• Published 2nd Jun 2021
  • 1,114 Views, 57 Comments

Imperial Forclousure - The Sound of Loneliness

A young, orphaned pony discovers herself being related to one of the oldest and most powerful creatures in all the land.

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Noble Shaman

"Uhmm... I was hoping to leave Cadance out of this. I confess I have no desire to interact with her again," Nightmare Moon said drearily.

"Cadance would be of great help to us, she is undoubtedly more aware of the situation in our homeland than anyone else of our remaining friends," Celestia countered, shuffling slightly in her deep, leather armchair. "Aswell as provide us with her soldiers and a staging ground."

"If you could sway her."

"When I can sway her."

Both mares loudly huffed, but neither one stated their contradictions. Nightmare Moon eventually averted her eyes and stared into the fireplace instead.

"You should gather your former Guard as well, I reckon they would be glad to fight for us again if need be," Celestia calmly suggested.

"Leave them out of this!" Nightmare Moon sharply jabbed back.

"You, of all of us, should know that war cannot be waged without sacrifice. Loathe as I am to admit it, we would undoubtedly have to make war to reclaim our land," Celestia stated. Her newfound coldbloodedness was making Nightmare Moon uneasy. Was Celestia always like this and simply pretended, or is this another one of her own crimes?

"War is the greatest method of reclaiming ruins, Celestia," Nightmare Moon contradicted.

"I suppose we would have to wait until we know more," Celestia agreed to postpone the discussion. "In the meantime, order Twilight to start charting the teleportation circle to Crystal Empire next. We will need to speak to my niece all the same."

"We could gather our own intel, it would likely be more up to date and accurate than Cadance could provide."

"I suppose we would need to at some point, yes," Celestia agreed. "But until we can afford to conduct reconnaissance, reconnaissance we must first approach our goal from afar. Especially since our enemies are now alerted of our presence."

"My sorry cult will not be an obstacle. They will not dare to challenge us directly now that Luna and her High Priestess know that they cannot win."

"You underestimate them by saying so, by attacking them in their home, we pushed them in a corner. The desperate enemy is the most dangerous one."

"I know them, Celestia. They are a tool, not an actor. They are incapable of establishing their own agenda. They only can follow orders, and even that they do poorly. They cause more trouble to their masters than they are worth."

"Did they not force my sister to be their willing tool?"

"Hah! If only… they will walk off a cliff if she tells them to. Zealots are very predictable."

"And what if that is exactly what they needed as a leader? My sister leads them quite capably, it would seem. And the sister I knew would never associate herself with the likes of them."

"Hmph, fine. We will monitor them."

"We would need to do more than that…, we must contain them," Celestia pushed further. "You are well aware by now how corrosive these zealots are. They are a danger to our society."

"Celestia, I am tired of this. You were pushing edging me for days over your disdain towards a few pitiful fanatics. They have your sister, but they are beyond our reach for now. We have no time to scour every hiding spot they might have found."

"Then perhaps you should stop stalling and give the order. The sooner we contact Cadance, the sooner we will know more."

Nightmare Moon would've bitten her lip if she had any. Celestia caught her again. They weren't on friendly terms just yet, but Nightmare Moon still enjoyed Celestia seeing through her. It was nice to finally be understood. Paradoxically, her tricks not working brought her comfort.

"I will give the order," Nightmare Moon said in the end.

"I suggest you do so right away, I will gather our host while you prepare. I reckon they will be better-off among our own people."

"Reasonable, I also would like to bring Queen Sky Star along. It would do both her and Cadance good to get acquainted."

"Very well, I see no harm coming from it," Celestia agreed, not even trying to pretend interested.

Considering their daily council over, Nightmare Moon left the sun mare alone, retreating straight through the closed door that led into the corridor. There she immediately discovered that their discussion wasn't private.

"Sister, I do not appreciate you growing such a long nose," Nightmare Moon tiredly said.

Daybreaker immediately jumped away from the door. Caught with her ear on the door, she knew that there was no point trying to make excuses and therefore didn't even try.

"Come," Nightmare Moon decided to not berate her with her former host obviously being able to hear it. "We are departing today. Celestia will gather our sisters while we need to prepare to depart. Tell Twilight to gather her supplies and meet us down there, I must speak with the Queen."

"As you say," Daybreaker respectfully bowed.

"Thank you. You are the best sister in the world," Nightmare Moon gave her sister a quick 'hug'. She noticed Daybreaker even lightly smiling at the show of affection. She was glad, Daybreaker was beautiful when she was smiling, and she did so very rarely.

Nightmare Moon said her farewells and went to find her... protege, she supposed. Recalling Sky Star's schedule, she was meant to hold court now, which meant that she had nothing to do. Her courtroom was very humble by Nightmare Moon's royal standards, as well. She expected such a room to belong to a count at most. But Nightmare Moon started to see the benefits… her throne room was much cozier than her own admittedly cold and heartless box.

The Queen sat on her equally humble throne, with only wooden furnish, and listened to someone from the cabinet petition her. It was not related to either financing or politics, but to some administrative issue that they seemed to be unable to resolve without the Queen's signature, so Nightmare Moon did not bother listening closely. Eventually, Sky Star signed his paper, the hippogriff bowed and turned to leave. She didn't make herself too obvious, waiting to the side, but he still sensed her looking at him. He looked straight at her, slightly shocked. She pointed at Sky Star with her eyes. He mirrored her gesture and remembered what he was supposed to say: "L-lady," he gave her a small bow and hurried away.

