• Published 2nd Jun 2021
  • 1,108 Views, 56 Comments

Imperial Forclousure - The Sound of Loneliness

A young, orphaned pony discovers herself being related to one of the oldest and most powerful creatures in all the land.

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The Royal Intrigue

"So... let me get this straight, you came all the way here to ask me to help you?" Twilight incredulously summarized. "Rainbow, even if I would want to help you deal with this new threat your clan faces, I am spoken for!"

"Oh, ye-e-eah! How could I forget, your owner called you and you came running like a good lapdog. This totally isn't the reason why we got at each other's throats to begin with! Nightmare Moon said that, so we gotta do this, but Nightmare did that like five years ago, so maybe let's do something she did just two years ago. It's as if you two are just walking radios, broadcasting whatever the glorious leader wants. I guess no matter how much time passes and how long we don't see each other things just don't change."

"I think that is the first thing today that we both agree on," Twilight bitterly muttered.

"Girls, girls! Perhaps it's better if we won't turn this into score settling since we have some decisions to make," Rarity then nodded at the stallion still seated by the table, staring curiously at their fight. "Rainbow, why don't you tell us exactly what you need?"

"I told you already," Rainbow tiredly sighed. "I need Twilight to come back with me so she can help deal with manure-lobbers who are gonna hurt my people! They are armed with firearms, we are gonna get massacred without some kind of edge!"

"That is it? Rainbow, seriously? You want me to fight a war for you?"

"Not a war! Just one tiny tussle, the bounty huntress did say they were only coming for me so there shouldn't be many of them."

"Yes, about that episode, Darling. You forgot to mention the circumstance of this ghastly... mercenary telling you her plans. This sounds just a tad bit cliche for my taste."

Rainbow just shrugged,
"She said she knew me and she was doing it for 'old times sake...' whatever that meant. I have no idea what she was talking about; though it was dark and probably from a really long time ago, so there's a half percent that I just don't remember her."

"It still doesn't make sense; if she found you all the way on Sunrise Isles without anyone there even knowing your name, she has to be a real pro. Her suddenly getting sentimental doesn't seem right."

Rainbow just shrugged again,
"That's what happened."

"Rainbow, dear, can you describe her?"

"Dark-reddish coat, solid build, smokes, seems to have a horn but is surprisingly good at throwing, she also has these bombs that turn everything they hit into stone. I told you, it was dark."

"Wait... bombs? As in a large sphere with a fuse? "

"What? No! Those weren't around for like two hundred years! I mean more like the glass balls with green, glowing stuff in them."

Twilight sharply hit herself on the forehead,
"How the hay didn't I guess sooner? That fact that she knew you was a dead giveaway. Rainbow, I would like to congratulate you, you've managed to forget one of the only evildoers we faced that actually managed to beat us. I believe that this mysterious bounty hunter is non-other than Tempest Shadow, or rather Fizzlepop Berrytwist."

"Sarcasm is dully noted. So, you wanna tell me who that is?"

"Rainbow, really? Somehow you still manage to disappoint me more. She was Storm King's lieutenant when he invaded Canterlot with his airship fleet and sent us scunnering to the southern side of the continent to ask Queen Novo for help. You seriously don't remember any of it?"

"Well, of course I do! I just forgot bits and pieces. Look, it's been a long time, give me a break!"

"Well, I guess you can get up, take your pupil here and head right back. I trust you can find the exit," Twilight turned to leave.

"W-wait! You can't just leave like that!"

Twilight looked over her shoulder with a chuffed grin,
"Watch me."

"You know what I meant! Twilight, ponies gonna die if you won't do anything!"

"Why is that my problem, exactly? Look, Rainbow, I am a Princess of Equestria. My duty is here, not wherever it is you live these days."

"You didn't seem too bothered about it the last time," Rainbow angrily mumbled.

"Twilight, as much as I am displeased by it, I must agree with Rainbow. She most certainly wasn't very well-behaved, but we cannot simply turn her down. What would that make us?"

"Alright, fine!" Twilight turned back around with a heavy stomp with her hooves. "But I am not going back with you."

"Considering you were about to leave me to die, I'll take that. What are you willing to offer?"

"I suppose I could convince Cadance to give you a crate or two of firearms so you could defend yourselves. After I find Tiny that is. Rarity, have you seen her since yesterday? I almost forgot about her with Rainbow showing up."

"Who is Tiny? Is that someone else I can't remember?"

"You wouldn't know her, dear. She is a young sister to Lady Moon, I was told she is personally responsible for returning her to us."

"Doesn't it feel weird to you that she's so good with magic at her age, Rarity? My cutie mark is literally magic and I still struggled with what she can do when I was Celestia's student."

"Well, either Lady is a much better teacher, or she must be extremely gifted."

"She doesn't look like somepony taught her much... I mean, she still doesn't read too well and writes very slowly. And with her attitude, I doubt Lady Moon could have tolerated her for long."

