instead simply correcting Tiny's stance when required. Although Tiny has guessed why exactly the changeling was showing her so much attention lately, she was still glad that it was no longer Daybreaker. One day with her sister was enough, no more breaking Nightmare's rules.
Shadow seemed to share her sentiment, as she was focusing on rules specifically. Tiny found it tedious, but she already realized that everything she was being taught was one way or another for her own good, which made it much more agreeable. Shadow's gentle approach helped too. She missed her magic lessons though.

"Now, Miss, the low bow," Shadow put her forelegs wide and lowered her whole body almost reaching the floor. "This is the bow most demanding of your technique. Without practice, you may slip, or allow an even worse disgrace."

"But the floor is dirty and I can have my fancy clothes spoiled," Tiny tried to protest.

"Miss, this is the whole message you are sending. You are willing to dirty your dress and coat to show your reverence."


Shadow heavily sighed,
"Miss, this is a ritual that must be observed before you can speak to a lord or lady. Why' is inconsequential."
Tiny pouted but did as she was told. Shadow stepped closer and leaned to inspect her pose,
"No, this is wrong, Miss," she said with her usual flat tone.

"Why?!" Tiny cried out, jumping back up.

"Because you give off the wrong emotion. You must not be tense when bowing, otherwise, you can come off as unwilling." Tiny had to rethink her image of the changeling. She wasn't harsh, but she could be absolutely insufferably aggravating, but Tiny still sighed and tried again, attempting to relax before bowing.
"Still a poor performance, Miss. But do keep practicing, your technique could use more practice regardless."

"Shadow, leave her alone, already," Twilight wearily trotted past her and dropped in a leather armchair that somehow looked almost exactly like what Tiny once saw a factory director sit on.

"Your Highness, my Mistress disagrees," Shadow answered almost immediately after. "She has been drilling Young Miss herself, but now she has no personal time."

"Shadow, we both know she didn't mean for you to teach her to properly bow," Twilight tiredly grumbled, leaning her head over the seat's back. "You, of all ponies, should know that she doesn't appreciate empty groveling."

"That is true, Princess. But all entourage of the Mistress must be properly taught to behave themselves, lest they embarrass her in public." Twilight only groaned. "Let us continue, Miss," Tiny's attention returned to Tiny.

"Your Highness, how's Daybreaker and Princess Celestia?" Tiny scrambled to continue the conversation.

"'How 'is' pronounce the word to the end, Miss," Shadow instantly corrected.

"Celestia will be fine. Luna's vampirism isn't infectious," Twilight grumbled a little at the end. "Daybreaker had me worried for a moment. She lost blood, but she will recover quickly. It's good that she didn't hesitate, unlike someone else..."

"Your Highness, you speak about the Princess' own family. Don't you think your judgment is too harsh? The Princess tried her best to get Princess Luna to come with us peacefully."

"And she failed spectacularly! She ended up injuring herself and a bystander! If it wasn't for Daybreaker, we would have more than just blood loss and lacerations! We aren't playing catch here, someone could die!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Lady Daybreaker's actions were heroic indeed," Shadow tried to gently change the subject. "Mistress must be very proud."

"Shadow, since when did you become so plastic?" Twilight sighed. "I don't remember you being afraid to say what you think before. I know you think that this was a pitiful display. We should have restrained our target and returned."

"It is not my place to say, Your Highness," Shadow responded, deflecting the jab entirely.

"Oh, to Tartarus with this," Twilight shut her eyes and said no more.

"What's wrong, Princess?" Tiny asked in her turn.

"Better to ask what's not wrong!" Twilight exploded. "Actually, who the hay are you even? Everyone foalsits you in turns like you are a foal of a queen! When I was your age you couldn't dream about Princess Celestia even knowing about my existence. And you are showered with attention by Majesty herself, her best retainer, her sister and at the same time no one I asked knows anything about you!"

"My name is Tiny..." she answered, not knowing what else to say.

"Princess, can I do anything to help with your frustration?" Shadow monotonously said.

"You can make everything back how it used to be when I had a home, friends and family, that would help an awful lot!" Twilight suddenly put her hoof to her ear. "Oh, what's that? You can't? Oh, looks like no one is helping me then?"

"I am sorry to have contributed," Shadow continued with another answer entirely in her character.

"I am not sure you even know what you did," Twilight said, her voice losing most of her energy.

"I think it is best we return to our practice," Shadow concluded.

"Yes, do that," Twilight murmured.

This time Tiny didn't try to stall. The Princess wasn't nice to talk to at all. Tiny never knew someone could exhume so much anger and frustration in such a short time. She wanted to ask Shadow to find another room to practice, but she already could tell exactly what the changeling was going to say. If she had anything to bet, she would even put it down on the exact words. Tiny spent another hour bowing until Shadow allowed her a short rest. Twilight was already gone to do some weird things she was always saying she was going to do, like check if she didn't lose any of her notes. They weren't alone for very long as the door was pulled open again and in the opening appeared the large white mare. Tiny first thought about Daybreaker, but the body language was wrong. Princess Celestia carried herself not with pompous self-certainty but with uncertain determination. She still had bruises and cuts on her body from how Tiny saw her last, but she was no longer bleeding. Another change Tiny noticed from before is her face. Her eyes were unusually focused and her mouth was stoically curved upwards.

