• Published 2nd Jun 2021
  • 1,108 Views, 56 Comments

Imperial Forclousure - The Sound of Loneliness

A young, orphaned pony discovers herself being related to one of the oldest and most powerful creatures in all the land.

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Flurry of A Plan

Nightmare Moon watched as her soldiers swarmed around the hangars and barracks like a colony of ants. After Luna’s departure, Nightmare Moon was forced to reconsider her strategy. She still intended to bring the city under her control, but she could not do so with military force.
She decided her current best course was to stay put, for now, and use outside ponies to make gains while her changeling and pony soldiers played pretend as a dutiful garrison. Hardly the glorious return they envisioned.

“Nightmare,” Luna’s voice came from somewhere behind her. Nightmare did not even flinch at the sudden call: she was long used to her named sibling being so abrupt. “I spoke to Cadance.”

“By the tone of your voice, I understand that you did not see as much success,” Nightmare Moon answered without turning.

“Cadance hardly even wanted to listen. The moment she saw me, she knew the purpose of my arrival,” Luna stepped to Nightmare’s side, watching her soldiers alongside her. “She agreed to aid us somewhat. Cadence will recognize Celestia’s right to the throne and send an embassy as soon as possible.”

“An ironic day that would be. A vassal recognizes her sovereign. Does Cadance even realize how easily I could put her in her place should I so desire?”

“She seems absolutely convinced that there is no greater evil other than you. I suppose your success has scared her more than it did anypony else. She has told me that ever since she saw the threat you represented to the Crystal Empire, she has not had any thoughts of peace. She said that your control of the changelings directly threatens the stability of her realm. Their loyalty to Crystal Empire hinges solely on your goodwill. It is understandable why Cadance attempts to keep you away and discredit you.”

“Ugh…” Nightmare Moon turned away from the window with an annoyed huff. “Of course it does! Who does she imagine she is to them? She is no queen. She is barely even a dutchess. She may have her own house forces, but the imperial troops were never meant to be under her command to begin with! The fact that changelings saw it prudent to lodge themselves in her fief gives her no right to command them. They swore their fealty to me, not her.”

Luna calmly nodded and followed Nightmare as she floated further towards the stairs,
“I understand your sentiment, Nightmare, but Cadance sees it differently; she understands you as a threat rather than her liege. Perhaps there is a way for the two of you to reconcile after all?”

“I see no such way. I have better things to do than deposing Cadance; she can have her little winter wonderland all to herself. I told her as much myself, yet she continued undeterred. I had considered bringing her fears to life after she refused vital supplies, yet her daughter offered her service in exchange for reconsidering. Her service has been lackluster, but I gave her my word.”

Nightmare Moon floated out of the control tower and headed towards where she knew Daybreaker was watching her young sister.

“Cadance hasn’t mentioned any such agreement,” Luna spoke. “I take it Flurry Heart did so without her consent. What precisely did she promise you?”

“Her ability as a seer. To that extent, she seems capable enough. Although she is frivolous and often leaves for extended periods. I believe you know at least some of her activities.”

“Indeed I do, Nightmare. Flurry Heart seems to have her own scheme at work. She appeared before me several days ago, bringing Sombra to me. She seems to see the future indeed; that is how he found me, whereas Sombra himself failed to after our… disagreement. She has been visiting me ever since, sometimes to speak to me, otherwise to warn me.”

“Hmmm… what kind of dealing could she have with the deposed king? He despises her almost as much as Cadance herself. Perhaps more.”

“That is unknown to me as well. I suppose I could ask him… I doubt he would deny his involvement with Flurry.”

“Let us ask her as well. Did she come with you again?”

“Yes, we separated. Flurry wished to accompany me to speak to you, but I asked her to wait. It seemed best for her to be away while we spoke of her mother.”

“Yes… She has to be annoying my sister then. How convenient for all of us to be in the same place like this… Too convenient. Luna, I know you find my assault distasteful, but there is something I believe I should speak to you about. The Bureau knows of me. My former minister, Cloudy Dawn is here. Still occupying the same post. I met her when negotiating for Celestia’s release. She was attempting to fool us into surrendering to her, more or less. I do not believe she understands the extent of our power just yet, but she knows of our intentions. Yet, no alarms have been raised. We have arrived here to find the garrison sleeping in their beds, completely oblivious to our approach. They had few sentries, and those they did have did not raise an alarm when a group of vehicles unexpectedly arrived at their base. The only thing indicating their readiness for an attack was the fact they stored their arms in their barracks instead of the armory. This caused us losses, but most of them never had a chance to wake up. This seems too easy. An aware enemy would not behave like this unless they were either extremely disorganized or had a plan in place. I cannot shake off the feeling that I led my soldiers into a trap. And conveniently, we are all here tonight… including the normally aloof Flurry Heart.”