"Hey! You two intend to tell me who the hay are you talking about? I don't know anyone who's called 'Tiny.'"

"Ugh! She is a foal, barely older than when you were in flight school. Dark-brown coat and clear green eyes."

"Wait... That is her? But... she is a colt!"

"Yes-yes, Rainbow! Did you see her?!"

"You could say that, yeah. So, after I ended up here, using your teleportation circle back at Novo's, I ran into this weird colt. He grabbed me and suddenly we were outside and there was somepony else there. They said a couple words to me and then the colt and I are suddenly in the Two Sisters' Castle in the Everfree and there's like a battalion of changelings there who all get ordered around by Nightmare Moon; there's also Celestia there and Daybreaker too. Nightmare Moon tried to make me talk but when I said 'no' she just sent me back here."

"Okay, this whole story officially got even more screwed up. But at least we now know how come your friend was here way earlier than you and I guess we know where Tiny is. Oh, stars, Lady is going to give me a piece of her mind! I guess I better go see if she wants me to bring Tiny back here again, I have to find a way to make sure she stops running away."

"But what about Rainbow? And that other mysterious figure she mentioned? The mystery is only getting thicker."

"That's just probably some unicorn Tiny got to help her. Judging from how Filthy Rich talks about her, it's really not implausible. The filly is tougher than most adult ponies and would have no issue coning someone into helping her."

"Didn't sound like that, actually," Rainbow dash musingly scratched her jaw. "It was like the other was giving the colt instructions on what to do. She also kept calling me 'aunty'. Why does everypony suddenly know me but I don't know anypony?"

"Oh... well, that makes this much simpler. Rainbow, I believe I have the primary suspect! The only two ponies I ever heard referring to another as 'aunty' are Princess Cadance and her little filly - Flurry Heart."

"Why would Flurry do this? None of this makes any sense. Rarity, are you sure about it, maybe there is someone else?"

"No, darling, I am quite sure. It might not make sense to us, but to Flurry Heart, it must be perfectly sensible. She simply knows something that we don't. She happens to have a gift for scrying magic, so it is quite understandable. She even claims she could see the future when 'spirits' help her."

"Seeing the future now? You gotta be kidding me. Twilight, was that a chapter in your books too?"

"N-no! Rarity, nopony can see the future! A spell like that doesn't exist! It cannot exist, it is impossible! It doesn't matter what kind of a spirit you summon, none of them knows the future because the future isn't determined!"

"I assure you, Twilight, Flurry most certainly can, to some degree of accuracy. Cadance made her take numerous tests before she had to accept this. Flurry can tell you exactly what you will do within the next week to the smallest detail. The only thing she seems incapable of predicting is thoughts. She says she can only see what will happen, so if it's not visible she cannot see it. It's a shame you couldn't be here with her, Twilight. She would have certainly made you proud with her ability."

"Phenomenal! So much potential data! I can finally learn what happened to-"

"Twilight, I get that you are itching to write to Canterlot Academy of Science, but can you focus?"

"Yes, Twilight. I believe your research can wait. We should go and ask Flurry why she has done this. I am sure she will be able to sufficiently explain her actions."

"Yes, yes, let's go!" Twilight almost ran out of the room before realizing she didn't know where to go. "Rarity, do you know where she is?"

"I sadly didn't bump into her today to ask, Darling."

"Doesn't she have a job or something? Someone there should now."

"Rainbow, don't be ridiculous! Flurry is a Princess, she will not be caught working in a factory like some mudpony! Well, I suppose we could ask the staff if any of them saw her. If not, we can wait until tomorrow. I am sure there will be no harm to the young lady under royal protection. "

"Rarity, is it me, or have you somehow got even more stuck up since the last time we saw each other?"

"Whatever do you mean, Rainbow? You cannot possibly disapprove of my language, can you?"

"Forget about it, let's go find Flurry already."

Flurry emerged from the frigid depth with a cucumber and a tied bundle of spinach. Her peers always told her that it's gross, but Flurry always liked spinach, especially with tomatoes. There weren't any tomatoes to go around so Flurry settled on a cucumber instead. Flurry quickly found a bread bun and sliced it open with a force field. She did the same with the cucumber and laid it between the slices, putting spinach over it. It will be rather dull like that; it will do for now, if she wasn't greedy with her bites. Grabbing a saucer on the way out, Flurry trotted back to her summoning room.
And this day, her snack break turned out even better than normal. Flurry thanked her lucky stars that Aunty Twilight and her friends couldn't go two minutes without bickering over something, she heard them way before they knew she was coming. Now, the only reason why they would be standing at her door is because they had questions for her and Flurry had a pretty good idea of what those questions were. Flurry, in all honesty, wanted none of their interrogations but considering her predicament, she was reconsidering. If anyone would agree to help her out of this pitfall it would be these three, four if counting with the foreigner. Flurry would have to answer some pretty pointed questions and there was absolutely no way she could lie her way out of this one without preparation, but she was sure she could get Twilight and Rarity to help her out.

