• Published 2nd Jun 2021
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Imperial Forclousure - The Sound of Loneliness

A young, orphaned pony discovers herself being related to one of the oldest and most powerful creatures in all the land.

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Cultural Shock

Shadow was distressed. She felt absolutely horrendous and lost. For the first time since she could remember, she didn't know what to do. She didn't have any work anymore, not that she could focus on it. No matter what she tried to do, she found herself distracted. Her attention now wandered away from her task, something she never felt before. Her sweet daughters were just across the hall, so it was so hard to even think about anything else.
She watched other changelings going about the castle, doing the many chores an army always had to do. They used to lug crates and equipment around and search for places to set up a command center, hardpoints observation posts, a hospital, an ammunition dump and more. She remembered very vaguely how to do any of that. It suddenly occurred to her just how old she really was, everyone she used to know of her own species most likely died of old age, she didn't smell a single familiar scent from all the changelings around her. And they evidently did not recognize hers. She wasn't ignored, as she used to be. She stood out too much to ignore, so others were glancing curiously at her and whispering among each other. This was different as well, her brothers and sisters never felt discouraged to talk to her, even though they quickly found her too uncanny to form connections with her. Staying away and whispering was the pony way.
That was simply one of the ways that ponies were fundamentally different from them. Ponies were very friendly to her, but only after everyone saw her with Mistress. She doubted she would have fared any differently if she was a pony, ponies simply lacked the automatic trust for each other that changelings had... or used to have.

So she sat there, on the floor, with the command tent on one side and a half-ruined column on the other, waiting until someone needed her again. She noticed a certain blue pegasus brought in by Daybreaker and a foal. Shadow wasn't surprised, she even smiled. She remembered how much trouble was having her own hatchlings do as she told them. The sudden reappearance of Rainbow Dash was less expected. Shadow liked to think that they were friends long ago. It bewildered her exactly why Rainbow Dash decided to forget her grudge against her so quickly, but she increasingly found herself in conversations with her over the course of the next few months.

Afterwards, Shadow vaguely remembered Miss Tiny coming to her and propping herself down, she was gone just as quickly as she appeared. She was again alone. She watched other changelings for a few more minutes when to her surprise a whole group of them stopped whispering among each other and all approached her. They were younger than most others, Shadow thought that the oldest couldn't have been older than three years overdue for foundation training.

"Elder?" one called out. "We never heard your name in our briefing, is it classified?" Shadow wanted to chuckle, but held back. No, her name wasn't classified, she just had a better one.

"My Mistress calls me 'Shadow'," she declared. They started to nod, exchanged looks and shuffled their feet. It seemed that her response was somehow unsatisfying but not one of them dared to directly contradict her.

"My name is Ommatidila, elder. My rank is Sergeant, I am the youngest daughter of Colonel Mitosis," Shadow nodded at the very formal introduction. She didn't know her parents, but ponies considered them important. "Troop, introduce yourselves!" at that Shadow immediately flattened her ears.

"No need for that," she quickly spoke up, having no wish to use her limited memory for names. "Your commander's name is enough."

"Yes, of course, elder," Ommatidila said after an audible choke. "I am sorry to have displeased you. So... you see... we... Well, we wondered if you could tell us a little about how it used to be when the old Queen was still with us... we haven't been born to know her." The question puzzled Shadow, why would someone even ask her such a thing? Why does it matter what the old Queen was like if they have a new one?

"Do you attempt to compare?" Shadow asked to verify the only conclusion she found.

"No, of course not! Queen Nightmare Moon is beyond comparison to someone she has already defeated," Ommatidila quickly explained. "We... we just want to know how did it happen that we are the last generation of our people... if that is not too much to ask."

"Old Queen was very different, she put forward Changeling supremacy as a goal of her rule. We did many wrongs in her name. We didn't think like that at the time, she was our Queen."

"Ponies told us that the Queen was evil," Ommatidila shrugged, one of her subordinates repeated her gesture. "They told us that she would make us suck the love out of living things until they weren't alive anymore."

"That is not entirely true. We were punished if we killed someone in the process of extracting love, ponies in particular. We were taught that killing them was counterproductive because dead ponies don't produce any love," Shadow corrected. From what she could piece together this was a misconception held by ponies.