"Your Highness," Shadow immediately middle-bowing. Tiny mimicked the motion, just to utilize her new skills. Celestia focused on them for a moment and then looked the room over.

"Where is Nightmare Moon? Your Mistress," her voice was no longer flat and emotionless, but much more alive

"She asked to not be disturbed for this one day, Your Highness," Shadow tactfully refused.

"I must speak with her, I imagine she would be displeased if you won't tell me."

"I fear I cannot be of assistance, Your Highness. I am terribly sorry," Shadow refused again without even a second of hesitation. Celestia frowned even more and walked closer. Tiny didn't flinch this time, being used to Daybreaker's imposing stature hanging over her. Celestia slowly dropped down to the floor until her belly was on the floor. Her head was still above Tiny's, so she had to bring her neck down to look into Tiny's face.

"And you, my little pony? Will you help me?" Tiny mechanically looked at Shadow, who looked back but otherwise sent no messages.

"She said she'd be with the Queen," Tiny finally answered. Celestia gave her a warm smile.

"Thank you, my little pony." Celestia patted her on the head and began standing back up, "I will go see her now if none of you mind." Celestia stood up and turned to the door, but then stopped. Tiny bit her lip already imagining what kind of punishment she will be getting this time.

"You should be in bed," Nightmare Moon said after a short starring match.

"I feel better already. I need to speak with you," Celestia responded, her voice becoming emotionless again.

"I can see that," Nightmare Moon responded ambiguously. "To save your words, I will answer now: your sister slipped away and not even Sombra knows where she is now."

"That is why I need to speak with you," Celestia sharply turned her head to glance at Tiny and Shadow.

"Speak if you must. I trust them both to hear it," Nightmare Moon agreed.

"Very well. You have ruined my life," Celestia said straight to the point. A small pause ensued.

"I did," Nightmare Moon admitted without flinching. "I believe my apology would be quite useless now."

"Indeed. Not only have you stolen my family away and turned my friends against me, but you have also destroyed everything I worked for my whole life, and none of this is reservable now." Celestia stopped, Nightmare Moon nodded in acknowledgement, "Now I ask you to help me to restore it."

"My help? Celestia, I have nothing to offer you in terms of help. I have already played great leader once. Once was enough."

"We are in agreement on that point. Would you sit?" Celestia asked curtly, but not even feigning a smile. Nightmare Moon looked down at her body and gave a short laugh.

"Of course," she agreed. "Sometimes I forget how alike we really are."

"I would like to disagree."

"Then do. I doubt this is what you really want, however."

"It is not. Nightmare Moon, I propose an alliance for mutual benefit. We both want our sister back, let us work together. While we do, we could also fix some of our mistakes," Celestia said, carefully choosing words.

"I have everything I want already, Celestia," Nightmare Moon bluntly hushed her. "I want to see Luna normal again, this is the last thing I want. Once I have her with me, you can go and do whatever you want. Fight for your throne if you must, but I will be no part of this anymore. I have all the power that I ever wanted."

"And you had more," Celestia agreed. "Your palace and city gleamed, your subjects cheered and feared you. So then, tell me: are you proud of what you achieved?" Nightmare Moon gave Celestia a stare promising all the earthly suffering, but the white mare only smiled back.
"With all your power you could have anything in the whole world but one thing, am I not right? With all your power you could never make yourself happy. The world that you've built was exactly as you designed it, it was gleaming on the outside but rotten and brittle inside. It made you suffer by just living in it."

"What do you know of suffering, Celestia?" Nightmare Moon dangerously lowered her voice. "You never had to suffer for anything in your life! Your title was passed down from our mother to the eldest daughter. I had to struggle for everything that I ever had! I spent a thousand years dreaming of the moment of settling our score! Maybe my realm was miserable, but it was mine and mine alone!"

"And you hated every moment of it. We both know it's true, Nightmare."

"What does this have to do with our present matter?"

"You owe me. You destroyed everything I worked for, help me to undo what you ruined!" Celestia demanded openly.

"And what do I get from helping you? You realize that you have nothing to offer except for your pitiful accusations and woes?"

Celestia lowered her eyes and stood silent,
"I offer my help in dealing with everyone who would not deal with you in your search," Celestia finally said in defeat.

"And then?"

"You help me to find my own allies, it would not be of any trouble to you. You have all kinds of creatures standing in queues to have a single look at you," Celestia said gloomily.

"Well, well, old friend, where have all of your hubris and righteousness disappeared?" Nightmare Moon openly laughed. "I suppose I could take you along, as long as you remember who holds your leash."

"Are we in agreement then?" Celestia said impatiently.

"Yes, yes, you can come along and use whoever else wishes to die on your hill. I expect you to make yourself useful along the way," Nightmare Moon said, already losing interest in the discussion. "Beware though, I will not tolerate you trying to put your talons into my own companions. I expect my dear sister and Twilight will be all too eager to tear you up like a pillow if I am to wish it. But it wouldn't come to that, would it? No, we will get along just fine you and me, the two vipers in a pit."

"Yes, we'll get along very well, my liege," Celestia said, burrowing into her adversary with eyes full of poison.

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