Flurry took a deep breath to calm herself, took on her practiced smile and stepped out of the corner,
"Oh, hi! Are you waiting for me?" Flurry asked cheerfully.

"Hello, Flurry, Darling! You look absolutely glowing today, have you been trying the shampoo I got?"

"It makes my mane so soft it feels like a cloud, Rarity. Thank you for borrowing it. Oh, have you seen Coco's new models?"

Rainbow coughed dryly,
"Oh... yes... Flurry, I am afraid we have a rather sensitive matter on our hooves, can we talk?"

"Of course! I always have time for you and Aunty. Though Mom asked me to help her with something so I hope I can help you sooner rather than later."

Twilight shyly looked away, pretending that she suddenly noted something on her leg. Flurry opened the door and let the four of them in, both Rainbow and the colt gave her very suspicious looks.

"So, what can I do for you?" Flurry plap'd straight back to her place in the middle of the room and even picked up her mask for looks.

"Start with what game you are playing," Rainbow Dash said skipping pleasantries.

"Oh, a couple! Why, would you like to play, Aunty Rainbow?"

"Don't play dumb, we both know what this is about."

"Alright, fine, no more beating around the bush. But remember, you asked for it," Flurry warned with a smug smile. "I'd like to start with you, Rainbow, before we speak about matters at present. Your people are safe and were never in danger to begin with. The mercenary you met was only paid to find you and deliver you a message. No one is coming to get you or them."

"Hey! That's not even remotely what I meant! Who hired her and why?"

Flurry smiled indulgently,
"I did, who else?" That... wasn't technically true, but close enough. "I just told you: she was only paid to give you a message and that's it. She is a great hire, by the way. Doesn't ask questions or demand unduly raises, a good option if you ever need someone tied up and dragged back to you."

"W-wait, it was you?!" Rainbow stretched her neck out without actually moving her legs. "Why would you do that?!"

"To get you to just where you are needed," Flurry put emphatically calmly. "We have Twilight, Rarity and you all in one place for the first time in years! Quite a coincidence, isn't it? We also have Applejack close by, just two more and we are all set."

All three mares incredulously stared at her. Flurry really hoped they wouldn't act so shocked, especially not Rarity, but can't be helped.

"By the way, can you stop arguing over the smallest crumbles, pretty please? We have a lot to do and we can't do anything if we can't agree on anything."

"What? Is this why... you made me an idiot in front of my clan and my master just so that you could have me here to further your conspiracies?!"

"Well, technically, they don't know that you've been made an idiot. I mean, look at this bloke, he doesn't look like he has any idea what's going on. Anyways, back to the matter-"

"No! The only place I am going is back to my home! I am done with this constant, manipulating horsecrap!" Rainbow sharply turned around and stomped her way out of the room, dragging the visibly confused foreigner after her.

"Huh, didn't go too bad."

"Flurry... I am terribly sorry to make you repeat yourself, but is this true? Are you the one who had Rainbow come here?"

Flurry cringed at the question.
"Well... yes, but technically no. It wasn't my idea to do that, but it seemed beneficial, so I let it happen. By the way, you two absolutely need to make her cooperative. We are all gonna need her soon."

"For what? Flurry, how did all of this come about? I left you when you were a cute bundle of joy and now I suddenly find out that you can see the future and treat other ponies as pawns to be used." Flurry unironically felt burned by the jab.

"Well, maybe next time you, old-timers, can actually do your damn jobs and not leave everything ruined so that cute bundles of joy like me wouldn't have to clean up your mess. But that's beside the point. You have to reign Rainbow in, it's extremely important. But before that, I need you to do something."

"Hold on! Flurry, why do you assume that we have any interest in doing whatever you say? I am still reeling from the fact that my niece is on the course to surpass both Celestia and Nightmare Moon in treachery."

"Well, Aunty, that's just it. That is exactly why you have to help me, or your Lady would have to ascend a step or two on that ladder. Also, we all will be pretty miserable."

"Flurry, dear, I do not doubt you, but a little clarification would be helpful. What is going to happen that pushes you to do all of this?"

"Actually, things would've been much easier if everything went according to plan, but since they didn't, we now have to prevent Moony from forcibly taking over Crystal Empire from Mom. I think even Rainbow would agree that this wouldn't be very good."

"Wait, Lady is going to do what?! This makes no sense! She cares nothing about Crystal Empire!"

"Well... Mom may be planning to leave her on her own out there without support, but that part didn't make it into any of Moony's plans. As soon as Moony learns about this, she will depose Mom. I've checked; unless something changes, it is almost guaranteed to happen."

"Outstanding! Suddenly Cadance was struck by idiocy! How can she think that provoking Nightmare Moon is a good idea?"