"Wait, elder, you mean ponies are right to say that?" the younger one asked in disbelief accompanied by a gasp from another one.

Shadow studied the young changelings' expressions, trying to process what exactly could they mean, she just told them that this was wrong,
"No, we weren't killing anyone during our feeding," Shadow repeated slowly.

"No, I mean sucking love! Was it really something that we used to do?"

Shadow could only stare in mute shock. How did they live long enough to not know how to feed, this was nonsensical to her on several layers,
"You weren't taught to feed?" Shadow asked, still not entirely sure that she understood correctly.

"No?" Ommatidila very cautiously answered. "We were taught that we don't need food, food was for ponies, and that we get our energy by being close to ponies."

Shadow dropped her eyes and stared at the floor. Suddenly she had to rethink everything she knew about these new changelings. She knew about feeding off love that is saturated in the air, that was taught to all changelings selected for covert training. What was shocking is that young changelings were no longer taught how to hunt and not be completely reliant on the will of the ponies they lived with.

"Did I say something to displease you?" Ommatidila asked.

"No, nothing at all. This is new to me," Shadow explained. "I never imagined I would someday meet changelings that don't know how to feed."

"I always thought that it was just what ponies thought... they don't really like us that much so it made sense for them to come up with nasty rumors. But if that was true, I really can't blame them. It must be horrible!"

Shadow did not answer. She didn't know what to make out of this. It couldn't have been their own decision to not teach young drones. Ponies must have been so terrified of them that they mandated that newborn nymphs would not be taught to feed. Shadow wasn't sure what exactly she felt but she could make out one single feeling from the collage - disappointment. Since she met her Mistress and all of her wonderful aides and servants, she always thought ponies were above this degree of pettiness. Her soldiers were always gallant, maids were cheery and helpful, and clerks from the administrative wing were always slightly afraid of her because she was outranking them too much for their comfort but she couldn't ever imagine them doing something like this to her people. What made this even worse is that Princess Cadance allowed it.

"Yes... for them it must have been," Shadow reluctantly agreed in the end. "Excuse me, I must go for now. Return to your tasks," she then quickly departed only waiting to hear a goodbye to observe the manners. She wasn't angry, at least she didn't think she was. She just needed a moment to reassess.

Ensuring she was out of view, she looked around. She had to busy herself with something. She noticed soldiers stacking magazines for their rifles, the sight caused a bout of nostalgia. She remembered her time in training when she was taught to do this. It was a different magazine back then, a different caliber too, but she still remembered even though it was so long ago that she could hardly remember the room it was done in. Put the magazine against something hard and press on it, the cartridge gets pressed under the rib on one side and the next one on the other, so it goes on and on until the spring won't compress anymore. The magazine goes in the slot underneath, the bolt goes up and over the receiver to chamber the cartridge. It wasn't like this any longer; back in her time automatic bolts were not yet employed for rifle. She didn't really experience even those. While she was taught to shoot and operate a rifle just like every other drone in the hive, her training never went beyond simple rifles. Instead, she was taught to fight with her body. She was proud to have used that weapon in service of her Mistress as well. She couldn't help but wonder...

"Do you need any help with that?" she asked the drones stacking magazines. They simultaneously stopped and looked up at her, one pivoted her head around to see if there was someone else behind them. "The Lady has given me a break from my usual duties. I wondered if there's a way I could help." The drones looked at each other, then at their magazines.

"Well, we have some more to stack. So if you really want to..." she huddled closer to her partner, making space for Shadow.

Shadow didn't waste time and picked up right where the drone left. The magazine she was stacking was still half-empty, its weight filled Shadow with strange comfort. She picked up a cartridge from the large, green box in the middle. It was a different caliber from what she used to, shorter, but not as small as a pistol cartridge. She reckoned it might penetrate a thin concrete wall. With a soft clicking of metal, the cartridge went in place. It came easy, her muscles required little input from her. The second bullet followed in just as simply and then they were going in with practiced quickness.

Weapons were always the same in the end. Old or new, a rifle will always be a rifle. It had a bolt, a receiver and cartridges. If she was taught to fire a howitzer, she would be able to do that with any howitzer with a minimal amount of time to reapply her knowledge.
She gave another wistful look to where her two lovely drones were resting just a little while ago. Perhaps there were more things in the world that only need a minimum amount of time.