"Must be something on my face," Nightmare Moon dryly joked, joining the Queen as she stood up from her seat.

"Or perhaps your general visage. If you really can change your look on a whim perhaps you should consider appearing less… intimidating," Sky Star answered.

"Oh, this... My looks come from a much younger age, when I was much less restrained. When I was young, the idea of terrifying the onlookers with my very image seemed appealing. All of us make mistakes in our youth, I suppose."

"Why won't you fix your mistake then?"

"It feels wrong," Nightmare Moon answered simply. "This is the image remembered by those that know me. It became something of a part of me, something that I chose myself instead of inheriting it from my host. How can I simply put all of this aside?"

"Forgive me, Lady Moon, but you do not come off as this sentimental. Weren't you the one who advised me to enter a political marriage?"

"I suppose no, I do not come off sentimental," Nightmare Moon agreed with a sigh. "Milady, I came to offer you another opportunity to enhance your abilities. My host departs today for the land of another Princess that you have are yet to meet. Princess Cadance. She is the only one of us that retained her sovereignty, and I expect it would be most useful for you to meet her. We are charting a teleportation circle, so you could safely travel there and back. Perhaps you could even exchange embassies."

Sky Star looked puzzled,
"You can travel that far away so quickly?" she said in disbelief.

"Why, yes. Instantaneous too. Our people's magical abilities are unrivaled in their flexibility."

"Then why do you waste your effort on building vehicles such as the trains and your trucks? They are a great boon to us but seem redundant for you."

"Ah, that is a very good question, Milady. The issue with the teleportation circle is that it is very fragile. It is no more than chalk on the floor, as you can imagine, moving cargo or even walking over it, and especially water proves fatal to it. It is required that a unicorn wizard monitors the circle at all times, ready to repair it as needed and that we cannot afford. I must say, Celestia's program for training wizards was producing only a few sufficiently gifted candidates every several years. I intended to reform and expand her School for Gifted Unicorns, but I could never follow through with it.
Another downside, fatal to some, is the cost of a mistake. A miscalculation of coordinates will undoubtedly lead travelers to a place they never intended to be in. I trust Twilight to chart our circles, but she is far beyond an average wizard, you see. Twilight checks her every equation and symbol several times over even though she rarely makes mistakes in the first place."

"A disappointing answer, I must say. Very well, I suppose we could go for a visit. How long, do you reckon, will it take?"

"No more than several hours, unless an emergency happens. You shall be back by dark. Of course, you can always return later in a more official manner if you desire a dignified reception."

"I understand. I will see Blue Streak about a practical dress then."

"Meet us in our camp, we will be waiting for you."

"I agree. We will be there," considering their discussion over, Sky Star vacated her throne room through the very same door Nightmare Moon herself just floated through. The dark mare sighed once more and made her way through the first open window of which there were many on this summer day.

Her camp was already packing. Her sisters beamed upon seeing her.

"Lady!" Mister Rich called for her from below.

"What Mister Rich?" Nightmare Moon asked him upon coming close enough so that she didn't have to yell in return. The stallion slightly shuddered, upon seeing her poor mood.

"It's about your former Guards, Lady," Rich decided to be quickly out with it. "Sergeant... or was it corporal? ...Blackhoof and his two cronies came to look for you here. They asked you to take them with us."

Nightmare Moon sighed heavily. So they finally heard. Hardly surprising. Considering the size of their host, she did not even try to hide who she was. Part of her wanted to accept her soldiers back, after all, she loved them as only a fellow warrior could. But it sickened her, they gave up so much for her sake. How could she demand more from them, much less to take them away from their established lives yet again. She was flattered that they still would follow her if she would only ask them to, but she couldn't be selfish enough to accept.

"Lady?" Rich asked her again, wanting an answer.

"Leave them be," Nightmare Moon answered short. This wasn't the time for sentimental memories or discussions. They were on the move and she needed to assume command over those that still needed her. She started to search for Twilight with her eyes. She found her quickly, hard at work drawing the circle on the concrete. She was about to go to her, but she suddenly caught another pony staring back at her. It was a reasonably young pony stallion, stallion, slack-jawed and eyes open in stunned bewilderment. He was familiar to her. Yes, yes, she remembered now. She wanted to give him a smile, just to indicate that she remembered him, but had to limit herself to simple eye gestures. She looked at him and then looked at the ground, then looked at him again. Then, without looking away, she slowly floated towards Twilight. Nightmare Moon hoped that he understood her.

"Twilight, your progress?" Nightmare Moon finally looked at her Princess straight again.

"Another moment," Twilight answered.

"Where are my sisters, Twilight? Daybreaker was supposed to be with you."

"That filly is with Shadow, they are inside Daybreaker's tent. Once Shadow heard about where we’re going, she started giving the filly some last-minute etiquette lessons," Twilight answered without looking up from her work.

"Twilight, her name is Tiny. It is not respectable to keep forgetting her name." Twilight suddenly looked up from her work.

"Lady, with all due respect, I cannot be bothered to learn every name you come in contact with." Twilight then stared back at her waiting for what kind of scolding she was about to get. But Nightmare Moon could've only smiled in response.

"Good, Twilight!" Nightmare Moon softly said.

"You approve?" Twilight tilted her head to the side.