"I told her the same thing, Aunty! Mom just doesn't trust Moony to keep away."

"Flurry, darling, I must ask: are you quite certain? Perhaps there are some... variabilities you didn't explore quite so thoroughly?"

"There may be," Flurry admitted. "I... may have accidentally tipped Mommy off on how much control Moony really has over the Empire. I mean her former soldiers and changelings. If Moony decided to go through with her coup, Mom wouldn't be able to stop her. You have to understand, there is no time! We have to do something before Moony hears about this, otherwise, Mom will end up in a dungeon and the Empire will turn into a police state!"

"Okay! Everyone calm down!" Twilight exclaimed. "Let's verify. You told Cadance that Nightmare Moon is popular so she wants to change that, is that right?"

"There's more to it, but basically yes."

"Okay. When does the coup part come in?"

"It shouldn't come in at all. Well, unless things go the wrong way. So, basically, Moony was thinking about doing this if she for any reason needs more help and Mom doesn't provide it."

"Wait, Cadance is scared of what Nightmare thinks about? Are you kidding me? Since when is Cadance so afraid that she obsesses over what others think, not even do?"

"I think it's just Moony. Mom isn't really afraid... she just doesn't want to give her an advantage if she can help it."

"So... essentially... she is afraid?"

"Well, yes..."

There was a short pause,
"I guess we have work cut out for us then. So, Rarity says you can see the future, what do we do?"

"The future isn't like that, it's changing. I have to sit still and sort through all the different ways it can go and how it can happen. It's not instant, not like time travel from books. We don't have much time, as soon as Mom starts her purge, the word will get out and Moony will find out soon when her supplies stop coming. We have from a few days to a few weeks before she comes asking questions and even less than that to prevent it. We can tell her now and maybe convince her to not do anything drastic, at least not immediately. Alternatively, we can all go to Mom and try to convince her to stop. Don't hold your breath though because I tried."

"Darling, I understand this is quite a predicament, but why would Lady want something she doesn't need? I knew her for years and she was always rather upset when she had no choice but to use violence. She took only a hundred changelings with her, surely this is not enough to fight with, merely to protect and assist."

"Rarity, I am really sorry to tell you this, but you don't know what she is like," Flurry said genuinely. "Nightmare Moon is not really someone you can know by only seeing one side of her. You know her as cold-blooded, radiating authority, occasionally scary but normally generous and almost kind when among friends. Aunty here knows her as wise, almost all-knowing, harsh, but just. You both are right but that is not everything that she is. Out of everyone I ever followed through the past, Moony has to be the most complex and contradictory, and I had a lot of time to learn about other ponies, trust me. Rainbow is right about her too, to a degree, she was a remorseless backstabber who wanted power and stopped at nothing to get it. She may dislike having to use violence but she won't shy away from it if she sees it as necessary. I've seen her when she was fighting Aunty Celestia for the first time, she had not a drop of compassion for her enemies."

"Flurry, don't you think this is a little extreme? Ponies can change, that was a thousand years ago."

"She changed alright. She learned how to make her enemies play a game they can't win. Her methods in general are much more refined, but she's still herself. She cares for you, like actually cares for you as if you were her friends, but make no mistake: to her, you are pawns and pawns sometimes must be sacrificed even if you really like them. When she sees that the only way for her to get what she wants is to use violence, she will get to it with the same determination you see when she is trying to avoid doing harm to Rainbow no matter how much of a nuisance she is being.
"Before you jump on me, I am not saying she is evil, alright? She is just a wee-old lady is all. She knows that treating others like this isn't very nice and she really wishes she didn't have to, but she honestly doesn't think that you can do any better. You weren't born into nobility, so your lot is to do as you are told."

"Why, Flurry, everyone has their own quirks. I won't deny that the Lady has a bit of prejudice, but she would not do anything so drastic. She is known for being subtle, not crude."

"She can do both. Moony looks down at you and that's why she dislikes doing you harm; to her, a miserable subject is her personal failure. Against those she sees as her equals though she has very few reservations. Remember how she treated Celestia when she considered her a threat. Remember what happened to Chrysalis. She respects Mom because of her noble heritage but that is also why she will not hold herself back for her as she does for Rainbow. She is not the one to let sentiments stand between her and the goal. Trust me: nothing good is going to happen if Moony starts seeing Mom as a threat to her operations."

"Rarity, I really want to dismiss this... but she is right," Twilight admitted. "Nightmare Moon may be our friend now, but when she just took power things weren't looking very good. She was never cruel, but she can be ruthless when she needs to be."

"I won't hear a word more!" Rarity indignantly stomped. "I was with her from the very beginning! I was there when she rallied all good and noble spirits to stand for those who couldn't stand for themselves! I will not allow you to brush away everything good she did!"