“Do you believe Cloudy Dawn could outsmart us like this?”

“No… Dawn would not dare. She is a viper, but a viper only bites when stepped on or when she worms her way into one’s bed.”

“Wouldn’t killing us in one swoop be worth the risk? You always took much care when dealing with her in the past.”

“Dawn would only try something so brazen if she was absolutely sure she would succeed, which she is not sure of. Dawn knows us, and we know her; she knows she can not harm me and that others will likely escape. Such an act will surely result in her death, as I would leave no stone unturned to find her.”

“Who, then?”

“That is the part I dread, for I do not know. There is some other force at play here, one that we have not discovered yet. It would seem it can only be Flurry Heart herself. She does indeed seem to see the future; it would not be hard for her to nudge the events to have us all converge here at the same time. And in that case, we have already played right into her hooves and may only see what she has planned for us. It would be a humbling experience for sure.”

Both mares headed towards the gathering, and neither knew what to expect.

The room they were gathering in was mostly silent, save for the quiet talking between Rarity and Tiny, as well as… Shadow and Flurry Heart. Even that all ceased at once as Luna appeared at the door.

Luna stiffly walked in, with Nightmare floating immediately behind her. Daybreaker cautiously stepped back. Celestia and Luna exchanged glances and silent promises as only siblings could.
For a while, no one spoke, cautiously evaluating each other… and possible weaknesses. There would be no fighting here, aside from the verbal kind, of course… yet in all other respects, the gathering looked just like any court Nightmare Moon had ever seen. She was growing tired of this: all present, besides Flurry Heart, were either family or about to become as much. There should be no such mistrust among them.

“So,” Nightmare Moon slowly spoke up, staring directly at Flurry. “We are all here. This is no coincidence. Everyone in this room has a reason to be here tonight. Yet only a few are here at my behest.”

“Nightmare Moon, spare us your dour speeches,” Celestia hurried, having no desire to hear her speak more than necessary.

“Indeed I should,” Nightmare Moon agreed. “Perhaps the one responsible for us being here tonight would like to speak instead?” Nightmare Moon pointedly looked at Flurry.

Following Nightmare Moon’s look, first Celestia, then one by one, all the others looked at Flurry. The young alicorn visibly shrunk. Hesitating for a few moments, Flurry slowly made her way to the middle of the room.

“I…” Flurry began, but stopped, catching Nightmare’s outright hostile glare. “She is right,” Flurry admitted. “All of you are here because of me.”

The relatively quiet room suddenly became entirely silent.

“If it wasn’t for me, Nightmare would probably be either putting my mom into a dungeon or in the middle of signing drafting orders. You're all probably wondering what I'm trying to do and why, and I kept telling you that I can’t tell you yet, but it seems it’s about time.”

“Then you admit it,” Nightmare Moon said contentedly. “Speak, what game do you play? Is this your doing that our enemy restricts itself so that we may achieve our goals?”

“No, I got nothing to do with that. Sabotaging them would have taken too much attention and wouldn’t have made a difference in the end.”

“Then what kind of tapestry do you weave, my young spider?” Nightmare Moon spoke without a hint of warmness to her voice.

“I am not doing all that much, honestly,” Flurry smiled. “I didn’t lie to you when I said that I am working for your benefit. You’ll thank me in the end, trust me.”

“I will do no such thing, not for a single more moment,” Nightmare Moon wavered side to side in annoyance. “Speak, or I shall order your arrest.”

Flurry cringed,
“Sure… So, I guess I won’t waste anyone’s time and get to the point. A few years ago, I had a vision of a future Equestria, finally peaceful again and with all of you alive and well, working together for everyone’s benefit. It was only a brief moment before it was gone, but ever since, I have been trying to find a way to make it a reality; it’s not as simple as you’d think it would be if you could know the future. The future is not like fate: it’s not set in stone, not for anyone or anything. Every moment, it changes, and I can only see where it’s heading right now; in a moment, it can be something different entirely. I was the one who talked Mom into turning on you, Nightmare.”

Daybreaker meaningly grumbled, but no one paid her mind.

“Ah… I suppose I should have thought so. But then again, Cadence’s initial favorable reception was surprising, considering how much she disdains me.”

“Mom is afraid of you: she thinks you are a monster that destroys ponies’ livelihoods and wants power over anything else. Well, she never really said exactly what she thinks about you, but it has to be something pretty bad if she’s willing to put her own life on the line to bring you down.”