"Of course, Twilight. I always wanted for you to learn to question authority. Even mine."

"I don't understand, didn't you want me to be your second?"

"Yes, Twilight. That is exactly what I wanted. I wanted you to be able to replace me when needed. I never wanted you to be just another servant, let alone a tool, how Celestia made you. We may be your betters, but we are not above you. We are not above your questioning."

"That means that I can scrutinize your decisions?" Twilight asked with a lingering hint of disbelief.

"When it is necessary. Twilight, while I do encourage your scrutiny, be mindful that I only do so because I trust in your expertise. You understand much, but not all, and therefore your counterpoints are only appreciated when they have any knowledge behind them. Do I make myself clear?"

"Perfectly, Lady. While we are at this, if I may. I believe we should start preparing for our inevitable confrontation. I made a short overview for when you might have considered hiring skilled soldiers, as well as some of our own veterans that may still be willing and young enough to fight." Twilight started levitating her saddlebags, opening them.

"Twilight, let's focus on the task before us, please. We will speak about this when the time comes."

"Oh, right. Of course, Lady. I understand," Twilight dropped her bags down.

"I hope you do, Twilight. Carry on, for now."

Nightmare Moon went straight for her sister's tent.

"Hold like... this. Good. How quickly you learn, little pony!" Nightmare Moon heard Celestia before she came close to the tent. She wasn't surprised that Celestia was already on her way working on her little sister. Whether she had to stop her or not, she hadn't decided just yet.

Nightmare Moon found Celestia prostrating herself next to Tiny as she herself practiced the low bow. Celestia keenly watched for her posture to be correct. Shadow awkwardly stood aside.

"Mistress," she greeted Nightmare Moon as she entered the tent. Celestia immediately stood up from her position. Tiny wanted to follow her.

"Hold," Celestia ordered. "My liege,' she nodded to Nightmare Moon. "I trust all is proceeding according to your plan?" she said without any of the warmth she showed to Tiny.

"Quite, Twilight will be finishing shortly. I suggest we begin gathering this tent as well. Say, where is my sister? Twilight told me she was here."

"She was here just a moment ago. I believe she said she had forgotten something at the lab and went to fetch it." Nightmare Moon's mood soured further. This wasn't good. Her sister was avoiding Celestia, but she reckoned it was progress nonetheless that she did not attempt to challenge her to a duel or some other uncivilized way of resolving conflicts. As to her sister and her issue, Nightmare Moon had a feeling that Daybreaker will be speaking out herself soon.

The preparations were completed quickly soon after. It was just like they did before - orderly column. Nightmare Moon's sisters picked up quickly. Though their weapons training would not do them good against gunpowder weapons, the discipline that came with it would. They stood in formation for another hour, not a single complaint voiced until the Queen arrived in a simplistic yellow dress that was only reaching her knees. Her mood was overall pleasant, excited to do something meaningful.

"I am grateful you could come, Milady," Nightmare Moon greeted her as Sky Star approached. "But are you sure you would not bring your Guard? They have an important ceremonial role."

"I believe we would have time later for stiff official ceremonies. For the moment, I would like to know Princess Celestia's niece more informaly. I hope that would be of no hindrance to you."

"Not at all, Milady. It is much more informative than an official ceremony, to be sure. There is a little request that I must make in this case, however. Do remember that Princess Cadance is not a pureblooded noble mare. Much like Twilight, she was adopted into the Canterlot royalty by Princess Celestia. This, technically, means that you vastly outrank her. Still, this does not mean that we can expect a particularly lavish reception. Cadance was never known for strict adherence to etiquette, you see. I humbly request you to be understanding in case if she makes a mistake outside the official protocol. She is educated well enough to conduct an official visit, but she can be stubborn and uncooperative when in private. Please keep in mind that she would not want to insult you even if it seems otherwise."

"I suppose we would have to see, won't we? I am sure it will go well."

"Yes, Milady. Best to not overthink this."

They were forced to wait for a short while until Daybreaker reappeared.

"I am sorry to have made you all wait," Daybreaker said to no one in particular, abandoning her usually, albeit ingenuine, politeness. Nightmare Moon and the Queen share a silent stare.

"It is time we were on the move," Nightmare Moon said.

The bitter cold in the north never bothered Nightmare Moon, she even enjoyed it. She belonged in the dark, after all, and the dark was cold. It simply felt right for her to be in a place where the temperature didn't rise above freezing point year-round. If it wasn't for the wind... She felt none of it anymore, which could not be said about her shivering host. Twilight missed her target by miles, forcing them to march in the freezing cold. At least they knew exactly where their destination was, the spire of the Crystal Palace shined bright as it always did.

Her sisters had no complaints. Nightmare Moon was slowly growing to respect their resilience and integrity. There were no more complaints ever since their first march together. As sorry as she was for them, they followed her without question no matter where she went. She couldn't help but doubt her decision to distance herself away from providing active leadership. She abhorred the idea of chaining herself to another throne, yet it looked less and less feasible for her to stay away from it. No matter where she went, there were always creatures that wanted her to be their leader. Of course, a lot of them knew her by her reputation or even personally, but she had no doubt that even if she was a total stranger, it wouldn't have changed much.

"H-how, m-m-much, f-further?" the Queen, however, fared much worse. Helped only by her singular aide, she was shivering with her whole body. No doubt regretting her frivolous decision.