"And what is that, exactly?" Flurry cheekily smiled. She caught her, Flurry realized.

"Equality of course! Harmony looked like a farse with our poor thestrals being treated so horribly over something they did so long ago!"

"Rarity, did you ever notice a single bat in the Palace outside of when they were specifically called for?" Rarity had gone quiet at that, searching through her distant memories.

"Oh... it was so long ago... I can't possibly remember all of the Palace staff off the top of my head."

"That's because there never was one. She would've never admitted that in the public, but Moony was actually not a fan of them and their hierarchy. She saw them as troublemakers and only tolerated them because they were one of the sources for her legitimacy. You don't have to believe me right now, you can ask her yourself. Unlike them, she likes you and won't lie to your face.

"There has to be a reasonable explanation, I am sure she will put your concerns to rest, Daring. Come, let's ask her. We have her circle, we will be there and back in a moment and all will be good again."

"Aunty, are you up for it?"

"Sure... I guess. There is something I want to ask you though. I still can't really believe you can just focus and see the future. This completely upends what I read about Starswirl's temporal magic."

"Is it really so surprising? You travelled in time before, you also had a potion that allowed you to see the past as if you were there. What I am doing is kind of like that, but for the future and I can also manipulate the vision to see how the future will change if I do this or that. It's nowhere near as quick as what you did, though: it takes days to explore all the possible variants for a single moment in time and years of work to manipulate something big."

"Something big? You mean you tried?"

"Sure I did, Aunty! Why do you think Changelings have so much leeway around here? I am not sure if you remember well, but Mom really doesn't like Changelings. Almost as much as Moony, actually. It took a lot of work to get both them and her to a point where they coexist. The worst thing is that I couldn't tell anyone I was doing something; ponies don't take well to being... well, manipulated, even if it's for their own good. I could still do it, but it would've been much harder with them actively expecting it."

"Flurry, you are scaring me."

"That's another reason to keep quiet. So, do you wanna go or should we try talking to Mom instead? I don't know what will happen either way."

"I think the bigger problem here is Nightmare Moon lashing out if I am honest. We could probably reason with Cadance, but we have to make sure Nightmare doesn't do anything first."

"Alright, sounds like a plan," Flurry was relieved: she was accustomed to just toughing it out, but it was stressful to make decisions on everyone's behalf all the time.
"Oh! And before I send you, please-please don't tell her I told you. I really don't want to sit through more than one interrogation. She already has questions for me and I don't want it to look like I'm meddling with her business."

"Wait, an interrogation? Oh! I almost forgot! Flurry, why did you send Tiny and Rainbow off? I hope this isn't some kind of elaborate prank."

Flurry bit her lip and internally facehoofed, her tongue was by far her strongest foe,
"Ah... that... Will you believe me if I told you that she's better off with Moony than here?"

"Well, Nightmare Moon simply has no time for her anymore. That is why she left her behind to be attended to!"

"Thought so! Bye-e!"

"No, wai-" but they were already gone. Flurry was glad she wasn't just a plain old unicorn, otherwise, this would've been a lot harder to pull off. What to do now, what to do now... Well, she needed to clear off for a while, Moony will come knocking soon. Wasting time was still unproductive. She could still go to Aunty Luna and ask her for help, Flurry guessed. She didn't need her to talk to Moony anymore, so there might be something else in this. Luna would need to know about the possibility of this tiny-little civil war either way.

Flurry finally made up her mind, time to go see Luna again.

Her Aunt's parlor was as she last saw it. As if nopony even touched anything in it. Luna was still in there too, occupied by reading a book. At least she wasn't obsessing.
Sombra was there too, coiled over her head on the ceiling, he was probably reading too.

"We have visitors," he noticed her almost instantly. "Look, it is your lovely niece again," he said sarcastically, but without his usual poison.

"Flurry Heart!" Luna quickly stood up.

"Hello, Aunty," Flurry sheepishly waved.

"I am glad you are visiting as often as you promised. I have been coming up with activities we could do together when I am free, do you like painting? I loved to paint when I was younger."

"Aunty-Aunty, please!" Flurry waved with both hooves. "There is something you must know. Mom is trying to purge Nightmare Moon's sympathizers."

"What?" Luna was giving her a confused stare.

"Aunty, my mom is trying to get rid of Nighty's supporters in Crystal Empire's army so that she can't rely on them against my mom," Flurry repeated slower and more deliberately.

Luna kept staring at her for a moment more, waiting for her to continue,
"Has Cadance grown paranoid?" Luna finally asked.

"No, Aunty, you don't understand! Nightmare Moon is thinking about deposing Mom so that she won't get between her and the resources she needs."

"Flurry Heart, what makes you think so? Nightmare Moon respects the rules of the feudal hierarchy. She has no claim on Crystal Empire, therefore she can do nothing of what you say."

"Aunty Celestia does..."

"Why would sister do this to your sweet mother? Celestia always adored her."