“Your mother can believe whatever she wants, this has nothing to do with her. You said that it was you who made her turn on me, to what purpose?” Nightmare Moon evenly asked.

“By accident. I wanted to explain to her why changelings follow you instead of her. As soon as she heard how deep it really goes, she started plotting.”

Nightmare Moon stared at her silently, waiting for her to add more.

“You are a lousy diviner,” Nightmare Moon said in the end. “And to prevent me from crushing her, you gave yourself up to me. Was this the extent of your meddling?”

“No. This is not even the main part. You see, the reason I couldn’t talk to you about this before was because I knew you wouldn’t have believed me if I told you I had your best interests in mind.”

“I still do not believe so.”

“But you will! I know you deeply regret Chrysalis’ death… because without her, the Changelings will die out, and knowing that you could have prevented it makes your heart bleed. What if I told you I could get them a new queen?”

“No,” Nightmare Moon simply said. “You will not. I will have my soldiers put you to the wall before I let you do what your mother has failed to do. Speaking of which, I believe this charade has gone long enough. Sister, bring here a few of my soldiers: ponies.”

“Nightmare,” Celestia sternly spoke up. “Wait before you do something you may regret later.”

Daybreaker looked at Nightmare with a silent question. After a moment of deliberation, Nightmare reluctantly agreed to wait, “Very well. I can afford a moment more of patience."

“And that is why I couldn’t tell you…” Flurry continued. “If you let me finish, I would’ve told you that there’s a way of everyone getting what they want. Changelings will be loyal to you, but they will still have a queen so they won’t die out. It just happens that I need your help with this part.”

“My help?” Nightmare Moon asked incredulously. “What kind of help could I provide that no one else can?”

“That… I think it’s better if I show you. Twilight, can you make us a teleportation circle real quick?” Flurry asked Twilight, who silently tried to keep her brain from overheating from calculations of the implications of what she had just heard.

“Circle? Yes, yes, of course. Where to?”

“To the Castle of the Two Sisters.” The room became completely silent again. “I’ll make sense soon, I promise.”

“Do as she asks,” Nightmare Moon said. “I suppose we need a teleportation circle here as well, regardless.”

“I’ll get my components,” Twilight began swiftly trotting towards the door.

Nightmare Moon waited until she left, before warning:
“I tire of your games, Flurry Heart. I wish to be done with my labors and retire. I have not made my way here to toil again for ungrateful hypocrites such as your mother. I will humor you this once, but after tonight, I shall order your arrest if I hear that you continue scheming against my cause.”

Flurry Heart looked at her indignantly.

“I'm trying to fix your mistake! The Changelings lost their Queen because you failed to keep her away from danger!”

“I am no foalsitter. Chrysalis made her choice. I did not kill her; her inability to accept defeat did.”

“And you could prevent it! Now their whole race is dying out because you let her out of the cell!”

“She would have died of starvation if I did not! I would not throw my own subjects into her cell just to feed her! The only thing that I regret is sending my Shadow away: I only caused sadness for both of us.”

“Liar,” Flurry smirked. “But that doesn’t matter anymore because I will fix it. The Changeling race will live on, continue obeying you, and live in peace with ponies.”

“You? Save the Changeling race? How would you accomplish that? Chrysalis left no successor to replace her.”

“That is what I intend to show you… just a little patience. You have waited a thousand years on the moon. What is a few minutes?”

Nightmare Moon did not deign to respond, figuring that deeds would be louder than any words could be. Twilight soon returned and began drawing the circle on the floor. Everyone patiently waited.

Nightmare Moon needed to consult someone on how to act after Flurry’s stunt tonight. She did not doubt that the youngest alicorn did for sure have something substantial, but she did not believe that it would be enough to redeem her after the damage she had done. Flurry Heart was one of the few creatures she ever encountered that she could not deal with by simply putting her in a cell or giving her a meaningless job to keep her time left for schemes to a minimum. Celestia could give such advice, although her expertise does not include ponies capable of seeing the future. The other choice could be Rarity, if only she was on hoof. Come to think of it… where would she be at such a moment? If Tiny was here, then she had no immediate concerns that would be keeping her away. She’d order her found the very moment they were done with this pantomime.

One by one, they entered the shimmering gate into the now rather empty Castle. Flurry then led them outside and down into the ravine. There was a cave. Nightmare Moon caught Daybreaker’s disturbed look.

“We cannot go in there,” Nightmare Moon said, stopping. “We are unwelcome there.”

Flurry gave her a surprised look,
“Why? The Tree of Harmony is nice to all who are nice to others.”

“It will smite me and my sisters if it has a chance. It happened to me once before.”