She glanced at the drone to her left, specifically at her shoulder strap. She was a corporal,
"Corporal," the changeling shuddered at hearing her rank, "why are you here?"

"Because Captain ordered me to get a couple of dozens of magazines ready... Ma'am," she answered. "Always pays to be prepared for unpredictable."

"Your orders are not what I was asking for," Shadow calmly corrected. "Why have you chosen to enlist? I understand ponies in Crystal Empire do not draft."

"No... It just felt like what I am supposed to do. Everyone does it."

Shadow nodded to herself,
"When I was a little nymph our purpose was to serve the hive by serving our Queen. There is no hive anymore and our Queen is dead."

"I think it is just what we are meant to do. Ponies told us that they normally don't want to hurt anyone if they can avoid it, they also aren't as disciplined and dedicated as us. Ponies say that everyone has their special talent so it seems only right that we do what we are good at."

Shadow could only come to the conclusion that the drone didn't have the answer she was looking for. She reckoned not even her Lady would have it for her. Something went wrong about her kin after the last time she met any, it felt like they were losing their grasp over what they are. Perhaps the Mistress would find this sad, but Shadow just thought it was fitting that the last changelings also were the end of the changeling way of life. Perhaps in their confusion, they would be able to live a brief moment as ponies instead. That was better than what she hoped for in the end.

Shadow decided to leave her new friends to work in silence until they ran out of empty magazines. She then bid them goodbyes. Shadow couldn't see her Mistress, Princess Celestia or Applejack anymore, they must have moved on to other business. Shadow didn't want to mill anymore, she could sleep instead to be more useful when she was needed. Mistress always said she should rest more after all...

Shadow returned to the rucksack pile and decided to try it for herself, Tiny looked quite comfortable lying atop. They did turn out to be soft, though someone might need them while she's resting. She doubted other changelings would be decisive enough to wake her, but they could just borrow another pack, surely the owner would understand.
Shadow went forward and laid down, it wasn't as soft as a bed, but it wasn't stone. She could sleep like that easily enough.

Shadow didn't know how long had she slept, when she opened her eyes it was brighter in the hall. ...Someone was also holding her head. Her vision made out eyes, two deep green eyes, focused on intently studying her forehead. Shadow blinked to focus her sight. Her head was gray with black lines. Her mane gathered in a plume. A... zebra? Shadow remembered Mistress mentioning a zebra.

"A scar old as the grey in my mane, perhaps I should know your name?" the zebra rhymed releasing Shadow's head. "Do tell, what is your name?"

"My Mistress calls me Shadow. Can you step back, please?" Shadow never appreciated others casually standing so close to her. Shadow now could see her better, this zebra was old. To the point that the ends of her mane were completely white. She also had a bag hanging from her neck.

The zebra smiled at her warmly. "it is an honor, and the name Zecora is mine, your mistress and I had a meeting just as fine. You look like you've been here long enough to have observed, is there a place I can work where I won't be disturbed?"

It took Shadow a moment to think about how to answer. In truth, she didn't really know. She didn't know the layout of the castle having never taken the time to explore it.

"Our talk has fallen flat, was your tongue gotten by a cat?" Zebra rhymed again.

"I don't know how to help you," Shadow admitted.

Zecora didn't seem discouraged in the slightest by the answer,
"If you do not know then do not fret, it is only unknown as of yet."

"I am afraid I have to wait for orders from my Mistress, Lady Zecora," Shadow even took a step back for affirmation. Something about Zecora's demeanour was making Shadow uncomfortable.

"But your mistress can attest; I have found you at her behest. We spoke at length of my amenities; I must see what works best for a changeling of my remedies."

The moment made more sense to Shadow now. Her Mistress intended her to help this zebra to find out how her medicine affected changelings... and she needed a test subject. With all of Shadow's old wounds, it was natural that she was her choice.

"If this is what my Lady wishes," Shadow resigned herself to this fate.

"Do not fear the worst, in healing I am well versed," Zebra proclaimed, taking Shadow's hoof to lead her forward. Her expression was a calming smile and her lead was gentle, it calmed Shadow a little as well.

"We could look in the castle catacombs, there might be room there," Shadow suggested.