"Because Mom won't help with her taking back Equestria. Nighty and Aunty agreed to work together for a while. Celestia is willing to do whatever she has to."

"Oh, sister, sweet sister, why are you always so self-sure... Very well, Flurry Heart, it seems that you are indeed correct and my late niece is in danger. I understand you must have reasons to communicate this to me?"

"She wants you to protect her mother, what else?" Sombra finally reminded them of his presence. "I see little point in antagonizing either one of your relatives by taking a side. Nightmare Moon will, obviously, put the pretender in the dirt and that would be the end of her rule. Better your pet gets my Empire than that weak-willed spawn of Amore's line."

"Actually, that's not true," Flurry spoke up before Luna could start scolding him for his attitude. "Aunty, I only want to ask you that you talk to Mom. Nopony wants this fight, the only reason why she is doing this is that she doesn't trust Nightmare Moon to leave us be. I can't talk her out of it, but she will listen to you. If you can just talk to her, everypony can have what they need."

"I will speak to Cadance, of course. But if what you are saying about Nightmare Moon is true, I must confront her myself first. Come, I would like you to present your case to her yourself."

"Aunty Twilight and Rarity already went to talk to her. I hoped you would try to talk to Mom before she has time to do anything. It really wouldn't be nice if someone lost their job just because Mom doesn't trust Nighty."

"I admire your care, Flurry Heart. Indeed, that would not be nice. Very well, I will do as you ask. I suppose it has been a while since I had seen my niece."

"Aunty, there is a little issue though, it is day outside."

Luna gently smiled at that,
"I better not linger outside then."

"Luna..." Sombra wanted to protest, but stopped himself just short.

"Don't worry about me, I can take a little sunlight," Luna said lightheartedly.

"If you say so, Aunty..." Flurry said diplomatically. Luna was kind of... surprising. It was one thing to know someone from observing them and another from interacting with them. Flurry knew Luna wasn't easy to scare off, but her total lack of concern was new to her. In the past, Luna used to caution others. Even now, she always emphasized caution when instructing her people.
"I can put us right into Mom's room if you want to," Flurry offered.

"That would be quite efficient, thank you," Luna answered calmly, strutting up to Flurry.

Flurry bit her lip and decided not to stall anymore. She just hoped the janitor wouldn't have too much extra work.

With a quick flash they were away and in Cadance's study. Flurry's mother was still there, working and she nearly fell off her chair when Flurry and Luna suddenly emerged in front of her.

"How many times did I tell... you..." Cadance began scolding on reflex. Cadence dropped her thought as soon as she saw who else was there. Luna was clearly visible in light falling through the window in the northern wall. As soon as light touched her, Luna immediately twitched, but then willed herself to relax back as much as she could.

"Cadance," she calmly greeted. "I am sorry for my unannounced visit, but it seems the matter is most urgent. Would you mind if I obscure the window? It is a little bright." Cadance just slowly shook her head. At that, Luna sharply turned, and pulled the drapes shut, leaving the room dark, bar for Cadance's desk lamp. Flurry almost immediately lost Luna's very silhouette in the dark. Flurry caught the smell of burned flesh and fur in the air, the atmosphere was about to get even more unpleasant. Cadance lit her horn, the room became visible again in pale blue light. Flurry could see her aunt again, just barely.

"What brings you, Aunty?" Cadence wearily asked.

"As much as I am glad to see you now, I fear it is nay a visit of pleasure," Luna replied determinedly. "Young Flurry Heart made me aware of your latest plans and it seems we must speak at once." Cadance gave Flurry a disappointing look and Flurry awkwardly frowned.

"Whatever my daughter told you, Aunty, you must understand that I am doing nothing drastic. Flurry is convinced that this course of action will bring the wrath of the Nightmare upon us, but it must be done regardless or she will achieve the same effect without even actively trying. Her fanatical followers spread their beliefs throughout any structure they are embedded in. Her reemergence only galvanized them. I am already not in control of the armed forces and she only visited in passing without actively trying to gather support."

"That may be so," Luna sighed. "Nightmare has a rare talent, her simple presence inspires loyalty among ponies. It is as strong now as it was a thousand years ago. Not even my dearest sister could achieve such an effect in all her years of ruling. Ponies revered her and followed her words unquestionably, but her mere presence did not inspire them. Certainly not enough to induce this fanaticism you speak of. Nightmare seems to have a particular affinity with soldiers, in particular, she never shirked her responsibility of leading them and she always seems to feel more at ease when surrounded by her troops. Likewise, they seem to be calmer and perhaps even happier in her presence. She was never a ponies' mare and believed that displaying emotion outwardly was weakness, but her Imperial Guards were among the very few she ever openly showed affection."

"What are you trying to say, Luna? I understand that she is not a machine, she has feelings. That is exactly what makes us enemies instead of friends."