"Twenty more minutes at the current pace, Milady," Nightmare Moon answered without turning or stopping. "Sister, help her," Daybreaker from the left of her sharply changed her pace for the Queen and Blue Streak to catch up with her.

As Nightmare Moon promised, they did reach the edge of the Crystal City weather sphere. Creatures were stepping through it reluctantly and staring at the green grass below as if it was the very first time they saw it. Nightmare Moon allowed them all a moment of respite to warm themselves. They couldn't rest for long, however. Nightmare Moon soon spotted a group coming their way. Two of them were armed, but the rest weren't, which led her to believe that these had to be the reception delegates. As amateurish as she expected from Cadance. It could've only been worse if she came herself.

She waited for them to approach but the mare in old-fashioned butler clothes,
"Welcome!" she said with a beaming smile, Nightmare Moon's look doing nothing to discourage her. "We were expecting you, Your Majesty," she addressed Nightmare Moon directly. She acknowledged the spokesmare with a nod.

"It seems we will not be resting long. Sister, call Celestia and Twilight. Milady and I will have a head start."

"As you wish, Nightmare," Daybreaker said without enthusiasm.

"Now, Milady, shall we?"

"Yes, let us," Sky Star answered, still having shivers from the cold weather. Nightmare Moon approached their welcoming party first, as she was supposed to introduce everyone. She gave the mare a questioning look.

"My name is Cold Snap, Your Majesty," the mare bowed. "I am Princess Cadance's diplomatic aide." Nightmare Moon hummed approvingly. Since Cadance couldn't know they were coming, this had to be the best she could do to receive them. At least she showed enough awareness to not send border guards.

"I take it other gentlecolts with you are here for utilitarian issues?"

"Correct, Your Majesty. This is Sir Rolling Thunder, a cavalier of the Crystal Heart order, he is to-"

"Rolling Thunder?" Nightmare Moon stopped her, putting her focus on the stallion. He immediately put forth his best attention stance for her, "The world is a small place, Captain."

"Permission to speak, Your Majesty!" he asked, not hiding his excitement, unbefit to his honorable age. Nightmare Moon chuckled twice at him.

"Granted, Captain."

"Today is the happiest day for the last forty years!" he stamped out words as energetically as even Nightmare did not remember him do. The genuine simplicity of the old warrior would've made Nightmare Moon tear up. Which made her all the more grateful for being dead, as crying in public would've been completely inappropriate.

"The feeling is quite mutual, Captain. But I suppose we would have time to catch up later, won't we?
Lady Cold Snap, I believe my old Captain has a reason to be here?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, Knight Rolling Thunder will be overseeing security measures for you. While Mister Goldmine has graciously offered to take the expense of your companion’s accommodation."

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Majesty!" the stallion took off his fedora. Nightmare Moon was always reluctant to accept the new fashion, although, by this time, it was hardly new. Nightmare Moon heard steps behind her, which meant the time for the idle chat was over.

"The pleasure is all mine, Sir," Nightmare Moon responded. "Allow me to introduce you to Queen Sky Star, the ruling monarch of Mount Aris and all hippogriffs. As well as my own retinue," Nightmare Moon turned and began recounting: "Princess Celestia, you have no doubt heard of her. Don't confuse her with my sister Daybreaker, although she looks similar. Finally, Princess Twilight, the youngest Princess in our entourage," each noble mare gave a curt bow as Nightmare Moon named them. "Lastly, I have to introduce my own aide. My Shadow, come out," the changeling uneasily stepped from behind the line of nobility. She was clearly uneasy to be back here again. "This is Shadow Crest, my oldest and most loyal retainer to date. I understand that you may have doubts about her kind, but I assure you, she will do no one any harm," Nightmare Moon explained while touching her changeling's back with her ethereal body.

"Oh, I assure you, Your Majesty, there would be no issue in this regard," Cold Snap widely smiled. "We have many changelings living with us in the city. We had wonderful relations with them ever since you removed their Queen."

"Truly? Did Princess Cadance sign a treaty with them?" Nightmare Moon asked in mild disbelief at how easily changelings seemed to adapt to the situation.

"I suppose you could say that," her smile disappeared. "After you were gone, Princess was approached by General Pharynx, who was speaking for the remainder of the changelings under Chrysalis. The treaty itself is only partially open to the public, but the changelings who wished it were granted special citizenship. They have all the rights as we do for two exceptions: they must carry their identification with them at all times, and they are not allowed to hold government positions outside their own hierarchy."

"Terms are far from fair," Nightmare Moon remarked.

"They were born from necessity," Cold Snap countered. "Changelings had no complaints either, they are content with their own internal autonomy within the state. They have their own court, they may own property, they have the right to serve in the military and attain any rank."

"Very well. It is not my place to protest," Nightmare Moon agreed. "If the Princess wouldn't mind, we would like an audience."

"Of course, Your Majesty!" the smile was back on Cold Snap's face. "I would take you to the Palace right now if you wish, the Princess expects you."

"A single moment, if you will. I must give orders to set up camp."

"Certainly, Your Majesty."