"Oh! An idea just delightful, you proved to be very insightful," Zebra looked around, searching for a way down. There was the one Daybreaker showed them, it was a fake wall that slide aside. Shadow disliked dwelling here, it wasn't damp but dusty and decrepit. The walls looked like they were going to crumble. Zecora seemed satisfied though, she quickly found herself space between crates in a tunnel crossroad.

"A dry place for my tools, ingredients, and cauldron for the brews; this is the perfect place that I choose," Shadow was not looking forward to hauling Zecora's things here. "But I can not let all that distract, I have an important task I must enact," Zebra then pulled out a small collection of bottles from the bag on her neck. Zebra clearly wasn't a surgeon so Shadow was skeptical.
"My salve can heal wounds and scars with no concern, but your horn I can promise no return," Zecora opened one of the bottles releasing a musky, sweet scent that immediately started to make a lump in Shadow's throat. Nevertheless, Shadow obediently waited for Zecora to apply her salve all across her body and her many scars. Zecora then made her stand still until it worked. The salve didn't burn her, exactly, it was just making her feel dirty.

Since there was no place for her to lie down, Shadow had to stand still until Zecora thought it was enough. Zecora didn't bring a mirror, but the zebra herself seemed satisfied. Zecora then gave her to sip of a reddish liquid. It felt tingly. Zecora allowed her to sit, which Shadow promptly did. After half an hour of standing almost without movement simply sitting felt divine. Zecora didn't talk to her too much, only asking her how she was feeling.

Finally, Shadow heard someone coming to them. Shadow hoped it was someone to give her new instructions. The steps were very light, so it couldn't be one of the changelings. Tiny must have been sent to her for foalsitting again.

Tiny indeed soon came trotting, stopping by the entrance into their improvised laboratory.

"A foal out here all alone, are you lost and far from home?" Zecora asked with concern. Shadow noted that she didn't sound surprised.

"Are you Zecora?" Tiny asked.

"Ah, now I see. You're looking for me?"

"A... a friend said I should meet you when I get a chance."

"My friends are few and far between; who is the friend that to me remains unseen?"

"Princess... Twilight," Tiny answered. This made Shadow's eyes suspiciously narrow.

"Oh! A name I last heard a while ago. Would the Princess visit me too?"

"No... Princess Twilight is in Crystal Empire, with Princess Cadance. But she said I should meet you."

"To any and all ends I am always glad to meet the Princess' friends!"

"Miss Tiny, aren't you supposed to stay with Princess Daybreaker?" Shadow asked.

"I did, but I asked her and she let me take a walk," Tiny answered simply. "So, what are you doing?"

"Trying out my brews to ensure which succeed! Nightmare Moon asks that I heal her drones and I agreed."

"Oh... Okay. Can I watch?"

"Learning is a noble intent, sit down and watch to your content."

With that Tiny plopped down next to Shadow and watched her with interest.

"Shadow looks like the changelings in the main hall," Tiny remarked. Shadow looked downwards at her carapace but failed to see the difference.

"Younger," Zecora added.

Tiny just shrugged,
"Can't you glue her shell too?"

"Mayhaps the cracks would have mended, if the potion had worked as intended," Zecora leaned down taking a close look at Shadow's shell. "Hmmm... this one is as good as water from a spring, for it did not a single thing."

"Uhmm... Miss Zecora, are you a doctor? You don't look like one," Tiny said with concern. Zecora just smiled.

"I was a doctor long before, in my home far off the shore. I am but a humble potion dealer, now most ponies call me a healer."

"Okay... So you make your own medicine?"

"That and more," Zecora winked. Zecora took up another bottle, "I have many that I grow; here, have another to go," Shadow obediently sipped.

"Is this tea?" Shadow asked, the taste suggested so.

"Yes," Zecora eagerly nodded. "My homeland has a wide variety, this one is for soothing anxiety." Zecora then opened the last bottle. "I brought one last remedy to try; this one may hurt a bit I won't lie." Shadow took a deep breath and took another sip from the last bottle. It wasn't too bad, the liquid was musky but not coarse. It hit Shadow right in the stomach, to the point of hurting. Shadow huffed and curled in a ball. "Oh, look at that jerking, the potion must be working!" Zecora excitedly concluded.

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