“Smite you? Are you talking about when Celestia sent you to the moon? Why would it do that now?”

Nightmare Moon sighed,
“Are you truly this ignorant? The Tree exists to protect Equestria from the likes of me. It always attempted to aid my enemies in the past.”

“Nightmare Moon, while I would not disagree, I believe the Tree will acknowledge your change of heart,” Celestia pinched in. “This once, you have nothing to fear from the Tree.”

“My Lady, I think Princess Celestia is right. The Tree of Harmony doesn’t normally take direct action,” Twilight echoed.

“Very well,” Nightmare Moon reluctantly agreed. “Though I will make a contingency first. My Shadow.”

“Yes, Mistress?” Shadow perked up.

“Stay here. If I do not return with Flurry Heart - kill her.” Shadow stared emotionlessly at a visibly nervous Flurry.

“Mistress, perhaps I should come inside? It would be easier to snap her neck if I am close.”

“Would it be too much to ask that you do not discuss the murder of my niece?!” Celestia angrily forced herself in.

“I agree. Nightmare, I understand that you have few reasons to trust her… but perhaps ordering dear Shadow to murder Flurry Heart is excessive,” Luna came to Celestia’s aid. “If the Tree indeed sends you away again, we will simply resummon you the same way you returned Celestia.”

“Hmm, very well. You may be right. And I do wish to get this over with.”

Flurry Heart continued her way inside the cave, soon turning the corner. Nightmare Moon followed suit, although merely being so close to the one thing she still feared was stressful. When she finally laid her eyes on the tree, she did not feel pain in her very being. The calm light of the Tree did not harm her, although she felt none of its warmth either. There was something bright and yellow among its branches.

“Philomena!” Celestia called happily. With a loud cry, the phoenix swept down from the Tree and landed on her mistress’ back, immediately nuzzling her neck. “I missed you oh so much!”

The appearance of the phoenix lifted spirits among the companions. Tiny was utterly fascinated with the curious bird, but that is for later.

“Hello, Philomena,” Shadow respectfully bowed her head to the bird. “I hope Miss Fluttershy is also well.” But the phoenix only stared back at her with deep sadness.

Flurry cleared her throat. She stood next to something large and black at the roots of the Tree,
“As nice as it is to meet with old friends, we really need to get a move on. Nightmare, please, come.”

Nightmare Moon came closer, close enough to see precisely what Flurry had there.

“Chrysalis. Does no one stay dead anymore?” Nightmare sarcastically asked.

“Oh, she’s dead,” Flurry grinned, nudging the changeling’s head. “See? It’s just her body, Chrysalis herself is not at home.”

“Is this your plan then? To resurrect my enemy?”

“Oh no, not at all! I want to resurrect you!” Flurry pointed at Nightmare with her hoof, still smugly grinning.

“Excuse me?”

“I want you to have Chrysalis’ body and be a real queen for changelings.”

Nightmare Moon was silent… she was stunned. A changeling queen? Her?! Nightmare never gave such a thing a thought. They were different species. She always saw herself as a queen only for ponies; that was very different from being a queen to changelings.

“My dear niece, is this truly wise?” Celestia stepped closer. “I have never heard of such magic being practiced safely. Surely you have given thought to the complications.”

“It’s not the magic you should think about, Aunty. Nightmare is a ghost; she can possess things and bodies too. I simply made it so that she wouldn’t have to possess an empty skeleton. Took some convincing, but I managed to get Sombra to write me a scroll with a spell to do this. If anyone knows how to do this right, it’s him. Aunty, you have to understand: the Changelings are dying out. There are very few left, and they keep throwing themselves out to die. They don’t know how to live in any other way. They need a queen, or they will disappear entirely. They already follow Nightmare, and she doesn’t want to lead ponies anymore. Unlike Chrysalis, Nightmare doesn’t see them as just tools. She’d be a great queen to them. I have foreseen it!”

“That can work, actually,” Twilight mused. “If it does, the changelings will be safe and even live in peace with ponies! That would be almost like adding a new tribe!”

Twilight’s excitement did little to embolden Nightmare Moon. She respected changelings and adored them as her subjects…but she was a pony. She couldn’t just…

“Mistress? Are you feeling unwell?” Shadow stared at her point blank, with eyes betraying rare concern.

“I… Yes… I do… I don’t know what to think or do. I may no longer be a living mare… but to just…” Nightmare Moon suddenly met eyes with Tiny; her little sister stared at her with bewildered eyes and a tilted head. A thought ran through her mind. No… she could not do this. Not in another thousand years.

“I… Would you excuse me, I need to leave.”

And just like Sombra before her… she quickly flew out of the cave in a single, long trail.

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