Nightmare Moon was both impressed and concerned at the same time. How did Cadance know so quickly who, exactly, was coming to her? As Cold Snap led them to the palace, Nightmare noticed the citizenry was not prone to excessive staring. Almost as if a delegation as unusual as theirs was an everyday occurrence. The citizenry was not as Nightmare Moon remembered either. They mostly were ponies, as is fitting, but occasionally there also was a changeling walking down the street, without even trying to hide. All of them were young. She didn't find faces she remembered, although, for this race, it was hardly surprising - they all looked so alike. Except for her Shadow, of course. Nightmare Moon glanced over her non-existent shoulder and noted her Shadow's head bowed to the ground and legs bent to make her height smaller. Oh, it was so selfish of her! Nightmare Moon forgot to think of her dear Shadow's feelings. It must be terribly stressful for her to be among her own kind again and look them in the eyes after so many years. Nightmare Moon made a mental note to give her some affection later.

Crystal City was remarkably unchanged since the last time Nightmare Moon visited it. Apart from the changelings that occasionally walked by and trailed them with their large, inexpressive eyes. Cadance's palace looked just the same as well. Even the atmosphere didn't change despite the passing of time. It was almost like the time had frozen here along with everything else outside the protective dome.

They were marched directly to the palace, clearly, Cadance didn't plan to waste their time. Nightmare Moon was long past believing in clear kindness in creatures of her own social status, therefore this show of hospitality must serve a purpose. What Cadance would want with her was a mystery to Nightmare Moon for now.

"Is the Princess prepared to see us, or perhaps we should be prepared to wait?" Nightmare Moon asked their escort. The answer itself was of little interest to Nightmare Moon, but the way the aide said it might yield some more information.

"Princess Cadance began to prepare for you the moment you arrived in the region. She will see you immediately," Cold Snap answered crisply and without hesitation. Curious, it would seem the Princess was waiting for much longer than that. Her reaction time was far too quick.

As promised, they were taken directly into the Palace. The armed guards gave them a military salute, Nightmare Moon was certain their faces were familiar. Was Cadance trying to appease her all of a sudden? The dark mare was growing more intrigued by the moment. Her relationship with Cadance was always cold at the best of times, but she nonetheless fell in line, and Nightmare Moon, in return, respected her noble right to the throne of the Crystal Empire. They could never be friends, not even now, but Nightmare Moon still was glad to have someone else who had royal blood in her. Cadance was perhaps the only one she didn't have to look down on in the latter years, the... honesty in their relationship was refreshing. She loved Twilight and her friends, even the obnoxious Rainbow Dash, but they still were nothing but peasants. In one case, quite literally.

On their way to the throne chamber, Nightmare Moon noticed another peculiarity. Princess Cadance changed the decor. The last time she was her guest, Nightmare Moon found the interior rather bland. It was very minimalistic, almost exactly like Sombra preferred it, with only the necessary furnishings, such as chairs, tables, furniture and, in a few cases, carpets. Now, however, it looked like a proper palace. The corridors had soft cushions where one could sit and discuss their latest visit to a theatre, windows were draped and now were properly framed with glass to keep the northern wind out, the floor had large and soft carpets everywhere and not just in the throne and guest chambers. The place in general looked more lived-in. Cadance also seemed to make use of the modern utilities. Electric lights, covered with some semblance of artistic covers to prevent the light from shining directly into the eyes of passing servants. Although, the crystal walls still had a tendency to amplify even the mutest light to almost unbearable luminosity, Nightmare Moon was glad that her light-sensitive eyes were gone with her body, otherwise, now she would've been be nearly blind and in constant, skull-shattering pain.

The doors were still as Nightmare Moon remembered them and still had to be opened by the two soldiers standing on the outside of the throne room. Inside though, it seemed that Cadance has once again changed the decoration. It seemed she opted for an older layout of the throneroom being combined with the main dining hall, indicated by a large table at the centre, with the throne, and Cadance herself, overlooking it from a podium. She wasted no time,
"Greetings, fellow ponies!" she said with a wide, happy smile. Most impressive, it seems Cadance was working on herself, even her eyes were smiling. It took a moment to notice Shining Armor standing up, overshadowed by his wife, from his much smaller seat. He, as befits a soldier, wasn't smiling.
"Allow me to welcome you to the Crystal Empire and express my greatest joy of seeing all of you again," Cadance continued, stepping down from her podium and slowly making her way to them through the hall. Nightmare Moon glanced at Celestia standing by her, she already wore one of her most radiant smiles for the event.

"The joy is ours, Princess. Your reception is exquisite! From the moment we set our hooves inside the crystal heart's protective radius, we immediately found ourselves in the most capable company of your trusted dignitaries! Our baggage and our companions were treated with utmost care and reverence," Nightmare Moon responded, returning the mandatory sweet talk. She decided to omit the part where she had to suffer through having to follow a mere aide, instead of a minister, or at the very least a senechal. In the end, petty grudges were not what any of them were here for.

"I hope your travels through the surrounding wastes were not too taxing, Your Majes-ty," Cadance's otherwise impeccable smile twitched slightly as she saw something behind Nightmare's back, the rest of the suite were making it inside the room, it seemed.

"It was only a slight inconvenience, Your Highness," Nightmare Moon answered. "The margin of error in our gate spell landed us on the far side from your most magnificent city. But enough about that unpleasant accident. I hope you still remember your late aunt, Princess Celestia," Nightmare Moon looked at the white alicorn, giving her the word.

"It is most wonderful to see you again, my dear!" Celestia proceeded to step forth and give Cadance a formal embrace. It lasted for exactly as much as was required to emphasize them being related, and then Celestia pulled back.
"We have so much to catch up on, dear niece!"