"What I am attempting to convey, is that your fears are unfounded," Luna held a pause, but Cadance waited. "I know Nightmare Moon better than any creature, living or dead. She will not let you stand in the way of her goal, whatever that might be, but she will do you no harm otherwise. Make no mistake, Nightmare Moon can be truly terrible to her enemy, but she is no simple brute. Nightmare Moon is a strategist, she respects her enemy and does not spend her strength in unwarranted wars. Nightmare Moon has no interest in your realm, she rarely ever spoke of it at all. When she did, it was mostly in conjunction with her annoyance with your attitude. She respects you due to your heritage and does not covet what is yours. Give her what she wants from you and she will leave you, and your subjects, in peace. Had she wished to depose you, her soldiers would have stormed your castle before you even knew of her arrival. But instead, she came to you openly and stated her intentions clearly, asking for your help. Think about what you are doing, my dear niece."

Cadance did appear to be thinking. She sat in her chair silently, her brows furrowed in concentration. Flurry always noticed her mother was a careful thinker. Not that Nightmare Moon wasn't, it's just that Cadance took her time when Nightmare Moon was decisive. Knowing this, her mother's abrupt reaction was all the more disconcerting.

Someone knocked on the door,
"Princess! Nightmare Moon wishes-"

"Demands," the sharp correction came.

"-demands to see you."

"Let her in." The door quietly opened and Nightmare Moon slipped in. Flurry could see Twilight and Rarity out in the corridor. Nightmare Moon sharply slammed the door behind her, leaving the other ponies out.

"Princess Cadance, Princess Flurry Heart, Luna," she greeted coolly.

"Nightmare Moon," Cadance matched her. Luna simply nodded. Flurry bit her lip, Nightmare Moon came far too quick.

"I understand that this may very well be the last time we speak on friendly terms, therefore I will be frank with you: Luna, your sister is out to get herself killed and Cadance seemed to have dedicated herself to deprive me of resources to do anything about that. Even now, Celestia is away negotiating terms of unconditional surrender from what passes as a legislative body for this parody of a state we find ourselves in opposition to. Is this what you want?"

"Sister was always idealistic," Luna sighed, not quite sounding surprised. "I do not believe they will harm her, at least not immediately. The Bureau would not miss an opportunity to use her for propaganda. But we would have to help her out, I suppose."

"Luna, do you realize that this would mean open war? If we reveal ourselves so openly, the enemy will not stop until they find us. Which brings us to the matter of our meeting..." Nightmare Moon suddenly turned to Cadance. "Cadance, I can not imagine why you would want to do something so foolish, but I assure you: I was not the Empress of Equestrian Empire by letting some knock-off take away my army," Nightmare Moon started growing like a storm cloud. "I always believed you to know your place, but if this is what you want, I will remind you why you are not to get in between a timberwolf and her prey."

"Wait!" Luna stepped up. "Nightmare, there is no need for hostility. Surely we can broker some sort of agreement with Cadance."

"I doubt that. Tell us then, Cadance. What are your conditions?"

"Conditions? My only condition is that you leave my land and take all of your sycophants with you. I want not a trace of your taint to remain."

Nightmare Moon's eyes tested the pink Princess' resolve, and Cadance returned it.
"And what do you offer?" Nightmare Moon finally asked.

"I offer you a quiet exit. We both know this is not in your interest, you have too much on your plate planning your takeover. You will have nothing to fear from me."

This was going rather poorly and Flurry was beginning to panic. She was half-certain that if Nightmare Moon could, she would've hit her mom right now.

"Candace," Nightmare Moon said slowly and very deliberately. "For the sake of Luna and your subjects, I will ask you again one more time: you have disclosed your desire, what is your offer?"

"I am sure I do not need to repeat myself. You have heard me perfectly."

"Very well. Luna, are you satisfied? Shall I indulge Cadance's open provocation, or do you have some other means to resolve this?" Nightmare Moon prompted, though it was quite obvious she expected only one outcome.

"Cadance, this isn't reasonable. Do you really want Nightmare to do as you fear? We are not asking you to do anything severe. I know that your city hosts the remnants of the changeling hive, they are all soldiers and they all wish for nothing else but to fight for someone they respect. All we ask you is to allow them. Simply don't interfere and this confrontation will be over."

And here, Flurry finally grasped it. Her mom wasn't thinking she could win; what she was trying to do is prove to everyone, in Crystal Empire and elsewhere, that she is right. Cadance knows Nightmare Moon can break her even without physically doing a thing, that is what she is counting on! Flurry suddenly felt a pinch of awe towards her mother. Nightmare Moon was recognized as the master of intrigue even when she still lived, but now she was so consumed by her sole objective that she paid no attention to what others were doing. If she does as she threatens, her image of a benevolent and just hero standing up for the wronged will be severely damaged as a hostile takeover was none of those things. Especially since Cadance herself had a reputation for kindness and fairness.