"Oh, you cannot even imagine how much you are right, aunty!" Cadance smiled sweetly. "Oh, who is that with you?" Cadance centered her look at the Queen.

"Queen Sky Star of hippogriffs, from Mount Aris, Your Highness," Nightmare Moon introduced, prompting the Queen to step forth.

"Your Highness, I've heard much good about you and glad to make your acquaintance," Sky Star curtly nodded.

"I cannot say I've heard much about you or your realm, but I am eager to learn more, Your Majesty," Cadance's smile visibly strained, not expecting there to be this unknown variable.

"Lastly, I suspect you remember my sister," Nightmare Moon hurried onwards.

"Your Highness," Daybreaker calmly bowed. "Shining Armor," Daybreaker also acknowledged the white stallion, who so far was trying to make himself as invisible as possible.

"The rest of my entourage here includes our servants," Nightmare Moon finished her explanation, still paying no mind to Cadance's husband. "Now, we are now done with the procedure… Cadance, is there a place where we can speak privately?" The polite smile immediately disappeared from Cadance's face.

"Sister, don't you think that perhaps we should wait a little more before weighing down the Princess with our problems?" Daybreaker interjected.

"I am afraid, our liege is correct, Cadance," Celestia spoke hurriedly, supporting Nightmare. "We did not come merely for a visit, we have much to speak to you on."

Cadance only sighed tiredly and didn't respond for a short while,
"Leave us," she addressed her guards coolly. "Sit, the table shall accommodate all of us."

"Thank you, Cadance," Nightmare Moon said grimly.

"Well, lay it out on me. If you are so desperate to ruin such a wonderful day," Cadance sat down at the dining table, casually pulling herself a chair.

"Cadance. we need your help," Nightmare Moon decided not to stall. "We need your intel. We must know the exact situation in our land. We also ask for your permission to draw a more permanent teleportation circle in your palace."

"We also ask for access to your resources and your soldiers. We require aid to save my sister from the clutches of a militant cult," Celestia sat down across from Cadance.

Cadance made another pause before answering,
"So, if I heard you correctly. You came to me from the grave, demanding my help and not even offering anything in return? Nightmare Moon, I believe you are in no position to demand anything from me."

"That is in your interests as well, Cadance. Do you expect me to believe that you have no care for your own homeland?" Nightmare Moon paid no mind to Cadance's frank rudeness.

"Oh, we are far beyond reclaiming our homeland, Nightmare Moon. My soldiers will be of no use to you. You deal with much more than a single cult. Have you even been there?"

"I confess, we have not. We hoped to gather more information beforehand. Conducting blind reconnaissance by fire would be extremely risky."

"Tell me, Nightmare Moon, why have you come here? What is it you really want? Do you want your power back?" Daybreaker angrily growled, Nightmare Moon gave her sister a stare for good measure.

"Dear niece, what we want is to have Luna back. Coincidentally, my sister is holden by the great evil that we will be dismantling to reach her. In helping us, you will help yourself as well," Celestia calmly explained.

"If you wish to purge the evil from our homeland, you would need to make blood flow in rivers," Cadance said with a sigh. "Your cult is not the power in control there, it is a hooffull of extremists in a boiling ocean. To return your land, you must do more than just a purge, you would need to wage war! In years of your absence, no one reveres you any longer. You have no forces for that, have you?"

"Stop wasting our time, Cadance!" Daybreaker stomped on the floor. "Did you forget who you speak with?! You, a lowly mongrel, by some misconception taken for an heir, dare to talk down to the head of an illustrious noble dynasty that ruled the land long before your own bloodline even started!"

"Don't you dare to talk to her like this!" Shinning Armor finally did something other than just standing. Immediately all eyes were on him for speaking up.

"Oh, look at that. The little soldier finally found his gut!" Daybreaker grinned, glad to have another victim to tear up. "And here I was thinking that you were on a short leash. Well, what is it are you going to do, warrior?"

"Sister, cease at once!" Nightmare Moon cried out. "You will not humiliate a mare and her husband in their own home!" Daybreaker gave the brazen stallion another glare and turned away with a snarl.

"Now, Cadance, will you help us?" Nightmare Moon asked, her own patience running thin as well.

"I would've helped even Sombra if he said that he wants to stir that bog that our home has become," Cadance grimly said.

"That is likely what it will come to, niece," Celestia stated. "How much are you willing to do for us?"

"I won't send my people to fight your war," Cadance said straightly, indicating with her tone that she did not intend to argue. "I will provide weapons, however. I will also share what I could learn about them, but for that, you would need to see my daughter. Although I am loath to let you close to her."

"Cadance, you know I will do nothing to her, you have my word," Nightmare Moon spoke with reverence.

"I know, that is why I am even considering it," Cadance said coldly. "Only you two will come. I don't want this crowd bothering Flurry."

"Understood," Nightmare Moon promptly said. "Before we can go, Queen Sky Star is here for a less tense subject." On cue, Celestia stood up and stepped away from the table, and Sky Star hurriedly sat in her place.

"Greetings again, Your Highness. I am honored to have a chance to meet you," Sky Star tittered. Cadance gave Nightmare Moon a bewildered stare. Nightmare Moon pointed back at the Queen with her eyes.

"Well then, Your Majesty. I welcome you to Crystal Palace. What do you wish to discuss?"

"I would like to speak foreign relations, Your Highness. After Princess Twilight draws her teleportation circle, we could exchange embassies."

"Of course, Your Majesty!" the smile returned to Cadance's face. "I would be delighted to assist you. I would also be delighted to visit your realm as well. I've heard much about your mother's progress."

"My mother learned much from your esteemed aunt's lands, Your Highness. I would love to know you better as well, Princess," Sky Star ended with a strained smile.

"Of course!" Cadance beamed. "But I am afraid we would have to wait, I must attend to this matter first," Cadance glanced at Nightmare Moon. "I hope that won't be much of a mood killer."

"No, most certainly not!" Sky Star quickly assured. "After all, Lady Moon was the one who came to you and only took me along."

"I am grateful for your understanding. Now, I suppose the sooner we finish this matter, the quicker the two of us can begin. Now, shall we?"

"We are only waiting for you, Your Highness," Nightmare Moon said formally.

Cadance gave Sky Star a parting smile and stood up from the table, heading for the doors again. Celestia and Nightmare Moon quickly took flanking positions.

"Is she your new student, Nightmare Moon?" Cadance said as soon as they were out, without even a hint of warmness in her voice.

"In a sense," Nightmare Moon said after a short pause. "She was kind enough to offer us a haven and took upon herself the expanses. It was wrong to not offer anything in return. We have little now, so I offered my help."

"You are a demon that honors her agreements, I should have guessed," Cadance said bitterly. Nightmare Moon wanted to respond, but she had no rebuttal.

"How can your daughter help us, Cadance?" Nightmare Moon asked instead.

"She has the gift of divination," the answer was. "She is the source of most of the information that you ask for. Without her, I would've had to send my soldiers to scout."

"Little Flurry is a farseer. Flurry with a divination sphere wasn't the future I imagined when she still was in the crib," Celestia stated calmly.

"I always believed she would take after her father. If what I heard was correct, Shining tried to give his daughter as much time as she could spare from his soldiering. Cadance, how did this come to pass?"

"We are not completely sure. Flurry was growing up incredibly wise for her age, and she always studied well at school. She seemed to have a future as a scientist."

"Flurry a scientist, studying at school," Nightmare Moon reaffirmed disapprovingly. "I would not believe that you are so poor as to allow your own daughter to be taught in a regular school. Surely I must have misunderstood."

"We take pride in our education, Nightmare Moon," Cadance tried to sound calm, but the change in attitude was still apparent. "I raised its prestige by sending my own daughter to study with other foals."

"Now I see that it is you who misunderstands. This has nothing to do with education quality. Noble foals must never be allowed to mingle with the common citizenry, they would inevitably develop nasty habits associated with such company. Poor Flurry would disgrace you in public, much less with foreign dignitaries. By the way, her distinct absence makes the state of her upbringing glaringly obvious."

"Should I take this personally?" Cadance asked threateningly.

"Cadance, please show more restraint," Celestia quickly intervened. "You must remember that Nightmare Moon and I come from a much different age. In our time, it was considered essential for a house's good name for all its members to have only the most exquisite manners. What Nightmare Moon means to say is that Flurry might hurt your reputation unless she behaves properly." Nightmare Moon gave Celestia a grateful look.

"Moreover, I mean no insult to you personally. Celestia personally ensured that you were are taught proper manners, despite your own nobility being greatly watered down due to no fault of your own. I only wish to voice a concern, nothing more."

"I guess I should have expected this," Cadance gave in with a deep sigh. "You would've made a lot fewer mistakes if either of you had ve kept up with the changing times. We no longer measure merit in the purity of heritage and strict upbringing."

"Of course you don't, Cadance," Nightmare Moon answered with a chuckle. "How can you put a stake in such things if you yourself are not much different from the peasants that you lead?"

"You are completely and utterly right. I am not different from the people I lead and I pride myself on that," Cadance answered viperously. It was agreed that further discussion is pointless.

They could smell Flurry's room before they could see the door to Flurry's workshop. The smell of incense richly permeated the air, even in the corridors. With visible displeasure, Cadance knocked on the door.

"Flurry Heart! The guests are here!" she called loudly, but from inside there was not a single sound. Cadance waited a moment, before sighing and pushing the door open herself. Inside there was a small, circular room with pillows, burning candles and sticks of incense. The smoke inside was so thick that it rushed out like water. The walls were lined up with a series of menacing, ritualistic masks and posters, showing what could only be a band, albeit playing instruments Nightmare Moon had never seen in her life. Flurry Heart herself was sitting in the center of the room on a bloody-looking pentagram with a smooth, eyeless mask on her face, Nightmare Moon estimated her to just touch her tallest sister's chin if she stood up. The young Princess was writhing on the ground as if having a seizure.
"She is in trance again," Cadance stated as a matter-of-fact.

"Should we call help?" Celestia queried.

"No, she is rather easy to interrupt," Cadance answered, making a few confident steps to her daughter. Nightmare Moon used the moment to share a doubtful stare with Celestia. But Cadance quickly put her foreleg on Flurry's shoulder and began shaking her., Within a few seconds, Flurry responded by raising her forelegs to her head, and Cadance stopped.

"Mooom! Is it time for dinner so soon?" she asked in an amazingly childish manner, not befitting her age.

"Flurry, the guests are here," Cadance said sternly.