"You know, Aunty, I think I'll bite. Come, Nightmare Moon, try and make good on your threats," Cadance predictably refused, she even smiled.

"So be it," Nightmare Moon solemnly declared. "Gather your loyal soldiers and prepare your defenses. I shall give you the war you want." With that Nightmare Moon stormed out without even bothering to open the door before going through it leaving conspicuous silence behind.

"Cadance, what are you doing?" Luna asked flatly.

"It is just something I picked up from her, actually," Cadance continued smiling. "You know if you help, this will be over sooner and easier." Luna just frowned and teleported away. "Oh well," Cadance said, still smiling smugly. "Would you like some tea while we wait?" she asked Flurry. While Flurry, was, in fact, frightened.

Flurry had never seen this side of her mother before. Cadance wasn't known for her schemes. This was bad, for everyone involved.

"I... I think I'll pass, Mom. I had to catch her," Flurry went for the door. She had to catch Nightmare Moon and tell her what this was about.

"You are going to tell on me to the old crone, aren't you?" Cadance sighed. Her smile quickly stretched back; this time, it was indulgent, "Flurry, my little gem, you are so bright but you still don't get it. I can't allow you to do that, not when I am on the verge of finally bringing down the worst menace in our history." Without moving a single muscle, Cadance suddenly fired a stunning spell. Flurry couldn't react, but her wards held, her father made sure she could keep them up without thinking. At that, her Mom's smile finally changed into a scowl. Wide eyed and panicking, Flurry galloped to the door,
"No, you don't!" Flurry heard the lock clicking closed. "Come on your own, this is just for a day or two," Cadance urged, her tone leaving a distinct 'or else' feeling.

Flurry had a short moment to process the situation. This was bad; this was very, very bad. And she couldn't allow that to happen.

Flurry turned around and faced her mother. Cadance was positively glaring at her, her horn aimed aggressively across the room. How could she win in a direct fight against her own mother?! She had decades more experience and she knew it! Wait... yes... she knew it and she knew exactly what spell to use because Dad didn't teach her how to defend against it. Flurry licked her lips nervously, she was about to take a very big risk.

Flurry cast a counterspell against Banishment. Cadence saw Flurry's horn sparking alive, this was it. Cadence cast her spell. Suddenly, she was flung out of the room in a brilliant flash of blue light, leaving Flurry alone. Flurry exhaled sharply, it worked. She guessed the spell correctly and now she had about one minute to either come up with something or warn Nightmare Moon.
If she warned Nightmare Moon she could prevent this disaster from happening, but Mom would still do everything she could to hurt her... Flurry herself would also probably have to stay away from Crystal Empire for a while. Alternatively, she could... well, prepare a hold spell until her mother is back and have her neutralized entirely, as much as she hated to think like that about Mom.

With a deep sigh, Flurry made her choice and darted out of the room. She knew exactly where to go, she ran past the many stairs until she caught up,
"I don't get it," she heard Twilight say, as they were walking down. "Cadance doesn't have anything to win, outside from getting one over you, that is."

"This is precisely why this is suspicious!" Nightmare Moon was vocally angry. "She is goading me into striking her, undoubtedly. But I have no choice but to take her bait, otherwise, we will be back where we started!"

"Darlings, how can you even consider this? Aren't you appalled by this?" Rarity certainly sounded appalled. "There must be some fundamental misunderstanding here. Princess Cadance wouldn't want anyone to get hurt over a petty grudge!"

"Wait!" Flurry cried out, her voice breaking. All three turned to see Flurry stumble down the stairs after them.

"Oh, look. The supposed oracle," Nightmare Moon said sarcastically. "I hope this corresponds exactly to your prophecies."

"It does!" Flurry said. "You have to stop! If you let my mom lure you in, you will lose your only remaining asset, your reputation! Think about it, Mom is known to be gracious and fair, you attacking her with no justification will demonize you both here and everywhere else the word can get!" Flurry stopped and simply panted for air. Nightmare Moon floated silently as well.

"This... does make sense," Twilight agreed. "I didn't think Cadance was capable of something like this."

"Then you know her not," Nightmare Moon concluded. "Although my 'reputation' will hardly be harmed by mere rumors, I suppose we will still have to do something, as the Crystal Empire will have no monarch."

"Flurry, darling, your... face," Rarity pointed out. Flurry didn't understand at first, but then she felt moisture. Huh, it just dawned on her, she just fought her own mother. Flurry wiped her face with her foreleg.

"We-we should go," Flurry proposed. "Mom won't be happy I am helping you."

"Oh, you will be doing a lot more of that soon," Nightmare Moon spoke menacingly. "Twilight! Deliver us back to camp, I see no reason to walk all the way to the circle. As for you, you will be answering a couple of questions before I grant you my protections..."

Oh well, so much for staying away from Nightmare Moon.

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