"Oh!" Flurry excitedly huffed and pulled her mask off. She blinked a few times before her eyes adjusted. "Hi!" she waved in greeting to the two senior mares, smiling radiantly. They exchanged looks again. "Oh, you look so beautiful in person, grandauntie!" Flurry excitedly said to Celestia, trotting to her, examining e her from head to hoof like a museum exhibition.

"Well, thank you..." Celestia recoiled slightly, being at a loss of words from at the young alicorn's nonchalant behaviour.

"Auntie, there is something I was dying to ask of you when I finally meet you," Flurry proclaimed. "What was the calendar day of your birthday?"

"Well... eh... I believe it was twenty-ninth. It was so long ago since the last time it mattered."

"Oooh! I knew it! It makes so much sense now," Flurry muttered.

"What does?"

"Oh, you'll see. I won't spoil the surprise, just know that it's your next birthday!" Flurry giddily said. "But anyway, I am so glad to see you again, auntie., I know that we are going to be the best of friends." Just like that, the excited Flurry was no longer interested in Celestia and turned to Nightmare Moon, who was already mentally preparing for what would come next...
“I waited so long to finally meet you!” Flurry all but squealed from excitement. “I am a fan!”
Cadance glared at her daughter.

“A fan, then?” Nightmare Moon reiterated with a note of suspicion.

“That means I like what you do! I heard so much good things” Flurry stuck in.

“Ehh… Fine then. And what is it you were told?”

“That you like books! Just like aunty Twilight!” The answer stunned the dark mare for awhile. Books? Her?
Nightmare Moon concluded that the Princess must be misinformed, but then Flurry spoke up again,
“That one you used to have in your room…” Flurry musingly scratched her chin, “For the life of me, can’t remember the name, such a tear-jerk. I loved that one too. Actually, maybe we could read it together sometimes? It would be the best, most nerdy, evening ever!” Celestia and Cadance both glanced over to the deathly quiet ghost of a mare. Nightmare Moon could only remember herself being at loss of words a few times in millenia and this one was fresh. She suspiciously narrowed her eyes, staring at the broadly grinning child before her.
Her hint was awfully specific. Unnervingly so. Nightmare Moon knew, of course, exactly which book Flurry talked about. The one she could know nothing about.

“...Yes, I seem to remember now. It is quite odd of you to pick your liking of that one in particular. I myself entirely forgot,” she lied. “Did Rarity tell you about my library?”

“Rarity? Noooo!” Flurry waved the notion away as something silly. “I never asked her, actually.”

“Then who?” Nightmare asked with growing interest. Flurry deepend her smile and fondled her featureless mask in her hooves.

“Meet Orioodloo! She has the best stories around!” It so happened that the name rang a bell.

“Orioodloo?” Nightmare repeated with deliberation. “Are you talking to imprisoned demons? Cadance, how come your only daughter does something so unbelievably reckless under your own roof?”

My daughter is a seer, Nightmare,” Cadance brushed her off.

“Actually, I prefer ‘shaman’. And it’s not just demons. I talk to all kinds of spirits,” Flurry slowly waved across the wall, lined with masks. Hers was the only one perfectly smooth.
“Spirits know everything. You just need to ask them.”

“Everything then? So you are aware why we are here then.”

“Yep, and I can tell you from the start that you’ve wasted your time. I can tell you what you want to hear, but we both know that it won’t do you any good.”

“That is for me to decide, little Flurry. Mind your station.” To be entirely frank, the brazen manners that Flurry Heart displayed in her presence have made Nightmare Moon doubt the propriety of her upbringing even more. At this point Nightmare Moon was starting to contemplate punishing the insulent child herself if Cadance won't, the last thing stopping her was the fact that she was an heir to Cadance's house.

“Station?” Flurry asked in surprise. “Ohhhh! That, station! It’s funny that you should mention that,” musing expression returned to Flurry.

“I see nothing funny here, Flurry. It is quite unbecoming for the future head of the noble house to forget her position.”

“Yes, that’s exactly it. I just remembered another story from Ori here. She told me about someone who kept hearing the exact same thing,” Celestia suddenly tensed but said nothing. “Well, it doesn’t matter, I guess. Was a long time ago. Just trivia.” The hint provoked Nightmare to internally huff. Flurry knew and understood far too much about her, for Nightmare’s liking.
“Anyway,” Flurry was smiling again. “So, you wanted to know where Luna is, right? She’s in Las Pegasus, for how much good it would do for you. You know that chasing her now, when she knows that you are coming, would be a complete waste of everyone’s time.”

“Let’s not tell each other what we do and do not know, Flurry,” Nightmare Moon bit back her growing frustration of having to remind Flurry Heart who she was speaking to.

“Oh, I don’t presume to tell you what you know! I just state the fact!” Flurry defensively raised her forelegs. “But I’ll shut up now. So, now that you know what you wanted, what are you going to do?”

“What I am going to do, is not a concern of yours. In fact, I am beginning to think that this all was a waste of my effort. If you are a ‘shaman’ then give me the information I require.”

“Well, I could also tell you about political dispositions, troop strength, and the like, but I think you said that you don’t wanna bother with that anymore,” Flurry stared her directly in her eyes, waiting for an answer.
But Nightmare Moon was at a loss herself. Flurry was correct. Nightmare Moon didn’t want to fight a war. There was nothing left worth fighting for.
Flurry smiled, pleased with the produced result, “So, what would you have us do, Lady Moon?”

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